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Automatic Control Laboratory<br />

D-ITET<br />

Prof. Dr. Roy Smith Spring Term 2013<br />

Objectives:<br />

<strong>CONTROL</strong> <strong>SYSTEMS</strong> <strong>II</strong> (<strong>REGELSYSTEME</strong> <strong>II</strong>)<br />

• Introduction to Linear Systems Theory<br />

Background: Skogestad Chapter 4<br />

Testat: 3 out of 4<br />

<strong>PROBLEM</strong> <strong>SET</strong> 6<br />

Exercise 1 State-Space Representation and Transfer Functions<br />

Obtain a state space realization for the following systems that are described through the transfer functions:<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

Use a first order Padé approximation, i.e.,<br />

G(s) =<br />

G(s) =<br />

τ1s+1<br />

s 2 +2ζωns+ω 2 n<br />

τ1s−1<br />

s 2 +2ζωns+ω 2 n<br />

G(s) = e−τ ds<br />

τ1s+1<br />

e −τ ds = 1− τ d<br />

2 s<br />

1+ τ d<br />

2 s<br />

Verify the transformations from the transfer function to the state space descriptions in MATLAB, using the ss2tf function<br />

with the following parameters, respectively:<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

τ1 = 1,ζ = 0.8,ωn = 2<br />

τ1 = 1,ζ = 0.8,ωn = 2<br />

τd = 1,τ1 = 3<br />

Exercise 2 Stability of periodically switched systems<br />

Consider a system whose behaviour periodically switches between two different system models<br />

G1 =<br />

<br />

A1<br />

<br />

B1<br />

, k ≤ t < k +d, d ∈ (0,1)<br />

and<br />

G2 =<br />

C1 D1<br />

A2 B2<br />

C2 D2<br />

<br />

, k +d ≤ t < k +1,<br />

where, k = 0,1,2,..., and bothG1 andG2 are stable. Examine the stability of the complete system.<br />

1 of 3

Hint: Analytically, the equations of the system are given by<br />

and<br />

The solution of Eq. (1) from t = k tot = k +dis<br />

˙x(t) = A1x(t)+B1u(t) ,k t < k +d (1)<br />

y(t) = C1x(t)+D1u(t)<br />

˙x(t) = A2x(t)+B2u(t) ,k+d t < k +1 (2)<br />

y(t) = C2x(t)+D2u(t).<br />

x(k+d) = e A1d x(k)+<br />

k+d<br />

and the solution of Eq. (2) from t = k +dtot = k +1is given by<br />

x(k +1) = e A2(1−d) x(k +d)+<br />

k<br />

e A1(k+d−s) B1u(s)ds (3)<br />

k+1<br />

k+d<br />

e A2(k+1−s) B2u(s)ds. (4)<br />

By substituting x(k +d) from Eq. (3) into Eq. (4), the discrete time mapping of the switched system from the beginning to<br />

the end of the period is derived as<br />

x(k +1) = e A2(1−d)<br />

k+d<br />

A1d A2(1−d)<br />

e x(k)+e<br />

Therefore, in discrete time the system is written in the form<br />

where F is the transition matrix of the periodic system<br />

k<br />

e A1(k+d−s) B1u(s)ds+<br />

x(k +1) = Fx(k)+G{u(t)}<br />

F = e A2(1−d) e A1d<br />

k+1<br />

k+d<br />

e A2(k+1−s) B2u(s)ds.<br />

and G{u(t)} is to be understood as a linear operator onu(t).<br />

The stability of the switched system is guaranteed if the eigenvalues of the transition matrix lie inside the unit disk on the<br />

complex plane (stability of discrete time systems). Check the stability of the complete system for all values of d in the<br />

following cases (The exponential matrix in MATLAB is calculated using the command expm):<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

A1 =<br />

A1 =<br />

Exercise 3 Stability and Internal Stability<br />

<br />

−1 −1 2 1<br />

,A2 =<br />

1 −1 −8 −3<br />

<br />

−1 −1<br />

,A2 =<br />

1 −1<br />

<br />

−2 −1<br />

8 −3<br />

Consider the SISO system given in Fig. 1. Examine the system’s internal stability and compare with the stability of the<br />

transfer function from r toy for the following cases, τ1,τ2,τ3 > 0:<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

3.<br />

p(s) =<br />

1 τ1s+1<br />

, c(s) =<br />

τ1s+1 τ2s+1<br />

p(s) = τ1s+1 τ2s−1<br />

, c(s) =<br />

τ2s−1 (τ1s+1)(τ3s+1)<br />

p(s) = τ1s−1 τ2s+1<br />

, c(s) =<br />

τ2s+1 (τ1s−1)(τ3s+1)<br />

2 of 3

−<br />

c(s)<br />

du<br />

p(s)<br />

Figure 1: Block diagram for the discussion of Internal Stability<br />

Exercise 4 Controllability and Observability<br />

The linearized equations of motion for a satellite are<br />

where<br />

and<br />

˙x(t) = Ax(t)+Bu(t)<br />

y(t) = Cx(t)<br />

⎡<br />

0<br />

⎢<br />

A = ⎢3ω<br />

⎣<br />

1 0 0<br />

2<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

⎤ ⎡ ⎤<br />

0 0<br />

0 2ω⎥<br />

⎢<br />

⎥<br />

0 1 ⎦ , B = ⎢1<br />

0 ⎥<br />

⎣0<br />

0⎦<br />

, C =<br />

0 −2ω 0 0 0 1<br />

u =<br />

u1<br />

u2<br />

<br />

, y =<br />

dy<br />

<br />

1 0 0 0<br />

0 0 1 0<br />

The inputs u1 and u2 are the radial and tangential thrusts, the state variables x1 and x3 are the radial and angular deviations<br />

from the reference (circular) orbit and the outputs y1 and y2 are the radial and angular measurements, respectively.<br />

Forω = 1, show that<br />

1. The system is controllable using both control inputs.<br />

2. The system is controllable using only a single input. Which one is it?<br />

3. The system is observable using both measurements.<br />

4. That the system is observable using only one measurement. Which one is it?<br />

3 of 3<br />

y1<br />

y2<br />

<br />

.<br />


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