T-FLEX Parametric CAD. Fundamentals. 2D Design

T-FLEX Parametric CAD. Fundamentals. 2D Design

T-FLEX Parametric CAD. Fundamentals. 2D Design


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<strong>Fundamentals</strong>. Two-Dimensional <strong>Design</strong><br />

494<br />

subtraction ( - )<br />

multiplication ( * )<br />

division ( / )<br />

unary negation (minus).<br />

Examples of correctly defined expressions (followed by the result after the “=” sign):<br />

2 + 3 = 5<br />

5 - 9 = -4<br />

Do not divide by zero. This will result in an error.<br />

Use of “unary negation” operation is illustrated by the following example. Suppose, VAR_1 is equal to 5,<br />

then the following expression yields:<br />

- VAR_1 = -5<br />

An arbitrary number of spaces are allowed in expressions, for example,<br />

5 * 3 + 2 = 17<br />

Spaces make expressions more readable.<br />

An important issue is the order of operations (precedence).<br />

Thus, the resulting value of the following expression,<br />

2 + 3 * 4<br />

will be 14, rather than 20, because multiplication operation has higher precedence than addition. To change<br />

the order of operations, use parentheses. The previous expression can be modified in the following way in<br />

order to yield 20:<br />

( 2 + 3 ) * 4<br />

Proper use of parentheses helps avoiding unexpected results.<br />

Power of ( ** or ^ )<br />

Example:<br />

2 ** 3 = 8<br />

-3 ** 3 = -27<br />

The following examples demonstrate specifics of this operation:<br />

0 ** 17 = 0 (zero to any power is zero).<br />

23 ** 0 = 1 (any value to the power of zero is one).<br />

Errors may occur on evaluating this operation. The following message is output in such a case: “illegal<br />

power function in line 1”.<br />

Errors occur in the following cases:<br />

-2 ** 3.4 (an attempt to raise a negative value to a fractional power).<br />

23 ** 234344 (overflow error due to too large resulting value).<br />

Modulo division ( % )<br />

Example:<br />

23 % 5 = 3<br />

23.7 % 5.5 = 1.7

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