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1196 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B/Vol. 22, No. 6/June 2005 J. S. Jensen and O. Sigmund<br />

Fig. 6. Transmission through the top and bottom output ports.<br />

Results for the standard junction is shown along with three optimized<br />

designs for three different frequencies.<br />

Fig. 7. Illustration of update scheme for target frequencies. The<br />

frequency curve is computed with Padé approximations to obtain<br />

high frequency resolution at low computational cost. Discrete<br />

markers indicate transmission values computed directly.<br />

I 1 = †˜ 1;˜ 2, ..., I n = ˜ N;˜ N+1‡, 20<br />

where N is the number of target frequencies and ˜ N+1<br />

−˜ 1 is the entire frequency range of interest, divided into<br />

N equally sized intervals. The power transmission is normalized<br />

for each frequency with the corresponding transmission<br />

for the straight waveguide J * . In this way a<br />

proper weighting of the different frequencies is ensured.<br />

The implementation of the the active-set strategy is illustrated<br />

in Fig. 7. A number N of target frequencies is<br />

chosen, and the frequency interval is divided into N<br />

equally sized sections. At regular intervals during the optimization,<br />

e.g., every 20 or 30 iterations, the transmission<br />

spectrum is computed, and the frequency with the<br />

lowest transmission is identified in each interval. These<br />

frequencies now become the new target frequencies in<br />

subsequent iterations. It is important that the spectrum<br />

is computed with high frequency resolution to accurately<br />

detect the critical frequencies. Unfortunately, this requires<br />

solving the direct problem [Eq. (4)] for many frequencies,<br />

thus slowing down the optimization procedure<br />

significantly. A way to overcome this is to compute the<br />

spectrum with a fast-frequency-sweep technique with<br />

Padé approximates. 20 We then need to solve Eq. (4) only<br />

once for each frequency interval and can then expand the<br />

solution in the neighboring frequency range with high accuracy<br />

at low computational cost. The transmission spectrum<br />

in Fig. 7 is computed with a fast frequency sweep,<br />

and the solutions computed by our solving the direct problem,<br />

depicted with discrete markers, illustrate the accuracy<br />

of the expansion.<br />

In the first example we use the original design domain<br />

(Fig. 2) and attempt to design the junction with full transmission<br />

in the entire frequency range from ˜ =0.32 to ˜<br />

=0.44. We start out with three target frequencies and increase<br />

this number to 12 as the continuation parameter <br />

is reduced to its final value at =0.00625. Throughout the<br />

optimization we keep the pamping parameter =0.1. Figure<br />

8 shows the final design and the field computed for<br />

˜ =0.38. Figure 10 shows the corresponding transmission<br />

spectrum. However, note that the transmission still drops<br />

near the extremal frequencies.<br />

It appears that the chosen design domain is unable to<br />

provide a full transmission in the entire frequency range,<br />

and therefore the domain is increased by an additional<br />

eight unit cells near the corners of the junction. We repeat<br />

the optimization procedure described above by using the<br />

previous design as the initial design and obtain the structure<br />

displayed in Fig. 9 that shows also the field computed<br />

for ˜ =0.38. As can be seen in the transmission diagram<br />

(Fig. 10), the transmission is now improved and<br />

especially increased near the limits of the frequency<br />

range. By choosing even larger design domains, one can<br />

expect further improvements.<br />


We have developed a design method based on topology optimization<br />

and used it to design a T junction in a photonic<br />

crystal waveguide with high transmission in a large frequency<br />

range.<br />

The optimization algorithm is based on a frequencydomain<br />

finite-element model of 2D plane polarization. Elementwise<br />

constant design variables govern the distribu-<br />

Fig. 8. Design optimized for frequency range ˜ =0.32–0.44. The<br />

field is computed for ˜ =0.38.

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