SLAVE NARRATIVES - Library of Congress

SLAVE NARRATIVES - Library of Congress

SLAVE NARRATIVES - Library of Congress


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"I remember getting one whipping. I didn f t get it from Mr. Goodwin<br />

thougji. His brother gave it to me. His brother sent me to get a horse* An<br />

old hound was laying in the way on the saddle and the bridle. He wouldn f t<br />

move so I picked up the bridle and hit him with it. He hollered and master 1 s<br />

brother heard him and gave me a whipping. That is the only whipping I ever<br />

got when I was small.<br />

Kn KLux<br />

*I heard <strong>of</strong> the Ku KLux Klan but I don f t know that I ever seen them*<br />

I never noticed what effect they had on the colored people. I just heard<br />

people talking about them.<br />

Occupational Experiences<br />

"The first work I did was farming—after the War. I farmed, ~dowfn<br />

close to SI Dorado, about six miles away from there. I kept that up till<br />

I was about seventeen or eighteen years old or somewheres about there* That<br />

was on James Goodwin 1 s place—my last master, the man who raised me. Then<br />

I left him and came to Little Rock. I don f t remember in what year* I went<br />

to school here in Little Rock* I had already had some schooling. My grand-<br />

mother sent me. The school I went to was called the Union School. It was<br />

down on Sixth Street* After I left there, I went to Capitol Hill School*<br />

I was going to school during the Brooks-Baxter War. The statehouse was on<br />

tlarkham Street and Center. My grandmother* s name was Celie Hobinson. She<br />

went by the name <strong>of</strong> her owner.<br />

"After I had gone to school several years—I don f t remember<br />

just how many—I worked down town about ten or eleven years* Then I<br />

went to railroading* First I was with the Iron Mountain and Southern*<br />

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