DP MJCCSW 4.10_EN - copie - Maison de la France

DP MJCCSW 4.10_EN - copie - Maison de la France

DP MJCCSW 4.10_EN - copie - Maison de la France


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Committed to the preservation and promotion of Menton’s historical, architectural and<br />

botanical heritage, he has been instrumental in giving this Côte d’Azur town, a mere stone’s<br />

throw from the Italian bor<strong>de</strong>r, the status of a cultural <strong>de</strong>stination in its own right, where bold<br />

projects ennoble the spirit of the site and reinforce its authenticity.<br />

The conception of the musée Jean Cocteau collection Séverin Wun<strong>de</strong>rman, entrusted to the<br />

architect Rudy Ricciotti, whose use of light and line rivals that of his most celebrated<br />

pre<strong>de</strong>cessors, is the logical outgrowth of Guibal’s encounter with Severin Wun<strong>de</strong>rman and his<br />

<strong>de</strong>sire to pay homage to the artist who had chosen to give free rein to his expression in a p<strong>la</strong>ce<br />

he adored.<br />

Célia Bernasconi, Curator, musée Jean Cocteau collection Séverin Wun<strong>de</strong>rman<br />

Born in 1977, Célia Bernasconi was appointed curator of the musée Jean Cocteau collection<br />

Séverin Wun<strong>de</strong>rman in 2005.<br />

A graduate of the Université <strong>de</strong> Strasbourg and the Université <strong>de</strong> Paris I, Bernasconi holds a<br />

postgraduate <strong>de</strong>gree (DEA) in mo<strong>de</strong>rn and contemporary art history and is currently working<br />

towards her Ph.D at the Ecole <strong>de</strong>s Hautes Etu<strong>de</strong>s en Sciences Sociales un<strong>de</strong>r the guidance of<br />

Daniel Arasse. Bernasconi successfully completed the entrance exams for <strong>France</strong>’s national<br />

institute for cultural heritage (Institut National du Patrimoine) in 2002.<br />

She <strong>de</strong>veloped an interest in Cocteau’s works on paper as a logical extension of her studies<br />

focusing on the influence of the Florentine Early Renaissance painter Paolo Uccello (born Paolo<br />

di Dono) on twentieth-­‐century artists. Along with Carlo Carra, Apollinaire, André Breton,<br />

Antonin Artaud and Paul Eluard, Cocteau rediscovered this painter with his painstaking<br />

attachment to perspective who had been spurned by his contemporaries, adopting him as a cult<br />

figure. In the 1920s, Cocteau signed his works “Jean l’Oiseleur”, in honour of his distant<br />

pre<strong>de</strong>cessor’s moniker, earned due to his fondness for painting birds.<br />

Project feasibility analysis and preliminary <strong>de</strong>sign team<br />

SA17 (Maïa Rabinowitz, Numa Granda Bonil<strong>la</strong>), architects and p<strong>la</strong>nners<br />

Frédéric Ladonne, architect, p<strong>la</strong>nner and specialist in preventive conservation<br />

Parica (Denis Vevaud), engineering <strong>de</strong>sign and economic analysis<br />

Among re<strong>la</strong>ted projects involving the participation of these same team members, SA17 and<br />

Frédéric Ladonne previously worked together on the study for the construction of the Picardie<br />

branch office of the FRAC (Fonds Régional d’Art Contemporain) at Amiens (the <strong>de</strong>sign by the<br />

Japanese architect Toyo Ito was selected). Frédéric Ladonne subsequently worked on projects<br />

for the Atelier-­‐Musée du Verre (a g<strong>la</strong>ss museum and workshop at Trélon, near Avesnes), the<br />

Musée Archéologique Henri Pra<strong>de</strong>s at Lattes near Montpellier, the Musée <strong>de</strong>s Beaux-­‐Arts at<br />

Dijon and the Musée <strong>de</strong>s Monuments Français at the Pa<strong>la</strong>is <strong>de</strong> Chaillot in Paris (with Parica).<br />

SA17 worked with Parica on the project for the construction of storerooms and renovation<br />

work at the Musée Ingres in Montauban. This project was led by Isabelle Crosnier, agent,<br />

architect and p<strong>la</strong>nner, who shared her particu<strong>la</strong>r expertise with Rabinowitz and Granda Bonil<strong>la</strong><br />

of SA17. The partnership with Isabelle Crosnier and Parica has continued, particu<strong>la</strong>rly in<br />

connection with projects for the refurbishment of the Musée Henri Martin at Cahors, the<br />

refurbishment of the Quadri<strong>la</strong>tère Richelieu (the former site of the Bibliothèque Nationale in<br />

Paris), the construction of storerooms for the Musée <strong>de</strong> Bayonne and the refurbishment of the<br />

Archives Nationales in Paris.<br />


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