T-FLEX Parametric CAD. Fundamentals. 2D Design

T-FLEX Parametric CAD. Fundamentals. 2D Design T-FLEX Parametric CAD. Fundamentals. 2D Design

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Layer Main Concepts of System Operation A layer is a parameter of any drawing element. It defines the element association with a particular group of the model elements. The user can define the layer name for each system element to belong to. A layer name is a string of up to 20 text characters. An element layer can also be set on the system toolbar. Layer parameters can be created, deleted and modified using the command “QL: Configure Layers”: Keyboard Textual Menu Icon “Customize|Layers…” After calling this command the dialog window “Layers” appears. In the window of the given dialog box the list of the layers existing in the given document and their parameters are shown. Under this list there are fields for assigning parameters of the layer and buttons for performing different actions with the fields. The button [New] creates the new layer in the document. After pressing this button the system asks to give a name to the created layer. The button [Delete] removes unused layer (it becomes available only upon selecting from the list the layer marked with the sign ). The button [Rename] allows assigning the new name for the layer selected from the layers list. The buttons [Sort], [Up], [Down] are used for changing the arrangement of the layers in the list. The layers arrangement is enforced in all dialog boxes of the system which allow selection of the layer. For changing parameters of any layer it is necessary to select it from the list of the layers and set on/off the required flags under the list. By entering layer parameters you define the properties of the elements belonging to this layer. The following parameters can be defined for each layer: Hidden. A layer can also be assigned invisible property by using a variable. The variable can have two values: 0 – the layer is visible, and 1 – the layer is invisible. The variable values different from 0 and 1, are processed by the system as follows: the fractional part is dropped, and the resulting number is matched with 0. If matching, the layer will be visible, otherwise – invisible. Frozen. When set, no element on this layer will be allowed for selection during element creation and editing. Screen only. When set, all elements on this layer will be displayed on the screen only, but will not be printed, plotted or exported. Hidden when model is used as a Fragment. When set, the elements on this layer will not be displayed when the drawing is used as a fragment. Visible only when model is used as a Fragment. When set, the elements on this layer will only be displayed when the drawing is used as a fragment of an assembly. 125

Fundamentals. Two-Dimensional Design Level 126 Color. When set, all elements on this layer will be displayed in the specified color after the redraw. The color is selected from the color menu. Line thickness. Upon enabling this flag, the same thickness will be set for all graphic lines in the given layer. Each model element is assigned a level. The level of an element is an integer. It defines whether the element will be displayed on screen after the redraw. In other words, it defines the element visibility. The level value can be within the range from -126 to 127. Each element level is connected with the system element visibility range that is set in the command “SH: Set Levels”: Keyboard Textual Menu Icon “Customize|Levels…” After calling the command, a dialog box comes up for specifying the ranges of element levels. The level visibility range is defined by two numbers in the range from -126 to 127 for each element type. An element visibility upon redraw is defined in the following way: If the element level value is within the range defined for this type of elements, then the element will be displayed upon redraw. If the element level value is outside the range defined for this type of elements, then the element will not be displayed upon redraw. An element level can be defined by a constant, variable or expression. Advanced usage of element levels in a drawing requires knowledge of working with variables and the command “V: Edit Variables”. Therefore, continue studying level setting after gaining the required knowledge.

<strong>Fundamentals</strong>. Two-Dimensional <strong>Design</strong><br />

Level<br />

126<br />

Color. When set, all elements on this layer will be displayed in the specified color after the redraw. The<br />

color is selected from the color menu.<br />

Line thickness. Upon enabling this flag, the same thickness will be set for all graphic lines in the given<br />

layer.<br />

Each model element is assigned a level. The level of an element is an integer. It<br />

defines whether the element will be displayed on screen after the redraw. In other<br />

words, it defines the element visibility.<br />

The level value can be within the range from -126 to 127. Each element level is connected with the system<br />

element visibility range that is set in the command “SH: Set Levels”:<br />

Keyboard Textual Menu Icon<br />

“Customize|Levels…”<br />

After calling the command, a dialog box comes up for specifying the ranges of element levels.<br />

The level visibility range is defined by two numbers in the range from -126 to 127 for each element type. An<br />

element visibility upon redraw is defined in the following way:<br />

If the element level value is within the range defined for this type of elements, then the element will be<br />

displayed upon redraw.<br />

If the element level value is outside the range defined for this type of elements, then the element will not be<br />

displayed upon redraw.<br />

An element level can be defined by a constant, variable or expression.<br />

Advanced usage of element levels in a drawing requires knowledge of working with variables and<br />

the command “V: Edit Variables”. Therefore, continue studying level setting after gaining the<br />

required knowledge.

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