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TtIRSPAY<br />

23, 1 J"NE 960<br />

jnert News<br />

'<br />

punch w<br />

ith to<br />

M.nBEI) "0KS8 ..<br />

ifntrl. The vice president of Mid- -<br />

..! western University nt Wichiln<br />

...j<br />

u Sanders attended<br />

U!! Prcs ' I s.<br />

the<br />

postmasters convention In Fort<br />

was Wcrth ,unc '0' 1IMJ tonvcnuoii<br />

oy<br />

v higniignicu a nanquci<br />

ait table<br />

" . ..F lllill UI 1.1 .1 ..<br />

c!offl0ilttiofiVencsU'iy "B u<br />

f . a iw"- - .<br />

P rests. I<br />

dress assistant postmns<br />

nr.frnncrnl of Washing<br />

Harold Spain, Haskell<br />

Postmaster, elected vice<br />

iby the Barnes<br />

ton D. C.<br />

was<br />

president ol uic' state Associa<br />

JEintrtFour tlon.<br />

IitrevoT- - Mr. and VV. Mrs. B. Guess<br />

. , tji ai,i... .i<br />

" IB .t tnnK Aim. ui iiiiiKi iiiuii titiu<br />

Kay to visit the Alder-- .<br />

r..vlr:,Sn family In Jackson, Miss- -<br />

frarrctt, issippi. last week. They were<br />

C.kv'VrL mi nv Lt. Alderman, a student<br />

Earn<br />

xtlvin nt Maxwell AFB, Ala. where<br />

' thev vM be the next six<br />

"' ... ,, ,l,n,, I.t Alflormnn will<br />

KSer, D. graduate.<br />

lErlindaAlcx-- ,<br />

taboo, for<br />

hUn!e.<br />

v mid Mrs. Tommy Wilson<br />

Slnson. tc ?k four yoBBton. from Vcln- -<br />

5<br />

Ctt --UCUlUUiat uiuiui iu vuiiiji<br />

rllfOrd nillton.<br />

Thnlf<br />

tft?.t!inrn Sandra Dutton. Frank Dutton,<br />

vvi Baker, TTnflol ll'nn.<br />

I Tommy Jean Wilson and Mat-'c- er<br />

Llles, jnna Walker.<br />

Person<br />

tad KD '"'"<br />

igjD.R Myers<br />

meeting<br />

lb at Mineral<br />

fed Monday The<br />

Ed at the Baker<br />

fWJing new<br />

I xs tzn havt<br />

y, Whether<br />

Ljcb, jvU car<br />

1 4) the well<br />

I be scned<br />

Harris<br />

if Service<br />

obertson<br />

pnon<br />

fniinch1<br />

it's<br />

l'. 42031<br />

jut Butane And<br />

ne Needs<br />

Dial UNion 24<br />

r.rnsTS in the iiomk of<br />

MRS. W. D. IIELUMS<br />

Mis. W. D. Heliums had ns<br />

guests In her home during the<br />

weekend, her sister, Mrs. Nora<br />

Wilborn of Portalcs, N. M.f<br />

Mrs. Dewltt Wilborn and two<br />

daughters, Brenda and Barbara<br />

of Garland, and Mrs. O.<br />

C Gossett of Alvord. Mrs.<br />

Gossctt Is County School Nurse<br />

of Wise County, with her of<br />

fice in Decatur.<br />

t- -<br />



Mrs. Ethel Kirkpntrick at<br />

tended a regional meeting of<br />

Merle Norman distributors in<br />

Abilene last week. The<br />

week-lon- g<br />

meeting was held In the<br />

Windsor Hotel, and distributors<br />

were in attendance from<br />

throughout the region, which<br />

includes Texas, New Mexico, j<br />

and Lousiana. Mrs. Kirkpnt- - J<br />

rick is owner of the Kirkpnt- - j<br />

rirk Beauty Shop.<br />



Mr and Mrs. A. M. Turner<br />

in.i Mr. and Mrs. Abe Turner<br />

iro vacationing in Tennessee<br />

nd St. Louis, Mo., this week.<br />

Mr and Mrs. A. M. Turner are<br />

visiting relatives and friendi<br />

in Mount Pleasant, Tcnn., and<br />

the Abe Turners nre attendmg t<br />

flic Jaycees Natloal convention<br />

in St. Louis. They plnn to return<br />

home Sunday.<br />


' Roy Pitman, Owner Haskell<br />

for PROPANE 9c Gal.<br />


Owner - Operator<br />

Drinnon order<br />

!r.e your if you<br />

-"-"nur . . He ,3 on a salary plus<br />

lumb<br />

Haskell, Texas<br />

Bookkeeper<br />

Truck Salesman<br />

mg<br />

Prompt, Efficient Service<br />

1c Wnrh n,. 1<br />

jjfUs for Any Job<br />

r f uiad to Give You An<br />

on Your Next Job<br />

M RAINEY<br />

ie Licenser-<br />

&nntm4m<br />

- M.ji .<br />

w- - n. Avenue F<br />


J Want Your BiuUmm!<br />

Vi2FlredJto handle 'all of your<br />

'Providing Qi and 9an ve prompt<br />

roper y u ave(lutei coverage on all<br />

htodav1??.8- -<br />

u"co inuuBinai, reaiaen- -<br />

you cnnTtVi U8 snow yu ow we<br />

Presenf ffeto coerage at a saving<br />

insurance bill.<br />

7sjv55t<br />


"<br />

'<br />

i<br />

,<br />

VlBltors<br />

RULE<br />

NEWS<br />

In the Rodney C<br />

Dowdy homo Inst week weiL<br />

Dr. nml Mrs. Ronald Grohnin<br />

and family of Phnrr, C. L.<br />

Gnry and wife of Donno, and<br />

Rev. and Mrs. Forrest V,<br />

Williams and family of Fr<br />

syth, Montana.<br />

Rcntha Anderson of Odessa<br />

is visiting with Judy Mnrqul3<br />

Cathy and Judy Hcmv<br />

dnughters of Mr. and Mm.<br />

Jimmy Henry of Oklahoma,<br />

City, have been visiting vj h<br />

their grandparents, Mr. nn I<br />

Mrs. Raymond Dcnson. Their<br />

parents came for them over<br />

the weekend.<br />

Mrs. Lucille Stanfield and<br />

Kathy Bailey of Hamilton,<br />

Miss., have been visiting with<br />

Mr. an J Mrs. Cameron Sprav<br />

berry.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Blllv Smith '<br />

Big Spring visited friends and<br />

iclativcs over the weekend<br />

Mrs. Gerald Beck and fan<br />

ly of Lubbock, spent the weft"<br />

ond vlth ho" parents, Mr. atv<br />

Mrs. John Estes.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Jan Fonts d<br />

daughter of Lubbock, vim . i<br />

with his parents, Mr. unci Mia.<br />

Aubrey Fonts. Sunday.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Orvllle Tan-no- r<br />

and r,om visited with tin.<br />

Roy Holleys in Rising<br />

Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Norman<br />

end Cinig rpen'. the weekend<br />

with her parents, Mr and Mrs<br />

Wan en Doyle, in Altus, OkU.<br />

Mis. Bob Bailey, Pam, Judv<br />

and Knthy have been visiting<br />

f i lends and relatives in Pam-pa- .<br />

Mrs. Herbert Hines and Mrs.<br />

Joe Allen have returned from<br />

a week's school for dietitians<br />

in Lubbock. Mrs. Herschcl<br />

Hines went also, but was called<br />

home when Mr. Hines became<br />

111.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Knapp<br />

of Pearland, Texas, have been<br />

visitinp In the home of Mr. and<br />

Mis. A. E. Ball.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kittlpy<br />

have been visiting in Weath-erfor- d<br />

and Dallas.<br />

Church Census<br />

The Sweet Home Baptist<br />

Chinch of Rule has completed<br />

plans for a religious ccnsus rf<br />

the Rule community. The census<br />

wil lbe taken during the<br />

hours of 1 to r on the afternoon<br />

of the 2Gth. The church won' J<br />

appreciate the support of the<br />

community in this project. In<br />

formation from the census<br />

will be shared with the other<br />

churches in the city.<br />

The census will aid the<br />

church in plans for its summer<br />

revival to be held July<br />

10-2- Rev. Roy Worthley. pastor<br />

of the Highland Baptist<br />

Church in Sweetwater, will bo<br />

the evangelist. Information<br />

fionivtfie census will be helpful<br />

in the Bible School to be hell<br />

Aug. 5. Mrs. Earl White is<br />

principal of the school.<br />

To G. A. Camp<br />

Mrs. Rodney Dowdy and<br />

Mrs. L. W. Jones St, accompanied<br />

the following girls to<br />

the Intermediate Girls Auxiliary<br />

Camp at Lueders. They<br />

left at noon on Monday and<br />

returned Thursday afternoon.<br />

Girls attending were: Susie<br />

and S'alllc Dowdy, Judy Jones.,<br />

Marilyn Carothers, Louelta<br />

Baibee, Missy Denton, Judy<br />

Gibson, Elaine Elmore.<br />

Scouts Return From Tonkuwa<br />

Brent Davis and Gary Fannin<br />

received the Order of the<br />

Arrow award from Rule Troop<br />

41 last Thursday night at<br />

Camp Tonkawa. Jeff Lewis<br />

and Larry Horton were leaders<br />

for the group. Other boys<br />

going to camp were: David<br />

May, Hal Ouslcy, la-d- a,<br />

Lupe Te<br />

Ralph Blaza, Glen Davis,<br />

Perry Plnkard and Tony Bishop.<br />

$<br />



Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Vaughter<br />

and daughter Beth of this city,<br />

and their son and brother,<br />

Jimmy, who is attending Harvard<br />

University, returned home<br />

Thursday from Boston, Washington,<br />

D. C and other points<br />

of interest. The Haskell couple<br />

and daughter left Juno 1, diving<br />

first to Boston, Mass.,<br />

and then to Cambridge where<br />

l hey were Join"'' bv Tlpinv<br />

Vaughter, freshman student in<br />

Harvard. The Haskell people<br />

next visited In Washington. D.<br />

C, where they met Congressman<br />

Ikard of Wichita Falh nrd<br />

ether Texas officials. They<br />

came through Tennessee on<br />

their return trio and visited<br />

the birthplace of Mrs. Vaugh-ter'- s<br />

grandfather near Lebanon,<br />

Tenn.<br />

$<br />



MiM Cathie Cole of Orlando.<br />

Pla., is here to jpend tr"<br />

In the home of unfi<br />

Mm. Prank Spepcer, and with<br />

her cousin, Mrs. George Tyler<br />

and family.<br />



Red Horses and Bears Tied<br />

For Lead In LI Minors<br />

The Red Horses and the I<br />

Beais wcie deadlocked with<br />

identical 8-- 3 records in th<br />

minor division of Little League<br />

In games played through Juno<br />

11. In third pLtca ere the<br />

Cats, with four wins against<br />

seven losses, while the Frogs '<br />

wcro In the cellar with a 2 It I<br />

record.<br />

Team statistics on season<br />

th-"j- 3h .lay<br />

cd by CpoI"t r'-'i'--<br />

.7 -- .o M. ccmpil-- '<br />

i,<br />

ire<br />

given below: .<br />

red r:oi;cr.s<br />

Won 8 Lost 3 727 ,<br />

Pitchers y l '<br />

Burnett, Ken o 0'<br />

Alvarez, Alberto l l'<br />

Pitts, Rickv it!<br />

Ivey, HarJd n l'<br />

Number gfmes played (OP)1 .<br />

Tir.ec rc.:c;l (TS).<br />

Player r,r TS Av.<br />

Ac'ams, Carlos ....0 5 .333<br />

Alvarez, Mario .... 8 1 .3Gi<br />

Pvne". Xo- -i .... ii 17 .711<br />

B:nctt, L;.i 11 21 .043<br />

Cadcnhend, Wayne 11 1G .5G1<br />

Ivey. Harold . 11 " tSO<br />

ivaiy. Steve . " 5<br />

Pitt. Ricky ..10 3<br />

Re Ir'lng, James . 10 1<br />

Batting Record<br />

250<br />

H8<br />

.070<br />

Player 2b 3b hr rbi<br />

Adams, Carlos .. 3<br />

Batnctt. Ken ... 9 l l ig<br />

Bainutt, Lon ...11 J2<br />

Cadenhead, W. .. 3 2 2 15<br />

Ivey, Harold .... 2 2 A<br />

Pitts, Ricky .... 3<br />

Redding, James 3<br />

Highest Average-K- en<br />

Barnctt 741<br />

Leading Scorer<br />

Lon Barnett 24<br />

Most Runs Batted In<br />

Ken Barnett 16<br />

Most Bases on Balli<br />

Steve Munday s<br />

Reserves Johnny Love, Hal<br />

Spain, eff Cadenhead, Donald<br />

Love, Roy Plttman, Reuben<br />

Sanchez.<br />

BEARS<br />

Won 8 Lost 3<br />

Pitchers<br />

Ivey, Lanny<br />

McNeil, Delbeit<br />

Rodriquez, Andy<br />

Ozuna. Mike<br />

Player - GP<br />

Berry, Robert .... 8<br />

Hodgins 10<br />

Ivey. "Lanny 10<br />

Jouett, John 6<br />

McNeil, Delbert .. 9<br />

Ozuna, Mike 9<br />

Richardson, D .. 9<br />

Rodriquez, A 11<br />

Stone, Sam 11<br />

Thompson, J. D. .8<br />

Wilson, Albert .... 9<br />

Wilson, Joe 8<br />

Dumas, Robert ... 5<br />

1<br />

7<br />

19<br />

G<br />

14<br />

.727<br />

W L<br />

4<br />

0<br />

4<br />

0<br />

TS Av.<br />

.100<br />

.121<br />

.607<br />

.300<br />

.731<br />

14 .652<br />

9 .5SS<br />

20 .7S4<br />

6 .632<br />

10 .429<br />

8 ..".no<br />

.364<br />

.3<br />

On the Subject of Resolutions<br />

ANY time would be a good<br />

right now, for example.<br />

It would be well to resolve<br />

now today to begin a careful<br />

study of your insurance needs<br />

not merely guess that you have<br />

enough insurance. Perhaps you<br />

have recently acquired more<br />

furniture, jewelry, a fur coat or<br />

a camera are they adequately<br />

insured? Have you increased<br />

the fire insurance on your home<br />

and household property to allow<br />

for higher replacement costs?<br />

The simplest and best way to<br />

check up on your real insurance<br />

needs is to visit this agency and<br />

let us go over your requirements<br />

with you. We are always at<br />

your service.<br />

Cahill & Duncan<br />

Agency<br />

301 North 1st St.<br />

Phone UN<br />

RODEO<br />

DANCES<br />


and the<br />

Melody Masters<br />

Back By<br />

Popular Demand.<br />

4 BIG NIGHTS<br />

June 30, July -4<br />

9 P. M. TU<br />


HALL<br />


I<br />

Wilson. Jne ..2 .<br />

Dumas, Robert. 1<br />

Highest Average-An- dy<br />

Rodriquez 784<br />

Leading Scorer-A-ndy<br />

Rodriquez 20<br />

Most Runs Batted In<br />

Snm Stone 15<br />

Most Bases on Balls<br />

Lanny Ivey 8<br />

Reserves (used mainly as<br />

rubstitutes) P'-uld- r)en"i?<br />

Johnson. Bill Mercer, Allan<br />

fimethle, Hiso, Trussell, Sammy<br />

Lvtlo. Moore, Ronnie Mr-Iel- l,<br />

Lowi ey.<br />

OATS<br />

Won 1 Lof 7<br />

Pitchers<br />

Perry, Tommy<br />

Wall, James<br />

Martinez, John<br />

Player GP<br />

Atkinson, Jimmy ..11<br />

Booc, Rodney .... 9<br />

Martinez, John ....11<br />

Middleton, Riley.. 10<br />

Pace, Patrick ....11<br />

Perry, Tommy ...11<br />

Pippin, Lee 11<br />

Short, Larry ....10<br />

Wall, James 11<br />

Long, Larry 8<br />

9HHHHHHpHp90IP' "<br />

.. .361<br />

W L<br />

. 2 1<br />

..1 0<br />

. 1 3<br />

TS Av<br />

5 .500<br />

.000<br />

0J5<br />

.000<br />

10 .320<br />

13 .704<br />

12<br />

2<br />

12<br />

2<br />

2<br />

.200<br />

.123<br />

.375<br />

.455<br />

.238<br />

Parsons, David ...10<br />

Batting Record<br />

Player<br />

Atkinson, Jimmy<br />

2b<br />

2<br />

3b hr rbi<br />

5<br />

Booc, Rodney... 1<br />

Martinez, John .3<br />

Perry, Tommy ..5<br />

1 14<br />

Pace, Patrick ..2 8<br />

3 15<br />

Pippin, Lee .... 2<br />

Short, Larry ... 1<br />

Wall, James ... 3 2 30<br />

Long, Larry .... 3<br />

Parsons, David .3 S<br />

Highest Average-Tom- my<br />

Perry 701<br />

Leading Scorer<br />

Tommy Perry 13<br />

Most Runs Batted In<br />

Tommy Perry 15<br />

Most Bases on Balls<br />

Lee Pippin 15<br />

Reserves Donnie Small-woo-<br />

Jim Smith, Dennv Tid- -<br />

iiiiiiiiii,<br />

ffkA<br />

low, Donnld Powell, Rnndnll<br />

Aiend.<br />

FROGS<br />

Player 2b 3b hr rbi<br />

Adkins, Jeny ..4 1<br />

Glass, Kenneth . 2<br />

Greer, Joe l 2<br />

Haynes, Tony ..5 p<br />

Hllliaid. R 5 3 2 10<br />

Josselct, Johnny 1 4<br />

O'Neal, Randy . 5<br />

Rodriquez, J. .. 1 2 1<br />

Tatum. Richard 1 1<br />

Gonzcks, J. ... 3 3 r<br />

Hudgins, D 2 (<br />

Highcct Average-Ron- nie<br />

Hilliard 941<br />

Most Runs Batted In<br />

Ronnie Hilliard ... 0<br />

Leading Scorer-To- ny<br />

Haynes 11<br />

Juno Rodriquez .... 11<br />

Most Bases on Balls-J-oe<br />

Greer<br />

Reserves Chris Condron<br />

W. O. Elmore, David Fischer<br />

Jameson, Victor Tatum, Joe<br />

Torres, Spencer Tyler, Randy<br />

Foster, Larry Gonzales.<br />


Bids will be accepted by the<br />

Commissioners' Court of Haskell<br />

County, at the office of the<br />

County Judge until 10 a. m.<br />

Monday, July 11, 1960, on furnishing<br />

the county a new<br />

tiuck, 1960 model, any make,<br />

equipped with 8.25 front tires<br />

and 9. CO rear tires. Successful<br />

bidder to take in trade a 1951<br />

Ford Iruck.<br />

The right is reserved to reject<br />

any and all bids.<br />

Done by order of the Commissioners'<br />

Court this 20th day<br />

of June. 1900.<br />

James C. Alvis. County Judge<br />

Haskell County, Texas. 22-''6- c<br />

Rice birds are birds, such<br />

as the bobolink, which prefer<br />

rice fields as their nesting<br />

grounds.<br />

6<br />

'<br />

Three From Paint<br />

Creek Attend<br />

Church Camp<br />

Batting Record<br />

Player 2b 3b hr rbl<br />

Berry, Robert ..1 1 Won 2 Lost 0 182<br />

Mllla and Ricky<br />

Pitchers-- - W L<br />

Perry, and<br />

Joy Bcrgstrom, nil<br />

Adkins,<br />

from the<br />

Jerry<br />

0 4<br />

Paint Creek Methodist Church<br />

Hiiyncs, Tony ... 0 3 attended a weeks outing<br />

3<br />

at<br />

Jossclet. Johnny<br />

u 1<br />

Hodgins Camp Butmnn thla pust 2 3<br />

week.<br />

Gicer, Joe<br />

Ivey, Lanny .... They were taken to the camp<br />

2 1 7 Plnycr<br />

GP TS Av.<br />

Jouett, John ... site,<br />

1<br />

128<br />

several miles southwest of<br />

2 Adkins, Jcriy .... .11 9 .550<br />

McNeil,<br />

Mcrkcl, by Mrs. Ray Perry and<br />

Delbert Glass, Kenneth . . . 7 1 .503 Mrs.<br />

Ozuna, Mike ...<br />

Eric Bcrgstrom on Mon-<br />

2 1 7 Greer, Joe<br />

. 9 5 .280 day afternoon. While<br />

Richardson,<br />

at camp<br />

D.. 2 - Haynes. Tony . . . .10 11 .550 the children enjoyed<br />

Rodriquez, A ... s1m per-<br />

7 1 13 Hilliaru, Ronnie . .10 9 .941 iods, hiking, and many spiritual<br />

fitone, Sam 6 15 Josselct, Johnny .. 7 4 .455 experiences Joy became sick<br />

Thompson. J D . 4 2 5 O'Neal, Randy ....10 3 .25j on Wednesday and had to re-<br />

Wilson, Albert ..3 3 4 Rodriquez, Just0 .11 11 .360 turn home.<br />

Tatum. Rlchnrd 9 1 .273 Friday parents of several<br />

Gonzales, Jimmy 6 8 .600 children went to Butman, ate<br />

Hudglns. Donnlc . 0 6 .501 dinner, then brought their tired,<br />

but happy children home This<br />

Batting Record was Mllla Perry's third year to<br />

attend camp and if asked she<br />

would probably reply that she<br />

is already making plans to go<br />

again next year.<br />

uPBV<br />

ifeMR<br />

l 1 ''<br />

The country of Leiohlensteln<br />

lies between Austria and<br />

W<br />

Check the price stickers<br />

It's a factl Thanks to Ford's advanced engineering, the Falcon<br />

is America's car as much as<br />

$124 ku other Yet when you<br />

the new-siz- e cars, in five you'll see and feel<br />

the big built into new Ford<br />

For the Falcon . . .<br />

and full apace for all six<br />

Doors are big. You<br />

get two sun two arm rests, two coat two and<br />

front seats all at no cost. We Ford<br />

invite you to fun-te- st the Falcon<br />

lowest-price- d<br />

priced<br />

than<br />

compact cars.<br />

compare minutes<br />

quality differences the Falcon.<br />

(example, delivers comfort<br />

luggage passengers!<br />

visors, hooks, horns,<br />

foam-padd- ed extra<br />

Dealers<br />

today.<br />

-<br />

A.vays a phone at hand in a homo Telephone-Planned- that's<br />

!<br />



Mrs. R. C Lowe returned<br />

last week from a visit in Livingston.<br />

AIu , with her son<br />

ond family, Mr. and Mrs. Ross<br />

Lowe and son Robert. Mr.<br />

Lowe Is on the faculty of<br />

Livingston State College. While<br />

In that section, Mrs. Lowe vis<br />

Hed the famed Bellcngrnth<br />

Gardens near Mobile, Ala. She<br />

returned by way of Dallas,<br />

where she visited in the home<br />

of a daughter, Mrs. E. B. Williams<br />

and Mr. Williams.<br />

$<br />

Great Britain, which has no<br />

natural gas resources is experimenting<br />

with five new methods<br />

of producing synthetic gas.<br />

WORK<br />



301 N. Ave<br />

'Phone UN<br />

F Haskell<br />

or<br />

"She's right here on the patio with me!"<br />

VVJ-- -: ,<br />

No more bothersome running in and out to catch<br />

the phone-n-ot when you've got a portable phone<br />

or an extension on the patio. The last word in<br />

outdoor living it costs so little. This year, get<br />

an outside extension in a color to match your<br />

summer furniture.<br />

M V<br />

IsBW f<br />

! -'<br />


I<br />



BBHBBr<br />

H<br />

V<br />

JBBBlBBBf--PT-iiHlB?!?i- J<br />

'<br />

W 'l"<br />

T ' v '.- -<br />


Joud on o cofflporien el manvfociurtu' ivgftltd retail dlltrd prcti<br />

TITLE<br />


and youll see the new Ford<br />

RCoN<br />

iQWfeST<br />

PRICE<br />

6-passen- of all<br />

ger cars<br />

PAGE<br />

Horace Oneal<br />

Abstract Co.<br />

America's largest Independent Telephone System<br />

made in America !<br />


VLLV<br />

has the<br />

nifrPUs<br />

FoRd<br />

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