1 - American Memory

1 - American Memory

1 - American Memory


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1 any such dock facility at a port on the west coast for at<br />

2 least forty-eight hours after the ship carrying such cargo<br />

3 ajTived at such facility;<br />

4 "(2) the term 'strike' has the same meaning as it<br />

5 has in section 501 (2) of the Labor Management Rela-<br />

6 tions Act of 1947; and<br />

T "(3) the terms 'eonployer', 'employee', and 'labor<br />

8 organization' have the snme meanings as such terms<br />

9 have in sections 2 (2), (3), and (5), respectively, of<br />

JO the National Labor Relations Act."<br />

11 SKC. 3. Tlie provisions of section 209 (a) of the Railway<br />

12 Labor Act shall take efTeet on the date of enactment of<br />

13 this Act unless a strike or lockout in the longshore or mari-<br />

^4 time industr}' on the west coast is occurring on such date<br />

1^ of pnactnient, in which case such provisions shall take<br />

^^ ellcct on the fifth (lav after such date of enactment.

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