1 - American Memory

1 - American Memory

1 - American Memory


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L Food (including some non-food grocery items) amounts to 819,000 tons or<br />

about 2.6 shiploads per month. Demand for meats (about one-fourth of a ship-<br />

load a month) would be reduced if lack of feed caused slaughter of animals,<br />

as happened In 1950.<br />

2. Textiles total 5,500 tons a year of which only a thousand tons a year is<br />

apparel. Much of the imports could be bandied by expansion of the current supply<br />

by air.<br />

3. Newsprint and paper (including materials for pineapple cases) total 90,000<br />

tons or nearly one shipload a month and would be badly needed but difficult to<br />

supply, from any other source besides the Pacific Northwest<br />

4. Metals, machinery and vehicles total 221,000 tons or nearly two shiploads a<br />

month, of which a major fraction could be supplied from Far East sources.<br />

There would be shortages of selected items, some of which would be essential<br />

and only some of which could be brought from the mainland by air.<br />

5. Animal feed totals 173,000 tons or one and one-half ship loads a month. If<br />

this is stopped, it would necessitate that a major fraction of the chickens, pigs<br />

and milk cows would be slaughtered.<br />

6. Construction and related materials total well over 279,000 tons or more<br />

than two shiploads a month. Shortages of larger items could possibly bring con-<br />

struction activity to an early stop (as in 1950).<br />

7. Other categories total 191,000 tons or over one and one-half shiploads a<br />

month. There are many important items included in this which will be essential,<br />

but tbe total tonnage is not known.<br />

8. Chemicals and fertilizers total 197,000 tons or one and one-half shiploads<br />

a month. Most of this is fertilizer and similar materials which can be delayed.<br />

Presently most cargo to neighbor islands is shipped to Honolulu and then<br />

transshipped by Matron's inter-island container ^ip to neighbor Islands or<br />

carried to neighbor islands by Young Brother's barge line. The neighbor is-<br />

lands would suffer seriously from an interruption of this service, or additional<br />

lengthy stops would have to be made by scarce transpacific shipping.<br />

The longer term impact on investment, the visitor Industry, attracting work-<br />

ers for the rapidly growing economy, the cost of living, and so on would also<br />

be substantial.<br />

(In tons)<br />

13S7 imports<br />

Foreiin From U.S.<br />

(ainpt mainland<br />

Canada) and Canada<br />

Animal f««f (grain, ate.) 2,114 172.7a<br />

Fresh meat, fish, fruits and vegetables 8,798 75,177<br />

Processa] meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, dairy, flour, rice and miscallanaous food and<br />

groceries U.09O 243,843<br />

Textiles, apparel, etc 2,3*0 5,510<br />

Lumber 3,467 158,434<br />

Furniture and wool manufactures 3.028 32.161<br />

Various nonmetallic construction products (cement, ^ass, stone, clay, paints, etc.) 67.260 88.614<br />

NewjqrintMcl paper 651 90,095<br />

Chemicals 2,068 79.453<br />

Fertilizer and insecticide 31,601 117.231<br />

Crude oil, (el fuel, fuel oil, gasoline, etc 3.347.071 1.950,665<br />

Iron and steel (including tin plate) 64,448 93,577<br />

Nonferrous metals . 344 2,891<br />

Machinery except motor vehicles 2,915 34.066<br />

Motor vehicles and parts 7.428 55,450<br />

Other manufactures (of metal and other) 6,578 35.047<br />

Miscellaneous general—all other „ 230 191,495<br />

The question then is posed whether some of the Impact of a shipping Inter-<br />

ruption be lessened by using air freight. A summary of present freight load<br />

and margin of empty load available has been complied by the Bank of Hawaii<br />

and is attached. It would take available space used for a whole month to<br />

equal the tonnage capacity of one shipload and this type of air freight conld<br />

not possibly bring in the bulky, heavier type cargo.

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