1 - American Memory

1 - American Memory

1 - American Memory


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102<br />


SEPTDIOER 26, 1971<br />

6iOO aji.<br />

OrriCE OP THE MAYOR — ••nal> •! kawiil, kll*. kawall »(Tt*<br />

September 23, 1971 SMUMICNI KIHUBA<br />

Honorable Jolui A. Bums<br />

Governor<br />

State of Hauoii<br />

State Capitol Duildins<br />

llonolulu, Hawaii 96S13<br />

71-9-lOz<br />

We have coapleted the fourth poll in a scries of weekly colls of Dig Island<br />

businesses to ascertain the impact of the shipping strike on our econociy. Dicloscd<br />

ore the Jesuits of the fourth survey-<br />

Local businessmen during the week of September 19, 1971, were again asked about the<br />

effect of the strike on their eniplojiscnt. A total of 337 firms were contacted.<br />

There was little change from the previous survey as cau be seen in Table 1.<br />

Four (4) firms—two in nanufacturiJig and two in construction—were already shut down<br />

due to lack of supplies. There were a total of 21 eniployees in these fiiiis. Seven<br />

(7) Boro businesses—two iji uaaufacturiug, t».o in constiiiction, three in retail—<br />

liidicatcd tliat they will be foi-ced to shut dowi operations within three wec!:s.<br />

Construction and o^nufacturing finr.s have been bit hardest by the striJce. Many<br />

construction finss are affected by both a "slow" year and the lack of materials to<br />

start or conplcte jobs. Manufacturing opci*ations are being Im^ipcred by lack of<br />

supplies, including packaging Material, salt nnd other items necessai? to process<br />

pi-oducts, and by the lac!; of a feasible rieans of exporting their products. The loss<br />

of market areas in the mainland was also a concern for inany exporters.<br />

An additional question added in this week's survey was the number of employees whose<br />

hours have been shortened (sec Table 3). Of the 370 previous full-tljiie workers who<br />

bad shortened hours, over two-thirds arc working at least one day less per vcck.<br />

Flms previously unaffected are now coniplainins of a definite slack in their businesses.<br />

Estiinatcs ranging fron Z5 percent to £0 percent less sales have been expressed. The<br />

situation with sugar still rcnains fairly stable.

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