[Sample B: Approval/Signature Sheet] - George Mason University

[Sample B: Approval/Signature Sheet] - George Mason University

[Sample B: Approval/Signature Sheet] - George Mason University


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money off the tragedy in Dallas. Certainly, he presented a one-sided case on behalf of<br />

Oswald to counterbalance the perceived one-sidedness of the official report. As the<br />

British historian Hugh Trevor-Roper wrote in his introduction to Rush to Judgment, If the<br />

Warren Commission had allowed Mr. Lane to contest their evidence before judgment,<br />

there would have been no need of his book.” 492<br />

Richard Popkin, a history and philosophy professor, was another advocate of the<br />

double Oswald theory. His study first published in 1966 was simply titled The Second<br />

Oswald. Popkin rejected the quick solution of the crime that “one lonely alienated man<br />

had done the deed all by himself.” 493 While he acknowledged that some of the evidence<br />

against Oswald was convincing, he stated the official theory of the assassination was<br />

“implausible” and involved a “fantastic amount of luck.” 494 Popkin sought to demolish<br />

key evidence in the Warren Commission’s case against Oswald (i.e. the “magic bullet”)<br />

and to advance his own theory of the second Oswald that he believed better explained the<br />

problems, inconsistencies, and discrepancies in the evidence.<br />

Popkin summarized much of the testimony of the double Oswald as related in<br />

Lane’s book. Popkin wrote that: “people report that they dealt with Oswald under odd or<br />

suggestive circumstances,” including witnesses who saw him “at a rifle range hitting<br />

bull’s eyes,” and that “he and two Latin types tried to get financing for illegal activities<br />

492<br />

Hugh Trevor-Roper, “Introduction,” Rush to Judgment, 17.<br />

493<br />

Richard H. Popkin, The Second Oswald, (Raleigh, NC: Boson Books, 2006 (1966), 1.<br />

494<br />

Popkin, 3.<br />


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