SLAVE NARRATIVES - Library of Congress

SLAVE NARRATIVES - Library of Congress

SLAVE NARRATIVES - Library of Congress


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,'.30893 gOUSLQHB SUBJECTS<br />

Name <strong>of</strong> Interviewer Mrs» W» M# Ball<br />

Subject Anecdotes <strong>of</strong> an Aged Ss-Slave*<br />

Story - Information:<br />

"Hah young marster wuz Joe Ogburn* Me and him growed up togedder an f I wuz hia><br />

body guard durin f de wahr* Many f s de day I f ze watched de smoke ob battle clear<br />

away an 1 wait fo f de return ob mah marster♦ All de time I felt we wuz horn to win<br />

dat wahr, but God knowed bes* an 1 you know, de result*<br />

Three years ago I went to little Rock wid !&>♦ Fisher* lae f all folks whut goes<br />

to dis city, we wend our way to de Capitol to see de Governor* Gov* luttrell sittin f<br />

oac f in his great fine <strong>of</strong>fice, saw me and jined me in conversation. De fus f question<br />

he axed me wuz %rhut party does yo f f filiate wif? f I sez, f de Democrat r de party<br />

whut's a frien 1 to de nigger• f De Governor axed me how does I lac 1 dis lifs? I sez<br />

f v3ry well, tho 1 things has changed since slavery days* Ihose wuz good ole days for<br />

de black man; didn f t hafter worry about nuthin 1 * I*>w, I sho f does mah share ob<br />

worrying I worries frua one meal to de odder, I worries about nhure I f ze gwiae<br />

get some mo* clothes when dese wears out?*<br />

I tole de Governor mah 'sperience wif de Republican Party durin' de wahr. I been<br />

hung fo f times in mah life an* one ob de times by de Bepublieans. long time ago,<br />

Mr. Boy Nash an' Mr. Hugh Sutton wuz a settin* ovah de ballot box on »leetion day,<br />

when I voted 80 Democrats. Yas, suhj I jus» marches 'em in an* tells *em how to<br />

cas' dey vote, Dat night, on mah way home frum de votin*, goin* down de lonely road,<br />

I mz stopped an* strung up to a tree by de neck. Dey 'splained dat I wuz too<br />

•fluentisl wid de niggers. TShen I wuz iiangin' dere I did .some manful howlin». Dat<br />

bowlin* sho brought de white folks. Bhen dey see mah distres* dey 'leased de rope<br />

an 1 I wuz saved. Dat is when I 'pealed to Col. Baker for 'tection. Me wuz mah frien 1<br />

as long as he lib, and he wuz a good frien* «b de South 'cause he saved lots ob white<br />

folks frum de wrath ob de mean niggers."<br />

(Note: The Col. *iaker referred to was Cullen Baker, the leader <strong>of</strong> a ruthless gang<br />

<strong>of</strong> oushwhackers that operated in this section shortly after the Civil War.)<br />


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