Model Predictive Control

Model Predictive Control

Model Predictive Control


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122 7 General Formulation and Discussion<br />

In general, however, we may have to resort to a “brute force” approach to<br />

and to solve the dynamic program. Let us<br />

is known and discuss how to construct<br />

construct the cost-to-go function J ∗ j−1→N<br />

assume that at time j−1 the cost-to-go J ∗ j→N<br />

an approximation of J ∗ j−1→N . With J ∗ j→N known, for a fixed xj−1 the optimization<br />

problem (7.14) becomes a standard nonlinear programming problem. Thus, we<br />

can define a grid in the set Xj−1→N of the state space and compute the optimal<br />

cost-to-go function on each grid point. We can then define an approximate value<br />

function ˜ J ∗ j−1→N (xj−1) at intermediate points via interpolation. The complexity<br />

of constructing the cost-to-go function in this manner increases rapidly with the<br />

dimension of the state space (“curse of dimensionality”).<br />

The extra benefit of solving the optimal control problem via dynamic programming<br />

is that we do not only obtain the vector of optimal inputs U ∗ 0→N for a<br />

particular initial state x(0) as with the batch approach. At each time j the optimal<br />

cost-to-go function defines implicitly a nonlinear feedback control law.<br />

u ∗ j (xj) = arg min<br />

uj<br />

q(xj, uj) + J ∗ j+1→N (g(xj, uj))<br />

subj. to h(xj, uj) ≤ 0,<br />

g(xj, uj) ∈ Xj+1→N<br />

(7.18)<br />

For a fixed xj this nonlinear programming problem can be solved quite easily in<br />

order to find u ∗ j (xj). Because the optimal cost-to-go function J ∗ j→N (xj) changes<br />

with time j, the nonlinear feedback control law is time-varying.<br />

7.4 Optimal <strong>Control</strong> Problem with Infinite Horizon<br />

We are interested in the optimal control problem (7.3)–(7.5) as the horizon N<br />

approaches infinity.<br />

J ∗ 0→∞ (x0) = minu0,u1,...<br />

∞<br />

q(xk, uk)<br />

k=0<br />

subj. to xk+1 = g(xk, uk), k = 0, . . . , ∞<br />

h(xk, uk) ≤ 0, k = 0, . . .,∞<br />

x0 = x(0)<br />

We define the set of initial conditions for which this problem has a solution.<br />

(7.19)<br />

X0→∞ = {x(0) ∈ R n : Problem (7.19) is feasible and J ∗ 0→∞ (x(0)) < +∞}.<br />

(7.20)<br />

For the value function J ∗ 0→∞(x0) to be finite it must hold that<br />

lim<br />

k→∞ q(xk, uk) = 0<br />

and because q(xk, uk) > 0 for all (xk, uk) = 0<br />

lim<br />

k→∞ xk = 0

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