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Copi TEN ly in the Hu .FOUR .v, . - nnvillST .reeds ' " the Street from 2 7 rfh Highway w Cemetery, ai- - community's ?w.Mnrlnl Park ?r.M Road should .present time, Kite of President Dr. T. W. WH- - I (or the morning electric bulletin erected on the has been gen- - reporfi rfuirman cf th- - en the pro- - has been le. Iitlon should bo a fev cc.V, reports thi d had .- .- ' i to all panic (pit in full II n ItiUMl crgnmrv doxn the m n :fF arJ prc"r-- their own dr rtei ai bea :'Ifirati;:i , f vm." I iaproval of nil csi ktoivci win I toyed i now ap Itty Is not In josi--' V monev and I lo the project at If. Johnson, C of reported on the convention held Program of work chamber recelv- - mention at the e reported. i also announced IQirlotte Rechvino AH as Haskell's K 1) Texas Cow- - i a Stamford. 'ily To ' attempting to 'rampaging Knox .ttanared hv s tTtaamy Wood and 'i Jwnev to Knnv Wt, while Man- - 'wuw will send 'Wnst Rochester 1 Mi here. w top in season I11 Leacuo W LPrt. 38 18 .679 sacy 33 23 .MO 31 25 .331 ""'"' " 29 .482 : 20 36 .367 ?r IB 37 n'jo thraA.MK "i 485: soii - iti one trnmtx wn. o X.' L; BtelU Steele! Wcne-- ' w LPct. 35 21 .eK 33 Ol kca & 5 n 2ft 4uo "Wr 25 31 .4iR ." Kamn nin welnert Gin. . 2942 SfwWoo,,row 1H y 22i ; r ,. "rt ir. ?! 654 "' 33 10 aim 'V ? nu."" 24 28 mo ley.liu2i 28.462 "' 38 .200 '.J. 3 SUJ --- Jn'e game, Barnes: ,J?:,2d0r 111,1 HP i Charlotte Redwinc, cLiughtei of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Rod u'ne . ... has.,,. been .sole ""ted nt ..... ns His TCXB'5 Cowboy.r Reunion in Stamford Miss Rcdwlno, a j..nior ir pFBBwfv " w f- VPH TH6 HaSKCLL FR PRSS PAGES rC Directors Are Told aved Roads Needed &&i Commerce1 BrtJflE Lose and idav W Play Tucsdnv ell Warriors took f &t the h.tnrU Fair Park, while s lest 7-- 2 to oty !" Dee Larnpd nnH "1 a Irio of hurl- - ,JiraesIvyand LING ULTS Haskell Millllllllllllltt bbbbbbbbbbssv y lBBBBBBBBK-- r tVdVdWMS3rj. ..sIbbbbbbbsi Ul Jt "- - k" i bSBsw K ssssVBJw. fe&. LAiLBVMvAMI Haskell High School, In a menv ' ica. Her hobbies are swimming bcr of the Ilaskell Cotm'.y and horseback riding Thieves Get $129 In wt , ,$. Two Burglaries Here Thieves who broke into two i South Avenue E, and the High' business establishments here sometime Sunday night look approximately $129 in money after smashing open two cigar- - ette machines. The culprits al so heavily damaged a nlcke lodeon in an unsuccessful attempt to loot the machine. Entered were the Culberth Col-Te- x Service Station, 000 Former Resident Of Weinert Dies Jn Stanton, Tex, Mrs. Valeria Ruth Gilbreath, 48, former resident of Won-er- t, died at 9:45 p. m. Thursday, June 16, In Physicians Hospital in Stanton, Texas. She Gil-breat- h. was the wife of Hoyt H. They had lived in Stanton since 1943, moving there from Munday. Gil-brea- th Funeral service for Mrs. was held at 2:00 p. m., Saturday, June 18, at the First Methodist Church in Stanton, conducted by the pastor, the Rev. Ellis Todd, assisted by the Rev. W. C. Wright, Baptist minister in that city. Burial was In Evergreen Ar-ringt- Cemetery, Stanton, with Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. Graveside rites were conducted by the Stanton Order of the Eastern Star. Born Oct. 14, 1911 in Stamford, she was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sadler. She was married to Hoyt -- May 30. 1934. In Weinert. Mrs. Gilbreath had been a member" of the Methodist Church since the age of 12 years. She was a past matron of itanton O. B. '., and had been employed as a postal clerk for 15 years. She had been ill since last September. Mrs. QUbreathe is survived by her husband, of Stanton: one son, Ronald D. of Midland; her mother, Mrs. Lena Mae Sadler of Arlington: one broth er, Thomas Earl Sadler of Dallas; two sisters, Mrs. V. C. Anderson and Mrs. Hugh Wat- - eon, both of Arlington : her grandmother, Mrs. T. J. Can non of Rule; and two grand cnuaren. --4 BABY GIRL FOR THE 'AS. H. REYNOLM Mr. and Mrs. James H. (Sonny) Reynolds are the parents of a daughter, Lisa Ann, born at 4;10 p. m. June 21 in the Haskell Hospital, weight lit pounds, 18 ounce J. Grandparents are Mr? and Mrs. Ewell Luak of Rule and Mr. and Mrs. Frank B Rey-nol- ds of Haskell. - 1 Sponsor Sheriffs Posse and has bn since the age of foui yeais She is a member of the Pep Squad, and an officer in the local chapter of Future Honicmakers of Ami; way Drive In Cafe, 1000 South . Avenue E. About $20 was Taken from a ciRarette machine at the Col Tex Station, where entry was gained by breaking a window pane and raising a window. The machine was heavily damaged. At the Highway Drive In, a hasp and lock was pried from a front door to gain entrance. A cigarette vending machine in the cafe was looted of $109 In money while extensive damage was caused to the machine. Also in the cafe, the glass front of a nickelodeon was broken and some other damage done to the machine, but thieves gave up before getting to the money compartment. Cash registers in both busi ness establishments apparent ly were untouched, officers said. The bunrlarles were investi gated by Sheriff Bill Pennington and Deputy Moreland Glass, City Police Chief Tom Paul Barnett and Olen King, and Constable Ace Davis. Model Plane Wins On Seven Minute Flight Record , The Municipal Airstrip was the setting Sunday for .a hotly contested battle of madel air-plane- s. Although gusty winds made flying a little unpredictable, some very good times were recorded. Highest single flight: of ."the content was made by Jodie Kennedy. His time ,0 seven minutes and 14 seconds won for him a new model Airplane mntrnm. Other modelers wh0 receiv. ed trophies were: Junior M A: First Miae Overton, Haskell; second, Mike Fedor of Dallas; third, Mike Gholson, Haskell. nnn i-- 2 A: First, Roy Scheets, Haskell; second, Tom-m- y Cunningham of Abilene; third, Albert Roberts, Haskell. Open A: First Bill Chenault of Garland; second, Larry Wheat of Garland; third, Jerry Murphy of Dallas. Open B: First, Albert Roberts; second, Jodie Kennedy; third .Tflrrv Murphy. Only one model wag lost, It being a large yellow and black model belonging to Joe' But-- " lor of Weatherford. Anyone finding this model is asked to notify Ervln Frierson. ""W,, v'w" JS!9filtiMK4 78." HASKELL, HASKELL COUNTY, TEXAS THURSDAY, Wife of Sheriff Seriously Hurt As Cars Collide Sheriff and Mrs. Bill Pennington were injured, Mrs. Pennington seriously, in an automobile collision shortly before noon Thursday on P-- Road 2103. nbcut three miles northwest of Haskell. Mrrf. Pennington received a double fracture on her left leg and bruises and cuts on her body, and Sheriff Pennington suffered bruises on his chest and arms. Sheriff and Mrs. Pennington had started to their farm when their car, a 1960 Ford was in collision with a 105S Buick driven by a Latin Farm worker, Geronlmo Gonzales. Neither Gonzalez nor a companion, Valentino Pedroza, was injured, investigating officers said. Mrs. Pennington was brought to the Haskell County Hospital. After XJ-r- had determined the nature of the two fractures, just above the knee, he was transferred to Wichita Falls General Hospital for treatment by a specialist. She was accompanied by Sheriff Pennington. A DWI complaint was filed "gainst Gonzalez by Highway Patrolman Tommy Wood, who investigated the accident. His a mpanion, Pedroza, was charged with being drunk. Bond for Gonzalez on the DWI fhaige was set at $1,000 by Justice of the Peace Merle Weaver. Mrs. Pennington was brought back Monday afternoon to the Haskell Hospital, where she is recovering satisfactorily. Her physician has advised that she can be up on crutches at an early date. 'y ; Car Mishap In Idaho Fatal to Rule Youth, 16 Jose (Pete) Fuentes Jr.. 18, of Rule was killed when a car in which he was riding with four brothers overturned near Rupert, Idaho, June 11. None of the other brothers were injured. Body of the accident victim was returned to Haskell for burial. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Jose Fuentes Sr. of Rule, he was v,irn March 26, 1914 in Mexico. He was a student in Haskell junior high school. Rosary was said at 8 p. m. Wednesday In Holden's Funeral Chapxl. Mass wa3 held at 11 a. m. Thursday in the CitlJ. olic Mission here. The Rev. Father James Maurce of St. Ann Catholic Church in Stamford officiated. Burial was in Willow Cemetery under direction of Holden Funeral Home. Surviving are the parents; six brothers, Lupe, Manuel. Oscar, Cecil, Andrew nnd Rudy all of Rule; two sisters, Ester of Rule and Mrs. Felix days. The total will reach 2,700 Granado of Palmetto, Fla.; the paternal grandmother, Mrs. Nicolosa Fuentes of Cluda'.l Acuna, Mexico and a grandfather, Carpo Pedroza of Rule. $ Mercury Tops 100 Degrees on Five Consecutive Days First day of summer, June 21, got off on a scorching start, with the (mercury climbing to 109 degrees the fifth, consecu- tive day of tern-Deratur- e. . Tuesday s oimerws; w woo sUllbeloffthji'seaan'shigh, re-por- ts . Hjiwvjoca weather observer. The mcury climb-t- d to 110, degrees on June 15, hU repoi ,show. trtbi .Tima-18- . k'readlng of W4,degre was Wintered each day unui u? 'reading shot to, Iff,, ., An occasional' light .breeze and scattered ,cloude heM the heat unvA aHflfctlviln check Wednes day, However; a; maximum of 100 derrees waa imww around noon Wednesday. Rotary Club To Have Outdoor Supper Tonight instead of the regular noon meeting today, the Rotary Club will meet at the Paint Creek Power Plant of West Texas Utilities Company tonight at 7:30 o'clock for un outdoor supper and observance of Ladles Night. Wives of members wmfi ldo special guests. Each couple is to bring one fried chicken, or substitute Is preferred. New Rotary officers for the ensulng.year will be recognu-e- d at the meeting. " "mlBjBBJMBJPBSJ Attorney General OK's Water Authority Bonds Tom Watson Is Elected Fire Chief, Department Given In the annual business meeting of tiie Haskell Fire Department Monday night, Tom Watson was elevated to the position of Chief, a leport was ' heard on the State Convention held In Galveston, and the department was presented a surprise gift from the West Texas Utilities Company, in the form of a late type fire extinguisher. The extinguisher, a Dayton carbon dioxide model, for use on oil, chemical, or electrical fires,; was presented by C. O. Holt, chief engineer at the Paint Creek WTU plant. A vo.e of thanks was given Mr. Holt and the West Texas Utilities Company, and he remain, ed as a. visitor at the department session. In the annual election of former Assistant Chief Tom Watson was named Chief, succeeding Jim Byrd who re-coly moved to Dallas. Hatold R. Spain Named Officer in Postal Group Haskell Postmaster Harold R. Spain was elected second vice president of the Texas Chapter, National Association of Postmasters at 'the I960 convention, held June 5-- 8 in Fort Worth. Mr. ftnd Mr. Spain attended the four-da- y convention, held in the Texas Hotel and attended by almost 500 postmasters and postal officials. Among the more prominent speakers on the convention program were Edward L. Baker of Detroit, Mich., Immediate past president of the national association; Hon. Bert B. Barnes, assistant Postmaster General, Washington, D. C.; Hon. Jim Martin, regional controller, and Hon. Jack Pearce, regional installation manager, both of Dallas. Galveston was selected as host city for Uie 1961 convention. Sheriff's Posse Wins Trophy In Rotan Parade Haskell County Sheriffs posse won second place trophy In the parade Thursday afternoon opening the fourth annual Rotan Junior Rodeo. First place went to Stonewall County Sheriff's Posse and third to Scurry County Sheriff's Posse. Pauletle Allen of Haskell won first place In the sponsor's barrel race Thursday night, with the fast time of 17.5 seconds. Second place went to Dl-an- Huff, Merkel, with 17.6 seconds, and third to Linda Merrlott, Stamford, with IS flat. s Firemen Lucky, Blaze Out When Trucks Roll Up Firemen who answered a call to the Paint Creek com munity Friday got a lucky break. Volunteer firefighters had the blaze, a grass fire, under control when firemen rolled up in .their trucks. A call was sent for firefight-in- g equipment .when it appear- ed that biasing grass might set Hro to the parsonage of the Paint Creek Baptist Church. However quick work of volunteers stopped the blaze in its tracks. Aspermont Rodeo Open Today for Three-Da- y Run Aspermont's fifth annual Amateur Rodeo opens in that city todsv for a three-da- y run which wm close wxtn me per formance Saturday night, June 23. . . Opening day feature wm oe a parade at 4 p. m. today in which a number of visiting riding clubs will take part, including the Haskell County Sheriff's Posse. Program each night will include calfv roping, ribbon roping, and "girls' barrel race. Rodeo stock for the Asper mont show will be furnished by Roland Reed of FtL Worth. JUNE 23, 1960 HIJ.I . IHIjlJIII New Extinguisher J. B. Glpson, manager of Bill Wilson Motor Company, was named Assistant Chief. and Olen Bartley was elected Tail Twister. becreiary ueorge Neeiy was in that office, as were the three Company Captains, Ray Lusk in No. 1, Du-ga- n Starr in No. 2 and Lon Pate in No. 3. Revision or updating of the department's by-law- s was discussed briefly, and a committee composed of Earl Correll, Ray Lusk and J. B. Gipson was appointed to review the regulations and recommend any changes deemed necessary. An initiation committee was als0 appointed, composed nf Bob Dumas, chairman, D'n Garrett, John Watson, Frank Reynolds and Satch Lusk. A report on last week's State Convention held in Galveston was given by Fire Maishal R A. (Shadvi Lane and ,fa:k S'peer. who attended as representatives of the local department. Mrs. Speer wns a delegate from the local auxiliary. Seniors Edged By Stamford, Topple Rule Haskell's Senior League base-rba- ll team lost a close 7-- 6 contest to Stamford ?ast Thurnduy night, then came "back to overwhelm Rule 13-- 0 Monday night in a one-side- d contest called at the end of four and one-hal- f innings. The locals host. Anson here tonight (Thursday) in a game starting at 8 o'clock at Fair Park Field. Batteries for Haskell In the win over Rule were Anderson and Kenneth Isbell. On the mound for the locals against Stamford was Robert Bartley, with Gary Anthony receiving. The Senior League Is composed of teams from Haskell, Stam- ford, Rule and Anson. Pete Mul-lln- s is manager of the Haskell team. a, Masons Schedule Installation of Officers Monday Officers for the ensuing lodge year will be installed by Haskell Lodge No. 662. A. F. & A. M., Monday evening, June 27. R. L. Stephenson, past master of the local lodge, will be the installing officer. Officers to be installed are: J. L. Mullins, Worshipful Master; Virgil Wall, Senior Warden; W. R. Howard, Junior Warden; Huey Bledsoe, Treasurer; Harvey Simmons, Secretary; R. L. Stephenson, Chaplain; Fred Brown, Senior Deacon; Leon Pearsey, Junior Deacon: R. H. Robbins, Senior Steward; Leslie Davis, Junior S'teward; T. B. Rasco, Tiler. $ County Asks Bids On Tax Computing Machine, Truck The County Commissioners' Court . Is considering the purchase of a combination com-Trtittmachine and electric typewriter to be used in the county tax office. The type of machine tnder consideration Is described as a 19 total computing machine for calculating tax, and elec- VISITS SISTER IN TEMPLE HOSPITAL Tom Barfield was called to Temple Monday, to the bedside of his sister, Mrs. H. L. Rice, pt Dallas, who had in Scott & White Hosnltal and is seriously ill. Mr. Barfield returnee, nome I Tuesday night. I Tax and revenue bonds of th iorm uemrai Texas .Municipal Water Authority have been appioved by the Attorney Gen eral of Texas, and have boon certified by the Comptroller of Public Accounts, officials of the Water Authority were advised this week. Assistant Attorney General Howard Mays, chief bond counsel In the department, told Young Vocalist Gives Program At Rotary Club A talented young vocalist, Millie Holden, with her brother Tom Bill Holden as accompanist, presented a program at the luncheon and meeting of the Rotary Club Thursday at noon at the Highway Drive-In- . The young entertainers are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Holden of Haskell. Ferrell Coston, program chairman, introduced the youthful guest artists, in addition to accompaniment for nvo songs by his sister. Tom Dill was pianist for group singing led by Bob Hen en. At conclusion of the entertainment program, Rotanan Herren gave a brief report en the Democratic Convention in Austin which he had attended as a delegate from Haskell County. President Hooper Wilkinson reminded members that the next meeting, June 23, would be a night affair in the form of a picnic supper on the lawn of the WTU Paint Creek power plant at tHe lake. Thlr , will pe annual Ladies Night for me club, and wives of members will be special guests. New officers of the club for Ihe ensuing year will also be recognized at this meeting. Out-of-tow- n guests at last week's luncheon and meeting were Bill Coe and Rotarian Jim McCullough, both of Stamford. . Report on Girl's State Session Given Lions "I learned more about government in the two weeks I spent at Girls State, than I learned In 11 years in school," Jane Ann Sego told members of the. Haskell Llon3 Club at the Tuesday noon-da- y luncheon session held at the Drive In. Jane Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Sego, recently returned from Austin where she spent two weeks as a representative to the American Legion Auxiliary Girls State She was sponsored by Haskell Lions. Jane Ann expressed words of thanks to Lions for sponsoring her, and emphasized that she will be a better citizen due to her experience at Girls State. "It was one of the most important events of my life," Miss Sego said. "I now know the workings 0f my government and want to be a part of It," Jane Ann pointed out. Mrs. D. H. Persons, vice-preside- nt of American Legion Auxiliary of Rogers-Co- x Post 221, introduced Miss Sego. Wallace Cox Jr., was in cnarge of the program. NUMBER 25 The Free Press by telephone from Austin Wednesday that bonds of the Authority Ind been fully approved as legally valid securities. The bonds were approved Monday, Juno 20, Mr. Mays said. A'tiT bi'ing certified by the Comptroller, the bonds are ready to be sulil as obligations of the Water Authority, ho explained. A bond issue of $3,800,000 was approved by tax-payin- g voters of Haskell, Rule, Munday and Goree on Oct. 11, 1958. after engineers and bond attorneys had estimated this amount would finance what is commonly known as the Miller Creek Water Project. The project calls for a reservoir on Miller Creek east of Munday, pumping and filtering plants and pipeline system serving the four towns. Haskell directors in the Authority, W. R. (Roy) Johnson and R. W. (Bob) Herren, said Wednesday that the Attorney General's approval of the Authority's tax and revenue bonds meant that actual work could be started on the project immediately. Proceeds from the bond issue can now be used as needed in meeting any obligatioas already created by the Authority, it was explained. These obligations include engineer's fees, costs of preparing tax rolls and appraising property values, etc. Also, purchases of land and easements can be initiated, while engineers are working on specifications and material contracts, etc., for the pro ject, directors pointed out. Tax Rate Set for District Directors of the Authority at their last regular meeting, set the 1960 tax rate at 50 cents on each $100 of assessed valuation on real estate and personal property in the Authority, or water district. Tax rolls of the Authority list total assessed valuations of approximately $15,500,000. Pete Beecher of Goree is tax assessor and collector for the NCTM Water Authority, having been employed in that capacity after the tax rolls were compiled last year. His office is located in Munday. $. Hawks Win Three Dears lop Two In Little .eague The high-flyin- g Hawks continued to dominate play in Little League during the week of June 14 through the 20 with three wins, while in the minor division the Bears racked up two wins. Watson and Hambleton, both of the Hawks, hit home runs during the week. Scores In last week's games: June 14 Cats 22, Frogs 12; Hawks 5, Rams 0. June 16 Red Horses 10, Frogs 6; Hawks 16, Cubs 11. June 17 Bears 7, Cats 0'; Tigers 5, Rams 4. June 20 Bears 5, Frogs 1; Hawks 3 Tigers 2. Games Coming Up June 23 Cats vs. Bears; Rams vs. Tigers. June 24 Frogs vs. Red Horses; Hawks vs. Cubs. June 27 Frogs vs. Cats; Hawks vs. Rams. June 28 Bears vs. Red Horses; Tigers vs. Cubs. Gonzales Warm Springs Foundation Thanks Haskell People for Support Appreciation to the people of to have Haskell residents vis- Haskell for their support was re-sui- ts tric typewriter for printing it expressed in a the letter to The Center and see first- on tax receipts and tax Free Press from J. M. Haynes hand the humanitarian work being done rolls. Jr., an executive of the here for Texans of Gon- Bids on furnishing the equipzales Warm Springs Founda- all ages, regardless of their ability to pay for the treatment wijl be received until 10 tion. The letter follows: ment." a. m. Tuesday, June 28 at the "The Texas Rehabilitation office of the County Judge. Center, Gonzales Warm Springs RECENT VISITOR IN The Court has also asked for Foundation recently received a NORMAN BEVEL HOME bids on selling the County a payment from the Haskell new 1960 model truck, United Fund, Inc. Miss Ann Fortner of Tyler, anv make, taking In trade a "Wo toko thin triABnn nt ey. Texas, spent last week visiting in 1951 model Ford truck. These the home of Mr. and Mrs. pressing our appreciation to bWa wm recejved Norman Bevel and family. She until 10 the people of Haskell for their was accompanied here by Joy a. m. Monday, July 11. support of the TRC rehabilita- Bevel, who had spent several tion program through the Unit days with Miss Fortner in Tyler. ed Fund. The Bevels recently moved here "I shall be glad to answer from Rio Hondo, Texas, and re any questions your readers side on a farm northwest of may have concerning the op Haskell. They have two daugh- eration, history, or the treatters, Joy who will be a senior ment program of The Texas in Haskell High Scfcool this year, Rehabilitation Center. and Darlene. who will be in the "TRC is open to visitors and 8tl Grade. Miss Fortner is Phy- tour groups each day of the sical Education teacher in Rla. week, and we would be happy Hondo schools. ,JK- ' h . Tayf V i ' Ti t vm i y. iai Vf t f f ri j- - . i1 .t J., J ft .Si y if-- m .5 KH m u

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Haskell High School, In a menv ' ica. Her hobbies are swimming<br />

bcr of the Ilaskell Cotm'.y and horseback riding<br />

Thieves Get $129 In<br />

wt , ,$.<br />

Two Burglaries Here<br />

Thieves who broke into two i South Avenue E, and the High'<br />

business establishments here<br />

sometime Sunday night look<br />

approximately $129 in money<br />

after smashing open two cigar- -<br />

ette machines. The culprits al<br />

so heavily damaged a nlcke<br />

lodeon in an unsuccessful attempt<br />

to loot the machine.<br />

Entered were the Culberth<br />

Col-Te- x Service Station, 000<br />

Former Resident<br />

Of Weinert Dies<br />

Jn Stanton, Tex,<br />

Mrs. Valeria Ruth Gilbreath,<br />

48, former resident of Won-er- t,<br />

died at 9:45 p. m. Thursday,<br />

June 16, In Physicians<br />

Hospital in Stanton, Texas. She<br />

Gil-breat- h.<br />

was the wife of Hoyt H.<br />

They had lived in Stanton<br />

since 1943, moving there<br />

from Munday.<br />

Gil-brea- th<br />

Funeral service for Mrs.<br />

was held at 2:00 p. m.,<br />

Saturday, June 18, at the First<br />

Methodist Church in Stanton,<br />

conducted by the pastor, the<br />

Rev. Ellis Todd, assisted by<br />

the Rev. W. C. Wright, Baptist<br />

minister in that city.<br />

Burial was In Evergreen<br />

Ar-ringt-<br />

Cemetery, Stanton, with<br />

Funeral Home in<br />

charge of arrangements. Graveside<br />

rites were conducted by<br />

the Stanton Order of the Eastern<br />

Star.<br />

Born Oct. 14, 1911 in Stamford,<br />

she was the daughter of<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sadler.<br />

She was married to Hoyt<br />

-- May 30. 1934. In<br />

Weinert. Mrs. Gilbreath had<br />

been a member" of the Methodist<br />

Church since the age of<br />

12 years. She was a past matron<br />

of itanton O. B. '., and<br />

had been employed as a postal<br />

clerk for 15 years. She had<br />

been ill since last September.<br />

Mrs. QUbreathe is survived<br />

by her husband, of Stanton:<br />

one son, Ronald D. of Midland;<br />

her mother, Mrs. Lena Mae<br />

Sadler of Arlington: one broth<br />

er, Thomas Earl Sadler of<br />

Dallas; two sisters, Mrs. V. C.<br />

Anderson and Mrs. Hugh Wat- -<br />

eon, both of Arlington : her<br />

grandmother, Mrs. T. J. Can<br />

non of Rule; and two grand<br />

cnuaren.<br />

--4<br />


'AS. H. REYNOLM<br />

Mr. and Mrs. James H.<br />

(Sonny) Reynolds are the parents<br />

of a daughter, Lisa<br />

Ann, born at 4;10 p. m. June<br />

21 in the Haskell Hospital,<br />

weight lit pounds, 18 ounce J.<br />

Grandparents are Mr? and<br />

Mrs. Ewell Luak of Rule and<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Frank B Rey-nol- ds<br />

of Haskell.<br />

- 1<br />

Sponsor<br />

Sheriffs Posse and has bn<br /> since the age of foui<br />

yeais She is a member of<br />

the Pep Squad, and an<br />

officer in the local chapter of<br />

Future Honicmakers of Ami;<br />

way Drive In Cafe, 1000 South .<br />

Avenue E.<br />

About $20 was Taken from a<br />

ciRarette machine at the Col<br />

Tex Station, where entry was<br />

gained by breaking a window<br />

pane and raising a window.<br />

The machine was heavily damaged.<br />

At the Highway Drive In, a<br />

hasp and lock was pried from<br />

a front door to gain entrance.<br />

A cigarette vending machine<br />

in the cafe was looted of $109<br />

In money while extensive damage<br />

was caused to the machine.<br />

Also in the cafe, the glass<br />

front of a nickelodeon was<br />

broken and some other damage<br />

done to the machine, but<br />

thieves gave up before getting<br />

to the money compartment.<br />

Cash registers in both busi<br />

ness establishments apparent<br />

ly were untouched, officers<br />

said.<br />

The bunrlarles were investi<br />

gated by Sheriff Bill Pennington<br />

and Deputy Moreland<br />

Glass, City Police Chief Tom<br />

Paul Barnett and Olen King,<br />

and Constable Ace Davis.<br />

Model Plane Wins<br />

On Seven Minute<br />

Flight Record ,<br />

The Municipal Airstrip was<br />

the setting Sunday for .a hotly<br />

contested battle of madel air-plane- s.<br />

Although gusty winds<br />

made flying a little unpredictable,<br />

some very good times<br />

were recorded.<br />

Highest single flight: of ."the<br />

content was made by Jodie<br />

Kennedy. His time ,0 seven<br />

minutes and 14 seconds won<br />

for him a new model Airplane<br />

mntrnm.<br />

Other modelers wh0 receiv.<br />

ed trophies were:<br />

Junior M A: First Miae<br />

Overton, Haskell; second, Mike<br />

Fedor of Dallas; third, Mike<br />

Gholson, Haskell.<br />

nnn i--<br />

2 A: First, Roy<br />

Scheets, Haskell; second, Tom-m- y<br />

Cunningham of Abilene;<br />

third, Albert Roberts, Haskell.<br />

<strong>Open</strong> A: First Bill Chenault<br />

of Garland; second, Larry<br />

Wheat of Garland; third, Jerry<br />

Murphy of Dallas.<br />

<strong>Open</strong> B: First, Albert Roberts;<br />

second, Jodie Kennedy;<br />

third .Tflrrv Murphy.<br />

Only one model wag lost, It<br />

being a large yellow and black<br />

model belonging to Joe' But-- "<br />

lor of Weatherford. Anyone<br />

finding this model is asked to<br />

notify Ervln Frierson.<br />

""W,, v'w" JS!9filtiMK4 78."<br />


Wife of Sheriff<br />

Seriously Hurt<br />

As Cars Collide<br />

Sheriff and Mrs. Bill Pennington<br />

were injured, Mrs. Pennington<br />

seriously, in an automobile<br />

collision shortly before<br />

noon Thursday on P-- Road<br />

2103. nbcut three miles northwest<br />

of Haskell.<br />

Mrrf. Pennington received a<br />

double fracture on her left<br />

leg and bruises and cuts on<br />

her body, and Sheriff Pennington<br />

suffered bruises on his<br />

chest and arms.<br />

Sheriff and Mrs. Pennington<br />

had started to their farm<br />

when their car, a 1960 Ford<br />

was in collision with a 105S<br />

Buick driven by a Latin Farm<br />

worker, Geronlmo Gonzales.<br />

Neither Gonzalez nor a companion,<br />

Valentino Pedroza,<br />

was injured, investigating officers<br />

said.<br />

Mrs. Pennington was brought<br />

to the Haskell County Hospital.<br />

After XJ-r- had determined<br />

the nature of the two<br />

fractures, just above the knee,<br />

he was transferred to Wichita<br />

Falls General Hospital for<br />

treatment by a specialist.<br />

She was accompanied by<br />

Sheriff Pennington.<br />

A DWI complaint was filed<br />

"gainst Gonzalez by Highway<br />

Patrolman Tommy Wood, who<br />

investigated the accident. His<br />

a mpanion, Pedroza, was<br />

charged with being drunk.<br />

Bond for Gonzalez on the DWI<br />

fhaige was set at $1,000 by<br />

Justice of the Peace Merle<br />

Weaver.<br />

Mrs. Pennington was brought<br />

back Monday afternoon to the<br />

Haskell Hospital, where she<br />

is recovering satisfactorily.<br />

Her physician has advised that<br />

she can be up on crutches at<br />

an early date. 'y ;<br />

Car Mishap In<br />

Idaho Fatal to<br />

Rule Youth, 16<br />

Jose (Pete) Fuentes Jr.. 18,<br />

of Rule was killed when a car<br />

in which he was riding with<br />

four brothers overturned near<br />

Rupert, Idaho, June 11. None<br />

of the other brothers were injured.<br />

Body of the accident victim<br />

was returned to Haskell for<br />

burial.<br />

The son of Mr. and Mrs. Jose<br />

Fuentes Sr. of Rule, he was<br />

v,irn March 26, 1914 in Mexico.<br />

He was a student in Haskell<br />

junior high school.<br />

Rosary was said at 8 p. m.<br />

Wednesday In Holden's Funeral<br />

Chapxl. Mass wa3 held at<br />

11 a. m. Thursday in the CitlJ.<br />

olic Mission here. The Rev.<br />

Father James Maurce of St.<br />

Ann Catholic Church in Stamford<br />

officiated.<br />

Burial was in Willow Cemetery<br />

under direction of Holden<br />

Funeral Home.<br />

Surviving are the parents;<br />

six brothers, Lupe, Manuel.<br />

Oscar, Cecil, Andrew nnd<br />

Rudy all of Rule; two sisters,<br />

Ester of Rule and Mrs. Felix<br />

days. The total will reach 2,700<br />

Granado of Palmetto, Fla.; the<br />

paternal grandmother, Mrs.<br />

Nicolosa Fuentes of Cluda'.l<br />

Acuna, Mexico and a grandfather,<br />

Carpo Pedroza of Rule.<br />

$<br />

Mercury Tops 100<br />

Degrees on Five<br />

Consecutive Days<br />

First day of summer, June<br />

21, got off on a scorching start,<br />

with the (mercury climbing to<br />

109 degrees the fifth, consecu-<br />

tive day of<br />

tern-Deratur- e.<br />

.<br />

Tuesday s oimerws; w woo<br />

sUllbeloffthji'seaan'shigh, re-por-<br />

ts<br />

. Hjiwvjoca weather<br />

observer. The mcury climb-t- d<br />

to 110, degrees on June 15,<br />

hU repoi ,show.<br />

trtbi .Tima-18- . k'readlng of<br />

W4,degre was Wintered each<br />

day unui u?<br />

'reading shot to, Iff,,<br />

., An occasional' light .breeze and<br />

scattered ,cloude heM the heat<br />

unvA aHflfctlviln check Wednes<br />

day, However; a; maximum of<br />

100 derrees waa imww<br />

around noon Wednesday.<br />

Rotary Club To<br />

Have Outdoor<br />

Supper Tonight<br />

instead of the regular noon<br />

meeting today, the Rotary<br />

Club will meet at the Paint<br />

Creek Power Plant of West<br />

Texas Utilities Company tonight<br />

at 7:30 o'clock for un<br />

outdoor supper and observance<br />

of Ladles Night.<br />

Wives of members wmfi ldo<br />

special guests. Each couple is<br />

to bring one fried chicken, or<br />

substitute Is preferred.<br />

New Rotary officers for the<br />

ensulng.year will be recognu-e- d<br />

at the meeting.<br />

"<br />


Attorney General OK's<br />

Water Authority Bonds<br />

Tom Watson Is Elected Fire Chief,<br />

Department Given<br />

In the annual business meeting<br />

of tiie Haskell Fire Department<br />

Monday night, Tom<br />

Watson was elevated to the<br />

position of Chief, a leport was '<br />

heard on the State Convention<br />

held In Galveston, and the<br />

department was presented a<br />

surprise gift from the West<br />

Texas Utilities Company, in<br />

the form of a late type fire<br />

extinguisher.<br />

The extinguisher, a Dayton<br />

carbon dioxide model, for use<br />

on oil, chemical, or electrical<br />

fires,; was presented by C. O.<br />

Holt, chief engineer at the<br />

Paint Creek WTU plant. A vo.e<br />

of thanks was given Mr.<br />

Holt and the West Texas Utilities<br />

Company, and he remain,<br />

ed as a. visitor at the department<br />

session.<br />

In the annual election of<br />

former Assistant Chief<br />

Tom Watson was named Chief,<br />

succeeding Jim Byrd who re-coly<br />

moved to Dallas.<br />

Hatold R. Spain<br />

Named Officer in<br />

Postal Group<br />

Haskell Postmaster Harold R.<br />

Spain was elected second vice<br />

president of the Texas Chapter,<br />

National Association of Postmasters<br />

at 'the I960 convention,<br />

held June 5-- 8 in Fort Worth.<br />

Mr. ftnd Mr. Spain attended<br />

the four-da- y convention, held in<br />

the Texas Hotel and attended by<br />

almost 500 postmasters and postal<br />

officials.<br />

Among the more prominent<br />

speakers on the convention program<br />

were Edward L. Baker of<br />

Detroit, Mich., Immediate past<br />

president of the national association;<br />

Hon. Bert B. Barnes,<br />

assistant Postmaster General,<br />

Washington, D. C.; Hon. Jim<br />

Martin, regional controller, and<br />

Hon. Jack Pearce, regional installation<br />

manager, both of Dallas.<br />

Galveston was selected as host<br />

city for Uie 1961 convention.<br />

Sheriff's Posse<br />

Wins Trophy In<br />

Rotan Parade<br />

Haskell County Sheriffs posse<br />

won second place trophy In<br />

the parade Thursday afternoon<br />

opening the fourth annual Rotan<br />

Junior Rodeo. First place<br />

went to Stonewall County<br />

Sheriff's Posse and third to<br />

Scurry County Sheriff's Posse.<br />

Pauletle Allen of Haskell won<br />

first place In the sponsor's<br />

barrel race Thursday night,<br />

with the fast time of 17.5 seconds.<br />

Second place went to Dl-an-<br />

Huff, Merkel, with 17.6<br />

seconds, and third to Linda<br />

Merrlott, Stamford, with IS<br />

flat.<br />

s<br />

Firemen Lucky,<br />

Blaze Out When<br />

Trucks Roll Up<br />

Firemen who answered a<br />

call to the Paint Creek com<br />

munity Friday got a lucky<br />

break.<br />

Volunteer firefighters had<br />

the blaze, a grass fire, under<br />

control when firemen rolled<br />

up in .their trucks.<br />

A call was sent for firefight-in- g<br />

equipment .when it appear-<br />

ed that biasing grass might<br />

set Hro to the parsonage of<br />

the Paint Creek Baptist<br />

Church. However quick work<br />

of volunteers stopped the blaze<br />

in its tracks.<br />

Aspermont Rodeo<br />

<strong>Open</strong> Today for<br />

Three-Da- y Run<br />

Aspermont's fifth annual<br />

Amateur Rodeo opens in that<br />

city todsv for a three-da- y run<br />

which wm close wxtn me per<br />

formance Saturday night, June<br />

23. . .<br />

<strong>Open</strong>ing day feature wm oe<br />

a parade at 4 p. m. today in<br />

which a number of visiting riding<br />

clubs will take part, including<br />

the Haskell County<br />

Sheriff's Posse.<br />

Program each night will include<br />

calfv roping, ribbon roping,<br />

and "girls' barrel race.<br />

Rodeo stock for the Asper<br />

mont show will be furnished<br />

by Roland Reed of FtL Worth.<br />

JUNE 23, 1960<br />

HIJ.I . IHIjlJIII<br />

New Extinguisher<br />

J. B. Glpson, manager of<br />

Bill Wilson Motor Company,<br />

was named Assistant Chief.<br />

and Olen Bartley was elected<br />

Tail Twister.<br />

becreiary ueorge Neeiy was<br />

in that office, as<br />

were the three Company Captains,<br />

Ray Lusk in No. 1, Du-ga- n<br />

Starr in No. 2 and Lon<br />

Pate in No. 3.<br />

Revision or updating of the<br />

department's by-law- s was discussed<br />

briefly, and a committee<br />

composed of Earl Correll,<br />

Ray Lusk and J. B. Gipson<br />

was appointed to review the<br />

regulations and recommend<br />

any changes deemed necessary.<br />

An initiation committee was<br />

als0 appointed, composed nf<br />

Bob Dumas, chairman, D'n<br />

Garrett, John Watson, Frank<br />

Reynolds and Satch Lusk.<br />

A report on last week's State<br />

Convention held in Galveston<br />

was given by Fire Maishal R<br />

A. (Shadvi Lane and ,fa:k<br />

S'peer. who attended as representatives<br />

of the local department.<br />

Mrs. Speer wns a delegate<br />

from the local auxiliary.<br />

Seniors Edged<br />

By Stamford,<br />

Topple Rule<br />

Haskell's Senior League base-rba- ll<br />

team lost a close 7-- 6 contest<br />

to Stamford ?ast Thurnduy<br />

night, then came "back to overwhelm<br />

Rule 13-- 0 Monday night<br />

in a one-side- d contest called at<br />

the end of four and one-hal- f<br />

innings.<br />

The locals host. Anson here<br />

tonight (Thursday) in a<br />

game starting at 8 o'clock<br />

at Fair Park Field.<br />

Batteries for Haskell In the<br />

win over Rule were Anderson<br />

and Kenneth Isbell.<br />

On the mound for the locals<br />

against Stamford was Robert<br />

Bartley, with Gary Anthony receiving.<br />

The Senior League Is composed<br />

of teams from Haskell, Stam-<br />

ford, Rule and Anson. Pete<br />

Mul-lln- s<br />

is manager of the Haskell<br />

team.<br />

a,<br />

Masons Schedule<br />

Installation of<br />

Officers Monday<br />

Officers for the ensuing<br />

lodge year will be installed by<br />

Haskell Lodge No. 662. A. F.<br />

& A. M., Monday evening,<br />

June 27.<br />

R. L. Stephenson, past master<br />

of the local lodge, will be<br />

the installing officer.<br />

Officers to be installed are:<br />

J. L. Mullins, Worshipful Master;<br />

Virgil Wall, Senior Warden;<br />

W. R. Howard, Junior<br />

Warden; Huey Bledsoe, Treasurer;<br />

Harvey Simmons, Secretary;<br />

R. L. Stephenson,<br />

Chaplain; Fred Brown, Senior<br />

Deacon; Leon Pearsey, Junior<br />

Deacon: R. H. Robbins, Senior<br />

Steward; Leslie Davis, Junior<br />

S'teward; T. B. Rasco, Tiler.<br />

$<br />

County Asks Bids<br />

On Tax Computing<br />

Machine, Truck<br />

The County Commissioners'<br />

Court . Is considering the purchase<br />

of a combination com-Trtittmachine<br />

and electric<br />

typewriter to be used in the<br />

county tax office.<br />

The type of machine tnder<br />

consideration Is described as a<br />

19 total computing machine<br />

for calculating tax, and elec-<br />



Tom Barfield was called to<br />

Temple Monday, to the bedside<br />

of his sister, Mrs. H. L.<br />

Rice, pt Dallas, who had<br />

in Scott & White<br />

Hosnltal and is seriously ill.<br />

Mr. Barfield returnee, nome<br />

I Tuesday night.<br />

I<br />

Tax and revenue bonds of th<br />

iorm uemrai Texas .Municipal<br />

Water Authority have been<br />

appioved by the Attorney Gen<br />

eral of Texas, and have boon<br />

certified by the Comptroller of<br />

Public Accounts, officials of<br />

the Water Authority were advised<br />

this week.<br />

Assistant Attorney General<br />

Howard Mays, chief bond<br />

counsel In the department, told<br />

Young Vocalist<br />

Gives Program<br />

At Rotary Club<br />

A talented young vocalist,<br />

Millie Holden, with her brother<br />

Tom Bill Holden as accompanist,<br />

presented a program<br />

at the luncheon and meeting<br />

of the Rotary Club Thursday<br />

at noon at the Highway Drive-In- .<br />

The young entertainers are<br />

the children of Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Bill Holden of Haskell.<br />

Ferrell Coston, program<br />

chairman, introduced the<br />

youthful guest artists, in addition<br />

to accompaniment for nvo<br />

songs by his sister. Tom Dill<br />

was pianist for group singing<br />

led by Bob Hen en.<br />

At conclusion of the entertainment<br />

program, Rotanan<br />

Herren gave a brief report en<br />

the Democratic Convention in<br />

Austin which he had attended<br />

as a delegate from Haskell<br />

County.<br />

President Hooper Wilkinson<br />

reminded members that the<br />

next meeting, June 23, would<br />

be a night affair in the form<br />

of a picnic supper on the lawn<br />

of the WTU Paint Creek power<br />

plant at tHe lake. Thlr , will pe<br />

annual Ladies Night for me<br />

club, and wives of members<br />

will be special guests.<br />

New officers of the club for<br />

Ihe ensuing year will also be<br />

recognized at this meeting.<br />

Out-of-tow- n guests at last<br />

week's luncheon and meeting<br />

were Bill Coe and Rotarian<br />

Jim McCullough, both of Stamford.<br />

.<br />

Report on Girl's<br />

State Session<br />

Given Lions<br />

"I learned more about government<br />

in the two weeks I<br />

spent at Girls State, than<br />

I learned In 11 years in<br />

school," Jane Ann Sego told<br />

members of the. Haskell Llon3<br />

Club at the Tuesday noon-da- y<br />

luncheon session held at the<br />

Drive In.<br />

Jane Ann, daughter of Mr.<br />

and Mrs. Bob Sego, recently<br />

returned from Austin where<br />

she spent two weeks as a representative<br />

to the American<br />

Legion Auxiliary Girls State<br />

She was sponsored by Haskell<br />

Lions.<br />

Jane Ann expressed words of<br />

thanks to Lions for sponsoring<br />

her, and emphasized that she<br />

will be a better citizen due<br />

to her experience at Girls<br />

State. "It was one of the most<br />

important events of my life,"<br />

Miss Sego said. "I now know<br />

the workings 0f my government<br />

and want to be a part<br />

of It," Jane Ann pointed out.<br />

Mrs. D. H. Persons, vice-preside- nt<br />

of American Legion<br />

Auxiliary of Rogers-Co- x Post<br />

221, introduced Miss Sego.<br />

Wallace Cox Jr., was in<br />

cnarge of the program.<br />

NUMBER 25<br />

The Free Press by telephone<br />

from Austin Wednesday that<br />

bonds of the Authority Ind<br />

been fully approved as legally<br />

valid securities.<br />

The bonds were approved<br />

Monday, Juno 20, Mr. Mays<br />

said. A'tiT bi'ing certified<br />

by the Comptroller, the<br />

bonds are ready to be sulil<br />

as obligations of the Water<br />

Authority, ho explained.<br />

A bond issue of $3,800,000<br />

was approved by tax-payin- g<br />

voters of Haskell, Rule, Munday<br />

and Goree on Oct. 11,<br />

1958. after engineers and bond<br />

attorneys had estimated this<br />

amount would finance what is<br />

commonly known as the Miller<br />

Creek Water Project.<br />

The project calls for a<br />

reservoir on Miller<br />

Creek east of Munday,<br />

pumping and filtering plants<br />

and pipeline system serving<br />

the four towns.<br />

Haskell directors in the Authority,<br />

W. R. (Roy) Johnson<br />

and R. W. (Bob) Herren, said<br />

Wednesday that the Attorney<br />

General's approval of the Authority's<br />

tax and revenue<br />

bonds meant that actual work<br />

could be started on the project<br />

immediately.<br />

Proceeds from the bond issue<br />

can now be used as needed<br />

in meeting any obligatioas<br />

already created by the Authority,<br />

it was explained. These<br />

obligations include engineer's<br />

fees, costs of preparing tax<br />

rolls and appraising property<br />

values, etc.<br />

Also, purchases of land and<br />

easements can be initiated,<br />

while engineers are working<br />

on specifications and material<br />

contracts, etc., for the pro<br />

ject, directors pointed out.<br />

Tax Rate Set for<br />

District<br />

Directors of the Authority at<br />

their last regular meeting, set<br />

the 1960 tax rate at 50 cents on<br />

each $100 of assessed valuation<br />

on real estate and personal<br />

property in the Authority,<br />

or water district.<br />

Tax rolls of the Authority<br />

list total assessed valuations<br />

of approximately $15,500,000.<br />

Pete Beecher of Goree is tax<br />

assessor and collector for the<br />

NCTM Water Authority, having<br />

been employed in that capacity<br />

after the tax rolls were<br />

compiled last year. His office<br />

is located in Munday.<br />

$.<br />

Hawks Win Three<br />

Dears lop Two<br />

In Little .eague<br />

The high-flyin- g Hawks continued<br />

to dominate play in<br />

Little League during the week<br />

of June 14 through the 20<br />

with three wins, while in the<br />

minor division the Bears racked<br />

up two wins.<br />

Watson and Hambleton, both<br />

of the Hawks, hit home runs<br />

during the week.<br />

Scores In last week's games:<br />

June 14 Cats 22, Frogs 12;<br />

Hawks 5, Rams 0.<br />

June 16 Red Horses 10,<br />

Frogs 6; Hawks 16, Cubs 11.<br />

June 17 Bears 7, Cats 0';<br />

Tigers 5, Rams 4.<br />

June 20 Bears 5, Frogs 1;<br />

Hawks 3 Tigers 2.<br />

Games Coming Up<br />

June 23 Cats vs. Bears;<br />

Rams vs. Tigers.<br />

June 24 Frogs vs. Red Horses;<br />

Hawks vs. Cubs.<br />

June 27 Frogs vs. Cats;<br />

Hawks vs. Rams.<br />

June 28 Bears vs. Red Horses;<br />

Tigers vs. Cubs.<br />

Gonzales Warm Springs Foundation<br />

Thanks Haskell People for Support<br />

Appreciation to the people of to have Haskell residents vis-<br />

Haskell for their support was<br />

re-sui- ts<br />

tric typewriter for printing<br />

it<br />

expressed in a<br />

the<br />

letter to The<br />

Center and see first-<br />

on tax receipts and tax Free Press from J. M. Haynes<br />

hand the humanitarian work<br />

being done<br />

rolls.<br />

Jr., an executive of the<br />

here for Texans of<br />

Gon-<br />

Bids on furnishing the equipzales Warm Springs Founda-<br />

all ages, regardless of their<br />

ability to pay for the treatment<br />

wijl be received until 10 tion. The letter follows: ment."<br />

a. m. Tuesday, June 28 at the "The Texas Rehabilitation<br />

office of the County Judge. Center, Gonzales Warm Springs RECENT VISITOR IN<br />

The Court has also asked for Foundation recently received a NORMAN BEVEL HOME<br />

bids on selling the County a payment from the Haskell<br />

new 1960 model truck, United Fund, Inc.<br />

Miss Ann Fortner of Tyler,<br />

anv make, taking In trade a "Wo toko thin triABnn nt ey.<br />

Texas, spent last week visiting<br />

in<br />

1951 model Ford truck. These<br />

the home of Mr. and Mrs.<br />

pressing our appreciation to<br />

bWa wm recejved<br />

Norman Bevel and family. She<br />

until 10 the people of Haskell for their was accompanied here by Joy<br />

a. m. Monday, July 11. support of the TRC rehabilita- Bevel, who had spent several<br />

tion program through the Unit days with Miss Fortner in Tyler.<br />

ed Fund.<br />

The Bevels recently moved here<br />

"I shall be glad to answer from Rio Hondo, Texas, and re<br />

any questions your readers side on a farm northwest of<br />

may have concerning the op Haskell. They have two daugh-<br />

eration, history, or the treatters, Joy who will be a senior<br />

ment program of The Texas in Haskell High Scfcool this year,<br />

Rehabilitation Center. and Darlene. who will be in the<br />

"TRC is open to visitors and 8tl Grade. Miss Fortner is Phy-<br />

tour groups each day of the sical Education teacher in Rla.<br />

week, and we would be happy Hondo schools.<br />

,JK- ' h . Tayf V<br />

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PAGE TWO<br />


Established January l, ISSfl<br />


JETTY V. CLAKE, Outicr ami Publisher<br />

ALONZO PATE. Editor<br />

Entered as second-clas- s mattei at the postoffice<br />

at Haskell, Texas, under the act of March 3, 1870.<br />


Haskell, Throckmorton, Stonewall, Jones<br />

and Knox Counties, 1 Year $2.50<br />

6 Months $1.50<br />

Elsewhere, 1 Year $3.75<br />

6 Months $2.25<br />

NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Any erroneous<br />

upon the character, reputation or standing of any<br />

firm, individual or corporation will be gladly corrected<br />

upon bing called to the attention of the publisher<br />

Adequate Water Needed To Meet<br />

Fire Hazards<br />

This year file will take the lives of over 11,000 Americans,<br />

strike at more than 3,500 churches, 4,000 schools and 250,000<br />

homes. By year's end it will have been the direct cause of<br />

property losses amounting to over one billion dollars. And,<br />

warns the National Water Institute, it could be much worse<br />

unless local fire departments can be assured of having enough<br />

water to extinguish fires when they occur.<br />

Although there is no actual shortage of water in the U. S.,<br />

National Water Institute surveys reveal there are widespread<br />

deficiencies in the sources and equipment of the 19,000 water<br />

utilities which supply water for public use. These inadequacies<br />

.affect every aspect of community health and economic welfare.<br />

"While water is a necessity for every household, office and<br />

industrial establishment, it is also the highly-traine- d fireman'3<br />

most effective fire-fightin- g weapon. It must be delivered to him<br />

in the proper quanity. at the correct pressure, wherever and<br />

whenever he may need it.<br />

Our nation's water utilities has been inadequate since 194.0.<br />

To catch up with the population growth and population shifts<br />

of the past 20 years and prepare for the growth to come water<br />

officials predict an increase of 270 in water use by 19S5 we<br />

need to spend twice the amount of money now annually allocated<br />

to improvement of water supply sources and facilities,<br />

says the National Water Institute.<br />

The l1! billion dollars needed each year to improve water<br />

utility equipment can be financed by approval of local water<br />

ibcnd issues, says the NWI, if the nation's voters replace apathy<br />

with awareness of this vital problem.<br />

NCT Municipal Water Authority<br />

'Becomes of Age'<br />

Officials of the North Central Texas Municipal Water Authority<br />

were advised this week that bonds issued by the Authority<br />

had been approved by the State Attorney General, and that the<br />

bonds were registered by the State Comproller.<br />

Approval by the Attorney General means that the Authority has<br />

"ibecome of age" to use a literal expiession. As a water<br />

district it has complied with all the legal requirements necessary<br />

in becoming a separate and distinct government agency as<br />

authorized in legislation creating the Authority<br />

Proceeds from the $3,800,000 bond issue authorized by voters<br />

in the NCTACW Authority, commonly called water district, will<br />

now be available as needed in getting an immediate start<br />

underway toward development cf the project.<br />

Water Authority directors had been fortunate in securing<br />

prior approval of the project for financing through State and<br />

Federal loan agencies, with a consequent saving in interest rates<br />

that will amount to several hundred thousand dollars during<br />

the life of the bonds.<br />

Officials of the Water Authority were optimistic this week<br />

over prospects that actual work could be started immediately<br />

on land purchasing, engineering and core testing reservoir site,<br />

etc., since financing of the project had been assured.<br />

TRICE'S<br />

For Your Everyday Needs N. 14th & Ave. I<br />

Pr1 n ot' - TVAnul arts "Mill<br />

A W Wft ? Wft 1T1H1 JiUlIU W U<br />

COFFEE lb. 69c<br />

ALL<br />

5c GUM<br />

ym4.7<br />

Purex, Clorox or Nuway<br />

BLEACH 1 quart 19c<br />

Tennessee Grade "A"<br />


BAMA<br />

Duncan<br />

Armour's<br />

All Brands<br />

3 10c<br />

RED PLUM JAM 3Qc<br />

Hines<br />

Choice<br />

IjAMI, VIIAIV DOX.i.iC<br />

MILK 2 for 25c<br />

BISCUITS (Limit 6) can 6<br />

Foremost<br />


Half Gallon<br />

39c<br />

Sun Valley, Elgin or Golden<br />

JLiEj9 I "ID. "C<br />

Prices Good for June 24-2- 5<br />

Half Gallon<br />

20-O- z. Glass<br />

Tall Can<br />

JELL-- 0 3boxes 25c<br />

Read Free Press Want Ads and Save<br />

I<br />

Our Town Now-Ne- xt Year? '<br />

WrAh iff Jr&z&&zmMLGS.<br />

VM MMXZHmK;iTs:i&AvmC<br />

: i<br />

&&- - fl WP Fmvi te&<br />

Haskell County History<br />

20 Year Ago June 14, 1910<br />

A. C. Pierson, cashier of the<br />

Haskell National Bank, has<br />

been named to the board of<br />

directors of the Southwest Associated<br />

Telephone Company.<br />

Fire Chief R. A. Lane and<br />

seven members of the local<br />

fire department are in Houston<br />

attending the annual convention<br />

of the State Firemen's<br />

Association. In the group arc<br />

Cecil Bradley, Haul Engllsn,<br />

Chas. Redwinc, Rogers Gil-stra-<br />

Arthur Hays, Bob Hani-son- ,<br />

and C. W. Johnson.<br />

Mrs. I. N. Simmons and<br />

daughters, Anita Jo and Mrs.<br />

Frank Junell and baby went<br />

to Dallas this week where<br />

they were joined by another<br />

daughter, Mrs. Joe Thomas of<br />

Corpus Chnsti for a visit with<br />

relatives in Whitesboro.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Sanders<br />

and son of Detroit, Mich.,<br />

were recent visitors in the<br />

home of his mother, Mrs. P.<br />

D. Sanders.<br />

Joe Maples Jr., who is attending<br />

A&M College ,is at<br />

home to spend the summer<br />

with his parents.<br />

Emmett Starr of Snyder is<br />

here for a visit with his parents,<br />

Mr. and Mrs. W. H.<br />

Starr.<br />

Mrs. Fred Akins of Los Angeles,<br />

Calif., who is here for<br />

a visit with her parents, Mr.<br />

and Mrs. J. E. Bernard, is a<br />

patient in the Knox City Hospital.<br />

Cecil Weaver and Miss Margaret<br />

Donnell of Albany were<br />

guests Sunday in the home of<br />

his sister and family, Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Don Adklns.<br />

Mrs. S R. Rike left last<br />

week for Cambridge, Mass.,<br />

where she will visit in the<br />

home of her daughter and family,<br />

Dr. and Mrs. Gaines Post.<br />

Tom Clifton is in Austin,<br />

where he plans to attend the<br />

University of Texas during the<br />

summer term.<br />

P. D. Sanders Jr., of Taco-ma- ,<br />

Wash., is visiting relatives<br />

here this week. He will go from<br />

Haskell to Caldwell to visit a<br />

sister, Mrs. J. Earl Porter, and<br />

from there to Oklahoma City<br />

to visit another sister, Mrs.<br />

Zora Park.<br />

SO Years Ago June 26, 1930<br />

Continued<br />

rumor that<br />

prevalence of a<br />

Sunday movies<br />

were to be inaugurated in<br />

Has-ke- ll<br />

led to the public announcement<br />

this week by the Haskell<br />

Amusement Comnanv. ownora<br />

of the Texas and Haskell<br />

meaires, tnat no Sunday programs<br />

were planned now or in<br />

the near future.<br />

Six Haskell vnmha am ca<br />

rolled in the Citizens Military<br />

i uujig ai fort Bliss<br />

In a letter to The ev pran<br />

the Camp Commander stated<br />

me iiasKen trainees were making<br />

an excellent rrnrrl Tn th.<br />

group from this city are Joe<br />

Bryant, Rogers Gllstrap, Cecil<br />

ai. jonn uaies, Floyd Tay<br />

lor, Gilbert Wilson.<br />

Hughes Gilliam, son of Mr<br />

CltV. has been nnnnlntl a.<br />

sistant Instructor in the Chem- -<br />

istry Department at Texas<br />

Tech during the summer term.<br />

Mr. and Mm. p t. nir.t,.<br />

erty and Ermine have return<br />

here with hompfniWo<br />

J. E. Walling Jr., of this<br />

city is in Wichita, Kans., visit-<br />

ing hu uncle, R. p. Watson and<br />

family.<br />

Mrs. Virgil Brown, who has<br />

the State Normal at<br />

TsUin?<br />

been in the Stamford Sanlta-Hufor<br />

is<br />

to be improving.<br />

Eugene attended<br />

manager's<br />

a<br />

meeting of the Sun-B- et<br />

organization In Lub-boc- several days,<br />

Hunter<br />

Stores<br />

k<br />

last weekend.<br />

pnerw<br />

SStW'rfdJ,<br />

W. T. Sarrela<br />

County K<br />

ertson were taWtaS I ! haY<br />

-<br />


Misses Mabel and Fannie<br />

Baldwin have returned home<br />

after attending TCU at Waco.<br />

J. R. Ferguson of Salt Lake<br />

City, Utah, is visiting his aunt,<br />

Mrs<br />

F. M. Morton of this city.<br />

Chas. Drusedow of the northeast<br />

side was in the city Wednesday<br />

and he reports that cotton<br />

is putting on squares in his<br />

community.<br />

The scholastic census is com-<br />

plete and shows there are<br />

2498 pupils in the common<br />

school districts and 1835 in the<br />

independent districts, a total of<br />

4333 for the county.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Boone and<br />

daughter Miss Beryle spent<br />

several days this week on<br />

their ranch in the northeast<br />

part of the county.<br />

Secretary Poole of the Board<br />

Has-<br />

of Trade informs us that<br />

kell has a fine prospect for a<br />

flouring mill in connection with<br />

a mill for preparation of Kaffir<br />

corn and milo maize for<br />

feed purposes on a commercial<br />

scale.<br />

Rev. L. O. Cunningham and<br />

family have returned from<br />

the Austin Seminary and he<br />

has resumed his duties as pastor<br />

of the Presbyterian Church<br />

in this city<br />

60 Years Ago June 23, 1900<br />

Mrs. Mary Q. Smoots of<br />

Grayson County ia here on a<br />

visit to the family of her brother,<br />

D. M. Winn.<br />

Harry Daugherty, president<br />

of the West Texas Cowboy<br />

with his family<br />

spent several days here this<br />

week.<br />

Ed Couch arrived home Tues;<br />

day from Austin, where he<br />

been<br />

has<br />

attending the University<br />

of Texas.<br />

M. S. Plersnn la kn..i.<br />

arge granary built in<br />

to<br />

which<br />

store his<br />

and Mrs.<br />

wheat<br />

Leon Gilliam of this crop.<br />

and oat<br />

OUr fOrmflr limM.n. T71 tt<br />

Morrison and family, now of<br />

Graham, are here to spend a<br />

week or so with Haskell rela-tlve- s<br />

and friends.<br />

Judith<br />

ed from California, where thy<br />

.sfs.Jhnnye<br />

Star Gas Co., in<br />

AnVonio Is<br />

spent<br />

h.en<br />

the past month. family of<br />

the<br />

F. G Alexandnr n<br />

Morgan, who is which she Is '<br />

related<br />

S. W.<br />

Fort Worth, spent the weTkend day<br />

Austin.<br />

fomX ruTJHCLTh"r<br />

San<br />

i ...u " r. . ""., aim uaj.<br />

.- -, wucre neinas been looking<br />

Jourt. Ss In federaI<br />

Miss Nora Miller of Bowline<br />

SSSuE - - -- ss:<br />

Etel Alexander enter-talne- d<br />

quite a party of her<br />

U lends Mondav t,im t<br />

wV?m lnL,ther refreshments<br />

. u unu the partv<br />

people, places and things<br />

My A. PATE<br />

He who whispers down n<br />

well,<br />

About the goods lie has lo<br />

sell<br />

Will never reap the shiny dollars<br />

Like he who climbs a tree<br />

and hollers."<br />

!<br />

We're anxious to hear from<br />

Charles Swinson a flrst-hor.- J<br />

leport on Monday night's fight.<br />

Charles and Mrs. Swinson, accompanied<br />

by her parents, Mr.<br />

and Mrs. Calvin Wheeler arc<br />

to return home Friday from a<br />

vacation trip to points in Canada<br />

and a visit to New York<br />

T nlnnnlnir flip fHl). Cllftr- -<br />

les made airangements for<br />

two tickets for tne utie ngm<br />

and the Haskell group timed<br />

their visit in New Yoi! Willi<br />

the big event in mind.<br />

I<br />

Plainvicw mini, while not<br />

n<br />

involved In<br />

physically painful,<br />

a I'iimnelnl loss.<br />

He drove In from Hie Inko<br />

to of Fit cman Lusk If<br />

lnquiie<br />

the department had grappling<br />

ii, tim. could be used In<br />

lccovciing a motor from the<br />

bottom of tne nine.<br />

The man had brought (t<br />

group of nine youngsters to the<br />

lake for a several days outing.<br />

While putting out a trotllne, the<br />

boat's motor enmc loose and<br />

15-fo- ot<br />

sank in 12 or water.<br />

Unable to furnish the needed<br />

equipment Fireman Liuk referred<br />

the man to someone who<br />

might be of assistance.<br />

good-nature- d Evidently a<br />

fellow,<br />

the Plainvicw man was ifbt<br />

unduly worded. "If we can't<br />

get it out, we'll just leave it<br />

. dm fiaii' " hr after<br />

l" i'"- - - - 7.7 v<br />

thanking Lusk for ms ncip.<br />

The trip has been a pleasant! Mention of sonic of our caily<br />

mm for the Haskell couples, (jay motorcycles last week l c<br />

according to cards and letters mlnrlpri Vnrnon Lusk of the<br />

mailed to menus, uniy one un- time his brother Floyd (better<br />

JsPm L<br />

toward incident mailed the known as 'Satch') took wild<br />

tiip. nnd it happened the sec- ride on the hurrienne deck of<br />

too-clos- ond day after leaving home mule as the lesult of e the<br />

In some manner. Charles' approach of a motor-<br />

thumb was "mashed" In a car door, causing an It happened in 1919, during the<br />

extremely painful injury. Af-<br />

of one of the best<br />

ter receiving treatment by a wheat crops county has<br />

physician, nnd then enduring ever made.<br />

several days of pain, Charles They lived a few miles east<br />

B was back to normnl by the of town on what is known as<br />

time the party reached New the old Glass farm, Vernon re-<br />

York.<br />


called.<br />

ii<br />

A team of four mules was<br />

Mishaps of that sort arc al- pulling a binder near the road.<br />

ways happ-enin- g to spoil the 'Satch,' a mere lad at the time,<br />

fun of an duting or vacation was riding the outside mule 'n<br />

trio.<br />

the team.<br />

A young couple from Lub- - All at once there was an ap- -<br />

bock stopped nt the Hall t preaching roar as a cloud of<br />

recently, and excitedly asked dust lolled down the road and<br />

al days last week on business. "satcii" Lusk the di- the four mules became skit-<br />

People of the Irby commurections for reaching a hospital tish.nity<br />

are planning a big cele- or clinic.<br />

"Here comes that<br />

bration on July 4th. There will After telling them how to John Hall on his<br />

be an all day picnic, with<br />

motorcycle,<br />

reach the hosDital. ho volun. fintrii r, ti,i i.<br />

dinner to be served at 1 o'cloei:, teered to call the hospital if see-sawe- d on the<br />

followed by candidate's speak-<br />

lines. "Hang<br />

there was an emergency. on to<br />

ing. A ball game<br />

that saddle,<br />

between<br />

we're liable<br />

It was an emergency all<br />

Douglas and Irby is scheduled<br />

at 3 p. m., and a dance will<br />

be held at the Sons of Herman<br />

Hall at night<br />

50 Years Ago June 18, 1010. nart of one 'inper<br />

On last Wednesday evening at<br />

the residence of Judge and Then there was the plight of<br />

Mrs. Jas. P. Kinnard in this<br />

city, their daughter, Miss Ethel,<br />

was married to Mr. Ahy in the of town<br />

R. Couch of Welnert.<br />

'(the old place)<br />

Messrs. Parks and othcis<br />

and<br />

will occupy<br />

shipped 356 fat beeves to<br />

it when<br />

Wich-<br />

the improvementsita,<br />

Kans., this week. Thee We<br />

cattle had been on feed at<br />

weie told th-- t<br />

the Garren<br />

pens of the Haskell Oil Mill<br />

his<br />

fall sown wheat,<br />

and were in fine condition.<br />

field of<br />

about f,o<br />

Dr. D. L. Cummins has re-<br />

and it<br />

is out<br />

turned from a trip to his old<br />

about 33 bush-el- s<br />

acre.<br />

home In Bell Countv.<br />

We begin in<br />

Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Scott<br />

this an<br />

advertisement<br />

and a party of invited gues;s<br />

for Messrs.<br />

Ericson<br />

spent yesterday fishing<br />

Holmbcrg,<br />

on their of livery<br />

ranch in the southeast part of<br />

feed<br />

nt ctn<br />

sale<br />

the county.<br />

Misg Eula Poole is attending<br />

I to have a run-awayright<br />

but not that serious, he Then, as Hall roared past in<br />

learned. The couple had been the boiling dust, the<br />

fishing<br />

mules got<br />

at the lake, and the a whiff ot burning gas and oil<br />

young woman had imbedded a and Vernon's predicted<br />

hook throch (he fleshv rm-n- v w.n n i.<br />

i y "- - a<br />

harvest<br />

the<br />

City<br />

danged<br /><br />

The mule Satch wn rifling<br />

and its mate jerked the doublo-tie- e<br />

loose fiom the binder and<br />

toak off across the wheat<br />

patch. Satch bouncing up<br />

northwest<br />

and<br />

part<br />

down like a rubber ball<br />

Banks<br />

while<br />

hanging on for dear life.<br />

Fortunately,<br />

are<br />

wheat was so<br />

completed. high and rank that the<br />

yesterday<br />

team<br />

quickly tired<br />

J E.<br />

and came<br />

is<br />

to<br />

having stop,<br />

a<br />

ending Satch's<br />

a<br />

wild rido<br />

Vernon says<br />

acres,<br />

he<br />

threshed<br />

never sees a<br />

motorcycle<br />

turning<br />

nowadays without<br />

per<br />

recalling that experience of<br />

some years<br />

issue<br />

ago.<br />

& proprie-<br />

Although a meaningless extors<br />

a and<br />

pression now, an older genera- -<br />

sinnli ... i ....<br />

uwiiiiuiu iiuu<br />

un<br />

wnoi ;,, can recall when the crv<br />

Imvo lnr.Antlt. inl. , . I .nnlf mil- tr 41. ...<br />

w ;v<br />

' incu cnarge or ; " "" '"' l"-- ' runaway:<br />

the Haskell, Stamford and An- - nad a terrifying implication of<br />

son dally mail and transfer danger,<br />

hack lines. . a frightened team, driver- -<br />

" ..<br />

w" piaee Tm iinmtiMin(ri'j<br />


less, nnd pulling a wagon ' on I<br />

swaying and bouncing f,1)m ,'"JB8on<br />

nine io num. moms uowu n f..n(chih.B<br />

crowded stiect, was a hnzai I ,,m.J M<br />

to nil Mfe and B property In us Ickoi p,1H<br />

to head off and stop the crazdl cast<br />

animals, ami frequently the" A .n i<br />

jutiaway ended when the nni-Ia- t si ! y,ftl<br />

malB crashed Into rminM,i nm.ons<br />

.... J !. ..!!.. .... ui ijuuuiiiu imuiiy "V"'"6 catei<br />

e.xnaustcd.<br />

?5fta<br />

to Shoes,<br />

Somctlmcu the rii-iv- ....<br />

Ing to bring the runaway team<br />

under control, wna intm-m-i ..<br />

killed when the team would<br />

ciasn mio some obstacle. We<br />

remember hcarlnc nf nnn i<br />

stance when a runaway team<br />

iuii uuiiuiuug mio a moving<br />

freight train nt a rnil crossing<br />

killing both animals. Luckily<br />

the drive "balled out" shortly<br />

before Uic crash.<br />

riuuuumiy. oacK in<br />

ago, when a family came to<br />

town to spend tho day, the<br />

smaller children nni i,w..<br />

would bo left on a pallet In the<br />

wagon xor oner periods.<br />

Occasionally under thoan i<br />

Climstnnena n Innm n.. t. . I<br />

'<br />

abou,<br />

bnen ,1<br />

flni<br />

sometimes become frightened fot Iund'<br />

",,u away, l"e wagoi<br />

thn<br />

'u"oi;,.<br />

ff,f ,.. "in "'<br />

with umnll<br />

i.. vnt<br />

of the wagonbed like popcorn!!'10 reins<br />

r,,f 111- -. . . vw, vl nui l.i aniuut.<br />

the' J'<br />

rf A M1. it.<br />

in?r<br />

A story is told of a Haskell<br />

roustabout who<br />

llvcry-stabl- c<br />

became a hero when he stop,<br />

ped a runaway team and wa<br />

on in which a year-ol- d infant<br />

had been left asleep.<br />

The team had been lightly<br />

tethered to the chain fence on<br />

the north side of the courthouse<br />

lawn. Driving reins had been<br />

looped loosely into a handrail<br />

fertilize<br />

Side dress now for more profit froi<br />

crop.<br />

We furnish the equipment, y<br />

we apply.<br />

Phone 2484<br />

local authorized Chevrolet dealer<br />

'Htk!)t<br />

JZT' i<br />

KJI1L - JW!UfiUfcV, ,<br />

ri ".."<br />

as "ruln.. m<br />

them ir. .<br />

jurnp out of<br />

tramn ph v?.<br />

But ,,nJ..<br />

: . , ' ine<br />

'<br />

a<br />

out<br />

T4 i.<br />

"-lo-<br />

.""iJ<br />

and as h.<br />

Tr2?n ial<br />

""iTrap I<br />

After<br />

side.<br />

A rVMr...<br />

horses under<br />

sliprt dbtana<br />

'inroad traci<br />

ouna and d<br />

tnc souaro<br />

crowd of cH<br />

win the (rig<br />

'"' I'arent, c<br />

was unhurt<br />

nuc<br />

MR. FAR!<br />

Increase Your Yield Wil<br />

Anhydrous Ammc<br />

82 Nitrogen<br />

& Phosphoric Acil<br />

The most economical<br />

Airplane Sprayii<br />

Contact us for crop insect cj<br />

SCHR0NK FER1<br />

Mil<br />



Chevy<br />

miduleweii<br />

get li mm<br />

work done<br />

in a day!<br />

Where thctj used to dM<br />

gallons of Uqucpeajw<br />

in other trucks, Fep<br />

Service of long ww<br />

can now dewer o,<br />

day! That's 7 days av<br />

over uacK jraiw'- -<br />

rock country with t<br />

Inntht. And with C<br />

finrfnc Ride pacing<br />

thewaylloudontf<br />

...JninaDOSsenW<br />

sidesway on curW,<br />

Hemic Stone.<br />

i --J. Mli? irotn 9 '<br />

anhour.Noul<br />

them." Pctrcla" If<br />

Chevrolet hauimiv<br />

If you think were o<br />

Chevy's independent<br />

rion, you ought toUft<br />

owners who uom<br />

Tkinfll tell VOU W1<br />

design is<br />

Shit the industrfij<br />

gan. Drive on-e-<br />

. 1 ouML<br />

auu a"<br />


Smith-oliveGheP- 0'<br />

..iKr<br />

inon<br />

T.!-<br />


TtIRSPAY<br />

23, 1 J"NE 960<br />

jnert News<br />

'<br />

punch w<br />

ith to<br />

M.nBEI) "0KS8 ..<br />

ifntrl. The vice president of Mid- -<br />

..! western University nt Wichiln<br />

...j<br />

u Sanders attended<br />

U!! Prcs ' I s.<br />

the<br />

postmasters convention In Fort<br />

was Wcrth ,unc '0' 1IMJ tonvcnuoii<br />

oy<br />

v higniignicu a nanquci<br />

ait table<br />

" . ..F lllill UI 1.1 .1 ..<br />

c!offl0ilttiofiVencsU'iy "B u<br />

f . a iw"- - .<br />

P rests. I<br />

dress assistant postmns<br />

nr.frnncrnl of Washing<br />

Harold Spain, Haskell<br />

Postmaster, elected vice<br />

iby the Barnes<br />

ton D. C.<br />

was<br />

president ol uic' state Associa<br />

JEintrtFour tlon.<br />

IitrevoT- - Mr. and VV. Mrs. B. Guess<br />

. , tji ai,i... .i<br />

" IB .t tnnK Aim. ui iiiiiKi iiiuii titiu<br />

Kay to visit the Alder-- .<br />

r..vlr:,Sn family In Jackson, Miss- -<br />

frarrctt, issippi. last week. They were<br />

C.kv'VrL mi nv Lt. Alderman, a student<br />

Earn<br />

xtlvin nt Maxwell AFB, Ala. where<br />

' thev vM be the next six<br />

"' ... ,, ,l,n,, I.t Alflormnn will<br />

KSer, D. graduate.<br />

lErlindaAlcx-- ,<br />

taboo, for<br />

hUn!e.<br />

v mid Mrs. Tommy Wilson<br />

Slnson. tc ?k four yoBBton. from Vcln- -<br />

5<br />

Ctt --UCUlUUiat uiuiui iu vuiiiji<br />

rllfOrd nillton.<br />

Thnlf<br />

tft?.t!inrn Sandra Dutton. Frank Dutton,<br />

vvi Baker, TTnflol ll'nn.<br />

I Tommy Jean Wilson and Mat-'c- er<br />

Llles, jnna Walker.<br />

Person<br />

tad KD '"'"<br />

igjD.R Myers<br />

meeting<br />

lb at Mineral<br />

fed Monday The<br />

Ed at the Baker<br />

fWJing new<br />

I xs tzn havt<br />

y, Whether<br />

Ljcb, jvU car<br />

1 4) the well<br />

I be scned<br />

Harris<br />

if Service<br />

obertson<br />

pnon<br />

fniinch1<br />

it's<br />

l'. 42031<br />

jut Butane And<br />

ne Needs<br />

Dial UNion 24<br />

r.rnsTS in the iiomk of<br />

MRS. W. D. IIELUMS<br />

Mis. W. D. Heliums had ns<br />

guests In her home during the<br />

weekend, her sister, Mrs. Nora<br />

Wilborn of Portalcs, N. M.f<br />

Mrs. Dewltt Wilborn and two<br />

daughters, Brenda and Barbara<br />

of Garland, and Mrs. O.<br />

C Gossett of Alvord. Mrs.<br />

Gossctt Is County School Nurse<br />

of Wise County, with her of<br />

fice in Decatur.<br />

t- -<br />



Mrs. Ethel Kirkpntrick at<br />

tended a regional meeting of<br />

Merle Norman distributors in<br />

Abilene last week. The<br />

week-lon- g<br />

meeting was held In the<br />

Windsor Hotel, and distributors<br />

were in attendance from<br />

throughout the region, which<br />

includes Texas, New Mexico, j<br />

and Lousiana. Mrs. Kirkpnt- - J<br />

rick is owner of the Kirkpnt- - j<br />

rirk Beauty Shop.<br />



Mr and Mrs. A. M. Turner<br />

in.i Mr. and Mrs. Abe Turner<br />

iro vacationing in Tennessee<br />

nd St. Louis, Mo., this week.<br />

Mr and Mrs. A. M. Turner are<br />

visiting relatives and friendi<br />

in Mount Pleasant, Tcnn., and<br />

the Abe Turners nre attendmg t<br />

flic Jaycees Natloal convention<br />

in St. Louis. They plnn to return<br />

home Sunday.<br />


' Roy Pitman, Owner Haskell<br />

for PROPANE 9c Gal.<br />


Owner - Operator<br />

Drinnon order<br />

!r.e your if you<br />

-"-"nur . . He ,3 on a salary plus<br />

lumb<br />

Haskell, Texas<br />

Bookkeeper<br />

Truck Salesman<br />

mg<br />

Prompt, Efficient Service<br />

1c Wnrh n,. 1<br />

jjfUs for Any Job<br />

r f uiad to Give You An<br />

on Your Next Job<br />

M RAINEY<br />

ie Licenser-<br />

&nntm4m<br />

- M.ji .<br />

w- - n. Avenue F<br />


J Want Your BiuUmm!<br />

Vi2FlredJto handle 'all of your<br />

'Providing Qi and 9an ve prompt<br />

roper y u ave(lutei coverage on all<br />

htodav1??.8- -<br />

u"co inuuBinai, reaiaen- -<br />

you cnnTtVi U8 snow yu ow we<br />

Presenf ffeto coerage at a saving<br />

insurance bill.<br />

7sjv55t<br />


"<br />

'<br />

i<br />

,<br />

VlBltors<br />

RULE<br />

NEWS<br />

In the Rodney C<br />

Dowdy homo Inst week weiL<br />

Dr. nml Mrs. Ronald Grohnin<br />

and family of Phnrr, C. L.<br />

Gnry and wife of Donno, and<br />

Rev. and Mrs. Forrest V,<br />

Williams and family of Fr<br />

syth, Montana.<br />

Rcntha Anderson of Odessa<br />

is visiting with Judy Mnrqul3<br />

Cathy and Judy Hcmv<br />

dnughters of Mr. and Mm.<br />

Jimmy Henry of Oklahoma,<br />

City, have been visiting vj h<br />

their grandparents, Mr. nn I<br />

Mrs. Raymond Dcnson. Their<br />

parents came for them over<br />

the weekend.<br />

Mrs. Lucille Stanfield and<br />

Kathy Bailey of Hamilton,<br />

Miss., have been visiting with<br />

Mr. an J Mrs. Cameron Sprav<br />

berry.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Blllv Smith '<br />

Big Spring visited friends and<br />

iclativcs over the weekend<br />

Mrs. Gerald Beck and fan<br />

ly of Lubbock, spent the weft"<br />

ond vlth ho" parents, Mr. atv<br />

Mrs. John Estes.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Jan Fonts d<br />

daughter of Lubbock, vim . i<br />

with his parents, Mr. unci Mia.<br />

Aubrey Fonts. Sunday.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Orvllle Tan-no- r<br />

and r,om visited with tin.<br />

Roy Holleys in Rising<br />

Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Norman<br />

end Cinig rpen'. the weekend<br />

with her parents, Mr and Mrs<br />

Wan en Doyle, in Altus, OkU.<br />

Mis. Bob Bailey, Pam, Judv<br />

and Knthy have been visiting<br />

f i lends and relatives in Pam-pa- .<br />

Mrs. Herbert Hines and Mrs.<br />

Joe Allen have returned from<br />

a week's school for dietitians<br />

in Lubbock. Mrs. Herschcl<br />

Hines went also, but was called<br />

home when Mr. Hines became<br />

111.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Knapp<br />

of Pearland, Texas, have been<br />

visitinp In the home of Mr. and<br />

Mis. A. E. Ball.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kittlpy<br />

have been visiting in Weath-erfor- d<br />

and Dallas.<br />

Church Census<br />

The Sweet Home Baptist<br />

Chinch of Rule has completed<br />

plans for a religious ccnsus rf<br />

the Rule community. The census<br />

wil lbe taken during the<br />

hours of 1 to r on the afternoon<br />

of the 2Gth. The church won' J<br />

appreciate the support of the<br />

community in this project. In<br />

formation from the census<br />

will be shared with the other<br />

churches in the city.<br />

The census will aid the<br />

church in plans for its summer<br />

revival to be held July<br />

10-2- Rev. Roy Worthley. pastor<br />

of the Highland Baptist<br />

Church in Sweetwater, will bo<br />

the evangelist. Information<br />

fionivtfie census will be helpful<br />

in the Bible School to be hell<br />

Aug. 5. Mrs. Earl White is<br />

principal of the school.<br />

To G. A. Camp<br />

Mrs. Rodney Dowdy and<br />

Mrs. L. W. Jones St, accompanied<br />

the following girls to<br />

the Intermediate Girls Auxiliary<br />

Camp at Lueders. They<br />

left at noon on Monday and<br />

returned Thursday afternoon.<br />

Girls attending were: Susie<br />

and S'alllc Dowdy, Judy Jones.,<br />

Marilyn Carothers, Louelta<br />

Baibee, Missy Denton, Judy<br />

Gibson, Elaine Elmore.<br />

Scouts Return From Tonkuwa<br />

Brent Davis and Gary Fannin<br />

received the Order of the<br />

Arrow award from Rule Troop<br />

41 last Thursday night at<br />

Camp Tonkawa. Jeff Lewis<br />

and Larry Horton were leaders<br />

for the group. Other boys<br />

going to camp were: David<br />

May, Hal Ouslcy, la-d- a,<br />

Lupe Te<br />

Ralph Blaza, Glen Davis,<br />

Perry Plnkard and Tony Bishop.<br />

$<br />



Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Vaughter<br />

and daughter Beth of this city,<br />

and their son and brother,<br />

Jimmy, who is attending Harvard<br />

University, returned home<br />

Thursday from Boston, Washington,<br />

D. C and other points<br />

of interest. The Haskell couple<br />

and daughter left Juno 1, diving<br />

first to Boston, Mass.,<br />

and then to Cambridge where<br />

l hey were Join"'' bv Tlpinv<br />

Vaughter, freshman student in<br />

Harvard. The Haskell people<br />

next visited In Washington. D.<br />

C, where they met Congressman<br />

Ikard of Wichita Falh nrd<br />

ether Texas officials. They<br />

came through Tennessee on<br />

their return trio and visited<br />

the birthplace of Mrs. Vaugh-ter'- s<br />

grandfather near Lebanon,<br />

Tenn.<br />

$<br />



MiM Cathie Cole of Orlando.<br />

Pla., is here to jpend tr"<br />

In the home of unfi<br />

Mm. Prank Spepcer, and with<br />

her cousin, Mrs. George Tyler<br />

and family.<br />



Red Horses and Bears Tied<br />

For Lead In LI Minors<br />

The Red Horses and the I<br />

Beais wcie deadlocked with<br />

identical 8-- 3 records in th<br />

minor division of Little League<br />

In games played through Juno<br />

11. In third pLtca ere the<br />

Cats, with four wins against<br />

seven losses, while the Frogs '<br />

wcro In the cellar with a 2 It I<br />

record.<br />

Team statistics on season<br />

th-"j- 3h .lay<br />

cd by CpoI"t r'-'i'--<br />

.7 -- .o M. ccmpil-- '<br />

i,<br />

ire<br />

given below: .<br />

red r:oi;cr.s<br />

Won 8 Lost 3 727 ,<br />

Pitchers y l '<br />

Burnett, Ken o 0'<br />

Alvarez, Alberto l l'<br />

Pitts, Rickv it!<br />

Ivey, HarJd n l'<br />

Number gfmes played (OP)1 .<br /> rc.:c;l (TS).<br />

Player r,r TS Av.<br />

Ac'ams, Carlos ....0 5 .333<br />

Alvarez, Mario .... 8 1 .3Gi<br />

Pvne". Xo- -i .... ii 17 .711<br />

B:nctt, L;.i 11 21 .043<br />

Cadcnhend, Wayne 11 1G .5G1<br />

Ivey. Harold . 11 " tSO<br />

ivaiy. Steve . " 5<br />

Pitt. Ricky ..10 3<br />

Re Ir'lng, James . 10 1<br />

Batting Record<br />

250<br />

H8<br />

.070<br />

Player 2b 3b hr rbi<br />

Adams, Carlos .. 3<br />

Batnctt. Ken ... 9 l l ig<br />

Bainutt, Lon ...11 J2<br />

Cadenhead, W. .. 3 2 2 15<br />

Ivey, Harold .... 2 2 A<br />

Pitts, Ricky .... 3<br />

Redding, James 3<br />

Highest Average-K- en<br />

Barnctt 741<br />

Leading Scorer<br />

Lon Barnett 24<br />

Most Runs Batted In<br />

Ken Barnett 16<br />

Most Bases on Balli<br />

Steve Munday s<br />

Reserves Johnny Love, Hal<br />

Spain, eff Cadenhead, Donald<br />

Love, Roy Plttman, Reuben<br />

Sanchez.<br />

BEARS<br />

Won 8 Lost 3<br />

Pitchers<br />

Ivey, Lanny<br />

McNeil, Delbeit<br />

Rodriquez, Andy<br />

Ozuna. Mike<br />

Player - GP<br />

Berry, Robert .... 8<br />

Hodgins 10<br />

Ivey. "Lanny 10<br />

Jouett, John 6<br />

McNeil, Delbert .. 9<br />

Ozuna, Mike 9<br />

Richardson, D .. 9<br />

Rodriquez, A 11<br />

Stone, Sam 11<br />

Thompson, J. D. .8<br />

Wilson, Albert .... 9<br />

Wilson, Joe 8<br />

Dumas, Robert ... 5<br />

1<br />

7<br />

19<br />

G<br />

14<br />

.727<br />

W L<br />

4<br />

0<br />

4<br />

0<br />

TS Av.<br />

.100<br />

.121<br />

.607<br />

.300<br />

.731<br />

14 .652<br />

9 .5SS<br />

20 .7S4<br />

6 .632<br />

10 .429<br />

8 ..".no<br />

.364<br />

.3<br />

On the Subject of Resolutions<br />

ANY time would be a good<br />

right now, for example.<br />

It would be well to resolve<br />

now today to begin a careful<br />

study of your insurance needs<br />

not merely guess that you have<br />

enough insurance. Perhaps you<br />

have recently acquired more<br />

furniture, jewelry, a fur coat or<br />

a camera are they adequately<br />

insured? Have you increased<br />

the fire insurance on your home<br />

and household property to allow<br />

for higher replacement costs?<br />

The simplest and best way to<br />

check up on your real insurance<br />

needs is to visit this agency and<br />

let us go over your requirements<br />

with you. We are always at<br />

your service.<br />

Cahill & Duncan<br />

Agency<br />

301 North 1st St.<br />

Phone UN<br />

RODEO<br />

DANCES<br />


and the<br />

Melody Masters<br />

Back By<br />

Popular Demand.<br />

4 BIG NIGHTS<br />

June 30, July -4<br />

9 P. M. TU<br />


HALL<br />


I<br />

Wilson. Jne ..2 .<br />

Dumas, Robert. 1<br />

Highest Average-An- dy<br />

Rodriquez 784<br />

Leading Scorer-A-ndy<br />

Rodriquez 20<br />

Most Runs Batted In<br />

Snm Stone 15<br />

Most Bases on Balls<br />

Lanny Ivey 8<br />

Reserves (used mainly as<br />

rubstitutes) P'-uld- r)en"i?<br />

Johnson. Bill Mercer, Allan<br />

fimethle, Hiso, Trussell, Sammy<br />

Lvtlo. Moore, Ronnie Mr-Iel- l,<br />

Lowi ey.<br />

OATS<br />

Won 1 Lof 7<br />

Pitchers<br />

Perry, Tommy<br />

Wall, James<br />

Martinez, John<br />

Player GP<br />

Atkinson, Jimmy ..11<br />

Booc, Rodney .... 9<br />

Martinez, John ....11<br />

Middleton, Riley.. 10<br />

Pace, Patrick ....11<br />

Perry, Tommy ...11<br />

Pippin, Lee 11<br />

Short, Larry ....10<br />

Wall, James 11<br />

Long, Larry 8<br />

9HHHHHHpHp90IP' "<br />

.. .361<br />

W L<br />

. 2 1<br />

..1 0<br />

. 1 3<br />

TS Av<br />

5 .500<br />

.000<br />

0J5<br />

.000<br />

10 .320<br />

13 .704<br />

12<br />

2<br />

12<br />

2<br />

2<br />

.200<br />

.123<br />

.375<br />

.455<br />

.238<br />

Parsons, David ...10<br />

Batting Record<br />

Player<br />

Atkinson, Jimmy<br />

2b<br />

2<br />

3b hr rbi<br />

5<br />

Booc, Rodney... 1<br />

Martinez, John .3<br />

Perry, Tommy ..5<br />

1 14<br />

Pace, Patrick ..2 8<br />

3 15<br />

Pippin, Lee .... 2<br />

Short, Larry ... 1<br />

Wall, James ... 3 2 30<br />

Long, Larry .... 3<br />

Parsons, David .3 S<br />

Highest Average-Tom- my<br />

Perry 701<br />

Leading Scorer<br />

Tommy Perry 13<br />

Most Runs Batted In<br />

Tommy Perry 15<br />

Most Bases on Balls<br />

Lee Pippin 15<br />

Reserves Donnie Small-woo-<br />

Jim Smith, Dennv Tid- -<br />

iiiiiiiiii,<br />

ffkA<br />

low, Donnld Powell, Rnndnll<br />

Aiend.<br />

FROGS<br />

Player 2b 3b hr rbi<br />

Adkins, Jeny ..4 1<br />

Glass, Kenneth . 2<br />

Greer, Joe l 2<br />

Haynes, Tony ..5 p<br />

Hllliaid. R 5 3 2 10<br />

Josselct, Johnny 1 4<br />

O'Neal, Randy . 5<br />

Rodriquez, J. .. 1 2 1<br />

Tatum. Richard 1 1<br />

Gonzcks, J. ... 3 3 r<br />

Hudgins, D 2 (<br />

Highcct Average-Ron- nie<br />

Hilliard 941<br />

Most Runs Batted In<br />

Ronnie Hilliard ... 0<br />

Leading Scorer-To- ny<br />

Haynes 11<br />

Juno Rodriquez .... 11<br />

Most Bases on Balls-J-oe<br />

Greer<br />

Reserves Chris Condron<br />

W. O. Elmore, David Fischer<br />

Jameson, Victor Tatum, Joe<br />

Torres, Spencer Tyler, Randy<br />

Foster, Larry Gonzales.<br />


Bids will be accepted by the<br />

Commissioners' Court of Haskell<br />

County, at the office of the<br />

County Judge until 10 a. m.<br />

Monday, July 11, 1960, on furnishing<br />

the county a new<br />

tiuck, 1960 model, any make,<br />

equipped with 8.25 front tires<br />

and 9. CO rear tires. Successful<br />

bidder to take in trade a 1951<br />

Ford Iruck.<br />

The right is reserved to reject<br />

any and all bids.<br />

Done by order of the Commissioners'<br />

Court this 20th day<br />

of June. 1900.<br />

James C. Alvis. County Judge<br />

Haskell County, Texas. 22-''6- c<br />

Rice birds are birds, such<br />

as the bobolink, which prefer<br />

rice fields as their nesting<br />

grounds.<br />

6<br />

'<br />

Three From Paint<br />

Creek Attend<br />

Church Camp<br />

Batting Record<br />

Player 2b 3b hr rbl<br />

Berry, Robert ..1 1 Won 2 Lost 0 182<br />

Mllla and Ricky<br />

Pitchers-- - W L<br />

Perry, and<br />

Joy Bcrgstrom, nil<br />

Adkins,<br />

from the<br />

Jerry<br />

0 4<br />

Paint Creek Methodist Church<br />

Hiiyncs, Tony ... 0 3 attended a weeks outing<br />

3<br />

at<br />

Jossclet. Johnny<br />

u 1<br />

Hodgins Camp Butmnn thla pust 2 3<br />

week.<br />

Gicer, Joe<br />

Ivey, Lanny .... They were taken to the camp<br />

2 1 7 Plnycr<br />

GP TS Av.<br />

Jouett, John ... site,<br />

1<br />

128<br />

several miles southwest of<br />

2 Adkins, Jcriy .... .11 9 .550<br />

McNeil,<br />

Mcrkcl, by Mrs. Ray Perry and<br />

Delbert Glass, Kenneth . . . 7 1 .503 Mrs.<br />

Ozuna, Mike ...<br />

Eric Bcrgstrom on Mon-<br />

2 1 7 Greer, Joe<br />

. 9 5 .280 day afternoon. While<br />

Richardson,<br />

at camp<br />

D.. 2 - Haynes. Tony . . . .10 11 .550 the children enjoyed<br />

Rodriquez, A ... s1m per-<br />

7 1 13 Hilliaru, Ronnie . .10 9 .941 iods, hiking, and many spiritual<br />

fitone, Sam 6 15 Josselct, Johnny .. 7 4 .455 experiences Joy became sick<br />

Thompson. J D . 4 2 5 O'Neal, Randy ....10 3 .25j on Wednesday and had to re-<br />

Wilson, Albert ..3 3 4 Rodriquez, Just0 .11 11 .360 turn home.<br />

Tatum. Rlchnrd 9 1 .273 Friday parents of several<br />

Gonzales, Jimmy 6 8 .600 children went to Butman, ate<br />

Hudglns. Donnlc . 0 6 .501 dinner, then brought their tired,<br />

but happy children home This<br />

Batting Record was Mllla Perry's third year to<br />

attend camp and if asked she<br />

would probably reply that she<br />

is already making plans to go<br />

again next year.<br />

uPBV<br />

ifeMR<br />

l 1 ''<br />

The country of Leiohlensteln<br />

lies between Austria and<br />

W<br />

Check the price stickers<br />

It's a factl Thanks to Ford's advanced engineering, the Falcon<br />

is America's car as much as<br />

$124 ku other Yet when you<br />

the new-siz- e cars, in five you'll see and feel<br />

the big built into new Ford<br />

For the Falcon . . .<br />

and full apace for all six<br />

Doors are big. You<br />

get two sun two arm rests, two coat two and<br />

front seats all at no cost. We Ford<br />

invite you to fun-te- st the Falcon<br />

lowest-price- d<br />

priced<br />

than<br />

compact cars.<br />

compare minutes<br />

quality differences the Falcon.<br />

(example, delivers comfort<br />

luggage passengers!<br />

visors, hooks, horns,<br />

foam-padd- ed extra<br />

Dealers<br />

today.<br />

-<br />

A.vays a phone at hand in a homo Telephone-Planned- that's<br />

!<br />



Mrs. R. C Lowe returned<br />

last week from a visit in Livingston.<br />

AIu , with her son<br />

ond family, Mr. and Mrs. Ross<br />

Lowe and son Robert. Mr.<br />

Lowe Is on the faculty of<br />

Livingston State College. While<br />

In that section, Mrs. Lowe vis<br />

Hed the famed Bellcngrnth<br />

Gardens near Mobile, Ala. She<br />

returned by way of Dallas,<br />

where she visited in the home<br />

of a daughter, Mrs. E. B. Williams<br />

and Mr. Williams.<br />

$<br />

Great Britain, which has no<br />

natural gas resources is experimenting<br />

with five new methods<br />

of producing synthetic gas.<br />

WORK<br />



301 N. Ave<br />

'Phone UN<br />

F Haskell<br />

or<br />

"She's right here on the patio with me!"<br />

VVJ-- -: ,<br />

No more bothersome running in and out to catch<br />

the phone-n-ot when you've got a portable phone<br />

or an extension on the patio. The last word in<br />

outdoor living it costs so little. This year, get<br />

an outside extension in a color to match your<br />

summer furniture.<br />

M V<br />

IsBW f<br />

! -'<br />


I<br />



BBHBBr<br />

H<br />

V<br />

JBBBlBBBf--PT-iiHlB?!?i- J<br />

'<br />

W 'l"<br />

T ' v '.- -<br />


Joud on o cofflporien el manvfociurtu' ivgftltd retail dlltrd prcti<br />

TITLE<br />


and youll see the new Ford<br />

RCoN<br />

iQWfeST<br />

PRICE<br />

6-passen- of all<br />

ger cars<br />

PAGE<br />

Horace Oneal<br />

Abstract Co.<br />

America's largest Independent Telephone System<br />

made in America !<br />


VLLV<br />

has the<br />

nifrPUs<br />

FoRd<br />

. COSTS LESS TO BUY...COSTS LESS TO RUN...mQ,'.whVH't.hto.corlntheworki.oownl<br />

THREE<br />


REAL ESTATE . . .JCi<br />

St. QktiTTXTaOIA<br />

tl'l-,A- l "<br />

209 SoutkAvcniM E --<br />

- XW 1H!5, J<br />

M<br />

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1<br />

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LSI<br />

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egasisTEBEsr<br />

ra&;-zs.cz9<br />

&n --<br />

Paint Creek SS<br />

Class Has Swim,<br />

Theater Party<br />

The Jur'or clnss of the Paint<br />

Creek M hcdist Cliurch enjoyed<br />

a swim and theatre party<br />

last Tuesday afternoon and<br />

evening.<br />

The class gathered at the<br />

home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray<br />

Per-- v hen went to Stamford<br />

for ii .wim. They had<br />

slipper u .he Super Dog and<br />

went to 'ir- - Stste Theatre to<br />

see "Tli . .. w Queen".<br />

Those present for the party<br />

were Mclanie Livengocd. Suz-<br />

anne Montgomery, Cora<br />

Pheni-fste- r,<br />

Joy Bergstrom. Milla and<br />

Ricky r r Janice, Jeannine,<br />

and E ... Isbell. and their<br />

teacher, Mrs. Perry, Sandy<br />

Tate, a guest of the class enjoyed<br />

the party with them.<br />

The first s'.ate to nbo'ish espial<br />

punishmen- - was M ch'gin<br />

.n 1847<br />

A"<br />

L<br />

&. .HAL<br />

i. 3 wSsK'' i.<br />

W<br />

yvw y<br />

BM<br />




,,<br />

,<br />

'artha SS Class<br />

Meets Home<br />

Mrs.<br />

OF<br />

In of<br />

Huss<br />

The Martha Sunday School<br />

Class of the first Baptist<br />

Church met Monday evening.<br />

June 20, In the home of Mi3.<br />

Margie<br />

Yeary,<br />

Huss with<br />

president,<br />

Mrs. Sue<br />

presiding.<br />

Inez Gholson opened the<br />

meeting with prayer, after<br />

which she brought an excellent<br />

devotional, "Reading Our Bi-<br />

ble."<br />

After a brief business meeting<br />

everyone enjoyed plaj lug<br />

the Bible game. Tic-Ta- c Tnrn<br />

Refreshments of orange Shbet,<br />

cookies and olives were<br />

--eived to Mines, I. N Sim-<br />

mons. Jerrene Couch, Lavon-d- a<br />

Sue Yeary.<br />

Margie Huss, Gladys Williams.<br />

Rubv Hcn-i.uv- . Helen Owen,<br />

Virginia Ho Lee Burson<br />

Five Stiewert and Inez Ghol<br />

son<br />

t,,<br />

--J. -- - -<br />

,- -<br />

iMJuhilte SluHirilmA<br />

At<br />

DOUBLE<br />


YOUNG!<br />


DEADLY!<br />

ma<br />



n<br />

rsrs MBairaewh."<br />

CDr?$ i33SiW<br />

va. &j ? . .m if.?rr ! !<br />

il!WL tstm MJnkzSlmA<br />


- MONDAY<br />

Is it a bird ... a . . a<br />

Hdf fe ll.Cl--K<br />

..I.HI 'VBHinrn w.. r r A<br />

MXT<br />

WALUS<br />

SUNDAY<br />

Corner<br />

WiIiMt<br />

Square<br />

Herrington,<br />

rocket. plane?<br />

No, its<br />

R&YLEW.S<br />

saucering down to Earth<br />

uproarious<br />

in an hitl<br />

?!<br />

& W& All<br />

tK a 'OVi V . y mT i Vx. 'taLr IT"<br />

4 ? &<br />

'<br />

"<br />

".<br />

THE HIT-M- OW<br />



.,..,. l.d.IIHU.,Mra,(i(ig1 Mn(W. A fiMKouiT picture<br />


a You've never met a woman like... W , IT<br />

KT<br />

JflOMll<br />


Northwest<br />





.<br />

if<br />

- r-- v-<br />

Y<br />

Moran, New Hope<br />

Families Hold<br />

Reunion Here<br />

Sunday. June 12 on the lawn<br />

o. tii i r Prnwforrt home in<br />

in this city, the E. M. Williams'<br />

family of .uoran ami tn . j.<br />

Williams of New Hope met for<br />

their annual leunlon.<br />

Sack lunches were spread,<br />

along with tea and bottled<br />

drinks at the noon hour. Old-tim- e<br />

songs and readings were<br />

given and enjoyed by everyone.<br />

Seventy-fiv- e people attended<br />

Next venr, Mr and Mrs. Arnold<br />

McLamore of Moran will<br />

be the host and hostess, together<br />

with Mr. and Mrs. W. C<br />

Williams.<br />

Those attending were Mr.<br />

and Mis. D. A. Jones of Haskell.<br />

W K White SV and W<br />

K. White Jt . of Sheimin and<br />

two children. Mrs. Ola<br />

of Abilene, Mom White of Ab<br />

lene and three children, Mr<br />

and Mis Billy Jack Williams<br />

of Abilene. Mr. and Mts. Morgan<br />

Williams of Stamfoid,<br />

E len Thomas of Stamford<br />

Mr and Mrs. Cleburne Wil-- 1<br />

hams of Gustme, Mrs. Rita<br />

Barbee o' Abilene, Mrs. S. L.<br />

Young, Mr and Mrs. Donald<br />

Young and Mrs. Ida Lucile<br />

Young, all of Houston, Maurice<br />

Crawford of Wichita Falls, Paul<br />

Crawford of Bryan, Mrs. Kathleen<br />

Lnae of Ft. Worth, Duf- -<br />

for PrnwfnrH nf Allnntmvn.<br />

t Pa , Horace Crawford of Rich- -<br />

arason, Texas<br />

Anniversary Is<br />

Marked by Many<br />

Unusual Gifts<br />

.' ' tl '<br />

Ideh wedding annl-vei&ar- y<br />

of Mr. and Mis. J. M.<br />

Ciawfird iccently, some un-I'sughTs<br />

were "received that<br />

their friends will be glad to<br />

Know about.<br />

Anions the cifts, AIis. Craw- -<br />

find said, were:<br />

A cameo from Italv renro- -<br />

sen ing "die three stages of<br />

s"' ng announce, declare, reveal.<br />

A stole from Scotland, which<br />

resembles a tufted hand towel,<br />

but is very soft. A "table rlo'h<br />

from Ireland, nine feet long,<br />

and napkins 22 inches? square.<br />

China from England which has<br />

designed on it a fisherman's<br />

"cl and reel and a kit of decoys.<br />

Also, a mat of real flowers,<br />

Dressed and retaininc their<br />

"ral color. A green plaid tie<br />

from Scotland. Hot water<br />

bottle from" England that has<br />

rows of rubber extending out<br />

from the main body 8 incn<br />

apart and 8 in depth. A purse<br />

from Austria, and a sweater<br />

from Scotland.<br />

Air. and Airs. Crawford's snn<br />

Duffer, and family recently<br />

ok a five weeks tour of the<br />

ast and purchased these ir- -<br />

.icies.<br />

And o highlight the manv<br />

sr'fts received, the Crawfotd<br />

''llldr"' ""v tV" parents n<br />

'lipmc1 r'p-- r n.i n ''hpr-n- d<br />

r "-e- 'r Golden Anniversary<br />

pdf.<br />

Again Air. and Airs. Crawford<br />

say "Thank vnu."<br />

3ckbrn S: Bolles<br />

olin - Will Be<br />

Held July 3<br />

The rnnua' He kham &<br />

'"olles wii: be hell<br />

ir the '- -';' '"j-s- Buiid--n- g<br />

in "ho -- ty Sunda- - Ju!<br />

3rd.<br />

The vill "e an nil<br />

lay nf'ilr and a basket lunch<br />

v.ill ba served at the noon<br />

'our.<br />

Th'- - occasicn 13 looked for-war- t'<br />

to with --<br />


leiru"ihlein-'er- by members of the two<br />

fam' es. All relatives and<br />

frierdi are invited.<br />

WSCS Will Meet<br />

For Luncheon<br />

Monday<br />

The Women's Society of<br />

Christian Service of the First<br />

Alethodlst Church will meet<br />

Alonday, June 27 at the<br />

church for a noon luncheon at<br />

1 p. m.<br />

All women of the church are<br />

Invited to attend.<br />

$<br />

Read Free Preas Want Ada.<br />


Plan Your Remodeling or new home with "ONE STOP" color<br />

in tiles, linoleum, paint, wall paper, fabric, carpet combinations.<br />




PETS<br />

FLOORS &<br />


Haskell, Texas<br />


f ILrflfe flBYBYBYBYBYBYBYBf' H<br />

W .aVawaYaYaYaYaYaF<br />

. ,bVbP3bVbbVbbVbK' l-l<br />

j" 'aBBBBBBBBBBBBKe'<br />

BYaYaYaYaYAYaYaT<br />



Formerly l'atsj Ann Jacobs<br />

Hospital iloted<br />

The following persons have<br />

oeen listed as patients in the<br />

liasKell County Hospital during<br />

me Urt nnet poo. i.nolr .- -".<br />

Airs. Bill Pennington, modi- -<br />

Air. and Airs. Tommy<br />

,Mattsc:i High School where<br />

cal. Haskell. she was popular in all<br />

R. Lowe, Has-- ' ic'vitlcs. she is the<br />

of AIr3. Ivy of<br />

Airs. Joe medical, Haskell.<br />

Haskell.<br />

J. Drinnon. medical, Has- -<br />

Daugh-crtl- y<br />

arc making their home in<br />

Houston following their marriage<br />

Saturday, May 28 at 7 p.<br />

m. in the First Baptist Church<br />

at Lindale, Texas.<br />

The bride is the former Palsy<br />

Ann Jacobs, daughter of<br />

Airs Ray Jacobs and the late<br />

Air. Jacobs. She is a graduate<br />

of<br />

school<br />

E. medical, grand-kell- .<br />

'liuchter Annie<br />

Gross,<br />

j. Reed.Mahail yow3<br />

Airs. Alinnie Reeves, ' nh Tn<br />

" TIlHllol"<br />

'<br />

nr.1 '<br />

AIis. D. K. Carmack, smgi- -<br />

cal. Rochester<br />

Airs. R. C, Alontgomery.<br />

.nodical. Haskell.<br />

K H. Hines. medical, Rule.<br />

W. 3. Poguo, Si, surgical.<br />

Haskell.<br />

E'irl L. Williams, medical.<br />

Panhandle.<br />

Airs. Delia Jeter, suigical.<br />

'oile.<br />

O 13. Vernon, medical, Rule.<br />

LiRue Greenhaw, medical,<br />

Stamford.<br />

Dismissed<br />

Airs. AUon Jackson. Haskell:<br />

Irs. R. E. Thronberry, Hasten<br />

; Airs. Alaggie Neal. Rule;<br />

T ". Alatthcw Aldndge. Has-l1- ;<br />

Airs. O. V Kroger, Hns-ol- ;<br />

Airs. Ronald Jones.<br />

Cynthia Ann Kinney,<br />

Rochester; J. F. Isbell, Has-<br />

kell; Judy Calloway. Haskell:<br />

'Irs. Buford Gholson. Roches-..- .<br />

Mrs. pet0 percz. Rochester;<br />

L. H. Cocper. Haskell;<br />

relVi'i Stnmford;<br />

Airs. Frank Tanner. Haskell;<br />

Fred Gilliam. Haskell.<br />

Thi' Very Newest<br />

The following births have<br />

" " otded tl-- e<br />

in Haskell<br />

riospltal:<br />

Air. and Airs. James Rey-'eld- s<br />

o.' Haskell, a girl. Lisa<br />

bom 21i 1930, weight<br />

5 lbs., 15 oz.<br />

Air. and AIis. Jack Truman<br />

Jones of Old Glory, a boy.<br />

Jacky Kyle, born June 19,<br />

WcIm 7 11,3 uj 07<br />

Air and Airs. Billy sfacJefc of<br />

Alundav. a firl. Rn' nda Alae<br />

born June 21, ids . weight P<br />

11)3. 10 oz.<br />

Turner Family<br />

Reunion Held<br />

Here Sunday<br />

Descendants of the late Air.<br />

and Airs. W. AI. Turner met<br />

in the American Legion Hall<br />

in this city Sunday for their<br />

annual family reunion.<br />

Members of the family fra4h-ere- d<br />

for the occasion from<br />

points throughout the state,<br />

vI aay ,vns 3Pent n re-<br />

calling happenings of the past,<br />

visiting and renewing acquain'-ances- .<br />

and In feasting<br />

noon at the<br />

hour.<br />

Present for Uie reunion were:<br />

C. and Kenneth of<br />

Sfida! Mr- Smith<br />

- a"d Mrs Elmer<br />

Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Sam<br />

TurS 'J?' Mrs Pra"K<br />

and Mrs. James<br />

Waggoner, Joe and Jill of<br />

Jell Zd lth<br />

Mrs. Bll,y&od<br />

Mr. and Mm. Ruasell Penlck<br />

ii K Mr"1<br />

""? Mra. Joe Hul.<br />

Mr. and uN & " Auene<br />

land7f;"-'TaJan<br />

of Mid<br />

m " u it njm wa<br />

lUfftt David<br />

afi??Si<br />

i.vy of<br />

jIZXTIF the Wa,t '<br />

IBan 2l00<br />

homes each<br />

modi-- 1 n noor1<br />

Churrh Rites<br />

The marriage of Aliss Patricia<br />

Gave Reid and the Rev.<br />

Steve A.nhail was solemnized<br />

in the Valley <strong>View</strong> Assembly<br />

of God Church in Fort Worth.<br />

AIiss Rcid is the daughter of<br />

Rev. and Airs. E. V. Rcid<br />

The bride was attended by<br />

her twin sister, AIiss Alma.<br />

.May Reid and Airs. Lena Fa ye<br />

Wally, and a cousin, Alfss<br />

Glenda Reid of Bycis.<br />

AIiss Diane Reid of Rochester<br />

was piani3t for wedding<br />

music and accompanied Alts.<br />

Glydol Allen of Lubbock who<br />

sang. Whither Thou Goest. and<br />

True Love Both arc cousins<br />

of the bride.<br />

The Rev. Thural Reid, uncle<br />

of the bride, lead the mar-riag- e<br />

vows.<br />

Tommie Nerland of Grand<br />

Prairie was tho groom's best<br />

man. Other mtentlnnts nmi<br />

ushers weio Glyndol Allen of<br />

Lubbrck. a cousin f ho h, iHn<br />

and Rev. S'am Wallv and Billy<br />

Grantham o' Foit Worth.<br />

The bride is the granddau?i-o- -<br />

cf ;t-- f j. l. Reid Sl. , an(i<br />

" 1n"1 M''""- - C. T. Aaron of<br />

Lninbi'.rg. ft rmcrly of Haskell<br />

Ah- - Rcid r tended the wed<br />

d n? of hoi grinddaughter.<br /> Dach. Fla., was i<br />

mm-'icv- e<br />

swamp 50 years ago<br />

Till: IIKKiHT OKMGIIT 1 1<br />

SPOT O.V I1IWAY 277<br />

iKipaoff<br />

mm w<br />

' ' ": A T R A;<br />

tv STAMFOun<br />




ADws .... 60o<br />

KIDDIES (Under 12) FKEK<br />

Fia.vSAT.IUNE. 2725 ""<br />

2 BIG SHOWS<br />

That<br />

Kind or<br />

WfomaiT<br />

r'LUS THIS HIT<br />

MATURK<br />

ANNS<br />

AUBREY<br />

AUTMAiiw<br />

NKWLKV .Cm?MEcopr<br />

3 DAYS STARTS SUN. 26<br />



"A Wonum LUce<br />

tetea" la color<br />


WED..THURS<br />

mimmmm<br />





Surprise Housewarming Hosted for<br />

Hardin Cofields in Their New Home<br />

.<br />

acre .1 ...llrtn f.A<br />

iarm<br />

tTie.<br />

i2 m- - --<br />

""<br />

kell on die Throckmorton highway.<br />

Architect nnd builder was<br />

Rogers Construction Co.<br />

Haskell. The house, combining<br />

die traditional and contemporary,<br />

is designed to a standard<br />

of'miality that will provide a<br />

lifetime of comfortable living<br />

and enleitaining. It is built en<br />

a steel foundation,<br />

doublf flooring with brick veneer<br />

exterior and the cedar<br />

shingle loof is made with a<br />

overhang that provides<br />

protection fmm sun and weather.<br />

Containing 2,770 squaio<br />

feef nf floor space the house<br />

has three spacious bedrooms,<br />

two ceramic tile baths, den<br />

wi'h wood-burnin- g fireplace<br />

wall connected by double sliding<br />

glass doors to a roofed terrace<br />

tliat overlooks the garden<br />

area and open field.<br />

Eauinmcnt is General Elec<br />

tric with built-i- n oven and<br />

range top, refrigerator, washer,<br />

dryer, furnace and Carrier<br />

air conditioner. Interior doors<br />

are birch hollow core slab in<br />

natural finish; den and cabinets<br />

aie white ash with birch<br />

trim. There is a maximum of<br />

storage space and walk-i- n<br />

closets thioughout the house<br />

Divider between the living<br />

ami dining area is a double<br />

duty cabinet with 0ren shelves<br />

for pottery nnd cutlery in the<br />

kitchen, and glassed-i- n diina<br />

cabinet for the living room<br />

Interior decorators vi r<br />

Leon Pearsev ind Llndrv<br />

Co-- :<br />

plun-.b'n- g<br />

and wuinc bv D l<br />

Rainey and Bill Xelhim 1 1<br />

matctials wcie from Spcnr .<br />

and Brazclton Lumbpv i- -n<br />

panics.<br />

n<br />

Walls throuchout tho lvn-"- 1'<br />

are natural Ik lge and carp? s<br />

are impored sneaied wool n<br />

beige. Contrasts are provide 1<br />

by colorful drapes, furnishinja<br />

and accessories.<br />

Arorc than 200 friends called<br />

or sent gifts during the evening.<br />

Air. nnd Airs.<br />

longtime residents<br />

Cofield are<br />

of Haskell.<br />

(uid he Is one of tho leading<br />

farmers ami landowners of<br />

this section. Mrs. Coflold dc.<br />

votes her time to management<br />

and operation of Coflcld'a Department<br />

Store In thln city.<br />

i ..,.<br />

Mr. aim .wis. .......... tln.wlln Pnflplil. w..-- . ,<br />

who have moved Into their<br />

new heme were honored with<br />

house-warmin- g<br />

d<br />

a Mirprlse<br />

Wednesday evening<br />

from 7 to 11 p. m.<br />

were Mines Bob Boone, Bobby<br />

Rogers, J H. Franklin, Rov<br />

Rogcis, Francis McDonald, Family Gathering<br />

Kirby Kiikpatrlck and Lucille<br />

Watson.<br />

Home<br />

A far cry from the average<br />

farm residence of a decade Pittmans<br />

ago this spacious Medallion<br />

homo with its comfortable<br />

architectural style and built- -<br />

in luxury extras jhuviu iu<br />

owners with every convenience<br />

any city P nee. It Is local- - tvcuncsuiiy, u.nioyinir<br />

er nml afternoon visit wSre M?<br />

gently-rollin- cd a g<br />

nml AIrg No, Norhlo f,<br />

their 160- - t . . ' Held in of<br />

Roy<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Rcy Plttman<br />

and Mr. nnd Mrs. Ray Perry<br />

were hosts to a family gathering<br />

In tho Plttman home last<br />

cf<br />

on high,<br />

--<br />

slope set far back en<br />

v(m<br />

ami irom DUluth, Mlnne-sot- a<br />

- family of Mrs. J c. Holt<br />

.Ir .Mrs. Clara Holt, Air. and<br />

Airs. .1. C. Holt Jr., Jeff, Wendy<br />

'imI. CBCry Mra- - Kenneth<br />

Alvis. Karon. Sam nnd Kelly all<br />

ui run tvurui, jirs Jcffle<br />

Adams, Sam Adams, Mr. nnd<br />

QooiHeolth<br />

"W VV ..<br />

?PGn<br />

honoring<br />

Pl'm<br />

Miss f,'inf.<br />

insizesS<br />

is<br />

colorful pf<br />

i i 1<br />

miA m<br />

llml<br />

W ,<br />

W<br />

ica<br />

n:<br />

TXUn CI<br />

Jjcokcnd pj.<br />

Snlii..!.."<br />

Iff-- V<br />

5PW Club c<br />

of oight<br />

mi<br />

her"<br />

AIra<br />

Andcn<br />

tors in 'b<br />

Z<br />

Jk<br />

of<br />

Airs. Paul Cothron, Atrs. Fannie<br />

Holt, Air. nnd Arrs.<br />

Air. and Airs. Roy PHltOS<br />

Betty, Roy David,<br />

t !..,.!. .. II , and<br />

ll , , .<br />

.iii.Ti-.un- iiu, aiiu iMrs. jnnir<br />

jco vncircss nnd Lee of Star,<br />

ford.<br />

,<br />

nnd<br />

"SJm ""Jiiio<br />

?v M,rAT"l<br />

i "<br />

--Ml nnrl<br />

''1 -- ?d child<br />

ill1 McKLt,<br />

"iir.iuay<br />

--Mount Alitchell In Notth<br />

Carolina Is o.CSl feet high "'"<br />

nanbers<br />

--Mrs.<br />

RC 0'<br />

Mr<br />

it<br />

Zi ?'<br />

I),<br />

V<br />

j. j<br />

isPtkm<br />

Your Pharmacist and Yoi<br />

uoctor t'orm a Team<br />

lh!l<br />

Your doctor hrescnl<br />

your pharmacist dispei<br />

nuciicne<br />

,m:iihiuii<br />

professionals, hanrv<br />

you tho full benefit<br />

knowlodKe and cxper<br />

pays off in jjood healt<br />

all your drug nccl.<br />

and diet supplies fron<br />

your pharmacist!<br />

Old Met<br />

HASKELL PHARiili<br />

UN 21<br />

Delivers!<br />

TJJM<br />

kvM WiyvMmM Fiti<br />

ifS'11A ViratofrMi<br />

m PP MMMj Forbea<br />

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IliWLL' A<br />

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me Skivvies Aft 3.99<br />

JJy FormfH Sk!pptM-fam- ou. for<br />

'Monelojiicnefillmminnl<br />

'tic front pantll<br />

,WQis,band slims wafitlinel<br />

washobtef<br />

;fc'15--Glrdl.No.9- 15<br />

IL<br />

m<br />

' ". 507. Mjuu. . .<br />

.- -<br />

"I<br />

10<br />

Rainbow Sewing<br />

Club Meets With<br />

Mrs. Peavy<br />

Tlic Rnlnbcw Sewing Club mot<br />

In the homo of Sue Peuvy Jwic<br />

21. the borne wnn beniitifully<br />

decorated with vy and iosch.<br />

The program began with Znda<br />

Smith leading the group in ulng.<br />

Ing the song "In the Gordon".<br />

Salllc Patterson won honors<br />

for the most sewing. The Club<br />

voted to have a question ibox<br />

nnd Flossie Rogers wn appoint-c- d<br />

to answer the questions next<br />

meeting time.<br />

Sallie Patterson gave Uie<br />

thought for tb,e duy. Florence<br />

Lamed sponsored the recreation<br />

and seven nJ games wore<br />

played "Happy Birthday" was<br />

sung to Florence Larned and<br />

Annie Thomas. Eddie Johnson<br />

drew the nice hostess gift. "The<br />

Washday" scrg was sung nnd<br />

U'o meeting closed with the sing-int- r<br />

of the closing song, "Will- -<br />

I ing Workers".<br />

Roficflhments were served to<br />

I Mcmlamcs Annie Thomas, Eddie<br />

Johnson, Essie Rogers, Znda<br />

mith. Etliel Edwards, Salllc<br />

, Pnttcison, Cora Pitman, Flossie<br />

iRfgcrw, Anrie Pcnn Lusk, Ann<br />

I<br />

Tajlcr. Sue Peavy and visitors,<br />

Mrs. Tom Holland, Annie Got- -<br />

N'vol Smith, nnd Judy<br />

iu,cman of Flute, Texas who<br />

was our Mascot 15 ycais ago.<br />

The next meeting will be<br />

with Znda Smith.<br />


Miss Jeanctto Kay Melton,<br />

of Mr. and Mrs. Edd<br />

Melton of Roby, spent last<br />

week In Haskell with her cousin,<br />

Patsy Bartley and with<br />

her uncle and aunt, Mr. nnd<br />

Mrs. Clarence Taylor. Sunday,<br />

Miss Melton attended the<br />

birthday dinner of her grandmother,<br />

Mrs. George Pllnnd.<br />

newest thing in outdoor trtv-clin- g<br />

and living.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Woodson nnd<br />

i Mrs. Davis spent three days<br />

in nnd nround Los Angeles,<br />

visltintr kinfolks nnd touting<br />

famed Disney Land nnd Marine<br />

and<br />

'I " I<br />

X?- - "'"-v-<br />

&Y<br />

'ACTS: Rayon, cotton, rufcbT,<br />

, lasllc front ian; tody<br />

::,<br />

tlotMc, nylon, rayon, rubbtr?<br />

' n , i t<br />

lBra & tf.99<br />

' " 4 M 30A, 92 10 311 ntf V.<br />

'ACTS t AN otton wMi M nyiw tpw ku<br />

Grou<br />

P<br />

.<br />

Girdles anrl . "'fW.<br />

Panfiea rfJunnn.<br />

,St)'les.value8ton3.50<br />

$.7<br />

and $7.50<br />

wWl4te.BSfefer:<br />

mm ,4Jm cm<br />

Mrs. Opal Dotson Installed As B&PW<br />

Club President for 1960-6- 1 Season<br />

SaBaBmBHPF PHHHBkj.<br />

itBaaaHLv xuFcUsBfeiu.<br />


The Haskell Business n ,1 1<br />

Professional Women s Ci.b<br />

held the last meeting until<br />

September, Sunday nfternom,<br />

Juno 19, in iho Comnuimty<br />

Room of the Haskell National<br />

Bank<br />

Miss Florence Andeison of<br />

San Angelo, director of Di.i-tiic- t<br />

Seven of the Texas Federation<br />

was the gucsl speaker.<br />

Miss Andeison in her nddios'S<br />

discussed with the club, the<br />

"Gcnls for 10GCM51."<br /> Andeison conducted the<br />

service in which she installed<br />

the new officers for 1900-61- . In<br />

the service the members were<br />

tnken back to the mythological<br />

realms of the Greek Goddesses,<br />

and for a time they<br />

were members in one of the,<br />

1 courts.<br />

j Mrs. Opal Dotson was in- -<br />

I stnllcd ns president. Mrs. Dot- -<br />

. son, with her 3ister, Mrs. Stan-- .<br />

ley Furrh, Is nnd<br />

mnnnger of the Personality<br />

' Shoppe. They have operafd<br />

the Shoppe for the past fifteen<br />

years.<br />

Mrs. Dotson is r. charter<br />

membetf of the B&PW Club<br />

She has held several ofiitcs,<br />

nnd seived ns chnirman of<br />

committees before<br />

president. She is an<br />

ao-tiv- e<br />

member of the Hnskll<br />

Chamber of Commerce, nnd<br />

has long been a mcmbei of<br />

Re nil Mei chants Association<br />

'ie is a member of the Bond<br />

of Directors of the Haskell<br />

United Fund Drive. Mis. Do<br />

son is n member of the Fust<br />

Baptist Church.<br />

Other new officers aic Mrs.<br />

Lois Jones, first vice picsi-den- t;<br />

Mis. Fadwa Hnssen,<br />

second vice president; Mrs.<br />

Stella Cnmpbell, treasurer;<br />

Mrs. Dorn Montgomeiy, recording<br />

secretary; Mis. Elizabeth<br />

Stewart, corresponding<br />

secretary; Miss Mndalin Hunt,<br />

parliamentarian; Mis. Lois<br />

Redwinc, reporter.<br />

Mrs. Dotson named the following<br />

lndiC3 as committee<br />

chairmen: Mrs. Edna Lyles,<br />

Career Advancement; Mrs.<br />

Ramia Lee Frnzier, Finnnc;<br />

Mis. Grace McKelvnln, Health<br />

nnd Safety; Mrs. Louise<br />

Greene, International Relations;<br />

Mrs. Aitie Mae Burkett,<br />

Legislation: Mrs. Fndwn Hnssen,<br />

Membership: Mrs. Opal<br />

Nanny, Nntlonnl Security;<br />

Mrs. Lois Jones, Program Co-<br />

Frier-son- ,<br />

ordination; Mrs. Ozelle<br />

Projects; Miss Nettie Mc-Collu-<br />

Public Affaiis; Miss<br />

Mndalin Hunt. Public Relations;<br />

Mrs. Lou Kucnstler,<br />

Scrap Book; nnd Mis. Paul- -<br />

FARM<br />

AND<br />

RANCH<br />

LOANS<br />


I.OXC. TERMS<br />

Barf ield-Tu- r tier<br />

Agency<br />

Haskell, Tex. P. I'N<br />

Dr.<br />

Gertrude Robinson<br />

Chiropractic Clinic<br />

506 N. Avft. E ,<br />

Haskell, Texas ,<br />

acsed Every Thursday<br />

H6WDV ! rf5fAMDAlOU<br />

lAUkl J--l MHN 'W<br />



ICON ION mY?M4fc.<br />

IM STAmOHU,vtw<br />

Q-si-<br />

HWWMaVM<br />

N<br />

iaKsK 'HiBaeiBiBiBiBiBr<br />

Pgp3S$W<br />


Ine Norninn, Telephone.<br />

Miss Mndalin Hunt, retiring<br />

picsldcnt, ptesldcd for the<br />

biiflness mcetlnp, nnd Intro-dine- d<br />

the speaker. After tha<br />

Installation sendee Miss Hunt<br />

presented the president's pin,<br />

nnd gnvel to Mis. Dotson.- -<br />

The room was bcnutlfully<br />

decorated with arrangements<br />

of dnlsles, nnd tiny lilies.<br />

The refreshment tnblc was<br />

laid with nn Italian cut-wor- k<br />

cloth. The nppolntmcnt3 were<br />

of crystal. Delicious punch,<br />

cookies, mints, nnd salted<br />

nuts were served to the mcmbei<br />

s nnd guests.<br />

Officers for 1959-60- , nnd new<br />

officers for 19C0-C- 1 were hostesses<br />

for the program.<br />

. ,<br />

New Ul Project<br />

To Develop Safer<br />

Teenage Drivers<br />

A new 4-- pro<br />

gram introduced nationally<br />

caily this year has n potential<br />

membcishlp of 100,000 boy3<br />

and girls. Half the number<br />

ieachc3 driving age evh ;sai,<br />

accoiding to the C k ivc<br />

Extension SoitIco w.'i.sli directs<br />

the program<br />

The project is a oluntary un-<br />

dertaking for olde'- -<br />

mem-bet- s<br />

io be carried out over n<br />

three-yea- r period. Specialized<br />

ti alnlng will supplement driver<br />

education couises given in<br />

many high schools, but In<br />

some instances will be the<br />

only "supervised" instruction<br />

available to In their<br />

home communities.<br />

The work assignments will<br />

be guided by experienced volunteer<br />

adult leaders assisted<br />

by state and county highway<br />

engineers police, automotive<br />

expetts and others qualified to<br />

help do the job.<br />

One workbook will be used<br />

for each year. Unit I covers<br />

the Car nnd the Highway; Unit<br />

II Mnintenance nnd Operation;<br />

Unit III Operating the Car<br />

Efficiently.<br />

More traffic deaths and injuries<br />

cccuned la3t year than<br />

in 195S, and 28 per cent of the<br />

drivers involved in fatal accidents<br />

were under 25 years of<br />

age.<br />

Raymond C Firestone, president<br />

i the Firestone Tire &<br />

Rubber Company, which is<br />

sponsoring the program, stated<br />

"We are particularly hopeful<br />

that this piogram will help reduce<br />

the high incidence of<br />

tal accidents among our young<br />

drive is."<br />

Those engaged in t'o<br />

Automotive care and safjt;'<br />

program contend that the more<br />

young people learn about the<br />

car they are driving ,the less<br />

likely they are to take chances<br />

with that cnr.<br />

For club members who<br />

fulfill the objectives of the<br />

program. Plrcstona<br />

will provide n variety of nwnvds<br />

including a week in Chicago cs<br />

a delegate to the Nationnl 4--<br />

Club Ccngrcss, plus $400 college<br />

scholarships for six of the<br />

highest ranking in the<br />

nation.<br />

t<br />



To the Haskell people who<br />

have proven themselves to be<br />

genuine friends. Our love and<br />

our thanks go to you who have<br />

been so truly kind and considerate<br />

during Dick's illness.<br />

Your cards, your letters nnd<br />

your flowers have helped so<br />

much to brighten the dark<br />

days. Your financial help Ins<br />

made our love for you nnd<br />

Haskell realized beyond meas-<br />

ure. The Booster Club<br />

mem-boi- s<br />

nnd mnny others have<br />

nroven by their donations to<br />

be real boosters of Dick nnd<br />

we nre so proud that you feel<br />

like helping us. All of our pray- -<br />

i have been answered, for<br />

Dick is on the road to recov<br />

ery. Wo can thank our Lord in<br />

Heaven for that. For the many<br />

other things, we thank you.<br />

Ve Idve you and are looking<br />

forward to being "home"<br />

ngnin. With deepest sincerity,<br />

Dick and Martha Gnlnes. 25p<br />



Mrs. Ireno Bouldln and son<br />

Dnnnv returned this week from<br />

'. y vacation trip to<br />

'<br />

!<br />

points in California. Highlight<br />

of their trip was a visit to<br />

D'-wIr- -nd, and Danny brought<br />

back "a Ship Operator's Certi-'-.-t- e<br />

awarded him at Disneyland.<br />

r-- wT FOR SKILT IN<br />


Martin' Dale Coleman,, s<br />

graduate of Paint Creek High<br />

i<br />

School, ha been presented<br />

wit1? i '""'"loate of Merit in<br />

vm i fechaxilcs. It was<br />

awarded, by )he Thor Research<br />

tC'xtr- - '-- " ,B" or 'AVifig,<br />

lrengo, I"- - I Vp" SlenJa"<br />

earned the award for .showing<br />

the rreatesf '" mechanics<br />

ability among the graduating<br />

nniM of' the Paint Creeit<br />

School. - '.<br />

Swordflsh pen swim t<br />

speeds up to 7" Tnllfs Fn hour,<br />

"-r<br />

r '<br />

1, 1 1 Ml,<br />

r1 --'<br />

,M1I','<br />


Firms and Individuals Underwrite<br />

Cost of an clcctilc bulletin<br />

bonrd to be erected on the northwest<br />

coiner of the square linn<br />

been underwritten by Hnskell<br />

firms and Individuals who have<br />

.contributed more than $1,400 to<br />

th6 project.<br />

A committee headed by Harold<br />

Spain na chairman conducted a<br />

onc-dn- y campaign in raising the<br />

mency. Other committee members<br />

were Allen Rlcves, Jim<br />

Alvls, A. T Ballard, Tom Bar-fiel-<br />

Henry Withers, Mrs. Olen<br />

Dotson and Mrs. Barney Frnzier,<br />

West Texas Utilities Company<br />

will donate service pipe nnd<br />

meter loop for the sign, Thomas<br />

Neon Sign Compnny of Abilene<br />

.contractors on the Installation,<br />

will donate $100, the C. of C.<br />

wns advised.<br />

Other donors arc:<br />

Mjir-Ke- t Poultry & Egg 50.00;<br />

Haskell Warehouse Co. 100.00;<br />

Mar-Kc- ; Equipment Co. 50.00;<br />

Perry Motor Co. 5.00; Boggs &<br />

Johnson lir' Pilt!i Cnfo rit'<br />

Lyles Jewelry 25.00, Slipper<br />

Shoppe 2 00; Jack Johnson 2.50:<br />

Mis. James H. Kel- l-<br />

Jewel Blake 2.00; Centra<br />

Hunt 10.00; Dutch Wheeler o.Gu,<br />

Brazcltcn Lumber Co. 25.00;<br />

(<br />

v --.A. -'<br />

Wb 1<br />

X<br />

...attached<br />

...<br />

4&&fa. &<br />

Stockholm model by Swift, world's largest manufacturers of PREcision<br />

CUT homes! Three big, airy bedrooms, a 27'9' living room, t.vo full baths,<br />

a dream kitchen, spacious porch for outdoor living. For full details, write<br />

your nearest Swift distributor or Swift Homes, Elizabeth, Pa.<br />

(Lot. landscaping, patio, not Included. Winner must provide level lot. complying<br />

in all respects to local building regulations )<br />

Help celebrate Dr Pepper's 75th Anniversary!<br />

Enter the Diamond Jubilee Contest and vin<br />

any of 1000 prizes. All you do is finish this<br />

sentence, "I vant Dr Pepper's Diamond Jubilee<br />

Dccrliiiob because . . ." in 25 words or<br />


vVSSfiiSWf.<br />

" s<br />

1<br />

kK .KaT iviT. .<br />

fjKvwfil!s1SvwaSv-.i.-- vrtvXsww3SWrov55<br />

NUT 4 PMZtS: CONN MINUCT ncxt s ruins: ( PRIZES-<br />

IICTRONIC 0KAN low<br />

- &--:-<br />

'S'K. .,. t..<br />

-<br />

fi"l<br />

:VV.T<br />

1 .n rH S' fs.-- ; s A. w kk. av.<br />

iSTfts 1 , KS--<br />

A'vf fcH!'.<br />

vH8K5Swi$ ?. Jwwvv<br />

Sc)sc?-i-S.-<br />

KCXT<br />



sim tc.r DINING GROUP IT KELLER EASY (( dfytt BELL c-- l<br />

aiimiv.uj a ....<br />

tiiiymi<br />

v?.<br />

&<br />

vtt r. o" j<br />

""US.<br />

C0MB0MATIC<br />

I<br />

Tyfvw.<br />

JS PRIZES:<br />


5 x.i' w. ' , I . -<br />

SHV!.<br />

niks<br />

B)9MBTU rWMjUl IMXtt<br />

Mt't<br />

hot m<br />

4-- H<br />

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Mm. uy<br />

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,BjiiiM the lirwwrt<br />

siwiwwf c5<br />

'jSVSr L<br />

' .b<br />

fqgK"WH?<br />

to a<br />

3Bmm&& 4&&f<br />

000 prizes<br />

'zsmmpimm<br />

YOUtH<br />

mt'H, MWnc a<br />

m4MjttoUvFOJt !m<br />

W3885S!mxss&33M<br />

NOTMnUfS:<br />

mutm mm ruruu<br />

am rswvnu tot<br />

....<br />

"mmfmmmmwm pppwwwp<br />

25,000<br />

Kxt iff mm: ttuNSwicK<br />

aowuM uutrauK<br />

PASS<br />

bSTa<br />

Tnc Uwi,<br />

Lh<br />

Mt<br />

limits, signs --r hfa on M HU M<br />

W MMHT M Hir<br />

Cost of Electric Bulletin Board<br />

ivig Houinmcnt Co. 2,00; Thomas<br />

Kennedy Lumber Co. 25.00;<br />

20.00; Dee Philips 2.00; Senium-bergc- r<br />

Well Fur Corp 5 00<br />

Cunningham Grocery & Statu .1<br />

5.00; Gardner Grocery 5.00;<br />

Gene Campbell Service Station<br />

5:00; Smitty's Auto Parts 5 00;<br />

Corley's 2.00; Shelton & Clan-to- n<br />

5.00; Pogue Barber Shop<br />

1.00; Cahlll & Duncan Agency<br />

10.00; Allen Shoe Shop 2.00;<br />

Modern News Stand 3.00; Neely<br />

Dry uoods 5.00 ; 10.00; Stewart Motor Scrvlc<br />

ro; Vfinm<br />

Duncan Gin Co.<br />

Iv-- y 2.00; City<br />

Bnrbei Shop 4.C<br />

Elbert Payne 1.00; Starr Weld-In- g<br />

Motor Works 2.00;<br />

Carrlker 2.00; J. P. KIrby 2.00;<br />

Tilllc's Drive In 5.00; Sknln's<br />

Junkyard 10.00; Fred Gilliam<br />

6.00; Wallace Blacksmith 2.00;<br />

Kimbell Mill Elevator 5.00.<br />

C B Store 5.00; Implement<br />

Co. 15.00; Phelps<br />

10.00; Jessie Sects<br />

2.00; Pauline Dick 1.25; Rubye<br />

Henshaw 1 io; Al Williams 1.00<br />

Whcatley's Mens Wear 5.00;<br />

Motor Co. 10.00; Has-sen- s<br />

5.00; Retail Merchnnts<br />

Ass'n. 5 00; Bassing Jewelry<br />

5.00; Conner Nursery Floral<br />

Co. 10.00; & Ratliff 10.00.<br />

Sherman Interior DecoratinT<br />

10 00; Gholson Grocery 10 00<br />

Pogue Gtocery 10.00; Eaird<br />

Cleaners 25.00; J. M. Crawfoi<br />

30 OC; Oaten Drug Stoic 23 Of<br />

Hoklen Funeral Home 23 00. f<br />

'r-rk- ct System C' vorv 50 Of<br />

Pavne Diug Stoic 15 00, Ba<br />

Turner Agency 25 00; Br<br />

Fiankin Stoic 10.00; Beauty Bi<br />

3 00, I 50.00; Brool<br />

Middkion 10 00.<br />

Swlnson Spiay Co. 25<br />

Richey St'-i'- Co. 10 en- -<br />

Dry Goods 10.00; Pertv Bi '<br />

VnT'" Store 10 r' F e<br />

Pharmacy 10 CO: .lor<br />

25 00- - Estate 10.00; Western Auto<br />

Store 12 50; Nell's Alteration<br />

Shop 2.00; Chilstcnc's Beauty<br />

Salon 5.00; Buck Bland 1.00; T.<br />

&<br />

Otto M. Patterson 1.00; Gerald Lytic<br />

Station 10.00; Indian Grill 3.00;<br />

H & M Auto Parts 5.00; Wallace<br />

Wooten Service Station 10.00<br />

Bill Wilson Motor Compnny<br />

&<br />

25.00; Modern Way Food Store<br />

& Gllmorc 10.00; Haskell Free Press 15.00;<br />

Cook's Barber Shop 10 00<br />

A. C. Foster 2.50, Coggins Insurance<br />

5.00, Whites Auto Stoic<br />

7.50; Dad 'N Lad Store 10.00,<br />

Stone Grocery & Station 1.00;<br />

Mcdford<br />

I<br />

&<br />

Ratllff<br />

WALL<br />

Carpet &<br />

g.<br />

! Expert<br />

0'<br />

FiU See Us For<br />

Tr . New and<br />

Com<br />

Haskell Count<br />

Farm Puteau 10.00; Production k! Mattress<br />

Credit Asnrlnticr 10 00; Servir '<br />

Smlth-Toliv- Cleaneis 10.00,<br />

r<br />

Ch.evi-ole- t Co. 10 00; Frazle<br />

Radio & Record Shop 20.00<br />

West Side Barber Shop 5.00<br />

Bynum's 25.00; Haskell National Boggs &<br />

Bank 100.00; Ethnye & Roy<br />

Johnson 25.00; Haskell Jaycees<br />

50.00.<br />

J East Side Sq.<br />

Personality Shoppe 20.00;<br />

Texas Cafe 10.00; Furrh's Real<br />

imfi<br />

d<br />

TOMMaWS<br />

UiilTiUESil U<br />

worth 100000<br />

iiHH<br />

fffW!<br />

mi<br />

Diamond by 3!ueb!rd, ankers of registered<br />

Bluebird Diamond RmQS at your jeweler.<br />

k -- v 'v sap ' ',y.jt<br />

3U . . iy..SvTJ--- i'i&t v .fci<br />


Measures 32' x 17'. Including a<br />

ladder, 10' board, diving stand.<br />

iess. And you may livc-it-u- vin a really p triple -<br />

header grand prize!<br />

You'll find official rules and entry blank on<br />

every carton of Dr Pepper at your store.<br />

Enter early and often!<br />


rtftriations,<br />

YIEUy<br />

sj-f- -<br />


fh<br />

Dr<br />

!<br />

Lodge 5.00; Arrowhead<br />

Courts 2.00, Mcdford Garage<br />

2.00; Otho Nanny 5.00; Dairy.<br />

Queen 5.00; C. R. Cbok Station<br />

2.50, Guest Dress Shop 10.00.<br />

Popular Prices<br />

Workmanship<br />

Any Size<br />

Uced Furniture<br />

Factory<br />

I<br />

Linnleiiml<br />

Johnson<br />

I<br />

4-23-<br />

46 Ph. UN<br />

eSMSiS4.y<br />


Custom-- 6 Cross Country with<br />

c<br />

Pepper<br />

Diamond JuhH Confesf<br />

-- ENTER TODAY!<br />

"1<br />

affHwr '"<br />

'm<br />

Wm<br />

-- ?<br />

oorknob<br />

dr rtrrtR courANY, isco<br />

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XT M7 PRIZES: ncxt 2M nuu: ceiuMWAii ncxt m pmxs:<br />

CLM MINIINUM C00RWWC rgcriHASTn ncMC xt<br />

Rtsults aM up te better driving<br />

hewts, ufer teevel, reoucea cmh,<br />

fuller ewjeywentetene atAiMrice's<br />

meet sefuler posseMiew tke<br />

aiilOflWaiJJea<br />

IS<br />


Culbcrth Filling Station 2.50;<br />

Hiway Drive In Cafe 5.00; Pal-O-M- ar<br />


Hroskcll, Texas<br />

510 N. First St.<br />

lMwno UN<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Gaston<br />

TO WALL<br />

5l<br />

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I<br />

Job I II<br />

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transmission.<br />

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POT PIES<br />

FROZEN<br />

6-O-<br />

Z. CAN<br />





PEAS<br />

CORN<br />


KIMBELL'S 303 CAN<br />


2 for 49c<br />

2 for 25c<br />

B<br />

Whole New POTATOES 2 for 7Q<br />

w<br />

KIMBELL'S TEA 1- -4 lb. Pkg. 23c<br />

Honey Boy Salmon, Tall Can 59c<br />

iiiMi ! ! i m wi iim ii wmih ! Timini- - "i -<br />

ii i if!! naawi i<br />

KIMBELL'S MILK 2 Tall Cans 25c<br />

Gerber's Baby Food 10 for 9C<br />

Kimbell's KRAUT 2 303 cans 29c<br />


Peaches, Fancy California lb 19<br />

CANTALOUPES lb. 9c<br />

PLUMS<br />

- - - - mm<br />

19c<br />

LUX SOAP g. Bars 19c<br />

VEL BEAUTY BAR for 39c<br />

REG. CAN<br />

LIQUID TREND 2 for 59<br />

GIANT<br />

CANS<br />

2<br />

AJAX CLEANER 2 for 49<br />

REG. SIZE<br />





For<br />

2<br />

lb.<br />

29c<br />

59c<br />

QUARTS<br />

Miracle Whip<br />

c<br />

T Wilson's I<br />

I 0COtt MbSa 49 I<br />

Pack<br />

ULU Gorfel aic I<br />

L6s- -<br />

EfOPIIITI? I<br />

o r 1<br />

I I Kimbell's Cans 8e<br />

gf,<br />

Wisconsin A 4fc<br />

Longhorn Pound, AUl<br />




-- 1 WalLtff!<br />

H ijLy" H ik<br />

I<br />

'<br />


NO. 21g CAN<br />


Cll BLACK KNIGHT ,,. 1<br />

N0<br />

-- IV APRICOTS 25c<br />

- Zic' y<br />

LIQUID DETERGENT 49cKimbells Instant COFFEE 6-oz-<br />

.jar 69<br />

1<br />

Diamond<br />

I -- ,<br />

I<br />

cam<br />

v2!t'<br />

WHAT BLKO i<br />

Tender Sweet<br />

! JF yr j<br />

PET<br />


iMMtfNfMI<br />


...V",<br />

,.r<br />

or<br />

j<br />

7<br />

nnnrrn<br />

I<br />

Your Dollar More Your<br />

2 Caws Banquet<br />

PEARS<br />

DOG<br />

KIM<br />

FOOD<br />

3 Cam as<br />

.k . .. .<br />

4 qt. size 35c<br />

jU3lan<br />


-,<br />

.-<br />


ftd12t.stzi 39,<br />


FLOUR<br />

Buys M System!<br />

i<br />

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Tissue<br />

'400 Count<br />

Box<br />

m"wmiffjjm'<br />

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25-L- B. BAG<br />

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12-o- z. Can lt<br />

Si<br />

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Boxes<br />

"- -<br />

10<br />

59<br />

MBTHM<br />

PUREX<br />

Or<br />

CLOROX<br />

SWIFT'S PRE!<br />

Luncheon<br />

45<br />


1 mMMiMLmjM' 1'lrfWlif'l,'4lfa.- -<br />

vfi BESKB<br />

iugiit to<br />


XAS(<br />

tM<br />

home<br />

Sunday<br />

iSttor-rw-cic SSSjfiX<br />

THURSDAY, JUNE 23,<br />

,erton News<br />

3C8. nrUlKIlT LKFEVMB<br />

" i ...ill fntntlirna<br />

dClcv ewnti<br />

iW fr nivl<br />

' sundry<br />

Hcrtel<br />

of<br />

Mr.<br />

i'?r s- -!<br />

'.i frs. M-.-- "<br />

nu<br />

nu ' ..clln<br />

nnl Mr<br />

(i<br />

in h(<br />

nHerteia"<br />

- n'PUL "<br />

W " - ' J.. nf.<br />

UBianu<br />

.. 51. Paul's<br />

. .. mm<br />

fi,VSi! r jv taw"-- '<br />

iflrt.iw...r;: v.<br />

A.mnared<br />

attendance taal<br />

lkfffl B. M'F-1- '<br />

Pr.;i,,.iAr wui<br />

LETforSc<br />

I;., uUl<br />

i""; . .,iiiip<br />

ffingMisny<br />

.<br />

attend<br />

a<br />

"i Mn and<br />

-<br />

In the mis-<br />

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.mih. uiiu .ura,<br />

ritnees<br />

n.c!a Prnvhli 0<br />

ytw... - -<br />

Kflwnrfl.q im<br />

ja Wendel 000 hours be spent before<br />

. nlan .<br />

.i.- - n t.hA 4<br />

iren """ i jiiiiu -- . iu cuiniueie arrange-- '<br />

which will ,.<br />

enrv nff R OVl r)i<br />

snl1 n.l1lnr<br />

and must<br />

no ia<br />

mnnts lnnin,i<br />

liiHicr LcflCUC<br />

rrutma tn lt<br />

lh Taffy's plane<br />

Ms. Lloyd .Nreneors<br />

It'e here visi rrr<br />

XII Ifial Ja in<br />

M'"...foiUr.. .<br />

SlMI0IMl0,4.<br />

(JjH MMUd<br />

Fv:.'Vrvr-- .<br />

Lrr!T-.- .<br />

es-:- ,"-.<br />

prcsen- -<br />

itssunau) nui-<br />

Northwest<br />

-<br />

ch. thirtv-- 1<br />

About<br />

vrere<br />

!f oi Wlisnn MnSKeil. -- -r JfHICQ<br />

Fed . " .u<br />

1M0<br />

Preston Lcnh of Houston nnil<br />

Mrs. R. T. Lambert of Idalou<br />

were recent guests In the home<br />

of Mr. nnd Mrs. O. A. Lambert.<br />

7.<br />

Guests In tho Otto Lchrmnnn<br />

home for Father's Dny were<br />

.Mr. nnd Mrsi Jan Foutg and<br />

daughter of Lubbock, Mr. nnd<br />

Mrs. Norvcll Lchrmnnn and<br />

sons, Mr. and Mrs. Clanccy<br />

Lchrmnnn nnd family of Sag-erto- n,<br />

Mr. nnd Mrs. Bcrnhnrd<br />

Lets! of Old Glory, Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Lloyd Mengers of Mnthls.<br />

James Lchrmnnn nnd Mr. nnd<br />

Mrs. J. C. Schwartz and daugh<br />

oi<br />

snyucr a<br />

Witnesses Plan<br />

For Convention<br />

In Fort Worth<br />

Preparations nrc well under<br />

way. for the coming four-da- y<br />

"Pence Pursuing District Assembly<br />

of Jehovah's Witnesses<br />

to be held at tho Will Rogers<br />

Memorial Coliseum in Ft.<br />

jducai'u"-<br />

- inni' "<br />

&LSl<br />

ner pastor of<br />

Worth on Juno 23 to 20. preside<br />

ing minister, Robert Edwards<br />

of the Stamford congregation,<br />

announced today<br />

"The assembly will be 'c<br />

l.rin UlUICH<br />

Witnesses largest in<br />

t to the mission Texas since their gathering at<br />

spoke<br />

1957.<br />

Houston in Twclvc-thous-nn- d<br />

delegates are expected,"<br />

ie Haskell a n l gates." Local delegates<br />

write lor reservations.<br />

he<br />

Luther Leagues dinger 8 to meet<br />

arican Luthcran<br />

speaker. In Stamford<br />

J b betcwe Haskell<br />

;,<br />

Jones<br />

Coleman were ...m AAi. t. --..;<br />

iiDelbert LcFev.el Baptist Church in Stnm- -<br />

ITifiernOOn fnnl tSinflnv nflnrnnnn Ti,<br />

S'anlff oft rrt,. - ' ::<br />

ire 5terdrj: '<br />

' c. iw,n ""'" - pJ!<br />

.V.--, .mill IIIIIIU Olilill<br />

R their I I.<br />

and rrnmii.<br />

oinnnra<br />

vnly<br />

Shirley<br />

r.nm,no<br />

Ul<br />

gran for(i wJlo ts hplnJncr ...,th n,n<br />

J Mrs G A Lv for the nffair.<br />

pests in 'be The program will begin at<br />

2 p. m. nnd g03pel singing will<br />

re over the ur<br />

kr. md Mrs H T<br />

li"i and v<br />

Wfy Limber .f<br />

'. .ance and Taf'v<br />

fflllOllf.<br />

l!<br />

ters<br />

will<br />

be fenturcd. All singers nnd<br />

music lovers nrc invited<br />

Mount Ranier National Pnvfc<br />

in Washington covers 239.30.5<br />

ncrcs.<br />






fc Texas Phonft 858-247- 1<br />

'<br />

The "center" of a<br />

HOME<br />

is a "flameless<br />

iictxec Kitchen<br />

Ill<br />


CLEAN<br />

COOL,<br />

SAFE.<br />

vA<br />

1 iJt-- i<br />

II<br />

Heedless Drivers<br />

May Spend 4th<br />

In Jail<br />

"Tile Fourth of July Is<br />

Dny, but the di Ivor<br />

who gets too independent<br />

while on tho rond mny do hi<br />

cclcbrntlng In jail!" This<br />

warning wns given to Area motorists<br />

by Scrgennt F. P. jjr.<br />

elk who is mnklnjr nn nll-ou- f<br />

effort In SPO Mint fl'nfl<br />

dents will not mnr this year's<br />

Independence Dny celebration<br />

The Texns flitrhwnv rnti.nt<br />

nnd other agencies are sponsoring<br />

a safe vacation driving<br />

program during the July l week<br />

end, Seigcant Jirclk said. This<br />

program deserves the support<br />

of all citizens, and we enn<br />

show our intentions to ,<br />

cooi-d--nto-<br />

right off, by observing the<br />

lilies of safe driving over tin<br />

weekend of the Fouith.<br />

An Independent attitude on<br />

the pii't of drivers Is hotinl to<br />

lead to accidents, Sgt. Jiivik<br />

said. He pointed out that di'v-or- s<br />

must share the road rh<br />

nil other drivers, nnd if they<br />

nrc to0 insistent on their light s.<br />

or enrry a chip on their shoulder<br />

most of the time, they are<br />

nsklng for trouble.<br />

Mnke courtesy your code of<br />

tho road, Sgt. Jirclk d<br />

You will find that you will bo<br />

more relaxed when your 'rip<br />

Is over, and you will have n<br />

much better visit. And it may<br />

surprise you to know, he added,<br />

that others drivers return<br />

your courtesy almost even<br />

time.<br />

The S'crgeant also warned<br />

against trying to cover too<br />

many miles in too short a<br />

time and driving at speeds too<br />

fast for conditions. Hc gave<br />

the following tips for a safe<br />

visit:<br />

1. Don't try to cover too<br />

many miles.<br />

2. Be prepared for lienvv<br />

weekend traffic.<br />

3. Leave early, and pause<br />

for rest occasionally.<br />

4. Drive within speed linv<br />

5. Leave your drinking off.<br />

(5. Remembor that the apr.<br />

cation of common coulter<br />

traffic situations does prevor .<br />

many accidents.<br />

Scrgennt Jirclk said it woui i<br />

be a good idea for driven 'o<br />

paste the slogan. "Drive to<br />

Arrive Alive," on their dash<br />

boards.<br />


T. R. Odell Lubbock attorney<br />

and a former resident here,<br />

was in Haskell Friday look'ng<br />

after his property interests and<br />

other business.<br />



Mrs. Raymond Lusk returned<br />

last week from Shnmrock.<br />

where she had been for a week<br />

at the bedside of a daughter-in-law- ,<br />

Mrs. Bill Lusk, a surgery<br />

patient in Shamrock Hospital.<br />

Bill, a State Highway<br />

Patrolman, is stationed at<br />

Shnmrock.<br />

Symbol ol Modern giving<br />

The touch-of-a-butto- n magic of an electric kitchen brings the<br />

whole world of tomorrow to today's homemakcr. The mod<br />

ern electric food preparation center is a decorator-designe- d<br />

dream of beauty, comfort and convenience. Here s why . . .<br />

1<br />

bi yovr iltdric lllch.n virlMnB iloyi eln.<br />

Wolli, crihgi, curlo!n Poh ond paw It.lify o lh fad<br />

"fi'',' wn,ro,ld h yrt"H<br />

(hot you. tltic rang, g'v"<br />

vt th dingy byprodudi of fiamrlyp WW".<br />

IWdtk nrt U ronim!M fo.dV P6" M<br />

two n cvt Wb iht room. Yow I0khn Uoy cool and<br />

CONVENIENT corifrW<br />

M) m WW Wf g M for --utom6!c,<br />


w 3. H mk m mi<br />

fyourfrft<br />

i Your StaMe AanUanc<br />

.. y r r.r - irw<br />

'<br />

..<br />

r<br />


Camp for Junior<br />

Girls Will <strong>Open</strong><br />

Monday, June 27<br />

Tho second youth camp will<br />

begin Monday Juno 27 at tho<br />

Lucdcrs Hnptlst En-- a urment.<br />

This camp Is for Junior girls<br />

of the Abilene, Callahan, Fish-o- r<br />

and Haskell-Kno- x Associations,<br />

and will close with the<br />

noon meal Thursday, Juno 30<br />

Rev. Ralph Eowlfn, mic3ion-m- y<br />

from Southern Rhodesia<br />

will be cr mp ni'slrnry.<br />

Uev Harold Wp'son, rn.itor<br />

of the First Baptist Church,<br />

Clyde will servo as camp pastor.<br />

Other person ic1 invade<br />

Mis. Donald Bnlrd of Cross<br />

Plains, director; Jin Taylor,<br />

music; Becky Baird. Cross<br />

Plains, pianist; 3ua Scuthcr-lnnd- ,<br />

Lynnorn Ratliff, Stnm-forlifr<br />

uards; and Mrs.<br />

Ougc C 'am, Abilene.<br />

The next scheduled camp<br />

will bo t'-- e fin m Day<br />

Camps, July o for Cisco nnd<br />

I -- i o<br />

Betty Crocker or Puffin<br />

Biseusti<br />

Golden Brand<br />

OLEO<br />

Flavor-Wrig- ht<br />

BACON<br />

Fresh, Extra Sweet Arizona<br />

E<br />

Sweetwater Associations, July<br />

7 for Jones, Stonewall, Hns-kcll-Kn-<br />

Assoclntlons, nnd July<br />

8 for Abilene, Callahan and<br />

Fisher Assoclntlons.<br />

The second Junior G. A.<br />

Cnmp follows on July 11--<br />


Mr. nnd Mis. C. C. Childless<br />

nnd two llttlo sons, Oirls and<br />

Craig, of Abilene, were week<br />

end visitors in tho homo of<br />

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Oipson, pn-renof<br />

Mrs. Childress.<br />

-<br />



Mr. and Mrs. Chester Jones<br />

and little son, Chester Lane,<br />

of Austin, spent tho weekend<br />

here visiting in the homes of<br />

their parents nnd grandparents.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Lane and<br />

Rev. nnd Mrs. Jesse Jones.<br />


Mrs Jesse B. Smith returned<br />

home Saturday from an extended<br />

visit with her son Charles<br />

and family of Odessa.<br />

$<br />

Read Free Press Want Ads<br />

Fresh Ground, Lean, All Beef<br />

Hamburger<br />


"Handy" Brand, Big 2 Gal. Size<br />


Sweet Treet, Crushed<br />

PHPL<br />

Byrd<br />


2<br />

Hunt's, No. 300 Size<br />


Renown, Vertical Pack, Whole<br />


Burleson's Pure, Strained<br />

HONEY<br />

2<br />

Gallon Bottle<br />

Church's<br />

Pure<br />

Concord<br />


"A",<br />

"1<br />

Meat<br />

LB.<br />

NO. 300 SIZE CANS<br />

Want Ads Boost<br />

Sale of Fryers<br />

O. L. Moore<br />

After selling 220 fryers In<br />

one week, O. L. Moore of this<br />

city decided It was tlmo to<br />

enncel his Wnnt Ad In The<br />

Free Press until he had time<br />

to replenish his supply of chickens.<br />

Mr. Moore, who Is undisputed<br />

champion chicken grower<br />

of Haskell, sells of<br />

fryers, broilers and fat hens<br />

yearly. Ho givcs Want Ads<br />

credit for being a big assist In<br />

developing sales, nnd ho hns<br />

numerous regular customers<br />

from nelghboiing towns.<br />

Sales last week included two<br />

lots of 50 fryers while another<br />

customer bought C5 fryers,<br />

reported.<br />

Mr. Moore<br />

Although he had just about<br />

sold out of fryers at the first<br />

of the week, he has more com-<br />

ing on and can take care of hie<br />

customers needs within a few<br />

days, he stated.<br />

Classified Ads will buy, sel1<br />

or trade for you.<br />

limBPWHWIjn-- -<br />

SEtecr&3!yy&<br />

O<br />

NO. 303 CANS<br />

O NO.<br />

16-0- Z. JAR<br />


Metzger's Grade<br />


mm<br />

Folgev<br />

24-O- Z.<br />

Pcmteurized<br />

SIZE<br />

LB.<br />

For<br />

5<br />

39<br />

10 99<br />

303 CANS 4Q<br />

CTN.<br />

29<br />

C<br />

C<br />

C<br />

OQC<br />

39<br />

39<br />

33<br />

19<br />

69<br />

POGU E ' S<br />

C<br />

C<br />

C<br />

thousands<br />

Betty<br />

Alcoa<br />

Swift's<br />

i<br />

Pet<br />




Better bring it to us for treatment.<br />

That cooling system is<br />

mighty important in hot weather,<br />

and if it isn't working properly,<br />

can give you plenty of trouble. tfW<br />

Stop in soon and let us check your<br />

cooling system. You'll like our<br />

service.<br />


403 North Ave. E Phone UN 91<br />

2<br />

1<br />

3<br />

Lbs.<br />

Cans<br />

Lbs.<br />

Lb. PKG.<br />

Crocker's New "Country Kitchen"<br />

6<br />

49?<br />

89<br />

CAKE MIXES 3WXB $1.00<br />

About<br />

Each Purchase of Cake Mix<br />

Ask 1-l- b. Free Coffee, Any Brand, With<br />

ALUMINUM FOIL 2" 49<br />

Pinw<br />


Coastal, Frozen, Concentrated<br />


Borden's<br />

NTANT<br />

MAZOLA<br />

MILK<br />

FLOUR<br />


OIL<br />

3<br />

ZeeJ Rolls<br />


PINTS<br />

S.<br />

CAN<br />

QT.<br />


8<br />

SHOP<br />

49'<br />

c<br />

$1.00<br />

Mf<br />

29<br />

55 C<br />

391<br />

29<br />


i<br />

ft k<br />

tit<br />

WBT '.<br />

8.i<br />

iH<br />

;ri;<br />

f.v,'<br />

'<br />

'<br />

it<br />


WHEN<br />

HI hHH fflBHf Hm HP flHH HB<br />

- JONES COX & CO.<br />




YOU SHOP<br />

The Money you spend with Haskell Merchants will be returned to you indirectly . . .<br />

It will be spent for taxes, for civic improvements, for schools, for churches, with other<br />

merchants, and you may get part of it back in a direct form! REMEMBER . . . When<br />

you trade at home, you not only help your friendly merchant, but most of all you<br />

help yourself.<br />


W. &<br />




R.<br />

HASSEN'S<br />


B.<br />




'N<br />

SPENCER & CO.<br />



. vPI-<br />

t<br />

I'<br />

FREE<br />

PRESS<br />

To In - - -<br />

Following Civic-Mind- in the Interest By the ed Merchants:<br />

C & B STORE<br />




Chevrolets & Olds<br />


LUMBER<br />



--PAYNE DRUG CO.<br />

CO.<br />

J VP<br />






GROCERY & MKT.<br />

Member F.DJ.C.<br />

INC.<br />

BANK<br />

HASKELL,<br />


There Are 1,000 Advantages Shopping Haskell<br />


Sponsored Community<br />




RENFRO'S<br />



I<br />

A F<br />

ts<br />





JKELL<br />




OTHONANNYPLUMBING&HTG. of haskell ,!<br />

iYlAIVALl UJI PMKNT Cf curm .nv ci.lDDIVe<br />

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AS THURSpAY' JUNE 23 19?<br />

. .,.! SAMS<br />

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f and iutai'te<br />

Vf. 202 a.1<br />

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-iTtP7clt<br />

'K'inufek dry.<br />

piu'' .i.,it for<br />

clothes and<br />

S in red or<br />

u.nrt<br />

I ti rr<br />

EV tffl<br />

Js-rr- -: .n r .KT.<br />

ImT adheres to<br />

ijCCS I!.".<br />

nil<br />

ve m your vicinity.<br />

;ti full keyboard<br />

Full price only<br />

tored. Terms, Also<br />

Vwth,<br />

" -- j n.a<br />

, Texas. t,a way.<br />

jtj<br />



Service. Let us take your bust-.w.- a<br />

mils, nlchts nnd wnnlc.<br />

ends. Centrum basis. Mrs. C.<br />

C. Mlddlcton UN 25c<br />

KOTOTiLLING:" Yards and<br />

gardens pulverized. Free<br />

cstl-mat- e.<br />

Phon UN Bill<br />

Marr. 18tfc<br />

WE Vulcanize and recap any<br />

size tire. Woolen Oil Co. UN<br />

j.2001, Haskell. 23tfc<br />

CLEAN OUT your septic tanks<br />

or grease traps. We have the<br />

equipment to serve you. Day<br />

or night call UN Otho<br />

Nanny Plumbing. 33tfc<br />

AIR CONDITIONERS cleaned<br />

nnd rcpacKca. unmorc implement<br />

Company. Telephone UN<br />

15tfc<br />

WE DO radiator rebuilding,<br />

fix gas tanks, car heaters and<br />

lng for all kinds of radl-.ilnr- a.<br />

All work minrnntptwl.<br />

Wooten'a Radiator Shop. 2tfc<br />


WANTED TO BUY: Used car<br />

must be in good condition and<br />

worth the money. II. IC. Fry,<br />

Rt. 3. Haskell. Texas. 3p<br />

FOR SALE: ton Internation-<br />

al pickup, four speed<br />

trans-missio- n<br />

and overload springs.<br />

Fred Glllla m ntfc<br />


PERSONAL If you have a<br />

drinking problem, write P. O.<br />

Box 213, Haskell, for a confl- -<br />

dcntlal talk. I5tfc<br />



Santa Rosa<br />

Tiektt Headquarter<br />

for tKe'<br />

15TH ANNUAL1<br />


AND<br />


Jimt 22nd Through' 25tK 7<br />


rfKt<br />

: BOX SEAT--6 persons, 4 performance. . .72.00<br />

DUAL BOX SEAT IS.M Each flMO Per Box<br />


Wl ADMISSION, Adult SS.09<br />

'ADMISSION, ChUd .,T7... M<br />


fttt, Wirt or Telephone LI 2-68-<br />

68<br />

H. A. McOARTY, Ticket M-- ucer (<br />

Night Performances, Rain or Shlnt<br />

Covered Grandstand<br />

PSE . . . $8,000.00 Plus Entry FtI<br />



Produced By<br />

MTU BROS., Elk City, Oklahoma<br />



VeraM, Twus<br />

M<br />

a iTiaaocjr- -<br />

PhjHw UN 4-23-<br />

Ferguson<br />

11<br />

- "<br />

'<br />


CLOSE OUT PRICES on all<br />

boatB, motors and tlius left<br />

In stock. Key Motor Co., Mun-da-<br />

Texas. e<br />

ty<br />

FOR SALE:-Twen-<br />

good "din-<br />

ing chairs made of birch. Selling<br />

for $4 each. Worth the<br />

money. Also 1 folding tables,<br />

8 ft. long. Selling for $15. See<br />

Stanley Furrh, Texas j?afe. 25c<br />

FOR SALE: Like new, a pair<br />

of girl's western boots, gieon,<br />

size 7. Worth $50, will sell for<br />

525. sec Stanley Funh, Has- -<br />

kcll.JTqxnS; 2uc<br />

FOR YOUR cabinet hardware;<br />

electric wiring supplies; G. E<br />

built-ln- s and Formica see<br />

Letz Builders Suppy, 202 S<br />

Ave. G. 21tfc<br />

THIRTY GAL. ten year" warranted<br />

glass lined water heat-cr- s<br />

$G9.95 up; also Goulds<br />

pumps and other plumbl.ig<br />

supplies. Letz Builders Supply.<br />

202 S.Ave. G. 2 life<br />

FOR SALE: Unrte!trrniinflv,if.<br />

er Sprinkler System. For fieo<br />

estimate call 4151 or 5871,<br />

Munday, Texas. 22ttc<br />

CUSTOM PLOWING : For any<br />

kind of farm work, terracing,<br />

one-wnyin- g, chiseling, plan<br />

cultivating, contact Jim<br />

Alvis after 5 p. m. Phone UN<br />

4 230 22tfc<br />

FOR SALE: Good two-hors- e<br />

trailer with top at a bargain.<br />

Myron Blard at Blard's Clean- -<br />

e'rs. 22tfc<br />

FOR SALE: New light fixtures,<br />

s price. Army Surplus<br />

Store. 21tfc<br />

Smart Laundry<br />

Speed (neon, Helpy-Sclf- y<br />

Wet and Dry Wash<br />

Pick-U- p and Delivery<br />

Phone UN 4-- 2 Ml<br />

WE NOW have Llndy Auditor's<br />

pens in all red, all blue and<br />

double point red and blue. Especially<br />

designed for every<br />

bookkeeping and clerical use.<br />

Haskell Free Press. lltfp<br />

NOW AVAILABLE: Gold and<br />

silver ink with own writing<br />

pen. Excellent for scrapbooks,<br />

i place cards, Invitations and<br />

greeting cards. Bottle o ink<br />

and pen only 29c at Haskell<br />

Free Press. lltfc<br />

WHITE INK now available.<br />

Suitable for mixing with red,<br />

blue and other dark colors for<br />

lighter shades. Haskell Fret<br />

Press. lltfc<br />

FOR SALE : Paint brushes : red<br />

sable artist rounds and brights:<br />

camel hair lacquering; white<br />

bristle brights; red sable water<br />

color, camel hair water color<br />

and ox hair one stroke. Haskell<br />

Free Pre33. 12ip<br />

FOR SALE: Red sable and<br />

camel hair paint brushes in<br />

all sizes. Excellent for ceramic<br />

work. Haskell Free Press. 12tfp<br />


FOR SALE: Two nice,<br />

houses. $500 will handle<br />

either of them. Both GI Loan.<br />

See Furrh's Real Estate, 507<br />

S. 1st St., Haskell, Texas.<br />

FEW good farms for sale and<br />

about 25 other listings here in<br />

town not mentioned. 23c<br />

FOR SALE: A good business<br />

building need to sell to settle<br />

estate. It Is now occupied one-ha- lf<br />

block off square and<br />

worth the money. See Stanley<br />

Furrh, 507 S. 1st, Haskell, Texas.<br />

25c<br />

FOR LEASE: A good business<br />

building for a 5 year lease. See<br />

Stanley Furrh. 25c<br />

FOR SALE CHEAP : Four room<br />

modern house 22x28. To be<br />

moved from Humble Camp,<br />

3,<br />

Avoca. W. C. Haney,<br />

24-25- p<br />

Stamford.<br />

3 BEDROOM HOUSE for sale.<br />

Utility room. Paving and curb<br />

and gutter. Financed with 4<br />

per cent interest loan. Call<br />

24-25- C<br />

UN or UN<br />

FOR SALE: Lake shore lots<br />

50 ft.xlOO ft., Lake Stamford<br />

west of power plant. $500 cash,<br />

or $5.81 per month, 10 years<br />

to pay, annual payment of<br />

$68.52. O. L. (Jack) Johnson.<br />

Haskell, Texas. Phone UN<br />

PET-S-<br />

22-25- C<br />

LET WARREN'S Pet Shop<br />

24-27- C<br />

board your peta.<br />


need of Wetrina-KTca- U<br />

Dr. W. H. 8twart.<br />

iu vrnndnv. Texaa. 4110<br />

vov, it -<br />





-'- "-<br />

D. E. LIVENGOOD, Owr HkH, T<br />



National concern offcis oprr-tunlt- y<br />

Married man above SO<br />

piefcrred. Must have late mod-e- l<br />

car. Knowledge of tractors<br />

and machlneny helpful. Sales<br />

expetlencc not necessary. Wo<br />

train If hired. Drawing account.<br />

For personal interview write<br />

qualifications, addtcss mil<br />

phone number to A. K. Fulton,<br />

P. O. Box 302, Dallas, Texas.<br />

25P<br />

"mm<br />

CSzSS<br />

Anhvdions Ammonia & Phos-phon- e<br />

Add Sldo-dics- s now for<br />

noli- - jii ,fit fiom this year's'<br />

crop ... j<br />



Phone 2181, Munday<br />


Rcfrlgetatois. Guaranteed to<br />

make lce-$35.0- One Spring<br />

vicuoia (it woiks). Baby Bassinet,<br />

skirt and lining white<br />

organdy. Blue Trim - $10.00.<br />

Dlflhcs, pictures, vases, small<br />

tables, lamps. One Hi Fi Record<br />

Player. "H bed springs, (new),<br />

Steel Cot and pad, ironing<br />

bcaids. Feather weight Singer<br />

Sewing Machine with table, new<br />

condition - $05.00. Modem Living<br />

Room Suite. Oak round coffee<br />

table, black finish - $15.00.<br />

China Cabinet - $45.00. Many<br />

other items. Priced right to sell<br />

fast.<br />


901 N. 5th St.<br />

Phone UN Haskell, Texas<br />


atftf<br />

BORDEN'<br />

1-- 2<br />

BORDEN'S 1-- 2<br />

BORDEN'S<br />

BORDEN'S<br />

BORDEN'<br />

DEL<br />

Wednesday Is Double<br />

Day With the<br />

Purchase of $2.50 or More<br />

Wright's Brand<br />

$1.00 Worth Green<br />

BEEF<br />

Stamp<br />

BACON<br />

MONTE<br />

-<br />

'<br />

KOIt<br />

JqOW!<br />

IOUffl<br />

mm<br />

BUHER<br />

""<br />

KHNT<br />

FOR RENT: 8 bodioom home<br />

901 N. 2nd J W Thrcet, 11' j<br />

miles southwest "own, Farm<br />

load 1225<br />

25-20- p<br />

WANTED TO" RENT: Modern<br />

two bedroom unfurnished<br />

house for permanent employee<br />

of the Haskell Free Press. Cull<br />

UN 2lifp<br />

FOR RENT: 5 room house. 2<br />

bedrooms, good location. See<br />

Dr. Frank C. Scott.<br />

FOR RENT: Four room house<br />

with bath, close In. Phone UN<br />

or see Jesse Dean at<br />

Dean Butane Co. lOtfc<br />


FOR SALE: One electric cook<br />

stove in good condition; steel<br />

cabinet sections, will sell separately.<br />

Hallle Chapman. UN<br />

23tfc<br />

Sherman's 14tfc<br />

WANTED<br />

WANTED: Guns of all typos.<br />

Will buy, sell or trade. See T.<br />

J. Ballard at 1005 North Ave.<br />

K. 7tfc<br />

I<br />

Free With Each<br />

C<br />

m m<br />

5<br />

p<br />




POUND<br />

2V4 CAN<br />

PWlifWlllWffl<br />

fflllATE MILK<br />

CHEESE<br />

POUND<br />




DIAMOND PEAS. mm lm<br />


LIVER<br />

Stamps<br />

GALLON<br />


55'<br />

"<br />

m<br />

MEATS<br />

39<br />

Decker's<br />



the Chat ley Redwlno farm 4<br />

miles west of Haskell, one<br />

brindle cow, weighs about W0<br />

Infoi-mntlo- lbs Anyone having any<br />

n<br />

about this cow, please<br />

notify Tommy Ray Foster, Rt.<br />

1, Haskell UN or Chu.-le- y<br />

UN<br />

Redwlnc, Rt. 1. Haskell<br />

25Jp<br />

NOTICE<br />


The Commissioners' Court<br />

of Haskell County will receive<br />

bids at the office of the County<br />

Judge until 10 a. m. Tuesday,<br />

June 28, 1960 on selling the<br />

County a tax accounting machine<br />

with the following specifications:<br />

19 total computing<br />

macnine, witn electric typewriter<br />

for calculating tax and<br />

printing results on tax receipts<br />

and tax rolls. ,<br />

The County reserves the<br />

right to reject any and all bids.<br />

Done by order of the Commissioners'<br />

Court June 13,<br />

1960.<br />

Jas. C. Alvls County Judge<br />

24-2- 5 Haskell County. Texas.<br />

I<br />

MILK<br />

303 CAN<br />


Paul<br />

Whole<br />


4<br />

pwpw<br />


FOR SALE<br />

0" John Deere Cultivator<br />

Sweep<br />

fl.Ofl<br />

8" John Deere<br />

Sweep<br />

Cultivator<br />

$1.10<br />

10" John Deere Cultivator<br />

Sweep fW<br />

12" John Deere<br />

Sweep<br />

Cultivator<br />

LM<br />

Unconditionally Guaranteed<br />

Graham-Hoem- e Sweep.<br />

CO.<br />



Lankart 57 fuzzy seed out of<br />

white sack seed, $1.50 per<br />

bushel. Doug Brown, Haskell.<br />

19tfc<br />

iC<br />

IC<br />

: 125 bushels<br />

Cut shopping costs by using your<br />

Green Stamps. Green Stamps don't<br />

cost they pay!<br />

Taylor's<br />

Hog<br />



POUND<br />


4-9W- Phone UN<br />

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-W<br />

M"<br />

Deliver<br />

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A',<br />

NA<br />

r,<br />

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PAGE TEN<br />

Bland'8 Reunion<br />

Slated Sunday<br />

At Legion Hall<br />

The Bland's annunl reunion<br />

will be held Sunday. June 26.<br />

nt the American Legion Build- -<br />

dug in this city.<br />

This will be the fifth annunl<br />

gathering since the reunion was<br />

started.<br />

All frierds of the Bland fnmil<br />

les nre invited to call during the<br />

day.<br />

,?<br />


Mr. and Mrs. Giles .Marlon<br />

Kemp of Houston spent Father's<br />

Day weekend here in the<br />

"lome of his parents Mr and<br />

Mrs. Giles Kemp.<br />



July 5th - 18th<br />

24 hours Instruction<br />

"Make Poor Readers<br />

Good Good Readers<br />

Better"<br />

Multilevel<br />

Individualized Teaching<br />


Union 60<br />

305 X. 6th Haskell<br />


FOR<br />

'SALE<br />




rf$<br />

New Benefits<br />

Available to<br />

Veterans Kin<br />

Several thousand widows and<br />

children of decensed veterans<br />

of Wcrld War It and the Korean<br />

Conflict will become eligible to<br />

receive pension bebefits on July<br />

1. These dependents will be en<br />

titled to these benefits as the<br />

result of a new pension law enacted<br />

by Congress last year, according<br />

to Herbert Ray, Coun-<br />

ty Service Officer with the<br />

Vet-etnn- s<br />

Administration.<br />

Prior to passage of the new<br />

law, known as the Veterans Pen<br />

slon Act of 1950, dependents of<br />

deceased World War II and<br />

Korean Conflict veterans were<br />

entitled to pension only if the<br />

veteran had a disability which<br />

tesultecl from his active military<br />

sendee. The new law provides<br />

benefits to the dependents of<br />

deceased veterans of World War<br />

II and Korean Conflict if the<br />

dependents meet ceitain limitations<br />

with regard to income and<br />

the size of their estate.<br />

Ray sail mm n very small<br />

percentage of the widows and<br />

children tn Texas who could<br />

benefit from this new law have<br />

applied to the Veterans Administration<br />

for ihe benefits to<br />

which they are entitled. Ray<br />

pointed-cu- t that the children of<br />

deceased World War II nnd<br />

Korean veterans nre eligible to<br />

pension, even though their<br />

mother may have remarried<br />

since the death of her veteran<br />

husband, and even though the<br />

children may have been adopted<br />

by the mother's new husband.<br />

These children are eligible to<br />

receive pension while they are<br />

unmarried and under the age<br />

of eighteen years. They may con<br />

tinue to receive pension until<br />

age twenty-on- e if they lemoJn<br />

unmarried and ate attending an<br />

approved school, and may receive<br />

pension indefiritely if<br />

they became physically or "men-<br />

tally incapable of se'lf-support<br />

before their eighteenth birthday.<br />

Unremarried widows and the<br />

custodians cf dependent children<br />

may rer eive further information<br />

and assistance in obtaining these<br />

benefits by contacting Herbert<br />

Ray nt Jus office in the Oatcs<br />

Drusr Store Building, Haskell,<br />

ii from any office of the Veterans<br />

Affairs Commission of Texas.<br />

Above his head the dalie.s<br />

shake, he stepped on the gas<br />

instead of the brake.<br />


O Iff<br />

All the comforts of the small Deluxe House<br />

Trailers without the pulling and parking worries.<br />

Hitch up your boat trailer and take off<br />

for faraway places or a week-en- d at the lake.<br />


See these coaches on display at<br />


Along With Boats and Motors<br />

Korea Bound Youth<br />

Worker to Speak<br />

Here Sunday<br />

Miss Lucv Gist will speak to<br />

the Methodist Youth Fellowship<br />

Sunday. June 20. Her<br />

subject will be Christian Vocations<br />

Miss Gist Is the director of<br />

Bethlehem Center In Fort<br />

Worth. She has worked at the<br />

Center for nine years, serving<br />

ns the director for three years.<br />

She is a deaconess of the Methodist<br />

Church. She received an<br />

AB degree from SMU and a<br />

Master's degree in Sochi<br />

Group Work at Scarltt College,<br />

Nashville<br />

Mlss Gist will leave the latter<br />

part of July for Korea<br />

where she will servo In a community<br />

center. Her visit to the<br />

First Methodist Church is<br />

being sponsored by the Chris-tia- n<br />

Vocation Committee.<br />

Couriers Return<br />

From Visit In<br />

Durango, Colo.<br />

A 1.500 mile trip to the<br />

mountains and scenic area of<br />

Colorado ordinarily would oe<br />

consideicd a vacation in itself<br />

by most people.<br />

Then, add an opportunity to<br />

visit children and grandchildren<br />

and to attend the graduation<br />

of a grandson as an honor<br />

student, and you have the<br />

ingredients for the finest sort<br />

of vacation trip.<br />

A vacation of this kind was<br />

recently enjoyed by Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Chas. M. Conner of this<br />

city, when they visited their<br />

daughter and family, Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Raybon Lam in Durango,<br />

Colo.<br />

Accompanied by another<br />

daughter, Mrs. Forest B. Bu-for- d<br />

and children of Sweetwater,<br />

the party drove to Durango<br />

by way of several points of interest<br />

In New Mexico.<br />

Principal occasion for the<br />

trip was to attend Commencement<br />

for the 10GO Class of Durango<br />

High School, where<br />

Charles Conner Lam was an<br />

honor student.<br />

The Conners and Mrs. Bu-for- d<br />

and children spent several<br />

days in Durango. and visited<br />

some of the scenic spots<br />

in that aiea while there.<br />

A youth can get his feet on<br />

the ground early by getting his<br />

driver's license suspsnded.<br />

Need a guide?<br />

We'll lead you to the best<br />

property insurance, at the<br />

least cost, with the most<br />

service. Central Mutual,<br />

the tomorrow-minde- d company,<br />

of course!<br />

Barfield - Turner<br />

Agency<br />

Haskell, Texas<br />


Etta Drinnon,<br />

Bobby Medford<br />

i Exchange Vows<br />

Etta Drinnon and Bobb.s<br />

Medford of Haskell were united<br />

In mnrringe In a ceremony<br />

tend at U a. m. Sundny, June<br />

10 In the home of Rev. Walter<br />

Coielnnd.<br />

The bride la the dnughtei of<br />

Mr and Mrs. Jess Drinnon ct<br />

Haskell Patents of the bridegroom<br />

nre Mr. and Mrs. Guinn<br />

Medford of Haskell.<br />

Honor attendants were Mrs<br />

Ruby Zaiin, sister of the bride,<br />

of Midland, and Charles<br />

Pel-su- e<br />

of Haskell.<br />

After a wedding trip to Dallas<br />

and other points in Texas,<br />

the couple will reside In Haskell.<br />

The bride Is a 1960 graduate<br />

of Haskell High School. Tiie<br />

bridegroom Is a 1959 gradual<br />

of Haskell High Schoo' ."<br />

employed by Brnzclton Lum<br />

ber Company.<br />

. t<br />

Local Woman<br />

Enrolled in<br />

TWU Workshop<br />

Denton --Miss Barbara Le<br />

McAnclly of Haskell is among<br />

those enrolled In a concen ra.- -<br />

ed course in family economics<br />

and home management boina:<br />

taught at Texas Women's University<br />

June<br />

1.<br />

The course Is taught by Di<br />

Barbara Reagan of the TWIT<br />

College of Household Arts and<br />

Sciences. It Is being attended<br />

by home economics teachers<br />

and home demonstration atrenrs<br />

throughout Texas.<br />

Miss McAnclly who lives at<br />

607 North 11th St., Is hone<br />

demonstration agent in Haskell<br />

County.<br />

.<br />

Rule Catholic<br />

Vacation School<br />

Closes<br />

After two weeks of dahy in<br />

stmction in Catholic religion in<br />

Rule eight children have<br />

their First Holy Communion.<br />

Some received at the<br />

Catholic Mission on G. S m<br />

Haskell Saturday. June 18 and<br />

the remainder received .it S<br />

Ann's Catholic In Stamford on<br />

June 19.<br />

The vacation school of Cath-<br />

olic religion was held from '<br />

to G p. m. June 6 through<br />

Manila, P. I. (FIITNC)<br />

Roger D. West, fireman,<br />

USN, son of Mr. nnd Mrs.<br />

II. N. West oY Haskell, Is<br />

nerving aboard the heavy<br />

cruiser USS St. Paul which<br />

t3k President Elsenhower<br />

from Manila, to Formosa<br />

on June 16. The St. Paul<br />

Is tho flagship of the U. S.<br />

Seventh Fleet.<br />


--- IN OWNERSHI-<br />

P-<br />

Announcement was made this week of the purchase of the Wood Insur-<br />

ance Agency by W. I. (Scotch)<br />

Cog-gins- .<br />

Wood Insurance Agency policy holders may in the future conduct<br />

their business dealings with the Coggins Insurance Company.<br />

W<br />



PHONE:<br />

UN Office UN 43<br />

HOME<br />

South Side Square<br />


Haskell Officer<br />

Graduates From<br />

Staff College<br />

Fort Leavenworth, ICnna.<br />

(AHTNC) -- Army Mnj Roger<br />

L LcComte, 10. whose wife,<br />

Annie lives at 101 North Ave.<br />

D. Haskell, graduated fiom<br />

The Command nnd General<br />

Staff College, nt Fort Leaven-wo- t<br />

Hi June 17<br />

The 38-we- course l.s designed<br />

to prepare officers for<br />

duty s commnndcrs and general<br />

staff officers nt division,<br />

coips, and field aimy levels<br />

including their logistlcnl systems,<br />

the communications zone<br />

nnd its subordinate elements<br />

and the thenlre army personnel<br />

replacement systems.<br />

Major LcComte has served<br />

in Europe.<br />

The major is n graduate of<br />

Manchester, N. H. High School.<br />

His parents. Mr and Mrs.<br />

Laurent LcComte. live at 15i59<br />

Condi a Dr., Manchester. N.<br />

H.<br />

(i. v. mili in'o nnoroiiT<br />

IIOMI- -<br />


G. F. Mullino, who hns been<br />

a patient in Hendrlck Memorial<br />

Hcspitnl since undergoing major<br />

Mirnery two weeks ago. was<br />

able tc be returned to his homo<br />

here today. Ho is convalescing<br />

satisfactorily.<br />



Attending the funeral of<br />

Mrs. Valaria Ruth Gilbreath i:i<br />

Stanton, Texas, last Saturday<br />

wore Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boon,<br />

Mrs. W. A. Holt, Mrs. Tom<br />

Watson and Mrs. Opal Bark-<br />

er, nil of Haskell. From<br />

Wcln-cr- t<br />

were Mrs. Bill Gilbreath.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mathi-so- n<br />

nnd daughter, nnd Mrs<br />

Neal Mathison.<br />


Weekend guests In the home<br />

of Mrs. Mary Brown and Mrs<br />

Chas. Barton weie Mr. and<br />

Mrs. John Sparkmnn and<br />

daughters Jonn and Pennv of<br />

Amarillo, Staff Sgt. J. W. Mer-- i<br />

ell and family from San Antonio,<br />

and Mr. nnd Mrs. Jimmy<br />

Reeves and daughter<br />

Becky fr-m- i Snyder.<br />



Mr. and Mrs. Harold Welch<br />

and daughters Linda Jo and<br />

Anita Jean have leturned to<br />

their heme in Levelland after<br />

a two weeks visit hero in thr<br />

homes of their parents and<br />

grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Joe B. Scrivener and Mis.<br />

Oleta Welch.<br />

June IS. The intermediate<br />

class was conducted by 3islei<br />

Mary Rosella and a class for<br />

women was conducted by Sister<br />

Inez; both are members<br />

Too Late to of the order of Our Lady of<br />

Classify<br />

Victory Missionary Sis an; of<br />

Abilene. The older children<br />

'<br />


were<br />

STOLEN<br />

instructed by Mrs. Ger- - j<br />

:<br />

Red sorrell saddle<br />

am<br />

horse.<br />

a Miss-- seminary student<br />

ing '<br />

since May 28. Shelly<br />

from Dallas. The pre-scho-<br />

Roy- -'<br />

all, Phone UN children were taught by Miss<br />

25c Marguerita Guerrero of Rule.<br />

Father James A. Mcuree,<br />

""""""""iM pastor of St. Ann's Catholic<br />

Church, Stamford, serving<br />

Haskell and Jones Counties,<br />

was In charge of the vacation<br />

school. In Rule and Haskell<br />

(where similar classes were i<br />

Some people believe the automobile<br />

has actually proven to<br />

ibe a great moral force in America.<br />

It has practically eliminated<br />

horse-stealin-<br />

.<br />

.<br />

If you run through traffic,<br />

you may limp through life.<br />

rt .<br />

He took a chance to save a<br />

minute he made his bed<br />

now<br />

and<br />

he's in it.<br />

conducted in the mornings)<br />

Father Meuree offered Holy<br />

Mass' at the end of the class<br />

period.<br />

By<br />

$<br />

Texas hospitals are crowded JIM BLEDSOE<br />

with drivers who didn't think<br />

an accident could happen to<br />

them.<br />

I<br />

hfa<br />

-- -<br />

Haskell Sailor<br />

On Ship Taking<br />

Ike to Formosa<br />

1 SMITH "-- ONClE SAM<br />

SERVICE wowj<br />

fcr --<br />

5TH in1<br />

J<br />

II NSLK<br />

"It's sort of a 'SILENT PART-NER- '<br />

arrangement.<br />

Even with taxes . . . our prices<br />

are RIGHT!<br />



Not a filling station ... But<br />

a Sendee Station.<br />

Phone UN<br />

1000 North Avenue E<br />

--jmLmm<br />

of the Soclnl<br />

SecuSrStnlntrntlon will bo<br />

nt the --<br />

j Two dnngcrotw group 0f<br />

(drivers: People under 21 driv.<br />

Chamber of OC'"'c0 Ine nvnr flO. nnd tipcttl ,,...<br />

-- -. r ( flw v,ui" ijii<br />

office on Jul l mid July 2. driving under 21.<br />

4 X<br />

309 South Avenue<br />


Mercury<br />

ft<br />

Dnce<br />

L<br />

car<br />

mkt .<br />

Sf v AnrnTinkiA i z3&<br />

JUVrK I INIIMf - I --F" f'V-<br />

r<br />

"X<br />

ine<br />

..<br />

"ion' i..j "an<br />

r, i,ni, "nn-- i<br />

is<br />

MflPPVAI ITr . t .<br />

-- .<br />

" tjwjj. uust look at these k<br />

You ride smoother because Mercurv<br />

more wneeibase . . . and fa up to'<br />

1 ni'mnriMr..l.l.l-- l . '"I<br />

the better<br />

room, lee room.<br />

feci safer because!<br />

are biKger (up td<br />

"Jinty is better (u<br />

Mercury has at<br />

extra values. Wfci<br />

all, and save a lil<br />

- PRICES START $63 TO<br />

EVEN THE<br />



And we're not talkine ahmit n 'tt<br />

This price comparison is ba<br />

appointed Monterey with li<br />

interior and deep, soft wall-t- o<br />

This nmazini? nrico zinrv ;l<br />

Mercury's dramatic 1960 price!<br />

much as $ 17-- 1 lower than last year.i<br />

that are now standard equipment).<br />

EverV Mereiirv fq lmrnr nriMwl<br />

-- - .w lVM VV fli IV I V4413 11<br />

below, or within a few dollars of, theoj<br />

oui in txiu mw-pne- u ,,.<br />

ueiu. Lome in.<br />

BueJ on rnnmatdic<br />

, I960 ctttil tiu pricn brb<br />

'At<br />

W&y-- r<br />

.. j<br />




. . mult'iDly like rahhits<br />

when you use b0W$P4PER$<br />

E<br />

4flUB<br />

Phone UN'.

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