Overstrand Herald

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Eksklusief<br />

Kleinmond<br />

se skole<br />

reeds tjok<br />

en blok vir<br />

2014<br />

Deurbraak in Ross-moord

<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong> 25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 2<br />

Die Rossta-gastehuis in Heuningkloof<br />

Strop trek al nouer<br />

Gerard Grobler<br />

KLEINMOND ñ Christa Ross,<br />

die gastehuiseienaar van<br />

Kleinmond wat in Augustus<br />

verlede jaar wreed in haar<br />

slaapkamer by die Rosstagastehuis<br />

in Heuningkloof vermoor<br />

en vermink is, is vroeÎr<br />

dood as wat aanvanklik gemeen<br />

is.<br />

Volgens ën verklaring deur<br />

haar man, Rossie, is hy omstreeks<br />

03:45 die oggend van<br />

31 Augustus 2012 uit die huis<br />

om ën vlug in Kaapstad te haal<br />

(beeldmateriaal van die<br />

lughawe bevestig sy aankoms<br />

daar). Volgens hom het sy toe<br />

nog gelewe. ën Bron na-aan<br />

die ondersoek het egter vandees<br />

week bevestig dat ën<br />

forensiese ondersoek bepaal<br />

het dat Christa Ross in alle<br />

waarskynlikheid reeds voor<br />

diÈ tyd dood was. Die bron het<br />

aan die <strong>Herald</strong> gesÍ dat patoloÎ<br />

nou ën nadere aanduiding<br />

gegee het van wanneer presies<br />

me. Ross dood is. Hierdie<br />

nuwe getuienis, glo die <strong>Herald</strong>,<br />

is wat twee weke gelede aanleiding<br />

gegee het tot die inhegtenisneming<br />

van ën 61-jarige<br />

familielid van me Ross. Die<br />

polisie wou Dinsdag geen<br />

kommentaar lewer op diÈ<br />

nuwe inligting nie. Kaptein<br />

Danie Rautenbach, wat die<br />

ondersoekspan na Ross se<br />

moord lei, het aan die <strong>Herald</strong><br />

gesÍ al wat hy op hierdie<br />

tydstip kan bevestig is dat die<br />

saak na die Direkteur van<br />

Openbare Vervolging (DOV)<br />

verwys is en dat daar tans gewag<br />

word op ën besluit deur<br />

hulle om te vervolg, aldan nie.<br />

Hy het alle navrae na die<br />

polisie se hoofkantoor verwys.<br />

Die verdagte is op Vrydagaand<br />

5 Julie by die Rosstagastehuis<br />

in hegtenis geneem<br />

terwyl daar glo ën partytjie vir<br />

ën familielid gehou is. Hy is toe<br />

vir die naweek aangehou in<br />

die polisieselle op Kleinmond<br />

en ondervra. Die man is later<br />

aangekla van die moord op<br />

Christa Ross. Hy is, soos die

<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong><br />

gebruik is en die wet bepaal, die<br />

Maandagoggend na die landdroshof op<br />

Caledon geneem waar hy in die hof sou<br />

verskyn. Die senior staatsaanklaer het<br />

egter onverwags besluit om nie die saak<br />

op die hofrol te plaas nie en dit terug te<br />

verwys na die DOV. Die verdagte, wat by<br />

die hof ingewag is deur sy prokureur en<br />

ën advokaat, is toe daar weg sonder om<br />

in die hof te verskyn. Dit is om hierdie<br />

rede dat die <strong>Herald</strong> hom tans nie mag<br />

identifiseer nie.<br />

Na wat die <strong>Herald</strong> verneem, is die forensiese<br />

span wat die Ross moordondersoek,<br />

dieselfde een as wat die ondersoek<br />

na die berugte Du Toit moord in Franschhoek<br />

lei. Daar is interessante ooreenkomste<br />

tussen die twee sake. Die 28jarige<br />

Chanel du Toit is op 7 Julie 2010<br />

vermoor op ën wynlandgoed naby<br />

Franschhoek. Sy is soos me Ross, verwurg.<br />

Haar man Johan (29) het glo die<br />

betrokke oggend omstreeks 02:00 die<br />

huis verlaat om te gaan jag op Springbok.<br />

Du Toit se naakte lyk is die volgende<br />

oggend deur haar skoonma gevind na<br />

haar man haar glo nie per telefoon kon<br />

bereik nie. Johan du Toit is ën paar dae<br />

daarna in hegtenis geneem en aangekla<br />

van die moord op sy vrou. ën Patoloog, dr<br />

Deidre Abrahams het vroeÎr vandeesmaand<br />

in die Paarlse landdroshof<br />

getuig dat me. Du Toit waarskynlik reeds<br />

om 20:00 op 6 Julie (maw sowat 6 ure<br />

25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 3<br />

voor haar man die huis verlaat het) dood<br />

is. Dit blyk noudat die egaar erge huweliksprobleme<br />

gehad het en dat hul verhouding<br />

besig was om te verbrokkel. Die<br />

saak is intussen tot in September uitgestel.<br />

In die Ross saak is die motief vir<br />

die moord steeds onduidelik. Die <strong>Herald</strong><br />

kan bevestig dat gerugte dat daar, kort<br />

voor haar dood, blykbaar ën groot<br />

versekeringspolis op die lewe van Christa<br />

Ross uitgeneem is, onwaar is. Die<br />

koerant is wel bewus daarvan dat die<br />

polisie, tydens die verdagte se<br />

inhegtenisneming, op sekere dokumente<br />

beslag gelÍ het wat moontlik lig op die<br />

motief vir die moord kan werp.<br />


<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong> 25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 4<br />

VVA se Afrikaanse Jaarfunksie<br />

KLEINMOND - Die Vriende<br />

Van Afrikaans se jaarlikse Afrikaanse<br />

Aand vind op 14 Augustus<br />

om 19:00 in die Gereformeerde<br />

Kerk plaas. Die<br />

gaskunstenaar is Wilna Snyman.<br />

Sy is ín gevierde en geliefde<br />

aktrise wat haar lewe<br />

lank aan die teater verbonde<br />

was. Daar is seker niemand<br />

wat haar nie een of ander tyd<br />

op die verhoog, of op die televisie,<br />

of in ín rolprent gesien<br />

het nie. Sy was jare lank elke<br />

weeksaand Madel in 7de<br />

Laan. Sy gaan ín program van<br />

haar gunsteling Afrikaanse<br />

gedigte voordra.<br />

Die aand word opgedra aan<br />

die Nuwe FAK-sangbundel.<br />

Die plaaslike sanggroep ìDie<br />

Hangklip Dayzeesî gaan liedere<br />

uit diÈ bundel vertolk en<br />

die gaste voorgaan met die<br />

samesang.<br />

Kom bring saam met ons hulde<br />

aan ons taal deur die aand<br />

by te woon. Daar is ën beperkte<br />

aantal kaartjies beskikbaar by<br />

Albertyn Apteek teen R30. Dit<br />

sluit ën heerlike koppie sop en<br />

brood in. Navrae: 0282715316

<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong> 25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 5

<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong> 25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 6<br />

Ons skole is ook amper tjok en blok<br />

KLEINMOND - The two primary<br />

schools here have almost<br />

been filled to capacity for<br />

2014.<br />

Kleinmond PrimÍr has parallel<br />

medium presenting Afikaans<br />

and Xhosa. Even so, two classes<br />

here are run as multi<br />

grade. Grade 2 and Grade 3<br />

share a class and a teacher,<br />

as well as Grade 5 and Grade<br />

6. Grade 1 Afrikaans had to<br />

be divided as there would<br />

otherwise have been 68 learners<br />

in the class. This additional<br />

class is therefore educated<br />

by one of the two<br />

governing body post teachers.<br />

The second class making use<br />

of a teacher sponsored by the<br />

governing body, is Grade 6<br />

which initially had 67 learners.<br />

Headmaster Roderick Brik-<br />

kels says the school needs at<br />

least one other teacher, but as<br />

all the departmental posts<br />

have been filled the school<br />

cannot afford to appoint<br />

another along with the present<br />

two paid for by the governing<br />

body.<br />

Mnr. Brikkels sÍ die eerste<br />

ronde inskrywings vir gr. R en<br />

gr. 1 is reeds afgehandel en<br />

die tweede ronde volg in September.<br />

Die skool is nou verplig<br />

om sakeondernemings te<br />

nader om te hoor wie sou belangstel<br />

om in die toekoms<br />

van die kinders te belÍ deur<br />

te help met die instel van ën<br />

derde nie-departementele<br />

pos. Hoewel die leerder<br />

onderwyser ratio op die groottotaal<br />

van die inskrywings<br />

klop, is sommige klasse, soos<br />

die gr. 8 klas met 68 leerders<br />

heeltemal oorvol.<br />

By Kleinmond Laer waar daar<br />

10 onderwysers is, is vier beheerliggaamsposte,<br />

sÍ skoolhoof<br />

Gys Huisamen. Die opvoeders<br />

hier moet hul storie<br />

besonder goed ken, verduidelik<br />

mnr. Huishamen, want<br />

die klasse word in dubbel-medium<br />

aangebied. Dit beteken<br />

dat lesse in een klas in sowel<br />

Engels as Afrikaans aangebied<br />

word. Tans val die<br />

opvoeder:leerder ratio nog<br />

binne die vereistes wat deur<br />

die beheerliggaam bepaal is.<br />

Hoewel die gr. 1 inskrywings<br />

vir die skool reeds tot oorlopens<br />

toe vol is, sal daar<br />

steeds, soos departementeel<br />

bepaal, September weer geleentheid<br />

wees om aansoek te<br />

Die positiewe invloed van<br />

sport op jou lewe is ën erkende<br />

feit. Natuurlik is nie almal gebore<br />

ësportmanneí nie. Hoe<br />

vroeÎr sport egter in jou lewe<br />

ën impak kan maak, hoe beter.<br />

Rosabelle Riese, now a resident<br />

in Kleinmond, has participated<br />

in sport for 37 years and<br />

she feels the need and urge<br />

to share her experiences and<br />

knowledge with the community.<br />

Rosabelle has participated<br />

in 3 Paralympics events<br />

(Atlanta, Sydney, Athens); 2<br />

Commonwealth Games<br />

events (Manchester, Melbourne);<br />

one All Africa Games<br />

event (Nigeria) and numerous<br />

World Championships (Spain,<br />

England, Taipei, Switzerland,<br />

Korea). She has visited all 5<br />

continents. Her proudest<br />

achievement is a Bronze medal<br />

in Air Pistol at the Atlanta<br />

Paralympics. She has received<br />

many sports awards and<br />

of her proudest was being a<br />

Torchbearer for the Athens<br />

Olym-pics as well as being a<br />

Flagbearer for the SA Paralympic<br />

Team. ìSport has<br />

enriched my life tremendously.<br />

It has given me self-confidence<br />

and has taught me<br />

humility. It has made me grow<br />

doen vir toelating. Dit is veral<br />

om die twee voedingskole vir<br />

die Laerskool te akkommodeer,<br />

aangesien die skool nog<br />

altyd die gr.1ís hier vanaf kon<br />

hanteer. Die getalle van kinders<br />

wat na gr. 1 moet gaan,<br />

het egter so toegeneem, dat<br />

die inskrywingsvereistes soos<br />

bepaal deur die beheerliggaam<br />

vanaf 2015 streng toegepas<br />

gaan word, aangesien<br />

ouers nou kennis dra van die<br />

reÎling.<br />

By die Laerskool is daar<br />

steeds ën waglys vir 2013 waar<br />

kinders toegelaat word, sodra<br />

ën plek oopgaan. Albei skole<br />

stel gehalteopvoeding voorop<br />

wat hulle binne die gegewe<br />

omstandighede en vereistes<br />

probeer nakom.<br />

Sport kan jou lewe positief beinvloed<br />

as a person and has made me<br />

appreciate my life and have<br />

respect for the abilities and<br />

talents of other people.îMet<br />

behulp van Hetti Delen (arbeidsterapeut),<br />

Lisel Krige<br />

(raadslid vir wyk 10) en Hazel<br />

Apollis (Grail Programme)<br />

sowel as die departement van<br />

Sport wil hulle graag ën projek<br />

van stapel stuur wat hopelik<br />

die geleentheid vir almal in die<br />

Kleinmond- en selfs die <strong>Overstrand</strong>-gemeenskappe<br />

sal<br />

skep om aan sport en ander<br />

vorme van rekreasie deel te<br />

neem. Die vernaamste oogmerk<br />

van die hele projek sal<br />

wees om veral die jeug te<br />

betrek. Die fokus sal wees op<br />

sport sowel as rekreasie in die<br />

vorm van handwerk (ëcraftsí)<br />

met die oog op positiewe en<br />

bevredigende tydsbesteding.<br />

Ons sal ook fokus op jeugdiges<br />

as totale mense. Please<br />

contact Rosabelle Riese on<br />

072 521 1160 or Lisel Krige on<br />

082 572 2711 if you wish to<br />

become active or be a supporter<br />

in a life changing project.Die<br />

uitnodiging sluit almal<br />

in : die jeug wat sport en ontspanning<br />

wil beoefen, ouers,<br />

afrigters en algemene ondersteuners.

<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong> 25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 7

<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong> 25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 8<br />


Spertye vir advertensies en berigte:<br />

ADVERTENSIES: Dinsdae 12:00<br />

BERIGTE: Dinsdae 16:00

<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong> 25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 9

<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong> 25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 10<br />

Students following the local hospitality & catering course applied their skills to bake dozens of cupcakes for the<br />

Madiba festivities.<br />

Cupcakes for Madiba birthday celebrations!!<br />

KLEINMOND - On Thursday,<br />

18 July, young and old came<br />

together in celebrating the<br />

birthday of Nelson Mandela,<br />

one of the most humble and<br />

respectable individuals in the<br />

world. Hangklip/ Kleinmond<br />

community members<br />

(womenís groups, churches,<br />

crËches, Kleinmond Primary<br />

school, learners, businesses ñ<br />

SPAR & SASOL, individual<br />

ladies) joined in and baked a<br />

total of 2013 cupcakes for the<br />

celebrations. The cupcakes<br />

were beautifully decorated in<br />

the colours of our national flag<br />

and ìhappy birthdayî and of<br />

course were very yummy to<br />

eat afterwards.<br />

The dayís programme started<br />

off with a brief speech, by Joan<br />

Daries, on the history of<br />

Madibaís role in South Africa<br />

that was very enlightening to<br />

the young learners. Followed<br />

by a quiz session during which<br />

learners were able to win<br />

prizes. The community members<br />

young and old then joined<br />

in to sing ìHappy birthday<br />

Madibaî in all 3 languages<br />

pre-dominantly spoken in<br />

Kleinmond. Entertainment<br />

was provided by the Kleinmond<br />

Handevat Marimba<br />

Magic group that is led by<br />

Stefne van Dyk. The crowd<br />

was also given a demonstration<br />

by Kleinmond Fire<br />

Department and ended the<br />

event off by singing our National<br />

Anthem: Nkosi Sikelela.<br />

This is the 2nd year that<br />

Mthimkhulu Community Development<br />

celebrates Madibaís<br />

birthday by bringing the whole<br />

Hangklip/Kleinmond community<br />

together for sharing,<br />

giving and having fun. We<br />

would like to thank all that<br />

participated, contributed and<br />

spent the day with us, it was a<br />

heart-warming experience.<br />

Pictures and video clips of the<br />

dayís event can be found on<br />

our facebook page:<br />

Mthimkhulu Community Development<br />

Laerskool verras bejaardes<br />

KLEINMOND - Leerders van Laerskool Kleinmond het op<br />

18 Julie, met die viering van die herdenking van oudpresident<br />

Nelson Mandela se verjaardag, besoek gaan aflÍ<br />

by die Fynbos seniorsentrum. Daar het hulle kolwyntjies<br />

uitgedeel vir tee tyd saam met dagstukkies aan diegene<br />

wat teenwoordig was. So kon oud en jonk die verjaardag<br />

herdenk.<br />

Het u ‘n nuuswenk?<br />

Skakel ons gerus by 028 271 3394

<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong> 25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 11<br />

ën Strandopruimingspoging is Saterdag op Rooiels gehou. Daar<br />

heers groot kommer in die dorpie omdat die noordwestewind<br />

gereeld groot hoeveelhede rommel, vermoedelik afkomstig van<br />

die strandoorde oorkant Valsbaai, op die andersins ongerepte<br />

Rooiels se strande uitwaai. Hieroor is bewaringsbewustes en<br />

natuurliefhebbers erg ontstoke. Hier is Helen Jones (tweede<br />

van links agter) wat ën groot rol in die poging gespeel het, saam<br />

met van die mense wat gehelp het.<br />

Mandela Day!!<br />

PRINGLE BAY - Our previous<br />

President, Nelson Mandela,<br />

urged people to give 67 minutes<br />

of their time to do something<br />

special on his birthday,<br />

just to make the world a better<br />

place. At Pringle House Eco<br />

Primary School, they decided<br />

to spend those 67 minutes in<br />

making their Village a little bit<br />

better and prettier. With many<br />

plants and trees donated to<br />

them by Afdakrivier Kwekery,<br />

Wildeaas Nursery, and The<br />

Harold Porter Botanical<br />

Gardens, they invited the<br />

community of Pringle Bay to<br />

join them in planting them in<br />

the Village Center. It was a<br />

cold and rainy day, but<br />

nevertheless, representatives<br />

from the Ladies Club, PB<br />

Ratepayers and the PB Business<br />

forum along with pupils<br />

and teachers of Pringle House<br />

turned up to help out . Hopefully<br />

one day the children involved<br />

can show their children<br />

and grandchildren the trees<br />

they planted and the difference<br />

they made in beautifying<br />

Pringle Bay. The Pringle<br />

House pupils and staff want to<br />

thank all involved and also<br />

want to wish Mr. Mandela a<br />

belated Happy Birthday. May<br />

he recover from his illness and<br />

return home soon.<br />

Munisipale area-bestuurder<br />

Cecile Jonkheid en raadslid<br />

Lisel Krige saam met opgewonde<br />

kinders van die Over<br />

Hills informele woongebied by<br />

die nuwe speelapparaat wat<br />

as deel van die Mandela dag<br />

vieringe hier aangebring is.<br />

Die gees onder almal wat<br />

meegehelp het om die speelterrein<br />

tot stand te bring, was<br />

besonder goed en reÎn of te<br />

nie ñ daar is geverf en gewerskaf<br />

om alles gereed te kry.<br />

Ballonne en lekkergoed is<br />

uitgedeel om die geleentheid<br />

nog meer feestelik te maak en<br />

dit lyk asof die nuwe gerief ën<br />

treffer gaan wees!<br />

Raadslid Lisel Krige het saam met Palmieter Susan Swanepoel<br />

op Mandela dag besoek gebring aan ën aantal inwoners in diÈ<br />

buurt wat met erge gesondheidsuitdagings te kampe het. Susan<br />

het blomme en kaartjies uitgedeel.<br />

Pringle House learners and volunteers stand alongside<br />

trees and plants for their town.

<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong> 25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 12<br />

Tourism Bureau gives 67 Minutes for Mandela Day 2013<br />

KLEINMOND - The predominant<br />

objective of Mandela Day<br />

is to encourage individuals to<br />

take action to help transform<br />

the world for the better, and in<br />

doing so build a global undertaking<br />

for the greater good of<br />

all. Ultimately it strives for the<br />

empowerment of communities<br />

everywhere. ìTake Action;<br />

Inspire Change; Make Every<br />

Day a Mandela Day.î<br />

Individuals and organizations<br />

were free to partake in Mandela<br />

Day as they desired. The<br />

Hangklip-Kleinmond Tourism<br />

Team adhered to the ethical<br />

context of ìservice to oneís<br />

fellow humanî by visiting the<br />

elderly residents of Gerimed ñ<br />

Home for the Aged.<br />

Councillor Phillip Appelgrein,<br />

welcomed everyone present<br />

and opened with a prayer.<br />

Each of the residents then<br />

received a colourful balloon, a<br />

freshly homemade cupcake,<br />

baked with love by John and<br />

AndrË from Cup-a-CafË as<br />

well as an elegant Protea-bouquet<br />

prepared by Maksie<br />

Liebenberg from Petals. Bella<br />

from Ciao Bella in Harbour<br />

Road sponsored a pampering<br />

A most informative parenting<br />

seminar will be held this<br />

coming Saturday afternoon 27<br />

July from 3:00 ñ 5:45 pm in the<br />

main church building at Helderberg<br />

College in Somerset<br />

West.<br />

Advocate Sarel Smit will contend<br />

that ìParenting isnít for<br />

cowardsî. He will cover matters<br />

such as challenges of modern<br />

day parenting; the generation<br />

gap; too tired to parent;<br />

practical advice to parents regarding<br />

adolescents; and how<br />

to be the victor in the power<br />

struggle between parents and<br />

kids.<br />

Dr S Msvosvi will discuss the<br />

matter of ìGrieving Childrenî,<br />

where he looks at issues such<br />

as the grieving process in<br />

death of a loved one; grieving<br />

process in divorce; and the<br />

challenges of a child in the<br />

goodie bag for Mrs Small who<br />

celebrated her birthday on the<br />

5th of July.<br />

Celeste Scheepers, Trisa<br />

Hugo and Margie Wilson each<br />

read a short-story from the<br />

book My kort vir jou Sop, whilst<br />

everyone enjoyed their tea and<br />

cupcakes. My Kort vir jou Sop<br />

is a rich collection of short stories<br />

which was created from<br />

the input and contributions of<br />

an extraordinary variety of<br />

South African writers, which<br />

includes familiar names such<br />

as Marita van der Vyver, Lochner<br />

de Kock, Riana Scheepers<br />

and five of our own Kleinmonders,<br />

Frazer Barry of the band<br />

Tribal Echo, Ian Smit, ElzareÈ<br />

Fey, Margie Wilson and Trisa<br />

Hugo.<br />

All funds raised from this book<br />

will be donated to charity.<br />

Our human compassion binds<br />

us the one to the other - not in<br />

pity or patronizingly, but as<br />

human beings who have learnt<br />

how to turn our common suffering<br />

into hope for the future. -<br />

Nelson Mandela<br />

(Yolandi Prinsloo ñ Hangklip-<br />

Kleinmond Tourism Bureau .<br />

Picture - Pieta Pieterse)<br />

Effective Parenting seminar<br />

grieving process.<br />

ìHealthy Childrenî is the topic<br />

of Pastor Arnold Neuhoff, who<br />

will discuss matters such as<br />

the physical and mental health<br />

of our children and the warning<br />

signs of substance abuse<br />

among children and adolescents.<br />

Pastor Danie Potgieter will<br />

dare to address the topic of<br />

ìDare to Discipline your childrenî<br />

where he will look at<br />

practical miracle tools for a<br />

Christian to discipline in a<br />

modern society, as well as<br />

what does the law say in regarding<br />

discipline.<br />

Attendance is free and no<br />

booking is required. There will<br />

be time for questions. Direct<br />

enquiries to Adv Sarel Smit at<br />

076 6671596 or<br />


<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong> 25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 13<br />

Special friends came to visit<br />

KLEINMOND - The Fellowship<br />

Ladies were surprised by<br />

some special guests who<br />

came to visit at their Monday<br />

morning meeting this week.<br />

Mary Magdalene (Dalene Vorster),<br />

Zacchaeus (Peggy Wynne),<br />

Miriam (Elinor Gibbons),<br />

Noah (Patsy Botes) and King<br />

Solomon (Daphne Buckerfield)<br />

all shared their life stories<br />

with the ladies - each with an<br />

enriching closure. These ìNew<br />

Friendsî lightened up the<br />

hearts of every one attending<br />

and gave the ladies food for<br />

thought. The meeting ended<br />

with tea and snacks. Die Kleinmond<br />

Ladies Fellowship vergader<br />

elke Maandagoggend<br />

by die kerk (Kleinmond Fellowship<br />

Church) in 6de straat,<br />

en almal wat belangstel is<br />

welkom om dit by te woon -<br />

daar is ook heelwat Afrikaanssprekende<br />

dames.<br />

Pieta Pieterse

<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong> 25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 14<br />

Alimento - Come and join us<br />

for an Italian experience<br />

Kleinmond now has a restaurant<br />

where customers can<br />

have Italian styled food cooked<br />

the Italian way.<br />

Patrick and Lucretia Bettesworth<br />

have started their eatery<br />

to share their love of good<br />

eating with people who enjoy<br />

Pizzas and Pasta. For increased<br />

flavour to the food<br />

and ambiance to the restaurant,<br />

they have the only woodfired<br />

pizza oven in town. The<br />

main thing for them, says<br />

Patrick, is to cater for local<br />

residents in a family restaurant.<br />

Lucretia was the owner of Die<br />

Ou Kombuis coffee shop at<br />

Onrus up to July 2011, when<br />

she sold the concern to join<br />

Patrick who was then very<br />

much into his life up and down<br />

Africa as CEO of banks doing<br />

business in Africa. The couple<br />

returned from Djibouti in<br />

January. They have had a<br />

home at Bot River for the past<br />

five years and are permanent<br />

residents there now.<br />

Patrick is the responsible for<br />

front of house, while Lucretia<br />

is in charge of quality control<br />

and preparation in the kitchen.

<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong> 25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 15<br />

Neutering male animals can result in these benefits:<br />

Eliminates or reduces irritability or aggression.<br />

Elimination or reduction in territorial behaviour (urine marking,<br />

spraying, fighting, and wandering).<br />

Reduces risks for prostate tumours and infections.<br />

Reduces risks for perineal hernias/rupture of the posterior<br />

abdominal wall.<br />

Reduces stress, frustration.<br />

Increases happiness.<br />

Last supper<br />

Tonight will be the last evening in which Angie from Pudding<br />

and Pie is donating 15 % of all meals sold to KAWS. Last week<br />

92 meals were sold. A meal costs R55 and is of Angieís usual<br />

excellent fare.

<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong> 25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 16<br />

Bird Club outing - July<br />

17 July dawned with a lovely<br />

cloudless sky and no wind Ö<br />

a perfect day for birding. However,<br />

anticipating a typical<br />

winter rainy day, an indoor<br />

event was organised. Murphy<br />

at work again.<br />

Justin and Annamarie van der<br />

Hoven had very kindly opened<br />

their home to the club to show<br />

us pictures of their last holiday<br />

in Kenya.<br />

Twenty eight bird watchers<br />

gathered for the event which<br />

started with a discussion on<br />

why many wagtails are seen<br />

with deformities such as a<br />

missing leg, turned up claw,<br />

etc,<br />

Paul had been asked a question<br />

recently and not knowing<br />

the answer had done some research.<br />

Google of course<br />

knows everything and sure<br />

enough there is an article by a<br />

student from Johannesburg<br />

Open University who has done<br />

her MA thesis on the subject.<br />

The cause Ö the scaly leg<br />

mite.<br />

Justin then started the picture<br />

show. The first film showed the<br />

trip. Several different parks<br />

were visited, including the<br />

Masai Mara with animals including<br />

lion, leopard and cheetah,<br />

interspersed with many<br />

bird pictures. My personal<br />

favourite picture was of a wil-<br />

debeest caught in the air<br />

jumping over some wild water,<br />

at a tributary of the Mara River.<br />

Interesting to see a mass of<br />

vehicles at a sighting.<br />

Apparently the drivers are in<br />

radio contact, so when an interesting<br />

animal or event is spotted,<br />

a mass of vehicles descend<br />

on the place, all jockeying<br />

for the best position,<br />

hoping to improve their tips.<br />

Justin told an amusing story<br />

of a vehicle in this situation<br />

which broke down 5 metres<br />

from a lion. Several other vehicles<br />

then had to crowd round<br />

the brokendown vehicle to act<br />

as a shield to enable the driver<br />

to jump out and attach a tow<br />

rope. All this happening within<br />

a few metres of the lion.<br />

The second feature was all<br />

birds. There is little doubt that<br />

as you go further north there<br />

are many really colourful birds<br />

which are not seen in South<br />

Africa. Conversely there are<br />

many birds which we see<br />

here, particularly in the northern<br />

parts of South Africa.<br />

After the films we all enjoyed<br />

refreshments kindly supplied<br />

by Justin and Annamarie, and<br />

while eating and chatting were<br />

able to admire their garden.<br />

Many thanks to Justin and<br />

Annamarie for such a great<br />

outing. Paul Bramhall

<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong> 25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 17<br />

Op die foto verskyn Agter: v.l.n.r. Amy le Roux, Franchesca<br />

Gozalo<br />

Middel: v.l.n.r. Milla Stone, Emihle Suka, Mary-Jane<br />

Coetzee, Munashe Mwanza<br />

Voor: v.l.n.r. Mila Schoonwinkel, Lara Nel, Adré Kleyn<br />

Netbalkliniek<br />

Nege netbalspelertjies van die<br />

0/9 netbalspan van Laerskool<br />

Kleinmond het ën deel van hul<br />

Julie vakansie opgeoffer om ën<br />

netbalkliniek by te woon wat<br />

deur die Netbal Akademie<br />

aangebied is. Die spelertjies<br />

moes ën week lank daagliks na<br />

Somerset-Wes reis vir hierdie<br />

kliniek wat by De Hoop PrimÍr<br />

aangebied is. Verskeie ander<br />

skole se spelertjies was ook<br />

teenwoordig en almal het<br />

afrigting in die verskillende<br />

Kleinmond<br />

Krieket<br />

Ons wil net onder belangstellendes<br />

se aandag bring dat<br />

daar vir alle lede en toekomstige<br />

lede ën krieket vergadering<br />

na die oefening sal wees<br />

op 01/08/2013 by Laerskool<br />

Kleinmond. All members and<br />

prospective members are reminded<br />

of the meeting after<br />

practice on 01/08/2013 at<br />

Laerskool Kleinmond krieket<br />

field.<br />

tegnieke ontvang.<br />

Die inskrywingsgelde van<br />

R300 per speler is geborg<br />

deur een van spelers se<br />

ouers. Die ouers van die spelertjies<br />

het ook vooraf ën koekverkoping<br />

by die skool gehou<br />

om sodoende hul reisgeld en<br />

spesiale toernooi hempies te<br />

kon betaal.<br />

Laerskool Kleinmond wil poog<br />

om in die toekoms soortgelyke<br />

toernooie ook hier op Kleinmond<br />

aan te bied.

<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong> 25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 18<br />

ën Weeklikse rubriek deur<br />

Ilna Grobler<br />

ilna@overstrandherald.co.za<br />

Nog ‘n<br />

koppie..?<br />

Die arm van gees is<br />

Ek dink die 1933 Afrikaanse<br />

vertaling van die Bybel is<br />

pragtig. Soos die Engelse King<br />

James Bible.<br />

Die King James uitgawe was<br />

eens verpligte leesstof vir eerste<br />

jaar studente van Engels .<br />

Ek weet nie of dit nog so is nie,<br />

aangesien daar soveel klem<br />

gelÍ word op politieke<br />

korrektheid deesdae.<br />

In elk geval. In die 1933 vertaling<br />

staan daar in die<br />

Saligsprekinge ìSalig is die<br />

wat arm van gees is, want aan<br />

hulle behoort die koninkryk<br />

van Godî. Sover ek dit het, het<br />

die betekenis van hierdie<br />

woorde mettertyd die betekenis<br />

begin verkry van mense<br />

wat verstandelik gestrem is,<br />

ìvertraagî sÍ die mense wat<br />

reken hulle is beter. Vir die rekord:<br />

ín vliegtuig word vertraag<br />

of is vertraag wanneer hy nie<br />

op die verwagte tyd opdaag<br />

nie. En die ìarmes van geesî<br />

dan? DiÈ in die Bybelse sin,<br />

dink ek, beteken diegene wat<br />

besef hulle het uit hulle eie<br />

niks, alles is genade.<br />

Een van ons (die Groblers) se<br />

kinders is nie soos gewone<br />

kinders in ën gewone skool nie.<br />

Haar naam is Jana en sy is 25.<br />

Sy het ën sprankelende<br />

persoonlikheid, sy is mooi en<br />

sy hou van lag. Sy kan ën hond<br />

uit ën bos uit gesels, maar hoewel<br />

sy gewone mense verstaan,<br />

is hulle dikwels nie slim<br />

genoeg om haar te volg nie.<br />

Sy het uit nood al geleer om<br />

ën mens ìhintsî te gee indien<br />

jy nie onmiddellik weet waarvan<br />

sy praat nie. Sy lei jou deur<br />

sleutelwoorde te gee totdat jy<br />

en sy op dieselfde blad is.<br />

Wat sy nie is nie, is ën engel.<br />

Sy is ën meisie met haar eiesoortige<br />

omstandighede en sy<br />

is verplig om na die beste van<br />

haar vermoÎ aan te pas by die<br />

vereistes wat deur ën onsimpatieke<br />

wÍreld aan haar gestel<br />

word. Wat sy ook nie is nie, is<br />

pateties. Sy het ën persoonlikheid<br />

wat sy moet uitleef te<br />

midde van mense wat haar<br />

dikwels nie ag nie en ën gesin<br />

van sterk persoonlikhede.<br />

Daar is nie veel tyd oor vir selfbejammering<br />

nie.<br />

Gewone mense gun mekaar<br />

nie eens altyd die vryheid om<br />

anders te wees nie, dus het<br />

diegene wat regtig nie in die<br />

gewone vormpies inpas nie, ën<br />

nog groter stryd. Gelukkig is<br />

die meeste Kleinmonders in<br />

my ervaring groot van gees.<br />

Hulle aanvaar mense soos<br />

hulle is.<br />

Die bekrompenes van gees<br />

parkeer dikwels op parkeerplekke<br />

vir gestremdes; hulle<br />

koggel mense wat anders is,<br />

uit op straat; hulle gun die<br />

mense wat anders kommunikeer<br />

as die gewone, nie die<br />

son wat oor hulle skyn nie.<br />

Ons het vir jare die Jana skool<br />

in hierdie gemeenskap saam<br />

met die gemeenskap bedryf.<br />

Ons het geleer dat die oorgrote<br />

meerderheid van inwoners<br />

ruimhartige mense is. Ek<br />

glo dis nog steeds so. Ek hoor<br />

egter so met die bostelegraaf<br />

langs, dat hier intussen hier en<br />

daar waarskynlik mense<br />

ingetrek het wat in hul hart<br />

kerkmuise is wat deernis en<br />

aanvaarding betref. Nie met<br />

Briewe<br />

A couple of months ago there<br />

was a demonstration in Kleinmond<br />

aimed at our Municipality.<br />

I chose not to participate.<br />

Last Saturday at around<br />

5:00 pm, my electricity suddenly<br />

went off. After establishing<br />

that nothing had tripped<br />

on my switchboard and that it<br />

wasnít a general outage, I<br />

phoned the municipalityís<br />

emergency number. The lady<br />

assured me that she would<br />

dispatch an electrician. ëBut<br />

will he arrive?í I thought, and<br />

fished out my gas light and<br />

stove, anticipating a cold dark<br />

night. Half an hour later my<br />

dogs cautioned me that someone<br />

was on my veranda. It was<br />

Riaan, the electrician, examining<br />

my meter box. ëI think the<br />

problem is in the wiring at the<br />

top of the pole,í he announced.<br />

My heart sank. But he was<br />

undaunted, and set off to fetch<br />

the hoist truck at the municipal<br />

yard. Fifteen minutes later, he<br />

arrived back in the truck with<br />

his assistant, Reginald. In no<br />

Jana nie, want genadiglik onthou<br />

mense haar en sy hulle,<br />

met liefde.<br />

Jana is deesdae by die Anima<br />

Sentrum op Sandbaai. Gedurende<br />

Augustus sal ons oor die<br />

kinders en die werk wat daar<br />

gedoen word verslag doen.<br />

Wat ons vra, is dat inwoners<br />

van ons gebied asseblief vir<br />

die duur van hierdie maand vir<br />

die sentrum hul vaalgeld gee.<br />

By die <strong>Herald</strong> kantoor het ons<br />

blikkies om die 5c, 10c, 20c<br />

en 50c munte te akkommodeer.<br />

Twee Kleinmonders is by Anima.<br />

Jana en CJ. Ons vertel<br />

meer van hulle en die sentrum<br />

in Augustus.<br />

Up the pole?<br />

Enige<br />

nuuswenk?<br />

time Riaan soared into the air<br />

and examined the wiring, while<br />

at the bottom of the pole Reginald<br />

and I chatted about Kleinmondís<br />

rugby. Riaan discovered<br />

that the contact breaker<br />

had failed and needed to be<br />

replaced. No problemÖ he<br />

had a spare with him. Then a<br />

snag ñ Riaan did not have the<br />

right screwdriver for the job.<br />

But he was on his phone, and<br />

very soon his sister drove up<br />

with the correct one. A few<br />

minutes later Reginald switched<br />

on my mainís switch and<br />

there was light! In time to<br />

watch the Stormers thrash the<br />

Bulls. As I profusely thanked<br />

Dirk and Benjamin, I wondered<br />

how many other municipalities<br />

would have provided<br />

such quick, efficient and<br />

friendly service late on a Saturday<br />

afternoon. Up the pole?<br />

Yes, literally, in order to provide<br />

light and warmth to a pensioner.<br />

Iím glad I didnít join the<br />

demonstration!<br />

Alf Friend<br />

Skakel ons by<br />

028 271 3394

<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong> 25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 19<br />

Briewe<br />

Representation<br />

I have watched, with some<br />

interest the recent reaction of<br />

the pensioners of Kleinmond,<br />

(in particular) to the proposals<br />

of budget imposition put<br />

forward by the existing council.<br />

One observation, the only one<br />

discernable is that the local<br />

governing body has lost direction<br />

and no longer has the support<br />

of far too many residents<br />

to maintain credibility.<br />

The recent increase in financial<br />

benefits for council members<br />

borders on the obscene<br />

in the present financial situation<br />

facing those who are<br />

permanent residents and/or<br />

owners of land in the municipality.<br />

The council members<br />

through the benefit of overremuneration<br />

are insulated<br />

and out of touch with the<br />

needs of residents they were<br />

elected to represent!<br />

I have heard nostalgic claims<br />

of ìthe good old daysî when<br />

rates paid by residents of<br />

Kleinmond and the three<br />

villages were for the benefit of<br />

those residents and not exported<br />

to Hermanus. Perhaps a<br />

separation from the existing<br />

<strong>Overstrand</strong> Municipality has<br />

some merit?<br />

At present, in municipal<br />

elections, the choice is limited,<br />

you either vote DA or ANC.<br />

What is really required is a<br />

new organization drawn from<br />

local residents, and land<br />

owners, to work for the benefit<br />

of residents and not for outside<br />

interests as revealed by the<br />

councilís recent decisions.<br />

The existing Ratepayerís<br />

Associations are of little effect,<br />

the recent plea of the Kleinmond<br />

Association to delay the<br />

exorbitant demands of council<br />

until next year, can be equated<br />

to asking a burglar, ìPlease<br />

donít rob me until next weekî.<br />

Scarcely a firm demand from<br />

an association possessing<br />

backbone! Anyone wishing to<br />

consider the possible formation<br />

of an alternative but<br />

effective organization may<br />

contact me at ph 073 22 73<br />

175 or Post Box 676<br />

Bettysbaai. Frank Helm

<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong> 25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 20

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<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong> 25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 28

<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong> 25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 29<br />

Briewe<br />

Dis nou grootskaalse uitbuiting<br />

Ek is bevrees die van ons wat<br />

hier bly en daagliks by SPAR<br />

ons kos moet aankoop, word<br />

uitgebuit. Net voor die<br />

skoolvakansie het ek gereeld<br />

MELKTERT gekoop (vir ons<br />

drie kleinkinders) teen R15,99<br />

elk en dit was lekker geelvulsel<br />

melkterte. Baie lekker.<br />

Toe word die prys eensklaps<br />

R28.59 - toe die vakansiemense<br />

hier is. ën Gruwelike<br />

verhoging van byna 100% op<br />

net die EEN item! Hoeveel<br />

ander items in die winkel het<br />

nie ook so die hoogte in<br />

geskiet nie net omdat hier<br />

honderde meer kopers in die<br />

dorp was nie? En nou vandat<br />

die vakansie verby is het die<br />

prys weer gedaal na R23.99<br />

op 08.07.13 vir dieselfde<br />

artikel. Maar nie weer terug<br />

na die voor-vakansie prys van<br />

R15.99 nie - O nee! SO word<br />

ons keer op keer gevang deur<br />

ën prys wat eers hemelhoog<br />

styg om dan net weer ën bietjie<br />

laer af te daal. En die laaste<br />

baksel van 08.07.13 was<br />

sowaar nie MELKTERT nie,<br />

noem dit liewer Maizenapap<br />

tert want die vulsel was ën<br />

onaardige en smaaklose WIT<br />

vulsel wat sekerlik net van<br />

maizena pap (soos vir babas)<br />

gemaak kon wees. Dieselfde<br />

het gebeur met die Franse<br />

Stokbroodjie - dit het vir maande<br />

en maande R2.99 gekos<br />

en ons het dit gereeld gekoop<br />

- tot op ën Maandagoggend toe<br />

is dit skielik R3.99 elk.<br />

Vanwaar die 33% styging oor<br />

ën naweek? Nouja, nou koop<br />

ek ook nie meer stokbroodjies<br />

nie en ook nie meer die gereelde<br />

naweek melktert nie.<br />

SO laat ek myself nie daagliks<br />

verneuk nie. Pensionaris.

<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong> 25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 30

<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong> 25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 31

<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong> 25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 32<br />

Jukskei Kleinmond<br />

Vir ons mense in die kontrei is<br />

die Boland bergpasse niks<br />

buitegewoons nie en is dit<br />

algemene kennis dat dit gedurende<br />

die Tweede WÍreld<br />

oorlog deur Italiaanse krygsgevangenes<br />

gebou is. Dit was<br />

in die vroeÎ-middel 1940ís.<br />

Gedurende hierdie tyd het<br />

gevangenes begin jukskei<br />

speel. Die voornemens was<br />

klaarblyklik dat jukskei so sal<br />

posvat en oorvloei na ItaliÎ en<br />

die moontlikheid van internasionale<br />

meededinging die<br />

gevolg sou wees. Hierdie inisiatief<br />

is geloods deur ën jong<br />

seun van nagenoeg 15 jaar<br />

oud, ene Hermanus le Roux,<br />

ën jukskei legende in murg en<br />

been.<br />

Die krygsgevangenes se<br />

basis was in die omgewing<br />

van Klein Drakenstein, naby<br />

die plaas Keerweder. Insiggewend<br />

dat hulle die Du Toitskloof<br />

pad met pik en graaf<br />

gebou het (vandag miskien ën<br />

goeie idee vir werkskepping).<br />

Van die gevangenes het ook<br />

op plase gewerk, maar moes<br />

in die gevangene-kamp bly.<br />

In hierdie tyd het Hermanus le<br />

Roux van die plaas Palmietfontein<br />

met die gevangenes<br />

kennis gemaak en hulle onder<br />

hande geneem om jukskei te<br />

speel. Hulle het selfs aan kom-<br />

petisies deelgeneem. Hulle<br />

moes spesiale toestemming<br />

van die gevangenis owerhede<br />

kry. Omdat daar in die kampe<br />

meestal sokker en fietstrap<br />

beoefen is, het jukskei nie<br />

eintlik vastrap plek gekry nie.<br />

Na die oorlog moes die gevangenes<br />

die land verlaat, alhoewel<br />

van hulle na ën tydperk<br />

permanent na Suid-Afrika<br />

teruggetrek het.<br />

Geskiedenis is gemaak toe<br />

Hermanus le Roux en een van<br />

die gevangenes ene TAN-<br />

GURA ën houtkruis bo-op die<br />

pas geplant het ter nageda<br />

tenis van die gevangenes en<br />

die belofte was dat Hermanus<br />

die kruis sal onderhou. Na<br />

herhaalde vervanging a.g.v.<br />

verwering is daar met<br />

Italiaanssprekende gemeenskappe<br />

in die Paarl en Wes-<br />

Kaap onderhandel en is ën<br />

vlekvrye staalkruis met behulp<br />

van die S.A. Weermag op die<br />

pas geplaas en vandag nog<br />

daar is. Voorwaar iets om voor<br />

uit te kyk.<br />

Hermanus le Roux het ook vir<br />

17 jaar Springbokkleure in<br />

jukskei verwerf, meeste as<br />

kaptein. In 1971 ontvang hy ën<br />

meriete van die departement<br />

sport en ontspanning<br />

Jukskei Groete<br />

NEEM<br />

KENNIS<br />

ASB!!<br />

Spertye vir<br />

advertensies en<br />

berigte :<br />


Dinsdae 12:00<br />

BERIGTE:<br />

Dinsdae 16:00

<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong> 25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 33

<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong> 25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 34<br />

Kerke / Churches<br />

Christian Revival Church<br />

ìMend the nets, the catch will be greatî<br />

Main Road 68<br />

Wednesday Nights at 19:00. All ages welcome.<br />

We worship, praise and love God with boldness and with all of<br />

our heart, so come and join us!<br />

Heinrich 072 460 6226 / Riana 072 403 0599<br />


Hoofweg 68 (Pastoor Tewis De Jager 082 771 9365<br />

Elke Sondagaand om 18:00 Kerkdiens<br />

Woensdagaande om 19:00 C.R.C. Jeug<br />

Donderdagaande om 16:45 Uitleg van Openbaring<br />

Sondagoggende Verskillende Uitreikings<br />

Oggendbiduur Maandag tot Vrydag om 07:00<br />


Skakel Ds J Claasen (021) 855 4847<br />

Strand: 09:00 elke Sondag<br />

Hermanus: 11:30 Die 1ste en 3de Sondag van elke maand<br />


Aanbid in die Gereformeerde Kerk, h/v 13de Laan & 6de<br />

Straat, Kleinmond<br />

Saterdae: Sabbatsskool 09:30 ñ Erediens 11:00<br />

Almal welkom! 072 094 5819 / 028 271 4173<br />


c/o Nemesia Ave & School str, Protea dorp, Kleinmond<br />

072 077 7888 / 082 781 3556<br />

Sunday Mornings Service: 09:00<br />

Wednesday evening Service: 19:30<br />

All welcome<br />


Oggendbyeenkoms: 10:00 ñ Aandsamesang: 18:00<br />


Elke 2de en 4de Sondag van elke maand om 16:00 in die<br />

Gereformeerde Kerk, 13de Laan, Kleinmond.<br />

Tel: 028 271 5837 / 083 412 5870<br />


Weihnachtsgottesdienst 24/12/2012, 18:00 gehalten von<br />

Hannes Trauernicht Kleinmond Fellowship Church 72<br />

6th Street Keinmond.<br />

Sie Sind herzlich eingeladen zum Gottesdienst mit Heiligem<br />

Abendmahl jeweils um 15:30 im Hause Kiessling 19 Harbour<br />

Road Kleinmond.<br />

Sonntag, den 28. April 2013<br />

Sonntag, den 23 Juni 2013<br />

Sonntag, den 25 August 2013<br />

Sonntag, den 27 August 2013<br />

Sonntag, den 2 Dezember 2013. Adventsfeier<br />


Spertye vir advertensies en berigte<br />

ADVERTENSIES: Dinsdae 12:00<br />

BERIGTE: Dinsdae 16:00<br />


Datum Kerk: 09:00 Sentrum: 09:00 Saal: 09:00<br />

7 Ds. Dirkie v/d Spuy Ds. Nico Rabe Geen<br />

14 Ds. Nico Rabe Ds. Barry Lordan Geen<br />

21 Ds. Schalk van Wyk Ds. Ben de Wet Ds. Barry Lordan<br />

28 Ds. Barry Lordan Ds. Ben de Wet Ds. Carl Schunke<br />


H/v 7de Laan & 7de Straat<br />

Almal welkom!! Pastoor Smit 028 271 5694 / 083 633 6172<br />

Sondagoggend: 09:45<br />


H/v 13de Laan & 6de Straat. Tel: 028 271 5359<br />

Skriba: Izak Lessing Tel: 028 273 8134 / 083 259 3403<br />

09:30 Ds Ferdi Postma<br />

18:00 Ds Ferdi Postma<br />


(Undenominational Christian Fellowship)<br />

Lakeside Drive, Bettyís Bay.<br />

Jan Vorster (Elder) 084 555 3322 / 028 272 9932<br />

Sunday Service time at 09:30<br />


Holy Eucharist every Sunday at 09:00 in the Roman Catholic<br />

Chapel, Twist Street, Bettyís Bay<br />

For further information contact - Chapelwardens 028 272<br />

9901 / 028 272 9551<br />


72 6th Street, Kleinmond<br />

Pastor Lionel Gibbons 028 271 4249<br />

Sunday Morning Worship: 09:30<br />

Sunday School: Grade R ñGrade 3<br />


Twist Street, Bettyís Bay, Mass: Saturday @ 17:30<br />

Additional services as per notice board.<br />

Parish Priest: Father Pierre Goldie 078 824 5411<br />

Deacon: Rev. Lester May 021 856 3793 / 082 568 4187<br />


Heide Street, Proteadorp<br />

Chapelwardens: Chris Japhta 0847 686 984 / Leilani Abrams<br />

079 980 4540 / 028 272 9363<br />

Services:1st and 3rd Sunday ñ morning prayer at 10:00<br />

2nd Sunday communion at 10:00<br />

3rd Sunday morning prayer at 10:00<br />

4th Sunday at 08:00 holy communion<br />

Sundayschool at 09h00<br />

Mavis swartz 028 271 4378<br />

Fonteinvroue gebedsgroep Maandagaande 18:00<br />

Jeug Vrydagaande 18:00 ñ Kyle Oliver 0840219372<br />

“nce a Anglican, always a Anglican.ë<br />


Cnr Crescent & Park Streets. Rev Gavin Graham<br />

028 273 8172. Sunday service: 09:00

<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong> 25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 35<br />

Het u enige nuuswenk?<br />

Skakel ons by 028 271 3394

<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong> 25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 36<br />

Dagboek<br />

26 & 27 Julie: Singletonís Winkel oop Vrydag- en Saterdagoggende<br />

(winter) vanaf 09:00-13:00 in Tweede Straat 14, Kleinmond.<br />

Kontakpersoon: Estelle Victor 0282713260/0727780249.<br />

Donderdae: Interkerklike damesel om 10:00. H/v Elfde Straat<br />

en Eerste Laan. Kontak Marietjie by 0828725022.<br />

Lieflappers Uitstalling: 1 Augustus: Vergadering rolbalsaal.<br />

Bring blokke en teesakkie-artikel. 3 September: Vergadering<br />

rolbalsaal. Bring blokke en naaldwerk-benodigdhede. 3<br />

Oktober: Vergadering rolbalsaal. Bring vlieÎnde-voÎls-blokke.<br />

7 November: Vergadering rolbalsaal. Bring die hele jaar se<br />

blokke.<br />

Friends of the Library, Betty‘s Bay: 8 August: ìLife with my<br />

family in the Namib Desertî by Nadine Zipfel at 10h30, Bettyës<br />

Bay Library. 28 August: ìLocal History Collectionî to be started<br />

Bettyës Bay Library; all interested invited to attend at 10h00,<br />

Bettyës Bay Library. 19 September: ìA paint Mix & Techniqueî<br />

by Derric van Rensburg at 10h30 in his shop in Harbour road,<br />

Kleinmond. Refreshments available for own account. 28<br />

September: BOOK SALE at Miems in Pringle Bay from 9h00.<br />

17 October: ìComplete your Makeoverî by Chantal Witthuhn<br />

from La Femmetique at 10h30, Bettyës Bay Library.<br />

26 Julie: Fotoís vir die kompetisie met die tema ìNageregî moet<br />

nie later as 12:00 ingehandig word nie. 30 Julie: Die Kiekieklub<br />

byeenkoms vind plaas om 19:00 in die Biblioteeksaal.<br />

Die inskrywings vir die kompetisie met die tema ìNageregî sal<br />

beoordeel word en Friso Woudstra sal ën aanbieding doen oor<br />

die Namib, Namakwaland en Hexriviervallei.<br />

26 Julie: Pannekoekbakdag. Kleinmond Jukskei hou ën fondsinsameling<br />

dag by die Jukskei klubhuis waar pannekoek teen<br />

R3.50 aangekoop kan word. Bestelling van tien of meer sal<br />

afgelewer word. Ondersteun asseblief die geleentheid.<br />

29 Julie: KLEINMOND LEESKRING vergader om 13h00 in die<br />

biblioteeksaal. Boekbespreking van DIE REISIGER van ELSA<br />

JOUBERT word bespreek deur Mariana Cilliers. Almal welkom<br />

Marietjie 082 445 5962<br />

30 Julie: VLV Vergadering om 14:30 in NG Kerksaal. Sprekers<br />

Elanie Basson: Regte Versorging van ons voete. Hilda<br />

Woudstra: DieÎtkundige. Elmien van der Hoven: B.B.B. Baie<br />

Belangrike Blare noodsaaklik om gesond te lewe. Kom luister<br />

watter blare dit is. Almal welkom.<br />

5 Augustus: Walkerbaai SeÎlklub vergader om 17:30 in die<br />

Hermanus Rolbalklubsaal. Navrae 082 376 6255<br />

14 Augustus: Die Vriende van Afrikaans, Kleinmond bied weer<br />

hulle Afrikaansaand aan met die tema vanjaar: Stof die oue af.<br />

Kom geniet die aand saam met Wilna Snyman (verse en<br />

vertellings) en die Hangklip Dayzees (liedere uit die nuwe FAKbundel)<br />

en sing lekker Afrikaanse liedere saam in die Gereformeerde<br />

Kerk om 19:00. Slegs 100 kaartjies is beskikbaar by<br />

Albertyn Apteek teen R30 elk. Geen besprekings word gedoen<br />

nie. ín Heerlike koppie sop en toebroodjies is daarby ingesluit.<br />

19 Augustus: 18h00 by die kliniek, Proteastraat. AJV van die<br />

Gesondheids en Welsynsorganisasie. Alle belangstellende<br />

individue en organisasies welkom. Navrae 0282714027. AGM<br />

of the Health and Wefare Organisation. All concerned individuals<br />

and organisations welcome<br />

24 Augustus: A DRAWING COURSE for beginners with<br />

Charles Lindstrom. Duration: 6 weeks and will be held every<br />

Saturday from !0:00 till 13:00. Fees: R600 - refreshments<br />

included (Advanced payment) Venue: Creative Visions, CafÈ<br />

Jack Building, 2663 Clarence Drive, Bettyís Bay. Enquiries &<br />

Booking: Ria 079-619-5731; Essential to book in advance, 8<br />

pupils per course only!<br />

29 August: ADVANCED DRAWING CLASSES offered with<br />

Charles Lindstrom. Drawing classes to be held for the more<br />

advanced student and/or those finished with the drawing course<br />

by Charles Lindstrom. Every Thursday 10:00 til 16:00 at Creative<br />

Visions, CafÈ Jack Building, 2663 Clarence Drive, Bettyís Bay.<br />

R200 per class (refreshments included). Enquiries and<br />

bookings: Ria 079-619-5731.<br />

26-29 Augustus: Senior Burgers Vereniging reÎl Weskus<br />

Blomme Toer. Ons besoek verskeie dorp en natuur reservate<br />

en oornag saam by Dwarskersbos Karavaanpark in woonstelle.<br />

Finale prys sal wees R1525 p.p. Sluit in middag-etes. Meer<br />

besonderhede sal met bespreking verskaf word. Deposito moet<br />

betaal word nie later as 5 Julie 2013 - R750 p.p. Enige persoon<br />

wat belangstel kan Wouter Theron skakel by 028 271 4435 /<br />

082 476 5860. Daar is nog plek beskikbaar.<br />

27 August: Herewith please be informed that Child Welfare<br />

South Africa: Kleinmond will be having its Annual General<br />

Meeting at 18h00 in the Youth Hall (behind the office). Your<br />

attendance will be appreciated. A yearly membership fee of<br />

R10 is payable. Annual reports will be made available. For<br />

further information, please contact the office at 028 271 4044.<br />

Contact person: Erica/Corrie/Johanna/Sherridan.<br />

31 Augustus: Fynbos Dienssentrum Jaarlikse Basaar om 09:00<br />

in die N G Kerksaal, 1ste Laan, Kleinmond. Ons is dringend op<br />

soek na Wit Olifante.<br />


LENGE. Race starts in Pringle Bay CBD area in conjunction<br />

with the Windgat Festival 2013. Enter-on-line: Please contact<br />

Sandy on 079 413 6610: e-mail sandykei@sonicmail.co.za.<br />

Everyone welcome to join also great news for crafters/exhibitors<br />

contact Jacqueswr@vodamail.co.za; on 079 038 3916.<br />

Every Monday we have Oil painting classes (wet-on-wet) for<br />

beginners at Creative Visions. Come and join us and learn<br />

something new! From 11:00 til 14:00. R120 per class, all<br />

material included + refreshments. For enquiries and bookings<br />

contact Ria 079-619-5731 at Creative Visions, CafÈ Jack<br />

Building, 2663 Clarence Drive, Bettyís Bay.<br />

ìCraft Marketî in die u Haweskuur Sat 10 Aug en Son 11 Aug;<br />

Sat 17 Aug en Son 18 Aug. Belangstellendes gesoek met<br />

produkte om uit te stal. Kontak Judith 074 366 9533<br />

Kleinmond Craft Market (Kunsmark). As the library has again<br />

reverted to closing every Saturday, our market will be held<br />

every Friday 09:00 – 15:00 depending on availability of the<br />

hall. If our board is outside, we are inside. New members<br />

welcome. Marlene 028 271 3582 / 073 171 1623

<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong> 25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 37<br />

Buksies<br />


1 Open seat with our Lift Club to Hermanus from Mondays to<br />

Fridays. Leaving at 06:30 in morning and returning at +/- 18:00.<br />

The cost is R180 per week. Please phone Sean @ 082†739<br />

6275<br />

Candies Phiri is a qualified nurse aid who does†care-giving†and<br />

domestic work who is looking for a job. †Her cellphone number<br />

is 078 429 0192. Reference: Talitha ñ 072 621 6666<br />

Gesoek: Klassieke kitaar. Skakel 084 604 0078<br />

Cynthia is looking for any work 2 days a week. Phone 083 206<br />

9079<br />

Cindy is looking for a cleaning job any day of the week. Has<br />

reference 084 588 0199. Phone 072 936 4543<br />


Koperware en versameling fotoreeks, kom besigtig rustig. Skakel<br />

073 424 0046<br />

Stoof, Kevinator Knight 76cm(30 duim) elektriese 4 plaat stoof<br />

in uitstekende toestand, dagliks in gebruik. Rede vir verkoop,<br />

het te groot geword. R1,000.00. Moet self kom ontkoppel en<br />

wegneem.Skakel 028 271 5498 / 082 357 1883<br />

MAKE ME AN OFFER -††CANON Fax L760 Printer; HP Laser<br />

Jet P2014 Printer; Panosonic KX-FLM600 Laser Jet Copier;<br />

Panasonic Telephone & Fax Answering System; EPSON Printer<br />

T27; HP Desk Jet600 Printer; HP Desk Jet 710C Printer;<br />

Panasonic K-X-P1150 multi mode Matrix Printer; EPSON LX300<br />

Printer.† Phone Sandy 028 2713534 (office hours)<br />

Olieverwarmer R150, Rekenaartafel - hout en staal R150,<br />

Kroegstoel R80, elektriese grassnyer R300. Skakel Floris 083<br />

377 0367.<br />

Indesit voorlaai outomatiese wasmasjien. 9 kilogram. R400.00.<br />

Skakel 082 229 1549.<br />

Enkelbed met houtkopstuk met matras. Prys R300. Enkelbed<br />

met houtkopstuk sonder matras R150. Dames fiets met ratte†<br />

en mandjie voor, Goeie toestand, min gebruik. R450. Skakel<br />

072 677 8832<br />

2 x 60cm Samsung box type tv for sale. R600 each. Phone 082<br />

686 5941<br />

Speed Queen top loader heavy duty washing machine in<br />

excellent condition R2000. Phone 082 975 5141<br />

1996 Colt Rodeo VR 4x4 Doublecab R54000 onco. Phone 082<br />

584 3536<br />

Vuka XL110 breaking up for spare parts. Phone 079 522 4183 /<br />

028 271 3094<br />

2x Sitkamerbanke & sleeper couch R3000. Phone 071 874 3291<br />

Two gentís charcoal woolen coats (L-XL) good condition. 2 Gentsí<br />

Rudco raincoats, navy + cream (L-XL) good condition. Electric<br />

oil heater 10 rib in good condition. Phone 072 582 6306

<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong> 25 Julie2013 Bladsy 38<br />


<strong>Overstrand</strong> <strong>Herald</strong> 25 Julie 2013 Bladsy 39<br />


Kleinmond golf results<br />


TION 17TH JULY 2013<br />


Some people are just so much<br />

better in working their brains<br />

to get points with this format.<br />

Others, like myself can only<br />

think of the next shot ñ never<br />

mind how many bisques I<br />

must use on that hole to earn<br />

some good points! But then ñ<br />

this is all in the game of golf<br />

so that we can enjoy a variety<br />

of formats. 50 players took<br />

part.<br />

Nearest the pin on hole no 7:<br />

L Morkel (sponsored by<br />

Werners)<br />

Nearest the pin on hole no 12:<br />

Dick Lockley (sponsored by<br />

Burger Turf Management)<br />

1st: N Jacobsen (+8)<br />

2nd: M Bisset (+8)<br />

3rd: F Budler (+8)<br />

4th: S Murie (+6)<br />

5th: J Laverlot (+6)<br />

6th: D Erasmus (+5)<br />

7th: H Huisamen (+5)<br />


JULY 2013<br />

26 took to the field to play the<br />

Singles Stableford over 10<br />

holes.<br />

Nearest the pin on hole no 12:<br />

H Upsher (Overberg Asset<br />

Management)<br />

Nearest the pin on hole no 16:<br />

S Pretorius (Werners)<br />

1st: D Ungerer (22)<br />

2nd: D Brown (22)<br />

3rd: H v d Merwe (22)<br />

4th: H Upsher (21)<br />


20TH JULY (4BBB MEDAL)<br />

The weather afforded us<br />

lovely golfing weather where<br />

wind could not be blamed for<br />

balls that disappeared at an<br />

angle into the fynbos around<br />

the course.<br />

Nearest the pin on hole no 1:<br />

D Johnson (Sponsored by<br />

Werners)<br />

Nearest the pin on hole no 12:<br />

J Pieterse (Sponsored by<br />

Burger Turf Management)<br />

1st: F Eagar & D Rossouw (63)<br />

2nd: MJ Blom & M Flores (63)<br />

3rd: E Whitehead & P Marais<br />

(64)<br />

Wednesday winners: N Jacobsen, M Bisset S Murie & J<br />

Laverlot<br />

Saturday winners: F Eagar & D Rossouw, M Flores & MJ<br />

Blom<br />

4th: M du Toit & S Kruger (64)<br />




Sheila Augustyn

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