1 - American Memory

1 - American Memory

1 - American Memory


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20<br />

If during that 80-day cooling-off period the strike is not resolved,<br />

it can resume. So Taft-Hartley alone has not proved to be effective.<br />

This bill, H.R. 7189, asks for an exemption of 160 days from strikes<br />

and lockouts.<br />

Mr. HARVEY. Again, I thank you for that explanation. Thank you,<br />

Mr. Chairman.<br />

Mr. JARMAX. Mr. Kuykendall ?<br />

Mr. KUYKENDALL. To tlie Hawaiian delegation, and Senator Fong<br />

and Mrs. Mink, it is good to have j'ou liere. Let's leave discussion of<br />

the problems of the jurisdictional situation and committee situation<br />

to the lawyers.<br />

Is it not true that you are really asking that Hawaii be treated as<br />

any other State would be treated with only one mode of transporta-<br />

tion?<br />

Mrs. MINK. That is correct.<br />

Mr. MATSUNAGA. That is correct.<br />

Mr. KuYKENPALi.. If there were another State with only one mode<br />

of transportation, that is what you are asking for ?<br />

Mrs. MINK. That is our argument, sir.<br />

Mr. KUYKENDALL. IS it not true that when the Founding Fathers<br />

put together the Constitution and sijoke of interstate commerce, they<br />

knew that a State could be literally strangled by the interruption of<br />

commerce. At that time it was possible to strangle a State as it is pos-<br />

sible to strangle Hawaii today ?<br />

Mr. MATSUNAGA. I believe it was the purpose of the Interstate Com-<br />

merce Act to prevent such strangulation of any one State.<br />

Mr. KuYicENDALL. Wlieu this legislation was introduced, I was<br />

very pleased to see that many facets of the political and philosophical<br />

and business commimity in Hawaii were all supporting it.<br />

There are some members of this committee, of course, who are afraid<br />

that these hearings are nothing but an exercise in futility I hope that<br />

the four of you, including my down-the-street neighbor, Senator<br />

Inouye, are determined that this is not what this Avill be. I know this<br />

committee will give you a full hearing certainly and I fully support<br />

your legislation because I think it is in the purview of the Interstate<br />

Commerce Committee.<br />

I do wonder why you put it at 160 days. I think it ought to be per-<br />

manent because after 10 days you are not going to be any better or in<br />

worse trouble in 100 days or 150 or 300 days.<br />

So the only thing I criticize about your legislation is why put a<br />

limit on it. Do you want to comment on that ?<br />

Mr. MATSUNAGA. NO West Coast strike so far has lasted in excess<br />

of 134 days and we figured that 160 days would, if past experience<br />

means anything, take care of all future strikes.<br />

I wish to thank the gentleman for his comments. The name "Kuy-<br />

kendall", actually pronounced Keye-ken-dall in Hawaii, is a very<br />

famous name and it is my understanding that the gentleman is related<br />

to the Kuykendall of anthropoligical and sociological fame in Hawaii.<br />

Mr. KUYKENDALL. That branch of the family gave up and started<br />

pronouncing it the way it w'as spelled about 200 years ago. Our branch<br />

of the family is stubborn and has pronounced it wrong all of those<br />


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