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I (4 m '1 UK. IK fi If p W H 'I. i I PAGE TWO THE HASKELL FREE PRESS Established January l, ISSfl PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY JETTY V. CLAKE, Outicr ami Publisher ALONZO PATE. Editor Entered as second-clas- s mattei at the postoffice at Haskell, Texas, under the act of March 3, 1870. SUBSCRIPTION KATES Haskell, Throckmorton, Stonewall, Jones and Knox Counties, 1 Year $2.50 6 Months $1.50 Elsewhere, 1 Year $3.75 6 Months $2.25 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Any erroneous upon the character, reputation or standing of any firm, individual or corporation will be gladly corrected upon bing called to the attention of the publisher Adequate Water Needed To Meet Fire Hazards This year file will take the lives of over 11,000 Americans, strike at more than 3,500 churches, 4,000 schools and 250,000 homes. By year's end it will have been the direct cause of property losses amounting to over one billion dollars. And, warns the National Water Institute, it could be much worse unless local fire departments can be assured of having enough water to extinguish fires when they occur. Although there is no actual shortage of water in the U. S., National Water Institute surveys reveal there are widespread deficiencies in the sources and equipment of the 19,000 water utilities which supply water for public use. These inadequacies .affect every aspect of community health and economic welfare. "While water is a necessity for every household, office and industrial establishment, it is also the highly-traine- d fireman'3 most effective fire-fightin- g weapon. It must be delivered to him in the proper quanity. at the correct pressure, wherever and whenever he may need it. Our nation's water utilities has been inadequate since 194.0. To catch up with the population growth and population shifts of the past 20 years and prepare for the growth to come water officials predict an increase of 270 in water use by 19S5 we need to spend twice the amount of money now annually allocated to improvement of water supply sources and facilities, says the National Water Institute. The l1! billion dollars needed each year to improve water utility equipment can be financed by approval of local water ibcnd issues, says the NWI, if the nation's voters replace apathy with awareness of this vital problem. NCT Municipal Water Authority 'Becomes of Age' Officials of the North Central Texas Municipal Water Authority were advised this week that bonds issued by the Authority had been approved by the State Attorney General, and that the bonds were registered by the State Comproller. Approval by the Attorney General means that the Authority has "ibecome of age" to use a literal expiession. As a water district it has complied with all the legal requirements necessary in becoming a separate and distinct government agency as authorized in legislation creating the Authority Proceeds from the $3,800,000 bond issue authorized by voters in the NCTACW Authority, commonly called water district, will now be available as needed in getting an immediate start underway toward development cf the project. Water Authority directors had been fortunate in securing prior approval of the project for financing through State and Federal loan agencies, with a consequent saving in interest rates that will amount to several hundred thousand dollars during the life of the bonds. Officials of the Water Authority were optimistic this week over prospects that actual work could be started immediately on land purchasing, engineering and core testing reservoir site, etc., since financing of the project had been assured. TRICE'S For Your Everyday Needs N. 14th & Ave. I Pr1 n ot' - TVAnul arts "Mill A W Wft ? Wft 1T1H1 JiUlIU W U COFFEE lb. 69c ALL 5c GUM ym4.7 Purex, Clorox or Nuway BLEACH 1 quart 19c Tennessee Grade "A" SWEET MILK BAMA Duncan Armour's All Brands 3 10c RED PLUM JAM 3Qc Hines Choice IjAMI, VIIAIV DOX.i.iC MILK 2 for 25c BISCUITS (Limit 6) can 6 Foremost MELL0RINE Half Gallon 39c Sun Valley, Elgin or Golden JLiEj9 I "ID. "C Prices Good for June 24-2- 5 Half Gallon 20-O- z. Glass Tall Can JELL-- 0 3boxes 25c Read Free Press Want Ads and Save I Our Town Now-Ne- xt Year? ' WrAh iff Jr&z&&zmMLGS. VM MMXZHmK;iTs:i&AvmC : i &&- - fl WP Fmvi te& Haskell County History 20 Year Ago June 14, 1910 A. C. Pierson, cashier of the Haskell National Bank, has been named to the board of directors of the Southwest Associated Telephone Company. Fire Chief R. A. Lane and seven members of the local fire department are in Houston attending the annual convention of the State Firemen's Association. In the group arc Cecil Bradley, Haul Engllsn, Chas. Redwinc, Rogers Gil-stra- Arthur Hays, Bob Hani-son- , and C. W. Johnson. Mrs. I. N. Simmons and daughters, Anita Jo and Mrs. Frank Junell and baby went to Dallas this week where they were joined by another daughter, Mrs. Joe Thomas of Corpus Chnsti for a visit with relatives in Whitesboro. Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Sanders and son of Detroit, Mich., were recent visitors in the home of his mother, Mrs. P. D. Sanders. Joe Maples Jr., who is attending A&M College ,is at home to spend the summer with his parents. Emmett Starr of Snyder is here for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Starr. Mrs. Fred Akins of Los Angeles, Calif., who is here for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bernard, is a patient in the Knox City Hospital. Cecil Weaver and Miss Margaret Donnell of Albany were guests Sunday in the home of his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Adklns. Mrs. S R. Rike left last week for Cambridge, Mass., where she will visit in the home of her daughter and family, Dr. and Mrs. Gaines Post. Tom Clifton is in Austin, where he plans to attend the University of Texas during the summer term. P. D. Sanders Jr., of Taco-ma- , Wash., is visiting relatives here this week. He will go from Haskell to Caldwell to visit a sister, Mrs. J. Earl Porter, and from there to Oklahoma City to visit another sister, Mrs. Zora Park. SO Years Ago June 26, 1930 Continued rumor that prevalence of a Sunday movies were to be inaugurated in Has-ke- ll led to the public announcement this week by the Haskell Amusement Comnanv. ownora of the Texas and Haskell meaires, tnat no Sunday programs were planned now or in the near future. Six Haskell vnmha am ca rolled in the Citizens Military i uujig ai fort Bliss In a letter to The ev pran the Camp Commander stated me iiasKen trainees were making an excellent rrnrrl Tn th. group from this city are Joe Bryant, Rogers Gllstrap, Cecil ai. jonn uaies, Floyd Tay lor, Gilbert Wilson. Hughes Gilliam, son of Mr CltV. has been nnnnlntl a. sistant Instructor in the Chem- - istry Department at Texas Tech during the summer term. Mr. and Mm. p t. nir.t,. erty and Ermine have return here with hompfniWo J. E. Walling Jr., of this city is in Wichita, Kans., visit- ing hu uncle, R. p. Watson and family. Mrs. Virgil Brown, who has the State Normal at TsUin? been in the Stamford Sanlta-Hufor is to be improving. Eugene attended manager's a meeting of the Sun-B- et organization In Lub-boc- several days, Hunter Stores k last weekend. pnerw SStW'rfdJ, W. T. Sarrela County K ertson were taWtaS I ! haY - THE HASKELL FREE PRESS Misses Mabel and Fannie Baldwin have returned home after attending TCU at Waco. J. R. Ferguson of Salt Lake City, Utah, is visiting his aunt, Mrs F. M. Morton of this city. Chas. Drusedow of the northeast side was in the city Wednesday and he reports that cotton is putting on squares in his community. The scholastic census is com- plete and shows there are 2498 pupils in the common school districts and 1835 in the independent districts, a total of 4333 for the county. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Boone and daughter Miss Beryle spent several days this week on their ranch in the northeast part of the county. Secretary Poole of the Board Has- of Trade informs us that kell has a fine prospect for a flouring mill in connection with a mill for preparation of Kaffir corn and milo maize for feed purposes on a commercial scale. Rev. L. O. Cunningham and family have returned from the Austin Seminary and he has resumed his duties as pastor of the Presbyterian Church in this city 60 Years Ago June 23, 1900 Mrs. Mary Q. Smoots of Grayson County ia here on a visit to the family of her brother, D. M. Winn. Harry Daugherty, president of the West Texas Cowboy with his family spent several days here this week. Ed Couch arrived home Tues; day from Austin, where he been has attending the University of Texas. M. S. Plersnn la kn..i. arge granary built in to which store his and Mrs. wheat Leon Gilliam of this crop. and oat OUr fOrmflr limM.n. T71 tt Morrison and family, now of Graham, are here to spend a week or so with Haskell rela-tlve- s and friends. Judith ed from California, where thy .sfs.Jhnnye Star Gas Co., in AnVonio Is spent h.en the past month. family of the F. G Alexandnr n Morgan, who is which she Is ' related S. W. Fort Worth, spent the weTkend day Austin. fomX ruTJHCLTh"r San i ...u " r. . ""., aim uaj. .- -, wucre neinas been looking Jourt. Ss In federaI Miss Nora Miller of Bowline SSSuE - - -- ss: Etel Alexander enter-talne- d quite a party of her U lends Mondav t,im t wV?m lnL,ther refreshments . u unu the partv people, places and things My A. PATE He who whispers down n well, About the goods lie has lo sell Will never reap the shiny dollars Like he who climbs a tree and hollers." ! We're anxious to hear from Charles Swinson a flrst-hor.- J leport on Monday night's fight. Charles and Mrs. Swinson, accompanied by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Wheeler arc to return home Friday from a vacation trip to points in Canada and a visit to New York T nlnnnlnir flip fHl). Cllftr- - les made airangements for two tickets for tne utie ngm and the Haskell group timed their visit in New Yoi! Willi the big event in mind. I Plainvicw mini, while not n involved In physically painful, a I'iimnelnl loss. He drove In from Hie Inko to of Fit cman Lusk If lnquiie the department had grappling ii, tim. could be used In lccovciing a motor from the bottom of tne nine. The man had brought (t group of nine youngsters to the lake for a several days outing. While putting out a trotllne, the boat's motor enmc loose and 15-fo- ot sank in 12 or water. Unable to furnish the needed equipment Fireman Liuk referred the man to someone who might be of assistance. good-nature- d Evidently a fellow, the Plainvicw man was ifbt unduly worded. "If we can't get it out, we'll just leave it . dm fiaii' " hr after l" i'"- - - - 7.7 v thanking Lusk for ms ncip. The trip has been a pleasant! Mention of sonic of our caily mm for the Haskell couples, (jay motorcycles last week l c according to cards and letters mlnrlpri Vnrnon Lusk of the mailed to menus, uniy one un- time his brother Floyd (better JsPm L toward incident mailed the known as 'Satch') took wild tiip. nnd it happened the sec- ride on the hurrienne deck of too-clos- ond day after leaving home mule as the lesult of e the In some manner. Charles' approach of a motor- thumb was "mashed" In a car door, causing an It happened in 1919, during the extremely painful injury. Af- of one of the best ter receiving treatment by a wheat crops county has physician, nnd then enduring ever made. several days of pain, Charles They lived a few miles east B was back to normnl by the of town on what is known as time the party reached New the old Glass farm, Vernon re- York. "1 COULDN'T SAVE YOUR HOUSE' called. ii A team of four mules was Mishaps of that sort arc al- pulling a binder near the road. ways happ-enin- g to spoil the 'Satch,' a mere lad at the time, fun of an duting or vacation was riding the outside mule 'n trio. the team. A young couple from Lub- - All at once there was an ap- - bock stopped nt the Hall t preaching roar as a cloud of recently, and excitedly asked dust lolled down the road and al days last week on business. "satcii" Lusk the di- the four mules became skit- People of the Irby commurections for reaching a hospital tish.nity are planning a big cele- or clinic. "Here comes that bration on July 4th. There will After telling them how to John Hall on his be an all day picnic, with motorcycle, reach the hosDital. ho volun. fintrii r, ti,i i. dinner to be served at 1 o'cloei:, teered to call the hospital if see-sawe- d on the followed by candidate's speak- lines. "Hang there was an emergency. on to ing. A ball game that saddle, between we're liable It was an emergency all Douglas and Irby is scheduled at 3 p. m., and a dance will be held at the Sons of Herman Hall at night 50 Years Ago June 18, 1010. nart of one 'inper On last Wednesday evening at the residence of Judge and Then there was the plight of Mrs. Jas. P. Kinnard in this city, their daughter, Miss Ethel, was married to Mr. Ahy in the of town R. Couch of Welnert. '(the old place) Messrs. Parks and othcis and will occupy shipped 356 fat beeves to it when Wich- the improvementsita, Kans., this week. Thee We cattle had been on feed at weie told th-- t the Garren pens of the Haskell Oil Mill his fall sown wheat, and were in fine condition. field of about f,o Dr. D. L. Cummins has re- and it is out turned from a trip to his old about 33 bush-el- s acre. home In Bell Countv. We begin in Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Scott this an advertisement and a party of invited gues;s for Messrs. Ericson spent yesterday fishing Holmbcrg, on their of livery ranch in the southeast part of feed nt ctn sale the county. Misg Eula Poole is attending I to have a run-awayright but not that serious, he Then, as Hall roared past in learned. The couple had been the boiling dust, the fishing mules got at the lake, and the a whiff ot burning gas and oil young woman had imbedded a and Vernon's predicted hook throch (he fleshv rm-n- v w.n n i. i y "- - a harvest the City danged The mule Satch wn rifling and its mate jerked the doublo-tie- e loose fiom the binder and toak off across the wheat patch. Satch bouncing up northwest and part down like a rubber ball Banks while hanging on for dear life. Fortunately, are wheat was so completed. high and rank that the yesterday team quickly tired J E. and came is to having stop, a ending Satch's a wild rido Vernon says acres, he threshed never sees a motorcycle turning nowadays without per recalling that experience of some years issue ago. & proprie- Although a meaningless extors a and pression now, an older genera- - sinnli ... i .... uwiiiiuiu iiuu un wnoi ;,, can recall when the crv Imvo lnr.Antlt. inl. , . I .nnlf mil- tr 41. ... w ;v ' incu cnarge or ; " "" '"' l"-- ' runaway: the Haskell, Stamford and An- - nad a terrifying implication of son dally mail and transfer danger, hack lines. . a frightened team, driver- - " .. w" piaee Tm iinmtiMin(ri'j HASKELL, TEXAS, THIURsnAY less, nnd pulling a wagon ' on I swaying and bouncing f,1)m ,'"JB8on nine io num. moms uowu n f..n(chih.B crowded stiect, was a hnzai I ,,m.J M to nil Mfe and B property In us Ickoi p,1H to head off and stop the crazdl cast animals, ami frequently the" A .n i jutiaway ended when the nni-Ia- t si ! y,ftl malB crashed Into rminM,i nm.ons .... J !. ..!!.. .... ui ijuuuiiiu imuiiy "V"'"6 catei e.xnaustcd. ?5fta to Shoes, Somctlmcu the rii-iv- .... Ing to bring the runaway team under control, wna intm-m-i .. killed when the team would ciasn mio some obstacle. We remember hcarlnc nf nnn i stance when a runaway team iuii uuiiuiuug mio a moving freight train nt a rnil crossing killing both animals. Luckily the drive "balled out" shortly before Uic crash. riuuuumiy. oacK in ago, when a family came to town to spend tho day, the smaller children nni i,w.. would bo left on a pallet In the wagon xor oner periods. Occasionally under thoan i Climstnnena n Innm n.. t. . I ' abou, bnen ,1 flni sometimes become frightened fot Iund' ",,u away, l"e wagoi thn 'u"oi;,. ff,f ,.. "in "' with umnll i.. vnt of the wagonbed like popcorn!!'10 reins r,,f 111- -. . . vw, vl nui l.i aniuut. the' J' rf A M1. it. in?r A story is told of a Haskell roustabout who llvcry-stabl- c became a hero when he stop, ped a runaway team and wa on in which a year-ol- d infant had been left asleep. The team had been lightly tethered to the chain fence on the north side of the courthouse lawn. Driving reins had been looped loosely into a handrail fertilize Side dress now for more profit froi crop. We furnish the equipment, y we apply. Phone 2484 local authorized Chevrolet dealer 'Htk!)t JZT' i KJI1L - JW!UfiUfcV, , ri ".." as "ruln.. m them ir. . jurnp out of tramn ph v?. But ,,nJ.. : . , ' ine ' a out T4 i. "-lo- .""iJ and as h. Tr2?n ial ""iTrap I After side. A rVMr... horses under sliprt dbtana 'inroad traci ouna and d tnc souaro crowd of cH win the (rig '"' I'arent, c was unhurt nuc MR. FAR! Increase Your Yield Wil Anhydrous Ammc 82 Nitrogen & Phosphoric Acil The most economical Airplane Sprayii Contact us for crop insect cj SCHR0NK FER1 Mil OUT WHERE THE COU TEAR A TRUCK TO PIECE- I- Chevy miduleweii get li mm work done in a day! Where thctj used to dM gallons of Uqucpeajw in other trucks, Fep Service of long ww can now dewer o, day! That's 7 days av over uacK jraiw'- - rock country with t Inntht. And with C finrfnc Ride pacing thewaylloudontf ...JninaDOSsenW sidesway on curW, Hemic Stone. i --J. Mli? irotn 9 ' anhour.Noul them." Pctrcla" If Chevrolet hauimiv If you think were o Chevy's independent rion, you ought toUft owners who uom Tkinfll tell VOU W1 design is Shit the industrfij gan. Drive on-e- . 1 ouML auu a" WORTH MORE BECAUSE THEY WORK MORE! CHEVROLET S1URDI Bltf Smith-oliveGheP- 0' ..iKr inon T.!- -

TtIRSPAY 23, 1 J"NE 960 jnert News ' punch w ith to M.nBEI) "0KS8 .. ifntrl. The vice president of Mid- - ..! western University nt Wichiln ...j u Sanders attended U!! Prcs ' I s. the postmasters convention In Fort was Wcrth ,unc '0' 1IMJ tonvcnuoii oy v higniignicu a nanquci ait table " . ..F lllill UI 1.1 .1 .. c!offl0ilttiofiVencsU'iy "B u f . a iw"- - . P rests. I dress assistant postmns nr.frnncrnl of Washing Harold Spain, Haskell Postmaster, elected vice iby the Barnes ton D. C. was president ol uic' state Associa JEintrtFour tlon. IitrevoT- - Mr. and VV. Mrs. B. Guess . , tji ai,i... .i " IB .t tnnK Aim. ui iiiiiKi iiiuii titiu Kay to visit the Alder-- . r..vlr:,Sn family In Jackson, Miss- - frarrctt, issippi. last week. They were C.kv'VrL mi nv Lt. Alderman, a student Earn xtlvin nt Maxwell AFB, Ala. where ' thev vM be the next six "' ... ,, ,l,n,, I.t Alflormnn will KSer, D. graduate. lErlindaAlcx-- , taboo, for hUn!e. v mid Mrs. Tommy Wilson Slnson. tc ?k four yoBBton. from Vcln- - 5 Ctt --UCUlUUiat uiuiui iu vuiiiji rllfOrd nillton. Thnlf tft?.t!inrn Sandra Dutton. Frank Dutton, vvi Baker, TTnflol ll'nn. I Tommy Jean Wilson and Mat-'c- er Llles, jnna Walker. Person tad KD '"'" igjD.R Myers meeting lb at Mineral fed Monday The Ed at the Baker fWJing new I xs tzn havt y, Whether Ljcb, jvU car 1 4) the well I be scned Harris if Service obertson pnon fniinch1 it's l'. 42031 jut Butane And ne Needs Dial UNion 24 r.rnsTS in the iiomk of MRS. W. D. IIELUMS Mis. W. D. Heliums had ns guests In her home during the weekend, her sister, Mrs. Nora Wilborn of Portalcs, N. M.f Mrs. Dewltt Wilborn and two daughters, Brenda and Barbara of Garland, and Mrs. O. C Gossett of Alvord. Mrs. Gossctt Is County School Nurse of Wise County, with her of fice in Decatur. t- - ATTENDS REGIONAL MEETING Mrs. Ethel Kirkpntrick at tended a regional meeting of Merle Norman distributors in Abilene last week. The week-lon- g meeting was held In the Windsor Hotel, and distributors were in attendance from throughout the region, which includes Texas, New Mexico, j and Lousiana. Mrs. Kirkpnt- - J rick is owner of the Kirkpnt- - j rirk Beauty Shop. VISIT IN TENNESSEE AND ST. LOUIS Mr and Mrs. A. M. Turner in.i Mr. and Mrs. Abe Turner iro vacationing in Tennessee nd St. Louis, Mo., this week. Mr and Mrs. A. M. Turner are visiting relatives and friendi in Mount Pleasant, Tcnn., and the Abe Turners nre attendmg t flic Jaycees Natloal convention in St. Louis. They plnn to return home Sunday. SKELL BUTANE CO. ' Roy Pitman, Owner Haskell for PROPANE 9c Gal. MJ3 S&H GREEN STAMPS Owner - Operator Drinnon order !r.e your if you -"-"nur . . He ,3 on a salary plus lumb Haskell, Texas Bookkeeper Truck Salesman mg Prompt, Efficient Service 1c Wnrh n,. 1 jjfUs for Any Job r f uiad to Give You An on Your Next Job M RAINEY ie Licenser- &nntm4m - M.ji . w- - n. Avenue F J5ED INSURANCE J Want Your BiuUmm! Vi2FlredJto handle 'all of your 'Providing Qi and 9an ve prompt roper y u ave(lutei coverage on all htodav1??.8- - u"co inuuBinai, reaiaen- - you cnnTtVi U8 snow yu ow we Presenf ffeto coerage at a saving insurance bill. 7sjv55t H'S INSURANCE " ' i , VlBltors RULE NEWS In the Rodney C Dowdy homo Inst week weiL Dr. nml Mrs. Ronald Grohnin and family of Phnrr, C. L. Gnry and wife of Donno, and Rev. and Mrs. Forrest V, Williams and family of Fr syth, Montana. Rcntha Anderson of Odessa is visiting with Judy Mnrqul3 Cathy and Judy Hcmv dnughters of Mr. and Mm. Jimmy Henry of Oklahoma, City, have been visiting vj h their grandparents, Mr. nn I Mrs. Raymond Dcnson. Their parents came for them over the weekend. Mrs. Lucille Stanfield and Kathy Bailey of Hamilton, Miss., have been visiting with Mr. an J Mrs. Cameron Sprav berry. Mr. and Mrs. Blllv Smith ' Big Spring visited friends and iclativcs over the weekend Mrs. Gerald Beck and fan ly of Lubbock, spent the weft" ond vlth ho" parents, Mr. atv Mrs. John Estes. Mr. and Mrs. Jan Fonts d daughter of Lubbock, vim . i with his parents, Mr. unci Mia. Aubrey Fonts. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Orvllle Tan-no- r and r,om visited with tin. Roy Holleys in Rising Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Norman end Cinig rpen'. the weekend with her parents, Mr and Mrs Wan en Doyle, in Altus, OkU. Mis. Bob Bailey, Pam, Judv and Knthy have been visiting f i lends and relatives in Pam-pa- . Mrs. Herbert Hines and Mrs. Joe Allen have returned from a week's school for dietitians in Lubbock. Mrs. Herschcl Hines went also, but was called home when Mr. Hines became 111. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Knapp of Pearland, Texas, have been visitinp In the home of Mr. and Mis. A. E. Ball. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kittlpy have been visiting in Weath-erfor- d and Dallas. Church Census The Sweet Home Baptist Chinch of Rule has completed plans for a religious ccnsus rf the Rule community. The census wil lbe taken during the hours of 1 to r on the afternoon of the 2Gth. The church won' J appreciate the support of the community in this project. In formation from the census will be shared with the other churches in the city. The census will aid the church in plans for its summer revival to be held July 10-2- Rev. Roy Worthley. pastor of the Highland Baptist Church in Sweetwater, will bo the evangelist. Information fionivtfie census will be helpful in the Bible School to be hell Aug. 5. Mrs. Earl White is principal of the school. To G. A. Camp Mrs. Rodney Dowdy and Mrs. L. W. Jones St, accompanied the following girls to the Intermediate Girls Auxiliary Camp at Lueders. They left at noon on Monday and returned Thursday afternoon. Girls attending were: Susie and S'alllc Dowdy, Judy Jones., Marilyn Carothers, Louelta Baibee, Missy Denton, Judy Gibson, Elaine Elmore. Scouts Return From Tonkuwa Brent Davis and Gary Fannin received the Order of the Arrow award from Rule Troop 41 last Thursday night at Camp Tonkawa. Jeff Lewis and Larry Horton were leaders for the group. Other boys going to camp were: David May, Hal Ouslcy, la-d- a, Lupe Te Ralph Blaza, Glen Davis, Perry Plnkard and Tony Bishop. $ RETURN FROM TRIP TO BOSTON, WASHINGTON Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Vaughter and daughter Beth of this city, and their son and brother, Jimmy, who is attending Harvard University, returned home Thursday from Boston, Washington, D. C and other points of interest. The Haskell couple and daughter left Juno 1, diving first to Boston, Mass., and then to Cambridge where l hey were Join"'' bv Tlpinv Vaughter, freshman student in Harvard. The Haskell people next visited In Washington. D. C, where they met Congressman Ikard of Wichita Falh nrd ether Texas officials. They came through Tennessee on their return trio and visited the birthplace of Mrs. Vaugh-ter'- s grandfather near Lebanon, Tenn. $ HERE FROM F"OTIDA TO SPEND 8UMMER MiM Cathie Cole of Orlando. Pla., is here to jpend tr" In the home of unfi Mm. Prank Spepcer, and with her cousin, Mrs. George Tyler and family. YELLOW PAGES THE HASKELL FREE PRESS Red Horses and Bears Tied For Lead In LI Minors The Red Horses and the I Beais wcie deadlocked with identical 8-- 3 records in th minor division of Little League In games played through Juno 11. In third pLtca ere the Cats, with four wins against seven losses, while the Frogs ' wcro In the cellar with a 2 It I record. Team statistics on season th-"j- 3h .lay cd by CpoI"t r'-'i'-- .7 -- .o M. ccmpil-- ' i, ire given below: . red r:oi;cr.s Won 8 Lost 3 727 , Pitchers y l ' Burnett, Ken o 0' Alvarez, Alberto l l' Pitts, Rickv it! Ivey, HarJd n l' Number gfmes played (OP)1 . rc.:c;l (TS). Player r,r TS Av. Ac'ams, Carlos ....0 5 .333 Alvarez, Mario .... 8 1 .3Gi Pvne". Xo- -i .... ii 17 .711 B:nctt, L;.i 11 21 .043 Cadcnhend, Wayne 11 1G .5G1 Ivey. Harold . 11 " tSO ivaiy. Steve . " 5 Pitt. Ricky ..10 3 Re Ir'lng, James . 10 1 Batting Record 250 H8 .070 Player 2b 3b hr rbi Adams, Carlos .. 3 Batnctt. Ken ... 9 l l ig Bainutt, Lon ...11 J2 Cadenhead, W. .. 3 2 2 15 Ivey, Harold .... 2 2 A Pitts, Ricky .... 3 Redding, James 3 Highest Average-K- en Barnctt 741 Leading Scorer Lon Barnett 24 Most Runs Batted In Ken Barnett 16 Most Bases on Balli Steve Munday s Reserves Johnny Love, Hal Spain, eff Cadenhead, Donald Love, Roy Plttman, Reuben Sanchez. BEARS Won 8 Lost 3 Pitchers Ivey, Lanny McNeil, Delbeit Rodriquez, Andy Ozuna. Mike Player - GP Berry, Robert .... 8 Hodgins 10 Ivey. "Lanny 10 Jouett, John 6 McNeil, Delbert .. 9 Ozuna, Mike 9 Richardson, D .. 9 Rodriquez, A 11 Stone, Sam 11 Thompson, J. D. .8 Wilson, Albert .... 9 Wilson, Joe 8 Dumas, Robert ... 5 1 7 19 G 14 .727 W L 4 0 4 0 TS Av. .100 .121 .607 .300 .731 14 .652 9 .5SS 20 .7S4 6 .632 10 .429 8 ..".no .364 .3 On the Subject of Resolutions ANY time would be a good right now, for example. It would be well to resolve now today to begin a careful study of your insurance needs not merely guess that you have enough insurance. Perhaps you have recently acquired more furniture, jewelry, a fur coat or a camera are they adequately insured? Have you increased the fire insurance on your home and household property to allow for higher replacement costs? The simplest and best way to check up on your real insurance needs is to visit this agency and let us go over your requirements with you. We are always at your service. Cahill & Duncan Agency 301 North 1st St. Phone UN RODEO DANCES JIMMY HEAP. and the Melody Masters Back By Popular Demand. 4 BIG NIGHTS June 30, July -4 9 P. M. TU ROUNDUP HALL STAMFORD, TEXAS I Wilson. Jne ..2 . Dumas, Robert. 1 Highest Average-An- dy Rodriquez 784 Leading Scorer-A-ndy Rodriquez 20 Most Runs Batted In Snm Stone 15 Most Bases on Balls Lanny Ivey 8 Reserves (used mainly as rubstitutes) P'-uld- r)en"i? Johnson. Bill Mercer, Allan fimethle, Hiso, Trussell, Sammy Lvtlo. Moore, Ronnie Mr-Iel- l, Lowi ey. OATS Won 1 Lof 7 Pitchers Perry, Tommy Wall, James Martinez, John Player GP Atkinson, Jimmy ..11 Booc, Rodney .... 9 Martinez, John ....11 Middleton, Riley.. 10 Pace, Patrick ....11 Perry, Tommy ...11 Pippin, Lee 11 Short, Larry ....10 Wall, James 11 Long, Larry 8 9HHHHHHpHp90IP' " .. .361 W L . 2 1 ..1 0 . 1 3 TS Av 5 .500 .000 0J5 .000 10 .320 13 .704 12 2 12 2 2 .200 .123 .375 .455 .238 Parsons, David ...10 Batting Record Player Atkinson, Jimmy 2b 2 3b hr rbi 5 Booc, Rodney... 1 Martinez, John .3 Perry, Tommy ..5 1 14 Pace, Patrick ..2 8 3 15 Pippin, Lee .... 2 Short, Larry ... 1 Wall, James ... 3 2 30 Long, Larry .... 3 Parsons, David .3 S Highest Average-Tom- my Perry 701 Leading Scorer Tommy Perry 13 Most Runs Batted In Tommy Perry 15 Most Bases on Balls Lee Pippin 15 Reserves Donnie Small-woo- Jim Smith, Dennv Tid- - iiiiiiiiii, ffkA low, Donnld Powell, Rnndnll Aiend. FROGS Player 2b 3b hr rbi Adkins, Jeny ..4 1 Glass, Kenneth . 2 Greer, Joe l 2 Haynes, Tony ..5 p Hllliaid. R 5 3 2 10 Josselct, Johnny 1 4 O'Neal, Randy . 5 Rodriquez, J. .. 1 2 1 Tatum. Richard 1 1 Gonzcks, J. ... 3 3 r Hudgins, D 2 ( Highcct Average-Ron- nie Hilliard 941 Most Runs Batted In Ronnie Hilliard ... 0 Leading Scorer-To- ny Haynes 11 Juno Rodriquez .... 11 Most Bases on Balls-J-oe Greer Reserves Chris Condron W. O. Elmore, David Fischer Jameson, Victor Tatum, Joe Torres, Spencer Tyler, Randy Foster, Larry Gonzales. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Bids will be accepted by the Commissioners' Court of Haskell County, at the office of the County Judge until 10 a. m. Monday, July 11, 1960, on furnishing the county a new tiuck, 1960 model, any make, equipped with 8.25 front tires and 9. CO rear tires. Successful bidder to take in trade a 1951 Ford Iruck. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Done by order of the Commissioners' Court this 20th day of June. 1900. James C. Alvis. County Judge Haskell County, Texas. 22-''6- c Rice birds are birds, such as the bobolink, which prefer rice fields as their nesting grounds. 6 ' Three From Paint Creek Attend Church Camp Batting Record Player 2b 3b hr rbl Berry, Robert ..1 1 Won 2 Lost 0 182 Mllla and Ricky Pitchers-- - W L Perry, and Joy Bcrgstrom, nil Adkins, from the Jerry 0 4 Paint Creek Methodist Church Hiiyncs, Tony ... 0 3 attended a weeks outing 3 at Jossclet. Johnny u 1 Hodgins Camp Butmnn thla pust 2 3 week. Gicer, Joe Ivey, Lanny .... They were taken to the camp 2 1 7 Plnycr GP TS Av. Jouett, John ... site, 1 128 several miles southwest of 2 Adkins, Jcriy .... .11 9 .550 McNeil, Mcrkcl, by Mrs. Ray Perry and Delbert Glass, Kenneth . . . 7 1 .503 Mrs. Ozuna, Mike ... Eric Bcrgstrom on Mon- 2 1 7 Greer, Joe . 9 5 .280 day afternoon. While Richardson, at camp D.. 2 - Haynes. Tony . . . .10 11 .550 the children enjoyed Rodriquez, A ... s1m per- 7 1 13 Hilliaru, Ronnie . .10 9 .941 iods, hiking, and many spiritual fitone, Sam 6 15 Josselct, Johnny .. 7 4 .455 experiences Joy became sick Thompson. J D . 4 2 5 O'Neal, Randy ....10 3 .25j on Wednesday and had to re- Wilson, Albert ..3 3 4 Rodriquez, Just0 .11 11 .360 turn home. Tatum. Rlchnrd 9 1 .273 Friday parents of several Gonzales, Jimmy 6 8 .600 children went to Butman, ate Hudglns. Donnlc . 0 6 .501 dinner, then brought their tired, but happy children home This Batting Record was Mllla Perry's third year to attend camp and if asked she would probably reply that she is already making plans to go again next year. uPBV ifeMR l 1 '' The country of Leiohlensteln lies between Austria and W Check the price stickers It's a factl Thanks to Ford's advanced engineering, the Falcon is America's car as much as $124 ku other Yet when you the new-siz- e cars, in five you'll see and feel the big built into new Ford For the Falcon . . . and full apace for all six Doors are big. You get two sun two arm rests, two coat two and front seats all at no cost. We Ford invite you to fun-te- st the Falcon lowest-price- d priced than compact cars. compare minutes quality differences the Falcon. (example, delivers comfort luggage passengers! visors, hooks, horns, foam-padd- ed extra Dealers today. - A.vays a phone at hand in a homo Telephone-Planned- that's ! RETURNS FROM VISIT IN AI.AHAMA Mrs. R. C Lowe returned last week from a visit in Livingston. AIu , with her son ond family, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lowe and son Robert. Mr. Lowe Is on the faculty of Livingston State College. While In that section, Mrs. Lowe vis Hed the famed Bellcngrnth Gardens near Mobile, Ala. She returned by way of Dallas, where she visited in the home of a daughter, Mrs. E. B. Williams and Mr. Williams. $ Great Britain, which has no natural gas resources is experimenting with five new methods of producing synthetic gas. WORK PROMPT SERVICE ELAINE FOUGHT, Mgr. 301 N. Ave 'Phone UN F Haskell or "She's right here on the patio with me!" VVJ-- -: , No more bothersome running in and out to catch the phone-n-ot when you've got a portable phone or an extension on the patio. The last word in outdoor living it costs so little. This year, get an outside extension in a color to match your summer furniture. M V IsBW f ! -' S BBBBBBBBBBBBHslBBMtftiitSStTI-lBBStaX- 0 VLtMsttMMNMllH I "w !Bb7 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBW JBBBBBBBBBBBA. sVBEiBr BHKaB---BIBBBBBBBBBBB- BBHBBr H V JBBBlBBBf--PT-iiHlB?!?i- J ' W 'l" T ' v '.- - H TUDOR FORD FALCON Joud on o cofflporien el manvfociurtu' ivgftltd retail dlltrd prcti TITLE GENERAL TELEPHONE and youll see the new Ford RCoN iQWfeST PRICE 6-passen- of all ger cars PAGE Horace Oneal Abstract Co. America's largest Independent Telephone System made in America ! BBBBMBBB7 "BBBBBBBBn IBBBBB BBBBA """l,''!l' MmUBS VLLV has the nifrPUs FoRd . COSTS LESS TO BUY...COSTS LESS TO RUN...mQ,'.whVH't.hto.corlntheworki.oownl THREE BILL WILSON MOTOR CO. I REAL ESTATE . . .JCi St. QktiTTXTaOIA tl'l-,A- l " 209 SoutkAvcniM E -- - XW 1H!5, J M t 1 'i U 'I .M 1 1 fe '.; mi

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PAGE TWO<br />


Established January l, ISSfl<br />


JETTY V. CLAKE, Outicr ami Publisher<br />

ALONZO PATE. Editor<br />

Entered as second-clas- s mattei at the postoffice<br />

at Haskell, Texas, under the act of March 3, 1870.<br />


Haskell, Throckmorton, Stonewall, Jones<br />

and Knox Counties, 1 Year $2.50<br />

6 Months $1.50<br />

Elsewhere, 1 Year $3.75<br />

6 Months $2.25<br />

NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Any erroneous<br />

upon the character, reputation or standing of any<br />

firm, individual or corporation will be gladly corrected<br />

upon bing called to the attention of the publisher<br />

Adequate Water Needed To Meet<br />

Fire Hazards<br />

This year file will take the lives of over 11,000 Americans,<br />

strike at more than 3,500 churches, 4,000 schools and 250,000<br />

homes. By year's end it will have been the direct cause of<br />

property losses amounting to over one billion dollars. And,<br />

warns the National Water Institute, it could be much worse<br />

unless local fire departments can be assured of having enough<br />

water to extinguish fires when they occur.<br />

Although there is no actual shortage of water in the U. S.,<br />

National Water Institute surveys reveal there are widespread<br />

deficiencies in the sources and equipment of the 19,000 water<br />

utilities which supply water for public use. These inadequacies<br />

.affect every aspect of community health and economic welfare.<br />

"While water is a necessity for every household, office and<br />

industrial establishment, it is also the highly-traine- d fireman'3<br />

most effective fire-fightin- g weapon. It must be delivered to him<br />

in the proper quanity. at the correct pressure, wherever and<br />

whenever he may need it.<br />

Our nation's water utilities has been inadequate since 194.0.<br />

To catch up with the population growth and population shifts<br />

of the past 20 years and prepare for the growth to come water<br />

officials predict an increase of 270 in water use by 19S5 we<br />

need to spend twice the amount of money now annually allocated<br />

to improvement of water supply sources and facilities,<br />

says the National Water Institute.<br />

The l1! billion dollars needed each year to improve water<br />

utility equipment can be financed by approval of local water<br />

ibcnd issues, says the NWI, if the nation's voters replace apathy<br />

with awareness of this vital problem.<br />

NCT Municipal Water Authority<br />

'Becomes of Age'<br />

Officials of the North Central Texas Municipal Water Authority<br />

were advised this week that bonds issued by the Authority<br />

had been approved by the State Attorney General, and that the<br />

bonds were registered by the State Comproller.<br />

Approval by the Attorney General means that the Authority has<br />

"ibecome of age" to use a literal expiession. As a water<br />

district it has complied with all the legal requirements necessary<br />

in becoming a separate and distinct government agency as<br />

authorized in legislation creating the Authority<br />

Proceeds from the $3,800,000 bond issue authorized by voters<br />

in the NCTACW Authority, commonly called water district, will<br />

now be available as needed in getting an immediate start<br />

underway toward development cf the project.<br />

Water Authority directors had been fortunate in securing<br />

prior approval of the project for financing through State and<br />

Federal loan agencies, with a consequent saving in interest rates<br />

that will amount to several hundred thousand dollars during<br />

the life of the bonds.<br />

Officials of the Water Authority were optimistic this week<br />

over prospects that actual work could be started immediately<br />

on land purchasing, engineering and core testing reservoir site,<br />

etc., since financing of the project had been assured.<br />

TRICE'S<br />

For Your Everyday Needs N. 14th & Ave. I<br />

Pr1 n ot' - TVAnul arts "Mill<br />

A W Wft ? Wft 1T1H1 JiUlIU W U<br />

COFFEE lb. 69c<br />

ALL<br />

5c GUM<br />

ym4.7<br />

Purex, Clorox or Nuway<br />

BLEACH 1 quart 19c<br />

Tennessee Grade "A"<br />


BAMA<br />

Duncan<br />

Armour's<br />

All Brands<br />

3 10c<br />

RED PLUM JAM 3Qc<br />

Hines<br />

Choice<br />

IjAMI, VIIAIV DOX.i.iC<br />

MILK 2 for 25c<br />

BISCUITS (Limit 6) can 6<br />

Foremost<br />


Half Gallon<br />

39c<br />

Sun Valley, Elgin or Golden<br />

JLiEj9 I "ID. "C<br />

Prices Good for June 24-2- 5<br />

Half Gallon<br />

20-O- z. Glass<br />

Tall Can<br />

JELL-- 0 3boxes 25c<br />

Read Free Press Want Ads and Save<br />

I<br />

Our Town Now-Ne- xt Year? '<br />

WrAh iff Jr&z&&zmMLGS.<br />

VM MMXZHmK;iTs:i&AvmC<br />

: i<br />

&&- - fl WP Fmvi te&<br />

Haskell County History<br />

20 Year Ago June 14, 1910<br />

A. C. Pierson, cashier of the<br />

Haskell National Bank, has<br />

been named to the board of<br />

directors of the Southwest Associated<br />

Telephone Company.<br />

Fire Chief R. A. Lane and<br />

seven members of the local<br />

fire department are in Houston<br />

attending the annual convention<br />

of the State Firemen's<br />

Association. In the group arc<br />

Cecil Bradley, Haul Engllsn,<br />

Chas. Redwinc, Rogers Gil-stra-<br />

Arthur Hays, Bob Hani-son- ,<br />

and C. W. Johnson.<br />

Mrs. I. N. Simmons and<br />

daughters, Anita Jo and Mrs.<br />

Frank Junell and baby went<br />

to Dallas this week where<br />

they were joined by another<br />

daughter, Mrs. Joe Thomas of<br />

Corpus Chnsti for a visit with<br />

relatives in Whitesboro.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Sanders<br />

and son of Detroit, Mich.,<br />

were recent visitors in the<br />

home of his mother, Mrs. P.<br />

D. Sanders.<br />

Joe Maples Jr., who is attending<br />

A&M College ,is at<br />

home to spend the summer<br />

with his parents.<br />

Emmett Starr of Snyder is<br />

here for a visit with his parents,<br />

Mr. and Mrs. W. H.<br />

Starr.<br />

Mrs. Fred Akins of Los Angeles,<br />

Calif., who is here for<br />

a visit with her parents, Mr.<br />

and Mrs. J. E. Bernard, is a<br />

patient in the Knox City Hospital.<br />

Cecil Weaver and Miss Margaret<br />

Donnell of Albany were<br />

guests Sunday in the home of<br />

his sister and family, Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Don Adklns.<br />

Mrs. S R. Rike left last<br />

week for Cambridge, Mass.,<br />

where she will visit in the<br />

home of her daughter and family,<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Gaines Post.<br />

Tom Clifton is in Austin,<br />

where he plans to attend the<br />

University of Texas during the<br />

summer term.<br />

P. D. Sanders Jr., of Taco-ma- ,<br />

Wash., is visiting relatives<br />

here this week. He will go from<br />

Haskell to Caldwell to visit a<br />

sister, Mrs. J. Earl Porter, and<br />

from there to Oklahoma City<br />

to visit another sister, Mrs.<br />

Zora Park.<br />

SO Years Ago June 26, 1930<br />

Continued<br />

rumor that<br />

prevalence of a<br />

Sunday movies<br />

were to be inaugurated in<br />

Has-ke- ll<br />

led to the public announcement<br />

this week by the Haskell<br />

Amusement Comnanv. ownora<br />

of the Texas and Haskell<br />

meaires, tnat no Sunday programs<br />

were planned now or in<br />

the near future.<br />

Six Haskell vnmha am ca<br />

rolled in the Citizens Military<br />

i uujig ai fort Bliss<br />

In a letter to The ev pran<br />

the Camp Commander stated<br />

me iiasKen trainees were making<br />

an excellent rrnrrl Tn th.<br />

group from this city are Joe<br />

Bryant, Rogers Gllstrap, Cecil<br />

ai. jonn uaies, Floyd Tay<br />

lor, Gilbert Wilson.<br />

Hughes Gilliam, son of Mr<br />

CltV. has been nnnnlntl a.<br />

sistant Instructor in the Chem- -<br />

istry Department at Texas<br />

Tech during the summer term.<br />

Mr. and Mm. p t. nir.t,.<br />

erty and Ermine have return<br />

here with hompfniWo<br />

J. E. Walling Jr., of this<br />

city is in Wichita, Kans., visit-<br />

ing hu uncle, R. p. Watson and<br />

family.<br />

Mrs. Virgil Brown, who has<br />

the State Normal at<br />

TsUin?<br />

been in the Stamford Sanlta-Hufor<br />

is<br />

to be improving.<br />

Eugene attended<br />

manager's<br />

a<br />

meeting of the Sun-B- et<br />

organization In Lub-boc- several days,<br />

Hunter<br />

Stores<br />

k<br />

last weekend.<br />

pnerw<br />

SStW'rfdJ,<br />

W. T. Sarrela<br />

County K<br />

ertson were taWtaS I ! haY<br />

-<br />


Misses Mabel and Fannie<br />

Baldwin have returned home<br />

after attending TCU at Waco.<br />

J. R. Ferguson of Salt Lake<br />

City, Utah, is visiting his aunt,<br />

Mrs<br />

F. M. Morton of this city.<br />

Chas. Drusedow of the northeast<br />

side was in the city Wednesday<br />

and he reports that cotton<br />

is putting on squares in his<br />

community.<br />

The scholastic census is com-<br />

plete and shows there are<br />

2498 pupils in the common<br />

school districts and 1835 in the<br />

independent districts, a total of<br />

4333 for the county.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Boone and<br />

daughter Miss Beryle spent<br />

several days this week on<br />

their ranch in the northeast<br />

part of the county.<br />

Secretary Poole of the Board<br />

Has-<br />

of Trade informs us that<br />

kell has a fine prospect for a<br />

flouring mill in connection with<br />

a mill for preparation of Kaffir<br />

corn and milo maize for<br />

feed purposes on a commercial<br />

scale.<br />

Rev. L. O. Cunningham and<br />

family have returned from<br />

the Austin Seminary and he<br />

has resumed his duties as pastor<br />

of the Presbyterian Church<br />

in this city<br />

60 Years Ago June 23, 1900<br />

Mrs. Mary Q. Smoots of<br />

Grayson County ia here on a<br />

visit to the family of her brother,<br />

D. M. Winn.<br />

Harry Daugherty, president<br />

of the West Texas Cowboy<br />

with his family<br />

spent several days here this<br />

week.<br />

Ed Couch arrived home Tues;<br />

day from Austin, where he<br />

been<br />

has<br />

attending the University<br />

of Texas.<br />

M. S. Plersnn la kn..i.<br />

arge granary built in<br />

to<br />

which<br />

store his<br />

and Mrs.<br />

wheat<br />

Leon Gilliam of this crop.<br />

and oat<br />

OUr fOrmflr limM.n. T71 tt<br />

Morrison and family, now of<br />

Graham, are here to spend a<br />

week or so with Haskell rela-tlve- s<br />

and friends.<br />

Judith<br />

ed from California, where thy<br />

.sfs.Jhnnye<br />

Star Gas Co., in<br />

AnVonio Is<br />

spent<br />

h.en<br />

the past month. family of<br />

the<br />

F. G Alexandnr n<br />

Morgan, who is which she Is '<br />

related<br />

S. W.<br />

Fort Worth, spent the weTkend day<br />

Austin.<br />

fomX ruTJHCLTh"r<br />

San<br />

i ...u " r. . ""., aim uaj.<br />

.- -, wucre neinas been looking<br />

Jourt. Ss In federaI<br />

Miss Nora Miller of Bowline<br />

SSSuE - - -- ss:<br />

Etel Alexander enter-talne- d<br />

quite a party of her<br />

U lends Mondav t,im t<br />

wV?m lnL,ther refreshments<br />

. u unu the partv<br />

people, places and things<br />

My A. PATE<br />

He who whispers down n<br />

well,<br />

About the goods lie has lo<br />

sell<br />

Will never reap the shiny dollars<br />

Like he who climbs a tree<br />

and hollers."<br />

!<br />

We're anxious to hear from<br />

Charles Swinson a flrst-hor.- J<br />

leport on Monday night's fight.<br />

Charles and Mrs. Swinson, accompanied<br />

by her parents, Mr.<br />

and Mrs. Calvin Wheeler arc<br />

to return home Friday from a<br />

vacation trip to points in Canada<br />

and a visit to New York<br />

T nlnnnlnir flip fHl). Cllftr- -<br />

les made airangements for<br />

two tickets for tne utie ngm<br />

and the Haskell group timed<br />

their visit in New Yoi! Willi<br />

the big event in mind.<br />

I<br />

Plainvicw mini, while not<br />

n<br />

involved In<br />

physically painful,<br />

a I'iimnelnl loss.<br />

He drove In from Hie Inko<br />

to of Fit cman Lusk If<br />

lnquiie<br />

the department had grappling<br />

ii, tim. could be used In<br />

lccovciing a motor from the<br />

bottom of tne nine.<br />

The man had brought (t<br />

group of nine youngsters to the<br />

lake for a several days outing.<br />

While putting out a trotllne, the<br />

boat's motor enmc loose and<br />

15-fo- ot<br />

sank in 12 or water.<br />

Unable to furnish the needed<br />

equipment Fireman Liuk referred<br />

the man to someone who<br />

might be of assistance.<br />

good-nature- d Evidently a<br />

fellow,<br />

the Plainvicw man was ifbt<br />

unduly worded. "If we can't<br />

get it out, we'll just leave it<br />

. dm fiaii' " hr after<br />

l" i'"- - - - 7.7 v<br />

thanking Lusk for ms ncip.<br />

The trip has been a pleasant! Mention of sonic of our caily<br />

mm for the Haskell couples, (jay motorcycles last week l c<br />

according to cards and letters mlnrlpri Vnrnon Lusk of the<br />

mailed to menus, uniy one un- time his brother Floyd (better<br />

JsPm L<br />

toward incident mailed the known as 'Satch') took wild<br />

tiip. nnd it happened the sec- ride on the hurrienne deck of<br />

too-clos- ond day after leaving home mule as the lesult of e the<br />

In some manner. Charles' approach of a motor-<br />

thumb was "mashed" In a car door, causing an It happened in 1919, during the<br />

extremely painful injury. Af-<br />

of one of the best<br />

ter receiving treatment by a wheat crops county has<br />

physician, nnd then enduring ever made.<br />

several days of pain, Charles They lived a few miles east<br />

B was back to normnl by the of town on what is known as<br />

time the party reached New the old Glass farm, Vernon re-<br />

York.<br />


called.<br />

ii<br />

A team of four mules was<br />

Mishaps of that sort arc al- pulling a binder near the road.<br />

ways happ-enin- g to spoil the 'Satch,' a mere lad at the time,<br />

fun of an duting or vacation was riding the outside mule 'n<br />

trio.<br />

the team.<br />

A young couple from Lub- - All at once there was an ap- -<br />

bock stopped nt the Hall t preaching roar as a cloud of<br />

recently, and excitedly asked dust lolled down the road and<br />

al days last week on business. "satcii" Lusk the di- the four mules became skit-<br />

People of the Irby commurections for reaching a hospital tish.nity<br />

are planning a big cele- or clinic.<br />

"Here comes that<br />

bration on July 4th. There will After telling them how to John Hall on his<br />

be an all day picnic, with<br />

motorcycle,<br />

reach the hosDital. ho volun. fintrii r, ti,i i.<br />

dinner to be served at 1 o'cloei:, teered to call the hospital if see-sawe- d on the<br />

followed by candidate's speak-<br />

lines. "Hang<br />

there was an emergency. on to<br />

ing. A ball game<br />

that saddle,<br />

between<br />

we're liable<br />

It was an emergency all<br />

Douglas and Irby is scheduled<br />

at 3 p. m., and a dance will<br />

be held at the Sons of Herman<br />

Hall at night<br />

50 Years Ago June 18, 1010. nart of one 'inper<br />

On last Wednesday evening at<br />

the residence of Judge and Then there was the plight of<br />

Mrs. Jas. P. Kinnard in this<br />

city, their daughter, Miss Ethel,<br />

was married to Mr. Ahy in the of town<br />

R. Couch of Welnert.<br />

'(the old place)<br />

Messrs. Parks and othcis<br />

and<br />

will occupy<br />

shipped 356 fat beeves to<br />

it when<br />

Wich-<br />

the improvementsita,<br />

Kans., this week. Thee We<br />

cattle had been on feed at<br />

weie told th-- t<br />

the Garren<br />

pens of the Haskell Oil Mill<br />

his<br />

fall sown wheat,<br />

and were in fine condition.<br />

field of<br />

about f,o<br />

Dr. D. L. Cummins has re-<br />

and it<br />

is out<br />

turned from a trip to his old<br />

about 33 bush-el- s<br />

acre.<br />

home In Bell Countv.<br />

We begin in<br />

Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Scott<br />

this an<br />

advertisement<br />

and a party of invited gues;s<br />

for Messrs.<br />

Ericson<br />

spent yesterday fishing<br />

Holmbcrg,<br />

on their of livery<br />

ranch in the southeast part of<br />

feed<br />

nt ctn<br />

sale<br />

the county.<br />

Misg Eula Poole is attending<br />

I to have a run-awayright<br />

but not that serious, he Then, as Hall roared past in<br />

learned. The couple had been the boiling dust, the<br />

fishing<br />

mules got<br />

at the lake, and the a whiff ot burning gas and oil<br />

young woman had imbedded a and Vernon's predicted<br />

hook throch (he fleshv rm-n- v w.n n i.<br />

i y "- - a<br />

harvest<br />

the<br />

City<br />

danged<br /><br />

The mule Satch wn rifling<br />

and its mate jerked the doublo-tie- e<br />

loose fiom the binder and<br />

toak off across the wheat<br />

patch. Satch bouncing up<br />

northwest<br />

and<br />

part<br />

down like a rubber ball<br />

Banks<br />

while<br />

hanging on for dear life.<br />

Fortunately,<br />

are<br />

wheat was so<br />

completed. high and rank that the<br />

yesterday<br />

team<br />

quickly tired<br />

J E.<br />

and came<br />

is<br />

to<br />

having stop,<br />

a<br />

ending Satch's<br />

a<br />

wild rido<br />

Vernon says<br />

acres,<br />

he<br />

threshed<br />

never sees a<br />

motorcycle<br />

turning<br />

nowadays without<br />

per<br />

recalling that experience of<br />

some years<br />

issue<br />

ago.<br />

& proprie-<br />

Although a meaningless extors<br />

a and<br />

pression now, an older genera- -<br />

sinnli ... i ....<br />

uwiiiiuiu iiuu<br />

un<br />

wnoi ;,, can recall when the crv<br />

Imvo lnr.Antlt. inl. , . I .nnlf mil- tr 41. ...<br />

w ;v<br />

' incu cnarge or ; " "" '"' l"-- ' runaway:<br />

the Haskell, Stamford and An- - nad a terrifying implication of<br />

son dally mail and transfer danger,<br />

hack lines. . a frightened team, driver- -<br />

" ..<br />

w" piaee Tm iinmtiMin(ri'j<br />


less, nnd pulling a wagon ' on I<br />

swaying and bouncing f,1)m ,'"JB8on<br />

nine io num. moms uowu n f..n(chih.B<br />

crowded stiect, was a hnzai I ,,m.J M<br />

to nil Mfe and B property In us Ickoi p,1H<br />

to head off and stop the crazdl cast<br />

animals, ami frequently the" A .n i<br />

jutiaway ended when the nni-Ia- t si ! y,ftl<br />

malB crashed Into rminM,i nm.ons<br />

.... J !. ..!!.. .... ui ijuuuiiiu imuiiy "V"'"6 catei<br />

e.xnaustcd.<br />

?5fta<br />

to Shoes,<br />

Somctlmcu the rii-iv- ....<br />

Ing to bring the runaway team<br />

under control, wna intm-m-i ..<br />

killed when the team would<br />

ciasn mio some obstacle. We<br />

remember hcarlnc nf nnn i<br />

stance when a runaway team<br />

iuii uuiiuiuug mio a moving<br />

freight train nt a rnil crossing<br />

killing both animals. Luckily<br />

the drive "balled out" shortly<br />

before Uic crash.<br />

riuuuumiy. oacK in<br />

ago, when a family came to<br />

town to spend tho day, the<br />

smaller children nni i,w..<br />

would bo left on a pallet In the<br />

wagon xor oner periods.<br />

Occasionally under thoan i<br />

Climstnnena n Innm n.. t. . I<br />

'<br />

abou,<br />

bnen ,1<br />

flni<br />

sometimes become frightened fot Iund'<br />

",,u away, l"e wagoi<br />

thn<br />

'u"oi;,.<br />

ff,f ,.. "in "'<br />

with umnll<br />

i.. vnt<br />

of the wagonbed like popcorn!!'10 reins<br />

r,,f 111- -. . . vw, vl nui l.i aniuut.<br />

the' J'<br />

rf A M1. it.<br />

in?r<br />

A story is told of a Haskell<br />

roustabout who<br />

llvcry-stabl- c<br />

became a hero when he stop,<br />

ped a runaway team and wa<br />

on in which a year-ol- d infant<br />

had been left asleep.<br />

The team had been lightly<br />

tethered to the chain fence on<br />

the north side of the courthouse<br />

lawn. Driving reins had been<br />

looped loosely into a handrail<br />

fertilize<br />

Side dress now for more profit froi<br />

crop.<br />

We furnish the equipment, y<br />

we apply.<br />

Phone 2484<br />

local authorized Chevrolet dealer<br />

'Htk!)t<br />

JZT' i<br />

KJI1L - JW!UfiUfcV, ,<br />

ri ".."<br />

as "ruln.. m<br />

them ir. .<br />

jurnp out of<br />

tramn ph v?.<br />

But ,,nJ..<br />

: . , ' ine<br />

'<br />

a<br />

out<br />

T4 i.<br />

"-lo-<br />

.""iJ<br />

and as h.<br />

Tr2?n ial<br />

""iTrap I<br />

After<br />

side.<br />

A rVMr...<br />

horses under<br />

sliprt dbtana<br />

'inroad traci<br />

ouna and d<br />

tnc souaro<br />

crowd of cH<br />

win the (rig<br />

'"' I'arent, c<br />

was unhurt<br />

nuc<br />

MR. FAR!<br />

Increase Your Yield Wil<br />

Anhydrous Ammc<br />

82 Nitrogen<br />

& Phosphoric Acil<br />

The most economical<br />

Airplane Sprayii<br />

Contact us for crop insect cj<br />

SCHR0NK FER1<br />

Mil<br />



Chevy<br />

miduleweii<br />

get li mm<br />

work done<br />

in a day!<br />

Where thctj used to dM<br />

gallons of Uqucpeajw<br />

in other trucks, Fep<br />

Service of long ww<br />

can now dewer o,<br />

day! That's 7 days av<br />

over uacK jraiw'- -<br />

rock country with t<br />

Inntht. And with C<br />

finrfnc Ride pacing<br />

thewaylloudontf<br />

...JninaDOSsenW<br />

sidesway on curW,<br />

Hemic Stone.<br />

i --J. Mli? irotn 9 '<br />

anhour.Noul<br />

them." Pctrcla" If<br />

Chevrolet hauimiv<br />

If you think were o<br />

Chevy's independent<br />

rion, you ought toUft<br />

owners who uom<br />

Tkinfll tell VOU W1<br />

design is<br />

Shit the industrfij<br />

gan. Drive on-e-<br />

. 1 ouML<br />

auu a"<br />


Smith-oliveGheP- 0'<br />

..iKr<br />

inon<br />

T.!-<br />


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