etadd_46(4) - Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities

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etadd_46(4) - Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities


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Sparks, S. (2010). See citati<strong>on</strong> #87.<br />

326. Spencer, V. G., & Balb<strong>on</strong>i, G. (2003). Can<br />

students with mental retardati<strong>on</strong> teach their<br />

peers? 38(1), 32–61.<br />

Spevack, S. (2002). See citati<strong>on</strong> #381.<br />

Spillane, A. (2009). See citati<strong>on</strong> #363.<br />

Spo<strong>on</strong>er, F. (2007). See citati<strong>on</strong> #29.<br />

Spo<strong>on</strong>er, F. (2009). See citati<strong>on</strong> #245.<br />

Spo<strong>on</strong>er, F. (2010). See citati<strong>on</strong> #88.<br />

327. Spreat, S., & C<strong>on</strong>roy, J. W. (2003). Analysis of<br />

mental retardati<strong>on</strong> service provisi<strong>on</strong> for class<br />

members <strong>and</strong> n<strong>on</strong>-class members. 38(1),<br />

121–127.<br />

328. Spriggs, A., Gast, D. L., & Ayres, K. M.<br />

(2007). Using picture activity schedule books<br />

to increase <strong>on</strong>-schedule <strong>and</strong> <strong>on</strong>-task behaviors.<br />

42(2), 209–223.<br />

329. Stafford, A. M., Alberto, P. A., Fredrick L. D.,<br />

Heflin, L. J., & Heller, K. W. (2002). Preference<br />

variability <strong>and</strong> the instructi<strong>on</strong> of choice<br />

making with students with severe intellectual<br />

disabilities. 37(1), 70–88.<br />

330. Stanish, H. I., & Aucoin, M. (2007). Usefulness<br />

of a perceived exerti<strong>on</strong> scale for m<strong>on</strong>itoring<br />

exercise intensity in adults with intellectual<br />

disabilities. 42(2), 230–251.<br />

331. Starr, E. M., Foy, J. B., & Cramer, K. M.<br />

(2001). Parental percepti<strong>on</strong>s of the educati<strong>on</strong><br />

of children with pervasive developmental disorders.<br />

36(1), 55–68.<br />

332. Starr, E. M., Foy, J. B., Cramer, K. M., Singh,<br />

H. (2006). How are schools doing? Parental<br />

percepti<strong>on</strong>s of children with autism spectrum<br />

disorders, Down syndrome, <strong>and</strong> learning disabilities:<br />

A comparative analysis. 41(4), 315–<br />

332.<br />

Stecker, P. M. (2001). See citati<strong>on</strong> #384.<br />

Stephens, E. (2009). See citati<strong>on</strong> #235.<br />

333. Stephens<strong>on</strong>, J. (2006). Music therapy <strong>and</strong> the<br />

educati<strong>on</strong> of students with severe disabilities.<br />

41(3), 290–299.<br />

Stewart, K. K. (2010). See citati<strong>on</strong> #282.<br />

Stiles, N. (2007). See citati<strong>on</strong> #54.<br />

Stock, S. E. (2001). See citati<strong>on</strong> #91.<br />

Stock, S. E. (2002). See citati<strong>on</strong> #92.<br />

Stock, S. E. (2003a). See citati<strong>on</strong> #93.<br />

Stock, S. E. (2003b). See citati<strong>on</strong> #94.<br />

Stodden, R. A. (2007). See citati<strong>on</strong> #318.<br />

334. Stodden, R. A., & Whelley, T. (2004). Postsec<strong>on</strong>dary<br />

educati<strong>on</strong> <strong>and</strong> youth with intellectual<br />

disabilities: An introducti<strong>on</strong>. 39(1), 6–15.<br />

335. Stodden, R. A., & Zucker, S. H. (2004). Transiti<strong>on</strong><br />

of youth with disabilities to postsec<strong>on</strong>dary<br />

educati<strong>on</strong>. 39(1), 3–5.<br />

St<strong>on</strong>er, J. B. (2005). See citati<strong>on</strong> #33.<br />

St<strong>on</strong>er, J. B. (2006). See citati<strong>on</strong> #19.<br />

St<strong>on</strong>er, J. B. (2008). See citati<strong>on</strong> #23.<br />

St<strong>on</strong>er, J. B. (2009). See citati<strong>on</strong> #270.<br />

336. St<strong>on</strong>er, J. B., Parette, H. P., Watts, E. H.,<br />

Wojcik, B. W., & Fogal, T. (2008). Preschool<br />

teacher percepti<strong>on</strong>s of assistive technology<br />

<strong>and</strong> professi<strong>on</strong>al development resp<strong>on</strong>ses.<br />

43(1), 77–91.<br />

St<strong>on</strong>er, Karen. (2007). See citati<strong>on</strong> #342.<br />

Storch, J. F. (2010). See citati<strong>on</strong> #301.<br />

Storch, J. F. (2010). See citati<strong>on</strong> #302.<br />

Storey, K. (2002). See citati<strong>on</strong> #289.<br />

Strickett, T. (2002). See citati<strong>on</strong> #155.<br />

Str<strong>on</strong>g, M. (2001). See citati<strong>on</strong> #171.<br />

Summers, J. (2010). See citati<strong>on</strong> #28.<br />

Summers, J. A. (2009). See citati<strong>on</strong> #137.<br />

Surinak, T. (2009). See citati<strong>on</strong> #25.<br />

Sutter, M. (2008). See citati<strong>on</strong> #47.<br />

Sym<strong>on</strong>s, F. (2007). See citati<strong>on</strong> #314.<br />

Szwed, K. (2009). See citati<strong>on</strong> #43.<br />

Taber-Doughty, T. (2009). See citati<strong>on</strong> #43.<br />

337. Tachibana, T. (2005). Attitudes of Japanese<br />

adults towards pers<strong>on</strong>s with intellectual disability:<br />

An exploratory analysis of openended<br />

descripti<strong>on</strong>s of resp<strong>on</strong>dents’ experiences<br />

<strong>and</strong> opini<strong>on</strong>s. 40(4), 352–359.<br />

338. Tachibana, T. (2006). Attitudes of Japanese<br />

adults towards pers<strong>on</strong>s with intellectual disability:<br />

Effect of percepti<strong>on</strong>s c<strong>on</strong>cerning intellectual<br />

disability. 41(1), 58–69.<br />

339. Tachibana, T., & Watanabe, K. (2004a). Attitudes<br />

of Japanese adults toward pers<strong>on</strong>s<br />

with intellectual disability: Relati<strong>on</strong>ship between<br />

attitudes <strong>and</strong> demographic variables.<br />

39(2), 109–128.<br />

340. Tachibana, T., & Watanabe, K. (2004b). Attitudes<br />

of Japanese adults toward pers<strong>on</strong>s<br />

with intellectual disability: Comparis<strong>on</strong>s over<br />

time <strong>and</strong> across countries. 39(3), 227–239.<br />

341. Tadema, A. C., Vlaskamp, C., & Ruijssenaars,<br />

W. (2008). Implementati<strong>on</strong> of a programme<br />

for students with profound intellectual<br />

<strong>and</strong> multiple disabilities in schools: Three<br />

case studies. 43(4), 529–540.<br />

T<strong>and</strong>y, R. (2010). See citati<strong>on</strong> #87.<br />

Tanverdi, A. (2009). See citati<strong>on</strong> #113.<br />

342. Tardif-Williams, C. Y., Owen, F., Feldman, M.,<br />

Tarulli, D., Griffiths, D., Sales, C., McQueen-<br />

Fuentes, G., & St<strong>on</strong>er, K. (2007). Comparis<strong>on</strong><br />

of interactive computer-based <strong>and</strong> classroom-based<br />

training <strong>on</strong> human rights awareness<br />

in pers<strong>on</strong>s with intellectual disabilities.<br />

42(1), 48–58.<br />

Targett, P. (2002). See citati<strong>on</strong> #364.<br />

Tarulli, D. (2007). See citati<strong>on</strong> #342.<br />

638 / Educati<strong>on</strong> <strong>and</strong> Training in <strong>Autism</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Developmental</strong> <strong>Disabilities</strong>-December 2011

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