T-FLEX Parametric CAD. Fundamentals. 2D Design

T-FLEX Parametric CAD. Fundamentals. 2D Design T-FLEX Parametric CAD. Fundamentals. 2D Design

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1. No nodes neither construction lines are selected The action selects the nearest node. Line rubberbanding begins from the highlighted node. This option is sensitive to the drawing mode. In the “constrained” drawing mode, the nearest node is selected, or created in the nearest construction lines intersection (whichever is closer). In the “free” drawing mode the nearest node would be selected only within the zone around the cursor defined by “node join distance”. If such node exists then it will be selected. Otherwise, a new “free” node will be created. 2. The start node alone is selected The action creates a graphic entity – straight line segment from the start node to the node defined by this step. The end node is then highlighted, and new rubberbanding begins from it. 3. A single straight construction line is selected A node will be selected with the action, located at the nearest intersection of the highlighted line and some other construction entity (either a line or a circle). The line will stay highlighted, and a new graphic line will begin rubberbanding after the cursor from the highlighted node as the start. 4. The start node and a construction entity are selected The action creates a graphic line entity – a straight line segment or a curve from the start node to the node defined by this step. The type of the created graphic entity depends on the selection of the underlying construction entity – line, circle, spline, or ellipse. On completing the step, the last selected node stays highlighted, with rubberbanding resuming from there. The selected node must lie on the selected construction line. Graphic Lines The option in all the above situations acts in the same way as the action . The only difference is, the option can only select existing nodes. The option acts as follows in the described situations: 261

Fundamentals. Two-Dimensional Design 262 1. No nodes neither construction lines are selected The option highlights (selects) the nearest straight construction line. Highlighting the construction line in this case means the start node of the graphic line being created will be constrained to this line. A node will begin rubberbanding, constrained to sliding along the selected line. This indicates that a node can be selected only at an intersection of this line and some other construction entity. 2. The start node alone is selected The option highlights a straight construction line. The start node stays highlighted, and a new line begins rubberbanding, constrained to stretching along the selected line. This indicates that the end node of the new graphic line can be selected only at an intersection of the highlighted line and some other construction entity. 3. A single construction entity is selected The option selects the node at the intersection of the already highlighted construction entity and the newly appointed construction line. The selected node becomes the start node for the graphic line being created. The new line begins rubberbanding, constrained to the selected construction entity. If the two selected construction lines do not intersects, no action occurs. 4. The start node and a construction entity are selected The option selects the node at the intersection of the already highlighted construction entity and the newly appointed construction line. A graphic entity is created from the start node to the newly selected node, which may be a straight line segment or an arc of a circle, depending on the selected (underlying) construction entity. The newly created node and the last selected construction entity stay highlighted, and new line rubberbanding begins along the latter entity. If the two selected construction lines do not intersect, no action occurs. The option is insensitive to the “free” versus “constrained” drawing mode. In either case, its use implies selection of a construction circle entity as the underlying entity for creation of a graphic entity – circle or arc. The option acts as follows in the described situations:

1. No nodes neither construction lines are selected<br />

The action selects the nearest node. Line<br />

rubberbanding begins from the highlighted node.<br />

This option is sensitive to the drawing mode. In the<br />

“constrained” drawing mode, the nearest node is<br />

selected, or created in the nearest construction lines<br />

intersection (whichever is closer). In the “free”<br />

drawing mode the nearest node would be selected<br />

only within the zone around the cursor defined by<br />

“node join distance”. If such node exists then it will<br />

be selected. Otherwise, a new “free” node will be<br />

created.<br />

2. The start node alone is selected<br />

The action creates a graphic entity – straight line<br />

segment from the start node to the node defined by<br />

this step. The end node is then highlighted, and new<br />

rubberbanding begins from it.<br />

3. A single straight construction line is selected<br />

A node will be selected with the action, located at<br />

the nearest intersection of the highlighted line and<br />

some other construction entity (either a line or a<br />

circle). The line will stay highlighted, and a new<br />

graphic line will begin rubberbanding after the<br />

cursor from the highlighted node as the start.<br />

4. The start node and a construction entity are selected<br />

The action creates a graphic line entity – a<br />

straight line segment or a curve from the start node<br />

to the node defined by this step. The type of the<br />

created graphic entity depends on the selection of the<br />

underlying construction entity – line, circle, spline,<br />

or ellipse. On completing the step, the last selected<br />

node stays highlighted, with rubberbanding resuming<br />

from there.<br />

The selected node must lie on the selected construction line.<br />

Graphic Lines<br />

The option in all the above situations acts in the same way as the action . The only difference is, the<br />

option can only select existing nodes.<br />

The option acts as follows in the described situations:<br />


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