[Sample B: Approval/Signature Sheet] - George Mason University

[Sample B: Approval/Signature Sheet] - George Mason University

[Sample B: Approval/Signature Sheet] - George Mason University


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events leading up to the assassination, Oswald resented the help his mother and the<br />

Russian-expatriate community gave to Marina. He had no lasting friendships, and only<br />

seemed to care about his daughters. His efforts to establish himself as a recognized left-<br />

wing political activist failed, as did his attempt to kill General Walker. “To the American<br />

left,” McMillan wrote, “Lee Oswald did not exist. Yet this was the community he<br />

yearned to belong to and whose hero he hoped to become.” 186<br />

In the end, McMillan’s portrait of Oswald bolstered the image of the alleged<br />

assassin in the Warren Commission report. Here was a true loner whose only meaningful<br />

relationship -- his marriage to Marina -- was a failure. McMillan also dismissed the<br />

possibility of Oswald as an intelligence agent and or a conspirator: “I have often asked<br />

Marina whether Lee might have been capable of joining with an accomplice to kill the<br />

President. Never, she says. Lee was too secretive ever to have told anyone his plans.<br />

Nor could he have acted in concert, accepted orders, or obeyed any plan by anybody<br />

else.” 187 Years later, Marina would change her view of whether her late husband was a<br />

patsy, but with this author, she hewed to the official line.<br />

Marina provided details of her love life with Oswald, including the fact that she<br />

had cheated on him in Minsk while he was away in Moscow seeking approval to return to<br />

the United States. She gave somewhat mixed opinions on Oswald’s love-making.<br />

According to Marina, Oswald “ejaculated too soon, before Marina was ready. It made<br />

her so furious that at times she could have hit him.” “As time went on,” McMillan<br />

186 McMillan, 365.<br />

187 McMillan, 453.<br />


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