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JJy FormfH Sk!pptM-fam- ou. for<br />

'Monelojiicnefillmminnl<br />

'tic front pantll<br />

,WQis,band slims wafitlinel<br />

washobtef<br />

;fc'15--Glrdl.No.9- 15<br />

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' ". 507. Mjuu. . .<br />

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"I<br />

10<br />

Rainbow Sewing<br />

Club Meets With<br />

Mrs. Peavy<br />

Tlic Rnlnbcw Sewing Club mot<br />

In the homo of Sue Peuvy Jwic<br />

21. the borne wnn beniitifully<br />

decorated with vy and iosch.<br />

The program began with Znda<br />

Smith leading the group in ulng.<br />

Ing the song "In the Gordon".<br />

Salllc Patterson won honors<br />

for the most sewing. The Club<br />

voted to have a question ibox<br />

nnd Flossie Rogers wn appoint-c- d<br />

to answer the questions next<br />

meeting time.<br />

Sallie Patterson gave Uie<br />

thought for tb,e duy. Florence<br />

Lamed sponsored the recreation<br />

and seven nJ games wore<br />

played "Happy Birthday" was<br />

sung to Florence Larned and<br />

Annie Thomas. Eddie Johnson<br />

drew the nice hostess gift. "The<br />

Washday" scrg was sung nnd<br />

U'o meeting closed with the sing-int- r<br />

of the closing song, "Will- -<br />

I ing Workers".<br />

Roficflhments were served to<br />

I Mcmlamcs Annie Thomas, Eddie<br />

Johnson, Essie Rogers, Znda<br />

mith. Etliel Edwards, Salllc<br />

, Pnttcison, Cora Pitman, Flossie<br />

iRfgcrw, Anrie Pcnn Lusk, Ann<br />

I<br />

Tajlcr. Sue Peavy and visitors,<br />

Mrs. Tom Holland, Annie Got- -<br />

N'vol Smith, nnd Judy<br />

iu,cman of Flute, Texas who<br />

was our Mascot 15 ycais ago.<br />

The next meeting will be<br />

with Znda Smith.<br />


Miss Jeanctto Kay Melton,<br />

of Mr. and Mrs. Edd<br />

Melton of Roby, spent last<br />

week In Haskell with her cousin,<br />

Patsy Bartley and with<br />

her uncle and aunt, Mr. nnd<br />

Mrs. Clarence Taylor. Sunday,<br />

Miss Melton attended the<br />

birthday dinner of her grandmother,<br />

Mrs. George Pllnnd.<br />

newest thing in outdoor trtv-clin- g<br />

and living.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Woodson nnd<br />

i Mrs. Davis spent three days<br />

in nnd nround Los Angeles,<br />

visltintr kinfolks nnd touting<br />

famed Disney Land nnd Marine<br />

and<br />

'I " I<br />

X?- - "'"-v-<br />

&Y<br />

'ACTS: Rayon, cotton, rufcbT,<br />

, lasllc front ian; tody<br />

::,<br />

tlotMc, nylon, rayon, rubbtr?<br />

' n , i t<br />

lBra & tf.99<br />

' " 4 M 30A, 92 10 311 ntf V.<br />

'ACTS t AN otton wMi M nyiw tpw ku<br />

Grou<br />

P<br />

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Girdles anrl . "'fW.<br />

Panfiea rfJunnn.<br />

,St)'les.value8ton3.50<br />

$.7<br />

and $7.50<br />

wWl4te.BSfefer:<br />

mm ,4Jm cm<br />

Mrs. Opal Dotson Installed As B&PW<br />

Club President for 1960-6- 1 Season<br />

SaBaBmBHPF PHHHBkj.<br />

itBaaaHLv xuFcUsBfeiu.<br />


The Haskell Business n ,1 1<br />

Professional Women s Ci.b<br />

held the last meeting until<br />

September, Sunday nfternom,<br />

Juno 19, in iho Comnuimty<br />

Room of the Haskell National<br />

Bank<br />

Miss Florence Andeison of<br />

San Angelo, director of Di.i-tiic- t<br />

Seven of the Texas Federation<br />

was the gucsl speaker.<br />

Miss Andeison in her nddios'S<br />

discussed with the club, the<br />

"Gcnls for 10GCM51."<br />

Ml.ss Andeison conducted the<br />

service in which she installed<br />

the new officers for 1900-61- . In<br />

the service the members were<br />

tnken back to the mythological<br />

realms of the Greek Goddesses,<br />

and for a time they<br />

were members in one of the,<br />

1 courts.<br />

j Mrs. Opal Dotson was in- -<br />

I stnllcd ns president. Mrs. Dot- -<br />

. son, with her 3ister, Mrs. Stan-- .<br />

ley Furrh, Is nnd<br />

mnnnger of the Personality<br />

' Shoppe. They have operafd<br />

the Shoppe for the past fifteen<br />

years.<br />

Mrs. Dotson is r. charter<br />

membetf of the B&PW Club<br />

She has held several ofiitcs,<br />

nnd seived ns chnirman of<br />

committees before<br />

president. She is an<br />

ao-tiv- e<br />

member of the Hnskll<br />

Chamber of Commerce, nnd<br />

has long been a mcmbei of<br />

Re nil Mei chants Association<br />

'ie is a member of the Bond<br />

of Directors of the Haskell<br />

United Fund Drive. Mis. Do<br />

son is n member of the Fust<br />

Baptist Church.<br />

Other new officers aic Mrs.<br />

Lois Jones, first vice picsi-den- t;<br />

Mis. Fadwa Hnssen,<br />

second vice president; Mrs.<br />

Stella Cnmpbell, treasurer;<br />

Mrs. Dorn Montgomeiy, recording<br />

secretary; Mis. Elizabeth<br />

Stewart, corresponding<br />

secretary; Miss Mndalin Hunt,<br />

parliamentarian; Mis. Lois<br />

Redwinc, reporter.<br />

Mrs. Dotson named the following<br />

lndiC3 as committee<br />

chairmen: Mrs. Edna Lyles,<br />

Career Advancement; Mrs.<br />

Ramia Lee Frnzier, Finnnc;<br />

Mis. Grace McKelvnln, Health<br />

nnd Safety; Mrs. Louise<br />

Greene, International Relations;<br />

Mrs. Aitie Mae Burkett,<br />

Legislation: Mrs. Fndwn Hnssen,<br />

Membership: Mrs. Opal<br />

Nanny, Nntlonnl Security;<br />

Mrs. Lois Jones, Program Co-<br />

Frier-son- ,<br />

ordination; Mrs. Ozelle<br />

Projects; Miss Nettie Mc-Collu-<br />

Public Affaiis; Miss<br />

Mndalin Hunt. Public Relations;<br />

Mrs. Lou Kucnstler,<br />

Scrap Book; nnd Mis. Paul- -<br />

FARM<br />

AND<br />

RANCH<br />

LOANS<br />


I.OXC. TERMS<br />

Barf ield-Tu- r tier<br />

Agency<br />

Haskell, Tex. P. I'N<br />

Dr.<br />

Gertrude Robinson<br />

Chiropractic Clinic<br />

506 N. Avft. E ,<br />

Haskell, Texas ,<br />

acsed Every Thursday<br />

H6WDV ! rf5fAMDAlOU<br />

lAUkl J--l MHN 'W<br />



ICON ION mY?M4fc.<br />

IM STAmOHU,vtw<br />

Q-si-<br />

HWWMaVM<br />

N<br />

iaKsK 'HiBaeiBiBiBiBiBr<br />

Pgp3S$W<br />


Ine Norninn, Telephone.<br />

Miss Mndalin Hunt, retiring<br />

picsldcnt, ptesldcd for the<br />

biiflness mcetlnp, nnd Intro-dine- d<br />

the speaker. After tha<br />

Installation sendee Miss Hunt<br />

presented the president's pin,<br />

nnd gnvel to Mis. Dotson.- -<br />

The room was bcnutlfully<br />

decorated with arrangements<br />

of dnlsles, nnd tiny lilies.<br />

The refreshment tnblc was<br />

laid with nn Italian cut-wor- k<br />

cloth. The nppolntmcnt3 were<br />

of crystal. Delicious punch,<br />

cookies, mints, nnd salted<br />

nuts were served to the mcmbei<br />

s nnd guests.<br />

Officers for 1959-60- , nnd new<br />

officers for 19C0-C- 1 were hostesses<br />

for the program.<br />

. ,<br />

New Ul Project<br />

To Develop Safer<br />

Teenage Drivers<br />

A new 4-- pro<br />

gram introduced nationally<br />

caily this year has n potential<br />

membcishlp of 100,000 boy3<br />

and girls. Half the number<br />

ieachc3 driving age evh ;sai,<br />

accoiding to the C k ivc<br />

Extension SoitIco w.'i.sli directs<br />

the program<br />

The project is a oluntary un-<br />

dertaking for olde'- -<br />

mem-bet- s<br />

io be carried out over n<br />

three-yea- r period. Specialized<br />

ti alnlng will supplement driver<br />

education couises given in<br />

many high schools, but In<br />

some instances will be the<br />

only "supervised" instruction<br />

available to In their<br />

home communities.<br />

The work assignments will<br />

be guided by experienced volunteer<br />

adult leaders assisted<br />

by state and county highway<br />

engineers police, automotive<br />

expetts and others qualified to<br />

help do the job.<br />

One workbook will be used<br />

for each year. Unit I covers<br />

the Car nnd the Highway; Unit<br />

II Mnintenance nnd Operation;<br />

Unit III Operating the Car<br />

Efficiently.<br />

More traffic deaths and injuries<br />

cccuned la3t year than<br />

in 195S, and 28 per cent of the<br />

drivers involved in fatal accidents<br />

were under 25 years of<br />

age.<br />

Raymond C Firestone, president<br />

i the Firestone Tire &<br />

Rubber Company, which is<br />

sponsoring the program, stated<br />

"We are particularly hopeful<br />

that this piogram will help reduce<br />

the high incidence of<br />

tal accidents among our young<br />

drive is."<br />

Those engaged in t'o<br />

Automotive care and safjt;'<br />

program contend that the more<br />

young people learn about the<br />

car they are driving ,the less<br />

likely they are to take chances<br />

with that cnr.<br />

For club members who<br />

fulfill the objectives of the<br />

program. Plrcstona<br />

will provide n variety of nwnvds<br />

including a week in Chicago cs<br />

a delegate to the Nationnl 4--<br />

Club Ccngrcss, plus $400 college<br />

scholarships for six of the<br />

highest ranking in the<br />

nation.<br />

t<br />



To the Haskell people who<br />

have proven themselves to be<br />

genuine friends. Our love and<br />

our thanks go to you who have<br />

been so truly kind and considerate<br />

during Dick's illness.<br />

Your cards, your letters nnd<br />

your flowers have helped so<br />

much to brighten the dark<br />

days. Your financial help Ins<br />

made our love for you nnd<br />

Haskell realized beyond meas-<br />

ure. The Booster Club<br />

mem-boi- s<br />

nnd mnny others have<br />

nroven by their donations to<br />

be real boosters of Dick nnd<br />

we nre so proud that you feel<br />

like helping us. All of our pray- -<br />

i have been answered, for<br />

Dick is on the road to recov<br />

ery. Wo can thank our Lord in<br />

Heaven for that. For the many<br />

other things, we thank you.<br />

Ve Idve you and are looking<br />

forward to being "home"<br />

ngnin. With deepest sincerity,<br />

Dick and Martha Gnlnes. 25p<br />



Mrs. Ireno Bouldln and son<br />

Dnnnv returned this week from<br />

'. y vacation trip to<br />

'<br />

!<br />

points in California. Highlight<br />

of their trip was a visit to<br />

D'-wIr- -nd, and Danny brought<br />

back "a Ship Operator's Certi-'-.-t- e<br />

awarded him at Disneyland.<br />

r-- wT FOR SKILT IN<br />


Martin' Dale Coleman,, s<br />

graduate of Paint Creek High<br />

i<br />

School, ha been presented<br />

wit1? i '""'"loate of Merit in<br />

vm i fechaxilcs. It was<br />

awarded, by )he Thor Research<br />

tC'xtr- - '-- " ,B" or 'AVifig,<br />

lrengo, I"- - I Vp" SlenJa"<br />

earned the award for .showing<br />

the rreatesf '" mechanics<br />

ability among the graduating<br />

nniM of' the Paint Creeit<br />

School. - '.<br />

Swordflsh pen swim t<br />

speeds up to 7" Tnllfs Fn hour,<br />

"-r<br />

r '<br />

1, 1 1 Ml,<br />

r1 --'<br />

,M1I','<br />


Firms and Individuals Underwrite<br />

Cost of an clcctilc bulletin<br />

bonrd to be erected on the northwest<br />

coiner of the square linn<br />

been underwritten by Hnskell<br />

firms and Individuals who have<br />

.contributed more than $1,400 to<br />

th6 project.<br />

A committee headed by Harold<br />

Spain na chairman conducted a<br />

onc-dn- y campaign in raising the<br />

mency. Other committee members<br />

were Allen Rlcves, Jim<br />

Alvls, A. T Ballard, Tom Bar-fiel-<br />

Henry Withers, Mrs. Olen<br />

Dotson and Mrs. Barney Frnzier,<br />

West Texas Utilities Company<br />

will donate service pipe nnd<br />

meter loop for the sign, Thomas<br />

Neon Sign Compnny of Abilene<br />

.contractors on the Installation,<br />

will donate $100, the C. of C.<br />

wns advised.<br />

Other donors arc:<br />

Mjir-Ke- t Poultry & Egg 50.00;<br />

Haskell Warehouse Co. 100.00;<br />

Mar-Kc- ; Equipment Co. 50.00;<br />

Perry Motor Co. 5.00; Boggs &<br />

Johnson lir' Pilt!i Cnfo rit'<br />

Lyles Jewelry 25.00, Slipper<br />

Shoppe 2 00; Jack Johnson 2.50:<br />

Mis. James H. Kel- l-<br />

Jewel Blake 2.00; Centra<br />

Hunt 10.00; Dutch Wheeler o.Gu,<br />

Brazcltcn Lumber Co. 25.00;<br />

(<br />

v --.A. -'<br />

Wb 1<br />

X<br />

...attached<br />

...<br />

4&&fa. &<br />

Stockholm model by Swift, world's largest manufacturers of PREcision<br />

CUT homes! Three big, airy bedrooms, a 27'9' living room, t.vo full baths,<br />

a dream kitchen, spacious porch for outdoor living. For full details, write<br />

your nearest Swift distributor or Swift Homes, Elizabeth, Pa.<br />

(Lot. landscaping, patio, not Included. Winner must provide level lot. complying<br />

in all respects to local building regulations )<br />

Help celebrate Dr Pepper's 75th Anniversary!<br />

Enter the Diamond Jubilee Contest and vin<br />

any of 1000 prizes. All you do is finish this<br />

sentence, "I vant Dr Pepper's Diamond Jubilee<br />

Dccrliiiob because . . ." in 25 words or<br />


vVSSfiiSWf.<br />

" s<br />

1<br />

kK .KaT iviT. .<br />

fjKvwfil!s1SvwaSv-.i.-- vrtvXsww3SWrov55<br />

NUT 4 PMZtS: CONN MINUCT ncxt s ruins: ( PRIZES-<br />

IICTRONIC 0KAN low<br />

- &--:-<br />

'S'K. .,. t..<br />

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fi"l<br />

:VV.T<br />

1 .n rH S' fs.-- ; s A. w kk. av.<br />

iSTfts 1 , KS--<br />

A'vf fcH!'.<br />

vH8K5Swi$ ?. Jwwvv<br />

Sc)sc?-i-S.-<br />

KCXT<br />



sim tc.r DINING GROUP IT KELLER EASY (( dfytt BELL c-- l<br />

aiimiv.uj a ....<br />

tiiiymi<br />

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vtt r. o" j<br />

""US.<br />

C0MB0MATIC<br />

I<br />

Tyfvw.<br />

JS PRIZES:<br />


5 x.i' w. ' , I . -<br />

SHV!.<br />

niks<br />

B)9MBTU rWMjUl IMXtt<br />

Mt't<br />

hot m<br />

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,BjiiiM the lirwwrt<br />

siwiwwf c5<br />

'jSVSr L<br />

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fqgK"WH?<br />

to a<br />

3Bmm&& 4&&f<br />

000 prizes<br />

'zsmmpimm<br />

YOUtH<br />

mt'H, MWnc a<br />

m4MjttoUvFOJt !m<br />

W3885S!mxss&33M<br />

NOTMnUfS:<br />

mutm mm ruruu<br />

am rswvnu tot<br />

....<br />

"mmfmmmmwm pppwwwp<br />

25,000<br />

Kxt iff mm: ttuNSwicK<br />

aowuM uutrauK<br />

PASS<br />

bSTa<br />

Tnc Uwi,<br />

Lh<br />

Mt<br />

limits, signs --r hfa on M HU M<br />

W MMHT M Hir<br />

Cost of Electric Bulletin Board<br />

ivig Houinmcnt Co. 2,00; Thomas<br />

Kennedy Lumber Co. 25.00;<br />

20.00; Dee Philips 2.00; Senium-bergc- r<br />

Well Fur Corp 5 00<br />

Cunningham Grocery & Statu .1<br />

5.00; Gardner Grocery 5.00;<br />

Gene Campbell Service Station<br />

5:00; Smitty's Auto Parts 5 00;<br />

Corley's 2.00; Shelton & Clan-to- n<br />

5.00; Pogue Barber Shop<br />

1.00; Cahlll & Duncan Agency<br />

10.00; Allen Shoe Shop 2.00;<br />

Modern News Stand 3.00; Neely<br />

Dry uoods 5.00 ; 10.00; Stewart Motor Scrvlc<br />

ro; Vfinm<br />

Duncan Gin Co.<br />

Iv-- y 2.00; City<br />

Bnrbei Shop 4.C<br />

Elbert Payne 1.00; Starr Weld-In- g<br />

Motor Works 2.00;<br />

Carrlker 2.00; J. P. KIrby 2.00;<br />

Tilllc's Drive In 5.00; Sknln's<br />

Junkyard 10.00; Fred Gilliam<br />

6.00; Wallace Blacksmith 2.00;<br />

Kimbell Mill Elevator 5.00.<br />

C B Store 5.00; Implement<br />

Co. 15.00; Phelps<br />

10.00; Jessie Sects<br />

2.00; Pauline Dick 1.25; Rubye<br />

Henshaw 1 io; Al Williams 1.00<br />

Whcatley's Mens Wear 5.00;<br />

Motor Co. 10.00; Has-sen- s<br />

5.00; Retail Merchnnts<br />

Ass'n. 5 00; Bassing Jewelry<br />

5.00; Conner Nursery Floral<br />

Co. 10.00; & Ratliff 10.00.<br />

Sherman Interior DecoratinT<br />

10 00; Gholson Grocery 10 00<br />

Pogue Gtocery 10.00; Eaird<br />

Cleaners 25.00; J. M. Crawfoi<br />

30 OC; Oaten Drug Stoic 23 Of<br />

Hoklen Funeral Home 23 00. f<br />

'r-rk- ct System C' vorv 50 Of<br />

Pavne Diug Stoic 15 00, Ba<br />

Turner Agency 25 00; Br<br />

Fiankin Stoic 10.00; Beauty Bi<br />

3 00, I 50.00; Brool<br />

Middkion 10 00.<br />

Swlnson Spiay Co. 25<br />

Richey St'-i'- Co. 10 en- -<br />

Dry Goods 10.00; Pertv Bi '<br />

VnT'" Store 10 r' F e<br />

Pharmacy 10 CO: .lor<br />

25 00- - Estate 10.00; Western Auto<br />

Store 12 50; Nell's Alteration<br />

Shop 2.00; Chilstcnc's Beauty<br />

Salon 5.00; Buck Bland 1.00; T.<br />

&<br />

Otto M. Patterson 1.00; Gerald Lytic<br />

Station 10.00; Indian Grill 3.00;<br />

H & M Auto Parts 5.00; Wallace<br />

Wooten Service Station 10.00<br />

Bill Wilson Motor Compnny<br />

&<br />

25.00; Modern Way Food Store<br />

& Gllmorc 10.00; Haskell Free Press 15.00;<br />

Cook's Barber Shop 10 00<br />

A. C. Foster 2.50, Coggins Insurance<br />

5.00, Whites Auto Stoic<br />

7.50; Dad 'N Lad Store 10.00,<br />

Stone Grocery & Station 1.00;<br />

Mcdford<br />

I<br />

&<br />

Ratllff<br />

WALL<br />

Carpet &<br />

g.<br />

! Expert<br />

0'<br />

FiU See Us For<br />

Tr . New and<br />

Com<br />

Haskell Count<br />

Farm Puteau 10.00; Production k! Mattress<br />

Credit Asnrlnticr 10 00; Servir '<br />

Smlth-Toliv- Cleaneis 10.00,<br />

r<br />

Ch.evi-ole- t Co. 10 00; Frazle<br />

Radio & Record Shop 20.00<br />

West Side Barber Shop 5.00<br />

Bynum's 25.00; Haskell National Boggs &<br />

Bank 100.00; Ethnye & Roy<br />

Johnson 25.00; Haskell Jaycees<br />

50.00.<br />

J East Side Sq.<br />

Personality Shoppe 20.00;<br />

Texas Cafe 10.00; Furrh's Real<br />

imfi<br />

d<br />

TOMMaWS<br />

UiilTiUESil U<br />

worth 100000<br />

iiHH<br />

fffW!<br />

mi<br />

Diamond by 3!ueb!rd, ankers of registered<br />

Bluebird Diamond RmQS at your jeweler.<br />

k -- v 'v sap ' ',y.jt<br />

3U . . iy..SvTJ--- i'i&t v .fci<br />


Measures 32' x 17'. Including a<br />

ladder, 10' board, diving stand.<br />

iess. And you may livc-it-u- vin a really p triple -<br />

header grand prize!<br />

You'll find official rules and entry blank on<br />

every carton of Dr Pepper at your store.<br />

Enter early and often!<br />


rtftriations,<br />

YIEUy<br />

sj-f- -<br />


fh<br />

Dr<br />

!<br />

Lodge 5.00; Arrowhead<br />

Courts 2.00, Mcdford Garage<br />

2.00; Otho Nanny 5.00; Dairy.<br />

Queen 5.00; C. R. Cbok Station<br />

2.50, Guest Dress Shop 10.00.<br />

Popular Prices<br />

Workmanship<br />

Any Size<br />

Uced Furniture<br />

Factory<br />

I<br />

Linnleiiml<br />

Johnson<br />

I<br />

4-23-<br />

46 Ph. UN<br />

eSMSiS4.y<br />


Custom-- 6 Cross Country with<br />

c<br />

Pepper<br />

Diamond JuhH Confesf<br />

-- ENTER TODAY!<br />

"1<br />

affHwr '"<br />

'm<br />

Wm<br />

-- ?<br />

oorknob<br />

dr rtrrtR courANY, isco<br />

?StSSSm!!tT<br />

raiVss?<br />

XT M7 PRIZES: ncxt 2M nuu: ceiuMWAii ncxt m pmxs:<br />

CLM MINIINUM C00RWWC rgcriHASTn ncMC xt<br />

Rtsults aM up te better driving<br />

hewts, ufer teevel, reoucea cmh,<br />

fuller ewjeywentetene atAiMrice's<br />

meet sefuler posseMiew tke<br />

aiilOflWaiJJea<br />

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Culbcrth Filling Station 2.50;<br />

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