T-FLEX Parametric CAD. Fundamentals. 2D Design

T-FLEX Parametric CAD. Fundamentals. 2D Design T-FLEX Parametric CAD. Fundamentals. 2D Design

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Drawing Views. Detail Views For moving the drawing view area (that is, the drawing view box relative to the page displayed in the view), the marker is used. Originally, the boundaries of the box coincide with the boundaries of the displayed page. Shifting the view with respect to its page makes sense only when a portion of the page is supposed to be displayed on the view. In this case, the “Clip Image” flag is usually checked in the parameters dialog box, and the view box manually reduced to the desired size. Creating Drawing View After entering into the command “SD: Create Drawing View” the option becomes active by default. This option allows the user to create a simple drawing view. The created view can display the contents of already existing page of the current document as well as of the new page, automatically created by the system for the given drawing view. After activating the option the cursor starts moving a box with markers for moving the view area, rotating and scaling the view. Meanwhile, the status bar displays the help message “Select Drawing View type or set new Drawing View placement”. The drawing view can be placed on the current page by specifying a point on the drawing (a 2D node or an arbitrary point). To fix the view at a node, one can use the following automenu option: Set relation with Node The location of the created view (coordinates X and Y of the fixing point) can be also specified in the command's properties window (in the group “Basic parameters”). By default, the snap of the drawing view is carried out at the center of the view box. It is possible to select another fixing point of the view with the help of the option: Fixing Point of View After specifying the view location, the user can define more accurately the location, the size and the scale of the view by using the markers around the view box (the use of markers is described in section “Editing drawing views” in more detail). 411

Fundamentals. Two-Dimensional Design 412 It is possible to specify parameters of the created drawing view in the command's properties window: Create New Page. A new page (“Auxiliary” type) will be created along with a new drawing view. The parameters “Width” and “Height” define the page size. These also define the initial size of the drawing view box. The parameter “Scale” defines the scale factor of the view page. These settings are entered as the “Paper size” and “Scale” parameters of the newly created drawing page on the tab “General” of the “Customize|Status” command. The created page will not contain any constructions. The user is supposed to create the necessary contents on this page himself. The editing techniques of drawing views and their contents are described in the section “Editing drawing views”. Use Existing Page. Allows selecting any existing page in the document (except the current one) from the list. This parameter is inaccessible for onepage documents. The size of the drawing view box is automatically set in accordance with the size of the selected page. Fixing Vector. Setting this parameter allows the user to select and use the fixing vector existing on the selected page for snapping the created drawing view. The parameter is accessible only when the flag “Use Existing Page” is set and when a fixing vector exists on the current page. Note that, when using the fixing vector, it is necessary to specify two fixing points of the drawing view. Fixing Vector can be used for placing a drawing view, just like a 2D fragment. This also allows controlling the current page layers visibility as the page is displayed on a view. Use of fixing vectors is described in details in the chapter “Assembly Drawing”. The group of parameters “Parameters” combines auxiliary parameters of the drawing view: Scale. Defines the scale factor of the drawing view, which is the scale of transformation of the view page as it appears on the main page. Rotation Angle. This parameter is inaccessible when using a fixing vector. Clip Image. When set, the page in the view is clipped to the extents of the actual image contained on the page. Scale Lines. When set, the thickness of the graphic lines on the drawing view will be affected by the “Scale” parameter. To complete view creation, use the option . As a result, a rectangular area of the drawing view will be created, with the contents of the specified page or its portion displayed within. Creating Detail View The option allows the user to automatically create the detail views on the basis of the drawing view. As a result of its use, the drawing view containing automatically created copy of the selected elements of the drawing will be created. In addition, the image on the drawing view page will be automatically augmented with the view caption.

<strong>Fundamentals</strong>. Two-Dimensional <strong>Design</strong><br />

412<br />

It is possible to specify parameters of the created drawing view in the command's properties window:<br />

Create New Page. A new page (“Auxiliary” type) will be created along with<br />

a new drawing view. The parameters “Width” and “Height” define the<br />

page size. These also define the initial size of the drawing view box. The<br />

parameter “Scale” defines the scale factor of the view page. These settings<br />

are entered as the “Paper size” and “Scale” parameters of the newly created<br />

drawing page on the tab “General” of the “Customize|Status” command.<br />

The created page will not contain any constructions. The user is<br />

supposed to create the necessary contents on this page himself. The<br />

editing techniques of drawing views and their contents are described<br />

in the section “Editing drawing views”.<br />

Use Existing Page. Allows selecting any existing page in the document<br />

(except the current one) from the list. This parameter is inaccessible for onepage<br />

documents. The size of the drawing view box is automatically set in<br />

accordance with the size of the selected page.<br />

Fixing Vector. Setting this parameter allows the user to select and use the<br />

fixing vector existing on the selected page for snapping the created drawing<br />

view. The parameter is accessible only when the flag “Use Existing Page” is<br />

set and when a fixing vector exists on the current page. Note that, when<br />

using the fixing vector, it is necessary to specify two fixing points of the<br />

drawing view.<br />

Fixing Vector can be used for placing a drawing view, just like a <strong>2D</strong> fragment. This also allows<br />

controlling the current page layers visibility as the page is displayed on a view. Use of fixing<br />

vectors is described in details in the chapter “Assembly Drawing”.<br />

The group of parameters “Parameters” combines auxiliary parameters of the drawing view:<br />

Scale. Defines the scale factor of the drawing view, which is the scale of transformation of the view page<br />

as it appears on the main page.<br />

Rotation Angle. This parameter is inaccessible when using a fixing vector.<br />

Clip Image. When set, the page in the view is clipped to the extents of the actual image contained on the<br />

page.<br />

Scale Lines. When set, the thickness of the graphic lines on the drawing view will be affected by the<br />

“Scale” parameter.<br />

To complete view creation, use the option . As a result, a rectangular area of the drawing view will be<br />

created, with the contents of the specified page or its portion displayed within.<br />

Creating Detail View<br />

The option allows the user to automatically create the detail views on the basis of the drawing view. As<br />

a result of its use, the drawing view containing automatically created copy of the selected elements of the<br />

drawing will be created. In addition, the image on the drawing view page will be automatically augmented<br />

with the view caption.

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