ditherington flax mIll masterplan 2004.pdf - Shropshire Council

ditherington flax mIll masterplan 2004.pdf - Shropshire Council

ditherington flax mIll masterplan 2004.pdf - Shropshire Council


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Ditherington Flax Mill<br />

Masterplan Study<br />

May 2004 Alan Baxter & Associates Dearle & Henderson Towler Shaw Roberts Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

May 2004<br />

Executive Summary<br />

0.1 Contents<br />

0.2 Executive Summary<br />

0.3 Introduction<br />

1.0 The Study Area<br />

1.1 General Description<br />

1.2 Development History<br />

1.3 Ownerships & Tenancies<br />

1.4 Planning & Regeneration Framework<br />

1.5 Recent Developments<br />

1.6 Information Available<br />

2.0 The Site<br />

2.1 Context<br />

2.2 Historical Significance<br />

2.3 Condition<br />

2.4 Access & Parking<br />

2.5 Traffic & Highways<br />

2.6 Contamination<br />

2.7 Site Services & Infrastructure<br />

3.0 The Buildings<br />

3.1 A Summary of the Buildings<br />

3.2 Chronology<br />

3.3 The Main Mill<br />

3.4 The Cross Mill<br />

3.5 The Warehouse<br />

3.6 The Malt Kiln<br />

3.7 The Dye and Stove House<br />

3.8 The Apprentice House<br />

3.9 The Stables and the Office<br />

3.10 The Silos<br />

3.11 The North Site Area<br />

3.12 Structural Issues<br />

4.0 Development Context<br />

4.1 Interested Parties<br />

4.2 Market and Property Context<br />

4.3 Grant Assistance Opportunities<br />

4.4 Local Interest - A Community View<br />

0.1 Contents<br />

5.0 Alternative Options<br />

5.1 Assessment Criteria<br />

5.2 Site by Site Options<br />

5.3 The Core Area (Sites 1 and 2)<br />

5.4 The Spring Gardens Sites (Sites 3, 4, 5 and 6)<br />

5.5 Whole Site options<br />

5.6 The Core Buildings: Options<br />

6.0 A Masterplan Vision<br />

6.1 Key Ingredients<br />

6.2 ‘Best Fit’ Scheme<br />

Zone 1<br />

Zone 2<br />

Zone 3<br />

7.0 Next Steps<br />

8.0 Conclusions<br />

Appendices<br />

1. Hand-out sheet for public consultation<br />

2. Register of Information Received<br />

Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

1. The core buildings are of international significance. The<br />

Main Mill is the flagship and is the oldest iron framed<br />

building in the world. Redevelopment of the site must be<br />

to the highest standards.<br />

2. The significance of the building is difficult to appreciate<br />

due to the adjacent land uses, the absence of the canal<br />

and the lack of accessibility.<br />

3. The historic buildings are elegant and innovative pieces<br />

of structural engineering however their unique design<br />

presents important limitations to the acceptable range of<br />

re-uses.<br />

4. Whilst empty for 15 years, the repair costs have<br />

escalated, and the building is at the highest category<br />

within English Heritage’s Buildings At Risk register.<br />

Urgent action is required to safeguard the long term future<br />

of the buildings.<br />

5. There is very limited scope for any enabling development<br />

near the historic buildings, and a new vehicular route<br />

would need to be created to service this. It is considered<br />

that the best new route would be through the bus depot<br />

site.<br />

6. Any scheme for redevelopment would be expensive and a<br />

significant conservation deficit exists within all potentially<br />

acceptable options. The input of public funding must<br />

deliver public benefit.<br />

0.2 Executive Summary<br />

This document presents the following key observations and conclusions about the Ditherington Flax Mill site:<br />

7. The site would best suit a mix of uses which encourages<br />

a range of users, including residential, retail, leisure and<br />

perhaps a community facility.<br />

8. The redevelopment of the site offers a significant<br />

opportunity to focus community interests and act as a<br />

focus for wider regeneration of the Ditherington area.<br />

9. Improvement of the Spring Gardens site is an essential<br />

step to improving interpretation and amenity of the site.<br />

10. There is an opportunity to interpret the line of the<br />

<strong>Shropshire</strong> Union canal and new build should not<br />

prejudice its future reinstatement.<br />

11. A number of potential developers have expressed an<br />

interest in the site. However it must be noted that the<br />

re-use of the core buildings is likely to require a special<br />

approach.<br />

12. During the next stage of work it will be essential for<br />

the proposals to be developed by a strong team in<br />

partnership with a range of funding stakeholders.<br />

May 2004 Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

May 2004<br />

Introduction<br />

This document provides a summary of the work undertaken by<br />

a team lead by Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects as part of a<br />

Masterplan Study exercise for the Ditherington Flax Mill project. It<br />

presents an explanation of, and background information to, the<br />

12 key points which were presented to <strong>Council</strong>lors and the local<br />

community on the 17th and 18th May 2004.<br />

It has been recognised for some time that the site, which is<br />

acknowledged as being of international historic significance, has<br />

been in urgent need of major investment for many years and<br />

that the solution is likely to include the need for significant public<br />

funding contributions. This study is a result of English Heritage’s<br />

desire to see a sustainable solution implemented through<br />

partnership with other key organisations inlcuding Shrewsbury &<br />

Atcham Borough <strong>Council</strong> and Advantage West Midlands.<br />

Team for the Study<br />

0.3 Introduction<br />

The <strong>masterplan</strong> team were appointed by English Heritage and<br />

Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough <strong>Council</strong> in November 2003 and<br />

comprise the following consultants:<br />

Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP<br />

Architects & Design Team Leaders<br />

Dearle & Henderson<br />

Quantity Surveyors<br />

Towler Shaw Roberts<br />

Property Market Advisors<br />

Alan Baxter & Associates<br />

Structural Engineers<br />

In undertaking the Study, the design team have met regularly with<br />

the Project Steering Group, who have comprised the following key<br />

members:<br />

English Heritage West Midlands Region<br />

David Hickie - Assistant Regional Director<br />

John Yates - Historic Buildings Inspector<br />

Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough <strong>Council</strong><br />

Peter Jarratt - Director of Development Services<br />

Ian Kilby - Conservation Officer<br />

Advantage West Midlands<br />

Nigel Hudson - Development Team Leader<br />

Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

May 2004<br />

The Brief for the Study<br />

The key aims of the <strong>masterplan</strong> study have been:<br />

To explore options for the development of a strategic vision for<br />

the site.<br />

To work in partnership with English Heritage and the Borough<br />

<strong>Council</strong> officers.<br />

To seek to identify a preferred option for redevelopment by the<br />

end of April 2004<br />

The brief for the study describes the client group’s aspirations for a<br />

Masterplan that will create:<br />

A vibrant and accessible mix of active uses<br />

A site which attracts both public and private investment<br />

An enhanced understanding of the site and its significance<br />

A beacon for high quality regeneration<br />

A secure and attractive place<br />

The highest standards of architectural design for new work<br />

The study has been undertaken in two distinct phases as follows:<br />

Stage 1: ‘Information Gathering’<br />

This work included an assessment of the current conditions<br />

affecting the Flax Mill site including its development history,<br />

historical significance, market context and structural condition.<br />

This work was mainly undertaken between November 2003 and<br />

January 2004.<br />

Stage 2: ‘Option Appraisal’<br />

This work included assessment of a broad range of options in<br />

order to consider the potential future character of the site, including<br />

an assessment of development costs. This appraisal work was<br />

mainly under taken between January and April 2004.<br />

Other Documents<br />

0.3 Introduction<br />

The following separate reports have also been prepared by the<br />

Masterplan Study Team during the course of this study:<br />

Property Market Appraisal Towler Shaw Roberts<br />

Structural Overview Alan Baxter & Assocs<br />

Desktop Contamination Study ESI<br />

Costs Dearle & Henderson<br />

As of the commission from English Heritage, we have also<br />

prepared a Conservation Plan for the Ditherington Flax Mill site.<br />

The Conservation Plan considers the historical development of<br />

the site in more detail, describes the significance of the site, and<br />

proposes specific conservation policies to assist in managing<br />

change. It is an important document which should underpin<br />

proposals that are likely to affect the historic core of the site.<br />

Bibliography & Contacts<br />

During the course of the Study we have reviewed a very wide<br />

range of information about the buildings and made contact with a<br />

number of interested parties who have expressed an interest in the<br />

future of the Flax Mill site.<br />

A full list of contacts and sources of reference for our work to date<br />

is set down at the end of this report.<br />

Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

May 2004<br />

1.0 The Study Area<br />

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Location Plan of Site<br />

May 2004<br />

1.1 General Description<br />

The Study Area comprises a group of sites approximately 1 mile<br />

north of Shrewsbury town centre at Ditherington.<br />

The site is hemmed in by the Shrewbury to Crewe railway line to<br />

the west and the busy Spring Gardens road to the east, which<br />

provides a main route to and from the town centre.<br />

The site is in a mainly residential area of the town and is<br />

surrounded by a mix of housing accomodation dating from the<br />

early 19th century and mid to late 20th century.<br />

Along Spring Gardens is a range of typical ‘edge of town’<br />

businesses, including building materials suppliers, take away food<br />

outlets and other small businesses. A bus station, operated by<br />

Arriva, is located immediately north of the site.<br />

Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

Key Historical References<br />

The development history of the site and its historical significance<br />

has been established through a series of important historical<br />

appraisals and essays which have been written over the past 50<br />

years or so. The key documents we have referred to during the<br />

course of the study are as follows:<br />

The First Iron-framed Buildings<br />

Prof. Turpin Bannister, Architectural Review (April 1950)<br />

This essay begins to prove that the Flax Mill at Ditherington<br />

is the world’s first iron-framed building. In doing so, Bannister<br />

challenges the belief that it was Salford’s Cotton Twist Mill.<br />

The First Iron Frames<br />

A.W. Skempton and H.R. Johnson,<br />

Architectural Review (March 1962)<br />

Expanding the history of the mill, Skempton documents the<br />

significance of its structural frame.<br />

The Ditherington Flax Mill, Shrewsbury - A survey<br />

and Historical Evaluation<br />

Mary Macleod, Dr Barrie Trinder, Michael Worthington<br />

The Ironbridge Institute Research Paper No. 30 (1988), and<br />

Ditherington Flax Mill, Shrewsbury - A Re-evaluation<br />

Dr Barrie Trinder, Textile History 23 (1992)<br />

Originally commisioned by English Heritage these reports<br />

document, for the first time, the history of the whole complex,<br />

adding an archaeological assessment of each of the buildings.<br />

William Jones’s <strong>Shropshire</strong> Maltings<br />

Amber Patrick (1999)<br />

Industrial archaeologist, Amber Patrick, desribes the extensive<br />

works undertaken during the conversion to a maltings.<br />

May 2004<br />

A brief summary of the development history<br />

On 20 September 1796, <strong>flax</strong> spinners John Marshall and Thomas<br />

and Benjamin Benyon purchased the site which lies on the<br />

northern outskirts of Shrewsbury for the construction of a purpose<br />

built Flax Mill. Expertise for the design of the buildings was<br />

provided by Charles Bage, who joined as a minor partner. The<br />

resulting complex of buildings, which include the oldest surviving<br />

iron framed building in the world are widely recognised as being of<br />

International significance. The Main Mill was the largest building<br />

of its kind ever built, and it led the way in terms of structural<br />

engineering, working methodology and power consumption. Other<br />

buildings included an Apprentice House, Hackling Mill (Cross Mill),<br />

Warehouse, Dye House and Offices, all of which still survive. By<br />

1797 a complex of buildings had been completed and operations<br />

had begun.<br />

The company fell into liquidation in 1886 and the buildings were<br />

converted to a maltings by a local entrepreneur, William Jones.<br />

Major modifications were undertaken; includingextensive adaptions<br />

to the main mill (extending the area available for floor malting) and<br />

the addition of the malting kiln.<br />

William Jones and Sons went bankrupt in 1934 and the business<br />

was subsequently administered by the Alliance Insurance<br />

Company, who in 1948, handed over the works to Ansells, the<br />

Birmingham brewery, part of Allied Breweries Ltd. For a short time<br />

during the Second World War, the buildings were used as an army<br />

barracks.<br />

Malting ceased at Ditherington in the summer of 1987 and the<br />

building has remained empty since. Following an unsuccessful<br />

attempt to redevelop the site in the early 1990s, the former Flax Mill<br />

site was purchased by Maltings Developments Ltd. The company<br />

achieved Planning and Listed Building Consent for a mixed use<br />

scheme in 2000 however this scheme has not been realised.<br />

1.2 Development History<br />

A brief summary of the planning history<br />

Since the vacancy of the site in 1987, the planning history of the<br />

site has included the following key events:<br />

Planning Permission 1:<br />

Approved in May 1990 for conversion to offices, light<br />

industry, workshops, leisure, exhibition space and museum.<br />

This application also included a scheme for road junction<br />

impovements.<br />

Planning Permission 2: (Maltings Development Ltd)<br />

Approved in February 2000, following the signing of a Section<br />

106 Agreement. The scheme consisted of a conversion for<br />

mill shopping, offices, Arts Trust use and residential. It also<br />

included reinstatement of the former canal and landscaping<br />

works to form a new site entrance.<br />

Major previous grant award offers to Maltings Development<br />

Ltd from English Heritage (£0.5m) in 1999, and English<br />

Partnerships (£2.8m) in 2000 to assist development. Both<br />

since rescinded.<br />

Masterplan Study Team appointed by EH, SABC and AWM in<br />

November 2003.<br />

An Urgent Works notice was served on Maltings Development<br />

Ltd on 29 September 2003.<br />

Repairs Notice was served on Maltings Developments Ltd on<br />

21 April 2004.<br />

Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

May 2004<br />

1.3 Ownerships & Tenancies<br />

For the purposes of this Masterplan study, the sites in the<br />

possession of the present owners (ie sites A1, A2 and A3) and all<br />

areas surrounding the historic mill buildings have been considered.<br />

The illustration highlights the various current ownerships and<br />

tenancies which surround the ‘core area’ of the site.<br />

Site A1, A2 and A3<br />

Maltings Development Ltd<br />

Site B<br />

Owned by Chidlow Family<br />

Let to Senate Electrical<br />

Site C<br />

Mr & Mrs Jones, Linda Truman<br />

Let to Salop Glass<br />

Site D<br />

Owned by G & T Ashley<br />

Let to Salop Maintenance<br />

Site E<br />

Owned and occupied by Arriva<br />

Ambrosia Oriental<br />

Owner not known<br />

15 Haughmond Square<br />

Owner not known<br />

An exploratory meeting to discuss the future of the bus depot<br />

was held between representatives of Arriva, SABC, FCBA and<br />

Towler Shaw Roberts at the offices of SABC on 8th April 2004.<br />

The meeting was constructive and concluded that the feasibility<br />

of relocating the bus depot should continue to be assessed jointly<br />

during a later phase of the Masterplan Study.<br />

Negotiations with other landowners have not taken place as part of<br />

the work undertaken to date.<br />

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Due to their historical significance, prominence and location,<br />

there is a range of established planning policy which affects any<br />

future development on the Flax Mill Site. This policy includes the<br />

following key documents:<br />

National Planning Policy<br />

The Mill buildings are category A on the Buildings At Risk Register<br />

and are included on the Statutory List of Buildings of Special<br />

Architectural and Historic Interest, as set out below:<br />

Main Mill Grade I<br />

Malting Kiln Grade I<br />

Cross Mill Grade I<br />

Warehouse Grade I<br />

Apprentice House Grade II*<br />

Stove and Dye House Grade II*<br />

Stables Grade II<br />

Workshop and Offices Grade II<br />

New uses for the Mill Buildings would also be informed by the<br />

following planning policy guidance notes.<br />

PPG1 General Principles<br />

PPG6 Town Centres and Retail Development<br />

PPG13 Transport<br />

PPG15 Planning and the Historic Environment<br />

PPG16 Archaeology and Planning<br />

PPG21 Tourism<br />

Local Plan Policies<br />

1.4 Planning & Regeneration Framework<br />

Following a public consultation, the Shrewsbury and Atcham<br />

Borough <strong>Council</strong> approved an extension of the Shrewsbury<br />

Conservation Area to include Castlefields and Spring Gardens.<br />

The designated area includes the site of the Flax Mill.<br />

As a Listed Building located within the Urban Area of Shrewsbury<br />

set within the Shrewsbury Town Centre Conservation Area, the<br />

following Local Plan Policies may affect any redevelopment of the<br />

Flax Mill.<br />

HE5: Alterations to Listed Buildings<br />

Policy HE5 seeks to ensure that any proposals for alterations<br />

to any Listed Building do not adversely affect its architecture or<br />

historic character. The policy also requires that full information is<br />

available to assess the impacts of any proposals and that a high<br />

standard of design is maintained.<br />

HE6: New Uses for Listed Buildings<br />

This policy requires that the applicant demonstrates that the<br />

proposed use and any consequent alterations will not detrimentally<br />

affect the structure, character or setting of the building.<br />

HE7: Development Affecting the Setting of Listed Building<br />

This policy serves to protect the setting and important views of<br />

listed buildings.<br />

HE8: New Development in or Adj. to Conservation Areas<br />

Policy HE8 seeks to ensure new development enhances or<br />

preserves the character of a Conservation Area and requires that<br />

full details of design and materials and landscaping are submitted.<br />

The policy also seeks to:<br />

- protect views and vistas from outside the boundary of the<br />

Conservation Area.<br />

- avoid the loss of open space, landscaping features, trees or<br />

hedgerows that are important to the character of the area.<br />

- and avoid generating inappropriate levels of parking and traffic<br />

generation or environmental problems.<br />

HE9: Demolition of buildings in Conservation Areas<br />

This policy will be relevant if any demolition is considered as part<br />

of a proposal and seeks to ensure that only demolition that will<br />

have a positive impact on the character and appearance of the<br />

Conservation Area will be granted.<br />

HS2: Residential Development on sites within Shrewsbury<br />

not allocated under policy HS1<br />

This policy will be relevant if the site is proposed for residential<br />

development. The development should not result in the loss of<br />

any open space and should not have a detrimental impact on the<br />

existing residential amenity.<br />

HS8: Affordable Housing in the Urban Area of Shrewsbury<br />

It should also be noted that an element of affordable housing will<br />

normally be required as part of a residential redevelopment.<br />

Apart from the key policies set out above there are a number of<br />

policies, which relate to car parking, transport and infrastructure<br />

which will need to be considered. Depending on the end use for<br />

the Flax Mill retail and leisure and open space policies may also<br />

apply.<br />

May 2004 Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

Access platform in use during the undertaking of the Urgent Works<br />

in Autumn 2003.<br />

1.5 Recent Developments<br />

Under Section 54 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and<br />

Conservation Areas) Act 1990, a Local Authority is enabled to carry<br />

out necessary Urgent Works for the preservation of listed buildings<br />

in their area, after giving appropriate notice to the owner. These<br />

powers can be used only in respect of an unoccupied building, or<br />

the unused part of a partly occupied building.<br />

Planning Policy Guidance Document PPG15 – Planning and the<br />

Historic Environment advises that:<br />

‘[Local] Authorities will note that these powers are confined to<br />

urgent works: in the Secretary of State’s view, their use should<br />

be restricted to emergency repairs, for example works to keep<br />

a building wind and weather-proof and safe from collapse, or<br />

action to prevent vandalism or theft. The steps taken should<br />

be the minimum consistent with achieving this objective, and<br />

should not involve an owner in great expense.’<br />

In Autumn 2003, a programme of such Urgent Works to restore<br />

the weather proof nature of the buildings was started on site.<br />

The schedule of work was overseen by Peter Napier for English<br />

Heritage and Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough <strong>Council</strong>. The works<br />

were completed in March 2004.<br />

Following the completion of the works, a subsequent Repairs<br />

Notice was served on Maltings Developments Ltd on 21 April<br />

2004.<br />

May 2004 Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

In addition to the historical documents referred to in section 1.1,<br />

a broad range of information relating to the site was also received<br />

and reviewed during the course of the Study including from the<br />

following sources:<br />

English Heritage<br />

Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough <strong>Council</strong><br />

Maltings Development Ltd<br />

National Monuments Record<br />

<strong>Shropshire</strong> County Archives<br />

Stafford County Archives<br />

Architectural Review Archives<br />

Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings<br />

Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough <strong>Council</strong><br />

Ironbridge Gorge Museum<br />

Shrewsbury and Newport Canals Trust<br />

Babtie<br />

The Environment Agency<br />

Transco<br />

Severn Trent Water<br />

Aquila<br />

An inventory of the main documents is set down in Appendix 2.<br />

The Conservation Plan, produced by Anthony Blacklay and<br />

Associates for Maltings Developments Ltd, is also noteworthy as<br />

a fairly comprehensive document which contains a good deal of<br />

useful information about the site and its future development. It is,<br />

however, a rather complicated document which has been written<br />

(at least in part) to justify the particular approach adopted by the<br />

Maltings Development Ltd scheme in 1999, rather than taking a<br />

fully impartial view on the site.<br />

1.6 Information Available<br />

Clearly a good deal of supplementary information would be<br />

required as part of a scheme for redevelopment. Of particular note<br />

are the following:<br />

a detailed survey of all of the buildings on the site<br />

a schedule of existing fixtures, fittings and equipment<br />

a further archaeological study<br />

May 2004 Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

2.0 The Site<br />

May 2004 Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

May 2004<br />

2.1 Context<br />

The site has a different boundary condition<br />

on each of its main sides and a range of key<br />

spaces within the site, including some areas with<br />

development potential, albeit limited.<br />

The photographs on the following pages provide<br />

an overview of the site and the range of spaces<br />

therein.<br />

2.1.1 Southern Boundary<br />

The existing main access to the site is from a road<br />

serving a modern residential development to the<br />

south known as Marshalls Court.<br />

The boundary wall to the site consists of a 2-<br />

3m brickwork wall, which includes sections of a<br />

number of former buildings on the site.<br />

Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

May 2004<br />

2.1 Context<br />

2.1.2 Western Boundary<br />

To the west, the site is contained by a historic<br />

brick retaining wall, which provides an elevated<br />

outlook across a pathway (Greenfields Lane), the<br />

railway embankment of the Crewe to Shrewsbury<br />

railway line, and Greenfields Park playing field<br />

beyond. This open aspect provides particularly<br />

important long views to the site from the west.<br />

Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

May 2004<br />

2.1 Context<br />

2.1.3 Northern Boundary<br />

To the north, the site is separated from the back<br />

gardens of a 1920s housing estate (Wingfield<br />

Close) by a combination of a historic brick wall<br />

to the north west, (incorporating the former gate<br />

piers to the railway siding entrance), and more<br />

modern fencing to the north and north east.<br />

A bus depot and social club operated by Arriva<br />

are located to the north east of the site.<br />

Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

May 2004<br />

2.1 Context<br />

2.1.4 Eastern Boundary<br />

To the east, the site overlooks a range of modern<br />

small scale businesses which separate it from<br />

the busy Spring Gardens road. Properties here<br />

include a Buildiers Merchant, a Chinese Takeaway,<br />

a Glazing Supplier and a Garden Building Supplier.<br />

These businesses partly occupy the former site of<br />

the <strong>Shropshire</strong> Union Canal, which ran along the<br />

eastern boundary of the Mill site.<br />

Whilst most are modern structures, they also<br />

include two Victorian brick houses which are part<br />

of the former Haughmond Square.<br />

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May 2004<br />

2.1 Context<br />

2.1.5 North Site Area<br />

Within the site itself, the buildings are grouped towards<br />

the southern end of the site. At the northern end of the<br />

site, demolition of earlier buildings has created potential<br />

space for new development between the Apprentice<br />

House and the rear gardens of Wingfield Close.<br />

It is known that this area was the site of a number<br />

of earlier buildings and further investigation of<br />

archaeological and contamination issues would be<br />

required prior to development.<br />

2.1.6 Views<br />

The views from the roof of the Main Mill give a very clear<br />

indication of its scale compared to that of its context.<br />

The left hand image, pointing west, illustrates the<br />

proximity to the railway and the recreation ground and<br />

the right hand image shows the scale of the surrounding<br />

residential area.<br />

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May 2004<br />

2.1 Context<br />

2.1.7 General Context<br />

These panoramic images show the general context of<br />

the site, includingthe east and west boundary conditions.<br />

Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

May 2004<br />

2.1 Context<br />

2.1.8 Wider Context<br />

The images adjacent are included to give a more general<br />

impression of the Flax Mill in its surroundings, including<br />

the character of the Town Centre (a mile to the south of<br />

the site).<br />

Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

Plan of the Flax Mill c1815.<br />

Plan of the Maltings c1926..<br />

May 2004<br />

2.2.1 Summary of Significance<br />

The FCBA Conservation Plan summarises the significance of the<br />

site and its various elements as follows:<br />

- The Main Mill is of INTERNATIONAL significance as it is<br />

the oldest iron framed building in the world.<br />

- The Main Mill is of INTERNATIONAL significance in view<br />

of its outstanding importance in the development of<br />

structural engineering within the building design.<br />

- The Whole Site is of NATIONAL significance as it<br />

provides a virtually complete surviving example of<br />

a major textile Mill, including its range of ancillary<br />

accommodation.<br />

- The Cross Mill is of NATIONAL significance as it is<br />

believed to be a unique surviving example of a hackling<br />

shop built for a textile mill.<br />

- The Flax Mill Group of Main Mill, Cross Mill and<br />

Warehouse is of NATIONAL significance as it includes 3<br />

of the 10 oldest iron framed buildings in the world.<br />

- The Whole Site is of REGIONAL significance as it is<br />

the only surviving <strong>flax</strong> mill in Shrewsbury (following the<br />

demolition of Bages Mill in Castlefields in 1835 and the<br />

Weaving factory in Kingsland).<br />

- The Whole Site is of LOCAL significance as it is the<br />

only surviving large Maltings complex surviving in the<br />

immediate area (following the conversion of the complex<br />

at Belle Vue and the demolition of Castle Maltings).<br />

- The Maltings Phase is of LOCAL significance due to its<br />

likely association with prominent local figures William<br />

Jones and engineer Henry Stopes.<br />

2.2 Historical Significance<br />

2.2.2 Commentary<br />

At the core of the group is the Main Mill, which dates from 1797<br />

and is recognised as the world’s first ever exclusively iron and brick<br />

structure. Designed by Charles Bage, the Main Mill survives as an<br />

outstanding achievement in the story of the structural development<br />

of industrial buildings. Standing adjacent to it are the third oldest<br />

(the Warehouse) and eighth oldest (the Cross Mill) surviving iron<br />

framed buildings in the world.<br />

The Ditherington Flax Mill as a whole is recognised as a product<br />

of extraordinary ambition and endeavour. The buildings were<br />

the largest <strong>flax</strong> mill buildings in the country outside of Leeds,<br />

and set the standard for contemporary working methodology<br />

within the industry and the scale of powered machinery that was<br />

employed. The development also extended well beyond the site’s<br />

boundary walls to include Apprentices Houses and other workers’<br />

accommodation nearby, much of which still stands.<br />

At the closure of the Flax Mill in 1886, the site was overtaken by a<br />

Maltings operation run by a prominent local entrepreneur named<br />

William Jones and remained in use as a Maltings until its closure<br />

in 1987. The various Maltings businesses occupied the range<br />

of existing buildings intensively and also made some important<br />

changes on the site over time. Most notable are the changes<br />

to the appearance of the core buildings, which include the reconfiguration<br />

of the fenestration of the Main Mill, the addition of the<br />

Maltings Tower, and the addition of the Malt Kiln.<br />

During the site’s period of redundancy of more than 15 years, the<br />

buildings have suffered from the effects of theft, arson, vandalism<br />

and a general lack of maintenance. The overall effect is that the<br />

buildings are in a fairly desperate state of repair.<br />

Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

May 2004<br />

2.3 Condition<br />

During their period of sustained redundancy since 1987, the<br />

condition of the buildings has deteriorated significantly. It is evident<br />

that they continue to suffer from the effects of vandalism, theft,<br />

arson and weather ingress.<br />

The Apprentice House has suffered particularly badly and has<br />

had most of its historic fittings (e.g. fireplaces) either stolen or<br />

vandalised.<br />

The buildings are classified as category A on the English Heritage<br />

Buildings At Risk Register.<br />

The effects of sustained neglect and vandalism has caused the<br />

site to be considered a notorious problem by a number of local<br />

residents.<br />

Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

May 2004<br />

2.3.1 Access to the Site<br />

In order to acheive the maximum commerical potential of the site it<br />

is considered that access will need to be greatly improved. There<br />

are physical limitations to the site, both in terms of the proximity<br />

of the buildings, but also by the definition of its boundaries. The<br />

current vehicular entrance to the site (shown as a hollow arrow on<br />

the diagram adjacent), lies at the south corner and is via an already<br />

busy junction with Spring Gardens.<br />

It is believed that a new means of vehicular access to the site will<br />

be necessary to create appropriate access without detriment to the<br />

main core of the site. This can be achieved in two ways:<br />

1. Upgrade the existing footpath to the west of the site to create<br />

an access road that breaks the boundary wall and ramps up to<br />

the level of the Mill Buildings. This is shown as the light dotted<br />

line.<br />

2. Enter the vacant area to the North of the Historic Buildings<br />

directly from Spring Gardens, shown as the heavy dotted line.<br />

2.3.2 Car parking on and around the site<br />

For the same reasons as above, the issue of car parking becomes<br />

fundamental to the consideration of the site for any sort of<br />

commercial activity. The lack of space and the restrictions to access<br />

place heavy restrictions on the quantity and amenity of car parking<br />

spaces. It is believed that areas around and adjacent to the site<br />

could be used as car parking. This would minimise the disruption<br />

to the historic core buildings, and leave areas in the centre of<br />

the site clear to provide space for emergency access and any<br />

neccessary deliveries.<br />

2.4 Access & Parking<br />

The sketch to the left is an exercise illustrating the quantity<br />

of carparking possible if the relative areas remain vacant of<br />

development. However, it is not envisaged at this stage that all of<br />

these areas will be required as parking.<br />

Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

May 2004<br />

As part of this study we have consulted <strong>Shropshire</strong> County <strong>Council</strong><br />

(SCC) Highways department. In discussion, the following points<br />

were raised as issues surrounding any future developments:<br />

SCC acknowledge that the historical significance and the<br />

physical constraints of the site means that it is highly likely that<br />

some highways design solutions may need to be comprised.<br />

SCC reported that a Traffic Survey/Report had been produced<br />

by Dennis Wilson to support a previous application, However,<br />

they could not release this document due to copyright issues.<br />

A Grampian Arrangement was applied to this scheme, insisting<br />

that no work begins until proposals are agreed.<br />

SCC advised that the potential impact of new development<br />

on the junction with St. Michael’s Street must be carefully<br />

considered. This is already nearing capacity and during<br />

peak hours additional traffic control measures are likely to be<br />

required.<br />

Support would be given for a new access for the North<br />

Site Area at the Bus Depot. This could be acheived by the<br />

addition of another leg to the existing mini roundabout, or<br />

the introduction of a second roundabout in a more suitable<br />

location.<br />

SCC advised that, depending on the end uses proposed, the<br />

need for each parking and drop off areas needs to be very<br />

carefully considered.<br />

SCC confirmed that there had been no initial objections to a<br />

previous proposal to provide a new vehicle access at the rear<br />

of the site.<br />

2.5 Traffic & Highways<br />

SCC confirmed that the upgrading of the footpath to the west<br />

of the site to a road is unlikley to meet with resistance.<br />

SCC advised that the entry and exit points to the Mill site<br />

should be separated. The introduction of a one way system<br />

would reduce the pressure on any existing junctions.<br />

Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

Greenfields<br />

Park<br />

Figure 1.1<br />

Site location<br />

Shrewsbury to Crewe<br />

Rail line<br />

Greenfields<br />

Lane<br />

May 2004<br />

Spring Gardens<br />

A5191<br />

Shrewsbury Town Centre<br />

approximately 1.5 km<br />

0 12.5 25 50 75 100<br />

Meters<br />

Date Drawn<br />

Dec 2003 RSC<br />

Scale<br />

Checked<br />

1:1,000 AJS<br />

'Main' Site Boundary<br />

Original<br />

Revision<br />

A4<br />

1<br />

'Surrounding' Site Boundary<br />

File Reference<br />

O:/6431/GIS/Figure1.1.mxd<br />

Ditherington<br />

Potential additional rail siding<br />

(Source - Sketch of Maltings site,<br />

Shrewsbury Records and<br />

Research Library)<br />

Rail Sidings<br />

'Waste' room<br />

1811 Gas Holder<br />

Stove<br />

Drying Shed<br />

Blacksmiths<br />

Stable<br />

Warehouse<br />

Figure 2.1<br />

Former buildings and land use<br />

Warehouse<br />

Dye<br />

House<br />

1842 Gas holder<br />

'gas house complex'<br />

Gardens<br />

Flax<br />

Warehouse<br />

Boiler<br />

Room<br />

Formerly open land<br />

(allotments to the north)<br />

Pig sties<br />

Stables<br />

Housing<br />

0 12.5 25 50 75 100<br />

Meters<br />

Date Drawn<br />

Dec 2003 RSC<br />

Scale<br />

Checked<br />

1:1,000 AJS<br />

Original<br />

Revision<br />

A4<br />

File Reference<br />

1<br />

O:/6431/GIS/Figure 2.1.mxd<br />

Housing<br />

Route of former<br />

Shrewsbury Canal<br />

(infilled 1950's)<br />

Potential additional rail siding<br />

(Source - Sketch of Maltings site,<br />

Shrewsbury Records and<br />

Research Library)<br />

Rail Sidings<br />

'Waste' room<br />

Sampling of<br />

Bagley Brook<br />

1811 Gas Holder<br />

Sewage<br />

Pumping<br />

Station<br />

New borehole to<br />

explore hydraulic<br />

connection between<br />

Flax Mill site and Stove<br />

Bagley Brook<br />

Drying Shed<br />

Blacksmiths<br />

Sampling of Dye<br />

House tanks<br />

Stable<br />

Groundwater sampling from<br />

existing licensed borehole<br />

Engine<br />

House<br />

Warehouse<br />

Figure 6.1<br />

Proposed site investigation works<br />

Dye<br />

House<br />

New boreholes to investigate soil<br />

and groundwater quality adjacent<br />

1842 Gas holder<br />

to gas holders<br />

Route of former<br />

Shrewsbury Canal<br />

'gas house complex'<br />

(infilled 1950's)<br />

Warehouse<br />

Gardens<br />

Flax<br />

Warehouse<br />

Boiler<br />

Room<br />

Formerly open land<br />

(allotments to the north)<br />

Pig sties<br />

Stables<br />

0 12.5 25 50 75 100<br />

Meters<br />

Date Drawn<br />

Dec 2003 OXS<br />

Scale<br />

Checked<br />

1:1,000 AJS<br />

Original<br />

Revision<br />

A4<br />

File Reference<br />

1<br />

O:/6431/GIS/Figure 6.1.mxd<br />

Sampling of 'leachate'<br />

to rear of depot<br />

New borehole to investigate soil<br />

and groundwater quality adjacent<br />

to underground diesel tanks<br />

Trial Pits: Soil/leachate sampling locations<br />

'Surface' water sampling locations<br />

Groundwater sampling locations<br />

Potential location for additional exploratory<br />

boreholes<br />

2.6 Contamination<br />

During the course fo the Study, a Ground Contamination Desk-top<br />

Report has been undertaken by ESI. Their report concluded the<br />

following points:<br />

Contact with EA, SABC, Mowlem and Mr Capp during<br />

research.<br />

There is an Aquifer of particular significance. It is of 5-6m<br />

internal diameter, but is currently unused.<br />

Proximity of Bagley Brook (within 75m).<br />

A wide range of potential contaminants due to former uses (eg<br />

gas holders, waste stores, blacksmiths, canal, diesel storage<br />

tanks) is likely to exist.<br />

A main risk is pollution of controlled water.<br />

Further work is needed to establish sources of contamination<br />

and pathways (however at this stage it is not anticipated<br />

that ground contamination will present a signicant barrier to<br />

redevelopment.)<br />

There is further important information held by Mowlems and Mr<br />

Capp (drainage plans and soil test results).<br />

Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

May 2004<br />

2.7 Site Services & Infrastructure<br />

An initial study of existing services infrastructure has shown<br />

that the site is well served by all existing amenities. The following<br />

Service providers were contacted during this report:<br />

Transco<br />

Severn Trent Water<br />

Aquila<br />

A detailed study of the condition and the capacities of the existing<br />

installations has not been undertaken.<br />

Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

3.0 The Buildings<br />

May 2004 Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

Axonometric sketch showing the existing buildings and surrounding<br />

context<br />

7<br />

5<br />

2<br />

1<br />

8<br />

4<br />

3<br />

6<br />

1. The Main Mill<br />

2. The Cross Mill<br />

3. The Warehouse<br />

4. The Kiln<br />

5. The Dye and Stove House<br />

6. The Apprentice House<br />

7. The Stable and Office<br />

8. The Silos<br />

3.1 A Summary of the Buildings<br />

The Ditherington Flax Mill site is of international significance. The<br />

site contains 8 listed buildings, (including 4 at Grade 1 and 2 at<br />

Grade 2*), and is located within the Shrewsbury Town Centre<br />

conservation area.<br />

The buildings on the site comprise the following:<br />

The Main Mill; Built 1797, 5 storeys tall, oldest iron framed<br />

building in the world. A Major lean-to structure added<br />

c1897 (since demolished). Grade 1 listed.<br />

The Cross Mill; Re-built 1812. 4 storeys tall + attic. The<br />

8th oldest iron framed building. Grade 1 listed.<br />

The Warehouse; Built 1805. 4 storeys tall + attic. 3rd oldest iron framed building. Grade 1 listed.<br />

The Malt Kiln; Built 1898. Grade 1 listed.<br />

The Dye / Stove House; Re-built 1850. Grade 2* listed.<br />

The Apprentice House; Built 1812. Grade 2* listed.<br />

The Stable and Office; Built 1804. Grade 2 listed.<br />

The Silos (2 no); Built 1950/1960.<br />

Further information on each of the buildings follows in sections 3.3<br />

- 3.10 of this report.<br />

May 2004 Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

The chronology of events which have affected the site may be<br />

summarised by the following 3 phases:<br />

Phase 1 The Flax Mill phase<br />

1796 Flax Mill founded at Ditherington by Marshall, Benyon<br />

and Bage.<br />

1797 Main Mill completed, and Shrewsbury Canal opened on<br />

east side of the site.<br />

1799 Cross Mill completed (later burned down).<br />

1800 North Engine House built.<br />

1803 Stables and Smithies built. First Dye House and Stove<br />

House built (later demolished).<br />

1805 Warehouse built.<br />

1811 South Engine House built.<br />

1812 Cross Mill re-built in fire-proof construction, Apprentice<br />

House built.<br />

1852 Dye House re-built.<br />

1858 Crewe to Shrewsbury railway line opened on the west<br />

side of the site.<br />

1886 Flax Mill closed.<br />

Phase 2 The Maltings phase<br />

1897 Conversion to <strong>Shropshire</strong> Maltings (1897-1902) by<br />

William Jones, including:<br />

- demolition of boilers, chimneys and removal of steam<br />

engines<br />

- construction of the Malt Kiln<br />

- construction of the lean-to along east side of Main Mill<br />

fronting onto canal<br />

- erection of the Maltings Tower<br />

- conversion of the Main Mill and Cross Mill, including,<br />

- removal of cross walls<br />

- re-fenestration<br />

- introduction of steeping tanks, etc<br />

- painting of advertising to external elevations<br />

- conversion of the Dye House<br />

1950 Concrete silo 1 built / <strong>Shropshire</strong> Union Canal infilled<br />

1960 Concrete silo 2 built / railway side to site removed<br />

1987 Maltings closed<br />

3.2 Chronology<br />

Phase 3 Recent Developments<br />

19.. Site bought by Maltings Developments Ltd.<br />

1997 A development brief for the area was adopted by SABC.<br />

1999 Development proposal prepared for Maltings.<br />

Developments Ltd by Earnest Ireland Construction<br />

(Contractor, QS & Project Manager), Eaton Manning<br />

Wilson (Architects), and Adams Consulting Engineers<br />

(Structural Engineers).<br />

1999 Conservation Plan for developer prepared by Anthony<br />

Blacklay & Associates.<br />

1999 Structural investigation of main structures undertaken by<br />

The Morton Partnership for SABC.<br />

2003 Urgent Works commenced on site.<br />

2003 Masterplan team appointed by English Heritage.<br />

May 2004 Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

3.3 The Main Mill<br />

Listing: Grade 1<br />

Built: 1797<br />

Total Area (G.I.A): 2750m²<br />

No. of Storeys: 5<br />

Average Storey Height: 3.2m<br />

The main mill is the most important building on the site and is<br />

recognised as the oldest iron framed building in the world. It was<br />

built in 1797 to designs by Charles Bage. The internal structure is<br />

remarkably elegant, however this leads to the requirement for some<br />

remedial repair and restriction over floor loadings in re-use, which<br />

are likely to be limited to 2.5kN/m2 (See ABA report).<br />

During its subsequent conversion for use as a maltings (1886<br />

– 1987), the Main Mill experienced some important changes to its<br />

appearance, most notably the addition of the distinctive ‘Maltings<br />

tower’ at the northern end, and the blocking up of 2 out of every 3<br />

windows. The principle of reinstating the former fenestration of the<br />

Main Mill has previously been granted planning permission and is<br />

an essential feature of some re-use options.<br />

It is considered particularly important to provide publicly available<br />

functions at lower levels in the Main Mill. It is also important to seek<br />

re-uses which would minimise the subdivision of the upper floors,<br />

in order that the spaces may be properly appreciated (e.g. light<br />

office, large residential flats).<br />

The building is connected to the adjacent Maltings Kiln and Cross<br />

Mill at its northern end, and has internal staircases at its northern<br />

and southern ends. The building has particular prominence to<br />

Spring Gardens and its tower and painted hoarding are distinctive<br />

features. A large lean-to building on the east side of the building,<br />

which was built as a maltings floor, has recently been demolished.<br />

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May 2004<br />

3.4 The Cross Mill<br />

Built: 1812<br />

Listing: Grade 1<br />

Total Area (G.I.A.): 1295m²<br />

No. of Storeys: 4 plus Attic<br />

Average Storey Height: 2.8m<br />

The Cross Mill building (or Flax Hackling shop) was built in 1812 in<br />

the ‘fireproof’ manner of the Main Mill but only following destruction<br />

of an earlier (non-fireproof) building on the site in 1811. The<br />

building is Grade 1 listed, is the 8th oldest iron framed building in<br />

the world. The Cross Mill (unlike the Main Mill), has an iron-trussed<br />

roof. The Cross Mill is believed to be a unique surviving example of<br />

a hackling shop built for a textile mill.<br />

The internal structure is similar to that employed within the Main<br />

Mill. Like the Main Mill, it is assumed that the internal structure<br />

would require some remedial repair and that restriction over its<br />

future re-use should be established by a floor loading limit of<br />

2.5kN/m2 (see ABA report). During its conversion for use as a<br />

maltings, the Cross Mill windows were similarly amended.<br />

It is considered important to provide publicly accessible functions<br />

at lower floor levels. It would be desirable to minimise the subdivision<br />

of the upper floors, (as with the Main Mill) however it should<br />

be noted that the Cross Mill spaces are shorter and arguably less<br />

elegant and therefore some subdivision could be more tolerable.<br />

The building has an original ‘fireproof’ stair at its north and south<br />

ends, and links to the Malt Kiln to the north. The building also has<br />

a distinctive painted hoarding to its west elevation and gable end.<br />

Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

3.5 The Warehouse<br />

Built: 1805<br />

Listing:Grade 1<br />

Total Area: 1210m2<br />

No. of storeys: 4 plus roof void<br />

Average storey ht. 2.7m<br />

The Flax Warehouse was built in 1805 for the storage of <strong>flax</strong>. The<br />

building is Grade 1 listed, and is the 3rd oldest iron framed building<br />

in the world. During its subsequent conversion for use as part of<br />

the Maltings operation, it is believed to have been used for the<br />

storage of dye stuffs and grain.<br />

Internally, the original cast iron structure has been supplemented<br />

by a range of later timber props, tie rods and plates, which have<br />

not been examined in detail as part of the Masterplan study. It<br />

is assumed, however, that similar structural repairs and loading<br />

restrictions of 2.5kN/m2 would govern re-uses within the building<br />

following repair. (See ABA report).<br />

The building has strong physical lines with the Malt Kiln on ground<br />

to third floors. It also has an important relationship with the<br />

apprentice house which is located to the north. The building has<br />

few windows, which will be an important consideration in proposals<br />

for a change of use,and could have a significant impact on the<br />

existing appearance. The building has a hoist located on its north<br />

elevation.<br />

May 2004 Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

3.6 The Malt Kiln<br />

Built: 1898<br />

Listing: Grade 1<br />

Total Area: 650m2<br />

No. of storage: 2<br />

The Malt Kiln was built in 1998 as a key element of the new<br />

Malting business which commenced on the site in 1896. It is a<br />

Grade 1 listed building and has a key relationship with the adjacent<br />

Main Mill, Cross Mill and Warehouse, which it adjoins.<br />

The Kiln has a very distinctive pyramidal roof, capped by a<br />

ventilation ‘turret’, which historical photos show has been altered<br />

(for the worse) in recent years. This feature should be carefully<br />

considered and possibly restored, as part of proposals for re-use.<br />

The Malt Kiln has been prone to considerable decay following the<br />

theft of slates to its main roof slopes. This has left the building<br />

open to the elements for a number of years and subsequently it is<br />

believed that the internal perforated metal ‘drying floors’ are now<br />

beyond repair.<br />

The Malt Kiln is an important and significant volume at the core<br />

of the main group of historic buildings. It has previously been<br />

considered for public re-use as a theatre space for the Visual Arts<br />

Trust. The building also offers useful potential to achieve vertical<br />

circulation within and this should be explored further. The building<br />

is, however, closely located to the adjacent stairs within the Cross<br />

Mill and Main Mill.<br />

May 2004 Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

3.7 The Dye and Stove House<br />

Built: 1804/1850<br />

Listing: Grade 11*<br />

Total Area: 1450m2<br />

No. of storeys: 1 + Mezzanine<br />

The Dye and Stove House was originally built in 1803, and was<br />

subsequently largely re-built in 1852. The building consists of a<br />

large open space (with a later mezzanine floor) under an elegant<br />

and lightweight trussed roof. The roof extends the tradition of<br />

fine ironwork detailing on the site, and is supplemented by fine<br />

brickwork to the main elevations.<br />

Following the conversion of the building for use as part of the<br />

Maltings business, a number of hoists were added to assist the<br />

movement of material in and out of the building, together with<br />

dormer ‘lucams’ to enable loading and unloading from the adjacent<br />

railway sidings. These features represent an important change in<br />

the function of the building and should probably be retained as part<br />

of a scheme for future re-use.<br />

Internally the building has suffered from weather ingress and some<br />

corrosion to the structure.<br />

The flexibility of the building suggests that it would be suitable for<br />

a wide range of potential re-uses, including retail, restaurant and<br />

entertainment, office, and leisure or exhibition space.<br />

May 2004 Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

3.8 The Apprentice House<br />

Built: 1812<br />

Lisings:Grade 11*<br />

Total Area: 1450m2<br />

No. of storeys: 3 + basement<br />

The Apprentice House was built in 1812 to house workers of<br />

the Flax Mill, and is Grade II* listed. The building comprises two<br />

separate ‘houses’ of accommodation within its block and has a<br />

cellular form with simple domestic layouts to each floor around<br />

a timber staircase. The houses were used as Superintendents’<br />

housing from 1890.<br />

The building is located at the north end of the group and currently<br />

forms part of a courtyard, along with the Warehouse and adjacent<br />

concrete silo to the south.<br />

The buildings have suffered extensive damage due to neglect,<br />

vandalism and theft, and many of the internal fittings and fixtures,<br />

such as fireplaces, have been lost.<br />

The building would appropriately lend itself to a conversion for use<br />

as either offices or residential accommodation.<br />

May 2004 Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

May 2004<br />

3.9 The Stables and the Office<br />

Built: 1804<br />

Lisings: Grade II<br />

Total Area: 200m2<br />

No. of storeys: 2<br />

The Stables and office were built in 1804 and are listed Grade<br />

II. Their historical function was use as a stable and hayloft and a<br />

workshop and store. The buildings are located at the southern<br />

end of the site and form part of the boundary wall of the site.<br />

The buildings are domestic in scale and would suit a range of small<br />

scale uses, including residential, office, workshop or retail.<br />

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May 2004<br />

Built: 1950/1960<br />

Lisings: Not listed<br />

Total Area: Not known<br />

3.10 The Silos<br />

The Silos, date from 1950 and 1960, and were introduced to<br />

improve the efficiency and capacity of the Matlings. Both Silos were<br />

built adjacent to the railway siding to receive incoming grain (South<br />

Silo) but also to enable storage of the outgoing goods (North Silo).<br />

Both silos have been damaged by vandalism and arson.<br />

The structural condition of the silos has not been assessed as a<br />

part of the Masterplan Study, however it is apparent that some<br />

reinforcement to the concrete structure is exposed and corroding.<br />

This may indicate more serious problems with the concrete which<br />

should be explored.<br />

Whilst the retention of the silos as part of a scheme for re-use of<br />

the site could be argued on the grounds that they are a part of the<br />

history of the site, it is considered that the grounds for demolition<br />

are likely to outweigh these issues. In addition to being potentially<br />

expensive to repair and difficult to re-use, both are considered<br />

to have a detrimental effect on the rest of the complex overall.<br />

They also restrict circulation and access potential to neighbouring<br />

buildings.<br />

It is proposed that they are demolished, however their footprint<br />

should be explored as potential developable space, if appropriate.<br />

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May 2004<br />

3.11 The North Site Area<br />

The North Site Area housed a number of former buildings,<br />

including the following:<br />

Wash House<br />

Stable<br />

Pig Sties<br />

Coal Store<br />

Privies<br />

Fire Engine House<br />

A Lean-to Building containing the following:<br />

- Waste Room<br />

- Gas Meter<br />

- Thread Room<br />

The Drying Shed<br />

Wood Shed<br />

Gas House Complex<br />

It is anticipated that there are likely to be some archaeological<br />

remains associated with some of these buildings on the site, and<br />

the approach to any new development here must be careful to<br />

respect this.<br />

The North Site Area presents significant opportunities for a degree<br />

of enabling development on the site.<br />

The scale of development must sensitively address both the<br />

existing historic buildings and the scale of the Wingfield Close<br />

housing to the north.<br />

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May 2004<br />

A Structural Appraisal report has been undertaken by Alan<br />

Baxter & Associates. This overview deals with the main mill,<br />

<strong>flax</strong> warehouse and cross mill, which form three of the ten<br />

buildings at Ditherington Flax Mill. The report sets down the<br />

following key points:<br />

The <strong>flax</strong> mill was initially developed between 1796 and 1812.<br />

The main mill, <strong>flax</strong> warehouse and cross mill were built during<br />

this period and are particularly important historically, as they<br />

represent, respectively, the oldest, third oldest and eighth<br />

oldest iron framed buildings in the world. The <strong>flax</strong> mill stopped<br />

operating in 1886 but was redeveloped as a maltings, which<br />

it operated as until 1986. Since then the buildings have<br />

remained empty and have suffered from a lack of maintenance<br />

and some vandalism.<br />

These buildings, in cultural terms, quite rightly deserve their<br />

Grade I listed status. Charles Bage’s design for the main mill<br />

was highly innovative. The engineering approach required<br />

for the redevelopment of this and the other buildings will be<br />

very challenging, requiring a higher level of engineering input<br />

compared to later cotton mills and warehouses. Central to<br />

this challenge will be to develop imaginative and intelligent<br />

solutions that are appropriate for these important buildings.<br />

Ideas which have been illustrated in this report need to be<br />

explored and tested in greater detail at the next stage.<br />

Charles Bage’s cast iron structure in the main mill appears<br />

to be of good quality construction and although historic<br />

records suggest Bage developed theories about how to<br />

design beams and columns, and carried out load tests, he<br />

failed to understand about hogging moments generated in the<br />

continuous beams.<br />

3.12 Structural Issues<br />

The resulting structure of the main mill, whilst well built,<br />

therefore has potential problems with cracking in these<br />

beams where hogging occurs. The structure is also relatively<br />

slender compared to many later 19th century cotton mills and<br />

warehouses in that it cannot support substantial imposed<br />

loads.<br />

A concept has been explored as part of this overview for<br />

tackling the deficiency in the beams by introducing reinforced<br />

concrete beams within the fill above the line of the existing<br />

beams. This will help improve the overall factor of safety in the<br />

beams to support an imposed floor load of 2.5kN/m². This<br />

approach would also address the beams that have cracked<br />

as the fractured sections can be simply hung from the new<br />

reinforced concrete structure to prevent the beams falling off<br />

their bearings.<br />

The columns within the main mill are generally slender and<br />

have limited fixity at their ends. This limits the load bearing<br />

capacity of the columns to an imposed load possibly less<br />

than 2.5kN/m² at present. The capacity of the columns can<br />

be increased however with the concept of running reinforced<br />

concrete beams above the existing beams. These new beams<br />

will be cast around each column base, introducing additional<br />

fixity, and will reduce the unrestrained length of the column.<br />

The initial appraisal of this approach allows an imposed load of<br />

2.5kN/m² to be justified.<br />

The floor loading capacity within the main mill therefore seems<br />

to be limited to about 2.5kN/m². This loading would be<br />

compatible with domestic, office and studio use, but not public<br />

use such as museums, shops, restaurants or bars.<br />

Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

May 2004<br />

3.12 Structural Issues<br />

Although very limited information relating to the structures<br />

of the cross-mill and <strong>flax</strong> warehouse is available, a similar<br />

engineering strategy appears appropriate in justifying the floors<br />

for an imposed loading of 2.5kN/m².<br />

This outline strategy for all three buildings needs to be<br />

confirmed through further detailed investigations and<br />

testing of the cast iron structure. This will give a far greater<br />

understanding of the details and quality of the existing<br />

structure. Given Bage’s innovative design and the slenderness<br />

of the structures, the structural appraisal will be highly<br />

challenging to deliver solutions that are appropriate for these<br />

very important structures. It is unlikely that imposed loads<br />

much in excess of 2.5kN/m² will be justified.<br />

Interpretation of the Building Regulations shows that the main<br />

mill, which is five storeys in height, does not need to comply<br />

with the rules relating to disproportionate collapse provided<br />

it is not used as public space. However, the approach to<br />

be adopted should be one where the robustness of the<br />

structure is not undermined by any structural alterations. The<br />

introduction of reinforced concrete beams will also improve the<br />

overall robustness.<br />

The cross-mill and <strong>flax</strong> warehouse are both four storeys<br />

in height and so do not need to comply, regardless of the<br />

proposed uses. However, a similar approach to robustness<br />

should be adopted.<br />

The original window openings in the main mill can be reopened<br />

again in principle from a structural point of view.<br />

These alterations will be disruptive and will require careful<br />

sequencing with repairs that are needed to delaminated areas<br />

of brickwork in order to maintain the structural integrity of the<br />

walls.<br />

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4.0 Development Context<br />

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May 2004<br />

4.1 Interested Parties<br />

The prominence of the site, the scale of public funding likely to be<br />

required as part of the solution, and the historical importance of the<br />

buildings combine to produce a long list of interested parties with a<br />

potential stake in the future of the site.<br />

The current list of Interested Parties and Stakeholders includes the<br />

following:<br />

Maltings Developments Ltd (site owners)<br />

Advantage West Midlands<br />

Adjacent Landowners<br />

Community organisations in Shrewsbury<br />

English Heritage<br />

Heritage Lottery Fund<br />

Local Residents<br />

National Amenity Bodies<br />

Shrewsbury & Atcham BC<br />

<strong>Shropshire</strong> County <strong>Council</strong><br />

It is likely that other organisations, including potential developers<br />

will emerge during the development of proposals. It should be<br />

noted that several potential developers have expressed an interest<br />

in the project during the course of the study to date.<br />

Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

4.2 Market & Property Context<br />

The Market and Property Analysis Report, undertaken by<br />

Towler Shaw Roberts, concludes the following points:<br />

There would be merit in exploring a mixed use development<br />

with a strong emphasis on provision of residential<br />

accommodation (new and conversion).<br />

There is scope to provide a mix of retail, food and<br />

drink facilities at ground floor level together with office<br />

accommodation to supplement the residential element.<br />

If a leisure use is likely to be viable, this would need to be<br />

complementary to the other users on the site.<br />

There may be some potential for provision of a community<br />

facility such as a doctors/dentist/health centre premises.<br />

Parts of the existing premises have potential for conversion<br />

to provide specialist managed workshop accommodation to<br />

satisfy specific requirements.<br />

It is doubtful that a single end user could be attracted to<br />

occupy the whole property.<br />

Access and car parking facilities need to be improved to<br />

ensure maximum commercial potential can be achieved.<br />

It would be very beneficial to include properties fronting Spring<br />

Gardens, which would enhance the The Flax Mill buildings.<br />

As part of the Stage II study consideration should be given<br />

to identifying potential users and occupiers for the various<br />

buildings for the whole project.<br />

May 2004 Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

May 2004<br />

The Grant Assistance Opportunities Report, undertaken by<br />

Dearle and Henderson, concludes the following points:<br />

Potential opportunities for Development Funding include:<br />

Advantage West Midlands / English Partnerships<br />

English Heritage<br />

Heritage Lottery Fund<br />

Local / Corporate sponsorship<br />

Private Developers<br />

Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough <strong>Council</strong><br />

<strong>Shropshire</strong> County <strong>Council</strong><br />

Other Grant Awarding Bodies<br />

4.3 Grant Assistance Opportunities<br />

4.4.2 The Key Conclusions are:<br />

No funding/grant opportunity should be dismissed at this early<br />

stage.<br />

The funding mosaic should be broad, thereby not relying upon<br />

one particular funding stream.<br />

Design proposals should not target one particular funding<br />

body’s priorities.<br />

Any regeneration scheme should first address the problems<br />

and the opportunities, then review the best suited potential<br />

funding.<br />

The size of grants potentially required necessitates an<br />

approach to the larger funding bodies, namely English<br />

Heritage, the Regional Development Agency and the Lottery<br />

<strong>Council</strong>.<br />

Very small grants may be obtained for specific works from<br />

Trusts, Foundations, corporate sponsorship or individuals.<br />

European Union Objective 2 and 3 funding is not currently<br />

applicable to this site.<br />

Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

May 2004<br />

4.4 Local Interest - A Community View<br />

The Masterplan Study Work has been undertaken in the knowledge<br />

of the views of the Ditherington Community which were expressed<br />

during the ‘Listening into Action’ study during 2001-2002<br />

undertaken by RE:generate.<br />

During the consultation (which did NOT focus specifically on the<br />

Flax Mill site), the most needed improvements stated by local<br />

people were:<br />

Safe play areas for children<br />

More for children<br />

A Youth Club<br />

Traffic calming<br />

Tidier streets<br />

A better Community Centre<br />

It is hoped that public feedback following the presentation of the<br />

Masterplan Study approach in Ditherington on 18th May will assist<br />

in establishing an appropriate means for community views to be<br />

incorporated as the Scheme develops.<br />

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5.0 Alternative Solutions/Visions<br />

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May 2004<br />

5.1.1 Design Brief<br />

The brief for the project describes a future for the site which has<br />

the following characteristics:<br />

A vibrant and accessible mix of active uses<br />

A site which attracts both public and private investment<br />

An enhanced understanding of the site and its significance<br />

A beacon for high quality regeneration<br />

A secure and attractive place<br />

The highest standards of architectural design for new work<br />

A wide range of options for the redevelopment of the Ditherington<br />

Flax Mill site have been tested in order to meet these objectives.<br />

Whilst it is possible to achieve the stated brief requirements for the<br />

site through a variety of mixes of use on the site, this is achieved<br />

at varying levels of financial expense and impact to the historical<br />

integrity of the site.<br />

In order to be a deliverable scheme for the Flax Mill site, it will<br />

be important for the proposals to be acceptable in terms of<br />

Conservation Merit and Economic Viability.<br />

5.1.2 Conservation Merit<br />

The proposed scheme for the Flax mill site is likely to be required<br />

to achieve a broad level of support from potential funding<br />

stakeholders, and an acceptable level of public benefit must be<br />

achieved where public funding is incorporated.<br />

In conservation terms, development will be required to protect and<br />

enhance the historic significance of the site. This places some<br />

important constraints on devleopment potential.<br />

5.1 Assessment Criteria<br />

It is anticipated that permissible development will be:<br />

In line with stated conservation objectives for the site<br />

Respectful of the scale of the existing buildings<br />

Not unduly damaging to the historical significance<br />

Providing improved access (both physical and intellectual) to<br />

the site<br />

An improvement to the context and setting of the buildings<br />

5.1.3 Economic Viability<br />

The economic viability of the options for the site need to be tested<br />

on a range of levels, including the following:<br />

The acceptability of the proposed uses to the market<br />

The potential to meet the conservation deficit through<br />

engagement of potential funding partners<br />

The commercial confidence in the deliverability of the scheme<br />

A robust business plan for the future<br />

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May 2004<br />

5.2 ‘Site by Site’ Options<br />

5.2.1 Considering the Study Area<br />

In order to provide a comparative assessment of the ‘conservation<br />

cost’ and ‘development potential’ of each part of the site, the<br />

Masterplan Study area was sub-divided into 6 key areas for<br />

assessment, as follows:<br />

1. The North Site Area<br />

2. The Historic Core Buildings<br />

3. Spring Gardens<br />

4. Haughmond Square<br />

5. Bus Depot<br />

6. Railway Triangle<br />

For the sake of simplicity, it will be noted that these site<br />

designations do not follow the exact lines of current ownerships.<br />

The site designations were used throughout the option appraisal<br />

phase and are referred to in the report of project costs prepared by<br />

Dearle and Henderson (see seperate report).<br />

The basic characteristics of each site are described in the following<br />

pages.<br />

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May 2004<br />

Site 1 - The North Site Area<br />

This site includes the Apprentice House and the areas to the North<br />

and the East. We believe that there is a strong justification for some<br />

development on this site to assist with the development costs of<br />

the Historic Core Buildings. The site sits to the north of the main<br />

buildings and currently vehicular access is severely restricted as<br />

access is only possible through the main buildings.<br />

There is the potential to provide independent access from the<br />

rear of the site. However, this would result in the introduction of a<br />

ramp either through or over the listed ‘curtilage wall’, eroding the<br />

prominent boundary of the site.<br />

It is believed that a better access could be formed from the east (ie<br />

through the Bus Depot site) however this would clearly be subject<br />

to further negotiation.<br />

The following key factors determine the development of the<br />

North Site area:<br />

The relationship with the Historic Core Buildings.<br />

The integration of the Apprentice House.<br />

The provision of a new access road.<br />

The quantity of car-parking required for any new development.<br />

The proximity to, and over looking of, the Wingfield Estate to<br />

the North.<br />

5.3 The Core Area : Sites 1 and 2<br />

Site 2 - The Historic Core Buildings<br />

This area contains the majority of the Historic Buildings. The physical<br />

constraints and the structural condition of the historic buildings incur<br />

high repair and upgrade costs. There is very limited scope for any<br />

enabling development in close proximity to the buildings (site 2). The<br />

buildings themselves could be developed to provide a limited mix of<br />

uses, including workspaces, retail, interpretation and residential with<br />

any development appropriate to the historic fabric. These options are<br />

further considered in section 5.6 of this report.<br />

The following key factors determine the re-use of the Historic<br />

Buildings:<br />

The Reopening of the Mill Windows<br />

The Demolition of the Silos<br />

Consideration of the level of sub-division of each floor<br />

Disabled Access and Escape Strategies<br />

Circulation Patterns<br />

Servicing of new uses<br />

Structural floor loadings<br />

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May 2004<br />

Site 3 - Spring Gardens<br />

To the east, the Historic Buildings overlook a range of modern<br />

small scale businesses which separate them from Spring Gardens<br />

road. These businesses partly occupy the former site of the<br />

<strong>Shropshire</strong> Union Canal, which ran along the eastern boundary<br />

of the Mill site until its closure in 1944. There is the potential,<br />

in redevelopment, to open up views to and from the Historic<br />

Core Buildings and to improve their setting and visibility. This is<br />

considered an important factor to achieve the brief requirements.<br />

There is also the potential to provide a new public space for<br />

interpretation and to redevelop in a manner that refers to or<br />

respects the line of the canal.<br />

Developing the Spring Gardens Site offers an opportunity to<br />

address the following key issues:<br />

The street frontage and setting of the Flax Mill<br />

The visual accessibility of the site<br />

The relationship to the Town<br />

The interpretation of the former canal<br />

Site 4 - Haughmond Square<br />

This site lies to the east of the Historic Buildings and has been<br />

identified as separate to the Spring Gardens site because of two<br />

Victorian brick houses which are part of the former Haughmond<br />

Square. The buildings currently occupying the road side site were<br />

built as part of the Mill buildings complex.<br />

Any development on this site will need to consider the<br />

following:<br />

5.4 Other Sites : Sites 3, 4, 5 and 6<br />

Appropriate uses for the Haughmond Square houses<br />

The issues of gaining road side access to any development<br />

The former position of the <strong>Shropshire</strong> Union Canal<br />

The potential to acieve a pedestrian entrance to site 2<br />

Site 5 - Bus Depot Site<br />

The bus depot is situated to the North East of the Historic<br />

Buildings, on Spring Gardens. The bus depot introduces a<br />

particular level of additional traffic movements on Spring Gardens,<br />

and bus maintenance activities. It is acknowledged by Arriva that<br />

the existing depot facilities are not ideal, however they are well<br />

located in operational terms.<br />

Developing the Bus Depot Site offers an opportunity to<br />

address the following issues:<br />

Potential site for creating new access road<br />

Resolution of the Highways issues regarding the provision of a<br />

potential new site entrance<br />

Potential to compliment development to the North Site Area<br />

Potential to make reference to the line of the <strong>Shropshire</strong> Union<br />

Canal<br />

Site 6 - Railway Triangle<br />

This site contains a pumping station and is hemmed in by the<br />

railway line embankment and site retaining wall. In view of the<br />

perceived difficulty of providing an acceptable building here, it is<br />

proposed this area is used for a less intensive use, such as car<br />

parking (in association with site 2 uses).<br />

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Site as existing 1. Minimum Scheme 2. Heritage Destination<br />

3. Community Focus 4. Residential Community 5. Intensive Re-use<br />

May 2004<br />

5.5 Whole Site Options<br />

The exploration of development opportunities and constraints on a<br />

‘site by site’ basis (and the associated costs) has been tested in a<br />

series of ‘whole site options’ in order to establish the approximate<br />

level of ‘conservation deficit’ within a range of potential redevlopment<br />

scenarios.<br />

The 5 options presented in this section are as follows:<br />

Minimum Scheme<br />

Heritage Destination<br />

Community Focus<br />

Residential Community<br />

Intensive Re-use<br />

A broad range of assumptions have been made as part of the<br />

sketch design exercise. The basic premise, however, has been<br />

to test the effect of an increasing intensity of redevelopment, both<br />

within the buildings and on adjacent sites.<br />

Each of these schemes has been discussed and assessed in terms<br />

of its Conservation Merit and Economic Viability during design<br />

progress meetings.<br />

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May 2004<br />

5.5.1 Whole Site Option 1 : Do Minimum<br />

5.5.1 The Do Minimum Scheme<br />

This is a ‘light touch’ option that rates highly in terms of<br />

conservation merit. The level of subdivision is kept to the absolute<br />

minimum and the modification and upgrading works are also<br />

minimised. However, in all potential uses (apart from leave empty or<br />

not changing the use) means of access and escape would need to<br />

be improved.<br />

Potential uses include:<br />

Leave empty<br />

No change of use (i.e. Storage)<br />

Interpretation<br />

Specialist Retail<br />

Antiques<br />

Garden Centre<br />

Advantages:<br />

Lower Impact<br />

Less complexity<br />

Disadvantages:<br />

Spring Gardens unresolved<br />

Lower income potential<br />

Less community facility<br />

Conclusions<br />

This option minimises the level of expenditure however, it probably<br />

does not achieve a longer term sustainable solution for the site.<br />

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May 2004<br />

5.5.2 Whole Site Option 2 : Heritage Destination<br />

5.5.2 A Heritage Destination<br />

This option also rates highly in terms of conservation merit. The<br />

level of subdivision is kept to the minimum. However, modification<br />

and upgrading of site infrastructure works would need to be<br />

introduced. The North Site area is considered for development<br />

to residential to assist with the costs of the works to the Historic<br />

Buildings.<br />

Potential Uses include:<br />

Interpretation<br />

Specialist Retail<br />

Antiques<br />

Garden Centre<br />

Residential<br />

Advantages:<br />

Lower Impact<br />

Less complexity<br />

Priority to Heritage use<br />

Disadvantages:<br />

Spring Gardens unresolved<br />

Lower income potential<br />

Less community facility<br />

Conclusions:<br />

The format of the existing historic buildings is suitable for<br />

undivided, single volume, interpretation spaces or specialist retail<br />

use. The variety of spaces offered by the buildings (Main Mill,<br />

Dye House and even Silos) would lend themselves to such a use,<br />

however, there are important potential restrictions on floor loadings.<br />

The Mill as a Heritage destination could attract public funds and<br />

may be assisted by the development of other site areas adjacent.<br />

The long term business case for such a low intensity use would<br />

require careful evaluation as part of funding applications.<br />

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May 2004<br />

5.5.3 Whole Site Option 3 : Community Focus<br />

5.5.3 A Community Focus<br />

This scheme shows a slightly more intense level of development.<br />

Although the level of internal subdivision of historic buildings is low,<br />

there are extensive modification and upgrading infrastructure works<br />

necessary to provide the proposed uses. The North Site area is<br />

considered for development to residential to assist in costs. The<br />

Spring Gardens sites are developed for community use; the road<br />

side site is cleared to become a public area, and the canal is reinstated’<br />

in the form of a water feature. There is a Health Centre on<br />

the Haughmond square site and the Malting Kiln is converted to<br />

provide a Hall for Community Use.<br />

Potential Uses include:<br />

Retail<br />

Leisure<br />

Restaurant<br />

Community Use<br />

Office Use<br />

Residential<br />

Advantages:<br />

Wide mix of uses<br />

Wide range of users<br />

Disadvantages:<br />

Intensive subdivisions<br />

Heritage compromise<br />

Barrier to Spring Gardens<br />

Conclusions:<br />

As the extent of the considered site has been increased to provide<br />

community facilities, this scheme is more reliant on public funds.<br />

The development of the rest of the site has been increased to<br />

assist, but it is anticipated that the returns would not be sufficient<br />

to cover costs. This scheme involves the purchase of adjacent<br />

sites for the improved setting and benefit of the historic buildings.<br />

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May 2004<br />

5.5.4 Whole Site Option 4 : Residential Community<br />

5.5.4 Residential Community<br />

This option considers creation of a new ‘community’ on the site<br />

through residential converstions and new houses. The uses<br />

proposed necessitate a higher level of subdivision and require<br />

extensive modification and upgrading infrastructure works.<br />

The North Site area becomes residential development to assist<br />

will the costs of the Mill Buildings. The Spring Gardens sites are<br />

allocated for community use; the road side and the Haughmond<br />

Square site becoming a public ‘Green’ and the canal is ‘reinstated’<br />

as a water feature. The Malting Kiln is converted to<br />

provide a Hall for Community Use.<br />

Potential uses include:<br />

New ‘Ditherington’ Green<br />

Residential (houses and apartments)<br />

Interpretation / Community (Kiln)<br />

Restaurant / Bar<br />

Gym / Leisure<br />

Advantages:<br />

High value re-uses<br />

Community facility<br />

Disadvantages:<br />

Intensive sub-divisions<br />

Heritage compromise<br />

Low employment use<br />

Conclusions<br />

This scheme is considered to require unacceptable levels of<br />

subdivision to create private apartments. The ground floors of all<br />

buildings are made available for public use in the form of either<br />

retail or leisure to compensate. An intention with this scheme is<br />

that the Spring Gardens sites are cleared to allow visual access to<br />

the Historic Core Buildings. However, the costs of developing these<br />

sites increases public funding needed.<br />

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May 2004<br />

5.5.5 Whole Site Option 5 : Intensive Re-use<br />

5.5.5 Intensive Re-use<br />

This scheme illustrates the most intensive level of development.<br />

It includes all sites, extensively developing each one. The hotel<br />

use necessitates an extremely high level of subdivision and<br />

requires internal and external modifications. The North Site<br />

area along with the Bus Depot site is considered for additional<br />

residential development. The Spring Gardens sites are allocated for<br />

community use and retail; the road side becoming retail and the<br />

Haughmond Square site becoming a Health Centre for community<br />

use. A linear park is introduced in front of the Mill Buildings and the<br />

canal is ‘re-instated’ as a water feature.<br />

Potential Uses include:<br />

Hotel<br />

Restaurant / Bar<br />

Gym / Leisure<br />

Townhouses<br />

Apartments<br />

Health Centre<br />

Retail<br />

Advantages:<br />

High value re-uses<br />

Wide mix of uses<br />

Wide range of users<br />

Disadvantages:<br />

Intensive sub-divisions<br />

Heritage compromise<br />

Over intensive land uses<br />

Barrier to Spring Gardens<br />

Conclusions:<br />

This scheme uses unacceptable levels of subdivision to create<br />

a commercially viable Hotel. It is also believed that to convert<br />

the Historic Core Buildings incurs such costs (economically and<br />

conservation) that finding an acceptable solution is unlikely.<br />

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1. Minimum Scheme (as existing) 2. Heritage Destination<br />

May 2004<br />

3. Community Focus<br />

4. Residential Community<br />

5. Intensive Re-use<br />

5.6 Core Buildings : Options<br />

In a similar manner to the testing ot the individual sites, the impact<br />

of sub-dividing and re-developing the historic mill buildings has<br />

been tested for a range of potential re-uses.<br />

The issue of subdivision<br />

The level of subdivision ishown follows the level of intensity of reuse<br />

proposed within whole site options 1 to 5. Whilst it will be<br />

noted that in all options it is proposed that the lower floors are<br />

used for publicly accessible functions (e.g. retail, bar or restaurant)<br />

the impact on the key spaces at upper floor levels is more<br />

profound.<br />

It will be noted that as the level of subdivision increases, the spaces<br />

become more and more domestic in scale, the levels of intervention<br />

increase proportionately and the conservation merit falls as a result<br />

of more and more of the structure becoming hidden.<br />

Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

May 2004<br />

5.6 Core Buildings : Options<br />

The principle of subdivision of the core buildings was also tested<br />

in plan arrangements to explore the level of subdivision and<br />

supporting infrastructure likely to be required for each type of use.<br />

The options range from a reliance on the existing services and<br />

infrastructure within option 1 (no change) to an intensive upgrade<br />

for re-use as an Hotel (option 5).<br />

Options 3 and 4 consider the ‘balanced’ options of introducing<br />

some subdivision of the key spaces to assist amenity and fire<br />

escape, and introduce new circulation cores which are external<br />

to the building. These options suggest light office use and large<br />

apartment use respectively.<br />

Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

May 2004<br />

6.0 A Masterplan Vision<br />

Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

As Existing Key Ingredients<br />

May 2004<br />

6.1 Masterplan Vision : Key Ingredients<br />

The approach to creating a Masterplan Vision for the site has been<br />

informed by a range of key factors, which are summarised below,<br />

and described in the diagramme adjacent.<br />

1. The integrity of the Core Group of buildings must be respected<br />

and enhanced.<br />

2. Opportunities for new development should seek to enhance the<br />

historic site and setting.<br />

3. The line of the former canal and its relationship with the<br />

buildings should be a part of plans for the future.<br />

4. A new community facility, such as a Health Centre could be<br />

created along Spring Gardens, perhaps on the Haughmond<br />

Square site.<br />

5. A new public garden could be created in front of the buildings<br />

as a key feature of the new setting.<br />

Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

May 2004<br />

1<br />

3<br />

2<br />

6.2 ‘Best Fit’ Scheme<br />

Assessment of the broad range of options, together with the<br />

conclusions drawn from the conservation plan and site by site<br />

studies has led to preparation of a ‘Best Fit’ scheme, which<br />

it is believed presents an optimum balance of the range of<br />

opportunities and constraints affecting the site.<br />

The Masterplan Vision can be summarised as a number of interrelated<br />

‘zones’ of development in the following three categories:<br />

Zone 1. The Historic Core Buildings<br />

Zone 2. New Development<br />

Zone 3. New Setting<br />

Each of the ‘zones’ contains a number of options for development<br />

which may affect the intensity, value and cost of development<br />

indicated. Further work is required to explore these options in<br />

more detail during the next stage of the study. The basic range of<br />

issues concerning the level of development indicated for each zone<br />

is described on the following pages.<br />

Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

May 2004<br />

6.3 ‘Best Fit’ Scheme - Zone 1<br />

The approach to Zone 1 puts the concerns for the historic core<br />

of buildings at the centre of the proposals for redevelopment. Its<br />

main features are as follows:<br />

The repair and redevelopment of the buildings should be<br />

undertaken in accordance within the recommendations set<br />

down within the Conservation Plan for the site.<br />

The mix of proposed uses should ideally fit the building (rather<br />

than extensive alterations to the building being necessary to<br />

accommodate a particular re-use).<br />

An appropriate re-use would be a mix of retail, leisure, and<br />

museum space at low levels, combined with ‘loose fit’<br />

residential and work spaces to upper floors.<br />

Public funding for the works is likely to be required as none of<br />

the options explored are commercially viable.<br />

It is considered that the scheme for the re-use of the buildings<br />

could be beneficially undertaken by a ‘Not for Profit’ Trust,<br />

such as a Building Preservation Trust. Such an organisation<br />

may have access to particular sources of public funding and<br />

have the ability to seek lower profit margins in re-development.<br />

Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

May 2004<br />

6.4 ‘Best Fit’ Scheme : Zone 2<br />

The Zone 2 area covers the main sites where beneficial new<br />

development could be achieved. The key characteristics of the<br />

Zone 2 proposals are as follows:<br />

A mix of new housing is indicated which includes town house,<br />

new apartments and a residential converstion of the Apprentice<br />

House.<br />

The redevlopment of the Bus Depot site introduces a new use<br />

on the site as part of the development. The densities shown<br />

are low, and the siting of new housing respects the former line<br />

of the canal and opens up view from Spring Gardens from the<br />

north.<br />

The layout creates the opportunity for a new road access to<br />

the site.<br />

The scale of new development indicated is considered unlikely<br />

to contribute a significant amount towards the development<br />

costs of Zone 1 as the densities shown, however they could<br />

offer significant wider benefits.<br />

Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

May 2004<br />

6.5 ‘Best Fit’ Scheme : Zone 3<br />

The Zone 3 proposals create the main setting for the historic<br />

buildings, and maximise the exposure of the site to passing<br />

pedestrians and motorists on Spring Gardens. The key<br />

characteristics are as follows:<br />

A water feature to mark the former line of the canal is created<br />

as both an aid to interpretation and as part of a new setting for<br />

the buildings and public spaces.<br />

A new garden is created along Spring Gardens as a flexible<br />

and high quality public space. This space could provide<br />

interpretation for the buildings.<br />

The Haughmond Square area is proposed for a re-use as<br />

part of the new mix of community resources inspired by the<br />

project. The buildings could accommodate a Health Centre,<br />

for example.<br />

Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

The preparation of the Masterplan Strategy has confirmed that there<br />

are potentially some exciting opportunities for the future of the Flax<br />

Mill site, however these are also linked to some major challenges in<br />

delivering the vision.<br />

In particular it is clear that the delivery of the project will require the<br />

following inputs:<br />

A strong funding partnership<br />

A robust project implementation plan<br />

A committed champion for implementation of the Masterplan<br />

Vision<br />

A strong consultant team<br />

Broad public support<br />

There are also a range of key design stage inputs that are<br />

recommended as part of the delivery of each ‘zone’ of the Vision<br />

that has been indicated. These include the following:<br />

Zone 1 – The Historic Buildings<br />

The buildings should be made safe and secure immediately.<br />

A ‘guardian’ for the Zone 1 area is required.<br />

Further design work to establish cost and design constraints is<br />

needed.<br />

A sensitive scheme which will attract public funding needs to<br />

be developed.<br />

Zone 2 – New Development<br />

7.0 Next Steps<br />

Design codes and supplementary planning guidance should be<br />

developed.<br />

Development could be undertaken by the private sector.<br />

Development profits would contribute to the scheme for Zone<br />

1.<br />

Zone 3 – A Public Space<br />

Requires support from the <strong>Council</strong> and the public.<br />

Requires more detailed consideration (including the future of<br />

Haughmond Square).<br />

May 2004 Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

8.0 Conclusions<br />

The Ditherington Flax Mill is of oustanding importance. The<br />

historic buildings are of international significance, and they are of<br />

considerable regional interest as the largest remaining Maltings<br />

Complex in Shrewsbury.<br />

Following a period of sustained redundancy, however, the site is<br />

now in an extremely poor condition. The buildings are regularly<br />

vandalised and they have become gradually surrounded by a range<br />

of business uses which create a physical and psychological barrier<br />

to progressive change. It is recognised that the situation requires<br />

urgent action.<br />

The Masterplan Study has considered the broad range of<br />

opportunities and constraints affecting the buildings including<br />

their condition, structure, historic merit, flexibility and costs of reuse.<br />

The study has also considered the wider opportunities and<br />

constraints presented by the surrounding sites as part of A Vision<br />

for the Future.<br />

Clearly the best way of conserving the special significance of the<br />

Flax Mill site is to seek its return to an appropriate and sustainable<br />

use as soon as possible. The Study has demonstrated that, given<br />

the support of a range of funding stakeholders and key interested<br />

parties, it would be possible to deliver a vision of the site which<br />

could deliver all of the stated aspirations of English Heritage,<br />

Shrewsbury and Atcham Borough <strong>Council</strong> and Advantage West<br />

Midlands.<br />

The delivery of the Vision will require a capable and committed<br />

agency and significant public funding. It is firmly believed , however,<br />

that the site can offer a significant and enduring range of benefits<br />

for a broad range of residents, users and visitors to the site as part<br />

of a coherent Masterplan Vision.<br />

May 2004 Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

1. Hand-out sheet for public consultation<br />

2. Register of Information Received<br />

Appendices<br />

May 2004 Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP

Doc Title From<br />

No<br />

001 Invitation to Tender/Briefing Documents (A4 Doc) EH<br />

002 Ditherington Flax Mill – Conservation Plan (A4 Doc) EH<br />

003 25 No. Drawings by Eaton Manning Wilson (Since returned) EH<br />

004 Local Area Plan (Folder) S+ABC<br />

005 Draft Planning Brief for Committee Meeting 14-10-97 (A4 Doc) S+ABC<br />

006 Memo ref: LP/A/1 (A4 Doc) S+ABC<br />

007 Document titled: Flaxmill: Outline Proposals (A4 Doc) S+ABC<br />

008 Document titled: Contamination associated with Dith. Flax Mill (1xA4) S+ABC<br />

009 Informed Conservation (Book) EH<br />

010 DFM, Sh’wsbury – A Re-evaluation: Barrie Trinder (A4 Doc-see 054 also) IGM Lib.<br />

011 15 No. Photographs of Flax Mill – dated 1897 (A4) Shrop A.<br />

012 OS Maps – dated 1882 (A3) Shrop A.<br />

013 9 No. B+W photos from ‘Red Box’ collection – dated 1964 (A4 Doc) NMR<br />

014 162 No. Copies of Photographs – dated July 1988 (A4 Doc) NMR<br />

015 6 No. Measured Drawings – (2xA0, 1xA1 and 3xA3) NMR<br />

016 A4 – 1966 Map (1 x A4) S+ABC<br />

017 Ironbridge Trial Pits Excavation Report – May 1999 (Bound A4 doc) S+ABC<br />

018 Planning Report to Special Dev. Com. - 29 April 1999 (A4 Doc) S+ABC<br />

019 Halls, Wateridge and Owen Sales Details for the Flax Mill (A4 Doc) S+ABC<br />

020 Retail Impact Study – Drivas Jonas – Dated July 1998 (Bound A4 doc) S+ABC<br />

021 Guidance on Contaminated Land Investigations S+ABC<br />

022 Babtie Traffic Impact Assessment – Dated July 1998 S+ABC<br />

023 Ditherington Flax Mill – (part) Ironbridge Report – Dated April ‘88 (A4 Doc) S+ABC<br />

024 SPAB response to Proposals – Dated June 1999 (A4 Doc) S+ABC<br />

025 Shrewsbury Flaxmill – Malting Developments Brochure S+ABC<br />

026 Munkenbeck and Marshall Scheme (A1) – Dated January 2002 S+ABC<br />

027 Munkenbeck and Marshall Scheme (A3) – Dated July 2002 S+ABC<br />

May 2004<br />

Register of Information Received<br />

028 Current Listings – Revised June 2003 (A4 Doc) S+ABC<br />

029 Urgent Works Notice issued December 2003 (A4 Doc) S+ABC<br />

030 The First Iron Frames – AW Skempton – AR Article dated March 1962 AR Arch.<br />

031 <strong>Shropshire</strong> Response to the Lyons Report – Dated 09/2003 (A4 Doc) S+ABC<br />

032 Retail Capacity Study for Shrewsbury – White Young Green – 09/2003 S+ABC<br />

033 Section 106 Agreement between S+ABC, PSC, Maltings Dev, and<br />

S+ABC<br />

034<br />

<strong>Shropshire</strong> Industrial Estates Limited – Dated February 2000 (A4 Doc)<br />

Determination of Planning Appeal – Dated April 1995 (A4 Doc) S+ABC<br />

035 Town Centre Strategy – Draft Report by White Young Green – 11/2003 S+ABC<br />

036 Listed Building Consent from S+ABC for Maltings Dev. – 02/2000 S+ABC<br />

037 Planning Consent from S+ABC for Malting Dev. – 02/2000 (A4 Doc) S+ABC<br />

038 7 No. Listed Building Descriptions (A4 Doc) NMR<br />

039 A4 measured drawings, copies of photographs from ‘Red Box’ NMR<br />

040 National Mills Conference 2002 – CD Rom EH<br />

041 Transco Map of Distribution Services (1xA3) Transco<br />

042 Severn Trent Water – sewer and water mains maps. (2xA3) STW<br />

043 Electricity Site Record drawings (2xA1) Aquila<br />

044 Planning Brief: Midlands Electricity and BT Lands dated Dec 98 (A4 Doc) S+ABC<br />

045 Phase 1 Contaminated Land Investigation Report (bound A4 doc) ESI<br />

046 Listening Into Action (A4 bound booklet) S+ABC?<br />

047 Preliminary Info re: Canal Restoration (10 emailed files) S+NCT<br />

048 The First Iron-framed Buildings – Turpin Bannister (A4 photocopy) AR Arch<br />

049 M+M Scheme of July 2002 (A3 doc – duplicate of 027) R Capp<br />

050 M+M Scheme of July 2002 Update (A3 doc) R Capp<br />

051 Catalytic Conversion – REVIVE (Booklet) S+ABC<br />

052 Saving of Spitalfields (Book) SHBT<br />

053 Shrewsbury & Newport Canals Trust: Feasibility Study Summary (A5 Doc) S+ABC<br />

054 “Trinder Report” as 010 – complete copy (A4 Doc) ABA<br />

055 “W.Jones’ <strong>Shropshire</strong> Maltings…” Amber Patrick. (A4 Doc) EH

Introduction to the Study<br />

Since their closure in 1987, the historic buildings on the Ditherington Flax<br />

Mill site in the north of Shrewsbury have been in a state of gradual decline.<br />

Following a series of failed development attempts, English Heritage, acting<br />

in partnership with Shrewsbury & Atcham Borough <strong>Council</strong> and Advantage<br />

West Midlands appointed a team led by Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects<br />

in November 2003, to report on the range of problems affecting the site and<br />

to explore the possibilities of a ‘Masterplan Vision’ for the future.<br />

This leaflet presents a summary of the findings of the Study so far and<br />

invites your feedback on the key points and proposals which have arisen to<br />

date.<br />

The Study has been undertaken in 2 stages.<br />

The first stage, Information Gathering,<br />

consisted of:<br />

• Historical Research<br />

Site and Building Assessments<br />

Writing a Conservation Statement<br />

A Property Market Appraisal<br />

An Assessment of Funding Opportunities<br />

The second stage, Option Appraisal, looks<br />

at the options for the future of the whole site<br />

including:<br />

Design Options for site and Buildings<br />

A Cost review of Options<br />

A Feasibility Assessment<br />

Identification of next steps<br />

The Ditherington Flax Mill<br />

The Flax Mill site was first developed in 1796, and comprises a remarkable group<br />

of Grade 1 listed structures which including the oldest iron-framed building in<br />

the world. These structures are widely recognised as extremely elegant and<br />

innovative pieces of structural engineering, the earliest of which was built only<br />

18 years after the completion of the Iron Bridge at Coalbrookedale. Since the<br />

closure of the Maltings operation of the site in 1987, the Flax Mill site has been in<br />

private ownership. Following a number of failed attempts to re-develop the site<br />

it has gradually fallen into a state of disrepair, suffering the effects of vandalism<br />

and serious water ingress. The site since been included on English Heritage’s<br />

national ‘Buildings at Risk’ register since..... In December 2003, a programme<br />

of Urgent Works to restore the weather proof nature of the buildings was begun.<br />

These works were completed in March 2004.<br />

The Study assists in the understanding of the significance of the buildings,<br />

the problems surrounding their neglect and points to possibilities for<br />

redevelopment and re-use. As a consequence of the Study, there is now<br />

a clearer framework within which positive change may be structured. The<br />

Study has involved meetings and discussions with many individuals and<br />

organisations, some of whom have differing perspectives on the future of<br />

the Mill.<br />

Redevelopment Opportunities<br />

The Masterplan Vision arising from the Study seeks to provide:<br />

A mix of uses on the site, including retail, interpretation, employment<br />

and some residential development.<br />

Improved public access to the site and to the historic buildings.<br />

A new public garden, including an interpretation of the former canal.<br />

An attractive opportunity for public and private investment.<br />

Many physical constraints such as the structural condition of the historical<br />

buildings make a commercially viable redevelopment of the entire site difficult. It is<br />

envisaged that delivery of the Masterplan Vision would need to attract significant<br />

levels of public funding. The scheme for the re-use of the historic buildings will<br />

also need to be economically viable and sustainable. As part of the scheme it is<br />

hoped that these could be converted to accommodate a range of new uses. The<br />

Study identifies that there are associated repair and upgrading costs.<br />

1<br />

3<br />

2<br />

The Masterplan Vision has been<br />

considered as a number of inter-related<br />

‘zones’ of development in the following<br />

three categories:<br />

1. The Historic Core Buildings<br />

A mix of potential uses includes<br />

workspaces, retail, museum and<br />

residential.<br />

Development appropriate to the<br />

historic fabric.<br />

Perhaps to be undertaken by a ‘not<br />

for profit’ Trust.<br />

High repair and upgrade costs.<br />

Potential assistance from the<br />

Heritage Lottery Fund<br />

2. New Development<br />

A new mix of housing for<br />

‘sustainable living’.<br />

High design quality.<br />

Providing safer site access for all<br />

areas of the study area.<br />

Respecting the line of the canal.<br />

Assists with the development<br />

costs of the Historic Core<br />

Buildings.<br />

3. New Setting<br />

Opens up views to and from the<br />

Historic Core Buildings.<br />

Provides a new public space.<br />

Potentially provides a site for<br />

interpretation.<br />

Requires public and <strong>Council</strong><br />


A Summary of the Study<br />

April 2004<br />

A report by Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects LLP<br />

The Ditherington Flax Mill Shrewsbury<br />

The 12 Key Issues<br />

1. The core buildings are of international significance. The<br />

Main Mill is the flagship and is the oldest iron framed<br />

building in the world. Restoration of the core buildings and<br />

the redevelopment of the whole site and adjacent areas<br />

must be to the highest standards.<br />

2. Whilst empty for 15 years, the repair costs have escalated<br />

and the site is in the highest category of EH’s Buildings<br />

At Risk register. Urgent action is required to safeguard the<br />

long term future of the historic buildings.<br />

3. The significance of the buildings is difficult to appreciate<br />

due to the adjacent land uses and the current lack of<br />

accessibility.<br />

4. The historic buildings are elegant and innovative<br />

pieces of structural engineering, however their unique<br />

design presents important limitations to the acceptable<br />

range of re-uses.<br />

5. The site would best suit a mix of uses which encourages<br />

a range of users, including residential, retail, leisure and<br />

perhaps a community facility.<br />

6. There is very limited scope for any enabling development<br />

near the historic buildings, and a road would need to be<br />

created to service this.<br />

7. The redevelopment of the site offers a significant<br />

opportunity to focus community interests and act a<br />

focus for wider regeneration of the Ditherington area.<br />

8. Improvement of the Spring Gardens site is an essential<br />

step to improving interpretation and amenity of the site.<br />

9. Any scheme for redevelopment will be expensive and<br />

a significant ‘Conservation Deficit’ exists within all<br />

potentially acceptable options. The input of public funding<br />

must deliver public benefit.<br />

10. There is an opportunity to interpret the line of the<br />

<strong>Shropshire</strong> Union canal and new build should not<br />

prejudice its future reinstatement.<br />

11. A number of potential developers have expressed an<br />

interest in the site. However, it must be noted that the re-<br />

use of the core buildings is likely to require a special<br />

approach.<br />

12. During the next stage of work it will be essential for the<br />

proposals to be developed by a committed professional<br />

team in partnership with a range of funding stakeholders.<br />

Have your say…<br />

Please let us have your views on the future of the Ditherington<br />

Flax Mill site. We are keen to receive your thoughts either in<br />

the space below or by sending your views to the Project Team<br />

at the addresses listed below.<br />

You might like to consider the following questions:<br />

Is there public interest in the future of the Flax Mill site?<br />

Does the proposal for a New Setting for the buildings have your<br />

support?<br />

What is the best way of finding out whether there are particular<br />

local needs that could be met on the site?<br />

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If you would like to contact the Project Team, please contact:<br />

Ian Kilby<br />

Conservation Officer<br />

Shrewsbury & Atcham<br />

Borough <strong>Council</strong><br />

The Guildhall<br />

Frankwell Quay<br />

Shrewsbury<br />

SY3 8HQ<br />

tel 01743 281000<br />

email Ian.kilby@shrewsbury.gov.uk<br />

Geoff Rich<br />

Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects<br />

21 Great Titchfield Street<br />

London<br />

W1W 8BA<br />

tel 0207 323 5737<br />

email gr@feildenclegg.com

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