SLAVE NARRATIVES - Library of Congress

SLAVE NARRATIVES - Library of Congress

SLAVE NARRATIVES - Library of Congress


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"My mother f s name was Susanna Briggs* Her father f s name was Isaac<br />

Metz* The children left him in South Carolina* The white folks sold them<br />

away from him. My mother just had three children: me, and my two brothers*<br />

I don't know how many my grandfather had* There were four sisters that I<br />

know besides my mother and two boys: Aunt Melissa, and Aunt Jane, and Aunt<br />

Annie, and Aunt Sarah, and Uncle Albert Mitchell, and Uncle Ben* My grand**<br />

mother f s name was Betsy* I never got to see her but they told me about her*<br />

Good Masters<br />

"I have heard them say that their white folks didn f t whip them* My<br />

master was a good man* My young master, when it come to the surrender<br />

slipped back home and told them they was going to be free as ever he was*<br />

His name was Joe Mitchell* I never seed my white folks whip anybody in my<br />

life* They just never whipped anybody* They never whipped me* I have seen<br />

the white folks next to us whip their Negroes and I asked grandma about it*<br />

She said that those were their Negroes and she would explain what they was<br />

being whipped for* They was on another farm* I don't remember what they<br />

was being whipped for*<br />

"My young master told the slaves when he notified them they was free<br />

that if they didn f t want to stay with him, he would give them enough to go<br />

on till they could make it, you know, to keep them from starving* He was a<br />

good man*<br />

"The old man, Joe f s father, was named Thomas Mitchell* He died before<br />

I was born* I never seed him, just knowed his name* Joe f s mother was<br />

named Isabel Mitchell* I came to be named Briggs because her husband 1 s name<br />

was Briggs* He belonged to a Briggs* I don f t know what his name was else*<br />

They didn't belong to the same master* They used to let them marry*<br />

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