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XAS(<br />

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home<br />

Sunday<br />

iSttor-rw-cic SSSjfiX<br />

THURSDAY, JUNE 23,<br />

,erton News<br />

3C8. nrUlKIlT LKFEVMB<br />

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lh Taffy's plane<br />

Ms. Lloyd .Nreneors<br />

It'e here visi rrr<br />

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About<br />

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!f oi Wlisnn MnSKeil. -- -r JfHICQ<br />

Fed . " .u<br />

1M0<br />

Preston Lcnh of Houston nnil<br />

Mrs. R. T. Lambert of Idalou<br />

were recent guests In the home<br />

of Mr. nnd Mrs. O. A. Lambert.<br />

7.<br />

Guests In tho Otto Lchrmnnn<br />

home for Father's Dny were<br />

.Mr. nnd Mrsi Jan Foutg and<br />

daughter of Lubbock, Mr. nnd<br />

Mrs. Norvcll Lchrmnnn and<br />

sons, Mr. and Mrs. Clanccy<br />

Lchrmnnn nnd family of Sag-erto- n,<br />

Mr. nnd Mrs. Bcrnhnrd<br />

Lets! of Old Glory, Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Lloyd Mengers of Mnthls.<br />

James Lchrmnnn nnd Mr. nnd<br />

Mrs. J. C. Schwartz and daugh<br />

oi<br />

snyucr a<br />

Witnesses Plan<br />

For Convention<br />

In Fort Worth<br />

Preparations nrc well under<br />

way. for the coming four-da- y<br />

"Pence Pursuing District Assembly<br />

of Jehovah's Witnesses<br />

to be held at tho Will Rogers<br />

Memorial Coliseum in Ft.<br />

jducai'u"-<br />

- inni' "<br />

&LSl<br />

ner pastor of<br />

Worth on Juno 23 to 20. preside<br />

ing minister, Robert Edwards<br />

of the Stamford congregation,<br />

announced today<br />

"The assembly will be 'c<br />

l.rin UlUICH<br />

Witnesses largest in<br />

t to the mission Texas since their gathering at<br />

spoke<br />

1957.<br />

Houston in Twclvc-thous-nn- d<br />

delegates are expected,"<br />

ie Haskell a n l gates." Local delegates<br />

write lor reservations.<br />

he<br />

Luther Leagues dinger 8 to meet<br />

arican Luthcran<br />

speaker. In Stamford<br />

J b betcwe Haskell<br />

;,<br />

Jones<br />

Coleman were ...m AAi. t. --..;<br />

iiDelbert LcFev.el Baptist Church in Stnm- -<br />

ITifiernOOn fnnl tSinflnv nflnrnnnn Ti,<br />

S'anlff oft rrt,. - ' ::<br />

ire 5terdrj: '<br />

' c. iw,n ""'" - pJ!<br />

.V.--, .mill IIIIIIU Olilill<br />

R their I I.<br />

and rrnmii.<br />

oinnnra<br />

vnly<br />

Shirley<br />

r.nm,no<br />

Ul<br />

gran for(i wJlo ts hplnJncr ...,th n,n<br />

J Mrs G A Lv for the nffair.<br />

pests in 'be The program will begin at<br />

2 p. m. nnd g03pel singing will<br />

re over the ur<br />

kr. md Mrs H T<br />

li"i and v<br />

Wfy Limber .f<br />

'. .ance and Taf'v<br />

fflllOllf.<br />

l!<br />

ters<br />

will<br />

be fenturcd. All singers nnd<br />

music lovers nrc invited<br />

Mount Ranier National Pnvfc<br />

in Washington covers 239.30.5<br />

ncrcs.<br />






fc Texas Phonft 858-247- 1<br />

'<br />

The "center" of a<br />

HOME<br />

is a "flameless<br />

iictxec Kitchen<br />

Ill<br />


CLEAN<br />

COOL,<br />

SAFE.<br />

vA<br />

1 iJt-- i<br />

II<br />

Heedless Drivers<br />

May Spend 4th<br />

In Jail<br />

"Tile Fourth of July Is<br />

Dny, but the di Ivor<br />

who gets too independent<br />

while on tho rond mny do hi<br />

cclcbrntlng In jail!" This<br />

warning wns given to Area motorists<br />

by Scrgennt F. P. jjr.<br />

elk who is mnklnjr nn nll-ou- f<br />

effort In SPO Mint fl'nfl<br />

dents will not mnr this year's<br />

Independence Dny celebration<br />

The Texns flitrhwnv rnti.nt<br />

nnd other agencies are sponsoring<br />

a safe vacation driving<br />

program during the July l week<br />

end, Seigcant Jirclk said. This<br />

program deserves the support<br />

of all citizens, and we enn<br />

show our intentions to ,<br />

cooi-d--nto-<br />

right off, by observing the<br />

lilies of safe driving over tin<br />

weekend of the Fouith.<br />

An Independent attitude on<br />

the pii't of drivers Is hotinl to<br />

lead to accidents, Sgt. Jiivik<br />

said. He pointed out that di'v-or- s<br />

must share the road rh<br />

nil other drivers, nnd if they<br />

nrc to0 insistent on their light s.<br />

or enrry a chip on their shoulder<br />

most of the time, they are<br />

nsklng for trouble.<br />

Mnke courtesy your code of<br />

tho road, Sgt. Jirclk d<br />

You will find that you will bo<br />

more relaxed when your 'rip<br />

Is over, and you will have n<br />

much better visit. And it may<br />

surprise you to know, he added,<br />

that others drivers return<br />

your courtesy almost even<br />

time.<br />

The S'crgeant also warned<br />

against trying to cover too<br />

many miles in too short a<br />

time and driving at speeds too<br />

fast for conditions. Hc gave<br />

the following tips for a safe<br />

visit:<br />

1. Don't try to cover too<br />

many miles.<br />

2. Be prepared for lienvv<br />

weekend traffic.<br />

3. Leave early, and pause<br />

for rest occasionally.<br />

4. Drive within speed linv<br />

5. Leave your drinking off.<br />

(5. Remembor that the apr.<br />

cation of common coulter<br />

traffic situations does prevor .<br />

many accidents.<br />

Scrgennt Jirclk said it woui i<br />

be a good idea for driven 'o<br />

paste the slogan. "Drive to<br />

Arrive Alive," on their dash<br />

boards.<br />


T. R. Odell Lubbock attorney<br />

and a former resident here,<br />

was in Haskell Friday look'ng<br />

after his property interests and<br />

other business.<br />



Mrs. Raymond Lusk returned<br />

last week from Shnmrock.<br />

where she had been for a week<br />

at the bedside of a daughter-in-law- ,<br />

Mrs. Bill Lusk, a surgery<br />

patient in Shamrock Hospital.<br />

Bill, a State Highway<br />

Patrolman, is stationed at<br />

Shnmrock.<br />

Symbol ol Modern giving<br />

The touch-of-a-butto- n magic of an electric kitchen brings the<br />

whole world of tomorrow to today's homemakcr. The mod<br />

ern electric food preparation center is a decorator-designe- d<br />

dream of beauty, comfort and convenience. Here s why . . .<br />

1<br />

bi yovr iltdric lllch.n virlMnB iloyi ipoiH.ng eln.<br />

Wolli, crihgi, curlo!n Poh ond paw It.lify o lh fad<br />

"fi'',' wn,ro,ld h yrt"H<br />

(hot you. tltic rang, g'v"<br />

vt th dingy byprodudi of fiamrlyp WW".<br />

IWdtk nrt U ronim!M fo.dV P6" M<br />

two n cvt Wb iht room. Yow I0khn Uoy cool and<br />

CONVENIENT corifrW<br />

M) m WW Wf g M for --utom6!c,<br />


w 3. H mk m mi<br />

fyourfrft<br />

i Your StaMe AanUanc D.al.r<br />

.. y r r.r - irw<br />

'<br />

..<br />

r<br />


Camp for Junior<br />

Girls Will <strong>Open</strong><br />

Monday, June 27<br />

Tho second youth camp will<br />

begin Monday Juno 27 at tho<br />

Lucdcrs Hnptlst En-- a urment.<br />

This camp Is for Junior girls<br />

of the Abilene, Callahan, Fish-o- r<br />

and Haskell-Kno- x Associations,<br />

and will close with the<br />

noon meal Thursday, Juno 30<br />

Rev. Ralph Eowlfn, mic3ion-m- y<br />

from Southern Rhodesia<br />

will be cr mp ni'slrnry.<br />

Uev Harold Wp'son, rn.itor<br />

of the First Baptist Church,<br />

Clyde will servo as camp pastor.<br />

Other person ic1 invade<br />

Mis. Donald Bnlrd of Cross<br />

Plains, director; Jin Taylor,<br />

music; Becky Baird. Cross<br />

Plains, pianist; 3ua Scuthcr-lnnd- ,<br />

Lynnorn Ratliff, Stnm-forlifr<br />

uards; and Mrs.<br />

Ougc C 'am, Abilene.<br />

The next scheduled camp<br />

will bo t'-- e fin m Day<br />

Camps, July o for Cisco nnd<br />

I -- i o<br />

Betty Crocker or Puffin<br />

Biseusti<br />

Golden Brand<br />

OLEO<br />

Flavor-Wrig- ht<br />

BACON<br />

Fresh, Extra Sweet Arizona<br />

E<br />

Sweetwater Associations, July<br />

7 for Jones, Stonewall, Hns-kcll-Kn-<br />

Assoclntlons, nnd July<br />

8 for Abilene, Callahan and<br />

Fisher Assoclntlons.<br />

The second Junior G. A.<br />

Cnmp follows on July 11--<br />


Mr. nnd Mis. C. C. Childless<br />

nnd two llttlo sons, Oirls and<br />

Craig, of Abilene, were week<br />

end visitors in tho homo of<br />

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Oipson, pn-renof<br />

Mrs. Childress.<br />

-<br />



Mr. and Mrs. Chester Jones<br />

and little son, Chester Lane,<br />

of Austin, spent tho weekend<br />

here visiting in the homes of<br />

their parents nnd grandparents.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Lane and<br />

Rev. nnd Mrs. Jesse Jones.<br />


Mrs Jesse B. Smith returned<br />

home Saturday from an extended<br />

visit with her son Charles<br />

and family of Odessa.<br />

$<br />

Read Free Press Want Ads<br />

Fresh Ground, Lean, All Beef<br />

Hamburger<br />


"Handy" Brand, Big 2 Gal. Size<br />


Sweet Treet, Crushed<br />

PHPL<br />

Byrd<br />


2<br />

Hunt's, No. 300 Size<br />


Renown, Vertical Pack, Whole<br />


Burleson's Pure, Strained<br />

HONEY<br />

2<br />

Gallon Bottle<br />

Church's<br />

Pure<br />

Concord<br />


"A",<br />

"1<br />

Meat<br />

LB.<br />

NO. 300 SIZE CANS<br />

Want Ads Boost<br />

Sale of Fryers<br />

O. L. Moore<br />

After selling 220 fryers In<br />

one week, O. L. Moore of this<br />

city decided It was tlmo to<br />

enncel his Wnnt Ad In The<br />

Free Press until he had time<br />

to replenish his supply of chickens.<br />

Mr. Moore, who Is undisputed<br />

champion chicken grower<br />

of Haskell, sells of<br />

fryers, broilers and fat hens<br />

yearly. Ho givcs Want Ads<br />

credit for being a big assist In<br />

developing sales, nnd ho hns<br />

numerous regular customers<br />

from nelghboiing towns.<br />

Sales last week included two<br />

lots of 50 fryers while another<br />

customer bought C5 fryers,<br />

reported.<br />

Mr. Moore<br />

Although he had just about<br />

sold out of fryers at the first<br />

of the week, he has more com-<br />

ing on and can take care of hie<br />

customers needs within a few<br />

days, he stated.<br />

Classified Ads will buy, sel1<br />

or trade for you.<br />

limBPWHWIjn-- -<br />

SEtecr&3!yy&<br />

O<br />

NO. 303 CANS<br />

O NO.<br />

16-0- Z. JAR<br />


Metzger's Grade<br />


mm<br />

Folgev<br />

24-O- Z.<br />

Pcmteurized<br />

SIZE<br />

LB.<br />

For<br />

5<br />

39<br />

10 99<br />

303 CANS 4Q<br />

CTN.<br />

29<br />

C<br />

C<br />

C<br />

OQC<br />

39<br />

39<br />

33<br />

19<br />

69<br />

POGU E ' S<br />

C<br />

C<br />

C<br />

thousands<br />

Betty<br />

Alcoa<br />

Swift's<br />

i<br />

Pet<br />




Better bring it to us for treatment.<br />

That cooling system is<br />

mighty important in hot weather,<br />

and if it isn't working properly,<br />

can give you plenty of trouble. tfW<br />

Stop in soon and let us check your<br />

cooling system. You'll like our<br />

service.<br />


403 North Ave. E Phone UN 91<br />

2<br />

1<br />

3<br />

Lbs.<br />

Cans<br />

Lbs.<br />

Lb. PKG.<br />

Crocker's New "Country Kitchen"<br />

6<br />

49?<br />

89<br />

CAKE MIXES 3WXB $1.00<br />

About<br />

Each Purchase of Cake Mix<br />

Ask 1-l- b. Free Coffee, Any Brand, With<br />

ALUMINUM FOIL 2" 49<br />

Pinw<br />


Coastal, Frozen, Concentrated<br />


Borden's<br />

NTANT<br />

MAZOLA<br />

MILK<br />

FLOUR<br />


OIL<br />

3<br />

ZeeJ Rolls<br />


PINTS<br />

S.<br />

CAN<br />

QT.<br />


8<br />

SHOP<br />

49'<br />

c<br />

$1.00<br />

Mf<br />

29<br />

55 C<br />

391<br />

29<br />


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