[Sample B: Approval/Signature Sheet] - George Mason University

[Sample B: Approval/Signature Sheet] - George Mason University

[Sample B: Approval/Signature Sheet] - George Mason University


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The Commission concluded, “Many factors were undoubtedly involved in<br />

Oswald’s motivation for the assassination,” and that it cannot “ascribe to him any one<br />

motive or group of motives.” Instead the Commission stressed Oswald’s “overriding<br />

hostility to his environment,” his failure to establish meaningful relationships,” his effort<br />

to find for himself “a place in history,” and “his commitment to Marxism and<br />

communism.” 86 He was in the Commission’s view the disturbed loner who tried to be a<br />

“great man” by slaying the president, fitting the supposed pattern of political<br />

assassinations in the United States. Oswald the cipher yearned for greatness and became<br />

Oswald the assassin. In this version of Oswald’s life, the Commission steadfastly<br />

avoided any suggestion of a conspiracy and obscured the alleged assassin’s ties to groups<br />

that could have played a role in the assassination, including U.S. and Soviet intelligence<br />

agencies, Cuba, anti-Castro Cubans, right-wing extremists, and organized crime. The<br />

Commission tried to give the impression of thoroughness without thoroughly<br />

investigating all leads, dismissing or ignoring evidence of a possible conspiracy<br />

uncovered by independent researchers, New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison, and<br />

congressional investigators.<br />

The Warren Commission had sought to head off criticism through an appeal to<br />

governmental authority and the stellar reputations of its members. Fundamentally, the<br />

Commission grounded its authority in all sides of the U.S. political establishment: all<br />

branches of the government were represented by current or former officials – legislative,<br />

executive, and judiciary – and the bipartisan panel was evenly divided between<br />

86 WC Report, 423.<br />


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