1 - American Memory

1 - American Memory

1 - American Memory


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44<br />


KAMUi ccwinr civn, DEFQBE USEIKX<br />




JUU 3, 1971<br />

A aeetlng of the Pood Section of the Boergency Resource Kanageoent<br />

Connslttee vas held on July 8, 1971, at 12:20 p.B« at the Hllo Hotel.<br />

Mr* l^cn 0. Isherwocd, Sr., Civil Defense Adinihistrator, presideda<br />

Tbose present were:<br />

!&•• Toshio Maeda, Sulsan Coopany, Ltd*<br />

Mr. George Abe, Hav;aii Island Chamber of Cotnaeree<br />

Kr> Eugene Sung, Hllo Foodland<br />

Mr. Tom Okuyair^, Sure Save Super Ilarkets, Ltd.<br />

Mr. Shunichi Hatada, Hatada & Hobert's Bakeries, Inc.<br />

Mr. Llqxd Sadamoto, Dept. of Research & Developoent, County of Batoil<br />

Mr. Paul Douglass, 'Watson Navigation Company<br />

Mr. Susumi Hata, 7. Hata & Conpany, Ltd.<br />

Ifr. Eijiro Kaneshiro, Food Fair Super Market<br />

Mr. George tiatsuaura, Tanlguchi Super Markets<br />

Mr. Kyron 0. Isherwocd, Sr., HCDA<br />

Mr. Sunry ICim, HCDA<br />

The meeting was called due to the present shipping strike. This meeting<br />

has been cleared with the >!ayor and will not be publicized at all.<br />

Cbe of the plans under Civil Defense is to provide for the recovery<br />

of a connunity after a nuclear attack and to provide for such a possibility,<br />

plans for the organization of the Dnergency Resource Kanagecent Committee<br />

were started several years ago. This cocmittee, originally organized by<br />

the Rotary Club, is comprised of Messrs. Kaneshiro, Ckuyaca, Kata, I-^anuel<br />

Lucas (Savemore) and Frank Kagao (now retired). The last tine the comnittee<br />

was activated was during the potential shipping strike in 1965*<br />

In the event of a nuclear attack, we would be contacting all business<br />

firms in the County; however, since this survey will be a bread estimate<br />

only, we eliminated the smaller stores and contacted only the larger ones.<br />

Wiat we are interested in now is an esticate on how long the food staples<br />

and basic sanitation supplies in the County will last.<br />

Since we cannot determine hew long the strike will last, Mr. Isherwocd<br />

prepared a draft of an Ei:ergency Food Inventory Form for purposes of getting<br />

a general preview of the present situation on the island. He went over the<br />

form which he circulated and asked the group for comments en it.<br />

Mr. Kaneshiro suggested contacting Hilo Meat for an inventory on fresh<br />

meats. Mr. Isherwocd stated that they have been contacted. Mr. Kaneshiro<br />

added that his firm carries a supply of two or three days of fresh meat<br />

at the most.

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