1 - American Memory

1 - American Memory

1 - American Memory


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HQIO TO: Mayor Shunichl Klnura<br />

69<br />

October 1,' 1971<br />

SDOnXTl Supplies - Strllce Effocts Ralatod Thereto<br />

As of October 1, 197I5 rcvis-.r of Invontorlso at hospitals, drug whole-<br />

salers, jiiaraacios, food wholesalers and suporaarkots \ae cade. Ihe findincs<br />

are reportod as loUa/s:<br />

1. Hospitals<br />

Conticuins ehortises In surgical and ward supplies, as previously<br />

reported on Septorijar 15, 1971, present problems which aro boin3<br />

net through loo^l plvarc^cias and, soi^Jtinss, throu^-^ subsiitution<br />

of Itozis. Spo;i;3s, ;a"-i33, other sur^^ical noods and nsdicine are<br />

brought in by air froic'.t.<br />

2» prj- Vholocilsrs<br />

Report that drujs and csdicino stocks are brou::ht in by air and<br />

have bean able to cast all dcasnds to the prssjnt date. One local<br />

wholosalar reports t!;-; his inventory is about 95 percent of the<br />

stock carried in nor:3al tines.<br />

3» Phir:.-'.ci:!3<br />

Bsport that no problsns exist vfith strai-rht rharriceutlcal supplies.<br />

It is the sundry itons \ihich aro boconin- difficult to obtain and<br />

which accou:it for the voli!.-::^ of sales. Hioso itens run froa toilat<br />

tisoua to Ci-.risurus n3rcha;-.diso. O.10 r;.aruicy in the do-..-ntam area<br />

is closing out and ccnnolldatir.- all sioc'.: in its Tall outlet.<br />

Nothing to advortiso is tha cocnant of nost cana-ers.<br />

4* Food '^olor.ilors<br />

Periodically brln- in ba!:ery floiir and ImBdlitoly allocate tha<br />

supply to tliair raspoctiva custorjors. l.'iaro srall ba!orias, in<br />

the pact, hiva ty-pasiod local \;'iolocal3rs anJ brou^t in thoir<br />

or.m flour, thasa saEa baTcarias no-.f find it difficult to obtain<br />

flour othar tl-an throu-ii the ila-./aii Flour IJJJL i-i Ho:iolulu.

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