1 - American Memory

1 - American Memory

1 - American Memory


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250<br />

National Labor Relations Board. It Is joint employer bargaining. This means<br />

that all employer members of Pacific Maritime Association should have an equal<br />

interest and commitment in the collective bargaining process. H.R. 7189 would<br />

destroy this equality assumption. A few employers will operate during a strike,<br />

others will not. The economic impact on employers in the same collective bar-<br />

gaining unit would therefore be distorted. Divislveness on bargaining goals and<br />

objectives will follow, thereby impairing effective employer bargaining strength.<br />

This divislveness fear is not imagined. What is happening right here in these<br />

hearings underscores that fear. On behalf of most of the Pacific Maritime Asso-<br />

ciation members, I am here opposing H.R. 7189. But, I understand, ready to<br />

testify in support of the bill is at least one of our large and important members,<br />

namely Matson, which services Hawaii. The divislveness process is already<br />

starting.<br />


While the public interest may have only a slight Impact on the decision making<br />

processes that either lead to or avoid transportation strikes, the public interest<br />

does play a major role in shortening the duration of such strikes. A best example<br />

Is the 1971-1972 West Coast dock strike. The public protest against the strike<br />

became so widespread that Joint Senate and House Resolutions to terminate the<br />

strikes were Introduced. Within a week of the February 4, 1972 Senate and<br />

House hearings on those measures, an agreement was concluded between PMA<br />

and ILWU.<br />

No other neutral third party, generically termed the "public," was more vocal<br />

than Hawaii in calling for intervention to terminate that strike. With Hawaii<br />

out of the picture, the proposed legislation probably would have been delayed<br />

and the strike further prolonged. If H.R. 7189 becomes law. it will therefore<br />

saddle neutrals other than Hawaii with potentially more devastating strike<br />

hardships, for the public clamor for relief will be lessened. Thus, while relieving<br />

Hawaii and the other islands, H.R. 7189 will very likely impose additional bur-<br />

dens on others.<br />

CONCI.U8I0N<br />

In conclusion. Pacific Maritime Association opposes H.R. 7189 mainly because<br />

It would gravely weaken Pacific Maritime Association in its collective bargaining<br />

relationships with the various unions representing dockside and offshore mari-<br />

time employees. While all of us in the maritime Industry are anxious to avoid or<br />

eliminate strikes, exempting Hawaii and other U.S. Pacific Islands is not the<br />

answer.<br />


Chicago, in., September 9,1974.<br />


House of Rcpregentatives,<br />

Washington, D.C.<br />

DEAR SIR : I am writing as Chairman of the Transportation Legislation Committee<br />

of the Canned Goods Shippers Conference, Inc.<br />

The Canned Goods Shippers Conference Is a not-for-profit organization of<br />

traflJc, transportation and distribution officers of some 51 companies, corporations<br />

and associations (listed in the attached roster) engaged in the manufacture<br />

and distribution of canned or preserved foodstuffs.<br />

Many of these companies ship food products from the Mainland to Hawaii.<br />

Because of that State's unusual dependence on waterborne commerre for<br />

delivery of food products, the Conference continues to support H.R. 71S9.<br />

This legislation would provide for the maintenance of normal shipping for a<br />

period of 160 days in the event of strike or lock out. H.R. 7189 applies only between<br />

the U.S. West Coast and Hawaii and Pacific Islands under U.S. control.<br />

Tills conference urges your .support of this bill or any other Iwfislatlon which<br />

will accomplish the objective of maintaining the flow of essential food products<br />

to Hawaii in the event of transportation related strikes.<br />

Respectfully.<br />

J. R. MANN,<br />

Ofneral Traffic if onager.<br />

Chairman, Transportation Legislation Committee,<br />

Canned Ooods Shippers Conference.<br />


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