Model Predictive Control

Model Predictive Control

Model Predictive Control


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104 6 Multiparametric Programming: a Geometric Approach<br />

one could simply generate all the possible combinations of active sets. However, in<br />

many problems only a few active constraints sets generate full-dimensional critical<br />

regions inside the region of interest K. Therefore, the goal is to design an active<br />

set generator algorithm which computes only the active sets Ai with the associated<br />

full-dimensional critical regions covering only K ∗ .<br />

Next an implementation of a mp-QP algorithm is described. See Section 6.6 for<br />

a literature review on alternative approaches to the solution of mp-QPs.<br />

In order to start solving the mp-QP problem, we need an initial vector x0<br />

inside the polyhedral set K ∗ of feasible parameters. A possible choiche for x0 is the<br />

Chebychev center (see Section 3.4.5) of K ∗ :<br />

maxx,¯z,ǫ ǫ<br />

subj. to Tix + ǫTi2 ≤ Ni, i = 1, . . .,nT<br />

G¯z − Sx ≤ W<br />

(6.73)<br />

where nT is the number of rows Ti of the matrix T defining the set K in (6.2).<br />

If ǫ ≤ 0, then the QP problem (6.37) is infeasible for all x in the interior of K.<br />

Otherwise, we set x = x0 and solve the QP problem (6.37), in order to obtain the<br />

corresponding optimal solution z∗ 0. Such a solution is unique, because H ≻ 0. The<br />

value of z∗ 0 defines the following optimal partition<br />

A(x0) {j ∈ J : Gjz ∗ 0 − Sjx0 − Wj = 0}<br />

NA(x0) {j ∈ J : Gjz ∗ 0 − Sjx0 − Wj < 0}<br />

(6.74)<br />

and consequently the critical region CRA(x0). Once the critical region CRA(x0) has been defined, the rest of the space Rrest = K\CRA(x0) has to be explored and<br />

new critical regions generated. An approach for generating a polyhedral partition<br />

{R1, . . .,Rnrest} of the rest of the space Rrest is described in Theorem 3.1 in Section<br />

3.4.7. Theorem 3.1 provides a way of partitioning the non-convex set K \CR0<br />

into polyhedral subsets Ri. For each Ri, a new vector xi is determined by solving<br />

the LP (6.73), and, correspondingly, an optimum z ∗ i<br />

, a set of active constraints Ai,<br />

and a critical region CRi. The procedure proposed in Theorem 3.1 for partitioning<br />

the set of parameters allows one to recursively explore the parameter space. Such<br />

an iterative procedure terminates after a finite time, as the number of possible<br />

combinations of active constraints decreases with each iteration. Two following<br />

main elements need to be considered:<br />

1. As for the mp-LP algorithm, the partitioning in Theorem 3.1 defines new<br />

polyhedral regions Rk to be explored that are not related to the critical regions<br />

which still need to be determined. This may split some of the critical<br />

regions, due to the artificial cuts induced by Theorem 3.1. Post-processing<br />

can be used to join cut critical regions [38]. As an example, in Figure 6.8 the<br />

critical region CR {3,7} is discovered twice, one part during the exploration of<br />

R1 and the second part during the exploration of R2. Although algorithms<br />

exist for convexity recognition and computation of the union of polyhedra,<br />

the post-processing operation is computationally expensive. Therefore, it is<br />

more efficient not to intersect the critical region obtained by (6.27) with halfspaces<br />

generated by Theorem 3.1, which is only used to drive the exploration

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