T-FLEX Parametric CAD. Fundamentals. 2D Design

T-FLEX Parametric CAD. Fundamentals. 2D Design T-FLEX Parametric CAD. Fundamentals. 2D Design

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Use of the Dialog Control Elements. Creating User Defined Dialog Boxes As was mentioned above, the created dialog box can be used for defining the model parameters and when using the model as a 2D or 3D fragment. In the first case, the command “Parameters| Model” is used for launching the dialog box. Upon calling the command, the newly created dialog appears on the screen, allowing to modify the values of the model variables. Modifying a parameter in the dialog box instantly reflects on the part drawing. However, the image on the picture does not change since it is not parametric to our model. Try changing the dimension display mode: set the parameter “Dimensions:” to the value “Linear”. The drawing will adjust to this setting as shown on the diagram. To finish working with the dialog box, you need to press [Ok]. When inserting the model as a fragment, the created dialog box becomes part of the fragment parameters dialog box. To verify that, save the resulting model using the command “File|Save”. Then open a new document using the command “File|New 2D Model”. Call the fragment creation command “Draw|Fragment” and select the automenu option . In the coming up window find the file of your example. The fragment parameters dialog box will then display the created dialog. By default, the userdefined dialog of fragment parameters will be a part of the general dialog of parameters of fragment insertion command. By pressing at the upper right corner of the parameters dialog, the dialog can be shown in a mode of viewing in a separate window. 545

Fundamentals. Two-Dimensional Design 546 Note that the preview pane now appears in the dialog box, screening out the picture. All changes done to the model parameters using the dialog controls will be reflected in the preview pane. The preview pane also displays the selected drawing page and the fragment fixing vectors present in the model. The control elements that make up the dialog can be used for modifying the model external variables directly in the 2D window, without calling the command “Parameters|Model” or “Draw|Fragment”. In this way, working with the dialog page is similar to working with the actual dialog box when the latter comes up on the screen. Thus, upon clicking on the “Button” control, all functions defined for this control elements are activated from the dialog page. Upon clicking on the elements “Edit Box” and “Combo Box”, one can manually define or select from the list a new variable value. Clicking changes the states of the “Radio Button” and “Check Box” control elements. To finish inputting changes, you can press , or over any empty area on the dialog page. The entered changes can be canceled by pressing , or . In this case, a confirmation window will appear, double-checking about the cancellation. A “Combo Box” control allows an additional manipulation. If it is bound to a variable whose predefined list is based on a file, then you can modify this list directly in the dialog page by turning on the “Editable” parameter. To do this, point the mouse to the input box of this control and access the context menu. Commands will be provided in the context menu for modifying the list of predefined values of the variable. Upon selecting the command “Add to list”, the value entered in the input box is added to the list of values for this variable. Selecting the command “Edit List” brings up the “Value List of Variable” dialog box, that allows editing the existing list.

Use of the Dialog<br />

Control Elements. Creating User Defined Dialog Boxes<br />

As was mentioned above, the created dialog box can be used for defining the model parameters and when<br />

using the model as a <strong>2D</strong> or 3D fragment.<br />

In the first case, the command “Parameters|<br />

Model” is used for launching the dialog box. Upon<br />

calling the command, the newly created dialog<br />

appears on the screen, allowing to modify the values<br />

of the model variables. Modifying a parameter in the<br />

dialog box instantly reflects on the part drawing.<br />

However, the image on the picture does not change<br />

since it is not parametric to our model.<br />

Try changing the dimension display mode: set the<br />

parameter “Dimensions:” to the value “Linear”. The<br />

drawing will adjust to this setting as shown on the<br />

diagram.<br />

To finish working with the dialog box, you need to<br />

press [Ok].<br />

When inserting the model as a fragment, the created dialog box becomes part of the fragment parameters<br />

dialog box. To verify that, save the resulting model using the command “File|Save”. Then open a new<br />

document using the command “File|New <strong>2D</strong> Model”. Call the fragment creation command<br />

“Draw|Fragment” and select the automenu option . In the coming up window find the file of your<br />

example. The fragment parameters dialog box will then display the created dialog. By default, the userdefined<br />

dialog of fragment parameters will be a part of the general dialog of parameters of fragment insertion<br />

command. By pressing at the upper right corner of the parameters dialog, the dialog can be shown in a<br />

mode of viewing in a separate window.<br />


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