List of participants - IN2P3

List of participants - IN2P3

List of participants - IN2P3


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<strong>List</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>participants</strong><br />

Title Name First Name Institute Country E-mail<br />

Dr. AHUJA RAMESH LAVISION GmbH Germany rahuja@lavision.de<br />

Mr. AICHER Klaus-Peter HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS Deutschland Germany vpoulin@hamamatsu.fr<br />

Dr. Arisaka Katsushi UCLA, Dept. <strong>of</strong> Physics and Astronomy USA arisaka@physics.ucla.edu<br />

Mr. BADIER JEAN Leprince Ringuet France badier@in2p3.fr<br />

Dr. Balcerzyk Marcin Weizmann Institute <strong>of</strong> Science Israel Marcin.Balcerzyk@weizmann.ac.il<br />

Mr. BARBIER Rémi IPN Lyon France rbarbier@ipnl.in2p3.fr<br />

Dr. Belcari Nicola Department <strong>of</strong> Physics, University <strong>of</strong> Pisa Italy belcari@df.unipi.it<br />

Mr. Bellunato Tito CERN Switzerland Tito.Bellunato@cern.ch<br />


Dr. Benz Rudy ITT Night Vision USA rudy.benz@itt.com<br />

Mrs. BORREL-DEGOND VERONIQUE CESR -GIATHE France borrel@cesr.fr<br />

Dr. Bosch Léon Delft Electronic Products B.V. The Netherlands sales@dep.nl<br />

Mrs. Boudoul Gaelle Institut des Sciences Nucleaires France boudoul@isn.in2p3.fr<br />

Mrs. Bougamont Emmanuelle CEA-Saclay DSM/DAPNIA/SEDI France ebougamont@cea.fr<br />

Mr. BOURGEOIS Philippe CEA-Saclay DSM/DAPNIA/SEDI France pbourgeois@cea.fr<br />

Pr. BRESKIN AMOS Weizmann Institute <strong>of</strong> Science Israel amos.breskin@weizmann.ac.il<br />

Dr. Britton David Imperial College UK d.britton@ic.ac.uk<br />

Dr. Bruyndonckx Peter Vrije Universiteit Brussel Belgium bruynd@hep.iihe.ac.be<br />

Mr. Calligaro Thomas Centre de recherche et de restauration des musées de France France thomas.calligaro@culture.gouv.fr<br />

Dr. Casey Mike CPS Innovations USA Mike.Casey@cti-pet.com<br />

Dr. Castleberry Donald General Electric Co. USA castleberry@crd.ge.com<br />

Mr. CHABBAL Jean CEA LETI France chabbal@cea.fr<br />

Mr. Chavanelle Jerome LIIS France jerome.chavanelle@univ-fcomte.fr<br />

Dr. CHECHIK Rachel Weizmann Institute <strong>of</strong> Science Israel rachel.chechik@weizmann.ac.il<br />

Mr. Chipaux Rémi CEA-Saclay DSM/DAPNIA/SEDI France chipaux@hep.saclay.cea.fr<br />

Mr. Christians Ludwig Iseg Spezialelektronik GmbH Germany sales@iseg-hv.de,LCisegdd@aol.com<br />

Dr. Cosentino Luigi LNS - INFN Italy cosentino@lns.infn.it<br />

Mr. COULON Philippe BIOSPACE Mesures France pcoulon@biospace.fr<br />

Mr. Deiters Konrad Paul Scherrer Institut Switzerland konrad.deiters@psi.ch<br />

Mr. Deliot Frederic CEA-Saclay DSM/DAPNIA/SPP France deliot@hep.saclay.cea.fr<br />

Mr. DEPASSE Pierre IPN Lyon France depasse@in2p3.fr<br />

Mr. Deschamps Olivier Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire de Clermont-Ferrand France odescham@in2p3.fr<br />

Pr. Dingus Brenda University <strong>of</strong> Wisconsin USA dingus@physics.wisc.edu<br />

Mr. Dolgoshein Boris MEPHI Russia Boris@mail.cern.ch<br />

Mr. EL MAMOUNI Houmani IPN Lyon France mamou@in2p3.fr<br />

Mr. ERAUD Ludovic ISN France eraud@isn.in2p3.fr<br />

Mr. Evrard Olivier CANBERRA Semi Conductors Belgium oevrard@canberra.com<br />

Mr. FANET HERVE CEA LETI France herve.fanet@cea.fr<br />

Mr. Farrell Richard Radiation Monitoring Devices, Inc. USA rfarrell@rmdinc.com<br />

Mr. FAURE jean-louis CEA-Saclay DSM/DAPNIA/SPP France jean-louis.faure@cern.ch<br />

Mr. Fcal San Luis Pedro University <strong>of</strong> Roma 'Tor Vergata' and INFN Roma 2 Italy Pedro.Facal@roma2.infn.it<br />

Mr. Feinstein Fabrice CPPM, Marseille France fabrice.feinstein@cern.ch<br />

Pr. Ferenc Daniel University <strong>of</strong> California Davis USA Daniel.Ferenc@cern.ch<br />

Mr. Fernandes Luis Departamento de Fisica - Universidade de Coimbra Portugal pancho@gian.fis.uc.pt<br />

Mr. FLYCKT Esso PHOTONIS France so.flyckt@photonis.com<br />

Dr. Fraga Margarida LIP-Coimbra Portugal margarida@lipc.fis.uc.pt<br />

Mr. Genolini Bernard IPN Orsay France genolini@ipno.in2p3.fr<br />

Mr. Glauser Adrian University Zurich Switzerland Adrian.Glauser@cern.ch<br />

Mr. GORET Philippe CEA-Saclay DSM/DAPNIA/SAP France pgoret@cea.fr<br />

Dr. Grigoriev Eugene Univ. <strong>of</strong> Geneva Switzerland eugene.grigoriev@cern.ch<br />

Mrs. Groves Janet CCLRC-Daresbury Labortory England J.Groves@dl.ac.uk<br />

Mr. GYS Thierry CERN Switzerland Thierry.Gys@cern.ch<br />

Mr. Halloin Hubert CESR France hubert.halloin@cesr.fr<br />

Mr. Heering Adriaan University <strong>of</strong> Minnesota USA arjan@physics.umn.edu<br />

Dr. Hink Paul BURLE INDUSTRIES USA hinkp@burle.com<br />

Dr. Hobson Peter Brunel University UK Peter.Hobson@brunel.ac.uk<br />

Mr. Horeau Benoît CEA-Saclay DSM/DAPNIA/SAP France bhoreau@cea.fr<br />

Mr. ILLE Bernard IPN Lyon France Ille@in2p3.fr<br />

Mr. JEAN-MARIE Bernard Laboratoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire France jeanmari@lal.in2p3.fr<br />

Dr. Joram Christian CERN / EP Switzerland Christian.Joram@cern.ch<br />

Mr. Kapusta Maciej Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies Poland kapusta@ipj.gov.pl<br />

Mr. Karar Akli LLR Ecole Polytechnique France karar@poly.in2p3.fr<br />

Ms. Keters Marijke CANBERRA S.C. Olen Belgium mketers@canberra.com<br />

Dr. KHUDAVERDYAN SURIK STATE ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY OF ARMENIA (SEUA) Republic <strong>of</strong> Armeniakhsuren@seua.am<br />

Mr. Korbel Volker DESY Germany korbel@mail.desy.de<br />

Mr. Kotarba Andrzej Institute Of Nuclear Physics, Department <strong>of</strong> High Energy Ph. Poland kotarba@chall.ifj.edu.pl or kotarba@mail.desy.de<br />

Dr. Kroha Hubert Max-Planck-Institute for Physics Germany kroha@mppmu.mpg.de<br />

Mr. launay Jerome LAAS/CNRS France launay@laas.fr<br />

Mr. LE DU Patrick CEA SACLAY France ledu@hep.saclay.cea.fr<br />

Dr. LEBRUN François CEA-Saclay DSM/DAPNIA/SAP France flebrun@cea.fr<br />

Dr. Limousin Olivier CEA-Saclay DSM/DAPNIA/SAP France olimousin@cea.fr<br />

Dr. Lorenz Eckart Max-Planck-Institute for Physics Germany ecl@mppmu.mpg.de<br />

Mr. Lubsandorzhiev Bayarto Institute for Nuclear Research <strong>of</strong> RAS Russia lubsand@pcbai10.inr.ruhep.ru<br />

Mr. LUONG Laurent HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS France France lluong@hamamatsu.fr<br />

Mr. MAGNAN Pierre SUPAERO-LAbo CIMI France Pierre.Magnan@supaero.fr<br />

Dr. Malyshev Sergei Institute <strong>of</strong> Electronics / Lab. <strong>of</strong> Semicon. Optoelectronics Belarus malyshev@inel.bas-net.by

Mrs. Mamaeva Galina Research Inst.Electron Russia discan@neva.ru<br />

Mr. MANGEOT Philippe CEA Saclay DAPNIA/SEDI France mangeot@dapnia.cea.fr<br />

Dr. Margato Luís Departamento de Física - Universidade Coimbra/ LIP-Coimbra Portugal margato@lipc.fis.uc.pt<br />

Dr. Marisaldi Martino CNR-IASF and Dipartimento di Fisica Universita' di Bologna Italy marisaldi@tesre.bo.cnr.it<br />

Ms. MARMONIER CAROLE PHOTONIS France c.marmonier@photonis.com<br />

Dr. MARTEAU Jacques IPN Lyon France marteau@ipnl.in2p3.fr<br />

Mr. Martin Jean-Pierre Universite de Montreal, Lab. R.J.A. Levesque Canada jpmartin@lps.umontreal.ca<br />

Mr. MARTIN Philippe Institut des Sciences Nucleaires France martin@isn.in2p3.fr<br />

Mr. MAYER Markus HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS France - Swiss Sales Office Switzerland vpoulin@hamamatsu.fr<br />

Mr. MAZUR Claude CEA-Saclay DSM/DAPNIA/SEDI France cmazur@cea.fr<br />

Dr. Mirzoyan Razmik Max-Planck-Institute for Physics Germany razmik@mppmu.mpg.de<br />

Mr. Moermann Dirk Weizmann Institute <strong>of</strong> Science Israel moermann@wicc.weizmann.ac.il<br />

Mr. Montoro Harry ITT Night Vision USA harry.montoro@itt.com<br />

Mr. MOREAU Francois LLR France moreau@poly.in2p3.fr<br />

Dr. Morel Christian Université de Lausanne Switzerland christian.morel@iphe.unil.ch<br />

Mr. Moret Guillaume IPN Lyon France moret@ipnl.in2p3.fr<br />

Dr. Moroz Fedor Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute Russia moroz@mail.pnpi.spb.ru<br />

Mr. MOSSET Jean-Baptiste Institute for High Energy Physics Switzerland Jean-Baptiste.Mosset@iphe.unil.ch<br />

Pr. Moszynski Marek Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies Poland marek@ipj.gov.pl<br />

Mr. Moussienko Iouri Northeastern University, Boston Switzerland Iouri.Moussienko@cern.ch<br />

Dr. Nappi Eugenio INFN Italy eugenio.nappi@cern.ch<br />

Dr. NEDELEC Patrick LAPP France nedelec@lapp.in2p3.fr<br />

Dr. Neycenssac Franck Centre Oncologie/Radiothérapie France Franck.Neycenssac@wanadoo.fr<br />

Dr. ORSINI FABIENNE CEA-Saclay DSM/DAPNIA/SEDI France forsini@cea.fr<br />

Mr. Paneque David Max-Planck-Institute for Physics Germany dpaneque@mppmu.mpg.de<br />

Pr. Park Chul Hi Department <strong>of</strong> Physics, Soongsil University Korea, Republic <strong>of</strong> chpark@physics.ssu.ac.kr<br />

Mr. PARMENTIER Michel Imagerie Ingenierie Sante France michel.parmentier@univ-fcomte.fr<br />

Mr. Passmore Keith ITT Night Vision USA keith.passmore@itt.com<br />

Mr. Pegna Raffaello INFN Pisa Italy pegna@pi.infn.it<br />

Mr. Peigneux jean-pierre LAPP France peigneux@lapp.in2p3.fr<br />

Mr. Pellegrini Giulio Glasgow University UK giuliop@a5.ph.gla.ac.uk<br />

Dr. Perret Pascal Laboratoire de Physique Corpusculaire France perret@in2p3.fr<br />

Mr. Pestotnik Rok Institut Jozef Stefan Slovenija Rok.Pestotnik@ijs.si<br />

Pr. Petrolini Alessandro INFN Genova Italy petrolini@ge.infn.it<br />

Mr. Piccioli Alessio INFN Pisa Italy alessio.piccioli@pi.infn.it<br />

Mrs. PICONE MAGALI LETI-CEA Technologies Avancees France magali.picone@cea.fr<br />

Dr. Pigot Claude CEA-Saclay DSM/DAPNIA/SAP France cpigot@cea.fr<br />

Mrs. PUILL Véronique HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS France France vpuill@hamamatsu.fr<br />

Mr. Pyata Evgeniy The Budker Institute <strong>of</strong> Nuclear Physics Russia Pyata@inp.nsk.su<br />

Mr. Ravat Olivier IPN Lyon France ravat@in2p3.fr<br />

Dr. Regenfus Christian University <strong>of</strong> Zürich Switzerland regenfus@cern.ch<br />

Mr. Renker Dieter PSI Switzerland dieter.renker@psi.ch<br />

Mr. RODOLFO Raphael PHOTONIS France r.rodolfo@photonis.com<br />

Dr. Rose Joachim University <strong>of</strong> Leeds UK h.j.rose@leeds.ac.uk<br />

Mr. ROSSIGNOL Eric PHOTONIS France e.rossignol@photonis.com<br />

Mr. Salvini Giuseppe CCLRC - Daresbury Laboratory England g.salvini@dl.ac.uk<br />

Mr. SCHULLER Jean-Pierre CEA-Saclay DSM/DAPNIA/SPP France schuller@dapnia.cea.fr<br />

Mr. Schune Philippe CEA-Saclay DSM/DAPNIA/SPP France schune@hep.saclay.cea.fr<br />

Pr. Seliverstov Dmitry Petersb. Nucl.Physics Institute Russia seliver@mail.pnpi.spb.ru<br />

Dr. Sellai Azzouz Physics Dept, Sultan Qaboos University OMAN asellai@squ.edu.om<br />

Mr. Shah Kanai Radiation Monitoring Devices, Inc. USA kshah@rmdinc.com<br />

Dr. Siegmund Oswald Space Sciences Laboratory USA ossy@ssl.berkeley.edu<br />

Pr. Skuja Andris University <strong>of</strong> Maryland USA skuja@glue.umd.edu<br />

Dr. Smith Arlynn ITT Night Vision USA arlynn.smith@itt.com<br />

Mr. Smith William ITT Night Vision USA bill.smith@itt.com<br />

Dr. Sokolov Igor A.F. I<strong>of</strong>fe Physico-Technical Institute Russia i.a.sokolov@mail.i<strong>of</strong>fe.ru<br />

Dr. Solovov Vladimir Dep. <strong>of</strong> physics, University <strong>of</strong> Coimbra Portugal solovov@lipc.fis.uc.pt<br />

Mr. Stahl Achim DESY Germany Achim.Stahl@desy.de<br />

Dr. Stubberfield Ron Electron Tubes Ltd UK rons@electron-tubes.co.uk<br />

Mr Talbot Jean-Noël Hopital Tenon USA jean-noel.talbot@tnn.ap-hop-paris.fr<br />

Mrs. TAO Charling CPPM, Marseille France tao@cppm.in2p3.fr<br />

Mr. Tauzin Gérard CEA-Saclay DSM/DAPNIA/SEDI France gtauzin@cea.fr<br />

Mr. TAVERNIER STEFAAN Vrije Universiteit Brussel Belgium tavernier@hep.iihe.ac.be<br />

Dr. Teshima Masahiro ICRR Japan mteshima@icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp<br />

Dr. Tessarotto Fulvio CERN and INFN Trieste Switzerland fulvio.tessarotto@cern.ch<br />

Pr. THEREZ Francis LAAS-CNRS France therez@laas.fr<br />

Mr. Thers Dominique SUBATECH France dominique.thers@subatech.in2p3.fr<br />

Dr. Tripathi Arun University <strong>of</strong> California, Los Angeles USA arun@physics.ucla.edu<br />

Dr. VANEL Jean-Charles PCC/<strong>IN2P3</strong>/CNRS France vanel@cdf.in2p3.fr<br />

Dr. Vartsky David Soreq NRC Israel david@soreq.gov.il<br />

Mrs. Vecchi Stefania INFN - Bologna Italy vecchi@bo.infn.it<br />

Mr Wormser Guy Directeur Adjoint Scientifique de l'<strong>IN2P3</strong> France wormser@lal.in2p3.fr<br />

Dr. Wright Tony Electron Tubes Ltd UK agw@electron-tubes.co.uk<br />

Mr. YOSHIZAWA Yuji HAMAMATSU PHOTONICS K.K Japan vpoulin@hamamatsu.fr<br />

Mr. Zavattini Guido University <strong>of</strong> Ferrara Italy zavattini@fe.infn.it

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