1 - American Memory

1 - American Memory

1 - American Memory


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Nay 30, 1973<br />

1h« Honorable Shunlchi Klaura<br />

Hayor, County of Havali<br />

25 Aupual Screct<br />

Hllo, BaiMll 96720<br />

Dear Hayor Klaura,<br />

118<br />




Ihank you for affording m» thla opportunity to azpreaa tha coocarn of Bamll'a<br />

eattlaaan ovar tha thraat of futura ahlpplng atrlkaa, and thalr effact en tba<br />

Stata'a cattle induatry.<br />

Our prtaary araa of concam la that of grain ihortagaa for cattia In faadyarda<br />

and thoaa cattia on auppleattntal faadlng prograsa on tha ranchaa, during cba<br />

duration of a ahlpplng atrlka. Strike threata, and paat expcrlencca with ahlp-<br />

plng tlaupa have raaulted In the neceaalty of atockplllag feed grain. In aeat<br />

caaea, a five aonth aupply of grain la being atockpllad aa a preventive •aaaure<br />

ahould a atrlke occur In the future. Stockpiling Increaaaa eoata conalderebly,<br />

due to the additional coat of grain warahouaing, and In aoaa caaea, preventa<br />

feedlot operatora froa taking advantage of fluctuatlona In the grain sarkat diM<br />

to lack of uarahouae faellltiaa praaently being uaad for ateckplllng.<br />

Acwthar araa of concern to ranchera la tha effect that ahlpplng atrlkea have oa<br />

laahlpaenta of baef to Kawall froa the U. S. Mainland. At preaaot, the U. S.<br />

Mainland auppllaa approxlBatcly 25X of the State'a Market eupply of beef. Hawaii'<br />

baef Induatry, not being In the pealtloo to aupply tba entire State'a aarkat, la<br />

dependent upon theaa Inahlpaanta to aeet the Stata'a deaand for beef.<br />

In the event of a ahlpplng atrlke, thla beef auat be airfreighted to the lalaoda,<br />

alaoat alvaya on a apace available baala, thereby aharply Incraaalng tba carcaaa<br />

coat, and therefore tha retail coat of beef cute, to the canauaar. In Ilka<br />

Banner, alnca the price of baef produced In the State la baaed on the Waat Coaat<br />

price plua freight, the coat of locally produced baef llkawlae Increaaea.<br />

txtreae ahortagea of fartlllaer and harblcldee, eaaentlal to tha good ataaard-<br />

ahip of our landa, and alao of veterinary and aedlcal auppllea, eaaentlal to tba<br />

haalth and well being of our beef cattle, are not uncoaaon during a ahlpplng<br />

atrlka, and work a further hardahlp on tha rancher. In aany caaea, theaa abort-<br />

agea Increaae the renchera coata conaldarably. Increaaad coata of production<br />

invariably reault In higher baef prlcea to the conauaar.<br />

MS Vort Street, Suite MM - Honolulu, Hawaii 96813

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