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i ft k tit WBT '. 8.i iH ;ri; f.v,' ' ' it MGEUCHT WHEN HI hHH fflBHf Hm HP flHH HB - JONES COX & CO. THE HASKELL TEXAS, THURSDAY SAVINGS YOU SHOP The Money you spend with Haskell Merchants will be returned to you indirectly . . . It will be spent for taxes, for civic improvements, for schools, for churches, with other merchants, and you may get part of it back in a direct form! REMEMBER . . . When you trade at home, you not only help your friendly merchant, but most of all you help yourself. I. "SCOTCH" COGGINS BYNUM'S HDW. W. & WESTERN AUTO STORE FLOOR & INTERIOR SERVICE R. HASSEN'S DAD LAD SHOP B. FRAZIER'S CULBERTH SHERMAN'S 'N SPENCER & CO. RADIO & RECORD COL-TE- X STATION . vPI- t I' FREE PRESS To In - - - Following Civic-Mind- in the Interest By the ed Merchants: C & B STORE HUNTER MEN'S WEAR AND DRY CLEANERS SMITH TOLIVER Chevrolets & Olds WHITE'S AUTO LUMBER MEN'S STORE KENNEDY LUMBER CO. --PAYNE DRUG CO. CO. J VP HASKELL BUTANE CO. H&M AUTO PARTS HASKELL WAREHOUSE CO. DEAN BUTANE CO. HASKELL GROCERY & MKT. Member F.DJ.C. INC. BANK HASKELL, HHHIHHH IHHHHH There Are 1,000 Advantages Shopping Haskell CLEANERS Sponsored Community BRAZELTON WHEATLEY FURNITURE RENFRO'S RICHY-STRAI- N, NATIONAL I A F ts BOGGS & JOHNSON FURNITURE & APPLIANCES BILL WILSON MOTOR CO. BEN FRANKLIN STORE JKELL ARK ALLRED RADiIATORSW MEDFORD MOTOR CO. WOOTEN'S U. S. ROYAL TIRFS NATIONAL FARM LOAN ASS! OTHONANNYPLUMBING&HTG. of haskell ,! iYlAIVALl UJI PMKNT Cf curm .nv ci.lDDIVe Omill IAUiU 3Ui ,J J,awNi Kwi-j.- - !uii mmviZs wKSgg, .. 'm.., "f W?" 0

AS THURSpAY' JUNE 23 19? . .,.! SAMS ! " " ,. . f and iutai'te Vf. 202 a.1 ... SUIT-'- J 2J.IC - - Trv it today piy- - ', 'nnd AD SECTION up-- 1 ,. CJtt1 ohflrmlUl I fltaner. 25l, ChTnd 'El1. no" ;:i and A Antics with la slze' ictfp psnS -iTtP7clt 'K'inufek dry. piu'' .i.,it for clothes and S in red or u.nrt I ti rr EV tffl Js-rr- -: .n r .KT. ImT adheres to ijCCS I!.". nil ve m your vicinity. ;ti full keyboard Full price only tored. Terms, Also Vwth, " -- j n.a , Texas. t,a way. jtj IUSINKSS SERVICES TELEPHONK ANSWERING Service. Let us take your bust-.w.- a mils, nlchts nnd wnnlc. ends. Centrum basis. Mrs. C. C. Mlddlcton UN 25c KOTOTiLLING:" Yards and gardens pulverized. Free cstl-mat- e. Phon UN Bill Marr. 18tfc WE Vulcanize and recap any size tire. Woolen Oil Co. UN j.2001, Haskell. 23tfc CLEAN OUT your septic tanks or grease traps. We have the equipment to serve you. Day or night call UN Otho Nanny Plumbing. 33tfc AIR CONDITIONERS cleaned nnd rcpacKca. unmorc implement Company. Telephone UN 15tfc WE DO radiator rebuilding, fix gas tanks, car heaters and lng for all kinds of radl-.ilnr- a. All work minrnntptwl. Wooten'a Radiator Shop. 2tfc USED OAKS AND TRUCK? WANTED TO BUY: Used car must be in good condition and worth the money. II. IC. Fry, Rt. 3. Haskell. Texas. 3p FOR SALE: ton Internation- al pickup, four speed trans-missio- n and overload springs. Fred Glllla m ntfc PERSONAL PERSONAL If you have a drinking problem, write P. O. Box 213, Haskell, for a confl- - dcntlal talk. I5tfc TICKETS NOW ON SALI AT Santa Rosa Tiektt Headquarter for tKe' 15TH ANNUAL1 SANTA ROSA ROUND-U- P AND 9UARTERHORSE SHOW Jimt 22nd Through' 25tK 7 " VERNON, TEXAS rfKt : BOX SEAT--6 persons, 4 performance. . .72.00 DUAL BOX SEAT IS.M Each flMO Per Box DSTAND RESERVE fl.M MOk Wl ADMISSION, Adult SS.09 'ADMISSION, ChUd .,T7... M ALL PRICES INCLUDE TAX fttt, Wirt or Telephone LI 2-68- 68 H. A. McOARTY, Ticket M-- ucer ( Night Performances, Rain or Shlnt Covered Grandstand PSE . . . $8,000.00 Plus Entry FtI SPONSORED BY K. PAUL WAGGONER Produced By MTU BROS., Elk City, Oklahoma SANTA ROSA ROUNDUP AND LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION VeraM, Twus M a iTiaaocjr- - PhjHw UN 4-23- Ferguson 11 - " ' .MISCELLANEOUS CLOSE OUT PRICES on all boatB, motors and tlius left In stock. Key Motor Co., Mun-da- Texas. e ty FOR SALE:-Twen- good "din- ing chairs made of birch. Selling for $4 each. Worth the money. Also 1 folding tables, 8 ft. long. Selling for $15. See Stanley Furrh, Texas j?afe. 25c FOR SALE: Like new, a pair of girl's western boots, gieon, size 7. Worth $50, will sell for 525. sec Stanley Funh, Has- - kcll.JTqxnS; 2uc FOR YOUR cabinet hardware; electric wiring supplies; G. E built-ln- s and Formica see Letz Builders Suppy, 202 S Ave. G. 21tfc THIRTY GAL. ten year" warranted glass lined water heat-cr- s $G9.95 up; also Goulds pumps and other plumbl.ig supplies. Letz Builders Supply. 202 S.Ave. G. 2 life FOR SALE: Unrte!trrniinflv,if. er Sprinkler System. For fieo estimate call 4151 or 5871, Munday, Texas. 22ttc CUSTOM PLOWING : For any kind of farm work, terracing, one-wnyin- g, chiseling, plan cultivating, contact Jim Alvis after 5 p. m. Phone UN 4 230 22tfc FOR SALE: Good two-hors- e trailer with top at a bargain. Myron Blard at Blard's Clean- - e'rs. 22tfc FOR SALE: New light fixtures, s price. Army Surplus Store. 21tfc Smart Laundry Speed (neon, Helpy-Sclf- y Wet and Dry Wash Pick-U- p and Delivery Phone UN 4-- 2 Ml WE NOW have Llndy Auditor's pens in all red, all blue and double point red and blue. Especially designed for every bookkeeping and clerical use. Haskell Free Press. lltfp NOW AVAILABLE: Gold and silver ink with own writing pen. Excellent for scrapbooks, i place cards, Invitations and greeting cards. Bottle o ink and pen only 29c at Haskell Free Press. lltfc WHITE INK now available. Suitable for mixing with red, blue and other dark colors for lighter shades. Haskell Fret Press. lltfc FOR SALE : Paint brushes : red sable artist rounds and brights: camel hair lacquering; white bristle brights; red sable water color, camel hair water color and ox hair one stroke. Haskell Free Pre33. 12ip FOR SALE: Red sable and camel hair paint brushes in all sizes. Excellent for ceramic work. Haskell Free Press. 12tfp REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE: Two nice, houses. $500 will handle either of them. Both GI Loan. See Furrh's Real Estate, 507 S. 1st St., Haskell, Texas. FEW good farms for sale and about 25 other listings here in town not mentioned. 23c FOR SALE: A good business building need to sell to settle estate. It Is now occupied one-ha- lf block off square and worth the money. See Stanley Furrh, 507 S. 1st, Haskell, Texas. 25c FOR LEASE: A good business building for a 5 year lease. See Stanley Furrh. 25c FOR SALE CHEAP : Four room modern house 22x28. To be moved from Humble Camp, 3, Avoca. W. C. Haney, 24-25- p Stamford. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE for sale. Utility room. Paving and curb and gutter. Financed with 4 per cent interest loan. Call 24-25- C UN or UN FOR SALE: Lake shore lots 50 ft.xlOO ft., Lake Stamford west of power plant. $500 cash, or $5.81 per month, 10 years to pay, annual payment of $68.52. O. L. (Jack) Johnson. Haskell, Texas. Phone UN PET-S- 22-25- C LET WARREN'S Pet Shop 24-27- C board your peta. PROFESSIONAL SEKVlOBi need of Wetrina-KTca- U Dr. W. H. 8twart. iu vrnndnv. Texaa. 4110 vov, it - TRACTORS - COMBINES GENUINE PARTS HASKELL IMPLEMENT COMPANY -'- "- D. E. LIVENGOOD, Owr HkH, T nt'NINKSS OPPORTUNITIES THE HASKELL FREE PRESS National concern offcis oprr-tunlt- y Married man above SO piefcrred. Must have late mod-e- l car. Knowledge of tractors and machlneny helpful. Sales expetlencc not necessary. Wo train If hired. Drawing account. For personal interview write qualifications, addtcss mil phone number to A. K. Fulton, P. O. Box 302, Dallas, Texas. 25P "mm CSzSS Anhvdions Ammonia & Phos-phon- e Add Sldo-dics- s now for noli- - jii ,fit fiom this year's' crop ... j AIRPLANE SPRAYING SCIIKONK FERTILIZER Phone 2181, Munday OAK AGE SALE Rcfrlgetatois. Guaranteed to make lce-$35.0- One Spring vicuoia (it woiks). Baby Bassinet, skirt and lining white organdy. Blue Trim - $10.00. Dlflhcs, pictures, vases, small tables, lamps. One Hi Fi Record Player. "H bed springs, (new), Steel Cot and pad, ironing bcaids. Feather weight Singer Sewing Machine with table, new condition - $05.00. Modem Living Room Suite. Oak round coffee table, black finish - $15.00. China Cabinet - $45.00. Many other items. Priced right to sell fast. MRS. CECIL LACKEY 901 N. 5th St. Phone UN Haskell, Texas A SELECTION OF atftf BORDEN' 1-- 2 BORDEN'S 1-- 2 BORDEN'S BORDEN'S BORDEN' DEL Wednesday Is Double Day With the Purchase of $2.50 or More Wright's Brand $1.00 Worth Green BEEF Stamp BACON MONTE - ' KOIt JqOW! IOUffl mm BUHER "" KHNT FOR RENT: 8 bodioom home 901 N. 2nd J W Thrcet, 11' j miles southwest "own, Farm load 1225 25-20- p WANTED TO" RENT: Modern two bedroom unfurnished house for permanent employee of the Haskell Free Press. Cull UN 2lifp FOR RENT: 5 room house. 2 bedrooms, good location. See Dr. Frank C. Scott. FOR RENT: Four room house with bath, close In. Phone UN or see Jesse Dean at Dean Butane Co. lOtfc HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE: One electric cook stove in good condition; steel cabinet sections, will sell separately. Hallle Chapman. UN 23tfc Sherman's 14tfc WANTED WANTED: Guns of all typos. Will buy, sell or trade. See T. J. Ballard at 1005 North Ave. K. 7tfc I Free With Each C m m 5 p ORANGE DRINK GALLON BUTTER PEACHES POUND 2V4 CAN PWlifWlllWffl fflllATE MILK CHEESE POUND DEL MONTE FRUIT COCKTAIL. SHELL'S SHORTENING. MMLL INSTANT COFFEE, DIAMOND PEAS. mm lm FROZEN STRAWBERRIES, LIVER Stamps GALLON ANTIQUES 55' " m MEATS 39 Decker's LOST AND FOUN- D- STRAYED OR STOLEN from the Chat ley Redwlno farm 4 miles west of Haskell, one brindle cow, weighs about W0 Infoi-mntlo- lbs Anyone having any n about this cow, please notify Tommy Ray Foster, Rt. 1, Haskell UN or Chu.-le- y UN Redwlnc, Rt. 1. Haskell 25Jp NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS The Commissioners' Court of Haskell County will receive bids at the office of the County Judge until 10 a. m. Tuesday, June 28, 1960 on selling the County a tax accounting machine with the following specifications: 19 total computing macnine, witn electric typewriter for calculating tax and printing results on tax receipts and tax rolls. , The County reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Done by order of the Commissioners' Court June 13, 1960. Jas. C. Alvls County Judge 24-2- 5 Haskell County. Texas. I MILK 303 CAN PRESSED HAM Paul Whole SAUSAGE 4 pwpw PAGE NINE FOR SALE 0" John Deere Cultivator Sweep fl.Ofl 8" John Deere Sweep Cultivator $1.10 10" John Deere Cultivator Sweep fW 12" John Deere Sweep Cultivator LM Unconditionally Guaranteed Graham-Hoem- e Sweep. CO. SEED, GARDEN PLANTS .. COTTONSEED Lankart 57 fuzzy seed out of white sack seed, $1.50 per bushel. Doug Brown, Haskell. 19tfc iC IC : 125 bushels Cut shopping costs by using your Green Stamps. Green Stamps don't cost they pay! Taylor's Hog GILMORE IMPLEMENT POUND GHOLSON GROCERY 4-9W- Phone UN - -W M" Deliver """""'?' ' .!,.. . . ,, A', NA r, . m ,' . ,j U ft 4 . ' 2-L- 39 f I ' f k 'I! ' ' Vi ; . V t ! i 1 V: ' i ifaL

AS THURSpAY' JUNE 23 19?<br />

. .,.! SAMS<br />

! " " ,. .<br />

f and iutai'te<br />

Vf. 202 a.1<br />

... SUIT-'-<br />

J<br />

2J.IC -<br />

- Trv it today<br />

piy-<br />

- ', 'nnd<br />


up-- 1<br />

,. CJtt1 ohflrmlUl I<br />

fltaner. 25l,<br />

ChTnd 'El1.<br />

no" ;:i and<br />

A Antics with<br />

la slze' ictfp<br />

psnS<br />

-iTtP7clt<br />

'K'inufek dry.<br />

piu'' .i.,it for<br />

clothes and<br />

S in red or<br />

u.nrt<br />

I ti rr<br />

EV tffl<br />

Js-rr- -: .n r .KT.<br />

ImT adheres to<br />

ijCCS I!.".<br />

nil<br />

ve m your vicinity.<br />

;ti full keyboard<br />

Full price only<br />

tored. Terms, Also<br />

Vwth,<br />

" -- j n.a<br />

, Texas. t,a way.<br />

jtj<br />



Service. Let us take your bust-.w.- a<br />

mils, nlchts nnd wnnlc.<br />

ends. Centrum basis. Mrs. C.<br />

C. Mlddlcton UN 25c<br />

KOTOTiLLING:" Yards and<br />

gardens pulverized. Free<br />

cstl-mat- e.<br />

Phon UN Bill<br />

Marr. 18tfc<br />

WE Vulcanize and recap any<br />

size tire. Woolen Oil Co. UN<br />

j.2001, Haskell. 23tfc<br />

CLEAN OUT your septic tanks<br />

or grease traps. We have the<br />

equipment to serve you. Day<br />

or night call UN Otho<br />

Nanny Plumbing. 33tfc<br />

AIR CONDITIONERS cleaned<br />

nnd rcpacKca. unmorc implement<br />

Company. Telephone UN<br />

15tfc<br />

WE DO radiator rebuilding,<br />

fix gas tanks, car heaters and<br />

lng for all kinds of radl-.ilnr- a.<br />

All work minrnntptwl.<br />

Wooten'a Radiator Shop. 2tfc<br />


WANTED TO BUY: Used car<br />

must be in good condition and<br />

worth the money. II. IC. Fry,<br />

Rt. 3. Haskell. Texas. 3p<br />

FOR SALE: ton Internation-<br />

al pickup, four speed<br />

trans-missio- n<br />

and overload springs.<br />

Fred Glllla m ntfc<br />


PERSONAL If you have a<br />

drinking problem, write P. O.<br />

Box 213, Haskell, for a confl- -<br />

dcntlal talk. I5tfc<br />



Santa Rosa<br />

Tiektt Headquarter<br />

for tKe'<br />

15TH ANNUAL1<br />


AND<br />


Jimt 22nd Through' 25tK 7<br />


rfKt<br />

: BOX SEAT--6 persons, 4 performance. . .72.00<br />

DUAL BOX SEAT IS.M Each flMO Per Box<br />


Wl ADMISSION, Adult SS.09<br />

'ADMISSION, ChUd .,T7... M<br />


fttt, Wirt or Telephone LI 2-68-<br />

68<br />

H. A. McOARTY, Ticket M-- ucer (<br />

Night Performances, Rain or Shlnt<br />

Covered Grandstand<br />

PSE . . . $8,000.00 Plus Entry FtI<br />



Produced By<br />

MTU BROS., Elk City, Oklahoma<br />



VeraM, Twus<br />

M<br />

a iTiaaocjr- -<br />

PhjHw UN 4-23-<br />

Ferguson<br />

11<br />

- "<br />

'<br />


CLOSE OUT PRICES on all<br />

boatB, motors and tlius left<br />

In stock. Key Motor Co., Mun-da-<br />

Texas. e<br />

ty<br />

FOR SALE:-Twen-<br />

good "din-<br />

ing chairs made of birch. Selling<br />

for $4 each. Worth the<br />

money. Also 1 folding tables,<br />

8 ft. long. Selling for $15. See<br />

Stanley Furrh, Texas j?afe. 25c<br />

FOR SALE: Like new, a pair<br />

of girl's western boots, gieon,<br />

size 7. Worth $50, will sell for<br />

525. sec Stanley Funh, Has- -<br />

kcll.JTqxnS; 2uc<br />

FOR YOUR cabinet hardware;<br />

electric wiring supplies; G. E<br />

built-ln- s and Formica see<br />

Letz Builders Suppy, 202 S<br />

Ave. G. 21tfc<br />

THIRTY GAL. ten year" warranted<br />

glass lined water heat-cr- s<br />

$G9.95 up; also Goulds<br />

pumps and other plumbl.ig<br />

supplies. Letz Builders Supply.<br />

202 S.Ave. G. 2 life<br />

FOR SALE: Unrte!trrniinflv,if.<br />

er Sprinkler System. For fieo<br />

estimate call 4151 or 5871,<br />

Munday, Texas. 22ttc<br />

CUSTOM PLOWING : For any<br />

kind of farm work, terracing,<br />

one-wnyin- g, chiseling, plan<br />

cultivating, contact Jim<br />

Alvis after 5 p. m. Phone UN<br />

4 230 22tfc<br />

FOR SALE: Good two-hors- e<br />

trailer with top at a bargain.<br />

Myron Blard at Blard's Clean- -<br />

e'rs. 22tfc<br />

FOR SALE: New light fixtures,<br />

s price. Army Surplus<br />

Store. 21tfc<br />

Smart Laundry<br />

Speed (neon, Helpy-Sclf- y<br />

Wet and Dry Wash<br />

Pick-U- p and Delivery<br />

Phone UN 4-- 2 Ml<br />

WE NOW have Llndy Auditor's<br />

pens in all red, all blue and<br />

double point red and blue. Especially<br />

designed for every<br />

bookkeeping and clerical use.<br />

Haskell Free Press. lltfp<br />

NOW AVAILABLE: Gold and<br />

silver ink with own writing<br />

pen. Excellent for scrapbooks,<br />

i place cards, Invitations and<br />

greeting cards. Bottle o ink<br />

and pen only 29c at Haskell<br />

Free Press. lltfc<br />

WHITE INK now available.<br />

Suitable for mixing with red,<br />

blue and other dark colors for<br />

lighter shades. Haskell Fret<br />

Press. lltfc<br />

FOR SALE : Paint brushes : red<br />

sable artist rounds and brights:<br />

camel hair lacquering; white<br />

bristle brights; red sable water<br />

color, camel hair water color<br />

and ox hair one stroke. Haskell<br />

Free Pre33. 12ip<br />

FOR SALE: Red sable and<br />

camel hair paint brushes in<br />

all sizes. Excellent for ceramic<br />

work. Haskell Free Press. 12tfp<br />


FOR SALE: Two nice,<br />

houses. $500 will handle<br />

either of them. Both GI Loan.<br />

See Furrh's Real Estate, 507<br />

S. 1st St., Haskell, Texas.<br />

FEW good farms for sale and<br />

about 25 other listings here in<br />

town not mentioned. 23c<br />

FOR SALE: A good business<br />

building need to sell to settle<br />

estate. It Is now occupied one-ha- lf<br />

block off square and<br />

worth the money. See Stanley<br />

Furrh, 507 S. 1st, Haskell, Texas.<br />

25c<br />

FOR LEASE: A good business<br />

building for a 5 year lease. See<br />

Stanley Furrh. 25c<br />

FOR SALE CHEAP : Four room<br />

modern house 22x28. To be<br />

moved from Humble Camp,<br />

3,<br />

Avoca. W. C. Haney,<br />

24-25- p<br />

Stamford.<br />

3 BEDROOM HOUSE for sale.<br />

Utility room. Paving and curb<br />

and gutter. Financed with 4<br />

per cent interest loan. Call<br />

24-25- C<br />

UN or UN<br />

FOR SALE: Lake shore lots<br />

50 ft.xlOO ft., Lake Stamford<br />

west of power plant. $500 cash,<br />

or $5.81 per month, 10 years<br />

to pay, annual payment of<br />

$68.52. O. L. (Jack) Johnson.<br />

Haskell, Texas. Phone UN<br />

PET-S-<br />

22-25- C<br />

LET WARREN'S Pet Shop<br />

24-27- C<br />

board your peta.<br />


need of Wetrina-KTca- U<br />

Dr. W. H. 8twart.<br />

iu vrnndnv. Texaa. 4110<br />

vov, it -<br />





-'- "-<br />

D. E. LIVENGOOD, Owr HkH, T<br />



National concern offcis oprr-tunlt- y<br />

Married man above SO<br />

piefcrred. Must have late mod-e- l<br />

car. Knowledge of tractors<br />

and machlneny helpful. Sales<br />

expetlencc not necessary. Wo<br />

train If hired. Drawing account.<br />

For personal interview write<br />

qualifications, addtcss mil<br />

phone number to A. K. Fulton,<br />

P. O. Box 302, Dallas, Texas.<br />

25P<br />

"mm<br />

CSzSS<br />

Anhvdions Ammonia & Phos-phon- e<br />

Add Sldo-dics- s now for<br />

noli- - jii ,fit fiom this year's'<br />

crop ... j<br />



Phone 2181, Munday<br />


Rcfrlgetatois. Guaranteed to<br />

make lce-$35.0- One Spring<br />

vicuoia (it woiks). Baby Bassinet,<br />

skirt and lining white<br />

organdy. Blue Trim - $10.00.<br />

Dlflhcs, pictures, vases, small<br />

tables, lamps. One Hi Fi Record<br />

Player. "H bed springs, (new),<br />

Steel Cot and pad, ironing<br />

bcaids. Feather weight Singer<br />

Sewing Machine with table, new<br />

condition - $05.00. Modem Living<br />

Room Suite. Oak round coffee<br />

table, black finish - $15.00.<br />

China Cabinet - $45.00. Many<br />

other items. Priced right to sell<br />

fast.<br />


901 N. 5th St.<br />

Phone UN Haskell, Texas<br />


atftf<br />

BORDEN'<br />

1-- 2<br />

BORDEN'S 1-- 2<br />

BORDEN'S<br />

BORDEN'S<br />

BORDEN'<br />

DEL<br />

Wednesday Is Double<br />

Day With the<br />

Purchase of $2.50 or More<br />

Wright's Brand<br />

$1.00 Worth Green<br />

BEEF<br />

Stamp<br />

BACON<br />

MONTE<br />

-<br />

'<br />

KOIt<br />

JqOW!<br />

IOUffl<br />

mm<br />

BUHER<br />

""<br />

KHNT<br />

FOR RENT: 8 bodioom home<br />

901 N. 2nd J W Thrcet, 11' j<br />

miles southwest "own, Farm<br />

load 1225<br />

25-20- p<br />

WANTED TO" RENT: Modern<br />

two bedroom unfurnished<br />

house for permanent employee<br />

of the Haskell Free Press. Cull<br />

UN 2lifp<br />

FOR RENT: 5 room house. 2<br />

bedrooms, good location. See<br />

Dr. Frank C. Scott.<br />

FOR RENT: Four room house<br />

with bath, close In. Phone UN<br />

or see Jesse Dean at<br />

Dean Butane Co. lOtfc<br />


FOR SALE: One electric cook<br />

stove in good condition; steel<br />

cabinet sections, will sell separately.<br />

Hallle Chapman. UN<br />

23tfc<br />

Sherman's 14tfc<br />

WANTED<br />

WANTED: Guns of all typos.<br />

Will buy, sell or trade. See T.<br />

J. Ballard at 1005 North Ave.<br />

K. 7tfc<br />

I<br />

Free With Each<br />

C<br />

m m<br />

5<br />

p<br />




POUND<br />

2V4 CAN<br />

PWlifWlllWffl<br />

fflllATE MILK<br />

CHEESE<br />

POUND<br />




DIAMOND PEAS. mm lm<br />


LIVER<br />

Stamps<br />

GALLON<br />


55'<br />

"<br />

m<br />

MEATS<br />

39<br />

Decker's<br />



the Chat ley Redwlno farm 4<br />

miles west of Haskell, one<br />

brindle cow, weighs about W0<br />

Infoi-mntlo- lbs Anyone having any<br />

n<br />

about this cow, please<br />

notify Tommy Ray Foster, Rt.<br />

1, Haskell UN or Chu.-le- y<br />

UN<br />

Redwlnc, Rt. 1. Haskell<br />

25Jp<br />

NOTICE<br />


The Commissioners' Court<br />

of Haskell County will receive<br />

bids at the office of the County<br />

Judge until 10 a. m. Tuesday,<br />

June 28, 1960 on selling the<br />

County a tax accounting machine<br />

with the following specifications:<br />

19 total computing<br />

macnine, witn electric typewriter<br />

for calculating tax and<br />

printing results on tax receipts<br />

and tax rolls. ,<br />

The County reserves the<br />

right to reject any and all bids.<br />

Done by order of the Commissioners'<br />

Court June 13,<br />

1960.<br />

Jas. C. Alvls County Judge<br />

24-2- 5 Haskell County. Texas.<br />

I<br />

MILK<br />

303 CAN<br />


Paul<br />

Whole<br />


4<br />

pwpw<br />


FOR SALE<br />

0" John Deere Cultivator<br />

Sweep<br />

fl.Ofl<br />

8" John Deere<br />

Sweep<br />

Cultivator<br />

$1.10<br />

10" John Deere Cultivator<br />

Sweep fW<br />

12" John Deere<br />

Sweep<br />

Cultivator<br />

LM<br />

Unconditionally Guaranteed<br />

Graham-Hoem- e Sweep.<br />

CO.<br />



Lankart 57 fuzzy seed out of<br />

white sack seed, $1.50 per<br />

bushel. Doug Brown, Haskell.<br />

19tfc<br />

iC<br />

IC<br />

: 125 bushels<br />

Cut shopping costs by using your<br />

Green Stamps. Green Stamps don't<br />

cost they pay!<br />

Taylor's<br />

Hog<br />



POUND<br />


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