[Sample B: Approval/Signature Sheet] - George Mason University

[Sample B: Approval/Signature Sheet] - George Mason University

[Sample B: Approval/Signature Sheet] - George Mason University


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Groden and Livingstone called Oswald “the first witness” of many to die in the<br />

Kennedy case. 615 Oswald allegedly knew too much from being a covert operative<br />

overseas and in the United States. “Clearly,” the authors wrote, “Oswald was no ordinary<br />

lone nut assassin. Oswald had to have been trained in the Russian language by the<br />

military. He was stationed at Atsugi Air Base in Japan, the famous U-2 base, and<br />

eventually spent a couple of years in Russia as a ‘defector.’” 616 Groden and Livingstone<br />

noted that Oswald associated with people connected with U.S. intelligence after his return<br />

to the United States. They speculated that Ferrie used his homosexuality to control<br />

Oswald from an early age: “Like a guided missile, [Oswald] became a double agent, an<br />

agent provocateur, and finally the victim of the double cross.” 617<br />

Groden and Livingstone believed Oswald probably did not even go to Mexico<br />

City ahead of the assassination to visit the Soviet and Cuban embassies. The authors<br />

alleged that people with intelligence connections were “laying a trail leading to Oswald,<br />

the designated patsy,” and linking him to Castro. 618 Part of the mystery concerned the<br />

photograph – initially identified as being of Oswald leaving the Cuban or Soviet<br />

embassies – taken by the CIA in Mexico City. The man clearly was not Oswald, and<br />

appeared stockier and older. The CIA has never been able to explain who in fact is<br />

pictured, and why no photographs of Oswald entering or leaving the embassy exist<br />

despite extensive surveillance.<br />

615 Groden and Livingstone, 131.<br />

616 Groden and Livingstone, 190.<br />

617 Groden and Livingstone, 292.<br />

618 Groden and Livingstone, 192.<br />


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