Antihistamines: a review

Antihistamines: a review Antihistamines: a review
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300 REVIEW ARTICLE The chemical compound §-imidazole-ethylamine was first synthesised in 1907. It was later given the name "histamine" (meaning "an amine present in all tissues") 1 , and its role in allergy and inflammation was discovered shortly thereafter. The first antihistamines to be used in medical therapy (fenbenzamine and pirylamine) were developed during the '30s at the Pasteur Institute. In 1946, two further drugs were independently discovered in the U.S.A.: diphenhydramine and tripelennamine 2 . Since that time, literally hundreds of molecules with antihistamine properties have been developed, and their use in clinical therapy has incessantly grown throughout the past 50 years. The classical antihistamines have always been associated with sedation and anticholinergic effects. Since the '80s research has attempted to avoid or prevent these unwanted side effects through the investigation and development of new active principles. Over the last decade, some of these new compounds have been shown to be associated to important drug interactions and potential toxicity. The aim of the present review is to provide a bibliographic summary on the clinical pharmacology of the main antihistamines, their safety profiles and their place in the therapeutic armamentarium for the management of allergic diseases. HISTAMINE AND ITS RECEPTORS Histamine is a chemical mediator participating in many cell physiology processes, among them H1 Antihistamines: a review I. J‡uregui Presa Allergy Unit, Basurto Hospital, Bilbao, Spain allergic reactions, inflammation gastric acid secretion and -probably- central and peripheral neurotransmission 3 . It exerts its effects through three distinct types of postsynaptic receptors. H1 receptors. These receptors may be identified in the bronchial and gastrointestinal smooth muscle and in the brain. They are responsible for the constriction of the bronchial and vascular smooth muscle, for the activation of the afferent vagal nerves of the airways and of the cough receptors, for the increase in vascular permeability, for the local irritative manifestations such as pruritus and pain, and for the release of inflammatory mediators and the recruitment of inflammatory cells 4 . H2 receptors. These are present in the gastric mucosa, in the uterus and in the brain. They also increase vascular permeability, and they stimulate the gastric acid secretion 4 . H3 receptors. These may be found in the brain and in the bronchial smooth muscle. They are responsible for cerebral vasodilation and might be involved in the negative feedback system through which histamine inhibits its own synthesis and release from the nerve endings 3 . The main efforts in the investigation of antihistamine have been directed at the specific inhibitors of the H1 and H2 receptors. The H3 antagonists, currently in the phase of animal experimentation, might find their use in the therapy of various processes affecting the central nervous system (CNS) 5 . The present review will be centred exclusively on the antagonists of the H1 receptors, which in pharmacological usage receive the generic denomination of antihistamines. Alergol Inmunol Clin, October 1999 Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 300-312

300<br />


The chemical compound §-imidazole-ethylamine<br />

was first synthesised in 1907. It was later given<br />

the name "histamine" (meaning "an amine present<br />

in all tissues") 1 , and its role in allergy and inflammation<br />

was discovered shortly thereafter. The first<br />

antihistamines to be used in medical therapy (fenbenzamine<br />

and pirylamine) were developed<br />

during the '30s at the Pasteur Institute. In 1946,<br />

two further drugs were independently discovered<br />

in the U.S.A.: diphenhydramine and tripelennamine<br />

2 . Since that time, literally hundreds of molecules<br />

with antihistamine properties have been<br />

developed, and their use in clinical therapy has<br />

incessantly grown throughout the past 50 years.<br />

The classical antihistamines have always been<br />

associated with sedation and anticholinergic<br />

effects. Since the '80s research has attempted to<br />

avoid or prevent these unwanted side effects<br />

through the investigation and development of new<br />

active principles. Over the last decade, some of<br />

these new compounds have been shown to be<br />

associated to important drug interactions and<br />

potential toxicity.<br />

The aim of the present <strong>review</strong> is to provide a<br />

bibliographic summary on the clinical pharmacology<br />

of the main antihistamines, their safety profiles<br />

and their place in the therapeutic armamentarium<br />

for the management of allergic diseases.<br />


Histamine is a chemical mediator participating<br />

in many cell physiology processes, among them<br />

H1 <strong>Antihistamines</strong>: a <strong>review</strong><br />

I. J‡uregui Presa<br />

Allergy Unit, Basurto Hospital, Bilbao, Spain<br />

allergic reactions, inflammation gastric acid secretion<br />

and -probably- central and peripheral neurotransmission<br />

3 . It exerts its effects through three<br />

distinct types of postsynaptic receptors.<br />

H1 receptors. These receptors may be identified<br />

in the bronchial and gastrointestinal smooth muscle<br />

and in the brain. They are responsible for the<br />

constriction of the bronchial and vascular smooth<br />

muscle, for the activation of the afferent vagal<br />

nerves of the airways and of the cough receptors,<br />

for the increase in vascular permeability, for the<br />

local irritative manifestations such as pruritus and<br />

pain, and for the release of inflammatory mediators<br />

and the recruitment of inflammatory cells 4 .<br />

H2 receptors. These are present in the gastric<br />

mucosa, in the uterus and in the brain. They also<br />

increase vascular permeability, and they stimulate<br />

the gastric acid secretion 4 .<br />

H3 receptors. These may be found in the brain<br />

and in the bronchial smooth muscle. They are responsible<br />

for cerebral vasodilation and might be<br />

involved in the negative feedback system through<br />

which histamine inhibits its own synthesis and<br />

release from the nerve endings 3 . The main efforts<br />

in the investigation of antihistamine have been<br />

directed at the specific inhibitors of the H1 and H2<br />

receptors. The H3 antagonists, currently in the<br />

phase of animal experimentation, might find their<br />

use in the therapy of various processes affecting<br />

the central nervous system (CNS) 5 . The present<br />

<strong>review</strong> will be centred exclusively on the antagonists<br />

of the H1 receptors, which in pharmacological<br />

usage receive the generic denomination of<br />

antihistamines.<br />

Alergol Inmunol Clin, October 1999 Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 300-312

No. 5 H1 <strong>Antihistamines</strong>: a <strong>review</strong> 301<br />


The typical antihistamines have an ethylamine<br />

side chain (similar to that of histamine itself)<br />

which is united to one or more cyclic groups. The<br />

structural characteristics of the H1 receptor antagonists<br />

have been historically used for classifying<br />

them into six broad chemical families: ethanolamines,<br />

ethylenediamines, alkylamines, phenothiazines,<br />

piperazines and piperidines (Table I) 6 .<br />

Several of the new H1 receptor antagonists are<br />

chemically speaking piperidines, or at least they<br />

possess piperidine rings (Fig. 1). Many of them<br />

are direct derivatives of the parent compound or<br />

active metabolites of the primary molecules (such<br />

as cetirizine from hydroxyzine, or fexofenadine<br />

from terfenadine) 6 .<br />

Generally, the molecular nucleus of the H1 receptor<br />

antagonists is necessary for their H1 affinity and<br />

selectivity, while the side chains or radicals influence<br />

other properties of the molecules. As an example,<br />

the first-generation antihistamines contain aromatic<br />

rings and alkyl substituents which render them<br />

lipophyllic, thus explaining their ability to cross the<br />

haemato-encephalic barrier (HEB) 7 . Efforts have<br />

been directed at suppressing or preventing this property<br />

by adding or eliminating radicals in the molecular<br />

structure; thus, terfenadine requires its phenylbutanol<br />

structure in order not to cross the HEB 4,8 ,<br />

and loratadine has a carboxyethyl ester radical which<br />

limits its distribution in the CNS 9 .<br />

The ethylamine group, which is common to all<br />

typical antihistamines, is also shared by many anticholinergic<br />

and adrenergic blocking compounds.<br />

For this reason, these compounds have antidopaminergic,<br />

antiserotoninergic and antimuscarinic<br />

effects, which in many patients become undesirable<br />

side effects. They have, however, also been taken<br />

advantage of for therapeutic purposes: the antiemetic<br />

and antikinetotic actions of many antihistamines<br />

(diphenhydramine, dimenhydrinate, phenothiazines)<br />

are predominantly due to their central sedative<br />

and anticholinergic properties 9 . Some antihistamines,<br />

such as cyproheptadine, ketotifen, astemizole<br />

and cetirizine also induce increased appetite, which<br />

has been ascribed to an antiserotoninergic action 9 .<br />

This undesired side effect, which is well documented<br />

particularly in the case of cyproheptadine, has<br />

been often taken advantage of in "reconstituents"<br />

and preparations for the treatment of hypo-orexia 10 .<br />

Table I. Chemical classification of the H1 antihistamines<br />

Chemical group Typical compounds Second-generation<br />

(first generation) compounds<br />

Alkylamines Bromphenyramine Acrivastine<br />

Chlorphenyramine<br />

Triprolidine<br />

Ethanolamines Diphenhydramine<br />

Dimenhydrinate<br />

Doxylamine<br />

Carbinoxamine<br />

Clemastine<br />

Ethylenediamines Pirylamine<br />

Tripelennamine<br />

Antazoline<br />

Phenothiazines Promethazine Mequitazine<br />

Piperazines Buclyzine, Ciclyzine<br />

Cinarizine, Flunarizine Oxatomide<br />

Hydroxyzine Cetirizine<br />

Piperidines Azatadine Loratadine<br />

Cyproheptadine Astemizole<br />

Ketotifen Levocabastine<br />

Mizolastine<br />

Ebastine<br />

Terfenadine<br />

Fexofenadine<br />

Miscellany Azelastine<br />

(ftalazinone<br />

derivative)<br />


The antihistamines behave as competitive antagonists<br />

of histamine: they bind to the H1 receptor<br />

without activating it, and thus prevent histamine<br />

from binding to and activating this receptor. The<br />

binding of many antihistamines is readily reversible<br />

but some of them, such as terfenadine and<br />

astemizole, are not easily dissociated from their<br />

binding to the receptors 11 . Even though there are<br />

some specific molecules for which such effects<br />

have been documented, antihistamines as a group<br />

do not chemically inactivate histamine, nor do<br />

they antagonise it in a physiological sense, nor do<br />

they in any manner prevent its release 9 .<br />

Many recent studies suggest that some H1<br />

receptor antagonists might also have antiinflammatory<br />

or antiallergic properties in the broadest<br />

sense of those concepts. Although the first publication<br />

in this context referred to azatadine 12 , this<br />

type of additional actions has been later attributed<br />

to many second-generation antihistamines.

302 I. J‡uregui Presa Volume 14<br />

Cetirizine 13,14 reduces the attraction of inflammatory<br />

cells to the inflammatory focus after antigen<br />

challenge and inhibits the expression of the intercellular<br />

adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) on the surface<br />

of epithelial cells. It also might be able to block the<br />

antigen-induced production of leukotrienes (LTC 4) 15 .<br />

Loratadine and its metabolite decarboethoxyloratadine<br />

inhibit the release of tryptase and amacroglobulin<br />

16 , of interleukins (IL) 6 and 8 17 and<br />

of leukotrienes and prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) 18 , and<br />

also the expression of ICAM-1 and of HLA-II<br />

antigens on the surface of epithelial cells 19 .<br />

Terfenadine inhibits the inflammatory cellular<br />

infiltrate and the eosinophil activation products in<br />

nasal lavage fluid and also the expression of surface<br />

ICAM-1 20 . It may also inhibit the release of leukotrienes<br />

from basophils and eosinophils and of<br />

histamine from basophils, as well as inhibiting skin<br />

reactivity to the platelet activation factor (PAF) 15 .<br />

Topical azelastine, which was initially studied as<br />

a "dual action" antihistamine with a clinical profile<br />

similar to that of ketotifen or oxatomide 2 , also seems<br />

to inhibit the eosinophyllic infiltrate and the expression<br />

of surface ICAM-1 in nasal epithelial cells 21 .<br />

Ebastine might have an antagonist action on the<br />

IgE-induced release of PGD2 and LTC 4/D 4 22 .<br />

A recent study in a rat model ascribes to mizolastine<br />

an antiinflammatory effect on the skin<br />

reaction induced by arachidonic acid 23 .<br />

Finally, fexofenadine inhibits the spontaneous<br />

release of IL-6 in fibroblast cultures 24 and the<br />

eosinophil-induced release of IL-8 and GM-CSF,<br />

as well as the expression of surface ICAM-1 in<br />

cultures of nasal epithelial cells.<br />

These antiinflammatory effects of antihistamines<br />

are not considered to be linked to H 1 receptor blockage.<br />

As they have mostly been demonstrated in<br />

vitro and with experimental concentrations of the<br />

drugs that are much higher than those achieved in<br />

vivo with the usual pharmacological dosages, their<br />

relative importance within the overall spectrum of<br />

the clinical efficacy of these drugs is still unknown 15 .<br />



Almost all the H1 receptor antagonists have<br />

adequate oral absorption and can achieve maximal<br />

plasma concentrations within the 24 hours follo-<br />

Cl<br />

HN<br />

N<br />



CH 2 CH 2 NH 2<br />



N<br />



Cl<br />

CH CH 2 CH 2<br />

CH O CH 2<br />

CH 2<br />



Fig. 1a. Primary structure of histamine and of various H1<br />

antihistamines.<br />

wing administration. Most of the second-generation<br />

antihistamines, with the exception of acrivastine,<br />

cetirizine, levocabastine, fexofenadine and<br />

perhaps some other active metabolites experience<br />

hepatic first-pass metabolism, so that the plasma<br />

concentrations of the parent drugs are usually<br />

indetectable a few hours after administration 26 .<br />

Nevertheless, the effects of the antihistamines, as<br />

documented in studies of inhibition of histamineinduced<br />

skin reactions, persist over a time that is<br />

variable for each compound (Table II). This might<br />

be due to a greater tissue concentration, or to active<br />

metabolites maintaining the effect 27 .<br />

Because all the H1 receptor antagonists inhibit<br />

the skin reactions induced by histamine, this test<br />

has become a standardised biologic test for the<br />

action of antihistamines 15 . However, as several<br />

authors have pointed out 28 , there is not always a<br />

N<br />

OH N N CH2CH2 O CH2CH2 O<br />

H<br />

N<br />

CH 3<br />

CH 3<br />

CH 3<br />

CH 3<br />



No. 5 H1 <strong>Antihistamines</strong>: a <strong>review</strong> 303<br />

HO N<br />

CH 3<br />

N<br />

CH CH<br />

N<br />

C CH CH 2<br />



CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH C<br />



O<br />




DE RECEPTORES H1 Fig. 1b. Primary structure of histamine and of various H1 antihistamines.<br />

correlation between the degree of inhibition of the<br />

skin response and the clinical efficacy of the<br />

various drugs.<br />

All the "classical" antihistamines and also many<br />

of the second-generation ones (terfenadine 29 , ebastine<br />

30 , astemizole 31 , loratadine 26 , mizolastine 32 ) are<br />

metabolised to a greater or lesser extent by the<br />

hepatic cytochrome p-450 system (CYP), a fact of<br />

utmost importance in the development of drug interactions<br />

and drug toxicity. The CYP is an enzymatic<br />

system responsible for drug metabolism and<br />

detoxification present in the liver and in other tissues,<br />

and its constituent isoenzymes are classified<br />

into "families" according to the similarity of their<br />

aminoacid sequences 33 . As a result of genetic variability,<br />

the number of p-450 isoenzymes varies, and<br />

each drug is metabolised in a different manner 15 .<br />

Astemizole or terfenadine are metabolised by the<br />

3A4 family (CYP3A4). Within this same family,<br />

some substances can behave as enzymatic inhibitors<br />

while others act as enzyme substrates, and this<br />

OH<br />

N C O CH2CH2 O<br />

C OH<br />

HO N CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 C<br />

Q<br />

Q HCl<br />

N<br />

OH<br />



CH 3<br />

C<br />

CH 3<br />

CH 3<br />

CH 3<br />

CH 3<br />

COOH<br />

CH 2<br />

O<br />



N<br />

N<br />

N<br />

Cl<br />

CH N N CH2 CH2 O CH2 C OH<br />

CH 3<br />





HC O<br />

N CH2 CH2 CH2 C C<br />

HC O<br />



N CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 C C<br />



F<br />

NC<br />

gives rise to multiple interactions 33 . Table III summarises<br />

some inhibitors and substrates of the<br />

CYP3A4. It should be noted that natural flavonoids<br />

present in grape juice may also inhibit the 3A4<br />

family 33,34 and that erythromycin is at the same time<br />

inhibitor and substrate for the CYP3A4 33 .<br />

On the other hand, erythromycin is by itself<br />

able to block some potassium channels in the<br />

myocardium 35 . This might be fundamental, as will<br />

be explained later, in its interactions with some<br />

antihistamines.<br />



The potential cardiotoxicity of antihistamines<br />

was first reported in relation with astemizole 36 and<br />

later with terfenadine 37 . Considerable attention was<br />

focused on the latter drug, however, possibly because<br />

it was the most widely used one in the USA 38 .<br />

O<br />

N<br />

H<br />

O<br />

H<br />

CH 3<br />

CH 3<br />

CH 3<br />

CH 3<br />

CH 3<br />

O<br />

O<br />

C OH<br />

CH 3<br />


304 I. J‡uregui Presa Volume 14<br />

Table II. Chemical classification of the H1 antihistamines 15,24,26<br />

Drug Dose Plasma elimination Skin test Protein binding Clearance<br />

(mg/day) half-life suppression (%) (ml á min -1 á kg -1 )<br />

Acrivastine 16 - 24 ~2 hours 8 hours 50 4.41<br />

Astemizole 10 - 20 12 - 20 days 6 - 8 weeks 97 11.0<br />

Azelastine (oral) 4 - 8 22 - 42 hours 1 week 77 - 88 8.45<br />

Bromphenyramine 9 - 18 24.9 hours 3 - 9 hours<br />

Chlorphenyramine 6 - 12 24.2 hours 24 hours<br />

Clemastine 2 - 3 7 - 12 hours 10 - 24 hours<br />

Cetirizine 10 7 - 10 hours 24 - 72 hours 93 - 98 0.8<br />

Hydroxyzine 75 20 hours 2 - 36 hours<br />

Ebastine 10 15 hours 28 hours 97.7 1.3 - 2.0<br />

Levocabastine<br />

Nasal spray 0.6 35 - 40 hours 10 - 12 hours 55 0.43<br />

Eye drops 0.2 35 - 40 hours 4 hours<br />

Loratadine 10 8 - 24 hours 12 - 14 hours 97 - 99 ?<br />

Mizolastine 10 14.5 hours 24 hours 1.15<br />

Noberastine 10 15 hours 32 - 72 hours<br />

Terfenadine 120 17 hours 24 - 72 hours 97 8.8<br />

Fexofenadine 120 - 180 14.4 hours 24 - 72 hours<br />

The reported arrhythmia associated to astemizole<br />

and terfenadine is a polymorphic ventricular tachycardia<br />

known by the name of torsades de pointes<br />

because of its changing electrical axis in the ECG,<br />

with waves of alternating amplitudes and directions<br />

(Figure 2). Torsades de pointes may appear as acute<br />

episodes with haemodynamic compromise and<br />

even sudden cardiac death 39 and are associated to a<br />

lengthening of the QT interval in the sinus rhythm<br />

ECG. The QT interval itself depends on the duration<br />

of the cardiac action potential, which is in its<br />

turn dependent on the ionic currents and fluxes in<br />

the myocardium and most particularly on the socalled<br />

potassium rectifier channel 40 .<br />

As already pointed out, terfenadine is a prodrug<br />

acting through its acid metabolite (terfenadine<br />

carboxylate, or fexofenadine), and this conversion<br />

occurs through a CYP3A4-dependent hepatic<br />

first-pass metabolism. Terfenadine is a potent<br />

blocker of the potassium rectifier channel 41 . Its<br />

accumulation in the organism because of overdosage<br />

or of the concomitant administration of other<br />

substrate drugs or CYP3A4 inhibitors may lengthen<br />

the heart rate-corrected QT interval (QTc). If<br />

the concomitant drug is erythromycin, which is at<br />

the same time a CYP3A4 substrate and a<br />

CYP3A4 inhibitor 33 and also a potassium rectifier<br />

channel blocker 35 , the heart repolarisation derangements<br />

will be even more marked.<br />

This effect might perhaps be shared by all the<br />

piperidine antihistamines 42 , but it has been<br />

demonstrated mainly with astemizole, terfenadine<br />

and ebastine 43 at a dosage one- to fourfold the respective<br />

peripheral antihistamine one although not<br />

with the active metabolites fexofenadine and carebastine,<br />

in experimental models 44,45 . Nevertheless,<br />

an isolated clinical observation has been published<br />

of torsades de pointes and lengthened QT<br />

interval in a patient with indetectable levels of<br />

astemizole and "therapeutic" concentrations of its<br />

major metabolite demethyl-astemizole 46 .<br />

Cetirizine, an active metabolite of hydroxyzine,<br />

does not prolong the QTc interval at dosages up to<br />

sixfold the indicated therapeutic ones 47 . Loratadine<br />

has the same interactions with macrolides and<br />

imidazoles as the other piperidines, yet this does<br />

not induce clinically significant changes in the<br />

QTc interval 48,49 . It has been reported that loratadine,<br />

contrary to astemizole, terfenadine and ebastine,<br />

does not block the potassium channels even at<br />

concentrations 100-fold its normal plasma level 50 .<br />

Even so, and according to WHO drug surveillance<br />

data, loratadine and cetirizine have also been<br />

associated, though much less frequently than terfenadine<br />

or astemizole, to reports of sudden or<br />

cardiac death 51 . There are also recent experimental<br />

studies suggesting that loratadine might be able to<br />

block certain potassium channels 52 .

No. 5 H1 <strong>Antihistamines</strong>: a <strong>review</strong> 305<br />

Table III. Inhibitors of the 3A4 family of cytochrome P-450<br />

(CYP3A4)<br />

Enzymatic inhibitors<br />

Cimetidine, Ranitidine<br />

Clarythromycine, Erythromycine, Troleandomycine (TAO)<br />

Ketoconazole, Itraconazole<br />

Fluvoxamine, Norfluoxetine (a metabolite of fluoxetine)<br />

Natural flavonoids in grape juice<br />

Enzymatic substrates<br />

Astemizole, Terfenadine, Ebastine, Loratadine, Mizolastine<br />

Cisapride<br />

Erythromycin<br />

A number of added risk factors for the development<br />

of torsades de pointes in patients under treatment<br />

with antihistamines have been considered,<br />

such as previous hepatic dysfunction, hypokaliaemia,<br />

hypomagnesaemia, bradycardia situations and<br />

the congenital long QT syndrome (Table IV) 33,40 .<br />

Even though these side effects have not been as<br />

intensively investigated for other H1 antagonists, a<br />

quinidine-like effect on myocardial conduction has<br />

been described for antihistamines as a group 9. A<br />

cohort study actually demonstrated a greater incidence<br />

of ventricular arrhythmias and cardiac arrest<br />

in the group of patients receiving O.T.C. antihistamines<br />

as compared to the groups receiving terfenadine<br />

or clemastine 53 . However, other studies have<br />

not evidenced actions on cardiac electrophysiology<br />

for chlorphenyramine or pirylamine, suggesting<br />

that this may be a piperidine effect or a specific one<br />

of astemizole, terfenadine and ebastine 54 .<br />

The initial worry that cardiotoxicity might<br />

represent a class effect of the antihistamines,<br />

however, appears to be unfounded 38 considering<br />

that fexofenadine (with negligible hepatic metabolism<br />

24 ) and probably further active metabolites<br />

with potent H 1-antagonist action 45 are devoid of<br />

this adverse effect. Whatever the case may be, it<br />

appears to be important to keep in mind all the<br />

factors already pointed out (Table IV) when prescribing<br />

antihistamines in clinical practise.<br />


There is a long-standing belief that antihistamines<br />

may be harmful in asthmatic patients because<br />

Table IV. Risk factors for ventricular arrhythmias in patients<br />

receiving antihistamines 33,40<br />

1. Coadministration of other drugs<br />

a. Agents which prolong the QT interval, such as quinidine<br />

or erythromycin<br />

b. Enzymatic substrates/inhibitors of CYP3A4 (Table III)<br />

2. Preexistent liver disease<br />

3. Electrolyte balance derangements<br />

a. Hypokaliemia<br />

b. Hypomagnesemia<br />

4. Congenital long QT syndrome<br />

5. Bradycardia situations<br />

of the mucosal dryness effect of the anticholinergic<br />

action of the initial preparations to which the<br />

induction of bronchial asthma in children was<br />

ascribed 55 . However, and considering that histamine<br />

causes bronchial constriction and oedema, it<br />

appears to be logical to think that antihistamines<br />

might revert some of its effects on the bronchial<br />

tree, and that they are not contraindicated in asthmatic<br />

patients 56 . In this context, there is ample<br />

experience in Spain with ketotifen, and a number<br />

of studies suggest that azelastine, cetirizine, loratadine,<br />

terfenadine and astemizole might at least<br />

block the bronchospasm induced by histamine 57 .<br />

In any case, the effects of histamine in the latephase<br />

reaction have not been fully clarified and<br />

further studies are warranted for defining the<br />

effects of H1 antagonism in this late phase, particularly<br />

in the case of the antihistamines with additional<br />

antiinflammatory properties 15 .<br />

As the aim of the present <strong>review</strong> is to try to<br />

define the place of the principal antihistamines in<br />

the therapeutic armamentarium, a brief chemical<br />

and therapeutic discussion of the main H1 antihistamines<br />

currently used in Spain follows as a conclusion.<br />


Chlorphenyramine and dextrochlorphenyramine.<br />

The prototypes of the alkylamines (propylamines),<br />

chlorphenyramine and its isomer dextrochlorphenyramine<br />

are used in a host of O.T.C.<br />

"anticatarrhal" preparations, usually in associations<br />

with vasoconstrictors, expectorants and analgesics.<br />

Dexchlorphenyramine is furthermore the<br />

only antihistamine available for parenteral use in

306 I. J‡uregui Presa Volume 14<br />

Fig. 2. Ventricular tachycardia of the "torsades de pointes" variety. Simultaneous recording of leads I, II, III and V1.<br />

our country 10 . Their plasma half-life is about 24<br />

hours, the same as the duration of the suppression<br />

of the skin test with histamine 57 (Table II). The<br />

rationale for their retarded-release formulations<br />

("Repetabs") is mainly to delay the plasma concentration<br />

peak in order to reduce the adverse<br />

CNS 4 effects representing the main problem of<br />

these drugs: at therapeutic dosages they cause<br />

somnolence, abatement of the reflexes and electroencephalographic<br />

(EEG) changes 58 .<br />

Diphenhydramine. In Spain, this drug is at present<br />

only available in some anticatarrhal associations<br />

and as an hypnotic 10 because of the intensity<br />

of its CNS effects 58 . Its derivative dimenhydrinate<br />

is widely used in our country as an antikinetotic.<br />

Clemastine. This is the prototype of the ethanolamines,<br />

the same chemical family as diphenhydramine,<br />

in Spain. It is currently available only<br />

for oral administration 10 . Its plasma half-life is 7-<br />

12 hours, with a skin test suppression period of<br />

12-24 hours. Its anticholinergic, antidopaminergic<br />

and antiserotoninergic affects are similar to those<br />

of the other "classical" antihistamines 9 .<br />

Cyproheptadine and azatadine. With a very<br />

close structural correlation between them, the two<br />

classical piperidines are characterised by their<br />

potent antiserotoninergic, anticholinergic and<br />

sedative effects. The first one of these effects has<br />

been taken advantage of for indications such as<br />

Cushing's syndrome, the carcinoid syndrome or<br />

vascular migraine 9 , and also in the management of<br />

hypo-orexia 10 . Azatadine is the parent compound<br />

of loratadine.<br />

Hydroxyzine. This drug has an elimination halflife<br />

of 14-20 hours in the adult and concentrates<br />

rapidly in the skin, so that sustained high skin<br />

concentrations can be observed after both single<br />

and multiple dosing; it can inhibit the response to<br />

histamine during at least 36 hours after a single<br />

dose in healthy adult subjects 4 . It is classically<br />

considered to be the most effective antihistamine<br />

for the management of pruritus 59 , an effect that is<br />

in part attributable to its potent sedative action<br />

(which has been taken advantage of for therapeutic<br />

purposes).<br />

Cinarizine and flunarizine. These classical<br />

piperazines, which are structurally different from<br />

hydroxyzine and cetirizine, have been mostly<br />

used for their antikinetotic activity. Flunarizine is<br />

the bi-fluorinated derivative of cinarizine and also<br />

has a calcium channel-blocking action 6 ; it is used<br />

for prophylaxis of migraine and vertigo and in the<br />

management of cerebral and peripheral vascular<br />

conditions.<br />

Promethazine. An ethylamine derivative of<br />

phenothiazine, this compound has the same sedative<br />

characteristics of other phenothiazine drugs,<br />

together with potent antihistamine and antikineto-

No. 5 H1 <strong>Antihistamines</strong>: a <strong>review</strong> 307<br />

tic actions 9 . During the '70s and '80s it was one of<br />

the most widely used antihistamines in our<br />

country despite its potential toxicity: it can cause<br />

blood dyscrasias, neuro- and hepatotoxicity and<br />

diverse skin reactions such as contact urticaria,<br />

systemic contact dermatitides and phototoxic and<br />

photoallergic reactions 60 .<br />



Mequitazine. A phenothiazine derivative similar<br />

to prometazine but without sedative effects at<br />

the recommended dosages; this characteristic has<br />

been attributed in principle to a greater affinity of<br />

the drug for the peripheral than for the central H1<br />

receptors 2 . Similar to other antihistamines, mequitazine<br />

has evidenced bronchodilator activity<br />

which was in this case ascribed to the calmodulininhibiting<br />

ability of phenothiazines, which would<br />

thus interfere the action of phospholipase A 2 61 .<br />

With the exception of the absence of sedation at<br />

low dosages, its adverse effects are those of phenothiazines<br />

as a group 9 .<br />

Ketotifen. A derivative of the tricyclic compound<br />

benzo-cyclo-heptathiofene, this drug has<br />

been marketed as a membrane stabiliser for the<br />

effector cells of the allergic reactions. Its pharmacologic<br />

profile is similar to that of the cromones,<br />

and it is orally active 62 . Its main action, however,<br />

is a double competitive and non-competitive inhibition<br />

of the H1 receptor 2 . It shares with other<br />

older antihistamines the sedative and antiserotoninergic<br />

effects 2,6,9 .<br />

Oxatomide. This is a piperazine and structurally<br />

and chemically very similar to the antikinetotic<br />

cinarizine. Also oxatomide was marketed as a<br />

mastocyte degranulation inhibitor 63 ; however,<br />

and similar to ketotifen, its main effects are H1<br />

antihistaminic, anticholinergic and antiserotoninergic<br />

2,64 . Recent publications from Japan stress its<br />

various antiinflammatory and antiallergic<br />

actions 65,66 .<br />

Astemizole. This molecule is metabolised by<br />

the hepatic cytochrome p-450 to demethyl-astemizole<br />

(DMA), which has significant antihistamine<br />

activity. Once oral administration is begun, stable<br />

plasma concentrations of astemizole are achieved<br />

after one week, and the plasma concentrations of<br />

astemizole plus its metabolites persist for over<br />

four weeks 31 . Astemizole has a half-life of 1.1<br />

days, and its metabolite DMA 9.5 days 4 . The suppressive<br />

effects on the skin response to histamine<br />

and the histamine-induced bronchoconstriction<br />

may persist for four to six weeks (Table II). As<br />

pointed out earlier, it is subject to the drug interactions<br />

of other antihistamines metabolised by<br />

the hepatic cytochrome p-450 and together with<br />

DMA is potentially cardiotoxic 36,46 . Astemizole<br />

has not been associated to drowsiness, but it has<br />

been associated to weight gain4.<br />

Terfenadine. This is chemically a butyrofenone<br />

derivative 29 and it is the most representative one<br />

among the non-sedative antihistamines, as it does<br />

not cross the haemato-encephalic barrier due to its<br />

phenylbutanol structure 8 . Its half-life is 16 to 24<br />

hours and, as already stated, it is a prodrug acting<br />

through its acid metabolite, terfenadine carboxylate<br />

or fexofenadine, after first-pass hepatic metabolism.<br />

Terfenadine rapidly inhibits the skin response<br />

to histamine, and this effect persists for<br />

seven days more after the withdrawal of the<br />

drug 4,29 . Its drug interactions and its cardiotoxic<br />

potential have already been discussed. In a number<br />

of studies, the side effects of terfenadine on<br />

the CNS and on the gastrointestinal tract, as well<br />

as its anticholinergic effects, have been similar to<br />

those of placebo 9 .<br />

Azelastine. This is a ftalazinone derivative and<br />

structurally unrelated to other antihistamines. It<br />

was initially investigated for oral use as an inhibitor<br />

of the mastocitary release of inflammatory<br />

mediators 67 . It is metabolised through hepatic oxidation;<br />

although it has a 22-hour half-life, its<br />

pharmacologically active major metabolite,<br />

demethyl-azelastine, has a half-life of 54 hours 68 .<br />

It is available in Spain for topical use as nasal<br />

spray and eye drops, and has demonstrated significant<br />

inhibition of the intranasal response to histamine<br />

69 and effectiveness in the control of the<br />

symptoms of rhinitis similar to that of a number<br />

of systemic antihistamines 70 . Dysgeusia, or changes<br />

in taste perception, is the most frequently<br />

reported adverse effect 4,70 .<br />

Levocabastine. This cyclohexyl-piperidine was<br />

developed for topical ocular and nasal administration.<br />

It has a 35 - 40 hour half-life and little or no<br />

systemic absorption 71 . In controlled studies it has<br />

been less effective that topical steroids 4 but at

308 I. J‡uregui Presa Volume 14<br />

least as effective as disodium cromoglycate 4 , topical<br />

azelastine 72 , terfenadine 73 or loratadine 74 in the<br />

control of the symptoms of allergic rhinoconjunctivitis.<br />

It is available as nasal sprays and eye<br />

drops.<br />

Cetirizine. This is the acid metabolite of<br />

hydroxyzine. Forty to sixty per cent of the amount<br />

administered is excreted unchanged in the urine<br />

and its elimination is reduced in renal failure 14 .<br />

Like hydroxyzine, it is rapidly concentrated in the<br />

skin. It is considered to be the most effective<br />

antihistamine, with the exception of astemizole,<br />

for the suppression of the skin response to histamine<br />

4,28 . The beginning of its action occurs one<br />

hour after administration and its peak effect is<br />

seen 4 to 8 hours after administration 14 . As previously<br />

stated, it has been attributed antiinflammatory<br />

13 and antiasthmatic 15 effects. As it is not<br />

metabolised by the CYP, it lacks the drug interactions<br />

of other compounds 26 . Cetirizine does not<br />

prolong the QTc interval at doses up to sixfold the<br />

therapeutic ones 47 . Even though in more objective<br />

studies cetirizine has no effect on the psychomotor<br />

performance at dosages up to 10 mg/day 4 , the<br />

clinical experience shows that it causes subjective<br />

drowsiness, which may be its major drawback.<br />

Loratadine. This is a piperidine with a structure<br />

similar to that of azatadine, from which it differs<br />

in the presence of a carboxyethyl radical that<br />

limits its distribution in the CNS 9 . Loratadine is a<br />

prodrug that is metabolised to a large extent by<br />

the CYP3A4 system to its active metabolite<br />

decarboethoxy-loratadine (DCL) 75 . Its half-life is<br />

8 to 11 hours, and that of DCL 17 to 23 hours. At<br />

the recommended dosages it does not cause sedation<br />

and does not have cardiovascular effects 76 .<br />

Loratadine is less effective than other piperidines<br />

in the suppression of the skin response to histamine,<br />

but this does not appear to hamper its clinical<br />

efficacy 28 . Because of its hepatic first pass metabolism,<br />

loratadine has the same drug interactions<br />

with macrolides and imidazoles as other piperidines<br />

but, as already stated, this does not cause significant<br />

changes in the QTc interval 48,49 , as it is not<br />

a potent potassium channel blocker 50 .<br />

Ebastine. Chemically this is a piperidino-butyrofenone<br />

6 , and it is structurally very similar to the<br />

terfenadine molecule (Fig. 1 b). It is also a prodrug<br />

and is metabolised by the hepatic CYP3A4<br />

system in first-pass metabolism, after which it<br />

acts through its carboxylated metabolite carebastine<br />

(or LAS-X-113), with a half-life of 10.6<br />

hours 77 . As already stated, and because they share<br />

chemical structure and metabolic pathways, ebastine<br />

has the same drug interactions as terfenadine<br />

30 . At least in theory, might also share a similar<br />

cardiotoxicity risk as it blocks the myocardial<br />

potassium rectifier channel 43 , though to a lesser<br />

degree than terfenadine 44 and its therapeutic dosage<br />

is also six times lower. Its acid metabolite carebastine<br />

is devoid of these effects and interactions<br />

44,45 . On the other hand, ebastine has been<br />

demonstrated not to have anticholinergic actions,<br />

nor does it impair the psychomotor performance<br />

at therapeutic dosages 78 .<br />

Mizolastine. Its structure is that of a piperidinebenzoimidazole<br />

derivative; it acts as a specific<br />

ligand for the H1 receptors with peak antihistamine<br />

activity four hours after administration, which<br />

is maintained for approximately 24 hours 32 . Its<br />

effectiveness in the suppression of the skin reaction<br />

to histamine is similar to that of cetirizine and<br />

terfenadine, and greater than that of loratadine 79 . It<br />

is metabolised in the liver, predominantly through<br />

glucuronisation of the original molecule and to a<br />

much lesser degree through oxidation through the<br />

CYP3A4 and CYP2A6 systems 32 , although it evidences<br />

the same interactions with imidazoles and<br />

macrolides as other piperidines 32 . As no active<br />

metabolites have been detected 80 , its pharmacologic<br />

activity appears to depend on the original<br />

compound. Mizolastine does not cause sedation at<br />

a dosage of 10 mg/day but it does so at 20<br />

mg/day 81 ; it does not appear to interact significantly<br />

with alcohol 82 , or to have anticholinergic<br />

effects 83 .<br />

Fexofenadine. This is the acid metabolite of terfenadine.<br />

As already stated, 99% of the administered<br />

dose of terfenadine undergoes first-pass<br />

hepatic metabolism to its carboxylic acid metabolite,<br />

and acts through it. Fexofenadine has a distribution<br />

phase of 2 to 4 hours and an elimination<br />

phase of 17 hours 24 , and shares the antihistamine<br />

properties and the lack of sedative and anticholinergic<br />

effects of the parent compound. However,<br />

as it undergoes practically no metabolisation in<br />

the liver 24 , it does not interact with the imidazoles<br />

or the macrolides nor, foreseeably, with other<br />

inhibitors or substrates of the cytochrome p-450.<br />

As it does not inhibit the myocardial K + chan-

No. 5 H1 <strong>Antihistamines</strong>: a <strong>review</strong> 309<br />

nels 45 , it has no effects on the QTc interval of the<br />

ECG 24,33,38 . Fexofenadine has been investigated in<br />

multiple clinical studies in allergic rhinitis and<br />

chronic urticaria at dosages of 60 mg/12 hours<br />

and at single daily doses of 120 mg, 180 mg and<br />

240 mg 24,84,85 . It has evidenced optimal efficacy<br />

and tolerability although in a number of studies<br />

there does not appear to exist a linear dose-response<br />

relationship between a given dosage and<br />

the reduction of symptoms 15 . On the basis of these<br />

clinical studies, the dosage recommended as<br />

the optimal one for adults and children over 12<br />

years is 120 mg once a day for allergic rhinitis,<br />

and 180 mg once a day for chronic urticaria 86 . On<br />

the other hand, fexofenadine does not interact<br />

with alcohol nor does it affect psychomotor performance,<br />

and preliminary studies suggest that no<br />

dose adjustment is required in the elderly nor in<br />

patients with hepatic or renal failure 24,86 .<br />

Others. There are many new H1 receptor antagonists<br />

which have not yet been marketed in Spain,<br />

such as acrivastine (a triprolidine metabolite with a<br />

very short duration of action requiring four times<br />

daily dosage 4 ), noberastine (an astemizole derivative<br />

with a faster beginning of action than the parent<br />

compound 87 ) or epinastine (an antihistamine with<br />

antiinflammatory actions studied fundamentally in<br />

Japan for use in bronchial asthma 88 ). A number of<br />

new molecules are currently under study for oral or<br />

topical administration, but it is still too early to<br />

define their eventual role.<br />


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