T-FLEX Parametric CAD. Fundamentals. 2D Design

T-FLEX Parametric CAD. Fundamentals. 2D Design T-FLEX Parametric CAD. Fundamentals. 2D Design

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Managing Fragments in Assembly Context “Top-Down” Design When using the option , the first step will be specifying the name of the fragment being created, using the “Save As” dialog box. After that, all construction elements of the assembly will be hidden in the drawing window, and the graphic elements drawn in halftone. While in this mode, all newly created construction and graphic elements will belong to the new fragment. As you create drawing elements, you can use one of the following modes of snapping to assembly elements: • Associative snapping (the icon must be in the pushed state). In this case, the fragment elements can be snapped to the graphic lines and nodes of the assembly. By assembly nodes, we mean the joint points of the graphic lines and the attachment points of the detailing elements. This ensures two-way relation between the assembly and the fragment file. In other words, changes in the assembly drawing can be propagated, upon the user request, into the fragment file, and, vice versa, modifications in the fragment file cause the assembly document update. As the pointer approaches assembly nodes in this mode, those are highlighted and marked by the tooltip “Assembly Node”, while the graphic elements – “Assembly Image”. • Non-associative snapping (the check box pushed). In this mode, snapping to assembly drawing • elements is also available. However, in this case, snapping is done to the current "snapshot" of the assembly. The future modifications of the assembly lines won't affect the fragment image. No snapping (both of the above modes should be undone). This mode is none different from conventional drafting. The assembly drawing displayed on the screen does not interact with the fragment elements in any ways. The icons of the snapping modes can be found in the context menu and also in the textual menu “Customize|Snap|...”. The following diagrams show fragment creation in the assembly context, using associative snapping. In this mode, the assembly construction elements are hidden, while its graphic lines are shown in the halftone. When creating fragment construction lines, snapping to assembly elements is engaged. The graphic elements of the fragment drawing are created last. Upon finishing working with the fragment, the system returns to the normal mode of working with the assembly drawing. If the created fragment was saved, its image will appear in the assembly. To finish working with a fragment, use the options in the context menu: Save Fragment and Return to Assembly Close Fragment (completes working with the fragment either with saving the results or without saving, at user's choice) 599

Fundamentals. Two-Dimensional Design Extracting Fragment from Assembly Drawing 600 The option serves for creating a new fragment by moving or copying into a separate file already existing elements of the assembly drawing. Upon the call, the following options appear in the automenu: Finish Fragment Creation Select Mode Deselect Mode Selector Assign Fixing Vector Select Variables for copying into Fragment Delete or hide selected elements after creating Fragment Exit command Fragment extraction is the action opposite to that of the option “Explode Fragment”. To create a fragment, the user just needs to select a set of graphic elements (lines, dimensions, hatches, etc.) of the assembly drawing to be carried over into the separate fragment. When creating a fragment, besides the graphic elements picked in the assembly drawing, their respective construction elements are also created. The list of elements available for selection is defined by the option , that works similar to the command “FT: Set Selector Configuration”. The selector settings defined in this option stay active only while selecting elements for creating the fragment. The option allows picking the assembly drawing elements, adding those to the contents of the fragment. (The selected elements are highlighted.) The option excludes elements from the selected set. The option toggles between the modes: • If the icon is in the pushed state, then, after creating the fragment, the elements included in the fragment are deleted from the assembly drawing. Exception is the parent elements of other elements. In this case, the system will not delete the element. Instead, it will make it hidden (invisible) by assigning a special attribute; • If the icon is not pushed, then the fragment contents are formed by the copies of the selected elements. Creation of a fixing vector (the option ) is optional. However, if you need to make a provision for modifying the attachment of the fragment being created or placing its duplicate at other locations, then you should perform this step. A fixing vector can be created in one of the ways described above.

Managing Fragments in Assembly Context<br />

“Top-Down” <strong>Design</strong><br />

When using the option , the first step will be specifying the name of the fragment being created, using<br />

the “Save As” dialog box. After that, all construction elements of the assembly will be hidden in the drawing<br />

window, and the graphic elements drawn in halftone. While in this mode, all newly created construction and<br />

graphic elements will belong to the new fragment. As you create drawing elements, you can use one of the<br />

following modes of snapping to assembly elements:<br />

• Associative snapping (the icon must be in the pushed state). In this case, the fragment elements<br />

can be snapped to the graphic lines and nodes of the assembly. By assembly nodes, we mean the joint<br />

points of the graphic lines and the attachment points of the detailing elements. This ensures two-way<br />

relation between the assembly and the fragment file. In other words, changes in the assembly drawing<br />

can be propagated, upon the user request, into the fragment file, and, vice versa, modifications in the<br />

fragment file cause the assembly document update. As the pointer approaches assembly nodes in this<br />

mode, those are highlighted and marked by the tooltip “Assembly Node”, while the graphic elements –<br />

“Assembly Image”.<br />

• Non-associative snapping (the check box pushed). In this mode, snapping to assembly drawing<br />

•<br />

elements is also available. However, in this case, snapping is done to the current "snapshot" of the<br />

assembly. The future modifications of the assembly lines won't affect the fragment image.<br />

No snapping (both of the above modes should be undone). This mode is none different from<br />

conventional drafting. The assembly drawing displayed on the screen does not interact with the<br />

fragment elements in any ways.<br />

The icons of the snapping modes can be found in the context menu and also in the textual menu<br />

“Customize|Snap|...”.<br />

The following diagrams show fragment creation in the assembly context, using associative snapping. In this<br />

mode, the assembly construction elements are hidden, while its graphic lines are shown in the halftone.<br />

When creating fragment construction lines, snapping to assembly elements is engaged. The graphic elements<br />

of the fragment drawing are created last.<br />

Upon finishing working with the fragment, the system returns to the<br />

normal mode of working with the assembly drawing. If the created<br />

fragment was saved, its image will appear in the assembly.<br />

To finish working with a fragment, use the options in the context<br />

menu:<br />

Save Fragment and Return to Assembly<br />

Close Fragment (completes working with the fragment<br />

either with saving the results or without saving, at user's<br />

choice)<br />


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