1 - American Memory

1 - American Memory

1 - American Memory


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8ay that the food vrould last for a certain period of time, and in additional<br />

Burveys, we would be able to say that it has either exceeded our previous<br />

estimates or is less than our previous estimates* On an up-dating basis,<br />

we would have more specific inforoation; then as the situation gets worse,<br />

we can jrell louder.<br />

The Honolulu DOA's State Conraittee is primarily made up of wholesalers.<br />

HB have both retailers and those who act as their ovm wholesalers to a<br />

certain extent althou^ they probably do get some materials from Honolulu<br />

under normal conditions.<br />

iknother thine that would come into the picture would be animal feed<br />

which is normally supplied from Honolulu to companies such as V&ldron.<br />

Therefore, the problem would probably be an expanding situation. We<br />

started with food because if we do-not eat, we cannot live, but having the<br />

construction of your house delayed is another thing. Although this would<br />

affect the overall econony, we can live without a door knob but not without<br />

food.<br />

Hr. Douglass mentioned that the Chamber's survey showed that some<br />

people are already out of v;ork because of the strike and if they do not<br />

work, they would not be able to buy the food to eat. l!r. Abe stated that<br />

as of JuJy 31, roughly 25-30 people were out of work. By September, they<br />

expect it to total about 250-300 people.<br />

After a discussion, it was agreed that follow-up surveys will be made<br />

every two weeks. The forms distributed at this meeting will be due next<br />

Friday (August 13). I/e will be sending the next follav-up on August 20<br />

and the due date on that will be August 27. If the situation is looldng<br />

very critical, another meeting will probably be held early in September.<br />

In the meantime, we will see what developments have occurred from the Stats<br />

end.<br />

Ifr. Isherwood will be in Honolulu next week so he will go to see<br />

Mr. Sorg on Vfednesday to discuss the food and hardv/are situation. Then<br />

he will be able to get a better idea of what the State intends to do.<br />

Hr. Abe cmnnented that thus far a panic is not on but he is curious<br />

to know vrtien the public will start buying. Mr. Isheivood stated that the<br />

newspapers have been quite cooperative in not headlining the situation.<br />

It was mentioned that some people started buying rice prior to this vdien<br />

there first vfere talks about the strilce coning on.<br />

As there were no further comuents or suggestions, the meeting adjourned<br />

at 10:A5 a*m-<br />


M. 0. ISHEIlVroCD, SR.<br />

CD Administrator<br />


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