T-FLEX Parametric CAD. Fundamentals. 2D Design

T-FLEX Parametric CAD. Fundamentals. 2D Design T-FLEX Parametric CAD. Fundamentals. 2D Design

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The “Load from file” flag allows reading in an existing diagram saved in a file (*.tfg). The “Color” and “Background” define the color of the diagram and its background window. Upon confirming the diagram parameters, it's pane opens. The ruler on the left side of the diagram pane represents the scale for the variable values, while the one on the top side of the diagram pane reflects the time scale. Both scales reflect the defined range is of the values (the default time interval is from 0 to 60 seconds). At the beginning, the variable diagram is a constant equal to the current variable value. The user can now add an arbitrary number of points, defining the variation of the variable values along the specified time interval. If the screenplay already has another variable diagram in the window, then upon selecting a variable, the following option becomes available: Add Diagram For Selected Variable To Active Window Animation The current window is outlined by a frame, whose color is defined by the parameter “Active window color” per the option: Change Current Screenplay Name To select the current window, point the mouse to the desired diagram and click . The option of adding a variable to the current window allows overlapping several diagrams in one coordinate space. If several diagrams are present in one window, the last modified diagram is considered selected. Its line is thicker, and the respective entry is highlighted in the list of a variables. A diagram sharing the window with other diagrams can be moved to a separate window using the option: Adding/Modifying Diagram Points Move Active Diagram Into New Window As the pointer moves inside the diagram window, its current coordinates are displayed in the lower right corner. Upon clicking , a new node is created under the pointer position, and is connected by straight segments with the neighboring points in the diagram. To create a new node dividing an existing segment of the diagram in the two, point the mouse to the diagram line and select the item “Add Node” from the context menu. 667

Fundamentals. Two-Dimensional Design 668 To modify the node position, point the mouse to it (the mouse pointer will change its appearance). Then, dragging the mouse with the depressed, place this node of the diagram in a different position. To specify the exact node coordinates, right click , select in the coming up automenu the item “Properties” and enter the values for the Т- and Y-coordinate. In the case of multiple selection of the nodes in the diagram, the selected group of points can be translated: Transfer Selected Nodes Upon selecting this option, a dialog box appears for inputting the shift values along the Т- and Y-axes. As a result, the selected group of points will change its position per the specified values. Adding points to a diagram can also be done using the option: Cut Selected Nodes Of Active Diagram And Put Them Into Clipboard Or File Copy Selected Nodes Of Active Diagram Into Clipboard Or File Paste Nodes With Positioning Into Active Diagram From Clipboard Or File Use of these options implies existence of least one diagram with two nodes. Select several nodes (those will be highlighted) and pick one of the options, “Cut” or “Copy”, in the control toolbar. Then select the fixing node for inserting the selected fragment of the diagram and pick the option “Paste”. Thereafter, the “Insertion” dialog box appears. Besides the Clipboard, a source for insertion can be a diagram saved in a file (*.tfg). The insertion particulars are defined by the fixing node of the diagram fragment being inserted (“Left Node”, “Right Node”) and by the number of insertions. If the flag “Symmetrical, horizontal” is set, then the insertion fragment will be a copy of the original mirrored about the vertical line passing through the fixing node. The leftmost picture shows the highlighted points of the diagram fragment being copied to the Clipboard. The second picture shows the insertion with the option “Left Node”, the third one - that with additional use of the flag “Symmetrical, horizontal”. In the case when the time span of the diagram fragment being inserted is greater than the time interval of the remaining portion of the diagram to the right of the fixing node (when using left node fixing), or to the left of

The “Load from file” flag allows reading in an existing diagram saved<br />

in a file (*.tfg). The “Color” and “Background” define the color of<br />

the diagram and its background window. Upon confirming the diagram<br />

parameters, it's pane opens. The ruler on the left side of the diagram<br />

pane represents the scale for the variable values, while the one on the<br />

top side of the diagram pane reflects the time scale. Both scales reflect<br />

the defined range is of the values (the default time interval is from 0 to<br />

60 seconds). At the beginning, the variable diagram is a constant equal<br />

to the current variable value. The user can now add an arbitrary<br />

number of points, defining the variation of the variable values along<br />

the specified time interval.<br />

If the screenplay already has another variable diagram in the window,<br />

then upon selecting a variable, the following option becomes available:<br />

Add Diagram For Selected Variable To Active Window<br />

Animation<br />

The current window is outlined by a frame, whose color is defined by the parameter “Active window color”<br />

per the option:<br />

Change Current Screenplay Name<br />

To select the current window, point the mouse to the desired diagram and click . The option of adding a<br />

variable to the current window allows overlapping several diagrams in one coordinate space. If several<br />

diagrams are present in one window, the last modified diagram is considered selected. Its line is thicker, and<br />

the respective entry is highlighted in the list of a variables. A diagram sharing the window with other<br />

diagrams can be moved to a separate window using the option:<br />

Adding/Modifying Diagram Points<br />

Move Active Diagram Into New Window<br />

As the pointer moves inside the diagram window, its current coordinates are displayed in the lower right<br />

corner. Upon clicking , a new node is created under the pointer position, and is connected by straight<br />

segments with the neighboring points in the diagram. To create a new node dividing an existing segment of<br />

the diagram in the two, point the mouse to the diagram line and select the item “Add Node” from the context<br />

menu.<br />


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