1 - American Memory

1 - American Memory

1 - American Memory


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51<br />

Mr* Fred Erskine, >rfio is the head of the DOA, also heads the Food<br />

Section of the Qaercency :?esource Ijanagenent Coiimittoe for the State and<br />

for the Island of Oahu. Oahu CD does not coce into this but each of the<br />

othar three counties have their own E-IM set-up. However, we are all working<br />

toward the sane thing—anjrthing that would affect the people who live here.<br />

Mr. Isherwood spoke with Mr. Srskine last Saturday and was told that as a<br />

result of their meeting, Oahu suppliers, particularly of flours and grains,<br />

had dispatched a tug and barge to Vancouver to be loaded and returned with<br />

flour and other food products to be nade of flour. It is not yet known vfhat<br />

effect this would have on the other islands. If and when the barge returns,<br />

it was not kncwn at this tiae whether these products would be allocated to<br />

aJJL counties or if they would just be for Cahu. From the news articles,<br />

it appears that lots of boats are being loaded there, but the rrand trip<br />

wiXl probably take between 15 and 20 days.<br />

Also at the July 8 meeting, it was agreed that if the strike continued<br />

after August 1, we would have another meeting to get an up-dating on what<br />

the food supplies aur«. State CD and the DOA requested that we use the State<br />

form on additional revievrs of the inventories. The State Food Inventory<br />

Fonu were distributed to those present and HCDA will also nail copies to<br />

the rest of those who participated.in the survey. It was requested that<br />

these forms be returned to HCDA by Friday, August 13, and the supplies<br />

are to be estijcated as of that date. After they are returned, we will said<br />

them to Honolulu. This form was prepared by the Department of Agriculture<br />

and is aLaost the sane as ours. Mr. Isherwood noted that the "Hawaii"<br />

colusn should be filled in. The supplies are to be estiirated in thousands<br />

of pounds without reference to size. This fora does not have a colurai<br />

to indicate the esticate on how long the supplies would last under normal<br />

conditions; therefore, it was requested that a star be placed by the supplies<br />

which are getting short. In designating the nunijer of pounds, use ••2"'<br />

instead of "2,000^' for exznple, when referring to -2,000 pounds."<br />

Mr. Boyd Shaffer, Resources & Logistics Officer of HCDA, will be handling<br />

this survey from here on. )lr. Shaffer was asked to make a survey on the<br />

Inventory of products other than food and he thus checked with about a half-<br />

dos^en larger suppliers. At our July 8 meeting, >!r. Isherrfood mentioned<br />

that he contacted the petroleua organizations and they had estinated about<br />

three months' supply; however, they will not anticipate any trouble because<br />

their bulk supplies are brought in by their own tankers. They also estinated<br />

roughly three months' supply of packaged goods which are nonsally brought in<br />

by Katscn or Seatrain. If necessary, these could be brought in by their<br />

own tankers but they prefer not to. Mr. Shaffer also checked with the oil<br />

ecofianies and their figures show that they have no problems. They anticipate<br />

that their pacltag&d goods would last another two months.<br />

Hardware such as door finishings (includes handles, hinges, knobs and<br />

pre-cnade doors), Douglas Fir, P.edwood and paint, are beginning to get in<br />

short supply. Some contractors are flying these materials in; some of them<br />

are absorbing the entire cost v»hile others are paying half of the additional<br />

cost. Most of them anticipate that those supplies which have not already<br />

been used up will be used up within two to three weeks.

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