SLAVE NARRATIVES - Library of Congress

SLAVE NARRATIVES - Library of Congress

SLAVE NARRATIVES - Library of Congress


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Mrs* Carol Graham " '■ j»:^'<br />

Mrs* Mildred Thompson A 09<br />

El Dorado District<br />

Fannie Sims* Customs "How ole is ah? Xm about 78* Yes f m ah wuz live durin<br />

:Io v.-ah* Mah ole moster wuz Mis tuh Jake D umas we lived near de Ouachita rivuh<br />

; c t five miles fum El Dorado landing Ah membush dat we washed at de spring<br />

v-v, T/;a y £ um & e house* Tfhat dat yo say? Does ah know Ca'line* Ca'line,<br />

la'vvsy, me yes. Ca f line Washington we use tuh call huh, she wuz one uv Mr*<br />

Turas niggers* T7e washed fuh de soldiers* Had tuh carry dey clo'es tuh d em<br />

artuh dark* Me an Ca f line had tuh carry dem* Ve had tuh hide de horse tuh<br />

Vs3_: ' n e soldiers fum gittin him* When we would take de horse tuh de plum<br />

err; s rd we would stay dah all day to dark wid "Blackie* Dat wuz de horse 1 s<br />

-a;.H. Mah job mostly wuz tuh watch de chillun an feed mah mistress<br />

•j-.i'jkens*<br />

Ah kin recollect when dey took us an started tuh Texas* an got as<br />

iiui cr-.z SI Dorado and found out dat us niggers wuz free* We went back an<br />

r^^-a f s mistress f s son took us home wid him fuh stretches and stretches*<br />

~. lived on de ole Camden road*<br />

In mah da;"S ah've done plenty uv work but ah don' do nothing now<br />

:-t -iece quilts* Dat T s whut ah f ve been doing fuh mah white fokes since<br />

:.h Veen he ah* Ah jes finished piecing and quilt in two uv em* De<br />

; !o.e and de Begger* Mah husban* been dead-31 years dis pas 1 August*<br />

X. .r.h counts is by dese twins ah raised* One uv em lives in dis heah<br />

"1t;ce right heah* Ah aint much count now* Sometime mah laig gets so big<br />

~h .'?$ had tuh sloop mah foot erlong."

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