Struan 1966 - Adm.monash.edu - Monash University

Struan 1966 - Adm.monash.edu - Monash University

Struan 1966 - Adm.monash.edu - Monash University


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Editorial<br />

Greta Wh ite and Kevin Ni cholson. Editors.<br />

So another year finishes at Frankston. For many of you it will have<br />

been the last. No longer will there be the scurry of feet, the babble of<br />

voices between lectures, muted apologies to lecturers, shouts of glee and<br />

peals of laughter from the Common Room. You are leaving Frankston.<br />

For better Or worse you have changed - perhaps in some cases ever<br />

so subtly - since your arr ival. From a position of comparative lack of<br />

responsibility you are assuming a mantle of great responsibility . . . you<br />

have become a teacher! Moreover, a primary teacher and despite many<br />

common fallacies you have a tremendous part to play in our community<br />

life .<br />

The thought that we would like to leave you with is that your pupil<br />

is essentiaHy a being in the process of formation. Do not stress goals and<br />

ambitions too much . We hear too much of examinations and good jobs<br />

that must be obtained. We hear all too little of the fact that sometime'S<br />

the pleasure and character-formation ga ined from pursuing a goal is more<br />

important than the goal itself. It is not of primary importance that our<br />

pupil-s become wealthy, successful or famous. It matters that they develop<br />

the right ideas and att itudes towards knowledge, recreation, culture and<br />

, their "neighbours".<br />

Thus we bid farewell to those leaving College and hope they can reflect<br />

with satisfaction on their ach ievements d uring the last two or three<br />

years. At the same time the exies can feel confident that the returning<br />

students will maintain the academic standard'S and continue the social activities<br />

that ' have become their new responsibilities.<br />

May the Chr istmas period and the future bring happiness and success<br />

to you all.

visits and conferences-and the like. Their regular function has not suffered for<br />

all this, in fact, the standard of social events in the College this year has been<br />

particularly high.<br />

The Publications Committee [Editor Greta White, Co-Editor Kevin Nicholson)<br />

started well, and has kept up the high standard that was set with the first copy<br />

of "Seahorse". In a new format, they have provided thought-provoking, informative<br />

and entertaining samples of students' articles for us throughout the year.<br />

With the addition of a Public Relation'S Officer (Jenny Smerdon) to the Committee<br />

the doings of Frankston Teachers' College have been well presented in the local<br />

community in the form of many articles and photographs in the Frankston<br />

"Sta ndard".<br />

The Concerts and Dramatics Committee has produced several one-act plays<br />

and other enterta inments during lunch-times throughout the year, orqanised by<br />

Anne Shepherd and enthusiastic committee members and volunteers, the College<br />

Improvements Commitlee (Ian Howie slave-driving) has changed the face of the<br />

College by wall-building, rock-placing, grading, levelling and planting. Aga in,<br />

numerous "volunteers" aided the fine work of this Committee.<br />

The Sports Committee (Colin Coutts and Alison Tuppen leading), by hard<br />

work and good organisation, helped our College teams to take off nine of the<br />

twenty inter-College premierships in winter sports, as well as the swimming and<br />

athletic carnivals.<br />

The Social Service Committee (Marg Wham) has once again had us all working<br />

hard for those not as well off as we are, and Welfare (Nola Higgins) working<br />

hard for our own benefit. From 1965's Fair money, S.R.C. purchased a movie<br />

projector, a listening un it, two IMP sets, a Grolier teaching machine, a slide projector,<br />

and various other teaching aids for students' use, and trees to beautify<br />

the hostel area. The success of the Fair depends largely on the work of the Welfare<br />

Association and the Students' Welfare Committee, and again this year, our<br />

Fair was a great success.<br />

A feature of this year in S.R.C. has been the broadening of outlook of students<br />

in Colleges throughout Australia. Frankston's S.R.C. has been deeply<br />

involved in national and state conferences of students, and inter-College and<br />

Interstate visits. A contingent of forty Frankston students visited Wattle Park<br />

Teachers' College in Adelaide, and while there, two delegates from Frankston<br />

atlended the intial discussions concerning the fo rmation of a national student<br />

teachers' un ion. One delegate will attend the inaugural meeting of the Union<br />

in Adelaide in the Christmas vacation. Four delegates from Frankston attended<br />

the initial talks in Bendigo lead ing to the formation of the State Council of<br />

Student Teachers. We hosted the inaugural conference in September, at which<br />

the Constitution of the Council was decided upon. Ballarat Teachers' College<br />

visited us for a sporting and social afternoon, and we sent a contingent to Bendigo<br />

similarly. These meetings are most bentficial to all concerned, and are<br />

becoming an accepted and valuable part of College life.<br />

Closer to home, S.R.C. has organised several "Teach-ins" at Assemblies<br />

during the year, and the idea of an S.R.C. Assembly once per term has been<br />

maintained, with the idea of keeping students closely in touch with all aspects<br />

of S.R.C. functioning, with S.R.C. organising the Assembly program.<br />

All in all, I th ink it could be said that S.R.C. has had a successful year.<br />

Thanks must go to many people, particularly the executive

Students l Representative Council<br />

BACK: Miss Guppy (Staff Representative) , Mr. Brown (Principal's<br />

Representative), Lyn Reid (Social), Greta White (Publications), Margaret<br />

Wham (Social Service), Jenny Smerdon (Public Relations), Anne Shepherd<br />

(Concerts and Dramatics), Kevin Nicholson (Publications) , Alison Tuppen<br />

(Sports) , Colin Coutts (Sports), Ian Howie (Grounds Improvement).<br />

FRONT: Darelle Wood (Treasurer), Helen Turley (Vice-President), Geoff<br />

Olney (President), Graeme O'Toole (Junior Vice-President), Mel Gay<br />

(Secretary) .<br />


6<br />

Members of Staff<br />

BACK: Mr. Wells, Mr Brennan, Mr . Ryan,<br />

Mr. Lacy.<br />

Mr. Dolphin, Mr. Jones,<br />

THIRD: Mr . Cameron, Mr. Prowse, Mr. Townsend, Mr. O'Brien, Mr. Juler,<br />

Mr. Wittman, Mr. Browne, Mr. Runciman, Mr. Lomas, Mr. Carr, Mr. Towers,<br />

Mr. Giles.<br />

SECOND : Mr . Kneebone, Mr. Piggott, Mr . Flynn, Mr . White, Miss Wallace,<br />

Miss McDonald, Miss Ansell, Mr. Ladd, Mr. Giljedder, Mr . Chalmers,<br />

Mr. McGarvie.<br />

FRONT: Miss Papworth, Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. Ferrari, Miss Smales, Mr. M.<br />

Brown, Miss Kentish (Senior Woman Lecturer), Mr. Jenkins (Principal),<br />

Mr. Bell (Vice-Principal), Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. Lacy, Miss Guppy,<br />

Miss Longden.<br />

ABSENT : Miss Craig, Mr. F. Brown, Mr. Mutimer, Mr. Allan, Mrs . Brown,<br />

Mr. Fry, Dr. Stretton, Mr. Gill, Mr. Healey, Mrs. Sax, Mrs. Todd,<br />

Miss Holmes.



MARCH<br />

APRIL<br />

MAY<br />

JUNE<br />

JULY<br />

AUGUST<br />





1967<br />

DEAR DIARY ...<br />

"Those lazy, hazy, crazy Vacation days "<br />

"Just a-working on the chain-gang."<br />

The Freshers begin<br />

The Garden Party - Hey, look us over.<br />

We're not really Waterbabies just 'cos we won the Swimming.<br />

Easter swot vac.<br />

"Goodbye, Tony Bligh" - a success for Jeff.<br />

"Rookery Nook" - good work by C & D.<br />

Let loose at last, but not for long.<br />

Wild at Wattle Park.<br />

Ballarat brings the rain.<br />

Mid·Year Ball - it was op at the hop.<br />


Frankston Shire declared a City - extra holidays are welcome.<br />

Let loose again, some o·f us even to Queensland and the Centre.<br />

The calm before the storm<br />

"Heigh ho, we went to the fair."<br />

EXAMS ! ! !! Shakin' all over!<br />

Athletics ability displayed.<br />

Combined Teachers' Colleges' Church Services.<br />

Picnic Capers.<br />

Graduation Ball - ''We're gonna shake those lecturers out of our hair."<br />

Graduation Ceremony.<br />

"Those lazy, hazy, crazy Vacation days" again ..•<br />

Some of us will be taughtured.<br />

While we lucky exies will be taughturingl<br />


Committee Reports<br />

Social Service<br />

This year, for the first time, the Social Service Committee received a small<br />

grant from the S.R.C. Because of this finance, an early start in money-raising<br />

activities was possible.<br />

Emphasis during Term One was on College and Group activities, to support<br />

the College-selected organisation of the "Aborigines' Advancement League". One<br />

of the highlights was the production of "Goodbye, Tony Bligh", a play written<br />

and produced by College student Jeff Leask. His group, C2, worked as ticketsellers<br />

and ushers to make the night a great success.<br />

Among other activities, the Committee worked with the Social Committee in<br />

organising a Square Dance in the Common Room.<br />

In contrast to this, Terms Two and Three were mainly concerned with group<br />

and individual efforts of service to the community and various organisations.<br />

Many thanks must go to those who knitted, sewed, tutored and donated their<br />

time and money to help others.<br />

A great deal of the responsibility and credit for Social Service rests with the<br />

Group Representatives who strove hard to generate enthusiasm and action in<br />

each particular Group. I cannot say how much I valued their friendship, 'Suggestions<br />

and co-operation during the year.<br />

Whether or not you return to College next year, please remember that there<br />

are many people in your street, your suburb and your town who need helpyour<br />

help. Maybe you can give material aid, maybe just give them some of<br />

your time. Don't forget - please.<br />


* * * * * *<br />

<strong>1966</strong> was a succesful year for Concerts and Dramatics, especially considering<br />

that at the end of 1965 it was suggested that the Committee be dissolved from<br />

S.R.C.<br />

You will no doubt feel as we do, that it was just as well that suggestion wasn't<br />

carried through.<br />

We feel this way for several reasons. Firstly, C and D did prove more active in<br />

<strong>1966</strong>. Secondly, it'S activities were of a wider scope and involved more students.<br />

Thirdly, you supported us well and so we have concluded that you want this<br />

Committee to remain.<br />

What were our activities this year? Many students, organized through C and D,<br />

gave assistance in the College Play, "Rookery Nook," a most enjoyable<br />

performance.<br />

C and D was active in helping backstage for the Shakespeare Day performance<br />

by the First-Years. Our lunch-time Australien Folk Festival was another success.<br />



12<br />

May I Leave, Sir?<br />

. ,!<br />

"'" uIiJiJ<br />

Normie Sends Me<br />

Don't Look Behind We're All on Diets, But ...

mob, most Australians are that b-- apathetic that many of them<br />

don't even know where Vietnam is." "Oh rubbish," said John. "You must be<br />

joking," said Bob, "everyone knows where it is. The silent adjudicator, the<br />

girl in the far corner, just smiled politely.<br />

The sides had now been chosen - Warren and Mick saying that everybody<br />

knows where Vietnam is; and John, whose driving had gone from bad to<br />

worse since the argument had started, and Bob, who had burst 'Several buttons<br />

off his coat when gesticulating to make his point, maintaining everybody knew<br />

where it was.<br />

John looked at the fuel gauge - "Bllmey, we're just about out of juice."<br />

The garage we pulled into was just like any other garage - the greasy-faced,<br />

overall-clad figure who came to the window and said, "Yeah mate, what'll<br />

you have?" puzzled all of us because apart from "its" outward appearance<br />

it was a woman! "Well, you can't win them all," was John's only reply. "Ten<br />

bob's worth of super, thanks,"<br />

We were all thinking the same, but Bob was the first to say it. "Let's ask<br />

her if she knows where Vietnam is." John quickly added, "I'll bet you ten bob<br />

she knows where it is." "You're on," Mick and the saintly character replied.<br />

John popped the question and the answer astonished all of us . "Strike me<br />

lucky, I haven't a b-- clue," she said, "but I'll go and ask the head mechanic."<br />

In betweens fits of paralytic laughter we saw the head mechanic disappear<br />

to ask the boss. He returned w ith a rather puzzled look on his face, whispered<br />

to the young lady, who returned and said: "Well, they THINK it's up north<br />

somewhere, but just between you and me I don't g ive a damn. I mean,<br />

like, you know, well it's kinda like this. If I sat down and meditated about<br />

Vietnam all day, I'd never get time to mend all those b puncture'S."<br />

We departed slowly from that garage still in fits of laughter, Mick and<br />

I ten bob richer, and Bob and John ten bob poorer, but moreover we had all<br />

had a good laugh, not at anyone's expense because the young lady thought<br />

her own ig nora nce was a b it of a joke also.<br />

Well, it just goes to show - never bet on a dead cert ...<br />

- Dedicated by the saintly character to all those who have ever,<br />

Or are likely to ever, travel in John Wintle's car .<br />

18<br />

"Still Life"-David Esler, A2<br />



Earth enveloped by the crisp mist<br />

Looks peaceful, serene. This semi-realistic sight,<br />

Great abyss between earth and heaven;<br />

This sea, now murky, a tainted amethyst.<br />

Shore and mainland mysteriously amorphous,<br />

While soft eeriness, suffocated light<br />

Enhance'S the bay, shrouds the white<br />

House on the formidable, veiled cliff.<br />

The bridge looms across the canal<br />

Where river meets the silent, sleeping sea.<br />

The black silhouetted statue can tell<br />

Of the mysteriously peaceful ecstasy<br />

That raised me up to a higher level<br />

Of spiritual serenity by this fantasy.<br />

* * * * * *<br />


Frustration and love,<br />

Joy and declension, with lethargy<br />

And dark.<br />

For brown is blue and yellow, and<br />

Nonprevalent monochromes and<br />

Multichromes of white are grey.<br />

Elation and defeat. Brights are dull,<br />

Their hue subjective.<br />

For living does not give<br />

Life.<br />

Existence is Pyrrhonistic black;<br />

Primaries are theory' for<br />

The disbelievers, 'Scepticism is<br />

Done. But not to death; the outlet<br />

Is grey, not black; and white is<br />

Complementary sometimes.<br />

For living<br />

Does not give life.<br />

* * * * * *<br />


-Julianne Higgins, A.l.<br />

-Geoff Olney, D 2.<br />

Thoughts, real, disturbing, distract from academic work.<br />

Dead-lines loom upon me, but urgency doe'S not overcome my failings.<br />

Time is spent in bearing and examining my many thoughts.<br />

Honest effort is made but to no avail.<br />

Unencouraging, stark results stare at my eyes ...<br />

Di'straction.<br />

-Pam Hogarth, C 2.<br />


22<br />


Second<br />

Kay Stammers<br />

"Clyne"<br />

"Boats'i-s-Margaret Warren, ITC2<br />

Third<br />

"Victim"- Darylle Kelly, C2


John Kirby<br />

Second Third<br />

-by Claire Gillett -by Gordon Curran<br />


24<br />


Pottery . . . .<br />

. . . . pretty women<br />

. . . . paintings

SQUASH<br />

Great success was achieved by the<br />

squash team th is year, which finished<br />

the season undefeated and won the<br />

grand final.<br />

The women d id very well all year.<br />

Anne Sheldrake dominated her games<br />

as No.1, and seldom lost a game, and<br />

Zana Flood, Dennie Finch and Janette<br />

Evans all excelled. The men also<br />

played well - David Kerr, hardhitting<br />

No.1, Terry Boyce, Peter<br />

Foster, Graeme Smith and Warren St.<br />

Clair.<br />

Well done Anne, Dennie, Peter and<br />

Graeme, who won in the final. Special<br />

thanks to our coach Mr. Wells, who<br />

helped thoroughly with tactics and<br />

encouragement.<br />

Score in the final was Frankston,<br />

4 rubbers, 13 games, 191 points defeated<br />

Toorak, 4 rubbers, 12 games,<br />

153 po ints.<br />

- Captain<br />


A very good season was had by<br />

this team. Frankston drew with Larnook<br />

in two matches and the grand<br />

final wh ich therefore had to be replayed.<br />

The result was a victory for<br />

us. Best players during the season<br />

were Kathy Nicol and Dale Smith<br />

(captain).<br />

Thanks must go to Mr. Towers, our<br />

encouraging coach. Our success in the<br />

season was due to his interest and<br />

help, and the fact that the team played<br />

always as a whole.<br />

- Jill Stewart<br />

28<br />


This team successfully won the<br />

premiership after a very exciting<br />

grand final. One of our best players<br />

for the season was Penny Harvey.<br />

Team spirit, reflected in our dec isive<br />

victories, was always high.<br />


The bowling team was lucky in<br />

winning the grand final against Melbourne.<br />

Melbourne had beaten us<br />

twice during the 'Season and we were<br />

dubious of Our chan ces before the<br />

game. However, a special concentrated<br />

effort won us the premiership.<br />

Best players for the season included<br />

Janet Henstr idge and Ray Watschur.<br />

- The Team<br />


We had a very successful season<br />

for which we would like to thank our<br />

coach and enthusiastic supporter, Miss<br />

Wallace.<br />

In the grand final, we convincingly<br />

defeated Burwood, who had been our<br />

closest rival during the term.<br />

- The Team<br />


We also had a successful year w ith<br />

only one loss and one draw. Natural ly,<br />

OU r most "coveted" game was the<br />

grand final, where we defeated<br />

Toorak by only one goal.<br />

Thanks must go to Mi'Ss Wallace for<br />

her coach ing and support throughout<br />

the year, and especially during the<br />

final match.<br />

Jan Wheal, our Captain, d id a great<br />

job and spurred the team on at all<br />

times. Thanks to all girls who played,<br />

scored Or umpired throughout the<br />

season. Thanks also to Mis'S Wallace<br />

and Miss Longden for the Chinese<br />

meal to which we were shouted.<br />

- Nola Higgins<br />

- The Team

WE WO·N!<br />


BACK: Laurie Drysdale, Russell Woodley, Roger Spaul/, Ken Wallis, Doug<br />

Gibbon , Colin Coutts, Rod McNab.<br />

CENTRE: John Callanan, Dennis Young, Rob McDonald, Peter van der Zande ,<br />

Peter Foster, Ken Saddington , Allan Burdekin , Brian Watterson.<br />

FRONT: Mr. Dolphin , Maxine Peart, Heather Canobie, Meryl Maggs, Margaret<br />

Toke, Pam Perry, Cathy Nicol, Annette Robinson, Kay Leach, Miss Wallace.<br />


Jill Berry, Sue Burston, Rick Carter, Margaret Cavanagh, Shirley Chandler,<br />

Sid Cooper, Colin Coutts, Zana Flood, Doug. Gibbon, Ianin e Gould , Brian Gourley,<br />

Lorraine Hawkes, Jan Hardy, Daryl Hook, R einhard Kasputtis, Renee Kroes,<br />

Rod McNab, Judy Morrish, Pam Morrison, Annette Nobl e, Kath Perrett, Mick<br />

Plumstead, Lois Purcell, Bryan Quirk, Ken Saddington , Roger Spaull, Neville Stone,<br />

Marg. Toke, Peter van der Zande, Hank Verwoert, Carolyn Vernon, Brian<br />

Watterson, John Wintle, John Whitelaw .<br />


30<br />


BACK: Skaidrite Grinbergs, Robyn James, Anne (Jow, Lois rurceu, Jill<br />

Berry, Sue Fleming, Carolyn Minister.<br />

FRONT: Virginia Davidson, Rosa Coles, Heather Canobie, Norma Walker,<br />

Julie Arnold.<br />


BACK: Catherine Nicol, Leslie Harding, Jill Stewart, Sue Burston,<br />

Joan Bilson.<br />

CENTRE: Alan Wilson, Mr. Towers, Dianne Chisholm, Dale Smith,<br />

Janet Neck.<br />

FRONT: Brenda MacRobert, Lyn Coghlan.<br />

, \<br />


32<br />


BACK: Marie Timmins, Geott Olney, Michael Thompson, Paul Toomey,<br />

Sidney Cooper, Marie Backman.<br />

FRONT: Hilmar Batza, Carmel Healy, Nancy Didolis, Czeslawa Wasylkiw,<br />

Mr. Giles.<br />


D.'"\.'-'1\o.: Lrurren Auums, J:\t/y w aiscnur, scan rr assyuco, Aioert rrlttlumS,<br />

Rod Snee, Janel Henstridge.<br />

FRONT: Joanna Wolkow, Yvonne Ritchie, Mrs. Lacy, Diana Jamie,<br />

Carol Morgan.


34<br />

SQUASH<br />

HACK: Peter Foster, Warren St. Clair, Mr. Wells, David Kerr, Graeme Smith.<br />

FRONT: Dennie Finch, Janette Evans, Terry Boyce, Zana Flood,<br />

Anne Sheldrake.<br />


BACK: Brian Gourley, Geoff Neale, Graeme brown, Jim :roung, Ken<br />

Saddington, Graeme McKenzie, Ron Craig, John Callery, David Dennison:<br />

CENTRE: Stan Oakley, Colin Coutts, Doug. Gibbon, Doug Ferguson, Ric<br />

Carter, Hank Verwoert, Daryl Hook, John Pearson, Michael Smith,<br />

Neville Stone.<br />

FRONT: Reinhard Kasputtis, Alan McNish, Roger Spaull. Rod McNab,<br />

Mr. R. Wittman, Bryan Quirk , John Callanan, Chris Long, Peter Nash.

Many of us were feeling close to tears when it came time to leave. The trip<br />

back to Melbourne was very qu ick and included 'plane travel from Brisbane to<br />

Sydney.<br />

We, the students, are very much aware that w ithout the manner in which<br />

Miss MacDonald and Mr. Giles carried out their duties the tour could not have<br />

been such a success. Thanks to their fine management we had none but<br />

the unavoidable delays. At the same time they fitted in so well with the group<br />

that, when comparing numbers with students from other tours, they would<br />

say: "We had -- students and two lecturers"; we would say that there were<br />

20 of us - 15 girls and five boys!<br />

The twenty of us, no longer strangers, wish equal success and enjoyment<br />

to next year's Heron Island Tourists .<br />

40<br />

Shall we climb?<br />


Well - we made it!



Exit Group 3 A<br />

42<br />

BACK: Shirley Chandler, Lynley Brown, Elizabeth Ady, Pam Blue,<br />

Elisabeth Crouch, Helen Christie, Sue Griffiths.<br />

CENTRE: Jill Baker, Patricia Emery, Marlene Dart, Faye Banting, Lesley<br />

Carter, Rosemary Gunn, Sue Daly, Sue Ackroyd.<br />

FRONT: Lyn Cutts, Dawn Cooper, Helen Fowler, Mr. Wells, Miss Longden,<br />

Anna Bonk, Janet Byrne, Janice Fletcher, Sandra Gardner.<br />

ABSENT: Kaye Bishop, Kay Casey, Laima Gudeika.


"The Woods would indeed be silent if only those birds that sang best,<br />

sang it all." Following on the li nes of the quotation, it has taken 25 ind ividual<br />

personalities to MAKE our group. We have among us many members who<br />

exhibit brilliance in the fields of sport, academic and social life.<br />

Below we introduce the varied personalities in our group.<br />

MISS PAPWORTH: " Silver Threads and Golden Needles."<br />

MR. CHALMERS: " Goodnig ht LADIES."<br />

BEV MUSGROVE: "Please Don't Talk to the lifeguard."<br />

CHRIS NORMAl: " Get Me to the Church on Time ."<br />

MAUREEN O'DEA: "Heigh-Ho, come to the Fa ir. "<br />

HEATHER PAYNE: " Wi th a little Bit of Luck."<br />

SHIRLEY PONT: " It's Late."<br />

LOIS PURCELL: "Big Boots."<br />

MARIE REILLY: "What's She Really like."<br />

LYN REID: "After the Ball is Over."<br />

CARLENE RICHARDSON: "Just We Two."<br />

ANNE SHEPHERD: "Every Nice Girl Loves a Sailor."<br />

MARG SKINNERS: " Just Give me Money."<br />

DALE SMITH: "She Wore an Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini."<br />

JUDITH STEELE: " Food, Glorious Food."<br />

WENDY SUTCLIFFE: "Wild One?"<br />

DIANA TODD: "Rave On. "<br />

MARG TOKE: " Som eday My Prince Will Come ."<br />

JILL TULLY: "You Talk Too Much."<br />

HELEN TURLEY: -os. No John, No John, No John, No. "<br />

NORMA WALKER: "Handyman."<br />

ROSEMARY WARRY: "There'll Never be Anyone Else but You and You and<br />

You."<br />

PAM WATHEN: " Sleepy-Time Gal."<br />

MARG WHAM: " Help !"<br />

WENDY WILKINSON: "When the Saints Some Marching In.''<br />

ANNE WILSON: " Dream, Dream, Dream ."<br />

HELEN WILSON: "Diamonds are a Girl 's Best Friend."<br />


GORDON CURRAN: "1 disagree!"<br />

TERRY BOYCE: "l'm w ith Hank !"<br />

BOB BISHOP: Pictures anyone?<br />

COLIN COUTTS: " Blowflies as big as Budgerigars."<br />

ALAN BURDEKIN: " No money this week, John."<br />

RICO CARTER: The English Can-nery.<br />

DOUG FERGUSON: "Guts and determination."<br />

RON CRAIG: Watches Bugs Bunny .<br />

JOHN CALLERY: "Best and fairest".<br />

JOHN CALLANAN: " Now, one of my brothers does that."<br />

JOHN DOYLE: "Any money this week, people?"<br />


DAVID ESLER: "This carol is supposed to be for a large chorus that can sing ."<br />

DAVID DENNISON: "Can you drive, Ric?"<br />

ROSE-MARIE AINSWORTH: "D" anyone?<br />

PRU BARLEE: Was so dark 'She had trouble getting back in the country.<br />

DIANNE BELL: "000, how rude (giggle, giggle)."<br />

JILL BERTINO: "Er - you can 't do that - Let's go ."<br />

CHRISTINE BRODERICK: (at 5 to 4) "Have you started your ass lqnrnenr yet?"<br />

CAROLE BULLEN: " It's my sister's."<br />

RACHAEL CULBARD: Related to Johnnie Appleseed or the Mad Hatter?<br />

HEATHER CANOBIE: "Oh, rubbish!"<br />

MARYLYN CORAM: "Everything' s rosy when we're flying."<br />

CARROLL DEAN : Last but (certainly) not least.<br />

CHARLOTTE DE WOLF: "De ar d iary, oh no John, no John, no John, no."<br />

EMMY DE VRIES: "Just leave me out."<br />


Exit Group B2<br />

10<br />

BACK: Vincent Gillett, Neville Gutteridge, Doug. Gibbon, Daryl Hook,<br />

Rodger Goodwin , Phil Hart, Earle Goldie, Ian Hardie, Bob Hayes.<br />

CENTRE: Anne Flrns, Nanette Forsythe, Jill Heathcote, Doug Jamieson,<br />

Ian Howie, Sue Henderson, Nancy Didolis, Robyn Hamilton.<br />

FRONT: Barbara Gregory, Kerry Dunlop, Pam Gillies, Mr. Gil/edder,<br />

Mr. McGarvie, Peter Foster, Janet Henstridge, Liz Gray, Liz Gardner.<br />

ABSENT: Mel Gay, Paula Graham, Julie ' Hall.


EARL GOLDIE: "If you dont want' to listen, Earle, you may as well go."<br />

Wake up, Earle, wake up!!!<br />

NEVILLE GUTTERIDGE: " Can you lend me . . ." or " Hav e yo u seen Marg?"<br />

RODGER GOODWIN: "Had a b it of troubl e w ith the car over t he week-end."<br />

PHIL HART: " You goose."<br />

IAN HARDIE: " A nyone been dominating the basketball, lately?"<br />

VIN GILLETT: It's the qu iet ones you have to watch.<br />

BOB HAYES: Most enthusiast ic Un ion rep.<br />

DOUG GIBBON: " W hat about some Insur ance for footballers?"<br />

DOUG JAMIESON: Experi ence in infant behav iour leads to high ISM ma rks.<br />

PETER FOSTER: Go and get th e cheques. Tri bute to t he Den nis.<br />

Mel GAY : I like fe llows to be neat ly dressed.<br />

DARYL HOOK: Doesn't wa ste enough time arguing in lectures really.<br />

IAN HOWIE: "I 'm not a b igot, you poor types. I wa s brought up in IJ<br />

perfect environment."<br />

ANNE FIRNS: Still waters run deep.<br />

PAM GILLIES: " Has anyone brought any produce today?"<br />

ELIZABETH GRAY: SHE likes f ellow s to be neatly dressed !<br />

ELIZABETH GARDNER . . . and her spo rts car.<br />

JILL HEATHCOTE: " I'v e got worse since my College driving lessons."<br />

JULIE HALL: "The-uh -reason-uh-for-."<br />

PAULA GRAHAM: Away aga in .<br />

SUE HENDERSON: " W hat about a Group Night?"<br />

BARBARA GREGORY: " Pete said . .."<br />

NANCY DIOO1lS: 60 mph down W ells Rd.?<br />

NANETTE FORSYTHE: An app le a day.<br />

JANET HENSTRIOGE: "Our house is going to be in th e Dandenongs."<br />

RO,BYN HAMILTON: "Only 100 days to go!"<br />

KERITH DUNLOP: "There's only one thing near to my heart - my horse!"<br />


Exit Group D 2<br />

BACK : Cathy Mence, Helen Nancarrow, John R ose, Christine Rowlands,<br />

Don Rule, Cheryl Minter, Carol Machaelson.<br />

CENTRE: Dick Sealey, Bob Rhimes, Geoff Olney, Mick Plumstead, Bryan<br />

Quirk, Geoff Rogers, Roger Spaull, Colyn Pountn ey,<br />

FRONT: Sue Plain, Rosalind Shallard, Mr. J. Lacy, Mr. G. Brennan,<br />

Gwen Philip, Jenny Smerdon, Gail R echter.<br />

ABSENT : Pam Morrison, Arthur Pritchard, Sandra Randall, Lynne Rose,<br />

Dianne Russell, Dick Ryland.

All hail I Oh group 02, our idol s;<br />

A stranger mob you'll never find.<br />

First we'll tell you about our tutors.<br />

If they don't read the- rest, we won't mind.<br />

Has anyone seen Mr. Lacy's mug?<br />

After the footy th is was the cry.<br />

Mr. Brennan is off w ith the chooks ­<br />

If you've seen his shoes, now you know why.<br />

Gwen is Group Leader and often heard murmuring<br />

In tones soft and low, " Will you all listen?"<br />

While "How 10 marry a millionaire?"<br />

Is Carol Michaelson's latesl question.<br />

Big Daddy Olney runs our dear College,<br />

Not-to-mention the army (bul in his spare time),<br />

While Cheryl , the rowdiest (?) girl in the group,<br />

Wilh 100 many A's should n' l be in this rhyme.<br />

After several new noses and many group pa rlies<br />

Sue's political inlerests mighl make her Prime Min.,<br />

While browner and glamorous is Pam since Magnetic.<br />

We expecl a bikin i was her grealesl sin.<br />

The Vlcrorle markel musl be Ros' haunt<br />

But al College is pottery or Giles her main love<br />

Roger lakes care of the hostel's high mora ls<br />

And softly, whi le showering, coo s like a dove.<br />

Chris Rowlands can often be heard sad ly sigh ing<br />

" I never do anything but no-one be lieves me"<br />

And Cathy replied when th is author approached her:<br />

"I can't th ink of anYlhing they'd print aboul me."<br />

Mick's jokes aren't blue , jusr blue-min "orribl e,"<br />

BUI even so, he laug hs lill he cries.<br />

Don is our " Wow-thing" w ith mop-lop and cuff-links<br />

He dazzles the girls w ilh his brighl Paisley lies.<br />

Gail is most popular firsl th ing each morni ng<br />

For she brings the paper with "Wizard of ld."<br />

Bob Rhimes had such a good lime on Magnetic<br />

The others still talk about things thaI he d id.<br />

Our nomination for "M iss Organ isation,"<br />

Our Ayer 's Rock conqueror, is Dora (or Di),<br />

Dick Sealey is know n for blond curls and clean living<br />

But iI's all Ihose Red Herrings the staff know him by.<br />

Sandra Randall is such a bright birdie<br />

II's not just in Psych. thaI she knows all the answers.<br />

Geoff Rogers (whose we ight always "drops" after parties)<br />

Is our greatest master of wo rds with some (?) letters.<br />

We're watching Dick Ryland because he's so quiet ­<br />

He's done noth ing yet but one day he mighl.<br />

Many girls come each morning in John's station waggon<br />

They draw straws to see who'll be last out at nighl.<br />

Eye-lashes fluttering, hearts all a-thuddering,<br />

Girls slart a.muttering when Bry. goes by .<br />

For Col happiness is - as if you don't know,<br />

And sorrow is Call-up , just hear Ihe girls sigh.<br />

Helen Nancarrow (she's one of the fellas)<br />

Creares qu ile an uproar in lectures on art,<br />

While tawny·owl Lynn" might well give up the Brown ies<br />

If th ings go well with the affair of her heart.<br />

Jenny has dithered in Public Relations,<br />

With more experience, where might she go?<br />

Our last is Arthur, a typical student,<br />

And , as at all group turns, he' ll put on a show:<br />

" It was 0930 hours. I walked into the lecture.<br />

There was one spare seet - next 10 a blond.<br />

I sal down. 'She ' was beautiful . . ."<br />



Exit Group E2<br />

56<br />

BACK: Brian Stroud, Ross Watson, Paul Toomey, Michael Thompson, Hank<br />

Verwoert, John Wintle, Ray Watschur, Warren St. Clair, Darryl Trott.<br />

CENTRE: Neville Stone, Kay Stammers, Greta White, Jill Stewart, Margaret<br />

Strong, Judy Webb, Jan Steinjort, Darelle Wood. Alison Tupp en.<br />

FRONT: Pat Smith, Mirriam Stanford, Gail Talbot, Dennis Young, Mr. Corr,<br />

Peter van del' Zande, Kerrie Wilson, Jenny Taylor, Kathy Smith.


Dedicated to our tutors, Mr. Mut imer and Mr. Corr, so that they may<br />

never forget thei r favourite group.<br />

JUDY WEBB: When she goes, she really "go-go' s."<br />

KATHY SMITH: "Now about this darn Puffing Billy trip, you 101."<br />

GAIL TALBOT: "I'm 'Sorry, Mr. Brown . . . I don't know."<br />

WARREN ST. CLAIR: "Channel 7, Monday night, 8 o'clock ."<br />

MARG STRONG: "PLEASE flog the towels."<br />

KERRIE WILSON: " 0 to be in England."<br />

PAT SMITH: She's pretty and blonde and BIG at heart.<br />

JOHN WINTLE: " I don't agree with that" (the group roars) .<br />

ALISON TUPPEN: "John is a Bachelor of Science, but he won't be a ba chelor<br />

for long."<br />

KAY STAMMERS: She wants to join the army now.<br />

HANK VERWOERT: Sopochles sta ted that a TV wi ll beat a Stud ebaker<br />

hands down.<br />

PAUL TOOMEY: " I'm the only man in the Centre,<br />

The only man in the Centre,<br />

With . .. . . , . . . ."<br />

PETER van der ZANDE: Most popular boy in E2! O r is it tho se bits of pape r?<br />

JENNY TAYLOR: Occupied 24 hour'S a day, at work and play!<br />

BRIAN STROUD: "You can have my guitar for the whole period ."<br />

MIRRIAM STANFORD: Her favourite occupation is robbery.<br />

JILL STEWART: Hockey is HER favourite sport. Or is it?<br />

JAN STEINFORT: The only th ing that is bigger than her feet is her heart.<br />

DARRYL TROTT: He likes mini minors and mini sk irts .<br />

NEVILLE STONE: Footballers seem to have' a way with the kids and that's<br />

not all!<br />

OENNIS YOUNG: He's NOT related to that popular Frankston re sort.<br />

GRETA WHITE: "PLEASE get writing NOW !"<br />

MICHAEL THOMPSON: The lTC's ca ll him "Mr. Fran kston Teachers' Co llege."<br />

RAY WATSCHUR: " I'm NOT the Mus ic Man."<br />

ROSS WATSON: "I refuse to teach an ywhere near home."<br />

DARELLE WOOD: Writer of "How NOT to Bookkeep in One Easy Lesson."<br />


Autographs<br />



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