eFreePress 02.16.12.pdf - Blue Rapids Free Press

eFreePress 02.16.12.pdf - Blue Rapids Free Press

eFreePress 02.16.12.pdf - Blue Rapids Free Press


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Publishers <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Press</strong><br />

<strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong>, Ks<br />

& Manhattan, Ks<br />

<strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong><br />

<strong>Free</strong> <strong>Press</strong><br />

Vol. 3 Number 33 Thursday, Februay 16, 2012<br />

Employees of DMD in Waterville show off some of the products lines at DMD.<br />

Pictured left to right are: Eruviel Montes, Sam Dummermuth, manager, and Dianne Kenworthy<br />

DMD Expands Waterville Site<br />

Within the last months’<br />

time the Waterville business,<br />

DMD Designs and Graphics,<br />

doubled in size by buying the<br />

next door building.<br />

Owner Dawna Dummermuth<br />

saw the opportunity for<br />

growth when the old grocery<br />

store went up for sale.<br />

Dummermuth said that it was<br />

time to expand and “get a little<br />

elbow room,” as well as<br />

have more space for merchandise.<br />

She envisioned a<br />

bigger work space and a new,<br />

bigger, inviting area for local<br />

customers to shop.<br />

Think back and maybe you<br />

can remember walking<br />

through Harding’s Grocery<br />

store. Well, where you used<br />

to find bananas, you can now<br />

find a variety of clothing and<br />

apparel!<br />

Remember needing a cake<br />

mix or frosting? Well go in<br />

now and you’ll find something<br />

just as sweet in their<br />

new selection of jewelry! At<br />

DMD you can find socks,<br />

signs, and anything in<br />

between.<br />

When you do stop by,<br />

make sure you meet all of<br />

DMD’s team! You can catch<br />

owner Dawna Dummermuth<br />

during the first week of every<br />

month, or stop by anytime to<br />

meet the other three full time<br />

employees. Sam<br />

Dummermuth, manager;<br />

Dianne Kenworthy, and<br />

Eruviel Montes would love to<br />

help you Monday through<br />

Friday from nine to five.<br />

Kourtney Fry and Kim<br />

Heideman also work part<br />

time.<br />

Dianne Kenworthy works with embroidering machine.<br />

Eruviel Montes works with the heat press machine.<br />

BR Library Plans<br />

New Addition<br />

The <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong> library<br />

board was present At last<br />

weeks <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong> City<br />

Council meeting to update the<br />

council on their future plans,<br />

their need for more operating<br />

capital and some history on the<br />

library.<br />

An increase in the library<br />

mil levy will be considered at<br />

budget time. The cost of the<br />

conversion to meet VERSO<br />

requirements is $2675 plus<br />

$750 per year.<br />

Council voted to approve<br />

the library board hiring an<br />

architect to draw some plans<br />

for an expansion.<br />

(Editor’s Note: The board<br />

told the Council they has a<br />

gift from the Marge Lawless<br />

estate to build onto the north<br />

of the building. As the oldest<br />

Library west of the<br />

Mississippi the Library in on<br />

the National List of<br />

Historical Places and the<br />

front of the new addition<br />

must look like the old building.)<br />

1. Clyde Adams from Victor<br />

L. Phillips presented information<br />

on a demo 2011 Case<br />

580SN backhoe/loader to the<br />

council for consideration. No<br />

action was taken. Minihan will<br />

research other dealers and a<br />

special meeting will be called<br />

to approve purchase of a backhoe/loader.<br />

(Editor’s Note: The<br />

Council has another bid and<br />

will meet tonight (Thursday)<br />

in a Special Meeting to consider<br />

the two offers.)<br />

2. The council considered<br />

two bids from United<br />

Insurance Services for the<br />

city’s business insurance package.<br />

EMC submitted a bid for<br />

$12,164 and Berkshire<br />

Hathaway submitted a bid for<br />

$11,373. Council accepted the<br />

bid from EMC.<br />

(Editor’s Note: The<br />

Berkshire bid had conditions<br />

that could raise the cost of<br />

the insurance. The City has<br />

the insurance with EMC now<br />

and the know the price will<br />

stay the same.)<br />

3. The council decided to<br />

contract with Denton Designs<br />

at a cost of $400 to create a<br />

city website.<br />

(Editor’s Note: This is<br />

something the Council has<br />

been considering and would<br />

give citizens access to the<br />

minutes, budgets, financial<br />

records and many other City<br />

documents.)<br />

4. Council performed the<br />

annual review of the personnel<br />

policy and the Wellhead<br />

Protection Plan and voted to<br />

install signs at the three<br />

entrances to the city that say<br />

“Call 911 in the event of a<br />

spill”.<br />

5. Council approved having<br />

Waterville work on our water<br />

main valves at a cost of $40 per<br />

hour for no more than 40 hours<br />

and that work can cease prior<br />

to the 40 hours if the process is<br />

not successful.<br />

(Editor’s Note: The City of<br />

Waterville has a machine<br />

that moves a rusted valve up<br />

and down a little at a time<br />

until it is working properly.<br />

The City needs to have 8 to<br />

10 valves worked on. If they<br />

need to be replaced they will<br />

cost $1,000.00 each.)<br />

6. The council approved the<br />

purchase of Christmas decorations<br />

from Wayne<br />

Manufacturing Company for a<br />

total of $1828.<br />

7. By consensus the council<br />

gave permission to the <strong>Blue</strong><br />

<strong>Rapids</strong> Historical Society to<br />

photograph city employees at<br />

work as part of a grant through<br />

the Smithsonian Institute.<br />

8. President Roepke reappointed<br />

Phil Osborne to a 3year<br />

term on the planning commission.<br />

9. A $5000 budget transfer<br />

from the Water/Sewer/Refuse<br />

bank account to the Utility<br />

Reserve bank account was<br />

approved.<br />

10. A records destruction<br />

certificate destroying non-current<br />

city records as authorized<br />

by K.S.A. 45-211 was<br />

approved.<br />

11. Registrations for Jim<br />

Flower to attend the Kansas<br />

Rural Water Association spring<br />

conference in Wichita and for<br />

Susan Hass to attend the CCM-<br />

FOA spring conference in<br />

Wichita were approved.<br />

12. A transfer of $2000 in<br />

local match funds for Housing<br />

Grant 11-HR-030 from the<br />

general operating bank account<br />

to the housing grant bank<br />

account was approved<br />

13. There was a request<br />

from Don Kotapish for the city<br />

to help pay for the costs to get<br />

electricity from the old Hanna<br />

Plant to his property in the<br />

city’s industrial park. The subject<br />

died for lack of motion.<br />

14. The following contractors<br />

are licensed in the city of<br />

<strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong>: Geisler Roofing,<br />

Inc.; Four Seasons, Inc.<br />

The minutes of the January<br />

8, 2012 regular meeting were<br />

approved as amended. Pay<br />

Ordinance 2235 was presented<br />

for approval by Minihan, seconded<br />

by Brake. Pope and<br />

Brake abstained from voting<br />

on the <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Press</strong> payment and<br />

the Pope Disposal payment.<br />

Motion carried.<br />

Council members present<br />

were: Amy Bishop, Jon<br />

Brake, Mike Minihan, Jerry<br />

Pope and Bob Roepke. Mayor<br />

Nowak was absent. Bob<br />

Roepke, Council President,<br />

presided<br />

25 Great Truths & Possibly The 5 Best Sentences<br />


1. In my many years I have<br />

come to a conclusion that one<br />

useless man is a shame, two is<br />

a law firm and three or more is<br />

a congress. — John Adams<br />

2. If you don’t read the<br />

newspaper you are uninformed,<br />

if you do read the<br />

newspaper you are misinformed.<br />

— Mark Twain<br />

3. Suppose you were an<br />

idiot. And suppose you were a<br />

member of Congress. But then<br />

I repeat myself. — Mark Twain<br />

4. I contend that for a nation<br />

to try to tax itself into prosperity<br />

is like a man standing in a<br />

bucket and trying to lift himself<br />

up by the handle. —<br />

Winston Churchill<br />

5. A government which robs<br />

Peter to pay Paul can always<br />

depend on the support of Paul.<br />

— George Bernard Shaw<br />

6. A liberal is someone who<br />

feels a great debt to his fellow<br />

man, which debt he proposes<br />

to pay off with your money. —<br />

G. Gordon Liddy<br />

7. Democracy must be<br />

something more than two<br />

wolves and a sheep voting on<br />

what to have for dinner. —<br />

James Bovard, Civil<br />

Libertarian (1994)<br />

8. Foreign aid might be<br />

defined as a transfer of money<br />

from poor people in rich countries<br />

to rich people in poor<br />

countries. —Douglas Casey,<br />

Classmate of Bill Clinton at<br />

Georgetown University<br />

9. Giving money and power<br />

to government is like giving<br />

whiskey and car keys to<br />

teenage boys. — P.J.<br />

O’Rourke, Civil Libertarian<br />

10. Government is the great<br />

fiction, through which everybody<br />

endeavors to live at the<br />

expense of everybody else. —<br />

Frederic Bastiat, French economist(1801-1850)<br />

11. Government’s view of<br />

the economy could be summed<br />

up in a few short phrases:<br />

If it moves, tax it. If it keeps<br />

moving, regulate it. And if it<br />

stops moving, subsidize it. —<br />

Ronald Reagan (1986)<br />

12. I don’t make jokes. I<br />

just watch the government and<br />

report the facts. — Will Rogers<br />

13. If you think health care<br />

is expensive now, wait until<br />

you see what it costs when it’s<br />

free! — P.J. O’Rourke<br />

14. In general, the art of<br />

government consists of taking<br />

as much money as possible<br />

from one party of the citizens<br />

to give to the other. — Voltaire<br />

(1764)<br />

15. Just because you do not<br />

take an interest in politics<br />

doesn’t mean politics won’t<br />

take an interest in you! —<br />

Pericles(430 B.C.)<br />

16. No man’s life, liberty, or<br />

property is safe while the legislature<br />

is in session. — Mark<br />

Twain (1866)<br />

17. Talk is cheap...except<br />

when Congress does it. —<br />

Anonymous<br />

18. The government is like a<br />

baby’s alimentary canal, with a<br />

happy appetite at one end and<br />

no responsibility at the other.<br />

—Ronald Reagan<br />

19. The inherent vice of<br />

capitalism is the unequal sharing<br />

of the blessings. The inherent<br />

blessing of socialism is the<br />

equal sharing of misery. —<br />

Winston Churchill<br />

20. The only difference<br />

between a tax man and a taxidermist<br />

is that the taxidermist<br />

leaves the skin. —Mark Twain<br />

21. The ultimate result of<br />

shielding men from the effects<br />

of folly is to fill the world with<br />

fools. — Herbert Spencer,<br />

English Philosopher (1820-<br />

1903)<br />

22. There is no distinctly<br />

Native American criminal<br />

class...save Congress. — Mark<br />

Twain<br />

23. What this country needs<br />

are more unemployed politicians.<br />

—Edward Langley,<br />

Artist (1928-1995)<br />

24. A government big<br />

enough to give you everything<br />

you want, is strong enough to<br />

take everything you have. —<br />

Thomas Jefferson<br />

25. We hang the petty<br />

thieves and appoint the great<br />

ones to public office. — Aesop

Obituaries <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Press</strong> - Thursday, February 16, 2012<br />

Obituaries<br />

Barbara Allene DeWalt McGahey<br />

Jerry A. Heuer<br />

Jerry A. Heuer, 64, of<br />

Hanover, Kansas, died<br />

Wednesday, February 8, 2012,<br />

at his home in Hanover.<br />

A funeral service was held at<br />

10:30 a.m., Monday, February<br />

Marilyn Burt<br />

Marilyn Burt, 82, of<br />

Washington, KS, died<br />

Wednesday, February 8, 2012<br />

at the Homestead Nursing<br />

Home in Washington.<br />

Visitation was Sunday from<br />

2 until 7 p.m. at Ward Funeral<br />

Richard Samland, Sr.<br />

Richard Samland, Sr., 76, of<br />

Washington, KS, died Tuesday,<br />

February 7, 2012 at the<br />

Washington County Hospital.<br />

A funeral service was held at<br />

Francis Kramer<br />

Francis H. Kramer, 77 of<br />

Frankfort, Kansas, died<br />

Thursday, February 9, 2012 in<br />

southern Brown County.<br />

Francis was born on June 10,<br />

Barbara Allene DeWalt<br />

McGahey, 61, passed away on<br />

February 10, 2012 in Tulsa<br />

Oklahoma surrounded by family.<br />

She was born February 4,<br />

1951 in <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong>, Kansas to<br />

William Arthur DeWalt Sr. and<br />

Bernece Geneva Wilkinson.<br />

Barbara was an avid reader<br />

of True Crime, there probably<br />

wasn't a book she hadn't read<br />

on the subject. Barbara also<br />

enjoyed collecting cobalt blue<br />

glassware, jewelry, going to<br />

thrift stores and attending<br />

Bingo. She had a passion for<br />

13, at the Zion Lutheran<br />

Church in Hanover.<br />

Jerry was born on July 4,<br />

1947 at Odell, Nebraska, the<br />

son of Walter and Elnora<br />

(Kruse) Heuer. He attended<br />

Trinity Lutheran School and<br />

graduated from Hanover High<br />

School. After high school, Jerry<br />

went to Concordia Teachers<br />

College in Seward, Nebraska,<br />

and Lincoln School of<br />

Commerce in Lincoln,<br />

Nebraska. He was employed<br />

doing computer aided drafting.<br />

On October 7, 1972, he was<br />

united in marriage to Nancy<br />

Oswald at Zion Lutheran<br />

Church in Hanover.<br />

Jerry was a member of Zion<br />

Home in Washington. The family<br />

will receive friends from 4<br />

to 7 p.m. at the funeral home.<br />

A funeral service was held at<br />

11:00 a.m., Monday, February<br />

13 at the United Methodist<br />

Church in Washington.<br />

Marilyn was born at Haddam<br />

on May 15, 1929, to Clark and<br />

Marie (Dewitt) Burton. She<br />

attended school at Haddam,<br />

graduating from Haddam High<br />

School in 1946. On July 20,<br />

1946, she was united in marriage<br />

to Edwin Burt at<br />

Belleville, KS. They lived at<br />

Haddam until moving to<br />

Washington in 1961.<br />

She and Edwin owned and<br />

operated the Washington Sale<br />

Barn until 1976, when they<br />

11:00 a.m., Saturday, February<br />

11, at the First Baptist Church<br />

in Washington.<br />

Private burial will be in the<br />

Hollenberg Cemetery.<br />

Richard was born July 18,<br />

1935, to Charles and Edith<br />

(Jorgensen) Samland at<br />

Omaha, NE. He was married at<br />

a young age to Ruth Herman<br />

and they were blessed with five<br />

children. They later divorced.<br />

In November of 1982, he was<br />

united in marriage to Ann<br />

Sorce at Harbine, NE. After<br />

their marriage they moved to<br />

Rockland, Wisconsin where<br />

they lived for 24 years before<br />

moving to Washington, KS in<br />

1934 at Onaga, Kansas, the son<br />

of August and Theroda (Haug)<br />

Kramer. He worked for<br />

Goodyear Tire Company.<br />

Francis is survived by his<br />

If you like the <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Press</strong> please tell these Advertisers<br />

Home of Elsie Grace’s<br />

Dry Food Mixes and<br />

Homeade Fudge<br />

Gifts for all occassions<br />

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<strong>Free</strong> Estimates<br />

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A Div. of <strong>Blue</strong> Valley Insurance Agencies, Inc.<br />

animals especially cats and<br />

dogs. Barbara worked for the<br />

Warehouse Market of Tulsa<br />

until her illness<br />

Barbara had lived in Tulsa<br />

for the last 30 years<br />

Survivors include her husband<br />

Michael McGahey of<br />

Tulsa, Oklahoma, a daughter<br />

and son-in-law (Gina and Pat<br />

Phillips) of Tulsa, and a son<br />

William Stroh of Lincoln,<br />

Nebraska. 6 grandchildren<br />

(Krystina, Justin, Ricky,<br />

Charlie, Austin, Jenny). 4 great<br />

grandchildren (Kristopher,<br />

Lutheran Church, where he<br />

served as church treasurer and<br />

was on the church council.<br />

Jerry was also a minister to the<br />

long term care patients and<br />

shutins, by visiting them and<br />

providing communion to them.<br />

He was on the Highland Haven<br />

Board, Hanover Cemetery<br />

Board, volunteer on the<br />

Hanover Fire Department, former<br />

President of Hollenberg<br />

Friends, and was a member of<br />

the Moose Lodge.<br />

Survivors include his wife,<br />

Nancy Heuer, Hanover; four<br />

children, Debra (Luke)<br />

McLemore, Rochester, MN,<br />

Craig Heuer, Hanover, Sheryl<br />

(Dave) Fugate, Warsaw, IN,<br />

retired. Marilyn was the bookkeeper<br />

for the business. After<br />

retirement, they traveled<br />

throughout the United States.<br />

Marilyn was a member of the<br />

United Methodist Church,<br />

VFW Ladies Auxiliary and the<br />

Red Hat Society. She was a<br />

loving mother and grandmother<br />

and always attended the grandchildren’s<br />

events.<br />

Preceding her in death were<br />

her parents; her husband,<br />

Edwin; a brother, Clayton<br />

Burton; and a grandson, Tyler<br />

Burt.<br />

She is survived by her children,<br />

Joan (Jim) Brabec of<br />

Greenleaf, Beth (Greg) Knedlik<br />

of Paola, KS, Todd (Laurie)<br />

Burt of Washington; sisters-in-<br />

2007.<br />

Richard was a farmer, then<br />

self employed at S & S Truck<br />

Sales in Jansen, NE, worked as<br />

a diesel mechanic for Wehrs<br />

Chevrolet, in Bangor WI where<br />

he retired.<br />

His favorite pastimes were<br />

hunting and fishing.<br />

Survivors include his wife,<br />

Ann, Washington, KS; children,<br />

Richard (Jane) Samland,<br />

Hollenberg, KS, Carol (Rick)<br />

Strunk, Jansen, NE, Sharon<br />

(Harvey) Rosenthal,<br />

Jansen,NE, Debra (Rick)<br />

Santee, Springfield, NE,<br />

Charles Samland, Bennet, NE;<br />

step daughters, Deb (Rod)<br />

sister, Olivia La Blanc of<br />

Albany, Georgia.<br />

No services are planned at<br />

this time.<br />

Padden Funeral Chapel of<br />

Kenneth L. Sells, Agent<br />

Morgan, Timothy, Marcus).<br />

Two sisters (Theola Health) of<br />

<strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong>, Ks. and (Myrna<br />

Johansen) of Tulsa. Two<br />

Brothers (William DeWalt and<br />

Mark DeWalt) both of <strong>Blue</strong><br />

<strong>Rapids</strong>, Ks. and numerous<br />

nieces and nephews. Barbara<br />

was preceded in death by her<br />

parents, one daughter (Jennifer<br />

Lynn Stroh), three sisters (Lynn<br />

Stegeman, Karen Merrill,<br />

Jeannie Loree DeWalt).<br />

Services will be held<br />

Thursday February 16th, 2012<br />

at the Methodist Church in<br />

and Darrell (Della)<br />

Schweitzberger, Salina, KS;<br />

two sisters, Kathy (Harlen)<br />

Kruse, Herkimer, KS, and<br />

Lynette (Wilbur) Horman,<br />

Hanover; two uncles, Victor<br />

Heuer and Edwin Leseberg;<br />

aunt, Lorina Leseberg; six<br />

grandchildren; nine step-grandchildren;<br />

thirteen step-greatgrandchildren;<br />

several nieces,<br />

nephews, cousins and friends.<br />

He was preceded in death by<br />

his parents; an infant brother,<br />

Charles Heuer; stepson, Steve<br />

Schweitzberger; and stepgrandson,<br />

Shane<br />

Schweitzberger.<br />

law, Betty Zenger of Haddam,<br />

Doris Ford of Manhattan;<br />

grandchildren, Rachel (Cam)<br />

McVean, Kim (Jerry) Grasso,<br />

J.C. (Pam) Brabec, Heather<br />

(Dave) Meyer, Amy Knedlik,<br />

Clint Knedlik, Amanda (Jay)<br />

Craig, Trevor (Amanda)<br />

Dickson; and great-grandchildren,<br />

Garett, Nathan and<br />

Hannah Edgar, Demetrius and<br />

Maya Grasso, Nora Mae<br />

Brabec, Olivia, Sophia and<br />

Chase Meyer, Lilliana and<br />

Cecelia Craig and James<br />

Dickson.<br />

A memorial fund has been<br />

established in her name and<br />

will be designated by the family.<br />

Contributions may be sent in<br />

care of the funeral home.<br />

Klaus, Crete, NE, Maggie<br />

Brace, Milwaukee, WI; sisters,<br />

Jackie Vincent, Slater, MO,<br />

Loretta Beall, Chandler, TX;<br />

brother, Ron Samland,<br />

Weeping Water, NE; fifteen<br />

grandchildren; two step grandchildren;<br />

and eleven greatgrandchildren.<br />

Preceded in death by his parents,<br />

one brother, Joe Samland,<br />

one sister, Joan VanDorien, and<br />

two grandchildren.<br />

A memorial fund has been<br />

established and will be designated<br />

at a later date.<br />

Contributions may be sent in<br />

care of Ward Funeral Home.<br />

Frankfort was in charge of<br />

arrangements.<br />

Obituaries Continued<br />

on Page 3A<br />

Mustang Construction<br />

785-629-0050<br />

Kenneth.Sells @fbfs.com<br />

1019 Broadway, P.O. Box 267<br />

Marysville, Ks 66508-0267<br />

Registered Repersentative/Securities & Services offered<br />

through EqullTrust Marketing Services, LLC. 5400<br />

University Ave, West Des Moines, Ia 50266, 877860<br />

Jill L. Gray, D.D.S., P.A.<br />

Family Dentistry<br />

107 South 8th Street<br />

Marysville, Ks 66508<br />

Office: (785 562-5323<br />

Cell: (785 556-1487<br />

<strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong>, Ks. at 2 p.m. with<br />

a gravesite vigil with the family.<br />

Burial will be at Prospect<br />

Dr. Douglas Stigge<br />

Optometrist<br />

2A<br />

Hill Cemetary, <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong>,<br />

Ks.<br />

Spain Law Office, P.A.<br />

Phone (785) 363-2723<br />

Darrell E. Spain<br />

Attorney at Law<br />

107 S. Kansas Ave.<br />

Waterville, KS 66548<br />

The City of <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong> is requesting<br />

bids for mowing Fairmont<br />

Cemetery April 1 - October 31,<br />

2012. Return bids in envelope<br />

marked “Cemetery Bid” by 4:30<br />

p.m. Mar. 12 to City Clerk, 04<br />

Public Sq., <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong>, KS 66411.<br />

785-363-7736.<br />

Relay For Life<br />

“Team Mean Jean”<br />

2nd Annual Soup Supper<br />

<strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong><br />

Community Center<br />

Sunday Feb. 19th<br />

4 p.m. - 8 p.m.<br />

Serving: Vegetable Soup, Chili,<br />

Chicken Noodle, Corn Chowder,<br />

Relishes, Dessert, Drink<br />

<strong>Free</strong> Will Donation<br />

ALL<br />


GO TO<br />

RELAY<br />

FOR LIFE<br />

104 E. Commercial Waterville - 785-363-2425<br />

Open 1rst, 2nd , 4th and 5th Monday<br />

and the 3rd Friday of the month by appointment<br />

February Special<br />

$1 Off Loyall<br />

Professional Dog<br />


News <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Press</strong> - Thursday, February 16, 2012 3A<br />

News<br />

8 Wonders Of Kansas Guidebook Wins Award<br />

The Kansas Sampler<br />

Foundation was recently notified<br />

that their "8 Wonders of<br />

All Your Ag Needs<br />

Kansas Guidebook" won first<br />

place in the North American<br />

Travel Journalists Association<br />

(NATJA) category for travel<br />

book or guide.<br />

Awards went to publications,<br />

travel writers, and photographers<br />

whose work was represented<br />

in print and electronic<br />

media. The competition, now in<br />

its 20th year, honors the "best<br />

of the best" of travel writing,<br />

photography and promotion<br />

that cover all aspects of the<br />

travel industry worldwide.<br />

The "8 Wonders of Kansas<br />

Guidebook" debuted in April of<br />

See us for range cubes, salt, mineral and creep feed.<br />

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2011. The 272-page book features<br />

the 216 finalists that were<br />

showcased in the 8 Wonders of<br />

Kansas contests that featured<br />

the 24 most significant things<br />

to see and do in the categories<br />

of architecture, art, commerce,<br />

cuisine, customs, geography,<br />

history and people.<br />

Published by the Kansas<br />

Sampler Foundation,the 6x9"<br />

coffee table/guidebook features<br />

more than 800 photos taken by<br />

photographer Harland<br />

Schuster, Morrill. The book<br />

was written by Foundation<br />

director Marci Penner and<br />

designed by her sister, Liz<br />

(Penner) King. Mennonite<br />

<strong>Press</strong>, Newton, printed the<br />

book.<br />

Penner said, "The award is<br />

indicative of the first-class job<br />

by our team but it is also a tribute<br />

to the content. It's nice to<br />

see Kansas get recognition for<br />

it's story and for what we have<br />

to see and do."<br />

More than 8,500 books have<br />

been sold. For more information<br />

about the book, go to<br />

www.8wonders.org or call<br />

620.585.2374.<br />

Valley Heights All Stars Announces Summer Musical<br />

For the fifth year in a row,<br />

the Valley Heights All Stars<br />

Youth Theater will once again<br />

be performing a musical this<br />

summer, entitled “Cool Suit” a<br />

spoof of the Emperor’s New<br />

Clothes. This musical has parts<br />

Kenneth L. Livingston, Sr.,<br />

age 80, of Greenleaf, passed<br />

away on Sunday, February 12,<br />

2012 at <strong>Blue</strong> Valley Senior<br />

Living.<br />

Kenneth was born August<br />

11, 1931 at Frederick,<br />

Oklahoma to Arthur C. and<br />

for 15-18 young people<br />

between grades of…entering<br />

2nd grade next fall and exiting<br />

12th grade this spring.<br />

Rehearsals will be all summer<br />

and commence with the tradition<br />

of performing the first<br />

Annie I. (Wright) Livingston,<br />

Sr. While still young his family<br />

moved to the Los Angeles,<br />

California area, where he graduated<br />

from Huntington Park<br />

High School. He joined the US<br />

Navy in 1951 and served in the<br />

Korean Conflict. He was one<br />

of the Atomic Veterans due to<br />

his ship being involved in<br />

nuclear testing.<br />

After the war he returned to<br />

California where he worked as<br />

a fork lift operator and later in<br />

building maintenance for Toro<br />

Corporation. He married<br />

Christine M (Pearson) Lloyd<br />

on September 9, 1978 at<br />

Phelan, California. They<br />

moved to Greenleaf from<br />

Riverside, California in 1994.<br />

He was a member of Trinity<br />

Lutheran Church, Greenleaf,<br />

If you like the <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Press</strong> please tell these Advertisers<br />

<strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong> Mercantile<br />

Come Visit Us!<br />

Harmony Hills Jams-n-Jellies<br />

Peanut Brittle all year long!<br />

Affordable Furniture Pieces,<br />

Collectibles, Rada Cutlery, etc.<br />

Gift Certificates Available<br />

401 East 5th Street (US 77) <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong>, Kansas 66411<br />

785-363-7900 Mon-Sat 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.<br />

weekend in August; August 3, 4<br />

and 5th. There will be a parent’s<br />

meeting May 21 at 7pm at<br />

the Waterville Elementary<br />

school. Auditions for Cool Suit<br />

will be Friday June 1st, preceded<br />

by an Actor’s Workshop<br />

VFW Post 2699 in Marysville<br />

and American Legion Post 273<br />

in Greenleaf.<br />

Survivors include his wife<br />

Christine, a son Kenneth L.<br />

Livingston, Jr. and wife Becky<br />

of Greenleaf, three stepsons;<br />

John E. Lloyd and wife Kristan<br />

of Wildomar, California, Frank<br />

D. Lloyd of Lincoln, Nebraska,<br />

Bill R. Lloyd of Beatrice,<br />

Nebraska, a stepdaughter, Mary<br />

S. Huddleston of Topeka, two<br />

grandchildren, five step-grandchildren<br />

and five step-greatgrandchildren,<br />

a sister, Alma R.<br />

Harrod of Downey, California,<br />

two brothers; Arthur C.<br />

Livingston, Jr. and wife<br />

Marilyn of Downey, California<br />

and Sidney E. Livingston of<br />

Mira Loma, California.<br />

He was preceded in death by<br />

Painting<br />

Need Some Painting Done?<br />

Call Ron<br />

<strong>Free</strong> Estimates, Lowest Prices<br />

30 Years Experience<br />

Call: 785-619-6021 - Cell: 785-268-0185<br />

See Back Issues of<br />

the <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong><br />

<strong>Free</strong> <strong>Press</strong> online at<br />

www.<strong>Blue</strong><strong>Rapids</strong><strong>Free</strong><strong>Press</strong>.com<br />

<strong>Blue</strong> Valley Seamless Gutters<br />

Replace those old gutters and<br />

downspouts with a new seamless<br />

system from <strong>Blue</strong> Valley Seamless<br />

Gutters.<br />

May 29-June 1st, run by<br />

Lynette Steele-Coon. Please<br />

direct any questions to Lynette<br />

at lcoon@valleyheights.org or<br />

785/363-2530.<br />

Recycling At <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong> Feb. 18th<br />

The Valley Heights recycling<br />

day is Saturday, February 18th<br />

from 9:30 am to 11:00 am. The<br />

collection trailer will be in <strong>Blue</strong><br />

<strong>Rapids</strong> by the horse barn at the<br />

north side of the fair grounds.<br />

All typical recycled items<br />

will be collected including<br />

paper, cardboard, cans, junk<br />

mail, glass etc. Plastics are<br />

limited to numbers one (1) and<br />

two (2). Please rinse food containers<br />

to reduce odors. Presorting<br />

material allows the line<br />

to move smoothly for everyone.<br />

We thank all our community<br />

volunteers for their dedication<br />

to this effort benefiting the<br />

Valley Heights community.<br />

For more information call Tony<br />

Yungeberg at Valley Heights<br />

Community Education at 363-<br />

2211, Stacy Vermetten at 363-<br />

2030 or Phil Osborne at 363-<br />

7949.<br />

Obituaries______________Continued From Page 2A<br />

Kenneth L. Livingston, Sr.<br />

four brothers; Ralph<br />

Livingston, Richard Livingston<br />

and John Livingston, Howard<br />

Livingston, and a step grandson<br />

Brandon J. Lloyd.<br />

Inurnment Services are<br />

planned for 10:00 am, Friday,<br />

February 17, 2012 at the<br />

Committal Shelter in the<br />

Kansas Veterans Cemetery,<br />

Manhattan, with Military<br />

Honors by the US Navy.<br />

Friends are planning a time of<br />

food and fellowship for 1:00<br />

pm at the Community Building<br />

in Greenleaf.<br />

Memorials are suggested to<br />

the American Heart<br />

Association and may be sent in<br />

care of Terry-Christie Funeral<br />

Home at PO Box 61,<br />

Waterville, Kansas 66548.<br />

Birth Announcement: Raylan Aaron Winslow<br />

Raylan Aaron Winslow was<br />

born at Mercy Hospital in<br />

Manhattan, Ks on February<br />

14, 2012 at 1:57 p.m. weighing<br />

7 lbs 12 oz and 19 ¾ inches<br />

long.<br />

Raylan was born to parents<br />

K’Lynn and Nicholas<br />

Winslow.<br />

Grandparents are Dana<br />

Bishop, Edwin Winslow and<br />

Dennis and Patricia Tilley.<br />

Great grandparents are Bob<br />

and Shirley Bishop, Martha<br />

Winslow, Ken Tilley and the<br />

late Faye Tilley.<br />

Great-great grandparents<br />

are Mona Anderson and<br />

Edwin Holly.<br />

and Home Improvement<br />

• <strong>Free</strong> Estimates<br />

• Insured<br />

785-363-7414 or 785-268-0236<br />

John & Cheryl Ralph, Owners<br />

Lilly Pad Daycare<br />

Tracy (Lindquist) Taylor<br />

SRS Provider<br />

Waterville, Ks<br />

2 Full Time Openings<br />

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Week<br />

Monday - Friday<br />

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Cindy’s Country Inn<br />

420 South Colorado<br />

Waterville, Ks<br />

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Daily Specials<br />

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Friday & Saturday 5 p.m. - 8 p.m.<br />

Carpet Cleaning Special<br />

3 Bedrooms and<br />

Living Room<br />

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<strong>Blue</strong> Ribbon Carpet Cleaning<br />

For Appointment Call 785-320-7295<br />

Please present coupon at time of service. Offer expires 2-29-2012<br />

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German Shorthair<br />

Puppies For Sale<br />

100.00 for Males<br />

150.00 Females<br />

785-562-6767<br />

<strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong><br />

Greenhouse &<br />

Flower Shop<br />

Daisy Special!<br />

$4.99 a bunch<br />

805 Pomeroy St, <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong>, Ks<br />

Greenhouse: 785-363-7300<br />

Cell: 785-562-6124<br />

Medina<br />

Family Benefit<br />

Feb. 17th 5 p.m. - 7 p.m.<br />

Valley Heights High School<br />

“Sloppy Joe Dinner”<br />

Sponsored by: New Hope<br />

Presbyterian Youth Group and<br />

Friends Of The Medina Family<br />

Serving: Sloppy Joe,<br />

Baked Beans, Chips,<br />

Relishes and Desserts<br />

<strong>Free</strong> Will Donation<br />

Open Mon-Thur 12 - 9 • Fri and Sat 10 - 10<br />

Located at 1149<br />

Country Place Dr. —<br />

East of the Airport<br />

on North Street<br />

Marysville, KS<br />

785-562-4001<br />

Vintage Charm<br />

Breakfast and Guesthouse<br />

785-363-2327 • 134 West Hazelwood, Waterville, Ks<br />

Enjoy the luxury of having this beautiful<br />

3 bedroom home to yourself.<br />

•Complimentary country-style breakfast served<br />

• Each bedroom features its own bathroom<br />

Ask about our special rates for parties, showers &<br />

longterm stays.<br />

A break from life that’s close to home.

NEWS EWS <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Press</strong> - Thursday, February 16, 2012<br />

Frankfort Community Care Home Takes Resident to WWE Raw<br />

If you would visit the<br />

Frankfort Community Care<br />

Home on Monday evenings,<br />

chances are that you would find<br />

eighty-four year old resident,<br />

Esther Ferris, sitting in her<br />

favorite chair in the lobby<br />

watching All Star Wrestling on<br />

TV. Esther’s passion for<br />

wrestling is no secret to the<br />

staff members at the care home<br />

and when it was announced<br />

that WWE “Raw” was coming<br />

to the Expocenter in Topeka,<br />

employees started making<br />

plans to get Esther to Topeka to<br />

see some of her favorite<br />

wrestlers in person. On<br />

February 3rd Abby Kirk, Lora<br />

Koch and their sons, Sebastian<br />

and Anthony, accompanied<br />

Esther to Topeka to see the first<br />

live performance of wrestling<br />

that any of them had ever seen.<br />

When Abby was asked about<br />

her favorite part of the evening,<br />

she said, “I just enjoyed watching<br />

Esther. Her eyes lit up”.<br />

Esther never dreamed that she<br />

would ever actually be able to<br />

see wrestling in real life and<br />

she was able to see some of her<br />

Two hundred Kansans<br />

attended the Big Rural<br />

Brainstorm at the Meridian<br />

Center in Newton on February<br />

3-4. With an atmosphere of<br />

hope, energy and opportunity,<br />

the goal was to think outside<br />

the box and come up with ideas<br />

that are achievable at the grassroots<br />

level for rural communities.<br />

Those in attendance included<br />

a range of people from small<br />

towns like Woodbine, Olsburg,<br />

Tribune and Goessel to larger<br />

cities like Chanute, Garnett,<br />

Concordia and Oakley to representatives<br />

from small business<br />

favorites, including John Cena,<br />

CM Punk and Kane.<br />

Highlights of the evening<br />

included the women wrestlers<br />

and a tag team match with The<br />

Miz and Kane VS John Cena<br />

and The Truth. Esther was con-<br />

cerned when one of the referees<br />

got thrown over the ropes and<br />

landed hard on the floor. She<br />

said that she couldn’t wait to<br />

watch wrestling the next<br />

Monday night and see if the<br />

same referee was ok and able to<br />

appear on TV. It was an exciting<br />

night for all, with the boys<br />

really getting into all the<br />

yelling and screaming and<br />

everything that goes with being<br />

in an audience at All Star<br />

Wrestling. Esther was happy to<br />

Big Rural Brainstorm Generates Action<br />

Media Release - 02102012 –<br />

1330 Hrs<br />

It is with deep regret the<br />

Marshall County Sheriffs<br />

Offices announces that Francis<br />

H. Kramer, 77 of Frankfort has<br />

been found deceased in south-<br />

By: Tyler Taphorn<br />

Senior Reporter<br />

The Wide Awake 4-H Club<br />

hosted an Appreciation Dinner<br />

on February 5 at the<br />

Achievement Building in <strong>Blue</strong><br />

<strong>Rapids</strong>.<br />

Twenty-six members, three<br />

leaders and numerous guests<br />

attended.<br />

The dinner was hosted in<br />

Marshall County Sheriff’s<br />

Department<br />

Jail Activity Sheet<br />

Week of: February 6, 2012 to<br />

February 12, 2012<br />

Name: Shanek, Robert<br />

Address: Waterville, Kansas<br />

come home with a momento of<br />

the event, a Tshirt with John<br />

Cena’s picture on the front. It<br />

ended up being a fun and late<br />

night for all. The boys fell<br />


4A<br />

asleep on the way home, but<br />

Esther outlasted them all, staying<br />

awake until she arrived<br />

safely back at the nursing<br />

home.<br />

If you like the <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Press</strong> please tell these Advertisers<br />

<strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong> Auto & Hardware<br />

NAPA Auto Parts<br />

Do It Best Hardware<br />

Hunting & Fishing Licenses<br />

Hydraulic Hoses • Saw Chains<br />

Corn Stoves • Ammunition<br />

Infrared Heaters<br />

10 Public Square, <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong>, Kansas 66411<br />

785-363-7384<br />

Prairie Valley<br />

Veterinary Clinic<br />

Don Musil, DVM<br />

Nicole Porter, DVM<br />

821 Hwy 9<br />

Phone: 785.363.7903 <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong>, Ks 66411<br />

We have Hill’s Prescription and Science Diet Dog & Cat Food<br />

Boarding and Grooming Services Available<br />

Sebastian, Esther and Anthony had a great time seeing their favorite wrestlers.<br />

(Photo courtesy of the Frankfort Community Care Home)<br />

development, state agencies,<br />

housing programs, and the<br />

Board of Education.<br />

During introductions, a<br />

dozen people came forward to<br />

say why they loved their community.<br />

They were followed<br />

by forty PowerUps (21-39 year<br />

olds who are rural by choice)<br />

who introduced themselves<br />

briefly.<br />

Facilitated by Marci Penner,<br />

director of the Kansas Sampler<br />

Foundation based out of Inman,<br />

the format consisted of diverse<br />

breakout sessions, StandUp<br />

reviews, appointments, and<br />

group discussions. There were<br />

no keynote speakers. The group<br />

also experimented with a We<br />

Kan Bank, an inventory of<br />

community needs and those<br />

who could offer service.<br />

On Saturday morning, forty<br />

people came forward to declare<br />

action steps they would take<br />

when they got home. A sampling<br />

of those actions include<br />

starting a community garden<br />

and community foundation,<br />

developing a rural entertainment<br />

network and internship<br />

programs for businesses, and<br />

doing an inventory of<br />

PowerUps.<br />

Penner said, "With these 200<br />

committed Kansans offering<br />

support and ideas to each other,<br />

it is clear that rural Kansas took<br />

a positive step forward with<br />

this event. By the end, there<br />

was no doubt that we are all<br />

together in this challenging yet<br />

exciting work of sustaining<br />

communities."<br />

Those who would like to be<br />

on an e-blast list to help sustain<br />

rural communities should contact<br />

the Kansas Sampler<br />

Foundation at marci@kansassampler.org.<br />

Marshall County Sheriff’s Office Release<br />

ern Brown County. Mr. Kramer<br />

has been missing from his<br />

Frankfort residence since the<br />

3rd Of February 2012. The<br />

Sheriff’s Office was notified by<br />

the Brown County Sheriff’s<br />

Office at approx. 1130 this<br />

honor of the many family<br />

members and friends who help<br />

Wide Awake 4-H members<br />

throughout the year. Club<br />

members baked homemade<br />

rolls that were served during<br />

the potluck dinner. The arts &<br />

crafts members made snowmen<br />

for the centerpieces, which<br />

were also used as door prizes.<br />

Following the dinner, mem-<br />

Date of Birth: 11-08-1958<br />

Charge: 48 Hours<br />

Date of Arrival: 02-10-2012<br />

Date of Release: 02-12-2012<br />

Reason: Time Served<br />

Name: Maez, Jason<br />

Address: Marysville, Kansas<br />

morning [02102012].<br />

According to Brown County<br />

Sheriff’s Office, a farmer near<br />

the 105 St Exit, off Hwy 75,<br />

stated that he found the vehicle<br />

with Mr. Kramer inside. It<br />

appears at this time that the<br />

bers in the County 4-H Days<br />

skit performed followed by the<br />

club chorus that sang “Yankee<br />

Doodle Dandy” and “Home on<br />

the Range.”<br />

During the meeting Ryan<br />

Latta and Robbie Stryker were<br />

installed as new members. The<br />

club also had it’s purple seal<br />

ceremony for 2010-11 club<br />

year.<br />

Date of Birth: 12-28-1976<br />

Charge: 9 Hours<br />

Date of Arrival: 02-11-2012<br />

Date of Release: 02-11-2012<br />

Reason: Time Served<br />

Name: Full, Richard<br />

Address: Moline, Kansas<br />

vehicle was stuck in the mud.<br />

Cause of death was undetermined<br />

at this time, an autopsy<br />

was ordered by the Marshall<br />

County Sheriff’s Office.<br />

Sheriff Dan Hargrave –<br />

Marshall County Sheriff<br />

Wide Awake 4-H Club Hosts Appreciation Dinner<br />

During the program, Wesley<br />

Denton gave a project talk on<br />

“How to Speak Like a<br />

Cattleman” and Addie<br />

Wassenberg demonstrated how<br />

to make simple crafty<br />

Valentines.<br />

The next meeting will be<br />

March 5.<br />

Marshall County Sheriff Jail Report<br />

Date of Birth: 07-24-1989<br />

Charge: DWS<br />

Date of Arrival: 02-12-2012<br />

Date of Release: 01-12-2012<br />

Reason: $365 Cash Bond<br />

TIGER’s DEN<br />

Odell, Ne - 402-766-8805<br />

Thursday February 16: Spaghetti Dinner<br />

Friday February 17: BBQ Ribs and Swedish Meatballs<br />

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Sunday February 19: Fried Chicken Dinner<br />

Catering & Party Room Available!<br />

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Dick Edwards Ford Lincoln Mercury<br />

7929 E. Highway 24, Manhattan, 785-776-4004<br />

The City of <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong> is accepting<br />

applications for a summer<br />

mowing & maintenance position.<br />

Applicants must be 18 years of age<br />

or older. Applications can be<br />

obtained at city office. Application<br />

deadline is March 12, 2012. EOE.<br />

785-363-7736<br />

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Call or See<br />

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785-562-5000<br />

Twin Valley Thrift Stores<br />



Drop off your items at any one of these<br />

divisions of Twin Valley Developmental<br />

Services nearest to you<br />

The Wearhouse<br />

107 Commercial<br />

Waterville, KS<br />

(785) 363-2490<br />

Next 2 New<br />

507 Williams<br />

Beattie, KS<br />

(785) 353-2347<br />

We Detail<br />

Autos<br />

Shampoo’s<br />

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Adam Can<br />

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For Details<br />


Donald Prell Realty & Auction<br />

1488 Frontier Rd. • Marysville, Ks 66508<br />

785-799-3787 • Cell - 785-562-6787<br />

Wildcat Thrift<br />

107 W. North<br />

Hanover, KS<br />

(785) 337-2629

News <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Press</strong> - Thursday, February 16, 2012 5A<br />

Happy 100th Birthday!!!<br />

By Gene Meyer<br />

Kansas Reporter<br />

TOPEKA — City officials in<br />

Atchison and Lenexa say they<br />

want out of the state’s government<br />

employee pension plan, if<br />

traditional pensions are converted<br />

into worker-managed<br />

retirement plans.<br />

The cities' leaders formally<br />

asked lawmakers to allow them<br />

to offer their workers citysponsored<br />

retirement plans<br />

instead of the proposed Kansas<br />

Public Employees Retirement<br />

System, or KPERS, plan, if<br />

legislators pass House Bill<br />

2545. The measure closes traditional<br />

Kansas pensions to<br />

new teachers and workers<br />

hired beginning in 2014, and<br />

shifts them to worker-managed<br />

plans.<br />

“Traditional pensions are a<br />

big incentive, when you are<br />

trying to recruit people for<br />

municipal service,” said Trey<br />

Cocking, Atchison’s city manager.<br />

“If the state goes to the new,<br />

defined-contribution plan, we<br />

no longer have much incentive<br />

to remain in the plan."<br />

Ironically, Atchison could<br />

switch to some kind of 401(k)style<br />

plan, if it left KPERS, he<br />

said. With 106 employees on<br />

the payroll, the city is not large<br />

enough to support a traditional<br />

pension.<br />

Lenexa's government, which<br />

is four-times larger, also could<br />

switch to a defined-contribution<br />

plan if it left KPERS, said<br />

Leslie Fonseca, assistant city<br />

administrator. That’s because<br />

Lenox has such a plan, which it<br />

offers to its 430 employees as a<br />

supplement to KPERS pensions.<br />

Farmers Service<br />

125 South Colorado<br />

Waterville, KS<br />

785-363-2581<br />

Full Service<br />

Mechanic On Duty<br />

Services Provided: Gas, Oil Change,<br />

Complete Car Care, Car Wash, Licensed Gun Dealer,<br />

Interstate Batteries, Hydraulic Hoses, Roller Chains,<br />

Oils and Greases<br />

<strong>Blue</strong> Valley<br />

Senior Living<br />

710 Western Ave.<br />

<strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong>, Ks 66411<br />

785-363-7777<br />

“We have a warm friendly home like environment that<br />

you feel when you enter the door.”<br />

“Our plan is more competitive<br />

than what the state is proposing,”<br />

Fonseca said.<br />

Lenexa contributes 4 percent<br />

of workers’ salaries to the plan,<br />

and the contribution amount<br />

increases as workers increase<br />

their own contributions.<br />

Kansas’ plan, as outlined in<br />

legislation being studied now,<br />

requires a 6 percent employee<br />

contribution; employers,<br />

whose contributions come<br />

from general fund tax revenue,<br />

pay 1 percent initially, which<br />

increases to 5 percent in eight<br />

years.<br />

But any move to a definedcontribution<br />

plan from a traditional<br />

pension would be<br />

wrenching, said Salina fire<br />

chief Larry Milliken.<br />

“You don’t get rich going<br />

into public service, but you<br />

make a living, and you get a<br />

good retirement,” Milliken<br />

said. “Standing up in front of<br />

people now and saying,<br />

‘You’ve got some great memories<br />

and a career you can be<br />

proud of, but not the retirement'<br />

is going to be quite a<br />

change.”<br />

State legislators in 2011<br />

passed a plan to fix the underfunded<br />

KIPPERS by requiring<br />

taxpayers, beginning Jan.1,<br />

2013, to start accelerating their<br />

contributions, which are used<br />

to pay the employers' shares<br />

that states, cities, counties,<br />

schools and other government<br />

units offer workers.<br />

The plan, in legislation<br />

known as House Bill 2194,<br />

also requires teachers and other<br />

workers to increase their contributions,<br />

so the combined<br />

increases will, by 2033, plug<br />

an $8.3 billion gap that KPERS<br />

calculates would otherwise<br />

exist between its promised<br />

pensions and the projected<br />

assets available to pay those<br />

pensions.<br />

H B 2194 included a third<br />

requirement, which is the one<br />

causing the problems now.<br />

That requirement called for<br />

the creation of a 13-member<br />

KPERS Study Commission<br />

last summer. Members were<br />

told to come up with a more<br />

detailed plan for addressing the<br />

pension plan under funding,<br />

then present that plan to the<br />

2012 Legislature for approval.<br />

Commission members,<br />

headed by co-chairman and<br />

state Sen.Jeff King , R-<br />

Independence, came up with a<br />

plan that, beginning Jan. 1,<br />

2014, would convert the state's<br />

traditional lifetime pension<br />

benefits to retirement savings<br />

accounts that would provide<br />

retirement benefits only as<br />

long as each members' individual<br />

savings lasted.<br />

King and the plan’s supporters<br />

say the changes are needed<br />

to contain the potential risk to<br />

taxpayers associated with<br />

Kansas’ unchecked pension<br />

liabilities, which could crowd<br />

out education, public safety<br />

and other programs, or force<br />

huge tax increases.<br />

A study published in<br />

December by University of<br />

Kansas economist Art Hall<br />

projects that, on its present<br />

course, KPERS spending could<br />

swell the state budget deficits<br />

$225 million to $580 million<br />

by 2023, depending on where<br />

the pension fund sets targets<br />

for investment returns, now 8<br />

percent.<br />

Critics say that design flaws<br />

in King's proposal would cost<br />

$10.9 billion more between<br />

now and 2033 than the original<br />

HB 2194 and that retirement<br />

benefits would be reduced, too.<br />

"That being the case, why<br />

should a more expensive plan<br />

even be given consideration?"<br />

asked Ernie Claudel, a retired<br />

Olathe school administrator,<br />

who often visits the Capitol to<br />

watch pension fund deliberations<br />

and blogs to other retirees<br />

Cutting future retirees' benefits<br />

amounts to short-sighted<br />

economics, Claudel said; the<br />

benefits checks KPERS sends<br />

to 68,000 retirees now represent<br />

more than $77.1 million<br />

going into the Kansas economy.<br />

Kansas legislators need to<br />

consider the Study<br />

Commission's more expensive<br />

plan for either alternative to<br />

survive, said state Rep. Ron<br />

Worley, R-Lenexa a member<br />

of the House Pensions and<br />

Benefits Committee, which<br />

held hearings on the plan<br />

Monday.<br />

It's the law, Worley said.<br />

If you like the <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Press</strong> please tell these Advertisers<br />

DCH Enterprises, Inc. doing business as<br />

Dave’s Body Shop and R&K Service<br />

Windshields<br />

Paintless<br />

dent repair<br />

Spray-in<br />

Bedliner<br />

Ina Roeth Ruby (Whitesell) Broman<br />

Ina turned 100 years old on Tuesday, February 7th.<br />

(Photo courtesy of <strong>Blue</strong> Valley Senior Living)<br />

Birth Announcement:<br />

Cooper Michael Watt<br />

Cooper Michael Watt was<br />

born at Mercy Hospital in<br />

Manhattan, Ks at 7:03 a.m. on<br />

February 10, 2012 weighing<br />

7lbs. 7 0z. and 20 1/2 inches<br />

long to Tiffany and Andrew<br />

Watt of Waterville, Ks.<br />

Contact<br />

Dave or Keith<br />

562-2338 562-3336<br />

Come on out for a free estimate at<br />

742 Pony Express Hwy.<br />

west of Marysville<br />

Grandparents are : Mike<br />

and Paula Watt, Susie Davis,<br />

and Jim Davis.<br />

Great Grandparents are<br />

Doris Bishop, Dorothy Davis,<br />

June Malloy, and Jan Barleen<br />

Owners: David & Christina Hartsook<br />

Brakes<br />

Tue ups<br />

Exhaust<br />

Engine repair<br />

Ruby turned 100 years old on January 29th. Cards can<br />

be sent to 232 Lindell Ave., Seward, NE 68434.<br />

(Photo courtesy of Bonnie Whitesell)<br />

Proposed KS Pension Changes Hamper Hiring<br />

Dr. Sara Baskerville-Crome<br />




785-562-1900<br />


Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday,<br />

Thursday, & Friday<br />

Mondays & 8:30 Thursdays AM - 5:30 9 a.m. PMto<br />

5 p.m.<br />

600 Sharp, <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong><br />

785-363-7755 Located at 1124 - Answering Pony Express phone Mon.-Sat. Highway<br />

Marysville, Kansas<br />

Route 77 Corner Stores<br />

<strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong> 785-363-7364<br />

Waterville 785-363-2641<br />

Roy and Mandi Hartloff<br />

Pick Up Your Copy Of the <strong>Blue</strong><br />

<strong>Rapids</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Press</strong> At Our Office at<br />

203 East 5th Street in <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong><br />

City of Frankfort will be taking bids<br />

for the construction of an addition to<br />

the current fire station. RFP’s can be<br />

picked up at City Hall after<br />

Wednesday, February 8th and will be<br />

due back to City Hall no later than,<br />

Friday, March 9th @ 4pm. For more<br />

information, please contact City Hall,<br />

785-292-4240.<br />

The City of <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong> is<br />

accepting applications for a lifeguards,<br />

pool manager and assistant<br />

manager. Applications can<br />

be obtained at city office.<br />

Application deadline is March<br />

12, 2012. EOE.<br />

785-363-7736.<br />


and CAT OWNERS IN<br />


All dogs and cats in the city limits of <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong><br />

must be licensed. Licenses are $5.00 if spayed or<br />

neutered ($10 if not) when purchased prior to March 31.<br />

Purchase at the City Office between the hours of<br />

8 and 4:30 Monday - Friday.<br />

A current rabies vaccination certificate is required.<br />

For Sale<br />

1987 Harley Davidson<br />

Softail Custom<br />

32,000 miles<br />

80 cubic inches, 5 speed<br />

$7,000 OBO<br />

Cell: 785-562-7509 or 785-363-7480<br />

Terry-Christie<br />

Funeral Home<br />

308 West Walnut, Waterville and 302 East 4th<br />

Street, <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong>; 785-363-2627<br />

“A Personal Approach to Service at a Very<br />

Personal Time.”

News <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Press</strong> - Thursday, February 16, 2012<br />

Marshall County Minutes<br />

February 6, 2012<br />

The Board of Marshall<br />

County Commissioners met in<br />

regular session with Thomas K.<br />

Holle Chairman; Charles R.<br />

Loiseau and Robert S. Connell<br />

members; and Sonya L. Stohs,<br />

County Clerk present.<br />

The meeting was called to<br />

order at 9:00 a.m.<br />

The Board opened the meeting<br />

with the flag salute.<br />

The minutes and agenda<br />

were approved as presented<br />

upon a motion by Charles R.<br />

Loiseau moved, seconded by<br />

Robert S. Connell.<br />

Unanimous.<br />

Custodian Lou Wassenberg<br />

met with the Board to let the<br />

Board know that her part-time<br />

help Beth Kohake gave her resignation<br />

effective February 15,<br />

Dane’s Automotive<br />

Stop in and see us for all your<br />

welding supplies and tires.<br />

All Automotive Repairs.<br />

Your Drop and Lock Hitch Dealer<br />

324 E. Front St., Waterville, Ks<br />

785-363-2143<br />

2012.<br />

Agency on Aging Director<br />

Heather Ruhkamp met with the<br />

Board. Charles R. Loiseau<br />

moved, seconded Robert S.<br />

Connell to go into executive<br />

session for twenty minutes at<br />

9:03 a.m., at the request of<br />

Agency on Aging Director<br />

Heather Ruhkamp, to discuss<br />

matters of non-elected personnel<br />

with Agency on Aging<br />

Director Heather Ruhkamp<br />

present. Unanimous.<br />

Robert S. Connell moved,<br />

seconded by Thomas K. Holle<br />

to approve the Home City<br />

Sewer bills and pay them from<br />

the appropriate funds available.<br />

Unanimous.<br />

Charles R. Loiseau moved,<br />

seconded by Thomas K. Holle<br />

to approve the following 2011<br />

abatements with a value of<br />

4,811 and a total tax of<br />

$835.49. Unanimous.<br />

Robert S. Connell moved,<br />

seconded by Thomas K. Holle<br />

to approve the Neighborhood<br />

Revitalization application for<br />

Precision Truss, Marysville,<br />

KS with the preconstruction<br />

pictures that were provided by<br />

the applicant. Unanimous.<br />

Public Works Administrator<br />

Mike Craig and Public Works<br />

Coordinating Supervisor Larry<br />

Polson met with the Board.<br />

Charles R. Loiseau moved,<br />

seconded by Robert S. Connell<br />

to approve the following purchase<br />

orders. Unanimous.<br />

Murphy Tractor and<br />

Equipment, Topeka, KS for<br />

repairs to loader $992.45-Road<br />

& Bridge fund-P.O. # 107593<br />

Charles R. Loiseau moved,<br />

seconded by Robert S. Connell<br />

to approve signing 2011<br />

Annual Noxious Weed<br />

Eradication Progress Report.<br />

Unanimous.<br />

Thomas K. Holle moved,<br />

seconded by Robert S. Connell<br />

to approve the 2012 Marshall<br />

County Annual Noxious Weed<br />

Management Plan.<br />

Unanimous.<br />

Wells Township Trustee<br />

Mike Bailey met with the<br />

Board to discuss vacating ¾ of<br />

a mile of road located between<br />

Sections 16 and 21 of Wells<br />

Township on Utah Road and<br />

asked about making some<br />

roads in the Township minimum<br />

maintenance.<br />

Thomas K. Holle moved,<br />

seconded by Robert S. Connell<br />

to go into executive session for<br />

ten minutes at 10:20 a.m. to<br />

discuss matters of non-elected<br />

personnel with Public Works<br />

Administrator Mike Craig and<br />

BUYING<br />


If you are wanting to save<br />

some money, maybe get an<br />

early start on your garden, and<br />

stretch your gardening season<br />

out, starting from seed indoors<br />

is a good way to do it.<br />

For more information, you<br />

can contact me at the Marshall<br />

County Extension Office by<br />

calling (785) 562-3531, or Email<br />

me with your questions at<br />

mvogt@ksu.edu.<br />


Competitive Pricing per ton for scrap<br />

iron.<br />

SMITTY’S<br />

785-736-2964<br />

Axtell, Kansas<br />

<strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Press</strong><br />

Jon A. and Linda L. Brake, Publishers<br />

Deb Barrington, Advertising, Photographer<br />

Chris Taylor, Page Layout and Design<br />

Web site: bluerapidsfreepress.com<br />

Subscriptions: <strong>e<strong>Free</strong><strong>Press</strong></strong> subscriptions are <strong>Free</strong><br />

Street Address:<br />

203 East 5th Street - NEW OFFICE - OPEN<br />

Mailing Address:<br />

Box 176, <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong>, Kansas, 66411<br />

E-Mail:<br />

brfreepress@kansas.net or jonbrake@kansas.net<br />

785-363-7779<br />

If you like the <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Press</strong> please tell these Advertisers<br />

Jim Daninghaus<br />

785-799-5643<br />

Baileyview, KS<br />

Jeff Cook<br />

785-564-2173<br />

Hanover, KS<br />


Dave Bures<br />

Auctioneer<br />

402-239-9717<br />

Odell, NE<br />

Public Works Coordinating<br />

Supervisor Larry Polson present.<br />

Unanimous.<br />

Lloyd Shubkagel met with<br />

the Board to discuss a cemetery<br />

in Waterville Township.<br />

Robert S. Connell moved,<br />

seconded by Charles R.<br />

Loiseau to go into executive<br />

session for ten minutes at 10:50<br />

a.m. to discuss non-elected personnel<br />

with County Clerk<br />

Sonya L. Stohs present.<br />

Unanimous.<br />

Charles R. Loiseau moved,<br />

seconded by Robert S. Connell<br />

to approve the following purchase<br />

orders. Unanimous.<br />

Merck, Carol Stream, IL for<br />

private vaccine $669.21-Health<br />

fund-P.O. # 4038<br />

Kansas Correctional<br />

Industries, Lansing, KS for finish<br />

bulk microfilming of old<br />

records and files $2,500.00-<br />

General (District Court) fund-<br />

P.O. # 4087<br />

Marbil Enterprises, Inc.,<br />

Bellville, IL for surveillance<br />

equipment $1,160.99-Special<br />

Law fund-P.O. # 4090<br />

Economic Development<br />

Director George McCune and<br />

Community Development<br />

Coordinator Juanita McCune<br />

met with the Board to give<br />

them a weekly update.<br />

The Board asked that<br />

Economic Development<br />

Director George McCune be<br />

the representative for Marshall<br />

County on the North Central<br />

Regional Planning<br />

Commission Board.<br />

Robert S. Connell moved,<br />

seconded by Charles R.<br />

Loiseau to adjourn at 12:10<br />

p.m. Unanimous. The next<br />

scheduled meeting will be<br />

Monday, February 13, 2012<br />

starting at 9:00 a.m.<br />

It’s About Time To Start Garden Plants From Seed<br />

By Michael Vogt<br />

Marshall County Extension<br />

Agent<br />

The last couple of year’s we<br />

have been starting our garden<br />

plants from seed. We have<br />

started our seed in our basement<br />

with a grow light. We<br />

have had success in the past.<br />

However, last year we struggled<br />

to have plants in good<br />

enough condition to plant and<br />

lost many. So, we moved our<br />

flats upstairs and put them in<br />

the warmest, lightest location<br />

in our house to grow plants<br />

from seed, the dining room.<br />

We did not eat at our dining<br />

room table for two months!<br />

Fortunately, starting plants<br />

from seed is not expensive to<br />

do and you can keep trying if<br />

you fail.<br />

So, this week I want to talk<br />

about what needs to be thought<br />

about before you start raising<br />

vegetables and flowers from<br />

seed.<br />

Growing plants from seed is<br />

by far the cheapest way to buy<br />

annual garden vegetables and<br />

flowers. Starting those seeds<br />

indoors extends the plants’<br />

growing season.<br />

Indoor seeding requires a<br />

kind of reverse thinking,<br />

though. It also requires certain<br />

types of information – starting<br />

with what’s on the seed packet.<br />

For example, a Kansas gardener<br />

wanting to plant leaf lettuce<br />

or a cole crop (e.g., broccoli,<br />

cabbage, cauliflower)<br />

needs to know the local average<br />

date for putting those vegetables’<br />

container-grown transplants<br />

in the garden.<br />

The vegetables are cool-season<br />

fans. According to K-State<br />

Research and Extension, their<br />

average transplant date is April<br />

7 -- although a week later can<br />

be prime time for our area.<br />

Starting with that transplant<br />

date, the gardener can then<br />

count back by the number of<br />

weeks those varieties need to<br />

reach transplant size. Once<br />

seeds sprout, that time period<br />

can vary widely. But, for many<br />

vegetables and annual flowers,<br />

it’s six to eight weeks. The<br />

indoor planting date for leaf<br />

lettuce and cole crops is around<br />

Feb. 11.<br />

In most years, however,<br />

Kansans can still transplant<br />

those crops until mid to late<br />

April – which allows time for<br />

successive plantings. So,<br />

indoor seeding from Feb. 12<br />

into early March can yield<br />

good results, too.<br />

In contrast, many warmthloving<br />

transplants typically<br />

enter the garden during mid-<br />

May. Counting backwards puts<br />

the average indoor seeding date<br />

at about March 24 for peppers<br />

and March 31 for tomatoes.<br />

I mentioned before, we had a<br />

terrible time last year starting<br />

plants from seed. This year, we<br />

built a grow light stand for our<br />

transplants and we have grown<br />

two flats of plants (one flat of a<br />

cool-season crop mix and one<br />

flat of tomatoes and peppers).<br />

We planted earlier than what I<br />

discussed, so my daughter,<br />

Jennifer, would have something<br />

to show as she demonstrates<br />

how to make and use a<br />

grow light during the Marshall<br />

County 4-H Club Day last<br />

week. We had plants up within<br />

five days. Maybe in the near<br />

future, I will write about how to<br />

make and manage a grow light.<br />

Greg Anderson<br />

785-747-8170<br />

Waterville, KS<br />

Trevor Lundberg<br />

785-770-2271<br />

Frankfort, KS<br />

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For <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong> and<br />

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785-292-4271 • 785-587-4931 • Frankfort, Kansas • droche@bluevalley.net

Classifieds <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Press</strong> - Thursday, February 16, 2012<br />

Senior Of The Week: Aaron Long<br />

By Jessica Vines<br />

VHHS Journalism<br />

Senior Aaron Long wants to<br />

be in the music industry, but his<br />

job of choice is to become an<br />

athletic team manager or director<br />

because he wants to make<br />

an impact on children’s lives.<br />

Long plans to attend college at<br />

Emporia State University<br />

because, “I know a few more<br />

people there, and I’ve been<br />

there a lot.”<br />

Long is the Son of Misty and<br />

David Long and has three sisters;<br />

Carrie, Kristin, and<br />

Amanda, and one brother,<br />

Jason. “My sister Kristin has<br />

really helped me stay focused<br />

as well as my parents.” states<br />

Long.<br />

One thing that Long has<br />

done that most people haven’t<br />

is served as manager at the<br />

Shrine Bowl. The Shrine Bowl<br />

is an All-Star football game that<br />

features the best players from<br />

sixty-eight school teams in the<br />

state of Kansas. This experience<br />

gave Long a memory that<br />

he will never forget. “I’m the<br />

first Valley Heights team member<br />

to be on the winning<br />

Shriner Bowl team.” The Play<br />

Off Game is an All Star game<br />

that raises money for Shriners<br />

Hospital.<br />

Home Notes<br />

By Susan A. Latta - CEA<br />

Marshall County Extension<br />

Agent<br />

Some men are not good<br />

fathers. So are children any better<br />

off without them in their<br />

lives? The research shows that<br />

Yes they are. Sadly, there are<br />

consequences of the separation<br />

that cannot be completely<br />

avoided.<br />

Single mothers can show<br />

tremendous courage in working<br />

alone to raise their children.<br />

Unfortunately, their heroism<br />

typically goes unrecognized.<br />

Adoptive parents can literally<br />

save the lives of the children<br />

they bring in to their lives.<br />

Stepfathers can make tremendous<br />

sacrifices on behalf of<br />

their stepchildren. However,<br />

these men, no matter how well<br />

intentioned can’t replace the<br />

birth fathers.<br />

Children who are separated<br />

from those who brought them<br />

into the world have a gap in<br />

their hearts that cannot be completely<br />

filled by a remaining<br />

parent, a stepparent, or adoptive<br />

parent. A child’s life is in<br />

three parts: child, father, and<br />

mother. When one is gone, a<br />

part of the child’s life is missing,<br />

and the consequences for<br />

both parent and child can be<br />

harmful.<br />

Young men who are or could<br />

be sexually active should<br />

understand the lifetime impact<br />

on the children who could be<br />

brought into the world. For too<br />

long professionals have sold<br />

the idea to our culture that biological<br />

fathers are unnecessary,<br />

that any loving man (or<br />

woman), would do. As difficult<br />

as it might be for some to<br />

accept, the research shows that<br />

this is not true.<br />

Biology does matter. We<br />

know the impact of father<br />

absence and presence on both<br />

girls and boys. Understanding<br />

why this is true is difficult to<br />

explain because our science is<br />

The Marshall County Arts<br />

Cooperative is opening the doors to<br />

the Lee Dam Center for Fine Art for<br />

a special showing of the exhibit,<br />

“Unmasking Mental Illness.” As an<br />

added incentive, the cooperative is<br />

inviting guests to have lunch while<br />

viewing the display.<br />

“Lunch with the Arts,” the first in<br />

a series of monthly luncheons<br />

scheduled for the center, will be<br />

Friday, February 17, from 11:00<br />

a.m. until 2:00 p.m.<br />

“We want to attract as many people<br />

to the art center as possible,”<br />

said Renee Hoffman, the chairper-<br />

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Long has been the Football<br />

manager for four years, basketball<br />

manager for three years<br />

and track three years. Long has<br />

also been in: FFA one year,<br />

KAYs one year Library<br />

Assistant one year, Band four<br />

years, Vocal/Show Choir three<br />

years, VH Club four years, and<br />

FCA one year.<br />

Long uses a quote that is<br />

from the Bible, which gets him<br />

through the day, “My Belief is<br />

that it’s greater to lose my life<br />

for the sake of the gospel of<br />

Christ than to keep it.” This<br />

quote inspires Long because,<br />

“No matter what the Lord has<br />

in store for my life, He should<br />

get the glory. God could’ve<br />

called me to heaven when I was<br />

born. However, he has a purpose<br />

for me on earth,” says<br />

Long.<br />

Long collects the Left<br />

Behind series of novels, which<br />

are Christian based books<br />

about the end of time. “They<br />

show the earth’s last days<br />

through four kids and adults’<br />

views.”<br />

Long wants to be remembered<br />

as the person who never<br />

wasted his time. “We have a<br />

very short time here on earth.<br />

No one knows where or when<br />

God will take their breath<br />

inadequate.<br />

Being a father is more than<br />

biology though. The word<br />

“father” has to be a verb, not<br />

just a noun. Fathers have to<br />

prove their worth. Children<br />

want their fathers to become<br />

their heroes. Courage is doing<br />

the right thing even if you are<br />

afraid; heroism is putting that<br />

courage to work for a noble<br />

purpose. What could be a more<br />

noble purpose than being a parent<br />

who takes an active role by<br />

nurturing and guiding a young<br />

life?<br />

What does becoming a heroic<br />

father for children mean?<br />

Fathers have to achieve four<br />

outcomes to be seen as a hero<br />

in their children’s eyes. Each<br />

outcome can be summarized by<br />

one word: stability, devotion,<br />

respect, and integrity. Each outcome<br />

is a test that challenges<br />

fathers, especially when they<br />

are separated from their children.<br />

First, stability means having<br />

a respectful relationship with<br />

the child’s mother. When both<br />

parents care about each other,<br />

making that love evident to<br />

their children contributes to<br />

that stability. Even though the<br />

love between parents can sadly<br />

disappear, the love for their<br />

children can endure.<br />

When parents are divorced,<br />

conflict with each other is very<br />

stressful for children. Children<br />

do not want to be used as<br />

pawns in a game or revenge<br />

between parents. Moreover,<br />

they will lose respect for a parent<br />

who demeans the other. A<br />

father who treats the child’s<br />

mother fairly and says only<br />

what is positive about her to<br />

their children takes the high<br />

road that wins the child’s admiration.<br />

Second, devotion means putting<br />

our child’s well being<br />

before our own. This requires a<br />

sacrifice of time to be a part of<br />

a child’s life. It means giving<br />

son for the cooperative’s committee<br />

that oversees the center. “We<br />

thought if we served lunch that<br />

would attract people to view the<br />

exhibit during their lunch period.<br />

It’s a great atmosphere to have a<br />

casual lunch while viewing some<br />

really interesting art pieces.”<br />

The exhibit is presented in collaboration<br />

with Pawnee Mental<br />

Health Services, and it includes a<br />

display of art from Pawnee’s<br />

clients, families, and friends that<br />

reside in ten counties. The exhibit<br />

features more than sixty pieces of<br />

work ranging from paintings to pot-<br />

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away. That being said, we need<br />

to use the time we have to bring<br />

glory to God,” said Long. Long<br />

is very unique in his own way<br />

which makes him different<br />

from other people. “I’m not<br />

tender and nurturing hugs, listening<br />

to a child, and sharing<br />

our feeling in words that children<br />

can understand. By sharing<br />

how we feel, we can give<br />

our children an opportunity for<br />

kindness. Sharing such experiences<br />

shows that we have the<br />

strength to be open, to be a<br />

window not a wall. Devotion<br />

means proving we care.<br />

Third, respect means standing<br />

for something worth teaching.<br />

If you have a child (or can<br />

imagine having one), imagine<br />

the child growing older...then<br />

older, until he or she is late<br />

middle aged. A friend<br />

approaches your adult child<br />

and asks, “When you were<br />

growing up what did you learn<br />

from your father? What did<br />

your father stand for? (The<br />

same could be said for mothers<br />

as well). How would you want<br />

your adult child to respond?<br />

Children who answer the<br />

question positively with an<br />

expression of gratitude reveal<br />

the extent of their respect for<br />

their fathers. We teach the<br />

important things by making<br />

important limits “Treat people<br />

gently!” is a better teaching<br />

limit than “No hitting!” We use<br />

our authority to convey principles<br />

that can last a lifetime.<br />

This means setting fair and<br />

clear limits for children and<br />

enforcing them when necessary.<br />

We accept the burden of<br />

authority that is an important<br />

element in our relationships<br />

with our children. Mothers and<br />

fathers should be friendly to<br />

their children but understand<br />

that having authority means<br />

that they cannot really be their<br />

children’s friends. Real friendship<br />

has to wait until their children<br />

are old enough to be free<br />

of parental authority.<br />

Fourth, integrity means making<br />

our words matter. We have<br />

to think before we speak<br />

because we will be challenged<br />

to be faithful to what we say.<br />

Arts Cooperative to Host Luncheon<br />

Classifieds<br />

Pancake Supper<br />

St. Mark¹s Episcopal<br />

Church, <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong>, will have<br />

its annual Shrove<br />

Tuesday pancake supper<br />

from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Feb. 21 at<br />

the church.<br />

A free-will offering will be<br />

taken.<br />

The menu will be pancakes,<br />

sausage, orange juice and coffee.<br />

A portion of the proceeds<br />

will go toward food programs<br />

in the community.<br />

St. Mark¹s Episcopal is at<br />

Sixth and Lincoln streets.<br />

tery, and it brings attention to the<br />

fact that mental disorders are common<br />

in the United States.<br />

“This is a really unique exhibit<br />

that features a variety of pieces,”<br />

Hoffman said. “We’re exploring<br />

various times to have the art center<br />

open to attract a crowd. We thought<br />

over the lunch hour might be a way<br />

to attract some new clients.”<br />

While viewing the exhibit guests<br />

can enjoy a casual lunch that features<br />

sandwiches, salads, potato<br />

chips, desserts, and drinks. The cost<br />

of the lunch is $5.00.<br />

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Aaron Long<br />

afraid to stand up for what is<br />

right,” says Long. “If something<br />

is there that I think is<br />

wrong, I’m going to make it<br />

known.”<br />

Therefore, if we say we will go<br />

see a child’s performance at a<br />

school play we have to be there<br />

no matter how inconvenient it<br />

might be. Excuses do not work<br />

with children because they<br />

view our making commitments<br />

as promises.<br />

The same is true for setting<br />

consequences for misbehavior.<br />

Telling a toddler, “If you throw<br />

your spaghetti on the floor one<br />

more time, we are not going to<br />

grandma’s house this weekend!”<br />

The child throws the<br />

spaghetti on the floor. Now<br />

what? Will we do what we said<br />

we would? We could respond,<br />

“What I just said was a mistake.<br />

Now you have to leave<br />

the table and help me clean up<br />

the mess.” Mistakes are human.<br />

Saying that we made a mistake<br />

or telling children, “I am sorry”<br />

too often though, diminishes<br />

our integrity and the respect<br />

they have for us. Better to<br />

choose our words wisely at the<br />

outset.<br />

Stability, devotion, respect,<br />

and integrity are four outcomes<br />

that are important achievements<br />

for both parents.<br />

Mothers and fathers are likely<br />

to follow different paths in a<br />

common journey to become<br />

heroes in their children’s memories.<br />

Just being a father,<br />

though, does not deserve the<br />

mantle of being a hero. We<br />

have to earn that position in a<br />

child’s mind by making sacrifices,<br />

being there whenever<br />

possible, and showing our love<br />

in many different ways. For<br />

some men that journey is a<br />

rocky road. If so, its difficulty<br />

also provides greater opportunities<br />

for nobility for over coming<br />

fear and earning our child’s<br />

respect and admiration. When<br />

we do, we have passed the test<br />

for becoming a hero in our children’s<br />

eyes.<br />

month,” Hoffman said. “Right<br />

now, we’re in the process of setting<br />

up exhibits for the coming months.<br />

We think this has a lot of potential.”<br />

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Sports <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Press</strong> - Thursday, February 16, 2012<br />

<strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong> Historical Society To Make Community Cookbook<br />

Food plays a very important<br />

part in our history. From the<br />

jerky carried in saddlebags and<br />

the stews cooked over campfires<br />

to microwave dinners.<br />

Memories are strongly influ-<br />

By Gene Meyer<br />

Kansas Reporter<br />

TOPEKA — Kansas road<br />

builders are upset over a proposal<br />

in the state House to<br />

withhold $351 million from<br />

state highway projectsin order<br />

to helpcut state income-tax<br />

rates for families and small<br />

businesses.<br />

“There has got to be a better<br />

way to reduce personal and<br />

corporate income taxes than<br />

taking it out of highway construction,”<br />

said Brian Hansen,<br />

of Dustrol Inc., a major state<br />

highway contractor in<br />

Towanda.<br />

“Kansas legislators in the<br />

last 20 years of highway pro-<br />

A benefit dinner will be held<br />

for the Medina family at the<br />

Valley Heights High School on<br />

February 17th from 5 p.m. to 7<br />

p.m. serving Sloppy-Joes,<br />

baked beans, chips, relishes<br />

enced by food. We remember<br />

the potato soup our mothers<br />

made on cold winter days and<br />

the hand cranked ice cream in<br />

the summer. Generations of<br />

families have come together at<br />

grams already have ‘borrowed’<br />

more than $1.5 billion, which<br />

they’ve never paid back,”<br />

Hansen said. “This would decimate<br />

our business.”<br />

State Rep. Richard Carlson,<br />

R-St. Mary’s, this week introduced<br />

a proposed state tax<br />

overhaul plan he and other<br />

House leaders say addresses<br />

problems with a competing<br />

plan proposed by Gov. Sam<br />

Brownback in January. Carlson<br />

is chairman of the House<br />

Taxation Committee.<br />

Both plans propose to reduce<br />

the income tax rates that most<br />

Kansans pay — by as much as<br />

24 percent in some cases —<br />

and to hold Kansas government<br />

and dessert. A free will donation<br />

will be given to the Medina<br />

family. The dinner is sponsored<br />

by the New Hope<br />

Presbyterian Youth Group and<br />

friends of the Medina family.<br />

mealtime to share the details of<br />

their day and celebrate the<br />

important milestones in their<br />

lives. The <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong><br />

Historical Society is compiling<br />

a cookbook to celebrate the his-<br />

spending growth to no more<br />

than 2 percent annually to<br />

allow further cuts that will<br />

abolish state income taxes<br />

eventually.<br />

Brownback’s plan would<br />

make permanent a temporary<br />

state sales tax increase due to<br />

expire this year and wipe out<br />

home mortgage and other popular<br />

deductions and tax credits<br />

to make state tax codes, in his<br />

words, simpler, flatter and fairer.<br />

Carlson’s plan keeps the<br />

deductions and credits, which<br />

cut taxes for lower-income taxpayers<br />

instead of raising them<br />

slightly as Brownback's plan,<br />

and allows the sales tax<br />

increase to expire on schedule.<br />

The reduced sales tax is at<br />

the root of the road builders'<br />

anger.<br />

The reduction of what originally<br />

was a 1 percentage point<br />

sales tax increase — to 6.3 percent<br />

— passed in 2010, is<br />

tory and heritage of the <strong>Blue</strong><br />

<strong>Rapids</strong> area. If you have any<br />

special recipes, with stories or<br />

pictures, we would love to<br />

include them in this cookbook.<br />

Old recipes handed down,<br />

scheduled July 1 to drop to 5.7<br />

percent. The remaining 0.4 percent,<br />

or about $160 million<br />

annually, would be dedicated<br />

permanently to the Kansas<br />

Department of Transportation,<br />

or KDOT.<br />

But Carlson’s plan calls for<br />

Kansas to keep the first two<br />

years of that money, or about<br />

$351 million, to pay the costs<br />

of tax reduction. KDOT would<br />

get the sales tax money after<br />

that, along with an additional<br />

$50 million yearly until the<br />

$351 million from the first two<br />

years is repaid.<br />

“They get regular funding as<br />

time goes on,” Carlson said<br />

Friday before the plan was<br />

introduced in his committee.<br />

“I’m sure they would prefer it<br />

not be done.”<br />

That is an understatement,<br />

said Kip Spray, president of<br />

Venture Corp., a 40-year-old,<br />

family-owned road building<br />

contractor in Great Bend.<br />

newer tried and true favorites<br />

and those reflecting the different<br />

cultural background of our<br />

community would be greatly<br />

appreciated. Contact Betty<br />

Ball at 785-268-0186 Mary<br />

The <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong> Museum Hosts Valentine’s Breakfast<br />

The <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong> Muesum had a good turn out of their Valentine’s Breakfast.<br />

Betty Feldhausen<br />

Turns 90 On Feb. 25<br />

Betty (Mrs. Clifford)<br />

Feldhausen, formery Betty<br />

McRae of <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong>, will be<br />

celebrating her 90th birthday<br />

on February 25th. For anyone<br />

who would like to send birthday<br />

wishes, her address is:<br />

1655 S. Georgetown, Apt.<br />

#224, Wichita, Kansas 67218.<br />

The Valley Heights<br />

National Honor Society<br />

Will be holding a Carnival<br />

on Sat. Feb. 18th from 7<br />

p.m. - 8:30 p.m. in the<br />

<strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong> Gym<br />

Photos by Deb Barrington.<br />

Judy Hiatt of Mommas Treasures & Memories was making jewlery<br />

during the <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong> Museum Breakfast.<br />

$50 Mill Mortgage Deal Won't Bring Quick Relief<br />

By Gene Meyer<br />

Kansas Reporter<br />

TOPEKA — Kansas' $50million<br />

slice of a record national<br />

settlement of mortgageabuse<br />

claims won't offer quick<br />

relief for beleaguered homeowners,<br />

credit experts say.<br />

Even the attorneys general<br />

who helped put the national<br />

$25-billion package together<br />

say it will take a month or more<br />

to determine distribution plans<br />

for the money. It may take as<br />

long as three years to distribute<br />

the promised help, according to<br />

information on a national attorneys<br />

general website,<br />

www.nationalforeclosuresettlement.com.<br />

Five of the nation's largest<br />

home-mortgage companies<br />

agreed to pay the money to settle<br />

allegations of loan-processing<br />

abuses. The money will<br />

help, said Justin Robinson,<br />

education director of the<br />

Consumer Credit Counseling<br />

Service Inc. chapter in Wichita.<br />

"People had good jobs and<br />

were making their mortgage<br />

payments, then they lost their<br />

jobs," Robinson said. "What<br />

we're seeing in Wichita is that<br />

even if they find another job<br />

right away, many don't get the<br />

same pay as before, and it gets<br />

difficult to keep up with the<br />

mortgage."<br />

Homeowners should not<br />

expect immediate relief, and<br />

strict application rules could<br />

slow the process even further.<br />

It may take a long time to<br />

deliver the promised relief if<br />

the process is too rigid, said<br />

Rick Sippel, a Consumer Credit<br />

Counseling Service Inc. counselor<br />

in Salina, who already<br />

works daily to help clients out<br />

of mortgage jams.<br />

Mortgage reduction is timeconsuming<br />

work, and the<br />

lenders' agents he works with<br />

are each handling as many as<br />

100 cases a month, Sippel said.<br />

“It’s impossible to deal with<br />

that many cases now,” Sippel<br />

said.<br />

“I know it would be more<br />

costly, but I would like to see<br />

the lenders spend more money<br />

up front training the people<br />

who are manning the phones<br />

and doing the paperwork to<br />

think on their feet instead of<br />

reading a script on a computer<br />

screen,” he said.<br />

Any help is welcome, said<br />

Kevin Andrews, a mortgage<br />

counseling executive at the<br />

Urban League of Wichita,<br />

where 694 Wichita-area homeowners<br />

last year sought help in<br />

trying to make their mortgages<br />

more affordable.<br />

“When you are upside down<br />

in your home and are unemployed<br />

or under employed, this<br />

helps,” Andrews said.<br />

Realtor John Brocker said<br />

he fears that fully restoring the<br />

financial health of housing<br />

markets may take even longer<br />

than the three years outlined in<br />

the settlement timetable.<br />

“It’s a lot like the crisis in<br />

farmland values we had back in<br />

the 1970s and '80s,” said<br />

Brocker, president of Allen<br />

County Real Estate in Iola and<br />

the Kansas Association of<br />

Realtors.<br />

“Farmland prices didn’t turn<br />

around and start coming back<br />

up until all the farm foreclo-<br />

Adult Open Gym<br />

At <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong><br />

Aaron DeWalt goes up for a layup.<br />

Photos by Deb Barrington.<br />

sures we had back then cleared<br />

the market, and that took<br />

years,” Brocker said. “We’re<br />

still deep in the woods, even<br />

though we’re starting to walk<br />

out."<br />

Realtytrac, the Irvine Calif.,<br />

firm that has become the U.S.’<br />

most widely recognized collector<br />

of home foreclosure market<br />

statistics, estimates 996 homes<br />

in Kansas, or one in 1,239, are<br />

in some stage of foreclosure<br />

proceedings and predicts the<br />

number will rise in 2012.<br />

That’s on top of nearly 15,300<br />

homes on the Kansas market<br />

now, which the Kansas<br />

Association of Realtors calculates<br />

is a seven-month supply at<br />

the current pace of sales.<br />

More than 88,000 Kansans<br />

were unemployed last month,<br />

according to the Kansas<br />

Department of Labor, said<br />

Angela Berland, a deputy<br />

director of the Kansas department's<br />

Labor Market<br />

Information Services Division.<br />

Other federal Labor<br />

Department statistics indicate<br />

that almost that many more are<br />

Road Builders Blast a KS House Tax-Cut Plan<br />

Benefit Dinner For<br />

The Medina Family<br />

discouraged workers who temporarily<br />

stopped looking for<br />

jobs or were working part time<br />

or in lower-paying jobs.<br />

8A<br />

Alice Baker at 785-363-7193<br />

or email<br />

brcookbook@yahoo.com to<br />

contribute recipes.<br />

The <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong><br />

Chamber Of Commerce<br />

Meets on the 4th Tuesday of Every<br />

Month At The <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong><br />

Community Center At 7 p.m.<br />

The Public Is Invited To Attend<br />

The <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong><br />

Museum is accepting<br />

bids for electrical work<br />

and heating/ac.<br />

Contact Pat Osborne 363 7949<br />

or Dee DeMelo at 363 7938.<br />



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Fried Chicken and Second Meat<br />

Mashed Potato<br />

Corn and Green Beans<br />

Salad Bar<br />

Dessert $8.00<br />

First and Third Sunday 11:00-1:30<br />

March 4th and 18th<br />





22, 29 FEBRUARY<br />

7, 14, 21, 28 MARCH<br />

4 APRIL<br />




News <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Press</strong> - Thursday, February 16, 2012 9A<br />

VH Junior High Boys Finish 3rd in BVL Tournament<br />

By Coach Gary Bargdill<br />

Valley Heights Junior High<br />

Boys were seated #4 this year<br />

in the <strong>Blue</strong> Valley League<br />

Tournament. They started the<br />

tournament against #5 seated<br />

Linn Bulldogs on Monday winning<br />

42-26 in Clyde. The<br />

Junior Mustangs were led in<br />

scoring by Logan Woodyard<br />

who had 17 points. Micah<br />

Kenworthy added 10, Anthony<br />

Edwards 6, Jarrett Whitson 5,<br />

and Keaton DeWalt 4.<br />

In the semi-finals on<br />

Thursday the VHJH Mustangs<br />

met the #1 seed Washington<br />

Tigers in Clifton. In a hard<br />

fought battle with several lead<br />

changes throughout the game,<br />

the Mustangs came up short<br />

losing a tough defensive battle<br />

32-29.<br />

In the consolation game on<br />

Saturday, the Mustangs met the<br />

#3 Luckey Cardinals. After<br />

building an 11 point half time<br />

lead of 28-17, the Junior<br />

Mustangs held off a 4th quarter<br />

run by Luckey to win 45-39.<br />

The Junior Mustangs were led<br />

in scoring by Micah<br />

Kenworthy and Logan<br />

Woodyard both with 15 points.<br />

Keton DeWalt had 6, Anthony<br />

Edwards 4, Layton Hartloff 3,<br />

and Jarrett Whitson finished<br />

with 2. Congratulatins to the<br />

boys on their 3rd place finish<br />

and an another exciting season<br />

Anthony Edwards (10) jumps high to take a shot.<br />

Madison Hargrave (23) takes a shot as<br />

the Hanover defense closes in.<br />

Sydney Cartier (22) and Shelby Vermetten (30) work together to keep Hanover’s<br />

Paige Doebele (20) from moving closer to the net.<br />

By Coach Noel<br />

aggressive play, downing the ished with a record of 11-5, with<br />

The JH Lady Mustangs didn't locals by a score of 28-35. their losses coming to Luckey<br />

finish the season the way they In the 3rd place game, the (2), Hanover (2), and<br />

had hoped, struggling to score ladies again found their team Washington (1). Washington<br />

points in the semifinals and drop- trailing to Luckey late, but used a won the BVL Girls title, with<br />

ping an overtime game in the surge of energy in the last 90 sec- Hanover placing 2nd and Luckey<br />

consolation bracket at Clifton. onds to push the game into over- earning 3rd.<br />

Against Hanover in the semitime. Sara Mann hit 2 big The B team finished with a 3-<br />

finals, the girls could only put 28 freethrows to make that possible, 9 record and finished 4th in the B<br />

points on the board, well below but the ladies were unable to fin- tournament hosted by<br />

their season average, and ish the game off, taking 4th by a Washington at mid-season.<br />

Hanover was able to capitalize score of 42-40.<br />

The C team finished with a 2-<br />

on some late freethrows and On the season, the A team fin-<br />

Photos by Deb Barrington.<br />

3 record.<br />

Back Row (Left to Right): Coach Schreiner, Will Yungeberg, Adrian Pishny, Layton Hartloff, Anthony Edwards,<br />

Micah Kenworthy, Garrett Link, Jarrett Whitson and Assistant Coach Bargdill.<br />

Front Row (Left to Right): Manager Jared Oatney, Tanner Chartier, Harrison Blaske, Bryan Yungeberg,<br />

Logan Woodyard, Keaton DeWalt and Manager Quentin Blaske. (Photo courtesy of Ryan Woodyard)<br />

Jarrett Whitson (23) holds on tight to keep control of<br />

the ball.<br />

Kayla Smith (45) takes a shot over the<br />

heads of the Hanover defense.<br />

Keaton DeWalt (32) takes a shot while surrounded by<br />

the Washington County defense.<br />

Jr. High Lady Mustangs Take 4th In BVL Tournament<br />

Brandi Roepke (55) passes the ball to Kayla Smith (45) while surrounded by the<br />

Hanover defense.

Sports <strong>Blue</strong> <strong>Rapids</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Press</strong> - Thursday, February 16, 2012<br />

Max Blaske (5) focuses on the net as he gets ready to<br />

take a shot while the Onaga defense closes in.<br />

Drew Mann (35) looks for an opening and scored 16<br />

points for Valley Heights.<br />

Kelsey Potter (24) moves in towards the net as she<br />

scored 11 points for the Lady Mustangs.<br />

Photos by Deb Barrington.<br />

Dylan Parker (35) went up in the 1st quarter for a layup<br />

and also had the winning basket at the end of the game!<br />

10A 10<br />

Mustangs Out Run Onaga Buffaloes, 46 - 44<br />

Charles Musil (24) and Dylan Parker (35) work together to try and keep Onaga’s<br />

Riley Falk (15) from getting the rebound<br />

Lady Mustangs<br />

Win Over Onaga<br />

Buffaloes, 58 - 41<br />

Tanner Trimble (10) and Gage Woodyard (00) try to keep Onaga’s Riley Falk (15)<br />

from taking a shot.<br />

Sheldon Kenworthy (30) shoves his was past Buffaloes’<br />

Mitchell Duer (3) on hiw way to the net.

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