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Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

CONTENT ................................................................................................................................ 1<br />

PREAMBLE .............................................................................................................................. 6<br />

SECTION A .............................................................................................................................. 7<br />

ZONING & ACTIVITIES STIPULATIONS ............................................................................... 7<br />

APPLICABILITY ...................................................................................................................... 8<br />

1. LAND USE ZONING REGULATIONS .............................................................................. 9<br />

1.1. LAND USE ZONE CLASSIFICATIONS ......................................................................... 9<br />

1.1.1. RESIDENTIAL USE ZONE ............................................................................................................. 9<br />

1.1.2. PERI-URBAN USE ZONE .............................................................................................................. 9<br />

1.1.3. COMMERCIAL USE ZONE .......................................................................................................... 10<br />

1.1.4. MANUFACTURING USE ZONE ................................................................................................... 10<br />

1.1.5. PUBLIC, SEMI-PUBLIC FACILITIES AND UTILITIES USE ZONE ................................................ 10<br />

1.1.6. MULTIPLE USE ZONE ................................................................................................................. 10<br />

1.1.7. RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE USE ZONE ........................................................................... 10<br />

1.1.8. WATER BODIES .......................................................................................................................... 10<br />

1.1.9. FOREST ...................................................................................................................................... 11<br />

1.1.10. SPECIAL RESERVATIONS ZONE ............................................................................................... 11<br />

1.1.11. CONSERVATION USE ZONE ...................................................................................................... 11<br />

1.1.12. TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION USE ZONE .......................................................................... 11<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 1

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

1.2. RESIDENTIAL USE ZONE .......................................................................................... 12<br />

1.2.1. RESIDENTIAL ZONE – 1(R1), RESIDENTIAL ZONE – 2(R2) ....................................................... 12<br />

1.2.2. RESIDENTIAL ZONE – 3(R3) ...................................................................................................... 14<br />

1.2.3. RESIDENTIAL USE ZONE- 4 (R4) ............................................................................................... 16<br />

1.3. PERI-URBAN USE ZONE ........................................................................................... 17<br />

1.4. COMMERCIAL USE ZONE ......................................................................................... 18<br />

1.5. MANUFACTURING USE ZONE .................................................................................. 20<br />

1.5.1. MANUFACTURING USE ZONE ................................................................................................... 20<br />

1.5.2. WORK CENTERS ........................................................................................................................ 21<br />

1.6. PUBLIC, SEMI-PUBLIC FACILITIES USE ZONE ........................................................ 22<br />

1.6.1. PUBLIC, SEMI-PUBLIC FACILITIES AND UTILITIES USE ZONE ................................................ 22<br />

1.6.2. PUBLIC UTILITIES ....................................................................................................................... 23<br />

1.6.3. AMENITIES .................................................................................................................................. 23<br />

1.7. MULTIPLE USE ZONE ............................................................................................... 24<br />

1.7.1. MULTIPLE USE ZONE ................................................................................................................. 24<br />

1.7.2. SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT ZONE (MULTIPURPOSE USE ZONE) .............................................. 24<br />

1.7.3. CENTRAL SQUARE .................................................................................................................... 24<br />

1.7.4. GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PROMOTION ZONE (GDPZ) ........................................................... 24<br />

1.8. RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE USE ZONE .......................................................... 25<br />

1.8.1. RECREATION USE ZONE ........................................................................................................... 25<br />


1.8.3. HIMAYATH SAGAR AFFORESTATION ZONE ............................................................................. 26<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 2

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

1.9. WATER BODIES (RIVERS, NALAS, RESERVOIRS AND KUNTAS) ........................... 26<br />

1.10. FOREST ZONE .......................................................................................................... 26<br />

1.11. SPECIAL RESERVATIONS ZONE .............................................................................. 27<br />

1.11.1. HERITAGE BUILDINGS AND PRECINCTS (S1) .......................................................................... 27<br />

1.11.2. DEFENSE / MILITARY LANDS (S2) ............................................................................................. 27<br />

1.11.3. BIO CONSERVATION ZONE (S3) ............................................................................................... 27<br />

1.11.4. NATURAL HERITAGE (S4) .......................................................................................................... 27<br />

1.11.5. OTHERS (ANY OTHER SPECIAL RESERVATIONS) (S5) ........................................................... 28<br />

1.12. CONSERVATION USE ZONE ..................................................................................... 28<br />

1.13. TRAFFIC AND TRANSPORTATION USE ZONE ......................................................... 29<br />

SECTION B ............................................................................................................................ 30<br />

2. LAND DEVELOPMENT STIPULATIONS ....................................................................... 31<br />

2.1. Types of land development permitted: ..................................................................... 31<br />

2.2. Application through Licensed Developer Mandatory: .............................................. 31<br />

2.3. Ownership aspects ................................................................................................... 31<br />

2.4. Fees and Charges: .................................................................................................... 32<br />

2.5. Development of green layouts and green development mandatory: ........................ 33<br />

2.6. Single Window Clearance for Land Assemblage & Development Applications: ...... 35<br />

2.7. Processing and monitoring of applications: ............................................................. 36<br />

2.8. Time limits for processing and disposal of applications: ......................................... 37<br />

2.9. Notifying of clearances where the provision of deemed approval shall apply: ........ 37<br />

2.10. Monitoring: ................................................................................................................ 37<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 3

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

2.11. Commitment and responsibilities on part of Applicant: ........................................... 37<br />

2.12. Licensing of developers and other personnel mandatory ........................................ 38<br />

2.13. Land development by Public agencies ..................................................................... 38<br />

2.14. Responsibilities of Metropolitan Commissioner and Local Authority ...................... 38<br />

2.15. Limitations of Approval given: .................................................................................. 39<br />

2.16. Responsibilities of supervision ................................................................................ 40<br />

2.17. Registration of approved layout ............................................................................... 41<br />

2.18. Layout Requirements and Development standards ................................................. 41<br />

2.18.1. The owner of any land or groups of owners/developers who intend to sub-divide or layout the land<br />

in such areas into building plots shall: ............................................................................................................ 42<br />

2.18.2. Minimum area & other requirements for Layout Development: ...................................................... 42<br />

2.18.3. Other Requirements: .................................................................................................................... 43<br />

2.19. Hierarchy and width of roads required in Land assemblage & developments: ........ 44<br />

2.19.1. Splay at Road junctions: ............................................................................................................... 44<br />

2.20. Compliance of development works: ......................................................................... 45<br />

2.21. Group Housing Schemes/Group Development Schemes: ........................................ 46<br />

2.22. Interim stipulation for Land Pooling Schemes: ........................................................ 47<br />

2.23. Requirements for SEZs and other Special projects: ................................................. 54<br />

SECTION C ............................................................................................................................ 55<br />


3.1. Development Schemes under HMDA Act, 2008: ....................................................... 56<br />

3.2. Roads & Other Infrastructure Implementation .......................................................... 63<br />

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Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

SECTION D ............................................................................................................................ 68<br />

4. BUILDINGS & SITE STIPULATIONS ............................................................................. 69<br />

5. ANNEXURES .................................................................................................................... 70<br />

5.1. ANNEXURE I .............................................................................................................. 70<br />

5.2. ANNEXURE II ............................................................................................................. 77<br />

5.3. ANNEXURE III ............................................................................................................ 82<br />

5.4. ANNEXURE IV ........................................................................................................... 86<br />

5.4.1. List of villages covered in Hyderabad Metropolitan Region ............................................................ 86<br />

5.5. ANNEXURE V .......................................................................................................... 108<br />

5.5.1. List of Settlements falling in Residential use zone 1 – R1: ........................................................... 108<br />

5.6. ANNEXURE VI ......................................................................................................... 113<br />

5.6.1. List of Settlements falling in Residential use zone 2 – R2: ........................................................... 113<br />

5.7. ANNEXURE VII ........................................................................................................ 115<br />

5.7.1. List of Settlements falling in Residential use zone 3 – R3: ........................................................... 115<br />

5.8. ANNEXURE VIII ....................................................................................................... 118<br />

5.8.1. List of Settlements falling in Residential use zone 4 – R4: ........................................................... 118<br />

5.9. ANNEXURE IX ......................................................................................................... 139<br />

5.9.1. DCR for ORR Growth Corridor Master Plan Notified vide G.O.Ms : 470 dated 9-7-2008 .............. 139<br />

5.10. ANNEXURE X .......................................................................................................... 157<br />

5.10.1. DCR for Hyderabad Airport development authority notified vide G.O.Ms 287 dated 3-4-2008 ...... 157<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 5


Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

1. The Draft Metropolitan Development Plan (Master Plan) – 2031 for Hyderabad<br />

Metropolitan Region covers an area of around 5965 Sq.Kms. which consists of<br />

• Extended Area of HMDA - 5018 Sq Kms<br />

• ORR Growh Corridor - 330 Sq Kms (1 Km on either side of ORR)<br />

• Part of erstwhile HUDA - 432 Sq Kms (Outside ORR)<br />

• Part of erstwhile HADA - 185 Sq Kms (Outside ORR)<br />

2. Development Promotion Regulations which comprise of regulation of development<br />

activities by way of zoning regulations, land development regulations and building<br />

regulations form part of the Metropolitan Development Plan of the Hyderabad Metropolitan<br />

region.<br />

3. With a view to promoting and regulating development activities in the urbanisable<br />

limits and other areas of the Hyderabad Metropolitan Region in an effective and efficient<br />

manner, the Development Promotion Regulations have been made conducive to promoting<br />

development, viz.,<br />

Development Regulations made more attractive and promotion oriented. They are made<br />

simple, unambiguous and incentive-oriented.<br />

a) Activities are categorized and based on location criteria, road widths and plot sizes<br />

criteria. They are structured in such a way that all developments could be promoted<br />

and undertaken through public-private partnerships.<br />

b) Emphasis on creating area level infrastructure facilities and amenities.<br />

c) Developments based on incremental or phase wise facilities would also be allowed.<br />

d) The built form criteria have been made simple. The provisions of the Common<br />

Building Rules and their later Amendments would be applicable for the entire<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan region, including the areas covered by the existing Master<br />

Plans except others mention in this Draft Zoning and Development Promotion<br />

Regulation.<br />

e) The Draft Stipulations have been divided in to 4 Sections, viz.<br />

• Section A Zoning and Activities Regulations<br />

• Section B Land Development related stipulations<br />

• Section C Development schemes and circulation network pattern<br />

• Section D Building and site development stipulations<br />

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Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

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Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

1. The regulations in the Section A i.e., Land Use Zoning Regulations, shall be<br />

applicable for the extended area of the Hyderabad Metropolitan Region and part of<br />

erstwhile HUDA area outside ORR.<br />

For erstwhile HADA area (outside ORR) Land Use Zoning Regulations are applicable as<br />

per HADA Master Plan notified vide G.O.Ms.No.287, MA, Dt.03.04.2008<br />

For ORRGC area (1 KM on either side of ORR) Land Use Zoning Regulations are<br />

applicable as per ORRGC Master Plan notified vide G.O.Ms.No.470, Dt.09.07.2008.<br />

Section B i.e., Land Development related stipulations,<br />

Section C i.e., Development schemes and circulation network pattern<br />

Section D i.e., Building and site development stipulations. Section B, Section C and Section<br />

D would be applicable to the entire area of the Hyderabad Metropolitan Region, except<br />

other wise mention here and excluding the erstwhile MCH area for which the provisions of<br />

G.O.Ms.No.363, MA dt.21.08.2010 shall be applicable.<br />

2. No development activity like layout, land pooling scheme, building activity or use of<br />

any land shall be permitted unless these are in conformity with the master plan land use,<br />

circulation network and the zoning of the uses and activities as given in this section and the<br />

building site requirements as given in these regulations.<br />

3. These regulations however will not prohibit the existing uses of lands and buildings<br />

that have been lawfully established and have a valid development permission from<br />

competent authority prior to coming into force of the Master Plan.<br />

4. All the layouts approved by DTCP & HUDA/HMDA or any Competent Authority, all<br />

plots regularized by HMDA or any Competent Authority prior to these regulations and<br />

change of land use affected by government, shall continue to prevail irrespective of the<br />

land use zone as proposed in the Master Plan.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 8



Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

The Land Use Zoning Regulations contain the following classification of the broad land use<br />

zones:<br />


Residential Zone-1 (Urban Areas Contiguous to Growth Corridor): Residential Zone falling<br />

within such contiguous urban area, i.e. the area contiguous outside Growth Corridor,<br />

wherein the detailed planning of roads and various urban use zones are proposed. (Refer<br />

Annexure V).<br />

Residential Zone-2 (Urban Nodes): Residential Zone falling within non contiguous urban<br />

areas, for which the detailed planning of roads and various urban use zones are proposed.<br />

(Refer Annexure VI).<br />

Residential Zone-3 (Urban Centers): The remaining other urban centers along with their<br />

surrounding areas as earmarked in the proposed Land Use Plan. There is no detailed<br />

planning proposed herein, and the whole identified centers/areas are assigned Residential<br />

Land Use Zone. (Refer Annexure VII).<br />

Residential Zone-4: All the rural settlements- Village Settlement (Gramkantham) and the<br />

existing rural built-up area- as earmarked in the proposed Land Use Plan are assigned<br />

Residential Zone-4. For all these settlements, an additional 100 M wide belt outside the<br />

settlement shall also be considered as Residential Zone-4 to cater the natural expansion of<br />

settlements.<br />

Note: The width mentioned above for the area for natural expansion of the Gram Kantham<br />

A 100 M wide belt outside these rural settlements shall be considered as R4 Zone to cater<br />

to the natural expansion of the settlements which is subject to changes as amended from<br />

time to time. (Refer Annexure VIII).<br />

1.1.2. PERI-URBAN USE ZONE<br />

Areas earmarked as Peri-Urban Use Zone, around the identified ‘Urban Areas Contiguous<br />

to Growth Corridor’ and ‘Urban Nodes’ in the proposed Metropolitan Development Plan.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 9


Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Areas earmarked as Commercial Use Zone and the Commercial Strips in the proposed<br />

Land Use Plan for the extended area.<br />


Areas earmarked as Manufacturing Use Zone in the proposed Land Use Plan only.<br />


Areas earmarked as Public, Semi-public Facilities and Utilities Zone in the proposed Land<br />

Use Plan, and the sites specifically earmarked for any such public/semi-public use.<br />

1.1.6. MULTIPLE USE ZONE<br />

Areas earmarked as Multiple Use Zone in the proposed Land Use Plan, and areas<br />

identified for Transit-Oriented-Development, as defined by these regulations.<br />


Recreational Use Zone: Areas earmarked as Open Space Recreational in the proposed<br />

Land Use Plan, and the sites specifically earmarked as Parks, Playgrounds, and Exhibition<br />

Grounds.<br />

Open Space Buffer (Around foreshore of water bodies): Areas specifically earmarked<br />

as Open Space Buffer around the Water Bodies Use Zone containing various types of<br />

existing water bodies.<br />

1.1.8. WATER BODIES<br />

Water Body Zone generally indicates all water bodies, i.e. Rivers, Streams, Lakes, Tanks<br />

and Kuntas, as indicated in the Revenue Village maps as well as in the topographical<br />

sheets published by the Survey of <strong>India</strong>, or the State Irrigation Department or Revenue<br />

Department or other competent authorities. The boundary of the water bodies relate to the<br />

Full Tank Level / High Flood Level as indicated in relevant maps, covering both perennial<br />

and non perennial parts when such distinction exists.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 10

1.1.9. FOREST<br />

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

All Reserved Forests as notified by the Forest Department. No activity other than forest and<br />

greenery is permitted in this zone unless expressly allowed by the Forest Department.<br />


a) Heritage Buildings and Precincts (S1)<br />

b) Defense / Military Lands (S2)<br />

c) Bio Conservation Zone (S3)<br />

d) Natural Heritage (S4)<br />

e) Others (Any Other Special Reservations) (S5)<br />

Note: The land use under Water bodies, Green buffer around water bodies, forests and<br />

natural heritage precincts designated as protected zone and no change of land use<br />

allowed in these categories of land uses.<br />


Areas beyond the Peri-Urban Use zone which is almost all over the remaining area of the<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Region, excluding the R3 Zone (Urban Centers) and R4 Zone, as<br />

earmarked in the proposed Land Use Plan.<br />

Note: Though the area around the rural settlements (earmarked as R4 Zone) is proposed to<br />

be Conservation Zone, a 100 M wide belt outside these rural settlements shall be<br />

considered as R4 Zone to cater to the natural expansion of the settlements, and the same<br />

shall not be considered to be part of Conservation Zone.<br />


a) Roads<br />

b) Railways /Railway station<br />

c) Bus Depots, Passenger/Freight Terminals<br />

d) Airport<br />

Transportation: Roads, Railways, Airports : Includes all the major road network are<br />

earmarked in the proposed Metropolitan Development Plan and the sites specifically<br />

earmarked for related facilities like, roads, railways, airports railway terminus, bus depots,<br />

truck terminals, and parking lots and logistics Hubs (Bus Depots and Truck Terminals) and<br />

accessory uses/activities.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 11


Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />


The various uses permitted and prohibited in Residential Use Zone-1 and Residential Use<br />

Zone-2, are as mentioned in the following table.<br />

Table 1.1 : Residential Zone 1,2 (R1, R2 ): Uses Permitted and Uses Prohibited<br />

Uses Permitted Uses Prohibited<br />

I II<br />

All types of residential buildings All other uses not mentioned in Col. I<br />

Auditoriums<br />

Botanical garden<br />

Bakeries and confectioneries<br />

Banks<br />

Courts of law<br />

Burial-grounds/ Cremation ground<br />

Bus depots without workshop<br />

Bus stands Heavy, large and extensive industries<br />

Cinema halls on plots above 3000 sq.mts and<br />

abutting road of minimum 18 meters width<br />

Clubs<br />

Colleges<br />

Community centres<br />

Computer software units /IT Enabled Services<br />

Convenience shopping<br />

Customary home occupation/household units<br />

Dharamshalas<br />

Doctors’ clinics and Dispensaries<br />

Electrical distribution station<br />

Electronic printing press<br />

Exhibition and art gallery<br />

Hospitals treating contagious and<br />

infectious diseases<br />

Indoor games stadium<br />

International conference centre<br />

Obnoxious and hazardous industries<br />

Outdoor games stadium<br />

Reformatory<br />

Fire stations Sewage<br />

work<br />

treatment plant/disposal<br />

Foreign missions<br />

Shooting range<br />

Function halls on plots above 3000 sq.mts<br />

and abutting road of minimum 18 meters<br />

width<br />

Games facilities of local nature both indoor<br />

and outdoor<br />

Slaughter-house<br />

Group housing / Apartment Complexes<br />

Guest houses<br />

Solid waste dumping yards<br />

Gymnasium<br />

Health facilities with not more than 20 beds Storage godowns of perishables,<br />

Hostels & Boarding houses<br />

hazardous and inflammable goods<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 12

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Uses Permitted Uses Prohibited<br />

I II<br />

Hotels on plots of above 2000 sq.mts and<br />

abutting road of minimum width of 18 meters<br />

Storage of gas cylinders<br />

Library<br />

Warehousing<br />

Motor vehicle repairing workshops/garages Water treatment plant<br />

Municipal, state and central government<br />

offices<br />

Wholesale mandis<br />

<br />

<br />

Night shelters<br />

Other educational buildings other than<br />

Workshops for buses etc.<br />

<br />

professional colleges/institutions<br />

Parks/totlots<br />

Petrol pumps<br />

Plant nursery<br />

Zoological garden<br />

Police check posts<br />

Police stations<br />

Post offices<br />

Professional offices<br />

Public utilities and buildings except service<br />

and storage yards<br />

Religious premises<br />

Research institutes<br />

Restaurants/eating places<br />

Retail shopping centres<br />

Schools<br />

Showroom for sale & distribution of LPGas<br />

Taxi stand/three wheeler stands<br />

Technical training centre<br />

Transit visitors camp<br />

Water pumping station<br />

Weekly markets<br />

Informal market (informal sector activities)<br />

Yoga centres/Health clinics<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 13

1.2.2. RESIDENTIAL ZONE – 3(R3)<br />

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

The various uses permitted and prohibited in Residential Use Zone-3 are as mentioned in<br />

the following table. The maximum height allowed shall be 10 M for residential and 15M for<br />

non-residential activities.<br />

Table 1.2 : Residential Zone 3 (R3): Uses Permitted and Uses Prohibited<br />

Uses Permitted Uses Prohibited<br />

I II<br />

All types of residential buildings All other uses not mentioned in Col. I<br />

Auditoriums<br />

Botanical garden<br />

Bakeries and confectioneries<br />

Banks<br />

Courts of law<br />

Bus stands Heavy, large and extensive industries<br />

Hospitals treating contagious and<br />

infectious diseases<br />

Community centres Indoor games stadium<br />

Services<br />

International conference centre<br />

Convenience shopping<br />

Customary home occupation/household units Obnoxious and hazardous industries<br />

Dharamshalas<br />

Doctors’ clinics and Dispensaries<br />

Outdoor games stadium<br />

Electrical distribution station<br />

Gymnasium Reformatory<br />

Hostel and boarding houses Sewage treatment plant/disposal<br />

work<br />

Shooting range<br />

Games facilities of local nature both indoor<br />

and outdoor<br />

Slaughter-house<br />

Group housing / Apartment Complexes<br />

Guest houses Solid waste dumping yards<br />

Library<br />

Motor vehicle repairing workshops/garages<br />

Municipal, state and central government<br />

offices<br />

Storage godowns of perishables,<br />

<br />

hazardous and inflammable goods<br />

Storage of gas cylinders<br />

Warehousing<br />

Water treatment plant<br />

Wholesale mandis<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 14

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Uses Permitted Uses Prohibited<br />

I II<br />

Night shelters<br />

Workshops for buses etc.<br />

Other educational buildings other than<br />

<br />

professional colleges/institutions<br />

Parks/totlots<br />

Petrol pumps<br />

Plant nursery<br />

Zoological garden<br />

Police check posts<br />

Post offices<br />

Professional offices<br />

Public utilities and buildings except service<br />

and storage yards<br />

Religious premises<br />

Research institutes<br />

Restaurants/eating places<br />

Retail shopping centres<br />

Schools<br />

Taxi stand/three wheeler stands<br />

Technical training centre<br />

Transit visitors camp<br />

Water pumping station<br />

Weekly markets<br />

Yoga centres/Health clinics<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 15

1.2.3. RESIDENTIAL USE ZONE- 4 (R4)<br />

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

The various uses permitted in Residential Use Zone-4 (Gramkantham and 100 M wide belt<br />

outside Gramkantham) are as mentioned in the following table. The maximum height<br />

allowed shall be 10 M for residential and non-residential activities.<br />

Table 1.3: Residential Zone - 4 (R4): Uses Permitted<br />

Uses Permitted within existing<br />

<br />

Gramkantham /existing rural built<br />

up area/existing village settlements<br />

All types of residential buildings<br />

Banks<br />

Bus stands<br />

Clinics, dispensaries, primary health<br />

sub centers<br />

Community<br />

institutions<br />

centres and social<br />

Customary home<br />

occupation/household units<br />

Municipal, state and central<br />

<br />

government offices<br />

Parks and playgrounds<br />

Professional Offices/ Personal<br />

<br />

services establishments<br />

Public utilities and buildings except<br />

service and storage yards<br />

Religious places<br />

Restaurants/eating places<br />

Retail shops<br />

Repair service establishments<br />

Schools<br />

Stables for domestic animals subject<br />

to limit of 5 animals on each plot<br />

Storage of crop, fodder, manure,<br />

agricultural implements<br />

similar needs<br />

and other<br />

Uses Permitted only in the additional<br />

100m wide belt outside Gramkantham<br />

(Natural expansion of the settlements)<br />

Agriculture<br />

Agro based cottage industries without use<br />

of power<br />

All the uses that are permitted within<br />

Gramkantham<br />

Brick tiles and pottery manufacture in<br />

temporary buildings only<br />

Cold storage unit and ware house related to<br />

agriculture activity not more than 0.20<br />

hectare<br />

Dwellings and ancillary building for the<br />

people engaged in the farm(rural<br />

<br />

settlement) subject to a maximum ground<br />

coverage of 10% with minimum land extent<br />

of one acre<br />

Horticulture, floriculture , forestry<br />

Milk chilling stations and pasteurization<br />

plants<br />

Petrol and other fuel filling stations<br />

Poultry and dairy farm<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 16


Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

The various uses permitted and prohibited in Peri-Urban Use Zone are as mentioned in the<br />

following table. The maximum height allowed shall be 12 M for residential and 18M for non-<br />

residential activities.<br />

Table 1.4: Peri-Urban Zone: Uses Permitted and Uses Prohibited<br />

Uses Permitted Uses<br />

Prohibited<br />

I II<br />

All types of Residential Buildings with ground coverage not<br />

exceeding 25%<br />

Bird sanctuary Any building or<br />

Botanical/zoological garden<br />

Building and structures ancillary to use permitted in open spaces<br />

and parks subject to the total ground coverage not exceeding 5%<br />

Camping grounds<br />

Children traffic parks<br />

Commercial use of transit nature like circus<br />

Film Studios/city, having minimum plot area of 10 acres, with<br />

ground coverage not exceeding 10%<br />

Forest<br />

Holiday resorts, having minimum plot area of 10 acres, with<br />

ground coverage not exceeding 5%<br />

Local parks<br />

Open air cinemas/auditoria<br />

Outdoor / Indoor sports stadiums<br />

Picnic huts with built up area not exceeding 5%<br />

Playgrounds<br />

Public & institutional libraries with total built up area not<br />

exceeding 5% of total site<br />

Regional parks<br />

Restaurants as part of sports, recreational outdoor facilities not<br />

exceeding 5% ground coverage<br />

Shooting range<br />

Specialised parks/maidans for multi-use<br />

Sports training centres<br />

Swimming pools with built up areas not exceeding 5% of total<br />

area<br />

Water bodies<br />

Banks<br />

Bus stands<br />

structure other<br />

than residential<br />

which is not<br />

required for<br />

open air<br />

recreation<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 17

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Uses Permitted Uses<br />

Prohibited<br />

Clinics, dispensaries, primary health sub centers<br />

Community centres and social institutions<br />

Customary home occupation/household units<br />

Municipal, state and central government offices<br />

Parks and playgrounds<br />

Professional Offices/ Personal services establishments<br />

Public utilities and buildings except service and storage yards<br />

Religious places<br />

Restaurants/eating places<br />

Retail shops<br />

Repair service establishments<br />

Schools<br />


The various uses permitted and prohibited in Commercial Use Zone are as mentioned in<br />

the following table.<br />

Table 1.5: Commercial Zone: Uses Permitted and Uses Prohibited<br />

Uses Permitted Uses Prohibited<br />

All uses permitted in R1, R2, R3 Zones (as<br />

mentioned in Table 3.1) and uses permitted in<br />

R4 Zone (as mentioned in Table 3.2)<br />

Bakeries and confectionaries<br />

Banks<br />

All activities which cause<br />

nuisance and are noxious and<br />

obnoxious in nature<br />

Hazardous<br />

industrial units<br />

and extractive<br />

Hospitals/research laboratories<br />

treating contagious diseases<br />

Bus and truck depots Reformatory<br />

Cinema halls and multiplexes Sewage treatment/ disposal sites<br />

Clubs Slaughter-houses<br />

Storage of perishable and<br />

Colleges<br />

inflammable commodities<br />

Computer software units /IT Enabled Services Poultry farm and dairy farm<br />

Conference centers<br />

Courts<br />

Fire Station<br />

Function halls on plots of minimum 3000 sq. m.<br />

and abutting road width of minimum 18 m.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 18

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Uses Permitted Uses Prohibited<br />

Gas installation and gas works<br />

Godowns and warehousing<br />

Guest houses<br />

Health facilities with maximum 200 beds<br />

Hostel/boarding houses<br />

Hotels<br />

Junk yards<br />

Library<br />

Multistoried parking complexes<br />

Museum<br />

Non polluting non-obnoxious light industries<br />

Offices<br />

Parking sites<br />

Parks/open space<br />

Petrol pumps<br />

Police stations/posts<br />

Polytechnic and higher technical institutes<br />

Post offices<br />

Railway yards/stations<br />

Religious buildings<br />

Religious places<br />

Repair garages<br />

Research institutions<br />

Research/training institute<br />

Restaurants<br />

Retail shops and retail shopping centers,<br />

Shopping Malls<br />

Service centres/garages/workshops<br />

Sports and related facilities<br />

Sports/stadium and public utility installation<br />

Stock exchange/Financial institution<br />

Taxi stand/three wheeler stands<br />

Telephone exchange<br />

Note: Special Commercial Belt along all Highways, Ring Roads, Radial Roads and<br />

Expressways (Up to a depth of 90 M after proposed Right of Way of road) wherever<br />

indicated on the plan; are conditional. These shall be permitted subject to the following<br />

conditions:<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 19

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

a) Handing over of land to concerned authority for widening of road up to the proposed<br />

width with free of cost through registered gift deed.<br />

b) Developing the service road with applicant own cost.<br />

c) Access from property to road only through service road.<br />



The various uses permitted and prohibited in Manufacturing Use Zone are as mentioned in<br />

the following table.<br />

Table 1.6: Manufacturing Zone: Uses Permitted and Uses Prohibited<br />

Uses Permitted Uses Prohibited<br />

I II<br />

All kinds of non-obnoxious and non- All types of hazardous and<br />

hazardous industries as per the list<br />

maintained by AP Pollution Control<br />

Board<br />

obnoxious industries<br />

Animal racing or riding stables All other uses not mentioned in<br />

Col I<br />

Banks and financial institutions Hotels and Hostels<br />

Bus depot and workshop Residential dwellings other than<br />

those essential for operational<br />

and watch and ward staff<br />

Bus terminal Schools and colleges<br />

Cemeteries<br />

Cold storage and ice factory<br />

Computer<br />

Services<br />

software units /IT Enabled<br />

Dairy and farming<br />

Electric power plant<br />

Gas godowns, godowns & warehousing<br />

Gas installations and gas works<br />

Government/semi-government/private<br />

business offices<br />

Health facilities incidental to main uses<br />

Helipads<br />

Junkyards<br />

Loading and unloading spaces<br />

Obnoxious and hazardous industries except<br />

storage of perishable and inflammable<br />

goods<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 20

Parking of vehicles<br />

Parks and playgrounds<br />

Public utilities<br />

Religious buildings<br />

Residential buildings for essential staff and<br />

for watch and ward<br />

Restaurants<br />

Service stations & repair garages<br />

Sewage disposal works<br />

Sports/stadium/playgrounds<br />

Storage and depot of non-perishable and<br />

non-inflammable commodities and<br />

incidental use<br />

Taxi stands<br />

Warehousing<br />

Wholesale business establishments<br />

Workshops/garages<br />

1.5.2. WORK CENTERS<br />

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Work Centers Land use is proposed in HADA Master Plan and Development control<br />

regulation is applicable as per HADA Master Plan.<br />

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Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />



The various uses permitted and prohibited in Public, Semi-public Facilities and Utilities<br />

Zone are as mentioned in the following table.<br />

Table 1.7: Public, Semi-public Facilities and Utilities Zone: Uses Permitted and Uses Prohibited<br />

Uses Permitted (I) Uses Prohibited (II)<br />

Dispensary<br />

Exhibition centre<br />

Fire station/fire post<br />

Function hall<br />

Guest house<br />

Health/primary center<br />

Helipad<br />

Hospital<br />

Hostel<br />

Hotel on plot above 1000 sq.mt.<br />

Institution<br />

Jail<br />

L P Gas Godown<br />

Library<br />

Monument<br />

Museum/art gallery<br />

Offices<br />

Open air theatre<br />

Petrol pump<br />

Police station/police post<br />

Polytechnic college<br />

Post office<br />

Public utilities and buildings<br />

Radio transmitter and wireless station<br />

Railway station/yard<br />

Religious building/center<br />

Research and development center<br />

Residential plotted or group housing for<br />

staff / employees as incidental to the<br />

main use<br />

Retail shopping centre<br />

School<br />

Service station<br />

Sewage disposal works<br />

All other uses not mentioned in Col I<br />

Any other use other than the specific<br />

reservation<br />

Dairy and poultry farms<br />

Farm houses<br />

Heavy, extensive and other obnoxious<br />

and hazardous industries<br />

Junk yards<br />

Processing and sale of farm products<br />

and uses not specifically permitted herein<br />

Slaughter houses<br />

Wholesale markets<br />

Workshops for servicing and repairs<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 22

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Uses Permitted (I) Uses Prohibited (II)<br />

Social and cultural institutions<br />

Social and welfare centers<br />

Telecommunication centre<br />

Telephone exchange<br />

Universities and specialized educational<br />

institutions<br />

Warehouses/storage godown<br />

Water supply installations<br />

Water supply, drainage, storm water,<br />

solid waste disposal, electricity,<br />

communication system and related<br />

installations, parking lots, public utility<br />

buildings<br />


Public utilities Land use is proposed in HUDA Master Plan and Development control<br />

regulation is applicable as per HUDA Master Plan.<br />

1.6.3. AMENITIES<br />

Amenities Land use is proposed in ORR Master Plan and Development control regulation is<br />

applicable as per ORR Master Plan.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 23


1.7.1. MULTIPLE USE ZONE<br />

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

The uses permitted and prohibited in Multiple Use Zone are as mentioned in the following<br />

table.<br />

Table 1.8: Multiple Use Zone: Uses Permitted and Uses Prohibited<br />

Uses Permissible (I) Uses Prohibited (II)<br />

All activities/uses permissible as in All types of Manufacturing,<br />

Residential Use zone, Public & Semi Public<br />

Use Zones, peri urban use zone, recreational<br />

use zone and Commercial use zone<br />

obnoxious and hazardous industries<br />

Multiple use zone is also allowed on plots 1000 m2 and above and abutting proposed road<br />

width of 30 m and above provided the area is earmarked for R1, R2 or Commercial Land<br />

Use.<br />


SDZ Land use is proposed in ORR Master Plan and Development control regulation is<br />

applicable as per ORR Master Plan.<br />

1.7.3. CENTRAL SQUARE<br />

Central square Land use is proposed in HADA Master Plan and Development control<br />

regulation is applicable as per HADA Master Plan.<br />


GDPZ is proposed in HADA Master Plan and Development control regulation is applicable<br />

as per HADA Master Plan.<br />

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Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />



The various uses permitted and prohibited in Open Space Recreational are as mentioned<br />

in the following table.<br />

Table 1.9: Open Space Recreational: Uses Permitted and Uses Prohibited<br />

Uses Permitted (I) Uses Prohibited (II)<br />

Bird sanctuary<br />

Any building or structure which<br />

Botanical/zoological garden<br />

is not required for open air<br />

Building and structures ancillary to use permitted in recreation<br />

open spaces and parks subject to the total ground Dwelling units except for watch<br />

coverage not exceeding 2%<br />

and ward<br />

Camping grounds<br />

Children traffic parks<br />

Commercial use of transit nature like circus<br />

Film Studios/city, having minimum plot area of 10<br />

acres, with ground coverage not exceeding 10%<br />

Holiday resorts, having minimum plot area of 10<br />

acres, with ground coverage not exceeding 5%<br />

Local parks<br />

Open air cinemas/auditoria<br />

Outdoor sports stadiums<br />

Picnic huts with built up area not exceeding 2%<br />

Playgrounds<br />

Public & institutional libraries with total built up area<br />

not exceeding 2% of total site<br />

Regional parks<br />

Restaurants as part of sports, recreational outdoor<br />

facilities not exceeding 5% ground coverage<br />

Shooting range<br />

Specialised parks/ maidans for multi-use<br />

Sports training centres<br />

Swimming pools with built up areas not exceeding<br />

2% of total area<br />

Note: On sites specifically indicated as parks, playgrounds or Musi river green belt Project,<br />

no other activity except the specified use shall be allowed.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 25

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />


No construction is permitted in the Open Space Buffer (buffer belt of minimum 30 meters<br />

around the Full Tank Level of existing water bodies), except for fishing, boating, and picnics<br />

along the banks provided that only construction allowed is open to sky jetties for boating,<br />

platforms for fishing.<br />


Himayath sagar afforestation zone is proposed in HADA Master Plan and Development<br />

control regulation is applicable as per HADA Master Plan.<br />


a) In water body zone no construction is permitted.<br />

b) No building/ development activity shall be allowed in the bed of water bodies like river,<br />

or nala, and in the Full Tank Level (FTL) of any lake, pond, cheruvu or kunta / shikam<br />

lands.<br />

c) The above water bodies and courses shall be maintained as recreational/Green<br />

buffer zone, and no building activity other than recreational use shall be carried out<br />

within<br />

d) 30 meters from the boundary of Lakes of area 10 Ha and above;<br />

e) 9 meters from the boundary of lakes of area less than 10 Ha / kuntas / shikam lands<br />

f) 9 meters from the boundaries of Canal, Vagu, etc.<br />

g) 2 meters from the defined boundary of Nala.<br />

The above shall be in addition to the mandatory setbacks Unless and otherwise stated, the<br />

area and the Full Tank Level (FTL) of a lake / kunta shall be reckoned as measured or<br />

given in the Survey of <strong>India</strong> topographical maps/Irrigation Dept/Revenue records.<br />

1.10. FOREST ZONE<br />

No activity other than forest and greenery is permitted in this zone unless expressly allowed<br />

by the Forest Department.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 26


Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />


The Heritage Regulations issued vide GOMs No. 542, MA dated 14-12-1995 and other<br />

relevant orders/amendments issued by the Government from time to time shall be<br />

applicable.<br />

In notified Heritage Buildings and Heritage Precincts and ‘Heritage Buildings and Areas’ as<br />

earmarked in Master Plan, it is necessary to obtain specific clearance from HMDA, after<br />

consultation by Heritage Conservation Committee before undertaking certain kinds of<br />

development and redevelopment as specified by the Government or issued as specific<br />

guidelines. Special exemption from land use controls are allowed subject to approval from<br />

the Government in the interest of conservation of the Heritage Buildings and Heritage<br />

precincts.<br />

1.11.2. DEFENSE / MILITARY LANDS (S2)<br />

Defense/Military Lands are lands under occupation of the Defense Services or otherwise<br />

earmarked for defense services. These cannot be put to other uses. The areas covered by<br />

Defense lands and certain adjoining areas as may be specifically notified, may be<br />

subjected to restrictions on constructions or on the use of lands in the interest of safety and<br />

security of the defense services or the civil population living in the contiguous areas.<br />

1.11.3. BIO CONSERVATION ZONE (S3)<br />

The developments in the Bio Conservation zone shall be strictly in accordance with the<br />

provisions of G.O.Ms.No.111 M.A dated 08-03-1996, and as per the regulations/stipulations<br />

issued by the Government from time to time.<br />

1.11.4. NATURAL HERITAGE (S4)<br />

The areas in north-west and north-east of the Hyderabad metropolitan Region are<br />

characterized by large water bodies occupying significantly large portion of the area are<br />

defined as Natural Heritage. Accordingly, these areas have been earmarked as Natural<br />

Heritage in the Master Plan. The areas earmarked as Natural Heritage shall be subjected<br />

to restrictions on constructions or on the use of lands, as enforced by the Metropolitan-<br />

Commissioner, HMDA from time to time, in the interest of preservation of the ecology and<br />

the civil population living in and around these areas.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 27

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />


Any other Special Reservations specifically earmarked in Master Plan, is allowed to be<br />

used only for the uses specified therein.<br />


The various uses permitted and prohibited in Conservation Zone are as mentioned in the<br />

following table.<br />

Table 1.10: Conservation Zone: Uses Permitted and Uses Prohibited<br />

Uses Permitted (I) Uses Prohibited (II)<br />

Agriculture<br />

Residential use except those<br />

Agro based cottage industries without use of ancillary uses permitted in<br />

power<br />

agricultural use zone subject to 1%<br />

Brick tiles and pottery manufacture in ground coverage<br />

temporary buildings only<br />

<br />

Dwellings and ancillary buildings for the people<br />

engaged in the farm (rural settlement) subject<br />

to a maximum ground coverage of 1% with<br />

minimum land extent of one hectare<br />

Electric power plant<br />

Golf clubs and links<br />

Horticulture, floriculture , forestry<br />

Milk chilling stations and pasteurization plants<br />

Mining<br />

Petrol and other fuel filling stations<br />

Poultry and dairy farm<br />

Public utilities<br />

Quarrying / mining<br />

Sewage disposal works and public utility<br />

facilities<br />

Storage and drying of fertilizer<br />

Storage, processing and sale of farm produce<br />

Transport and communication facilities<br />

Village settlement expansion<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 28

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />


The various uses permitted and prohibited in Transportation and Communication Zone are<br />

as mentioned in the following table.<br />

Table 1.11: Traffic and Transportation Zone: Uses Permitted and Uses Prohibited<br />

Uses Permitted<br />

Uses Prohibited<br />

(I)<br />

(II)<br />

Accessory and support shopping activity<br />

Use/ activity not specifically<br />

Airports-buildings and infrastructure<br />

permitted herein.<br />

Any other use/activity incidental to transport and<br />

communication activity<br />

Banks<br />

Booking offices<br />

Goods terminals<br />

Hotels<br />

Motor garage<br />

Observatory and weather office<br />

Parking areas/buildings<br />

Radio and television station<br />

Repair and repair shop and facilities such as night<br />

shelter<br />

Residential dwelling units for essential staff and<br />

watch and ward<br />

Restaurants<br />

Road transport terminals (bus terminals and depots)<br />

Truck terminal<br />

Wireless station<br />

Workshop<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 29



Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 30

2. Land development stipulations<br />

2.1. Types of land development permitted:<br />

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Unless and otherwise stated or exempted by the Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA land<br />

assemblage and development would be promoted, facilitated and approved in any of the<br />

following manner.<br />

a) Land Pooling Schemes or Area Development<br />

b) Layout development Schemes<br />

c) Group Housing Schemes<br />

d) Group development schemes<br />

e) mix or combination of (b),(c) or (d)<br />

f) Township development<br />

g) SEZ development<br />

h) Development Schemes & Special Projects under the HMDA Act,2008<br />

i) Individual plot sub-division /individual plot or plots Amalgamation<br />

2.2. Application through Licensed Developer Mandatory:<br />

a) Excepting in cases of d) above, no Assemblage of land for development shall be<br />

permitted unless such a Scheme or layout development or project is undertaken through a<br />

licensed developer.<br />

b) Land assemblage scheme/ layout development may be permitted for residential,<br />

commercial, industrial, institutional, recreational, truck terminal/traffic node and other<br />

activities like SEZ, Corporate Townships, Integrated townships development, Special<br />

Projects and the like, subject to the compliance of these regulations and development<br />

specifications.<br />

c) Individual plot sub-division/Amalgamation would be allowed only in case of plots<br />

forming part of approved Land Pooling Schemes or layouts approved by the Metropolitan<br />

commissioner.<br />

d) For environmental/greenery conservation aspects, the services of experienced<br />

environmental engineer/consultant shall be mandatory in case of a), e), f) and h) above.<br />

2.3. Ownership aspects<br />

The applicant shall be solely and severally responsible for the ownership aspects including<br />

the boundaries of the site for land assembly land for development applied for. The applicant<br />

shall enclose copy of clearance certificate from approved solicitor/attorney regarding the<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 31

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

ownership aspects, boundaries and dimensions of the site applied for permission in the<br />

prescribed Form.<br />

2.4. Fees and Charges:<br />

The scrutiny fees are proposed to be levied as follows:<br />

a) For land Pooling Schemes @ Rs. 10 per sq m of gross site area<br />

b) For layout development @ Rs. 20 per sqm of gross site area<br />

c) For Group Housing schemes @ Rs. 20 per sq m of site area a plus @ Rs. 25 per<br />

sq.m of proposed built up area.<br />

d) For Group development scheme/Special Projects/development Schemes under<br />

HMDA Act, 2008: @ Rs. 30 per s q m of site area plus @ Rs. 40 per sq m of proposed<br />

built up area<br />

e) For plot sub-division or plot amalgamation: @ Rs. 50 per sq m of total site area/plot<br />

f) Township development, SEZ development and other types not specified above: @<br />

Rs. 20 per sq m of total site area plus @ Rs. 25 per sq m of built up area.<br />

g) Renewal of permission:<br />

Only one renewal permission shall be considered, for which the applicant has to enclose<br />

copy of the approved plan and drawings with conditionalities/approval letter before the<br />

expiry of the permission/validity date along with fees .The renewal fees shall be 50 % of the<br />

scrutiny charges.<br />

h) Revoking of permission:<br />

The Metropolitan Commissioner may revoke any permission issued under these<br />

regulations whenever it is found that there has been error or false statement or any<br />

misinterpretation of any material fact or regulation/stipulation on which the permission was<br />

accorded.<br />

i) Levy of Compounding fees:<br />

The Metropolitan Commissioner shall levy compounding fees at the rate of 1/3rd of the total<br />

fees and charges payable to the Authority wherever it is found that the development<br />

works/civil construction has been commenced without valid prior approval.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 32

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

j) Site to be part of valid approved layout/Scheme plan:<br />

No permission for building shall be considered by the sanctioning authority unless such site<br />

is part of a valid approved layout or Scheme or is got regularized from the competent<br />

authority.<br />

In case of sites or plots not conforming to (1) above, the metropolitan Commissioner may<br />

either refuse or approve with levy of proportionate layout charges and other fees as<br />

decided by the metropolitan commissioner.<br />

2.5. Development of green layouts and green development mandatory:<br />

Irrespective of the type of layout development/land development it shall be incumbent upon<br />

the applicant to develop green layouts/green developments, viz.<br />

The various environmental planning and design measures that need to be adhered during<br />

the sustainable development of layouts are outlined as under:<br />

a) Layout planning & design as per solar geometry – Land assemblage and<br />

developments to follow solar geometry and lay plots with longer dimension facing North<br />

and South (with a maximum deviation of 5 degree off north) and shorter dimensions facing<br />

East and West.<br />

b) Eco-friendly transportation on-site - Adequate provision for bicycle tracks, shaded<br />

footpaths for sites equal to or more than 50 acres in size. Provide cluster layouts instead of<br />

linear layout to reduce vehicular lengths. Provisions for battery charging facilities in sites<br />

over 50 acres @ one in 50 cars parked.<br />

c) Energy efficient street lighting – 50-100% of outdoor lighting should be met with<br />

solar photovoltaic or in combination with other renewable sources of energy, i.e., bio-mass,<br />

fuel cell, wind etc. The outdoor lighting must be provided with micro-controller based time<br />

switch.<br />

d) Provision for minimum local amenities – Basic amenities such as grocery store,<br />

pharmacy, ATM, park should be located within 500m radius of any large<br />

residential/commercial development. If basic amenities are not available, space has to be<br />

provided to include them within the site.<br />

e) Conserving site vegetation – Land assemblage and developments should conserve<br />

existing site vegetation and pockets of microhabitats. Existing trees should be protected<br />

where ever possible. Provisions defined to protect site vegetation retained on site during<br />

construction as described in NBC and MoEF manuals.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 33

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

f) Conserving site geology – All rock formations on site need to be integrated into the<br />

layout design where ever possible taking adequate measures for stabilisation. Native flora,<br />

fauna and existing in rock clusters should not be disturbed but integrated into the layout<br />

design where ever possible.<br />

g) Soil conservation and erosion control – Measures need to be taken before the<br />

commencement of site preparation activities in order to conserve topsoil, reduce erosion<br />

and soil pollution through site demarcation measures, spill prevention measures and<br />

temporary drainage channels with sedimentation basins.<br />

h) Adherence to site contours – No disturbance, grading of land or stripping of<br />

vegetation shall be permitted on slopes of 25% or steeper. Any proposed disturbance for<br />

roadway crossings or utility construction shall require variance application and approval.<br />

Roads and driveways shall follow the natural topography to the greatest extent possible to<br />

minimize the cutting and grading of critical slope areas.<br />

i) Integrated approach for Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) – Sites with<br />

areas less than 10000 sq. mtrs shall implement rain water harvesting and SUDS source<br />

control and infiltration instruments such as infiltration trenches, infiltration basins, green<br />

roofs, permeable paving, etc. Larger sites (areas greater than 10000 sq. mtrs.) shall<br />

implement other SUDS techniques integrated with the smaller techniques wherever<br />

applicable. Open sites, i.e., sites where construction development has not yet been<br />

planned shall also implement SUDS/ storm water drainage so as not to allow water logging.<br />

j) Water conserving landscaping – Land assemblage and developments with no grey<br />

water or waste water treatment or rainwater collection, no more than 25% to be covered by<br />

lawns, exotic or ornamental plants, lawn areas should not have a slope of greater than<br />

25%. At least 50% of the total landscaped area in the site should use water conserving<br />

vegetation such as Native species or xeriscape and at least 40% water savings should be<br />

achieved in all sites with vegetated area > 50sqm by using efficient irrigation equipment.<br />

k) Water recycling & reuse – If a site does not have access to a public sewer line and<br />

discharges waste water, an appropriate waste water treatment system should be installed<br />

and at least 75% of the total treated water should be reused on site. If a site has access to<br />

a public sewer line, grey water reuse potential of the site need to be assessed. If potential<br />

savings on potable water exceeds 20%, an appropriate grey water treatment system is<br />

recommended and at least 80% of the total treated grey water should be reused on-site.<br />

l) Provisions for rainwater harvesting on-site – all Land assemblage and<br />

developments with a water saving potential of less than 10% of their potable water demand<br />

from rainwater collection should divert roof top and water from open areas into a<br />

percolation pit. Percolation pits should be sized appropriately and maintained regularly.<br />

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Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

m) Zero discharge of waste water and storm water from site – All large developments<br />

(>50 acres site area) must adhere to ‘Zero Discharge’ of treated waste water and storm<br />

water outside site limits.<br />

n) Operation & maintenance requirement for decentralized WWTS – All decentralized<br />

waste water treatment systems (WWTS) should employ qualified personnel to operate and<br />

maintain the system. The personnel involved in operation and maintenance should be a full<br />

time employee and maintenance and operation (M&O) contract should be signed with a<br />

waste water management company for its provision.<br />

o) Provisions for safe disposal of unused treated waste water – Treated unused waste<br />

water to be disposed directly on ground for ground water recharge, used for irrigating<br />

nearby community parks, Construction activities, into a sewer line or a storm water drain or<br />

a lake, stream, pond or other surface water bodies.<br />

p) Reducing storm water runoff and heat island effect through permeable paving –<br />

Total paved area of the site under parking, roads, paths, or any other use should not<br />

exceed 25% of the un-built site area or net imperviousness of the un-built site should not go<br />

beyond the imperviousness factor as prescribed by the NBC, whichever is more stringent.<br />

q) Reduction of outdoor light pollution – Fixtures and fittings used for external lighting to<br />

be a minimum of 4 stars BEE rated. Provide for control devices on at least 50% of all the<br />

installed lighting fixtures. Use low albedo and rough surfaces around the luminaire to<br />

ensure that less light is reflected in the surroundings.<br />

r) Provisions for waste management on-site – Land assemblage and developments<br />

should have a place allocated for sorting domestic waste and treating<br />

organic/biodegradable waste through composting. This space should have vehicular<br />

access and protected from wind and rain.<br />

2.6. Single Window Clearance for Land Assemblage & Development<br />

Applications:<br />

a) Every applicant seeking to apply for undertaking land development under these<br />

Rules shall unless exempted by the Metropolitan Commissioner under these rules shall<br />

apply in the Common Application Form prescribed. Where the clearance is not covered by<br />

the Common Application Form the applicant shall file additional form or forms, as the case<br />

may be, in the forms prescribed.<br />

b) The Common Application Form duly filled in together with fees to be paid under<br />

these regulations shall be submitted in required number of copies along with relevant<br />

enclosures, certificates, fees receipts and attachments in the Single Window Cell in the<br />

Office of the Metropolitan commissioner.<br />

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Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

c) All applicants shall furnish the form of self certification, Joint Undertaking and<br />

Indemnity Bond as prescribed along with the application at the time of submission of<br />

application forms;<br />

d) There shall be a check list appended to the common application forms which shall<br />

be completed and signed by the applicant and scrutinized and accepted by the authorized<br />

representative of Single Window Cell in the Office of the Metropolitan commissioner before<br />

issuing the acknowledgment;<br />

e) Before issuing the acknowledgement, the authorized representative of the Single<br />

Window Cell in the Office of the Metropolitan commissioner, shall satisfy himself /herself<br />

that:<br />

The application is in complete shape;<br />

I. Required number of copies of application have been submitted;<br />

II. All the relevant and prescribed documents have been enclosed;<br />

III. The prescribed fees receipts have been enclosed;<br />

IV. Self declaration, Joint Undertaking and Indemnity bond has been furnished by the<br />

applicant;<br />

V. The check list has been filled correctly and signed by the applicant;<br />

2.7. Processing and monitoring of applications:<br />

a) Immediately after issue of the acknowledgement the particulars of the application<br />

shall be entered in the Register of Applications by the authorized representative of the<br />

nodal agency.<br />

b) The Register of applications shall be scrutinized and approved by the Head of the<br />

Single Window Cell in the Office of the Metropolitan commissioner, at the end of each<br />

working day. It shall immediately be put on the Web Site and the status shall be updated on<br />

a daily basis.<br />

c) The relevant parts of the common application form shall be served on the respective<br />

authorities within three working days from the date of filing and a receipt with date shall be<br />

obtained from the Office of the Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA.<br />

d) The Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA shall process the application and<br />

communicate the decision to the nodal agency within the prescribed time limit.<br />

e) The respective authority may ask for additional information from the applicant once<br />

before the expiry of the time limit, under intimation to the Single Window Cell in the Office<br />

of the Metropolitan commissioner.<br />

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Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

f) In the cases covered under sub rule e) above, the time limit will be applicable from<br />

the date the additional information has been furnished.<br />

2.8. Time limits for processing and disposal of applications:<br />

The time limits for processing and disposal of applications by the Office of the Metropolitan<br />

Commissioner, HMDA shall be as prescribed.<br />

2.9. Notifying of clearances where the provision of deemed approval shall<br />

apply:<br />

The provisions of deemed approval shall be applicable in case the Office of the<br />

Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA fails to pass final orders on the application within the<br />

time limit prescribed.<br />

2.10. Monitoring:<br />

Status reports shall be placed once in a fortnight before the Metropolitan Commissioner<br />

and the same shall be monitored at the level of the Metropolitan Commissioner.<br />

The Office of the Metropolitan Commissioner shall communicate the approvals, deemed<br />

approvals and rejections in the format as the case may be expeditiously.<br />

2.11. Commitment and responsibilities on part of Applicant:<br />

The applicant shall:<br />

1. Give an Undertaking to the sanctioning Authority on Rs. 100 Stamp paper and<br />

notarized with respect to.<br />

a) He will abide by the development conditions, tentatively approved layout and<br />

circulation pattern<br />

b) Compliance of development works, adhering to the tentatively sanctioned plan<br />

c) Will not undertake development that would alter/adversely affect the topography,<br />

natural drainage of the area and surroundings.<br />

2. The applicant who has been given tentative approval and the technical personnel<br />

shall be wholly and severally responsible for the quality of workmanship of the<br />

building/layout development works, and/or structural safety of the buildings and for<br />

ensuring safety during the construction /development works, and for complying with the<br />

conditions laid down in these Rules and the approved plans/drawings.<br />

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Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

3. In the case of any urban land development site or application, the applicant shall<br />

incorporate all Master Plan road network, and specific land uses and amenity areas like<br />

recreational buffer zone/Sector level open space and amenity space and shall develop the<br />

Master plan roads as part of the urban land development at his cost. However, such area of<br />

Master Plan road alignment/ recreational buffer zone/Sector level open space and amenity<br />

space shall be deducted from the total site area of the urban land development. The<br />

proposals of the Scheme and the land utilization analysis would be taken on the remaining<br />

net area, and no fees and development charges and other charges are leviable for such<br />

Master Plan reservation areas and Master Plan circulation network.<br />

2.12. Licensing of developers and other personnel mandatory<br />

All urban Land assemblage and developments excepting individual plot subdivision/amalgamation<br />

applications shall be undertaken through licensed developer and<br />

other qualified technical personnel only. All the development works shall be undertaken<br />

through approved and standard practices and specifications. The work of the building<br />

services like sanitation, drainage, plumbing , fire safety requirements, lifts, electrical<br />

installations, cabling network, gas network, water harvesting, waste water recycling,<br />

landscaping, greenery and other utility services shall be executed as per approved and<br />

standard practices and specifications and under the planning, design and supervision of<br />

qualified and competent technical personnel.<br />

2.13. Land development by Public agencies<br />

The provisions of these Rules shall mutatis mutandis apply to the urban land development<br />

schemes and projects of public agencies. However, the Metropolitan commissioner shall<br />

give a one-time clearance/approval to the public agency with the responsibility of<br />

developing the scheme with all facilities and amenities as per standards and specification<br />

specified in these regulations and maintaining the same, monitoring and compliance solely<br />

resting with the public agency.<br />

2.14. Responsibilities of Metropolitan Commissioner and Local Authority<br />

1. The Metropolitan commissioner shall be primarily responsible for all aspects of<br />

urban land development, viz.,<br />

a) All types of urban land development and layout development schemes and the<br />

compliance of development specifications and conditions there under;<br />

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Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

b) Promoting and regulating the overall urban land developments in a planned manner<br />

and for this purpose it may issue instructions and directions to the local bodies that are<br />

required to comply with the same.<br />

c) Ensuring demarcation and grounding of the various alignments of Master plan roads,<br />

urban land development roads and layout development roads, junction improvements, etc.<br />

2. The local authority concerned and their officials shall be primarily responsible for the<br />

following aspects of development:<br />

a) Shall not question the urban land development approval given and conditionalities<br />

imposed by the metropolitan commissioner<br />

b) Shall not interfere in the development works undertaken by the licensed developer<br />

in the approved urban land development scheme<br />

c) Shall ensure that the building permission activity is in accordance with the urban<br />

land development layout approved plans;<br />

d) Where building permission is to be given by the local authority, ensure that these<br />

are in accordance with the urban land development layout approved plans<br />

e) Where there is a deferred fee and charges payment condition in the urban<br />

land development layout approved plans, levy and collect these at the time of<br />

approving the individual building permissions.<br />

f) Take immediate action on deviations and unauthorized constructions and layout<br />

developments as per their respective laws;<br />

g) Take action to arrest unauthorized constructions and unauthorized layout<br />

developments<br />

h) Not allow conversion of existing building/premises for local shops or other activities<br />

unless the same are in conformity with the master Plan provisions.<br />

i) Comply with the instructions and directions of the Metropolitan Commissioner in the<br />

matters of development promotion and regulation/Master Plan implementation aspects.<br />

2.15. Limitations of Approval given:<br />

1. Grant of land Development Permission by the Metropolitan commissioner shall<br />

mean acceptance by the Metropolitan commissioner the following requirements:<br />

a) The road pattern and widths of roads,<br />

b) The location of open spaces;<br />

c) The location of shopping center, and other community amenities;<br />

d) The common sewerage disposal system, water supply system, drainage system;<br />

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Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

e) The siting of bus stops, parking stands, solid waste collection points/sites & public<br />

amenities;<br />

f) The road development specifications and standards;<br />

g) The area allowed to be developed and disposed as building sites/plots;<br />

h) The type of housing to be developed with services and amenities and building<br />

requirements;<br />

i) Rain water harvesting structures, conservation measures and the surface drainage<br />

of the area and other green development norms;<br />

j) The requirements of High-rise Buildings including the clearance from Airport<br />

Authority, the Director of Fire Services, and other services,<br />

k) Minimum requirements of sanitary facilities and other common facilities,<br />

l) Required ventilation and lighting.<br />

m) Rain water harvesting structures, waste water recycling and other environmental and<br />

energy conservation measures.<br />

2. Provided that it shall not mean acceptance of correctness, confirmation, approval or<br />

enforcement of and shall not bind or render the Metropolitan commissioner liable in any<br />

way in regard to:<br />

a) Title or ownership of the site or building<br />

b) Easement Rights and boundaries of the site.<br />

c) Variation in area from recorded areas of plot or a building or on ground<br />

d) Structural Reports and Structural Drawings<br />

e) Workmanship and soundness of structure, materials used,<br />

f) Quality of building services and amenities in the construction of building<br />

g) Location and boundary of plot/site<br />

h)<br />

laws.<br />

Other requirements or licenses for the site/ premises or activity under various other<br />

2.16. Responsibilities of supervision<br />

The responsibilities of regular supervision and ensuring that development works and civil<br />

constructions works are being undertaken in accordance with the approval given and as<br />

per standards and specifications shall lie individually, jointly and severally with the licensed<br />

developer and other licensed technical personnel. Breach of the same would invite<br />

prosecution, penalties as well as debarment from professional practice in the Hyderabad<br />

metropolitan Region.<br />

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2.17. Registration of approved layout<br />

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Registration of approved layout plans/approved urban land development plans mandatory<br />

and registration of plots only as per registered layout/urban land development plan<br />

1. The licensed developer shall be responsible to get the approved Land assemblage<br />

and development plan registered with the registration department. This shall be done on<br />

Rs.500 Stamp paper.<br />

2. It shall be the responsibility of the Registration department to ensure that plots are<br />

disposed by way of registration as per the registered approved land assemblage and<br />

development plan only. No plot shall be registered by the Registration department if it is not<br />

in accordance with the said registered approved land assemblage and development plan<br />

and all registrations shall be verified and cross-checked with the said registered plan.<br />

2.18. Layout Requirements and Development standards<br />

1. Layout plan approval would be considered for<br />

a) Residential<br />

b) Non Residential/Mixed<br />

c) Industrial types of developments, subject to the following requirements of layout site:<br />

2. The proposed layout or development conforms to the Statutory Master plan and the<br />

rules/regulations and conditions governing such development requirements<br />

3. All facilities and services like roads, storm water drainage, water supply, electricity,<br />

landscaping and greenery, rainwater harvesting structures, and provisions of other public<br />

utilities, are provided and developed;<br />

4. Zoning and location requirements are complied with the obligations and conditions<br />

for implementation of the Statutory Master Plan roads and other communication network<br />

system and the area of land so affected is surrendered free of cost to HMDA after<br />

development. For the area so surrendered after development, the owner would be entitled<br />

for a Transferable Development Right (TDR) as given in the Regulations.<br />

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Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />



1. Apply along with a licensed developer to the Metropolitan-Commissioner, HMDA in<br />

prescribed format for necessary layout permission as prescribed and in accordance with<br />

these Regulations;<br />

2. Apply with copies of necessary ownership documents, certified Revenue sketches,<br />

etc of the site;<br />

3. Carry out the layout development works as per specifications and standards.<br />

4. The owner and licensed developer are required to mortgage 25% of the saleable<br />

land to HMDA as surety for carrying out the developments and complying other conditions<br />

in the given time period, in the failure of which, the HMDA shall be empowered to sell away<br />

the mortgaged plots and utilize the amount so realized for completing the development<br />

works. In such an eventuality the developer his associates and the engineer/architect shall<br />

be black-listed and not be allowed to undertake development works in the HMDA area.<br />

5. The owner shall hand over the specific sites stated in Regulation 2.19.2 at 2, 3 and 4<br />

below to the Metropolitan-Commissioner, HMDA free of cost and encumbrances.<br />


1. The minimum area for layout application shall be 4 hectares. Owners of sites less<br />

than 4 hectares have to jointly apply so as to conform to the minimum land area. The layout<br />

proposals shall provide for the following:<br />

2. Shall have established approach road of minimum 9 meters<br />

3. Comply with the hierarchy of road network requirements as given in these<br />

Regulations;<br />

4. Earmark minimum of 10% of total area for parks, playgrounds, open spaces,<br />

5. Reservation of 5% of total area to be given free of cost to HMDA for disposal for<br />

residential/commercial use<br />

6. 5% reservation of land for the purpose of providing housing accommodation for<br />

EWS.<br />

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Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

7. Earmark 2.5% of total area for social infrastructure such as schools,<br />

dispensary/hospital, public utilities spaces, shopping centres and other community spaces;<br />

8. Earmark specific sites for bus stands, auto stands, garbage collection points, etc.<br />

9. 10% of the plotted area is earmarked for Lower Income Group (LIG) Housing with<br />

maximum plot size upto 100 sqm. The owner shall develop and dispose of the areas<br />

earmarked for LIG Housing. No amalgamation of plots in such blocks shall be allowed.<br />

10. As per the National Policy on urban street vendors of 2009 announced by Ministry of<br />

Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation, New Townships to be allocated with informal<br />

activities 10% to 15% of developable areas and clearly demarcating the site in the zonal<br />

plans.<br />

11. In planned townships, a number of formal commercial establishments like<br />

multiplexes, shopping malls and convenience shopping centres are being developed<br />

provisions for kiosks to be made so that vendors can also do business in these commercial<br />

establishments.<br />


1. The owner shall be entitled to dispose of the non-reserved sites and non-mortgaged<br />

sites either as plots or as developed houses/buildings.<br />

2. The owner shall hand over all the above mentioned at 4 to 7 along with all proposed<br />

roads in the layout to Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA free of cost through a registered<br />

Gift deed on Rs. 100 stamp paper before the release of the approved layout plan.<br />

3. The Metropolitan-Commissioner, HMDA shall have the discretion of grouping the<br />

areas surrendered for EWS Housing at one place or elsewhere and disposing the area<br />

earmarked for EWS in the layout as normal building plots.<br />

4. Residential enclaves may be permitted only if a through public road of width 12.2 m<br />

(40 ft.) is developed at the periphery for the convenience of accessibility of other sites and<br />

lands located in the interior.<br />

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Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

2.19. Hierarchy and width of roads required in Land assemblage &<br />

developments:<br />

The width of the internal roads in a land assemblage and development for different<br />

purposes shall be regulated as follows:<br />

Road length (in Mt.) Width of road for<br />

normal residential<br />

plot/use (in mt.)<br />

Width of road for<br />

commercial, Group<br />

Housing, industrial,<br />

other non-residential<br />

plot/use or for mixed<br />

use (in mt.)-<br />

Other requirements<br />

Up to 300 9.00 12.2 Utilities and services<br />

to be underground<br />

and located<br />

preferably under the<br />

footpaths and not<br />

under the main<br />

Above 300 & up to<br />

500<br />

12.2 15.00<br />

carriageway<br />

-Do-<br />

500 & less than 1000 18.00 18.00 -Do- & mountable<br />

Road Divider<br />

1000 and above 36.00 36.00<br />

essential<br />

Median and Service<br />

road development<br />

essential; Utilities and<br />

services to be<br />

underground and<br />

located preferably on<br />

service roads and<br />

under the footpaths<br />

and not under the<br />

main carriageway<br />


1. Splay at road junctions shall be provided as prescribed below:<br />

a) 3.0 mt x 3.0 mt offset/splay if the width of the road is 9.00 mt or less;<br />

b) 4.5 mtx 4.5 mt. offset/ splay if the width of the road is above 9.00 mt but less than 18<br />

meter.<br />

c) 6.0 mtx 6.0 mt. offset/ splay if the width of the road is more than 18 mt in width<br />

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Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

d) The area of such splay would be deemed to form an integral part of the road<br />

junction.<br />

2.20. Compliance of development works:<br />

All approved Land Pooling Schemes and Layouts would be allowed to be developed in two<br />

categories and graded accordingly, viz.,<br />

1. Grade I: Applicable for all R 1 and R2 zones, viz., development works with all<br />

infrastructure facilities developed, i.e.<br />

a) Levelling with suitable gradient and formation of all roads with proper sub-surface<br />

and camber, kerbed stones, metalling of the carriageway, side drains/gutters and central<br />

medians (for roads 18 mts and above).<br />

b) Black topping or developing the carriageway with cement concrete ( as per BIS<br />

Code of Practice) of all roads including the main approach road up to the nearest existing<br />

public road.<br />

c) Development of drainage and channelization of nalas for allowing storm water runoff.<br />

These may be channelized in accordance with the drainage and width requirements<br />

and in such a way as to conserve or harvest the water in nearest water body or public open<br />

space, etc.<br />

d) Undertake street lighting and electricity facilities;<br />

e) Provision of independent sewerage disposal system and protected water supply<br />

system including OHT and sumps. These shall be in exclusive area over and not part of the<br />

mandatory open spaces;<br />

f) Undertake underground ducting of all utilities and services lines either under the<br />

footpaths or central median of the roads as the case may be with proper provisions at<br />

junctions and crossings, etc.<br />

g) Undertake greenery in the Scheme/ layout including avenue plantation, in public<br />

open spaces as per norms prescribed with a view to enhancing the environmental quality;<br />

h) Construction of low height compound wall with iron grill to the open spaces and<br />

handing over the open spaces to Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA along with other<br />

spaces as specified in Regulation 23, free of cost and through Registered Gift Deed.<br />

2. Grade II: for other Residential zones in far-flung areas of the Hyderabad<br />

metropolitan region with provisions of incremental development works in phased manner,<br />

viz.,<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 45

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

a) Levelling with suitable gradient and formation of all roads with sub-surface, kerb<br />

stones and footpaths, metalling of the carriageway, side drains/gutters and central median<br />

(for roads 18 mts and above). Black topping/ Cement Concreting of only the main road<br />

carriageway as well as the approach road up to the nearest existing public road shall be<br />

black topped.<br />

b) Development of drainage and channelization of nallas for allowing storm water runoff.<br />

These may be channelized in such a way as to conserve or harvest the water in<br />

nearest water body or public open space, etc.<br />

c) Undertake street lighting and electricity facilities;<br />

d) Provision of sewerage disposal system and protected water supply system which<br />

may be individual or common. These shall be in exclusive area over and not part of the<br />

mandatory open spaces;<br />

e) Undertake greenery in the Scheme/ layout including avenue plantation, in public<br />

open spaces as per norms prescribed with a view to enhancing the environmental quality;<br />

f) Construction of low height compound wall with iron grill to the open spaces and<br />

handing over the open spaces to the Executive Authority of the local body free of cost and<br />

through Registered Gift Deed.<br />

3. However, the above Grade II does not mean that a developer in far flung area<br />

cannot undertake development as per Grade I standards and specifications if he so<br />

chooses.<br />

The licensed developer/owner while advertising/disposing the plots/blocks shall clearly<br />

state the above status or category of the Land Pooling Scheme/layout development with<br />

breakup of infrastructure costs. In the case of Grade II development the pricing shall clearly<br />

mention the infrastructure facilities provided and assurance of the time frame for completion<br />

of the full infrastructure facilities required.<br />

2.21. Group Housing Schemes/Group Development Schemes:<br />

1. Such type of developments shall be in accordance with the provisions of the<br />

Hyderabad Revised Building Rules, 2006.<br />

2. In such type of developments for sites 4000 sq m and above, in addition to the<br />

requirements of the said Building Rules provisions; the following shall be complied with:<br />

a) At least 5 % of the site area shall be earmarked and handed over free of cost to<br />

HMDA for capitalization towards Master Plan implementation requirements and costs.<br />

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Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

b) At least 10% of the total built up area shall be developed for EWS dwelling units with<br />

a minimum plinth area of 25 sq m for each unit<br />

c) At least 10 % of the total built up area dwelling units shall be developed for LIG<br />

dwelling units with a maximum plinth area of 50 sq m for each unit;<br />

d) The areas mentioned in a) and b) above, shall be handed over free of cost through<br />

Registered Gift Deed to the Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA. For condition in c) above,<br />

the same shall be allotted/disposed off by the owner only for these categories. No<br />

amalgamation of units shall be allowed.<br />

2.22. Interim stipulation for Land Pooling Schemes:<br />

The technique of land pooling gives the opportunity to landowners through licensed<br />

developer to participate in a technique of land assembly called Land Pooling Scheme or<br />

land readjustment projects. The basic idea of this instrument is to exchange the plots of the<br />

landowners and not to expropriate them. The Metropolitan commissioner (HMDA) gets the<br />

areas needed for public use that can be extracted from the whole project area as a kind of<br />

land decrease. The net building land will be redistributed to the previous landowners. So<br />

they can either build on their building plots or sell those on the free land market. Because<br />

land readjustment is just a plot exchange method, there is also no problem with<br />

privatisation of the new plots with all those risks included. Out of this total land<br />

readjustment mass all areas designated in the urban development plans for public facilities,<br />

such as roads, spaces for car-parking, public green spaces, children’s playgrounds etc. can<br />

be excluded and allocated to HMDA. The remaining mass is the so-called redistribution<br />

mass. Even those areas, that are needed for other public use like kindergarten, school,<br />

cemetery etc. can given to the municipality or any other public agency, The so called<br />

redistribution mass, what is the net building land, has to be redistributed to the original<br />

landowners. There are two different criteria to redistribute the building land to the original<br />

landowners: the relative size or the relative value of their former plots. In those projects<br />

where the criteria of redistribution by size are chosen, up to 45 % of the private old plots<br />

can be taken for public use without paying any monetary compensation. Land Poling<br />

Scheme does not affect the ownership rights or holding pattern. It merely reassigns the<br />

development right after apportioning the land area (Up to 45% of the Original plot holding)<br />

under public domain like roads, open spaces, parks, public utilities and social amenities.<br />

This technique is capable of achieving some of the objectives of acquisition for<br />

comprehensive development, redevelopment and possibly some recoupment of<br />

betterment. This opportunity is under the generic description of land pooling. This arises<br />

when landowners combine their interests in order to participate in land assembly, servicing<br />

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Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

and disposal in accordance with a plan. Since some help is needed from the public<br />

authority, the process is called “assisted land pooling”. It involves the initiatives and skills of<br />

the private sector in land assembly yet leave landowners with a stake in their<br />

landownership if they so wish. Land Pooling Scheme can be an effective instrument of<br />

transforming whole areas of raw lands into sectors of planned development through land<br />

readjustment as explaine3d above. It assigns major road circulation and hierarchy of<br />

network for travel, water supply, drainage and sewerage as well as sizeable chunks of<br />

open spaces, parks, etc the scale at which cannot be achieved by layout which are mere<br />

local or spot developments.<br />

Land Pooling can be undertaken either by HMDA on its own or by private developers as<br />

given hereunder:<br />

A Land Pooling Scheme shall consist of two stages:<br />

Stage 1: Plans Approval Stage, viz., Preparation of the Scheme and allocation of plots and<br />

areas under public domain;<br />

Stage 2: Implementation stage, viz., implementation of the infrastructure development<br />

works by the licensed developer. Application to make or undertake Land Pooling Scheme:<br />

B A group of owners may make an application to the Metropolitan<br />

Commissioner, HMDA for undertaking a Land Pooling Scheme through a licensed<br />

developer in the prescribed Form and enclosing the necessary revenue documents,<br />

Undertaking and other particulars.<br />

C The licensed developer shall be responsible for obtaining draft and final<br />

approval of the land pooling scheme from the metropolitan commissioner and<br />

submit Affidavit cum Declaration and Indemnity Bond on Rs. 100 Stamp paper to the<br />

metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA from all land owners of the Scheme.<br />

D Upon the receipt of an Application for undertaking a Land Pooling Scheme<br />

from a licensed developer in the prescribed format and after collecting the<br />

preliminary fees and charges, the Metropolitan Commissioner shall publish the<br />

declaration in the form of a notice in at least two local newspapers, giving the<br />

location, zone, area, Revenue Survey Numbers, and the boundary of the area to be<br />

included in the Land Pooling Scheme, for information of general public and local<br />

authority and inviting any objections and suggestions in the prescribed form within<br />

thirty days from the date of publication of such notice in respect of any title or<br />

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interest which any person may have, in the land or building covered by the intended<br />

Land Pooling Scheme.<br />

E Payment of fees and charges<br />

1. The licensed developer is required to pay fees at the rate prescribed for gross<br />

land area in two installments, viz., and first installment within 30 days of application to<br />

HMDA and second installment within 30 days from the date of notification of the Draft<br />

Scheme.<br />

2. The licensed developer is required to remit the development charges and charges<br />

for external development, etc. as intimated, to the Metropolitan Commissioner before the<br />

approval of the final Land Pooling Scheme.<br />

F Preparation of layout plan and draft scheme<br />

1. After the publication of the Notification above, the licensed developer shall undertake<br />

preparation of a layout plan for the draft land pooling scheme<br />

following:<br />

complying with the<br />

a) The Final Plot (F.P.) shall be not more than 55 % of the Original Plot (O.P.).<br />

b) As far as possible, to allot Final Plots (F.P.) in their Original Plots (O.P.) or in the<br />

near vicinity .The F.Ps shall be in regular shapes, useable and buildable.<br />

c) Where the existing original plots are less than 1 acre, such plots shall be grouped<br />

together from which 40 % area for public domain shall be apportioned.<br />

d) In the said Draft Scheme in Form 2 the final plots allotted for public purposes to<br />

Hyderabad metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) shall be shown as Metropolitan<br />

commissioner.<br />

e) shall earmark in the draft layout of the Land Pooling Scheme: Atleast 45% of the<br />

Land Pooling Scheme area for public facilities which include -<br />

f) atleast 10 % of the Land Pooling Scheme area for public open space/public facilities<br />

in regular shape and centrally located;<br />

g) atleast 5 % of the Land Pooling Scheme area to Appropriate Authority for<br />

capitalization to meet towards meeting the area-level works and facilities;<br />

h) atleast 5 % of the Land Pooling Scheme area for EWS Housing<br />

i) and atleast 5 % of the Land Pooling Scheme area for public facilities in central area.<br />

j) and balance area of the Land Pooling Scheme area for circulation network<br />

(excluding area under Master Plan roads, if any);<br />

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k) The open spaces and public facilities mentioned above shall be of regular shape and<br />

centrally located and uniformly distributed. All the above areas under public facilities shall<br />

vest with the Metropolitan commissioner.<br />

2. The road network shall hierarchal network and as far as possible be through road<br />

network or grid road network, and minimum width shall be as given in Regulation 2.20<br />

above. In case of EWS block, the abutting road shall be minimum width of 9 metres.<br />

3. The road network shall show the road alignment or realignment of any Master Plan<br />

road within the Land Pooling Scheme as per feasibility and network and ensure the<br />

continuity of all such roads and existing roads within and adjoining the Land Pooling<br />

Scheme or layouts.<br />

G Particulars or plans specially required:<br />

The proposals in the Scheme for land pooling scheme shall be:<br />

1. Summarized in a statement in Form prescribed.<br />

2. illustrated by the following subsidiary plans which shall be called Maps (A),(B) and<br />

(C) and each of which shall be on a suitable scale, viz.,<br />

a) Map (A) showing the revenue Sy.Nos. (original plots) bearing the same numbers as<br />

in the statement in Form prescribed and all existing features like roads, buildings, other<br />

physical features, etc.;<br />

b) Map (B) showing both the original plots and the manner in which it is proposed to<br />

alter the boundaries of such plots with layout; and<br />

c) Map (C) showing the boundaries of Final plots, i.e., as they appear if the scheme as<br />

proposed is finally approved by the Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA, such plots bearing<br />

the same numbers as in Column (7) of Form prescribed.<br />

3. The following Statements are required to be enclosed :<br />

a) A Statement in Form prescribed showing the ownership and extent of lands included<br />

in the Scheme;<br />

b) A statement in Form prescribed showing the proposed new streets/roads, and the<br />

proposed widening of existing streets/roads.<br />

c) A statement in Form prescribed showing details of the lands required to be reserved<br />

under public domain.<br />

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H Approval of draft scheme:<br />

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

A copy of every draft scheme with all enclosures and the maps prepared in connection<br />

therewith shall be submitted to the Metropolitan Commissioner for approval.<br />

I Publication of Draft Scheme:<br />

The Draft approved land pooling scheme shall be notified for information to the general<br />

public and others by the Authority giving details of the plots available for disposal, plots<br />

available for weaker sections and sites available for social infrastructure, and any other<br />

details of the Draft Scheme.<br />

J Approval of Final Scheme:<br />

The Metropolitan Commissioner after considering any objections and suggestions received<br />

may either modify the draft approved plans or approve the same with<br />

corrections/modifications. Upon approval of the Final land Pooling Scheme all the areas<br />

under public domain shall automatically vest with the Metropolitan commissioner.<br />

K Allotment of Final Plots:<br />

The allotment of final plots shall be done by the owners and licensed developer only after<br />

the approved Land Poling Scheme is demarcated on ground and after clearance of the<br />

same by Metropolitan Commissioner based on the Final approved land Pooling Scheme.<br />

Disposal of the final plots shall be subject to conditionlities imposed by the metropolitan-<br />

Commissioner in the approved land pooling Scheme.<br />

L Public open spaces and facilities to vest with Metropolitan commissioner:<br />

All areas in public domain shall be respectively handed by the owners and licensed<br />

developer over free of cost through a registered Gift deed on Rs. 100 Stamp paper to the<br />

metropolitan-Commissioner, HMDA.<br />

1. Upon the final approval of the Land Pooling Scheme, all the areas earmarked for<br />

public open space, public facilities, the 5% EWS block, 5% area for capitalization to the<br />

Metropolitan commissioner and roads within the Land Pooling Scheme shall deemed to be<br />

vested with the Competent Authority and shall be perpetually under the control of the<br />

Metropolitan commissioner.<br />

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Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

2. In the area earmarked for public open space, the development and utilization shall<br />

be apportioned for various purposes like parks, playgrounds, public utilities siting, etc. as<br />

decided by the Metropolitan commissioner.<br />

M Development of infrastructure development works:<br />

The licensed developer shall be responsible for undertaking the infrastructure development<br />

facilities as per specifications enclosed in the given time and in accordance with Section 27<br />

of the HMDA Act, 2008. The developer is required to hand over 25% of the final plots area<br />

on Notarised Affidavit to the Metropolitan commissioner as surety, which would be released<br />

after compliance of the infrastructure development works and to the satisfaction of the<br />

Metropolitan commissioner.<br />

The time given for development of infrastructure facilities in the Final Land Pooling Scheme<br />

shall be as follows:<br />

1. 3 years from the date of approval of Final land pooling scheme in case of land<br />

Pooling Schemes of extent 50 hectares to 150 hectares.<br />

2. 5 years from the date of approval of Final Land Pooling Scheme in case of Schemes<br />

of extent above 150 hectares.<br />

N Undertaking construction/ development in Final Plots (F.Ps) by owners<br />

through licensed developer:<br />

The owners of final plots (F.Ps) shall be entitled to undertake developments/building activity<br />

in the final plots allocated to them by the Metropolitan commissioner through the licensed<br />

developer only after:<br />

1. The Final Land Pooling Scheme is approved by the Authority.<br />

2. Handing over of 25 % area as stated above to HMDA with regard to implementation<br />

of the infrastructure in the approved land pooling scheme in the given time frame.<br />

3. After handing over (b) above and public facilities sites to the Metropolitan<br />

commissioner the final plot owner may undertake the development or building activity in the<br />

final plot in accordance with the Revised Hyderabad Common Building Rules, 2006. In<br />

case of residential or mixed residential development in the respective final plots, the owner<br />

shall be required to:<br />

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4. Set apart and dispose at his level, at least 20 % of the site area for lower income<br />

group (LIG) and middle income group (MIG) equally.<br />

5. In case of Group Housing Scheme in the final allotted plots, at least 20% of the total<br />

built up area shall be set apart and disposed by him for lower income group (LIG) and<br />

middle income group (MIG) equally.<br />

O Standards of development:<br />

The final approved land pooling scheme shall be developed by the licensed developer with<br />

Grade I specifications and standards as given in regulation 15 above.<br />

P Approval of building permissions:<br />

1. In all approved Land Pooling Schemes, the Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA shall<br />

be authority to grant any development permission or building permission as per the<br />

provisions of the statutory plan. The Metropolitan Commissioner shall be deemed to<br />

the Special Unit under the provisions of the Hyderabad Revised Building Rules, 2006.<br />

50 % of the fees levied and collected at the time of building permission in the Land<br />

Pooling Scheme shall be remitted to the local body concerned<br />

Metropolitan commissioner.<br />

separately by the<br />

2. The owner of the final allotted plot shall be at liberty to develop any type of housing<br />

in the final allotted plots. The building drawings and proposal for such residential<br />

development shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Hyderabad Revised<br />

Common Building Rules, 2006. However, in such final plots of approved Land Pooling<br />

Schemes, earmarking mandatory open space or public facilities sites shall be only<br />

optional, since these have been already accounted for the approved Land Pooling<br />

Scheme. Prior building or residential development scheme approval shall be obtained<br />

from the Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA.<br />

The fees and charges shall be levied by Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA only on<br />

the proposed built – up area.<br />

3. The Occupancy Certificate shall be issued by the Metropolitan Commissioner<br />

for buildings in all such land pooling schemes as per the<br />

Revised Building Rules, 2006.<br />

provisions of the Hyderabad<br />

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Q Sub-division/Amalgamation of plots permission:<br />

Upon application to Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA from the final plot owners or<br />

successor-in-interest of a final approved Land Pooling Scheme; sub-division of<br />

plots/Amalgamation of plots may be permissible by Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA.<br />

These shall be considered without again insisting on open space. However, space for<br />

public utilities may be separately insisted. Fees shall be charged at the rate of Rs. 50 per<br />

sq. m of land in such cases.<br />

R Power to remove difficulties:<br />

Redressal of any grievance or difficulty in implementation of these Land Assemblage and<br />

development stipulations shall vest with the Executive Committee of HMDA.<br />

S Instructions/Guidelines by Government:<br />

The owners/licensed developer and the Metropolitan commissioner shall comply with any<br />

instructions/guidelines issued by the Government for effective implementation of Land<br />

Assemblage and development from time to time.<br />

2.23. Requirements for SEZs and other Special projects:<br />

The norms of Land Pooling Schemes shall mutatis mutandis apply to SEZ and other<br />

Special projects. The Metropolitan Commissioner may insist on any other specific<br />

conditions while approving the plans for such projects.<br />

In respect of integrated townships, the specific conditions and other provisions prescribed<br />

by the Government from time to time shall apply<br />

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Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />


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3.1. Development Schemes under HMDA Act, 2008:<br />

1. Development Scheme means a scheme of development provided for, and<br />

represented by the provisions of Section 28 of the Act undertaken<br />

/promoted/approved/ facilitated by the Metropolitan-Commissioner, HMDA to sub<br />

serve the objectives of the statutory plan or improvement of the metropolitan area or<br />

local area needs.<br />

2. The Development Schemes are categorized into three types, viz., may be<br />

undertaken for the following:<br />

Type I : Infrastructure category which includes major projects like truck terminals, bus<br />

terminal, logistics hub, multipurpose or mixed public facilities hub/center, road and other<br />

transportation projects, water supply, drainage and sewerage, solid waste disposal<br />

projects, communication facilities related projects and the like;<br />

Type II: integrated residential and support facilities projects: these include townships,<br />

commercial centers, DCC, institutional facilities projects, industrial estates/areas, ITES and<br />

IT Parks and the like;<br />

Type III: environmental related and improvement projects like development of parks, open<br />

spaces, water bodies and their foreshores, social forestry, greenery projects, conservation<br />

of ecologically sensitive areas, lake front development., river-front development;<br />

establishment of tourist centers and tourism related projects and the like.<br />

3. Applicability:<br />

These Regulations intend to share the benefits of development scheme with the owners of<br />

private land holdings and provide a participatory framework in the urban process, as well as<br />

offer an alternative land assemblage policy for undertaking development schemes.<br />

4. Scope:<br />

These regulations shall be to all private land holdings and Government lands in the<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Area.<br />

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5. Declaration of Intention to Undertake and Implement a Development Scheme<br />

a) The Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA by a Resolution may declare its intention to<br />

make Development Scheme in respect of any area covered by planned development and<br />

within its jurisdiction.<br />

b) The Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA shall publish the declaration in the form of a<br />

notice in at least two local newspapers, giving the location, zone, area and the boundary of<br />

the area to be included in the Development Scheme, giving a gist of the salient features of<br />

the development scheme and inviting land owners to furnish information in the prescribed<br />

form within thirty days from the date of publication of such notice in respect of any title or<br />

interest which any person may have, in the land or building covered by the intended<br />

Development Scheme.<br />

c) The publication of the declaration shall, notwithstanding anything containing in the<br />

Land Acquisition Act, 1894, be deemed to be a declaration duly made under section 4 of<br />

the said Act.<br />

6. Restrictions on Use and Development of Land after Declaration of a<br />

Development Scheme<br />

a) On or after the date on which the declaration of the intention to prepare<br />

Development scheme is published, no person shall within the area included in the<br />

declaration erect or proceed with any building work, remove, pull down, alter, make<br />

additions to or make any substantial repair to any building, part of a building, a compound<br />

wall or any drainage work or remove any earth, stone or material, or sub-divide any land or<br />

change the use of any land or building.<br />

b) If any person contravenes these provisions, the Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA<br />

may direct such person by a notice in writing to stop any work in progress, and after making<br />

inquiry in the prescribed manner, remove, pull down, or alter any building or other work or<br />

restore the land in respect of which such contravention is made to its original condition;<br />

c) Any expenses incurred by the Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA under clause (2)<br />

shall be a sum due to the Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA under this Act from the<br />

person in default or the owner of the plot.<br />

d) Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA<br />

under this section may, within thirty days from the date of the decision, appeal to the<br />

Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA as may be prescribed and the order of the said<br />

Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA in appeal shall be final.<br />

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e) The provisions of regulation unauthorized developments in the relevant local bodies<br />

laws shall, mutatis mutandis apply in relation to the unauthorized development or use of<br />

land included in Development Scheme.<br />

7. Power of the Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA to Evict Summarily<br />

On and after the day on which a development scheme comes into force any person<br />

continuing to occupy any land which he is not entitled to occupy under the Development<br />

scheme may, in accordance with the prescribed procedure, be summarily evicted by the<br />

Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA or any of its officers authorized in that behalf.<br />

8. Power to Enforce Development Scheme<br />

a) On and after the date on which the approval of a Development Scheme has been<br />

notified, the Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA after giving the prescribed notice and in<br />

accordance with the provisions of the Development Scheme remove, pull down, or alter<br />

any building or other work in the area included in the Development Scheme which is such<br />

as it contravenes the Development scheme or in the erection of which or carrying out of<br />

which, any provision of the Development scheme has not been complied with;<br />

b) execute any work which it is the duty of any person to execute under the<br />

development scheme, in such case where it appears to the Competent Authority that delay<br />

in the execution of the work would prejudice the efficient operation of the land pooling<br />

scheme.<br />

c) Any expenses incurred by the Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA in above works<br />

may be recovered from the person in default or from the owner of the original plot in the<br />

manner provided for the recovery of sums due to the Competent Authority.<br />

9. Entitlement And Liabilities Of The Owners Of Private Land Or Assigned Land<br />

Under Development Scheme<br />

a) In respect of Type I and Type III Development Schemes, the owners/lessees (and/or<br />

their authorized representatives) of private land or Assigned land under Development<br />

Scheme shall be entitled to receive one-eighth (12.5%) of developed land having been<br />

planned with valid land use with proper services. Such lands shall be returned within 3 KM<br />

radius of the original land under Development Scheme and shall be handed over within 30<br />

days of taking over agricultural land by the Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA.<br />

b) In respect of Type II Development Schemes, the owners/lessees (and/or their<br />

authorized representatives) of private land or Assigned land under Development Scheme<br />

shall be entitled to receive one-eighth (12.5%) of developed land having been planned with<br />

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valid land use with proper services. Such lands shall be returned within the area of the<br />

Development Scheme Project and shall be handed over within 30 days of taking over<br />

agricultural land by the Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA.<br />

c) Proportionate allotment and fees and charges payable:<br />

I. The size of returnable plot under the Development Scheme in all types of<br />

development schemes shall be calculated in proportion to the actual land ownership<br />

according to physical survey to be verified by the Competent Authority.<br />

II. The allottee of returnable plot included in a Development Scheme shall not be<br />

required to pay any land use conversion charges and development charges, but<br />

shall be liable to pay other taxes and levies as may be applicable from time to time.<br />

The transfer of such allotted plot shall be effected by the Metropolitan<br />

Commissioner, HMDA on Rs. 500 Stamp Paper. However, for any subsequent<br />

transfer of such property, the allottee shall be required to pay the registration<br />

charges as per the registration department rates.<br />

d) Compensation for rights affected by Development scheme: The owner of any<br />

property or right whose interest is injuriously affected by the making of a Development<br />

Scheme shall, make a claim before the Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA within thirty<br />

days of the receipt of the notice from Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA. In case the<br />

owners of agriculture land is not interested in receiving the alternative allotted plot, he shall<br />

be given compensation in cash as per prevailing land rates under the provisions of the<br />

Land Acquisition Act 1894.<br />

e) Exclusion or limitation of compensation and liabilities of the Metropolitan<br />

Commissioner, HMDA:<br />

I. No compensation shall be payable in respect of any property or private right of any<br />

sort which is alleged to be injuriously affected by reason of any provisions contained<br />

in the Development Scheme, if under any other law in force applicable to the areas<br />

for which such scheme is made, no compensation is payable for such injurious<br />

affection.<br />

II. If the owner of an original plot is not provided with a final plot in the Development<br />

Scheme within the prescribed time frame the net amount of his loss shall be payable<br />

to him by the Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA. However for lack of services or<br />

land use no compensation shall be payable for a grace period of 18 months from the<br />

date of handing over of the plot.<br />

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III. If the allottee of the alternative allotted plots fails to take possession of the plot within<br />

30 days of the offer, Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA shall take over the<br />

possession of agricultural land, which shall vest with the Metropolitan Commissioner,<br />

HMDA free from all encumbrances.<br />

The Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA shall be free to use, develop or dispose of such<br />

lands for implementation of the development plan/Development Scheme.<br />

10. Private And Joint Sector Participation In Development Scheme<br />

a) Development by Promoters:<br />

Subject to the provisions of the Act and the regulations made there under, the Metropolitan<br />

Commissioner, HMDA, for the purpose of implementing a Development Scheme may<br />

permit a promoter, to undertake or carry out development management and maintenance<br />

work within the areas of the Development Scheme subject to such terms and conditions as<br />

may be agreed upon by the Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA and the promoter.<br />

b) Development Scheme by Association of Original Plot Owners:<br />

A registered Association of Original Plot Owners is eligible to be a promote of Development<br />

Scheme within the framework of an approved plan by engaging a qualified town planner<br />

and other technical personnel, provided that the total area of such Development Scheme<br />

for residential development shall not be less than twenty hectares.<br />

c) Power to Grant License to Promoters:<br />

I. The Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA may grant a license to a promoter to<br />

undertake or carry out a development work on such terms and conditions as may be<br />

mutually agreed upon after following the prescribed procedure and on payment of<br />

license fee, as may be prescribed.<br />

II. Before granting such license the Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA shall ensure<br />

that development charges as leviable have been paid, and applicant has furnished a<br />

bank guarantee equivalent to ten per cent of the estimated cost of the development<br />

works.<br />

III. That the development work shall be within the framework of the approved plan and<br />

shall conform to the provisions of the Master Plan/development control rules, and<br />

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building bye-laws and abide by other relevant rules, State Government codes and<br />

specifications.<br />

IV. That the time schedule within which the development work is to be completed shall<br />

be adhered to, otherwise it shall invite penalties as may be prescribed.<br />

d) Renewal of license:<br />

I. The license so granted shall be valid for a period of five years. It may, however, be<br />

renewal for a reason to be recorded in writing from time to time for a period not<br />

exceeding two years on payment of prescribed fee.<br />

e) Escrow Account:<br />

I. Where a development work envisages realisation in advance of the cost of<br />

development from the prospective allottees, the promoter shall deposit the amounts<br />

so collected in an Escrow Account within a period of ten days of its realization in a<br />

Scheduled Bank, which shall be pledged to the Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA.<br />

This amount can only be withdrawn on approval of the Metropolitan Commissioner,<br />

HMDA as per terms and conditions agreed up for stage wise completion of the<br />

development works.<br />

f) Provision for economically weaker sections and Lower Income group:<br />

I. Where a development work for which license is granted envisages provision of<br />

developed plots or built up space, such percentage of the plots or built up space<br />

shall be reserved for economically weaker sections of the society and LIG, as<br />

prescribed in the Act, and the cost of development of such reserved developed plot<br />

or built up space shall be fully or partly, as may be agreed, distributed over<br />

developed plots or the built spaces meant for allottees other than economically<br />

weaker sections.<br />

II. The developed plots or built space reserved for economically weaker sections of the<br />

society and LIG shall be allotted by the promoter to only those beneficiaries who are<br />

identified by the agency prescribed by the Metropolitan Commissioner; HMDA at<br />

such cost as may be mutually agreed.<br />

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g) Maintenance of Amenities:<br />

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

III. The responsibility of maintaining or both providing and maintaining any amenity,<br />

utility, service or facility shall be that of the promoter.<br />

11. Disputed ownership<br />

Where there is a disputed claim as to the ownership of any piece of land included in an<br />

area in respect of which declaration of intention to prepare a Development Scheme has<br />

been made and any entry in the records of rights or mutation register relevant to such<br />

disputed claim is inaccurate or inconclusive, an inquiry may be held by the Member,<br />

Estates of the Authority or any officer appointed by the Metropolitan Commissioner for<br />

resolution, on a submission being made by the Competent Authority at any time for the<br />

purpose of deciding who shall be deemed to be the owner for the purpose of this Act. Such<br />

decision shall not be subject to appeal but it shall not operate as a bar to a regular suit.<br />

12. Reference to arbitrator in case of disputes<br />

If any dispute arises out of any agreement entered with the promoter by the Metropolitan<br />

Commissioner, HMDA, it shall be referred to the Arbitrator appointed for this purpose under<br />

the <strong>India</strong>n Arbitration Act, 1940.<br />

13. Approval of building permissions:<br />

a) In all Development Schemes, the Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA shall be the<br />

authority to grant any development permission or building permission. The Metropolitan<br />

Commissioner shall be deemed to the Special Unit under the provisions of the Hyderabad<br />

Revised Building rules, 2006.<br />

1/3 rd<br />

of the fees levied and collected at the time of building permission shall be remitted to<br />

the local body concerned.<br />

b) In such plots allotted in the Development Scheme, earmarking mandatory open<br />

space for park/playground or public facilities sites shall be only optional, since these are<br />

already accounted for the Development Scheme. Prior building or residential development<br />

scheme approval shall be obtained from the Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA. The fees<br />

and charges shall be levied by Metropolitan Commissioner; HMDA only on the proposed<br />

built–up area only.<br />

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c) The Occupancy Certificate shall be issued by the Metropolitan Commissioner in all<br />

such land pooling schemes as per the provisions of the Hyderabad Revised Building Rules,<br />

2006.<br />

14. Instructions/Guidelines by Government:<br />

Government may issue instructions/guidelines for effective implementation of Development<br />

Schemes from time to time.<br />

3.2. Roads & Other Infrastructure Implementation<br />

The Metropolitan Development Plan implementation is a multi-disciplinary task involving<br />

many functional departments, cooperation of private land owners and the public as well. In<br />

implementation of the physical infrastructure, the road network is the lowest denominator<br />

upon which lies the alignment and enhancement of public utilities and facilities.<br />

In this regard, the Metropolitan Commissioner together with Hyderabad Unified<br />

Metropolitan Transport Authority (HUMTA) with these enabling interim stipulations,<br />

envisages implementation of the Circulation network of the Infrastructure network plan<br />

component of the Metropolitan Development Plan in a planned and concerted manner<br />

which empowers and involves the respective Functional Department to carry out its<br />

responsibilities for sub serving the objects of an effective and rational circulation system.<br />

1. The Metropolitan-Commissioner, HMDA shall ensure the development of all<br />

Master Plan circulation network is grounded and implemented within the<br />

Metropolitan Development plan period and for this purpose, the Metropolitan-<br />

Commissioner, HMDA shall prepare a programme and phasing plan for development<br />

of the circulation network and with approval of HUMTA entrust the implementation to<br />

the functional departments.<br />

2. The Functional Department in the above context implies the following<br />

agencies with their respective jurisdiction, control and role in the development,<br />

improvement and maintenance of the roads as per the Circulation Plan and<br />

instructions, guidelines of HUMTA:<br />

a) Metropolitan-Commissioner, HMDA or the functional Authority on its own accord or<br />

under the instructions of HUMTA or Metropolitan-Commissioner, HMDA are empowered to<br />

undertake preparation of a Road Development Plan for the construction or improvement of<br />

existing road notified in the Metropolitan Development Plan, shall –<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 63

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

I. Undertake survey and carry out demarcation of the road right-of-way on ground by<br />

either peg-marking or erection of boundary pillars or other suitable marks of durable<br />

nature at intervals all along the Master plan road in such a manner that the<br />

imaginary line joining such boundary stones/pillars or marks shows the road<br />

boundary and road width correctly;<br />

II. Undertake the acquisition of any land or assemblage of any land either with mutual<br />

consent with land owners or by other means as provided for in the Hyderabad<br />

Common Building Rule,2006 provisions which is considered necessary for its<br />

execution ;<br />

III. In case of compensation for land acquisition, the amount shall be determined by the<br />

Collector or an officer exercising the powers of a Collector which shall be as per<br />

government policy/orders and guidelines.<br />

b) Such a road development Plan may provide for:<br />

I. The laying or relaying out all or any of the lands so acquired;<br />

II. The diversion or closure of any existing road or road section;<br />

III. The construction, reconstruction of the roadway including it’s widening, leveling,<br />

surfacing, bridging, sewering, draining, water supply and street lighting<br />

arrangements and avenue plantation;<br />

IV. The laying of footpaths, bicycle tracks and special traffic lanes for any kind or class<br />

of vehicles, the designing and siting of parking ways/parking areas, and petrol filling<br />

stations, the location of advertisements and bill boards; the layout of service roads/<br />

access roads at suitable distances connecting the main carriageway with adjoining<br />

properties<br />

3. Power of Functional Authority for execution of Road Development Plan:<br />

a) Once the Road development Plan is approved by Metropolitan-Commissioner,<br />

HMDA, the functional authority shall prepare it’s plan for implementation including<br />

necessary finances for its execution. It shall maintain the approved road development plans<br />

with copy to the Office of Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA which shall be the central<br />

repository for all such records and information.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 64

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

b) It shall be the duty of the functional authority to conduct regular and periodic check<br />

of the boundaries of the Master Plan roads in it’s charge with a view to the location of<br />

unauthorized encroachments, if any and for protection of the road right of way.<br />

c) Where an unauthorized encroachment or unauthorized construction has been made<br />

on such Master Plan road land, it shall take immediate steps as specified in the respective<br />

local body laws or in the Hyderabad Common Building Rules, 2006 for the removal thereof.<br />

4. Restriction of building, etc. in the area between the Master Plan road and<br />

building line:<br />

a) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, it<br />

shall be unlawful for any person, except the Functional Authority or any person working on<br />

behalf of the functional authority or authorized by the functional authority -<br />

I. To construct or layout any means of access to or from a Master plan road unless the<br />

functional authority permits a service road with proper ingress and egress to and<br />

from the main carriageway of the Master Plan road;<br />

II. To erect or re-erect or materially alter the outside appearance of any existing<br />

building opening up directly onto the Master Plan road; to make any excavation to<br />

construct, form or lay out any works upon land lying nearer to the middle of a Master<br />

Plan road than a distance equal to one-half of the width prescribed in the<br />

Metropolitan Development Plan and building line as prescribed in the Hyderabad<br />

Revised Common Building rules, 2006.<br />

III. Provided these restrictions shall not apply to any works necessary for the repair,<br />

renewal, enlargement or maintenance of any sewer, drain, electric line,<br />

communication cables/lines, gas pipelines and such other public utilities, pipe duct<br />

or any other apparatus, constructed in or upon the land with the consent of the<br />

respective Functional Authority.<br />

b) Should any existing building or wall or any part thereof lie within the area between<br />

the building line and the middle of the Master Plan road, the Functional authority may,<br />

require to be removed or rebuilt to be setback to the building line at owner’s cost.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 65

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

5. Apportionment of cost of road development:<br />

The functional authority may apportion the cost of road development on the land owners<br />

through whose lands the alignment passes or abuts as user charge ; Provided such user<br />

charge to the land owners shall not exceed 50% of the total cost of the road development.<br />

Issue notice for payment of the proportionate user charge giving time depending upon the<br />

road implementation schedule and in case of failure to remit the user charge in the given<br />

time, a surcharge of 10 % per annum shall be leviable from such owner.<br />

6. Incentives for road widening and new link roads<br />

a) TDR for areas affected and surrendered for road widening: For the land surrendered<br />

for road widening free of cost as per the revised master plan, the TDR applicable will be<br />

150% of the areas surrendered.<br />

b) In case of surrendering land free of cost for formation of new link roads, the land<br />

owner will be entitled to adjust basic value of the land as per registration department for the<br />

land surrendered free of cost towards city level impact fees to be paid for the project<br />

proposed in the same premises/site. If the owner utilizes this facility, he shall not be entitled<br />

for other concessions, such as relaxation in setbacks, TDR etc., as specified in rule 14 of<br />

Hyderabad Common Building Rules, 2006.<br />

c) Extra floors for air rights: Any land owner who surrenders land voluntarily for link<br />

roads, connecting link, missing link between two major/critical roads for providing a<br />

minimum of 09 mtr. opening in his site to link the road which passes under the built<br />

structure like a tunnel - the owner shall be allowed air rights to build over the road link to<br />

the extent of his site, subject to mandated public safety and fire safety requirements and<br />

compliance to heritage regulations and road geometrics as per standards.<br />

d) The owner and licensed developer / builder shall incorporate in building plan/ group<br />

housing scheme all master plan specific land uses and amenity areas like recreational<br />

buffer zone / sector level open spaces, amenity space, road network etc., and shall develop<br />

them at his cost. However such area of master plan road, recreational buffer zone / sector<br />

level open space and amenity space shall be deducted from the total site area. The<br />

proposals of the scheme and the land utilization analysis would be taken on the remaining<br />

net area, and no fees and development charges and other charges are leviable for such<br />

master plan reservation areas and master plan circulation network.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 66

7. Power to delegate:<br />

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

The Metropolitan Commissioner may delegate any of the powers vested in him to any<br />

officer or Committee or functional agency to act, approve and or implement the above on<br />

his behalf.<br />

8. Power to remove difficulties:<br />

Redressal of any grievance or difficulty in implementation of these Land Assemblage and<br />

development stipulations shall vest with the Executive Committee of HMDA.<br />

9. Instructions/Guidelines by Government:<br />

The owners/licensed developer and the Metropolitan commissioner shall comply with any<br />

instructions/guidelines issued by the Government for effective implementation of Land<br />

Assemblage and development from time to time.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 67



Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 68


Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

The provisions of the Hyderabad Revised Common Building Rules, 2006 and it’s<br />

amendments issued by the Government from time to time shall apply to all building activity<br />

in the Hyderabad Metropolitan Region except other wise mentioned in this Zoning and<br />

Building Regulations.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 69

5. ANNEXURES<br />

5.1. ANNEXURE I<br />

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

FORM I<br />



It is hereby declared and published for the information of the land holders, general public<br />

and others under sub-section (1) of section 27 of the HMDA Act,2008 that the Metropolitan<br />

Commissioner, Hyderabad Metropolitan Development has received an application from -----<br />

-------------------------------------------------Address-----------------------------------------------------------<br />

Ph. No.-----------------------(licensed developer) who intend to prepare and undertake<br />

development of a Land Pooling Scheme for _______________________________,<br />

covering the following areas, viz. Sy Nos. ------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

------- of ----------------------(V),-------------------Mandal,---------------District, over an extent of ----<br />

-------Ha (-------------- acres).<br />

If any person/owner in respect of any title or interest which any person may have, in the<br />

land or building covered by the intended Land Pooling Scheme shall give their<br />

objections/suggestions in writing to the Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA within 30 days.<br />

Undertaking of any development, transactions in these lands is prohibited/ shall not be<br />

allowed until the said Land Pooling Scheme is approved by the Metropolitan<br />

Commissioner, HMDA.<br />

Metropolitan Commissioner,<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 70

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

FORM II<br />



Whereas, an application for preparation, approval and undertaking of development of Land<br />

Pooling Scheme had received<br />

from ------------------------------------------------------<br />

Address-----------------------------------------------------------<br />

Ph. No.-----------------(licensed developer) , covering the following areas, viz. Sy Nos. --------<br />

----------------------------------------------------------------- of ----------------------(V),-------------------<br />

Mandal,---------------District, over an extent of -----------Ha (-------------- acres).<br />

Whereas, the Metropolitan commissioner after considering all planning aspects concerning<br />

the land pooling scheme and objections and suggestions received has duly considered and<br />

approved a draft land pooling scheme for the above-mentioned area;<br />

Whereas the licensed developer has given commitment to undertake development of<br />

infrastructure development works in the said land pooling scheme;<br />

The Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA has approved the final land pooling scheme under<br />

sub-section (1) of Section 27 of the HMDA Act, 2008;<br />

Notice is hereby published for the information of the plot holders, general public, and<br />

others, and copies of the said Scheme are available for inspection/purchase during office<br />

hours at the office of the HMDA, Tarnaka Office Complex.<br />

The said Land Pooling Scheme shall come into operation with effect from this day of<br />

publication of this Notice.<br />

All the areas earmarked for public uses/domain are deemed to be vested with HMDA.<br />

The said Final Land Pooling Scheme is deemed to be area development plan for the said<br />

area.<br />

Metropolitan Commissioner,<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 71

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

FORM III<br />



From: Letter No.-------------------------- Dt.-----------<br />

--<br />

The Metropolitan Commissioner,<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority,<br />

HMDA Office Complex, Tarnaka,<br />

Hyderabad 500007<br />

To<br />

----------------------------------(Licensed developer)<br />

-----------------------------------<br />

----------------------------------<br />

Sir/Madam,<br />

Sub.: HMDA-Planning Dept.-Application for Land Pooling Scheme-Intimation of<br />

Balance fees and Charges-Regarding.<br />

Ref.: Your Application for Land Pooling Scheme approval, Application No.--------<br />

--/20--- ,Dated:-------------20---<br />

With ref. to your Application cited, you are informed that you are required to remit the<br />

balance fees and charges as follows:<br />

(a) Balance 50% of scrutiny fees (at rate of Rs. 20 per sq m of total site area<br />

Rs. ---------------------<br />

(b) Development charges u/s 45 and 46 of the HMDA Act,2008:<br />

Rs. ---------------------<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 72

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

(c) External betterment charges (for facilitating off-site infrastructure facilities) u/s 47 of<br />

HMDA Act,2008<br />

Rs. ---------------------<br />

TOTAL Rs. --------------------- (Rupees --------------------------------------------------)<br />

The above fees and Charges shall be remitted within 30 days by way of Demand Draft<br />

drawn in favour of Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA or through Challan to enable to take<br />

further action for approval and release of the Final Land Pooling Scheme.<br />

Yours faithfully,<br />

Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 73

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

FORM IV<br />




(HMDA), ACT, 2008<br />

(Read the provisions of Section 24 to 27 of the HMDA Act, 2008 and the HMDA Handbook<br />

on Land Pooling Schemes for the conditionalities and requirements for<br />

permitting/undertaking such type of development).<br />

To,<br />

The Metropolitan Commissioner,<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority,<br />

HMDA Office Complex, Tarnaka,<br />

Hyderabad 500007<br />

Application No. ----------/20--- Dated:-------------20---<br />

Sir/Madam,<br />

Sub.: HMDA-Planning Dept.-Application for Land Pooling Scheme-Regarding.<br />

I/We hereby submit application for approval of Land Pooling Scheme in the site<br />

covered by Sy. Nos. -------------------------------------------------------------------------, of----------------<br />

---------(V),-----------------Mandal,---------------District, admeasuring ------Ha. (----------- acres) in<br />

accordance with provisions of Section 27 of the HMDA Act, 2008.<br />

In this regard, I/We enclose the following Documents:<br />

a) Ownership and link documents copies:<br />

b) Copies of latest Village Record/ Pattadar Passbook/ Pahani issued by Revenue<br />

Authorities of the Sy Nos. covered in the proposed Land Pooling Scheme;<br />

c) Copy of Registered General Power of Attorney (if applicable);<br />

d) Copy of Non-Encumbrance Certificate of the above Sy. Nos. Covered in the<br />

proposed<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 74

e) Land Poling Scheme for the past 13 years;<br />

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

f) An Affidavit declaring that the total holding of each owner of the proposed Land<br />

Pooling Scheme is within the Ceiling limits (wherever applicable)<br />

g) Revenue Sketches of the proposed Sy. Nos. covering all Sy Nos. of the proposed<br />

Land Pooling Scheme site duly attested by Revenue Authorities.<br />

h) Maps and Plans (to be drawn to suitable scale and drawn through registered<br />

technical personnel/Civil Engineer giving all dimensions and boundaries clearly)<br />

i) Location Plan on suitable scale consisting of 1st Map of site covered by Land<br />

Pooling Scheme and surroundings of area upto one km from site boundaries; 2 nd Map<br />

consisting of Master Plan Extract (in case area is covered by Statutory Master Plan and<br />

Master Plan road network of same area; 3 rd<br />

map consisting of Survey of <strong>India</strong> map extract<br />

of the area and surroundings<br />

j) Map (A) showing the Revenue Sy. Nos. (Original Plots) bearing the same numbers<br />

as in the statement in Form prescribed and all existing features like roads, buildings, other<br />

physical features, etc.;<br />

k) Map (B) showing both the original plots and the manner in which it is proposed to<br />

alter the boundaries of such plots with layout; and<br />

l) Map (C) showing the boundaries of Final plots, i.e., as they appear if the scheme as<br />

proposed is finally approved by the Metropolitan Commissioner, HMDA.<br />

We submit the following Statements (in the Maps above):<br />

1. A Statement showing the ownership and extent of lands included in the Scheme;<br />

2. A statement showing the proposed new streets/roads, and the proposed widening of<br />

existing streets/roads.<br />

3. A statement showing details of the lands required to be reserved under public<br />

facilities/public domain.<br />

4. A detailed surveyed topographical plan of proposed site of Land Pooling Scheme<br />

showing suitable contour levels, alignment and width of nalas/drains, existing<br />

roads/pathways/tracks, electricity lines, sewer lines, and other natural features details;<br />

5. Separate plans showing (i) the proposed drainages, (ii) sewerage system, (iii) water<br />

supply system, (iv) Greenery & Landscaping plan of the proposed Land Pooling Scheme as<br />

per BIS Code and Standards.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 75

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

All the above-mentioned Maps, Plans and proposals of the Land Pooling Scheme Project<br />

and it’s implementation and development works are being undertaken through licensed<br />

technical personnel:<br />

I/We enclose the fees and charges of Rs.----------------------- (50% at the time Application<br />

and at the rate of Rs. 20/- per sq. m of gross area) by way of D.D in favour of metropolitan<br />

Commissioner, HMDA/Challan No.- dt.---<br />

Clearance from the revenue authorities with regard to payment of charges under the AP<br />

Non-Agriculture Assessment Act, 2006<br />

I am herewith submitting the above particulars and documents along with Affidavit duly<br />

Notarised containing the Indemnity and Undertaking and Declaration, on behalf of the said<br />

land owners and request that our Application for undertaking Land Pooling Scheme may be<br />

considered and approved.<br />

Date:-------------<br />

Signature of the Licensed developer<br />

Name: ----------------------------------------<br />

Mailing Address:--------------------------<br />

Phone No.--------------------<br />

Cell Ph. No.-----------------<br />

e-mail ID:-------<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 76

5.2. ANNEXURE II<br />

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

FORM V<br />




(Read the provisions of the HMDA Development Promotion Regulations for the<br />

conditionalities and requirements for permitting/undertaking such development)<br />

Form - A<br />

To Dated:<br />

The Metropolitan-Commissioner,<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority<br />

Hyderabad - 500 007.<br />

Sir/Madam,<br />

Application for (specify--Layout/Group Housing Scheme/Group Development<br />

Scheme/others).<br />

I/We hereby submit application for (specify - Layout/Group Housing Scheme/Group<br />

Development Scheme/others and permission carryout development works in the site<br />

covered by Sy. No. ______________________ of ________________________ Village,<br />

______________ mandal, District admeasuring -----------Ha/------- sq m / ---------- Acres in<br />

accordance with Section of the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority Act,2008.<br />

I/We intend to undertake: (tick /specify which is applicable and strike out the ones not<br />

applicable.)<br />

a) Plotted layout development;<br />

b) Residential colony development with civil construction as per approved type design;<br />

c) Group Housing Scheme/ Cluster Housing Scheme with blocks of proposed<br />

residential / dwelling units with civil construction as per approved type design;<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 77

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

d) A mix of ------------------------------ with civil construction as per approved type designs;<br />

(e) (Others) (Specify) ------------------------------<br />

I/We hereby enclose the necessary building type designs drawn to scale and in accordance<br />

with the provisions of HMDA Development Promotion Regulations (applicable only in case<br />

of (b) to (e).<br />

The total extent of the site for the proposed development mentioned in 2 above is<br />

__________ hectares _______________( acres).<br />

The net area of the proposed development after deducting the area under the following<br />

Master plan roads: (a) --------------------------------------------- (b) -------------------------------- (c) ---<br />

------------------------- is __________ hectares ____________ (acres).<br />

I submit the following documents & Plans and particulars in respect of the above site<br />

proposed _____________ development (All copies of documents to be attested by a<br />

Gazette Officer).<br />

a) Ownership and one link document copy.<br />

b) Latest copy of the Pahani issued by Mandal Revenue Officer;<br />

c) Record of Rights pass Book/title deed for the proposed site.<br />

d) Registered documents for the proposed site.<br />

e) Copy of the Registered General Power of Attorney.<br />

f) Copy of the Non-Encumbrance Certificate for the past 13 years<br />

g) Copy of the Link Document<br />

h) An affidavit declaring the total holding of the proposed site is within urban ceiling limits<br />

by each owner (wherever applicable).<br />

i) Other documents (specify ________________________ in support of ownership<br />

j) Revenue sketch of proposed site duly attested by Revenue Authorities.<br />

k) Clearance from the revenue authorities with regard to payment of charges under the AP<br />

Non-Agriculture Assessment Act, 2006<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 78

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

l) Location Plan of site and surrounding developments/lands drawn to a minimum metric<br />

scale of 1000 showing surrounding roads, electricity lines, approved layouts/Land Pooling<br />

Scheme/Group or Cluster Housing Scheme ,drainage, sewerage etc. within 500 metres<br />

radius.<br />

m) A detailed surveyed topographical plan of proposed site for<br />

___________________development to a metric scale of 1:600 showing the contours of the<br />

land at 2 meters intervals, nallas, drains, wells, trees, roads, electricity lines, sewer lines,<br />

etc.<br />

n) The proposals draw to a scale 1: 600 (original in any durable medium like tracing cloth,<br />

film or reproduction tracing film, etc., & 3 sets of prints). Showing the following details as<br />

per HADA Development Promotion Regulations;<br />

I. The boundaries of the proposed site distinctly shown in red;<br />

II. The proposed plots/blocks with clear dimensions (limited to 55 % of total site areas<br />

in case of layout applications).<br />

III. The Public Open spaces of minimum 10% of the site area in one or more places and<br />

in centre of proposed site’s blocks.<br />

IV. The area to be left for 5% EWS housing; 5% for HMDA in prominent location of the<br />

site with clear approach roads to these Blocks;<br />

V. The area earmarked for 10% LIG Housing of total land area with clear approach<br />

road of 9 m<br />

VI. The area for common amenities like, Overheard Water Reservoir, common septic<br />

tank areas, electricity Sub-station, Garbage disposal points etc., at proper locations<br />

(which shall be over & above area mentioned in (c) above.<br />

VII. The sites for social and community facilities (up to 2.5%) like Community Centre/<br />

Shopping Centre/ Educational Center/ Medical Centre<br />

VIII. The proposed road network within the site and integrating with neighboring and<br />

surrounding road network and pattern, and incorporating the alignment of the<br />

statutory Master Plan roads and developing these as required as per the HADA<br />

Development Promotion Regulations.<br />

IX. The proposed channelization of natural drains & nalas with proper width and green<br />

belt buffer within the site as required as per the HADA Development Promotion<br />

Regulations.<br />

X. Separate plans showing the proposed drainages, sewerage disposal system and<br />

water supply, supply system for the project as per BIS code & standards.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 79

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

XI. All the above plans, and details of the above proposed project and implementation<br />

are being undertaken through the following licensed technical personnel:<br />

Licensed<br />

Tech<br />

Personnel<br />

Developer/<br />

Builder<br />

Architect Town<br />

Planner<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 80<br />

Civil<br />

Engineer<br />

Structural<br />

Engineer<br />

Name <br />

Address <br />

Licence No. (Registration<br />

No. only)<br />

Real<br />

Estate<br />

Firm<br />

<br />

Signature <br />

I/we am/are herewith submitting the Joint Declaration & check list jointly filled by me and<br />

the registered Architect and licensed Civil Engineer and request that our<br />

application/development project may be considered and approved.<br />

Dated:<br />

Signature of Owner (s) & licensed developer/builder<br />

Name Of Owner (s) & Licensed developer/builder _____________________<br />

Complete Mailing Address ________________________________________<br />

Cell Ph. No. -------------------<br />

e-mail address: --------------------<br />

_____________________________<br />

Phone No _______________________<br />

Declaration<br />

(To be submitted on rS. 100/- stamp paper & Notarised)

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

I/We hereby declare that I/We am/are the Owner/s of the site in Survey No. (s)<br />

___________________ of ________________________ Village,<br />

_____________________ Mandal, admeasuring _____________________ Hectares on<br />

which the Land Pooling Scheme/layout development /Group/Cluster Housing Scheme is<br />

proposed.<br />

I / We hereby affirm / declare that the site / plot / property is not declared surplus under the<br />

provisions of Urban Land ceiling Act, 1976 and is not a Government land.<br />

The boundaries of the site and the areas mentioned in the layout plan are correct and true.<br />

I/We hereby affirm that I/we will abide by the approval conditions and the provisions of the<br />

HMDA Development Promotion Regulations, and will execute the all works including<br />

development of the Master Plan roads at our cost and as per the specifications.<br />

I/We affirm that I/we shall not sell or lease the plots of the 25% area earmarked to be<br />

handed over as surety to HMDA through Notarised Affidavit sites until the final layout is<br />

approved;<br />

I /We will hand over the sites/areas/plots duly developed and earmarked for EWS housing,<br />

site for HMDA, sites for public open spaces and for social & community facilities and all<br />

roads to HMDA free of cost and without encumbrances through registered Gift deed to<br />

HADA before the release of the approved plans;<br />

I/We agree that if I/we do not comply with the same within the given time period from the<br />

date of approval, and HMDA would be at liberty to dispose off the handed over plots (25 %<br />

plotted area) through Notarised Affidavit given to HMDA and undertake the development<br />

works and we would not have any claim whatsoever in the matter.<br />

Dated:<br />

Signature/s of Owner(s) & Licensed Developer/ Builder<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 81

5.3. ANNEXURE III<br />

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

FORM- VI<br />





(Read the provisions of the HMDA Development Promotion Regulations for the<br />

conditionalities and requirements for permitting/undertaking such development)<br />

To dated: -------------<br />

The Metropolitan-Commissioner,<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority,<br />

Hyderabad - 500 007<br />

Sir / Madam<br />

I/We hereby submit application to construct a building / make Extension to building<br />

in Plot No. ______________of Sy. No. ___________________________ of<br />

__________________ village ___________________ Mandal. The details of our<br />

proposed building project are as follows:<br />

Name of Building<br />

Project<br />

Location Name<br />

Building/Complex<br />

of<br />

<br />

Usage of the proposed<br />

building/Complex<br />

I/We herewith submit the following documents, building plans & drawings and other<br />

particulars in respect of the above proposed building/ Complex.<br />

(a) Site Location Plan draw to appropriate scale site / plot to be built upon / land to be<br />

development and surrounding physical features, adjoining neighbouring development with<br />

premises Numbers / Sy. Nos., abutting roads width, other existing road network, water<br />

supply & sewerage disposal lines and other physical features within the site / plot ( Original<br />

+ 5 prints).<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 82

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

(b) Building Plans of all floors of all blocks drawn to appropriate scale in metric system<br />

clearly indicating all dimensions, use of each area / room, wall thickness, columns & beams<br />

thickness / dimensions giving statements of all areas, utility areas, general specifications of<br />

materials to be used in statement from in the draw.<br />

(c) Parking arrangements within the site and in statements form.<br />

(d) Appropriate Elevation & Longitudinal sections of all proposed blocks drawn to same<br />

scale as at (b) & giving dimensions in metric system (Original + 5 Prints)<br />

(e) Plans & Sections if required of proposed sewerage disposal system water supply<br />

system of proposed building / blocks to suitable scale and as per ISI Code & Standards<br />

(Original + 5 Prints)<br />

(f) No Objection Certificate for undertaking the said proposed activity mentioned at<br />

Para-1 (Where required).<br />

(g) Copy of previously approved building plan (where required).<br />

(h) Ownership documents for proposed site:<br />

(vii) Site Plan / Revenue Plan with dimensions duly attested by Revenue Authority<br />

Gazetted Officer., which tallies with (i) above.<br />

All the above plans, and details of the above proposed project and implementation are<br />

being undertaken through the following licensed technical personnel:<br />

Licensed<br />

Tech<br />

Personnel<br />

Name<br />

Address<br />

License<br />

No.<br />

Signature<br />

Developer/<br />

Builder<br />

Architect Town<br />

Planner<br />

(Registration<br />

No. only<br />

Civil<br />

Engineer<br />

Structural<br />

Engineer<br />

Real<br />

Estate<br />

Firm<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 83

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

I /We herewith submitting the Declaration for this application jointly filled by me, by the<br />

Registered Architect and licensed builder/developer and licensed civil engineer.<br />

I /We request that my application may be considered and approved.<br />

Dated :<br />

Signature of Owner (s) & Licensed developer/builder<br />

Name Of Owner (s) & Licensed developer/builder:<br />

Complete Mailing Address & Office<br />

Stamp___________________________________________________________________<br />

________________________________________________________________________<br />

_______ _____________________________________<br />

Cell Ph. No.-----------------------------<br />

e-mail Address: ------------------------<br />

Phone No _______________________<br />


(To be submitted on Rs. 100/- stamp paper & Notarised)<br />

I/ We hereby affirm / declare that I / We are the owners / authorised persons of the property<br />

/ site to be built upon / developed.<br />

I / We herby affirm/declare that the site / plot / property boundaries and dimensions<br />

mentioned in the site plan / building drawings are correct & true.<br />

I / We hereby affirm / declare that the site / plot / property is not declared surplus under the<br />

provisions of Urban Land ceiling Act, 1976. and is not a Government land.<br />

I / We shall pay all the necessary fees & Charges leviable by HMDA under the Hyderabad<br />

Metropolitan Development Authority Act, 2008<br />

I / We understand / are aware that specific development conditions may be imposed by<br />

HMDA while approving building permission and we assure to comply with the same.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 84

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

I / We affirm / declare that I/We undertake to supervise the construction in accordance with<br />

the approved building drawing with reference to the zoning Regulations/Master Plan and<br />

the building stipulations and the conditions contained in the Building permission sanction.<br />

Dated: Signature of Owner (s) & licensed developer/builder<br />

Name of Owner (s) & licensed developer/builder ___________________<br />




I/We affirm that we shall ensure structural safety and fire safety of the building as per the<br />

National Building code and B.I.S. standards and relevant Act and Rules, and also<br />

contractor all risks, Insurance Policy, up to the completion of construction of building.<br />

I/we affirm that we shall be responsible for ensuring the proposed building construction<br />

shall confirm to the building permission sanction, and that all building services shall confirm<br />

to the National Building Code and B.I.S. standards.<br />

I/we affirm that, the structural designs and drawings prepared duly taking the soil bearing<br />

capacity into consideration.<br />

I/we shall be responsible and liable for action by the competent Authority/Government in<br />

case of any violations, deviations, any structural failure, deficiency in Fire Safety measures,<br />

deficiency in building services, etc.<br />

Signature of Owner (s) & Licenced developer/builder<br />

Name of Owner (s) & Licenced developer/builder<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 85

5.4. ANNEXURE IV<br />

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />


In exercise of the powers conferred by subsection (1) of Section 3 of Hyderabad<br />

Metropolitan Development Authority Act, 2008 (Andhra Pradesh Act No. 8 of 2008), having<br />

regard to the extent of and scope for its urbanization and other relevant consideration, the<br />

Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby specifies the area mentioned in the schedule<br />

hereunder as Hyderabad Metropolitan Region under the Hyderabad Metropolitan<br />

Development Authority Act, 2008 (Andhra Pradesh Act No. 8 of 2008).<br />

SCHEDULE TO G.O.Ms.No._570 MA & UD Department, Dated: 25082008<br />


Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC)<br />

Sangareddy Municipality<br />

Buvanagiri Municipality<br />



Table 5.1:District wise villages coverd in Ranga reddy, Medak, Nalgonda and Mahaboobnagar districts<br />

Sr.<br />

No.<br />

Name of the Village Mandal District<br />

1 Hasthepur Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

2 Nowlaipalle Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

3 Anantawaram Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

4 Aloor I Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

5 Aloor II Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

6 Aloor III Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

7 Kowkunta Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

8 Tangedapalle Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

9 Tallaram Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

10 Nyalata Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

11 Orella Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

12 Yenkepalle Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

13 Dearlapalle Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

14 Kammeta Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

15 Gollapalle Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 86

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Sr.<br />

No.<br />

Name of the Village Mandal District<br />

16 Ravulapalle (Khurd) Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

17 Mudimyal Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

18 Kummera Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

19 Devuni Erravelly Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

20 Ibrahimpalle Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

21 Damergidda Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

22 Bastepur Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

23 Mirjaguda Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

24 Kistapur Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

25 Naincheru Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

26 Khanapur Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

27 Regadghanapur Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

28 Devarampalle Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

29 Chanvelli Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

30 Pamena Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

31 Allawada Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

32 Chevella Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

33 Kesavaram Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

34 Malkapur Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

35 Kanduwada Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

36 Gundal Chevella Ranga Reddy<br />

37 Parvathapur Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy<br />

38 Changicherla Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy<br />

39 Pocharam Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy<br />

40 Yamnampet Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy<br />

41 Ismailkhanguda Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy<br />

42 Padamethsaiguda Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy<br />

43 Kondapur Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy<br />

44 Aushapur Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy<br />

45 Ankushapur Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy<br />

46 Annojiguda Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy<br />

47 Majarguda Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy<br />

48 Narepalle Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy<br />

49 Kachwani Singaram Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy<br />

50 Muthawalliguda Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy<br />

51 Prathapsingaram Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy<br />

52 Korremul Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy<br />

53 Badesahebguda Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy<br />

54 Edulabad Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy<br />

55 Madharam Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy<br />

56 Ghatkesar Ghatkesar Ranga Reddy<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 87

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Sr.<br />

No.<br />

Name of the Village Mandal District<br />

57 Daira Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

58 Bandaraviryal Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

59 Akbarja Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

60 Baljaguda Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

61 Pochampallewada Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

62 Omerkhandaira Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

63 Surmaiguda Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

64 Laskerguda Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

65 Inamguda Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

66 Abdullapur Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

67 Kawadipalle Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

68 Batasingaram Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

69 Pigilipur Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

70 Mazidpur Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

71 Sagarpump Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

72 Guntapalle Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

73 Anajpur Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

74 Hathiguda Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

75 Tatti Annaram Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

76 Tatti Khana Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

77 Marripalle Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

78 Quthbullapur Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

79 Thimmaiguda Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

80 Gowrelli Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

81 Bacharam Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

82 Tharamathipet Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

83 Kuntloor Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

84 Kalvancha Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

85 Injapur Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

86 Turror (Faroor) Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

87 Munganoor Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

Pedda Amberpet Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

88 (Kalan)<br />

89 Koheda Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

90 Pasumamla Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

91 Manneguda Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

92 Turkayamjal Hayathnagar Ranga Reddy<br />

93 Ismailshapampu Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy<br />

94 Naganpalle Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy<br />

95 Polkampalle Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy<br />

96 Narrepalle Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 88

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Sr.<br />

No.<br />

Name of the Village Mandal District<br />

97 Dandumailaram Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy<br />

98 Muknoor Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy<br />

99 Rainguda Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy<br />

100 Yengalaguda Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy<br />

101 Raipole Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy<br />

102 Tattikhana Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy<br />

103 Alimiyakunta Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy<br />

104 Ramreddiguda Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy<br />

105 Pocharam Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy<br />

106 Yeliminedu Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy<br />

107 Tadlakalva Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy<br />

108 Yerrakunta Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy<br />

109 Turkaguda Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy<br />

110 Kappapahad Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy<br />

111 Toolekalan Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy<br />

112 Kongara Kalan Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy<br />

113 Adibatla Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy<br />

114 Bongloor Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy<br />

115 Chintapalleguda Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy<br />

116 Ramdaspalle Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy<br />

Ibrahimpatnam<br />

Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy<br />

117 (Khalsa)<br />

Ibrahimpatnam<br />

Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy<br />

118 (Bagath)<br />

119 Mangalpalle Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy<br />

120 Ferozguda Ibrahimpatnam Ranga Reddy<br />

121 Chippalpalle Kandukur Ranga Reddy<br />

122 Murlinagar Kandukur Ranga Reddy<br />

123 Dhannaram Kandukur Ranga Reddy<br />

124 Pulumamidi Kandukur Ranga Reddy<br />

125 Kufarchandguda Kandukur Ranga Reddy<br />

126 Jaithwaram (Khalsa) Kandukur Ranga Reddy<br />

127 Jaithwaram (Maqta) Kandukur Ranga Reddy<br />

128 Gafoornagar Kandukur Ranga Reddy<br />

129 Kothur Kandukur Ranga Reddy<br />

130 Gudoor Kandukur Ranga Reddy<br />

131 Rachloor Kandukur Ranga Reddy<br />

132 Lemoor Kandukur Ranga Reddy<br />

133 Timmapur Kandukur Ranga Reddy<br />

134 Madhapur Kandukur Ranga Reddy<br />

135 Gummadavalle Kandukur Ranga Reddy<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 89

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Sr.<br />

No.<br />

Name of the Village Mandal District<br />

136 Thimmaipalle Kandukur Ranga Reddy<br />

137 Annojiguda Kandukur Ranga Reddy<br />

138 Kandukur Kandukur Ranga Reddy<br />

139 Mohammadnagar Kandukur Ranga Reddy<br />

140 Peruguguda Kandukur Ranga Reddy<br />

141 Bachupalle Kandukur Ranga Reddy<br />

142 Nednur Kandukur Ranga Reddy<br />

143 Akberja Kandukur Ranga Reddy<br />

144 Dasarlapalle Kandukur Ranga Reddy<br />

145 Allikhanpalle Kandukur Ranga Reddy<br />

146 Debbadaguda Kandukur Ranga Reddy<br />

147 Panjaguda Kandukur Ranga Reddy<br />

148 Meerkhanpet Kandukur Ranga Reddy<br />

149 Sarvaravulapalle Kandukur Ranga Reddy<br />

150 Mucherla Kandukur Ranga Reddy<br />

151 Thimmaipalle Keesara Ranga Reddy<br />

152 Dharmavaram Keesara Ranga Reddy<br />

153 Narsampalle Keesara Ranga Reddy<br />

154 Yadgarpalle (West) Keesara Ranga Reddy<br />

155 Keesara Keesara Ranga Reddy<br />

156 Yadgarpalle (East) Keesara Ranga Reddy<br />

157 Haridaspalle Keesara Ranga Reddy<br />

158 Cheeriyal Keesara Ranga Reddy<br />

159 Keesara Daira Keesara Ranga Reddy<br />

160 Kundanpalle Keesara Ranga Reddy<br />

161 Nagaram Keesara Ranga Reddy<br />

162 Ahmadguda Keesara Ranga Reddy<br />

163 Godmakunta Keesara Ranga Reddy<br />

164 Rampalle Keesara Ranga Reddy<br />

165 Bogaram Keesara Ranga Reddy<br />

166 Venkannaguda Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

167 Gollor Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

168 Nandipalle Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

169 Nagaram Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

170 Nagireddipalle Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

171 Ameerpet Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

172 Tooprakhurd Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

173 Kalwakole Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

174 Pendyal Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

175 Dabilguda Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

176 Mansanpalle Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 90

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Sr.<br />

No.<br />

Name of the Village Mandal District<br />

177 Gangaram Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

178 Sirigirpur Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

179 Mohabatnagar Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

180 Thummaloor Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

181 Maheswaram Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

182 Ghatpalle Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

183 Dubbacherla Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

184 Subhanpur Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

185 Dilwarguda Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

186 Kollapadkal Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

187 Akanpalle Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

188 Porandla Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

189 Baghmankhal Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

190 Almasguda Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

191 Mankhal Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

192 Sardar Nagar Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

193 Raviryal Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

194 Kongarkhurd (A) Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

195 Kongarkhurd (B) Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

196 Imamguda Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

197 Sreenagar Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

198 Malikdanguda Maheswaram Ranga Reddy<br />

199 Khanapur Manchal (Part) Ranga Reddy<br />

200 Mallikarjunaguda Manchal (Part) Ranga Reddy<br />

201 Manorabad Manchal (Part) Ranga Reddy<br />

202 Sabithnagar Manchal (Part) Ranga Reddy<br />

203 Lingampalle Manchal (Part) Ranga Reddy<br />

204 Thallapalliguda Manchal (Part) Ranga Reddy<br />

205 Nallacheru Manchal (Part) Ranga Reddy<br />

206 Thippaiguda Manchal (Part) Ranga Reddy<br />

207 Chittapur Manchal (Part) Ranga Reddy<br />

208 Manchal Manchal (Part) Ranga Reddy<br />

209 Jainammaguda Manchal (Part) Ranga Reddy<br />

210 Nomula Manchal (Part) Ranga Reddy<br />

211 Agapalle Manchal (Part) Ranga Reddy<br />

212 Ravalkola Medchal Ranga Reddy<br />

213 Shahazadiguda Medchal Ranga Reddy<br />

214 Yadaram Medchal Ranga Reddy<br />

215 Muraharipalle Medchal Ranga Reddy<br />

216 Akbarjapet Medchal Ranga Reddy<br />

217 Raj Bollaram Medchal Ranga Reddy<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 91

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Sr.<br />

No.<br />

Name of the Village Mandal District<br />

218 Ghanpur Medchal Ranga Reddy<br />

219 Velgalkunta Medchal Ranga Reddy<br />

220 Nuthankal Medchal Ranga Reddy<br />

221 Maisireddipalle Medchal Ranga Reddy<br />

222 Konaipalle Medchal Ranga Reddy<br />

223 Yellampet Medchal Ranga Reddy<br />

224 Somaram Medchal Ranga Reddy<br />

225 Atevelle Medchal Ranga Reddy<br />

226 Dabirpur Medchal Ranga Reddy<br />

227 Banda Madharam Medchal Ranga Reddy<br />

228 Srirangavaram Medchal Ranga Reddy<br />

229 Bandakunta Medchal Ranga Reddy<br />

230 Railapur Medchal Ranga Reddy<br />

231 Girmapur Medchal Ranga Reddy<br />

232 Goudavelle Medchal Ranga Reddy<br />

233 Medchal Medchal Ranga Reddy<br />

234 Pudoor Medchal Ranga Reddy<br />

235 Gosaiguda Medchal Ranga Reddy<br />

236 Munirabad Medchal Ranga Reddy<br />

237 Seethariguda Medchal Ranga Reddy<br />

238 Kandlakoi Medchal Ranga Reddy<br />

239 Gundla Pochampalle Medchal Ranga Reddy<br />

240 Kaziguda Medchal Ranga Reddy<br />

241 Medipalle Moinabad Ranga Reddy<br />

242 Chinna Mangalaram Moinabad Ranga Reddy<br />

243 Mothukupalle Moinabad Ranga Reddy<br />

244 Reddipalle Moinabad Ranga Reddy<br />

245 Chandanagar Moinabad Ranga Reddy<br />

246 Murthuzaguda Moinabad Ranga Reddy<br />

247 Peddamangalaram Moinabad Ranga Reddy<br />

248 Chinnashapur Moinabad Ranga Reddy<br />

249 Sajjanpalle Moinabad Ranga Reddy<br />

250 Tolkatta Moinabad Ranga Reddy<br />

251 Yethbarpalle Moinabad Ranga Reddy<br />

252 Nakkalapalle Moinabad Ranga Reddy<br />

253 Kethireddipalle Moinabad Ranga Reddy<br />

254 Kankamamidi Moinabad Ranga Reddy<br />

255 Surangal Moinabad Ranga Reddy<br />

256 Nazeebnagar Moinabad Ranga Reddy<br />

257 Amdapur Moinabad Ranga Reddy<br />

258 Venkatapur Moinabad Ranga Reddy<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 92

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Sr.<br />

No.<br />

Name of the Village Mandal District<br />

259 Chilkoor Moinabad Ranga Reddy<br />

260 Himayathnagar Moinabad Ranga Reddy<br />

261 Aziznagar Moinabad Ranga Reddy<br />

262 Yenkepalle Moinabad Ranga Reddy<br />

263 Bangaliguda Moinabad Ranga Reddy<br />

264 Nagireddiguda Moinabad Ranga Reddy<br />

265 Bakaram Jagir Moinabad Ranga Reddy<br />

Sriramnagar<br />

Moinabad Ranga Reddy<br />

266 (Dongala Doswada)<br />

267 Gagilapur Quthbullapur Ranga Reddy<br />

268 Naglur Quthbullapur Ranga Reddy<br />

269 Dundigal Quthbullapur Ranga Reddy<br />

Dommara<br />

Quthbullapur Ranga Reddy<br />

270 Pochampalle<br />

271 Bahadurpalle Quthbullapur Ranga Reddy<br />

272 Bowrampet Quthbullapur Ranga Reddy<br />

273 Sambhupur Quthbullapur Ranga Reddy<br />

274 Mallampet Quthbullapur Ranga Reddy<br />

275 Bachpalle Quthbullapur Ranga Reddy<br />

276 Nizampet Quthbullapur Ranga Reddy<br />

277 Dulapalle Quthbullapur Ranga Reddy<br />

278 Kompalle Quthbullapur Ranga Reddy<br />

279 Gungurthy Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy<br />

280 Khanapur Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy<br />

281 Vattinagulapalle Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy<br />

282 Kokapet Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy<br />

283 Gandipet Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy<br />

284 Narsingi Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy<br />

285 Puppalguda Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy<br />

286 Maqtha Kousarali Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy<br />

287 Manikonda (Khalsa) Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy<br />

288 Manikonda (Jagir) Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy<br />

289 Pokkalwada Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy<br />

290 Panjashajamal Bowli Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy<br />

291 Alizapur Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy<br />

292 Neknampur Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy<br />

293 Manchirevula Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy<br />

294 Bairagiguda Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy<br />

295 Gandamguda Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy<br />

296 Sogbowli Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy<br />

297 Janibegum Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 93

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Sr.<br />

No.<br />

Name of the Village Mandal District<br />

298 Bandlaguda (Jagir) Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy<br />

299 Peeramcheru Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy<br />

300 Himayathsagar Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy<br />

301 Kismatpur Rajendranagar Ranga Reddy<br />

302 Jillalguda Saroornagar Ranga Reddy<br />

303 Medbowli Saroornagar Ranga Reddy<br />

304 Meerpet Saroornagar Ranga Reddy<br />

305 Almasguda Saroornagar Ranga Reddy<br />

306 Dawoodkhanguda Saroornagar Ranga Reddy<br />

307 Badangpet Saroornagar Ranga Reddy<br />

308 Renukapur Saroornagar Ranga Reddy<br />

309 Balapur Saroornagar Ranga Reddy<br />

310 Kothapet Saroornagar Ranga Reddy<br />

311 Venkatapur Saroornagar Ranga Reddy<br />

312 Mallapur Saroornagar Ranga Reddy<br />

313 Jalpalle Saroornagar Ranga Reddy<br />

314 Papayakumandan Saroornagar Ranga Reddy<br />

315 Mamidipalle Saroornagar Ranga Reddy<br />

316 Kurmalguda Saroornagar Ranga Reddy<br />

317 Nadargul Saroornagar Ranga Reddy<br />

318 Bobbilgam Shabad Ranga Reddy<br />

319 Tirumalapur Shabad Ranga Reddy<br />

320 Etlaerravaly Shabad Ranga Reddy<br />

321 Tadlapalle Shabad Ranga Reddy<br />

322 Rudraram Shabad Ranga Reddy<br />

323 Chandernvalle Shabad Ranga Reddy<br />

324 Hayathabad Shabad Ranga Reddy<br />

325 Solipet Shabad Ranga Reddy<br />

326 Maddur Shabad Ranga Reddy<br />

327 Peddaved Shabad Ranga Reddy<br />

328 Damerlapalle Shabad Ranga Reddy<br />

329 Nagarkunta Shabad Ranga Reddy<br />

330 Bhongirpalle Shabad Ranga Reddy<br />

331 Machanpalle Shabad Ranga Reddy<br />

332 Polaram Shabad Ranga Reddy<br />

333 Pothugal Shabad Ranga Reddy<br />

334 Regadidoswada Shabad Ranga Reddy<br />

335 Komerabanda Shabad Ranga Reddy<br />

336 Obagunta Shabad Ranga Reddy<br />

337 Shabad Shabad Ranga Reddy<br />

338 Manmarri Shabad Ranga Reddy<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 94

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Sr.<br />

No.<br />

Name of the Village Mandal District<br />

339 Kakloor Shabad Ranga Reddy<br />

340 Ananthawaram Shabad Ranga Reddy<br />

341 Kesavaram Shabad Ranga Reddy<br />

342 Rangapur Shabad Ranga Reddy<br />

343 Turkapalle Shamirpet Ranga Reddy<br />

344 Kothur Shamirpet Ranga Reddy<br />

345 Potharam Shamirpet Ranga Reddy<br />

346 Anantharam Shamirpet Ranga Reddy<br />

347 Narayanpur Shamirpet Ranga Reddy<br />

348 Lakshimapur Shamirpet Ranga Reddy<br />

349 Mooduchintalapalle Shamirpet Ranga Reddy<br />

350 Nagisettipalle Shamirpet Ranga Reddy<br />

351 Kesavaram Shamirpet Ranga Reddy<br />

352 Sampanbole Shamirpet Ranga Reddy<br />

353 Lalgadimalakpet Shamirpet Ranga Reddy<br />

354 Majidpur Shamirpet Ranga Reddy<br />

355 Aliabad Shamirpet Ranga Reddy<br />

356 Jaggamguda Shamirpet Ranga Reddy<br />

357 Adraspalle Shamirpet Ranga Reddy<br />

358 Lingapur Shamirpet Ranga Reddy<br />

359 Uddemarri Shamirpet Ranga Reddy<br />

360 Hoshyarpalle Shamirpet Ranga Reddy<br />

361 Kesavapur Shamirpet Ranga Reddy<br />

362 Yakhatpura Shamirpet Ranga Reddy<br />

363 Ponnal Shamirpet Ranga Reddy<br />

364 Bomraspet Shamirpet Ranga Reddy<br />

365 Shamirpet Shamirpet Ranga Reddy<br />

366 Devar Yamjal Shamirpet Ranga Reddy<br />

367 Pothaipalle Shamirpet Ranga Reddy<br />

368 Mandaipalle Shamirpet Ranga Reddy<br />

369 Thumkunta Shamirpet Ranga Reddy<br />

370 Antaipalle Shamirpet Ranga Reddy<br />

371 Jawahar Nagar Shamirpet Ranga Reddy<br />

372 Singaipally Shamirpet Ranga Reddy<br />

373 Peddatopra Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

374 Ramanujapur Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

375 Kaveliguda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

376 Malkaram Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

377 Kolbowidoddi Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

378 Sultanpalle Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

379 Kacharam Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

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Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Sr.<br />

No.<br />

Name of the Village Mandal District<br />

380 Rayannaguda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

381 Nanajpur Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

382 Jukal Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

383 Chowderguda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

384 Narkhuda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

385 Ammapalle Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

386 Hariguda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

387 Kothwalguda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

388 Satamrai Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

389 Langerguda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

390 Pashambanda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

391 Kishanguda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

392 Ootpalle Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

393 Tondapalle Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

394 Devatabowli Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

395 Gandiguda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

396 Peddashapur Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

397 Madanpalle Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

398 Palmakole Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

399 Muchintal Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

400 Ghansimiaguda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

401 Cherlaguda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

402 Hamidullanagar Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

403 Posettyguda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

404 Gollapallekhurd Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

405 Rasheedguda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

406 Sayyed guda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

407 Gollapallekalan Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

408 Bahadurguda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

409 Golkondakhurd Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

410 Shankarapur Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

411 Sanghiguda Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

412 Golkondakalan Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

413 Shazadi Begum Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

414 Shamshabad Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

415 Makthabahadurali Shamshabad Ranga Reddy<br />

416 Dhobipet Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy<br />

417 Fathepur Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy<br />

418 Singapur Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy<br />

419 Shankarpalle Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy<br />

420 Bhulkapur Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy<br />

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Sr.<br />

No.<br />

Name of the Village Mandal District<br />

421 Kondakal Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy<br />

422 Mokila Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy<br />

423 Donthanpalle Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy<br />

424 Maharajpet Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy<br />

425 Gopularam Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy<br />

426 Proddutur Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy<br />

427 Tangutoor Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy<br />

428 Yelwarthy Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy<br />

429 Ramanthapur Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy<br />

430 Chandippa Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy<br />

431 Ravalpalle Kalan Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy<br />

432 Sankepalle (Khalsa) Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy<br />

433 Sankepalle (Paigah) Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy<br />

434 Anthappaguda Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy<br />

435 Masaniguda Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy<br />

436 Hussainipur Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy<br />

Parveda<br />

Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy<br />

437 (Chanchalam)<br />

438 Parveda Khalsa Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy<br />

439 Yervaguda Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy<br />

440 Kothapalle Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy<br />

441 Janwada Shankarpalle Ranga Reddy<br />

442 Makthabibisahebguda Uppal Ranga Reddy<br />

443 Boduppal Uppal Ranga Reddy<br />

444 Miapur Uppal Ranga Reddy<br />

445 Medipally Uppal Ranga Reddy<br />

446 Peerzadiguda Uppal Ranga Reddy<br />

447 Gulamaliguda Uppal Ranga Reddy<br />

448 Tulekhurd Yacharam (Part) Ranga Reddy<br />

449 Gungal Yacharam (Part) Ranga Reddy<br />

450 Yacharam Yacharam (Part) Ranga Reddy<br />

451 Mogullavampu Yacharam (Part) Ranga Reddy<br />

452 Chowderpalle Yacharam (Part) Ranga Reddy<br />

453 Kasal Hathnoor (Part) Medak<br />

454 Doultabad Hathnoor (Part) Medak<br />

455 Mangapur Hathnoor (Part) Medak<br />

456 Nastipur Hathnoor (Part) Medak<br />

457 Macherla Hathnoor (Part) Medak<br />

458 Taherkhanpet Hathnoor (Part) Medak<br />

459 Malkapur Hathnoor (Part) Medak<br />

460 Reddikhanpur Hathnoor (Part) Medak<br />

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No.<br />

Name of the Village Mandal District<br />

461 Borpatla Hathnoor (Part) Medak<br />

462 Palapnoor Hathnoor (Part) Medak<br />

463 Gundla Machanur Hathnoor (Part) Medak<br />

464 Chandapur Hathnoor (Part) Medak<br />

465 Turkal Khanapur Hathnoor (Part) Medak<br />

466 Sadullanagar Hathnoor (Part) Medak<br />

467 Chintalcheru Hathnoor (Part) Medak<br />

468 Yellammaguda Hathnoor (Part) Medak<br />

469 Kodapak Hathnoor (Part) Medak<br />

470 Nagaram Hathnoor (Part) Medak<br />

471 Shairkhanpalle Hathnoor (Part) Medak<br />

472 Royyapalle Hathnoor (Part) Medak<br />

473 Akwanchaguda Hathnoor (Part) Medak<br />

474 Lakshmapur Jinnaram Medak<br />

475 Kothapalle Jinnaram Medak<br />

476 Pyaranagar Jinnaram Medak<br />

477 Nallavalli Jinnaram Medak<br />

478 Mambapur Jinnaram Medak<br />

479 Anantharam Jinnaram Medak<br />

480 Kanukunta Jinnaram Medak<br />

481 Dacharam Jinnaram Medak<br />

482 Gummadidala Jinnaram Medak<br />

483 Bonthapalle Jinnaram Medak<br />

484 Domadugu Jinnaram Medak<br />

485 Gadda Potharam Jinnaram Medak<br />

486 Annaram Jinnaram Medak<br />

487 Vailal Jinnaram Medak<br />

488 Jinnaram Jinnaram Medak<br />

489 Palem Jinnaram Medak<br />

490 Mangampet Jinnaram Medak<br />

491 Ootla Jinnaram Medak<br />

492 Solakpalle Jinnaram Medak<br />

493 Amdoor Jinnaram Medak<br />

494 Sivanagar Jinnaram Medak<br />

495 Kodakanchi Jinnaram Medak<br />

496 Puttaguda Jinnaram Medak<br />

497 Nalthur Jinnaram Medak<br />

498 Madharam Jinnaram Medak<br />

499 Kishtaipalle Jinnaram Medak<br />

500 Chetlapotharam Jinnaram Medak<br />

501 Khazipalle Jinnaram Medak<br />

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Sr.<br />

No.<br />

Name of the Village Mandal District<br />

502 Bollaram Jinnaram Medak<br />

503 Banda Thimmapur Mulugu Medak<br />

504 Kokkonda Mulugu Medak<br />

505 Srirampur Mulugu Medak<br />

506 Singannaguda Mulugu Medak<br />

507 Narsapur Mulugu Medak<br />

508 Tuniki Bollaram Mulugu Medak<br />

509 Lakshmakkapalle Mulugu Medak<br />

510 Mulugu Mulugu Medak<br />

511 Thanedharpalle Mulugu Medak<br />

512 Bhilampur Mulugu Medak<br />

513 Mamidial Mulugu Medak<br />

514 Markoor Mulugu Medak<br />

515 Damarakunta Mulugu Medak<br />

516 Karkapatla Mulugu Medak<br />

517 Kothial Mulugu Medak<br />

518 Aliabad (Adivimasjid) Mulugu Medak<br />

519 Narsampalle Mulugu Medak<br />

520 Mustafaguda Mulugu Medak<br />

521 Chilla Sagar Mulugu Medak<br />

522 Gangadharpalle Mulugu Medak<br />

523 Zapthi Singaipalle Mulugu Medak<br />

524 Chinna Thimmapur Mulugu Medak<br />

525 Achaipalle Mulugu Medak<br />

526 Dasarlapalle Mulugu Medak<br />

527 Baswapuram Mulugu Medak<br />

528 Kothur Mulugu Medak<br />

529 Banda Mailaram Mulugu Medak<br />

530 Ahmednagar Narsapur Medak<br />

531 Ibrahimbad Narsapur Medak<br />

532 Admapur Narsapur Medak<br />

533 Jakkupalle Narsapur Medak<br />

534 Chippalturthi Narsapur Medak<br />

535 Nagulpalle Narsapur Medak<br />

536 Moosapet Narsapur Medak<br />

537 Mohammadabad Narsapur Medak<br />

538 Manthoor Narsapur Medak<br />

539 Reddipalle Narsapur Medak<br />

540 Khazipet Narsapur Medak<br />

541 Tujalpur Narsapur Medak<br />

542 Thirmalapur Narsapur Medak<br />

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Sr.<br />

No.<br />

Name of the Village Mandal District<br />

543 Gollapalle Narsapur Medak<br />

544 Brahmanpalle Narsapur Medak<br />

545 Lingapur Narsapur Medak<br />

546 Achampet Narsapur Medak<br />

547 Hanmanthapur Narsapur Medak<br />

548 Malparthi Narsapur Medak<br />

549 Narayanpur Narsapur Medak<br />

550 Chinna Chintakunta Narsapur Medak<br />

551 Pedda Chintakunta Narsapur Medak<br />

552 Sitarampur Narsapur Medak<br />

553 Rustumpet Narsapur Medak<br />

554 Ramachandrapur Narsapur Medak<br />

555 Tuljarampet Narsapur Medak<br />

556 Awancha Narsapur Medak<br />

557 Yellapur Narsapur Medak<br />

558 Madapur Narsapur Medak<br />

559 Narsapur Narsapur Medak<br />

560 Kondapur Narsapur Medak<br />

561 Kagazmaddur Narsapur Medak<br />

562 Naimatullaguda Narsapur Medak<br />

563 Nathinoipalle Narsapur Medak<br />

564 Darmaram Narsapur Medak<br />

565 Rudraram Patancheruvu Medak<br />

566 Lakdaram Patancheruvu Medak<br />

567 Chinnakanjerla Patancheruvu Medak<br />

568 Peddakanjerla Patancheruvu Medak<br />

569 Wadakpalle Patancheruvu Medak<br />

570 Indresham Patancheruvu Medak<br />

571 Inole Patancheruvu Medak<br />

572 Bachuguda Patancheruvu Medak<br />

573 Chikul Patancheruvu Medak<br />

574 Isnapur Patancheruvu Medak<br />

575 Pashamylaram Patancheruvu Medak<br />

576 Kyasaram Patancheruvu Medak<br />

577 Bhanoor Patancheruvu Medak<br />

578 Nandigaon Patancheruvu Medak<br />

579 Sultanpur Patancheruvu Medak<br />

580 Krishnareddipet Patancheruvu Medak<br />

581 Rameshwar Banda Patancheruvu Medak<br />

582 Patighanpur Patancheruvu Medak<br />

583 Kardanur Patancheruvu Medak<br />

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Sr.<br />

No.<br />

Name of the Village Mandal District<br />

584 Muthangi Patancheruvu Medak<br />

585 Pocharam Patancheruvu Medak<br />

586 Rendlagudda Patancheruvu Medak<br />

587 Iylapur Patancheruvu Medak<br />

588 Ameenapur Patancheruvu Medak<br />

589 Tellapur Ramachandrapuram Medak<br />

590 Osman Nagar Ramachandrapuram Medak<br />

591 Kollur Ramachandrapuram Medak<br />

592 Edulanagulapalle Ramachandrapuram Medak<br />

593 Vellmella Ramachandrapuram Medak<br />

594 Chintalpalle Sangareddy Medak<br />

595 Nagapur Sangareddy Medak<br />

596 Tadlapalle Sangareddy Medak<br />

597 Kulabgoor Sangareddy Medak<br />

598 Fasalwada Sangareddy Medak<br />

599 Ismailkahnpet Sangareddy Medak<br />

600 Arutla Sangareddy Medak<br />

601 Chidruppa Sangareddy Medak<br />

602 Byathole Sangareddy Medak<br />

603 Edthanur Sangareddy Medak<br />

604 Mamidipalle Sangareddy Medak<br />

605 Koulampet Sangareddy Medak<br />

606 Kandi Sangareddy Medak<br />

607 Mohammad Shapur Sangareddy Medak<br />

608 Pothreddipalle Sangareddy Medak<br />

609 Kothlapur Sangareddy Medak<br />

610 Utharpalle Sangareddy Medak<br />

611 Maktha Allor Sangareddy Medak<br />

612 Kalvemula Sangareddy Medak<br />

613 Kasipur Sangareddy Medak<br />

614 Cheriyal Sangareddy Medak<br />

615 Inderkaran Sangareddy Medak<br />

616 Eddumailaram Sangareddy Medak<br />

617 Julkal Sangareddy Medak<br />

618 Topkonda Sangareddy Medak<br />

619 Irigipalle Sangareddy Medak<br />

620 Kalvaboor Sangareddy Medak<br />

621 Lingojiguda Shivampet Medak<br />

622 Allipur Shivampet Medak<br />

623 Pambanda Shivampet Medak<br />

624 Pothula Boguda Shivampet Medak<br />

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Sr.<br />

No.<br />

Name of the Village Mandal District<br />

625 Konthanpalle Shivampet Medak<br />

626 Gundlapalle Shivampet Medak<br />

627 Shabashpalle Shivampet Medak<br />

628 Donthi Shivampet Medak<br />

629 Usirikapalle Shivampet Medak<br />

630 Edulapur Shivampet Medak<br />

631 Ratnapoor Shivampet Medak<br />

632 Kothapet Shivampet Medak<br />

633 Pillutla Shivampet Medak<br />

634 Thimmapur Shivampet Medak<br />

635 Chinnagottimukkala Shivampet Medak<br />

636 Shivampet Shivampet Medak<br />

637 Chandi Shivampet Medak<br />

638 Maqdumpur Shivampet Medak<br />

639 Gangaipalle Shivampet Medak<br />

640 Potharam Shivampet Medak<br />

641 Parkibanda Shivampet Medak<br />

642 Sikindlapur Shivampet Medak<br />

643 Bijilipur Shivampet Medak<br />

644 Gomaram Shivampet Medak<br />

645 Pedda Gottimukkala Shivampet Medak<br />

646 Chennapur Shivampet Medak<br />

647 Nawabpet Shivampet Medak<br />

648 Vattur Tupran Medak<br />

649 Jhandapalle Tupran Medak<br />

650 Nagulapalle Tupran Medak<br />

651 Islampur Tupran Medak<br />

652 Datarpalle Tupran Medak<br />

653 Gundareddipalle Tupran Medak<br />

654 Malkapur Tupran Medak<br />

Konaipalle<br />

Tupran Medak<br />

655 (Pattibegampet)<br />

656 Venktaipalle Tupran Medak<br />

657 Kistapur Tupran Medak<br />

658 Yavapur Tupran Medak<br />

659 Hussainpur Tupran Medak<br />

660 Tupran Tupran Medak<br />

661 Padalpalle Tupran Medak<br />

662 Brahmanapalle Tupran Medak<br />

Venkatapur<br />

Tupran Medak<br />

663 (Pattitupran)<br />

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Sr.<br />

No.<br />

Name of the Village Mandal District<br />

664 Ravelli Tupran Medak<br />

665 Ghanpur Tupran Medak<br />

666 Immapur Tupran Medak<br />

667 Allapur Tupran Medak<br />

668 Lingareddipet Tupran Medak<br />

669 Palat Tupran Medak<br />

670 Ramaipalle Tupran Medak<br />

Venkatapur<br />

Tupran Medak<br />

671 Agraharam<br />

672 Dharmarajpalle Tupran Medak<br />

673 Chatla Gouraram Tupran Medak<br />

Konaipalle (Patti Tupran Medak<br />

674 Tupran)<br />

675 Manoharabad Tupran Medak<br />

676 Majeedpally (N.K) Tupran Medak<br />

677 Jeedipalle Tupran Medak<br />

678 Kucharam Tupran Medak<br />

679 Kondapur Tupran Medak<br />

680 Muppi Reddy Palle Tupran Medak<br />

681 Rangaipalle Tupran Medak<br />

682 Kallakal Tupran Medak<br />

683 Narsampalle Wargal Medak<br />

684 Nacharam Wargal Medak<br />

685 Majidpalle Wargal Medak<br />

686 Mentur Wargal Medak<br />

687 Jabbapur Wargal Medak<br />

688 Mylaram Wargal Medak<br />

689 Kondaipalle Wargal Medak<br />

690 Singaipalle Wargal Medak<br />

691 Pamulaparthi Wargal Medak<br />

692 Gouraram Wargal Medak<br />

693 Wargal Wargal Medak<br />

694 Govindapur Wargal Medak<br />

695 Girmapur Wargal Medak<br />

696 Madharam Wargal Medak<br />

697 Chandapur Wargal Medak<br />

698 Veluru Wargal Medak<br />

699 Ananthagiripalle Wargal Medak<br />

700 Ramachandrapur Wargal Medak<br />

701 Sitarampalle Wargal Medak<br />

702 Amberpet Wargal Medak<br />

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No.<br />

Name of the Village Mandal District<br />

703 Shakaram Wargal Medak<br />

704 Tunkikhalasa Wargal Medak<br />

705 Tunki Makta Wargal Medak<br />

Meenji pally (Meenaji Wargal Medak<br />

706 Peta)<br />

707 Veligerla Farooqnagar (Part) MahaboobNagar<br />

708 Suryaraoguda Farooqnagar (Part) Mahaboobnagar<br />

709 Koddannaguda Farooqnagar (Part) Mahaboobnagar<br />

710 Buchiguda Farooqnagar (Part) Mahaboobnagar<br />

711 Dooskal Farooqnagar (Part) Mahaboobnagar<br />

712 Chetanpalle Farooqnagar (Part) Mahaboobnagar<br />

Farooqnagar<br />

Farooqnagar (Part) Mahaboobnagar<br />

713 (Shadnagar)<br />

714 Alisasbguda Farooqnagar (Part) Mahaboobnagar<br />

715 Nagulapalle Farooqnagar (Part) Mahaboobnagar<br />

716 Elkatha Farooqnagar (Part) Mahaboobnagar<br />

717 Mogalgidda Farooqnagar (Part) Mahaboobnagar<br />

718 Rangasamudram Farooqnagar (Part) Mahaboobnagar<br />

719 Edulapalle Kothur Mahaboobnagar<br />

720 Mamidpalle Kothur Mahaboobnagar<br />

721 Chegur Kothur Mahaboobnagar<br />

722 Mallapur Kothur Mahaboobnagar<br />

723 Gudur Kothur Mahaboobnagar<br />

724 Kothur Kothur Mahaboobnagar<br />

725 Thimmapur Kothur Mahaboobnagar<br />

726 Theegapur Kothur Mahaboobnagar<br />

727 Veerlapalle Kothur Mahaboobnagar<br />

728 Nandigama Kothur Mahaboobnagar<br />

729 Penjerla Kothur Mahaboobnagar<br />

730 Onmulnarva Kothur Mahaboobnagar<br />

731 Khajiguda Kothur Mahaboobnagar<br />

732 Kodicherla Kothur Mahaboobnagar<br />

733 Seriguda Bhadraiplle Kothur Mahaboobnagar<br />

734 Siddapur Kothur Mahaboobnagar<br />

735 Rayarao Pet Bibinagar Nalgonda<br />

736 Jameelapet Bibinagar Nalgonda<br />

737 Jiya Palle Bibinagar Nalgonda<br />

738 Mahadevpur Bibinagar Nalgonda<br />

739 Kondamadugu Bibinagar Nalgonda<br />

740 Jain Palle Bibinagar Nalgonda<br />

741 Gudur Bibinagar Nalgonda<br />

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Sr.<br />

No.<br />

Name of the Village Mandal District<br />

742 Annampatla Bibinagar Nalgonda<br />

743 Bibinagar Bibinagar Nalgonda<br />

744 Rangapur Bibinagar Nalgonda<br />

745 Bagdayara Bibinagar Nalgonda<br />

746 Nemarugomula Bibinagar Nalgonda<br />

747 Padamati Somaram Bibinagar Nalgonda<br />

748 Raheem Khanguda Bibinagar Nalgonda<br />

749 Brahmana Palle Bibinagar Nalgonda<br />

750 Maqdoom Palle Bibinagar Nalgonda<br />

751 Ravi Pahad Bibinagar Nalgonda<br />

752 Madharam Bibinagar Nalgonda<br />

753 Jam Palle Bibinagar Nalgonda<br />

754 Surraiadandi Bibinagar Nalgonda<br />

755 Chinaraval Palle Bibinagar Nalgonda<br />

756 Raghavapur Bibinagar Nalgonda<br />

757 Rudra Velly Bibinagar Nalgonda<br />

758 Venkiryal Bibinagar Nalgonda<br />

759 Anantharam (Maktha) Bibinagar Nalgonda<br />

760 China Parvathapur Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda<br />

761 Thimmapuram Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda<br />

762 Boin Palle Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda<br />

763 Somajipalle Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda<br />

764 Muneerabad Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda<br />

765 Bandakindipalle Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda<br />

766 Thumkunta Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda<br />

767 Jalalpur Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda<br />

768 Pyararam Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda<br />

769 Solipeta Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda<br />

770 Cheekatimamidi Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda<br />

771 Maryala Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda<br />

772 Malyala Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda<br />

773 Yavapur Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda<br />

774 Rangapuram Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda<br />

775 Ramlingampalle Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda<br />

776 Pedda Parvathapur Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda<br />

777 Bommalaramaram Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda<br />

778 Tirumalagiri Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda<br />

779 Naginenipalle Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda<br />

780 Maisireddypalle Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda<br />

781 Hazipur Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda<br />

782 Mailaram Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda<br />

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Sr.<br />

No.<br />

Name of the Village Mandal District<br />

783 Medipalle Bommala Ramaram Nalgonda<br />

784 Tajpur Buvanagiri Nalgonda<br />

785 Hanmapur Buvanagiri Nalgonda<br />

786 Wadaparthi Buvanagiri Nalgonda<br />

787 Timmapur Buvanagiri Nalgonda<br />

788 Baswapur Buvanagiri Nalgonda<br />

789 Rayagiri (Rural) Buvanagiri Nalgonda<br />

790 Kesaram Buvanagiri Nalgonda<br />

791 Kunoor Buvanagiri Nalgonda<br />

792 Chandupatla Buvanagiri Nalgonda<br />

793 Cheemala Kondur Buvanagiri Nalgonda<br />

794 Mustyalapalle Buvanagiri Nalgonda<br />

795 Veeravelly Buvanagiri Nalgonda<br />

796 Banda Somaram Buvanagiri Nalgonda<br />

797 Gouse Nagar Buvanagiri Nalgonda<br />

798 Yerrampalle Buvanagiri Nalgonda<br />

799 Tukkapur Buvanagiri Nalgonda<br />

800 Ramachandrapur Buvanagiri Nalgonda<br />

801 Penchikala Pahad Buvanagiri Nalgonda<br />

802 Anantharam (Rural) Buvanagiri Nalgonda<br />

803 Pagidi Palle Buvanagiri Nalgonda<br />

804 Bommai Palle Buvanagiri Nalgonda<br />

805 Anajipur Buvanagiri Nalgonda<br />

806 Nandanam Buvanagiri Nalgonda<br />

807 Nagireddi Palle Buvanagiri Nalgonda<br />

808 Bollepalle Buvanagiri Nalgonda<br />

809 Surepalle Buvanagiri Nalgonda<br />

810 Tupranpet Choutuppal Nalgonda<br />

811 Malkapur Choutuppal Nalgonda<br />

812 Khairathpur Choutuppal Nalgonda<br />

813 Yellagiri Choutuppal Nalgonda<br />

814 Lakkaram Choutuppal Nalgonda<br />

815 Choutuppal Choutuppal Nalgonda<br />

816 Chinna Kondur Choutuppal Nalgonda<br />

817 Nelapatla Choutuppal Nalgonda<br />

818 Jaikesaram Choutuppal Nalgonda<br />

Swamulavari<br />

Choutuppal Nalgonda<br />

819 Lingotam<br />

820 Panthangi Choutuppal Nalgonda<br />

821 Lingojiguda Choutuppal Nalgonda<br />

822 Tallasingaram Choutuppal Nalgonda<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 106

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Sr.<br />

No.<br />

Name of the Village Mandal District<br />

823 Tangadpalle Choutuppal Nalgonda<br />

824 Devalammanagaram Choutuppal Nalgonda<br />

825 Allapur Choutuppal Nalgonda<br />

826 Peepal Pahad Choutuppal Nalgonda<br />

827 Pochampally Pochampally Nalgonda<br />

828 Jalalpur Pochampally Nalgonda<br />

829 Revanpally Pochampally Nalgonda<br />

830 Gousekonda Pochampally Nalgonda<br />

831 Ramalingampally Pochampally Nalgonda<br />

832 Abdullanagar Pochampally Nalgonda<br />

833 Indriyala Pochampally Nalgonda<br />

834 Mukthapur Pochampally Nalgonda<br />

835 Juloor Pochampally Nalgonda<br />

836 Alinagar Pochampally Nalgonda<br />

837 Jagathpally Pochampally Nalgonda<br />

838 Deshmukhi Pochampally Nalgonda<br />

839 Pillaipalli Pochampally Nalgonda<br />

840 Kapuraipally Pochampally Nalgonda<br />

841 Peddaravalpally Pochampally Nalgonda<br />

842 Dharmareddypally Pochampally Nalgonda<br />

843 Vankamamidi Pochampally Nalgonda<br />

844 Dantur Pochampally Nalgonda<br />

845 Kanumukkala Pochampally Nalgonda<br />

846 Bhemanapally Pochampally Nalgonda<br />

847 Meharnagar Pochampally Nalgonda<br />

848 Hyderpur Pochampally Nalgonda<br />

849 Jublakpally Pochampally Nalgonda<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 107

5.5. ANNEXURE V<br />

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />


Table 5.2: List of settlements falling in Residential use zone 1 – R1 (Extended area of HUDA)<br />

Sr.No District Mandal Revenue village Settlement<br />

1 Ibrahimpatnam Ibrahimpatnam Chinthapallyguda Seriguda<br />

2 Rangareddy Hayathnagar Turur Brahmanapalli<br />

3 Rangareddy Hayathnagar Timmaiguda Timmaiguda<br />

4 Rangareddy Hayathnagar Abdullapur Abdullapur<br />

5 Rangareddy Hayathnagar Bacharam Bacharam<br />

6 Rangareddy Hayathnagar Baljaguda Baljiguda<br />

7 Rangareddy Hayathnagar Batasingaram Koiaguda<br />

8 Rangareddy Hayathnagar Batasingaram Batasingaram<br />

9 Rangareddy Hayathnagar Batasingaram Jufarguda<br />

10 Rangareddy Hayathnagar Inamguda Inamguda<br />

11 Rangareddy Hayathnagar Inamguda Abdullapurmettu<br />

12 Rangareddy Hayathnagar Kawadipalle Kawadipalle<br />

13 Rangareddy Hayathnagar Koheda Upparguda<br />

14 Rangareddy Hayathnagar Koheda Koheda<br />

15 Rangareddy Hayathnagar Koheda Gandichru<br />

16 Rangareddy Hayathnagar Koheda Umarkhanguda<br />

17 Rangareddy Hayathnagar Mazidpur Masjidpur<br />

18 Rangareddy Hayathnagar Pasumamula Pasumamula<br />

19 Rangareddy Hayathnagar Pillipuram Piglipur<br />

20 Rangareddy Hayathnagar Surmaiguda Surmaiguda<br />

21 Rangareddy Hayathnagar Tharamatipet Taramatipet<br />

22 Rangareddy Haythnagar Turur Turur<br />

23 Rangareddy Haythnagar Gaurelli Gaurelli<br />

24 Rangareddy Haythnagar Abdullapur Harrjanawada<br />

25 Rangareddy Haythnagar Laskerguda Lashkarguda<br />

26 Rangareddy Haythnagar Pasamamula Kalanagar colony<br />

27 Rangareddy Haythnagar Tharamatipet Saddupalli<br />

28 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Chintapalliguda Chintapalliguda<br />

29 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Chinthapallyguda Malsetiguda<br />

30 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Ibrahimpatnam Ramdaspallli<br />

31 Rangareddy Maheshwaram Amirpet Naliacheru tanda<br />

32 Rangareddy Maheshwaram Gangaram Ganmgaram tanda<br />

33 Rangareddy Maheshwaram Gangaram Mailarbavi tanda<br />

34 Rangareddy Maheshwaram Maheswaram Kotta tanda<br />

35 Rangareddy Maheshwaram Maheswaram Uppugadda tanda<br />

36 Rangareddy Maheshwaram Maheswaram Kavaionibayi tanda<br />

37 Rangareddy Maheshwaram Nagaram Paramidkancha tanda<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 108

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Sr.No District Mandal Revenue village Settlement<br />

38 Rangareddy Maheshwaram Nagaram Kambamena tanda<br />

39 Rangareddy Maheshwaram Peddapulinagar Endugulacheruvu tanda<br />

40 Rangareddy Maheswaram Ameerpet Ameerpet<br />

41 Rangareddy Maheswaram Chinnatupra Chinnatupra<br />

42 Rangareddy Maheswaram Chinnatupra Peddamma tanda<br />

43 Rangareddy Maheswaram Dabilguda Dabilguda<br />

44 Rangareddy Maheswaram Gangaram Gangaram<br />

45 Rangareddy Maheswaram Gollor Gollor<br />

46 Rangareddy Maheswaram Gollor Bhagrathagude<br />

47 Rangareddy Maheswaram Gollor Habibullaguda<br />

48 Rangareddy Maheswaram Kalwakole Mankammaguda<br />

49 Rangareddy Maheswaram Kalwakole Kottakapubasti<br />

50 Rangareddy Maheswaram Maheswaram Maheswaram<br />

51 Rangareddy Maheswaram Mansanpalle Mansanpalle<br />

52 Rangareddy Maheswaram Nagireddipalle Nagreddipalli<br />

53 Rangareddy Maheswaram Nagireddipalle Nagreddipalli tanda<br />

54 Rangareddy Maheswaram Nandipalle Nandipalli<br />

55 Rangareddy Maheswaram Peddapulinagaram Nagwaram<br />

56 Rangareddy Maheswaram Pendyal Pendyal<br />

57 Rangareddy Maheswaram Pendyal Ramchandraguda<br />

58 Rangareddy Maheswaram Sigilipuram Sigilipuram<br />

59 Rangareddy Medchal Ravalkola Ravalkola<br />

60 Rangareddy Medchal Ravalkola Rawalkol tanda<br />

61 Rangareddy Shamshabad Peddatupra Peddatupra<br />

62 Rangareddy Shamshabad Peddatupra Pedda tupra tanda<br />

63 Rangareddy Shamshabad Peddatupra Rasidgadda tanda<br />

64 Rangareddy Shamshabad Peddatupra Kotta kapubasti<br />

65 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Kondakal Seriguda<br />

66 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Kondakal Vollabharayunigutta tanda<br />

67 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Shankarpalle Shankarpalle<br />

68 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Singapur Singapur<br />

69 Medak Jinnaram * Jankampet<br />

70 Medak Jinnaram * Alinagar<br />

71 Medak Jinnaram Chetlapotharam Chetlapotharam<br />

72 Medak Patancheruvu Bachuguda Bachguda<br />

73 Medak Patancheruvu Bhanoor Bhanoor<br />

74 Medak Patancheruvu Bhanoor Kancherlaguda<br />

75 Medak Patancheruvu Chikul Chitkul<br />

76 Medak Patancheruvu Indresham Indresham<br />

77 Medak Patancheruvu Inole Inole<br />

78 Medak Patancheruvu Kyasaram Kyasaram<br />

79 Medak Patancheruvu Lakdaram Lakdaram<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 109

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Sr.No District Mandal Revenue village Settlement<br />

80 Medak Patancheruvu Nandigaon Nandigaon<br />

81 Medak Patancheruvu Pashamylaram Mailaram<br />

82 Medak Patancheruvu Rudraram Isnapur<br />

83 Medak Patancheruvu Rudraram Rudrawaram<br />

84 Medak Patancheruvu Vadagupalli Vadagupalli<br />

85 Medak Sangareddy Eddumailaram Eddumailaram<br />

86 Medak Sangareddy Edthanur Eppulagadda tanda<br />

87 Medak Sangareddy Inderkaran Inderkaran<br />

88 Medak Sangareddy Mamidipalle Koyyagunda tanda<br />

89 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Kothur Kothur<br />

90 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Kothur Kummariguda<br />

91 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Kothur Fatimapur<br />

92 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Kothur Narsappaguda<br />

93 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Kothur Sudhapal tando<br />

94 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Nandigama Rangapur<br />

95 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Nandigama Jagoniguda<br />

96 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Nandigama Antareddiguda<br />

97 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Nandigama Rangapur tanda<br />

98 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Nandigama Vampu tanda<br />

99 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Nandigama Myakaguda<br />

100 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Nandigama Saluwandraguda<br />

101 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Theegapur Theegapur<br />

102 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Thimmapur Timmapur<br />

103 Nalgonda Bibinagar Bagdayara Nemargomla<br />

104 Nalgonda Choutupaal Tupranpet Tupurampeta<br />

Note: * Cadastral data is not yet available<br />

Note: List of settlements to be read with proposed landuse plan.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 110

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Table 5.3: List of settlements falling in Residential use zone 1 – R1 (Erstwhile HUDA & HADA area))<br />

Sr.No District Mandal Revenue Village Settlement<br />

1 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Bongulur Bonguluru<br />

2 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Bongulur Ganganagar<br />

3 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Ferozguda Sahibguda<br />

4 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Ferozguda Settlement<br />

5 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Kongarakalan Kongarakalan<br />

6 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Kongarakalan Kongarakalan<br />

7 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Mangalpally Kadirabad<br />

8 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Mangalpally Mangalpalli<br />

9 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Mangalpally Patelguda<br />

10 Rangareddy Maheshwaram Kongarakhurd Kongara<br />

11 Rangareddy Maheshwaram Kongarakhurd Nimmaguda<br />

12 Rangareddy Maheshwaram Mankal Harshaguda<br />

13 Rangareddy Maheshwaram Mankal Mankal<br />

14 Rangareddy Maheshwaram Mankal Tukkuguda<br />

15 Rangareddy Maheshwaram Raviryal Jannaiguda<br />

16 Rangareddy Maheshwaram Srinagar Imamguda<br />

17 Rangareddy Maheshwaram Srinagar Srinagar<br />

18 Rangareddy Moinabad Doswada Doswada<br />

19 Rangareddy Shamshabad Bahadurguda Bahadurguda<br />

20 Rangareddy Shamshabad Cherlaguda Settlement<br />

21 Rangareddy Shamshabad Choudary Guda Chaudariguda<br />

22 Rangareddy Shamshabad Ghaseeguda Ghaseeguda<br />

23 Rangareddy Shamshabad Golcond Khurd Golconda Khurd<br />

24 Rangareddy Shamshabad Golconda Kalan Golconda Kalan<br />

25 Rangareddy Shamshabad Hamedulla Nagar Hamedullahnagar<br />

26 Rangareddy Shamshabad Jukal Jukal<br />

27 Rangareddy Shamshabad K.B. Doddi K.B.Doddi<br />

28 Rangareddy Shamshabad Kacharam Kacharam<br />

29 Rangareddy Shamshabad Kaveliguda Kaveliguda<br />

30 Rangareddy Shamshabad Kotwal Guda Kotwalguda<br />

31 Rangareddy Shamshabad Kurra Malkaram Kurramalkaram<br />

32 Rangareddy Shamshabad Madanpally Gachbavadi<br />

33 Rangareddy Shamshabad Madanpally Madanapalli<br />

34 Rangareddy Shamshabad Muchintal Muchintal<br />

35 Rangareddy Shamshabad Nanaji Puram Nanajipuram<br />

36 Rangareddy Shamshabad Narkoda Kavvaguda<br />

37 Rangareddy Shamshabad Narkoda Narkoda<br />

38 Rangareddy Shamshabad Palmakul Mekalabanda<br />

39 Rangareddy Shamshabad Palmakul Palmakul<br />

40 Rangareddy Shamshabad Palmakul Pillamguda<br />

41 Rangareddy Shamshabad Palmakul Tanda<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 111

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Sr.No District Mandal Revenue Village Settlement<br />

42 Rangareddy Shamshabad Peddashahpur Burujuguda<br />

43 Rangareddy Shamshabad Peddashahpur Lambadi<br />

44 Rangareddy Shamshabad Peddashahpur Peddashahpur<br />

45 Rangareddy Shamshabad Ramajipur Boluguda<br />

46 Rangareddy Shamshabad Ramajipur Ramajipur<br />

47 Rangareddy Shamshabad Rayanna Guda Rayannaguda<br />

48 Rangareddy Shamshabad Sanghiguda Sanghiguda<br />

49 Rangareddy Shamshabad Sankarapuram Shankarapuram<br />

50 Rangareddy Shamshabad Shamsha Bad Hariguda<br />

51 Rangareddy Shamshabad Shamsha Bad Rallaguda<br />

52 Rangareddy Shamshabad Sultanpally Sultanpalli<br />

53 Rangareddy Shamshabad Tondapally Tondapalli<br />

Note: List of settlements to be read with proposed landuse plan.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 112

5.6. ANNEXURE VI<br />

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />


Table 5.4:List of settlements falling in Residential use zone 2- R2<br />

Sr.<br />

Revenue<br />

No District Mandal Village Settlement Urban Nodes<br />

Farooqnaga<br />

1 Mahaboobnagar Farooqnagar Farooqnagar Shadnagar r 1<br />

2 Mahaboobnagar Farooqnagar Farooqnagar Faruqnagar<br />

3 Mahaboobnagar Farooqnagar Nagulapalle Nagulapalle<br />

4 Mahaboobnagar Farooqnagar Chatanpalle Chatanpalle<br />

Mohammadaligu<br />

5 Mahaboobnagar Farooqnagar Elkatha a<br />

Rasamallegude<br />

6 Mahaboobnagar Farooqnagar Nagulapalle m<br />

7 Mahaboobnagar Farooqnagar Chatanpalle Lingareddiguda<br />

8 Rangareddy Shabad Shabad Shahbad Shahbad 2<br />

9 Rangareddy Shabad Shabad Patelgudem<br />

10 Rangareddy Shabad Shabad Kummarguda<br />

11 Rangareddy Chevella Chevella Chevella Chevella 3<br />

12 Medak Sangareddy Sangareddy Sangareddy Sangareddy 4<br />

13 Medak Sangareddy Sangareddy Rajampet<br />

14 Medak Sangareddy Kalvakunta Kalvakunta<br />

15 Medak Sangareddy Pothreddipalle Potireddipalli<br />

16 Medak Tupran Jeedipalle Jeedipalle Jeedipalle 5<br />

17 Medak Tupran Kuncharam Kuncharam<br />

18 Medak Tupran Manoharabad Dandupalli<br />

19 Medak Tupran Manoharabad Manoharabad<br />

20 Medak Tupran Tupran Tupran Tupran 6<br />

21 Medak Tupran Ravelli Ravelli<br />

22 Medak Tupran Lingareddipet Lingareddipet<br />

23 Medak Tupran Tupran Abothpalli<br />

24 Medak Tupran Ravelli Potrajpalli<br />

25 Nalgonda Bibinagar Bibinagar Bibinagar Bibinagar 7<br />

26 Nalgonda Bibinagar Gudur Gudur<br />

Raheemkhang Raheemkhangu<br />

27 Nalgonda Bibinagar uda<br />

da<br />

28 Nalgonda Bibinagar Rangapur Rangapuram<br />

29 Nalgonda Bibinagar Annampatla<br />

Brahmana<br />

Annampatla<br />

30 Nalgonda Bibinagar Palle Yapagani Tanda Bibinagar<br />

31 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Buvanagiri Buvanagiri Buvanagiri 8<br />

32 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Buvanagiri Hasanbad<br />

33 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Rayagiri Yusuinagar<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 113

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Sr.<br />

Revenue<br />

No District Mandal Village Settlement Urban Nodes<br />

34 Nalgonda Choutuppal Malkapur Malkapur Malkapur 9<br />

35 Nalgonda Choutuppal Khairathpur Khairathpur<br />

36 Nalgonda Choutuppal Yellagiri Yellagiri<br />

37 Nalgonda Choutupaal Malkapur Borollagudem<br />

38 Nalgonda Choutuppal Yellagiri Mukkidivanibavi<br />

39 Nalgonda Pochampally Jublakpally Antammagudem<br />

40 Nalgonda Choutuppal Choutuppal Choutuppal Choutuppal 10<br />

41 Nalgonda Choutuppal Lakkaram Lakkaram<br />

42 Nalgonda Choutuppal Choutuppal Bangarigadda<br />

Ibrahimpatna<br />

Ibrahimpatn<br />

43 Rangareddy m<br />

Ibrahimpatna<br />

Ibrahimpatnam Ibrahimpatnam am 11<br />

44 Rangareddy m Yengalaguda Yengalaguda<br />

45 Rangareddy Manchal Khanapur Khanapur<br />

Ibrahimpatna<br />

Vinobabhavnaga<br />

46 Rangareddy m Raipole r<br />

Gundelagud<br />

47 Rangareddy Maheswaram Thummaloor Gundelaguda a 12<br />

49 Rangareddy Kandukur Pulumamidi Daudguda<br />

Peddamma<br />

Daudguda 13<br />

48 Rangareddy Kandukur Pulumamidi Tanda<br />

Pochamma<br />

50 Rangareddy Kandukur Pulumamidi Tanda<br />

51 Rangareddy Kandukur Pulumamidi Banjar Tanda<br />

Note: In Pulumamidi revenue village pulumamidi settlement is not falling in the urban node 13, so<br />

the Daudguda settlement is identified spatially on the map as it is been the largest in all the other 3<br />

settlement of the Pulumamidi revenue village.<br />

Note: List of settlements to be read with proposed landuse plan.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 114

5.7. ANNEXURE VII<br />

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />


Table 5.5:List of settlements falling in Residential use zone 3 – R3<br />

Sr.<br />

Revenue<br />

No District Mandal Village Settlement Urban Centers<br />

1 Mahaboob Nagar Farooqnagar Mogalgidda Mogalgidda Mogalgidda 1<br />

2 Mahaboob Nagar Farooqnagar Mogalgidda<br />

Rangasamudra<br />

Rangadham<br />

3 Mahaboob Nagar Farooqnagar m Yallampalli<br />

4 Mahaboob Nagar Kothur Chegur Chegur<br />

Yankammag<br />

Chegur 2<br />

5 Mahaboob Nagar Kothur Chegur<br />

udem<br />

6 Mahaboob Nagar Kothur Chegur Buggoniguda<br />

7 Mahaboob Nagar Kothur Chegur Bandonjguda<br />

8 Rangareddy Shabad Tadlapalle Tadlapalle<br />

Nagaraguda<br />

Tadlapalle 3<br />

9 Rangareddy Shabad Tadlapalle m<br />

Timmareddig<br />

10 Rangareddy Shabad Tadlapalle uda<br />

11 Rangareddy Chevella Kanduwada Kanduwada<br />

Sherallakotta<br />

Kanduwada 4<br />

12 Rangareddy Chevella Kanduwada lu<br />

13 Rangareddy Chevella Kanduwada Palagutta<br />

14 Rangareddy Chevella Aloor Aloor Aloor 5<br />

15 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Dhobipet Dhobipet Dhobipet 6<br />

Isamailkhanp Isamailkhanp<br />

16 Medak Sangareddy Isamailkhanpet et<br />

et 7<br />

17 Medak Hathnoor Chintalcheru Chintalcheru Chintalcheru 8<br />

18 Medak Hathnoor Daulatabad Daulatabad Daulatabad 9<br />

19 Medak Hathnoor Daulatabad Dawalapur<br />

20 Medak Hathnoor Mangapur Mangapur<br />

21 Medak Narsapur Narsapur Narsapur<br />

Chailanyapur<br />

Narsapur 10<br />

22 Medak Narsapur Narsapur Colony<br />

23 Medak Narsapur Sitarampur Sitarampur<br />

Gummadidal Gummadidal<br />

24 Medak Jinnaram Gummadidala a<br />

a 11<br />

25 Medak Jinnaram Bonthapalle Bonthapalle<br />

26 Medak Jinnaram Domadugu Domadugu<br />

Upperagude<br />

27 Medak Jinnaram Domadugu m<br />

Virabhadran<br />

28 Medak Jinnaram Domadugu agar<br />

29 Medak Shivampet Shivampet Shivampet Shivampet 12<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 115

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Sr.<br />

Revenue<br />

No District Mandal Village Settlement Urban Centers<br />

30 Medak Shivampet Shivampet Gudur<br />

31 Medak Shivampet Donthi Donthi Donthi 13<br />

32 Medak Shivampet Maqdumpur Maqdumpur<br />

33 Medak Wargal Mentur Mentur Mentur 14<br />

34 Medak Wargal Mentur Samalapalli<br />

35 Medak Wargal Wargal Wargal Wargal 15<br />

36 Medak Mulugu Mulugu Mulug Mulug 16<br />

37 Medak Mulugu Mulugu Masanpalli<br />

38 Rangareddy Shamirpet Turkapalle Turkapalle<br />

Moraharipall<br />

Turkapalle 17<br />

39 Rangareddy Medchal Muraharipalle e<br />

Turkapalle<br />

40 Rangareddy Shamirpet Turkapalle Tanda<br />

41 Medak Mulugu Markoor Markoor<br />

Yusufkhanpa<br />

Markoor 18<br />

42 Medak Mulugu Markoor lli<br />

43 Medak Mulugu Kothial Kothial Kothial 19<br />

Bommalaramar<br />

Cheekatima Cheekatima<br />

44 Nalgonda am<br />

Bommalaramar<br />

Cheekatimamidi midi<br />

midi 20<br />

45 Nalgonda am Solipeta Solipeta<br />

Bommalaramar Bommalaramara Bommalaram Bommalaram<br />

46 Nalgonda am<br />

Bommalaramar<br />

m<br />

aram aram 21<br />

47 Nalgonda am Maryala Maryala Maryala 22<br />

Chinaravalpa Chinaravalpa<br />

48 Nalgonda Bibinagar Chinaravalpalle lle<br />

lle 23<br />

49 Nalgonda Bibinagar Chinaravalpalle Palvaigudem<br />

50 Nalgonda Bibinagar Chinaravalpalle Bhattuguda<br />

51 Nalgonda Pochampally Pochampally Pochampally Pochampally 24<br />

52 Nalgonda Pochampally Revanpally Revanpally<br />

53 Nalgonda Pochampally Pochampally Padmanagar<br />

Markandeya<br />

54 Nalgonda Pochampally Pochampally nagar<br />

Sitavanigude<br />

55 Nalgonda Pochampally Pochampally m<br />

56 Nalgonda Choutuppal Nelapatla Nelapatla Nelapatla 25<br />

57 Nalgonda Choutupaal Nelapatlla Kuntlagudem<br />

Chinnakondu Chinnakondu<br />

58 Nalgonda Choutuppal Chinnakondur r<br />

r 26<br />

59 Nalgonda Choutuppal Chinnakondur Pedda Kodur<br />

60 Nalgonda Choutupaal Chinnakondur Venkatabavi<br />

61 Nalgonda Choutuppal Panthangi Panthangi Panthangi 27<br />

62 Nalgonda Choutuppal Lingojiguda Jilleduchelka<br />

63 Ibrahimpatnam Ibrahimpatnam Dandumailaram Dandumailar Dandumailar 28<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 116

Sr.<br />

No District Mandal<br />

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Revenue<br />

Village Settlement Urban Centers<br />

am am<br />

64 Rangareddy Manchal Manchal Manchal Manchal 29<br />

65 Rangareddy Yacharam Gungal Gungal Gungal 30<br />

66 Rangareddy Yacharam Yacharam Yacharam<br />

Mogullavamp<br />

Yacharam 31<br />

67 Rangareddy Yacharam Mogullavampu u<br />

Gandlagude<br />

68 Rangareddy Yacharam Yacharam m<br />

69 Rangareddy Kandukur Meerkhanpet Mirkhanpet Mirkhanpet 32<br />

70 Rangareddy Kandukur Kandukur Kandukur Kandukur 33<br />

71 Rangareddy Kandukur Kandukur Kottaguda<br />

Muhammadn<br />

72 Rangareddy Kandukur Kandukur agar<br />

73 Rangareddy Kandukur Timmapur Rachlur Rachlur 34<br />

74 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Yeliminedu Yeliminedu Yeliminedu 35<br />

75 Rangareddy Kandukur Timmapur Jabarguda<br />

Note: List of settlements to be read with proposed landuse plan.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 117

5.8. ANNEXURE VIII<br />

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />


Table 5.6:List of settlements falling in Residential use – R4<br />

Sr.<br />

No District Mandal Revenue village Settlement<br />

1 Rangareddy Chevella Allawada Allawada<br />

2 Rangareddy Chevella Allawada Zalaguda<br />

3 Rangareddy Chevella Aloor Meddagudem<br />

4 Rangareddy Chevella Aloor Yenkannaguda<br />

5 Rangareddy Chevella Anantawaram Anantawaram<br />

6 Rangareddy Chevella Bastepur Bastipuram<br />

7 Rangareddy Chevella Chanvelli Chanvelli<br />

8 Rangareddy Chevella Chanvelli Ikkareddiguda<br />

9 Rangareddy Chevella Damergidda Damarigidda<br />

10 Rangareddy Chevella Devarampalle Devarampalle<br />

11 Rangareddy Chevella Devaniyerravalli Devaniyerravalli<br />

12 Rangareddy Chevella Gollapalle Dharmasagar<br />

13 Rangareddy Chevella Gollapalle Gollapalle<br />

14 Rangareddy Chevella Gundal Gundala<br />

15 Rangareddy Chevella Gundal Ladhhmaguda<br />

16 Rangareddy Chevella Gundal Saireddiguda<br />

17 Rangareddy Chevella Hasthepur Hasthepur<br />

18 Rangareddy Chevella Ibrahimpalle Ibrahimpalle<br />

19 Rangareddy Chevella Kammeta Gollaguda<br />

20 Rangareddy Chevella Kammeta Kammeta<br />

21 Rangareddy Chevella Kanduwada Kotata<br />

22 Rangareddy Chevella Kanduwada Malneddiguda<br />

23 Rangareddy Chevella Kanduwada Narayandasguda<br />

24 Rangareddy Chevella Kesavaram Kesavaram<br />

25 Rangareddy Chevella Khanapur Khanapur<br />

26 Rangareddy Chevella Kistapur Kistapur<br />

27 Rangareddy Chevella Kowkunta Kowkunta<br />

28 Rangareddy Chevella Kowkunta Naulaipalli<br />

29 Rangareddy Chevella Kowkunta Talaram<br />

30 Rangareddy Chevella Kummera Kummera<br />

31 Rangareddy Chevella Malkapur Malkapur<br />

32 Rangareddy Chevella Mudimyal Mudimyal<br />

33 Rangareddy Chevella Naincheru Indrareddinagar<br />

34 Rangareddy Chevella Naincheru Naincheru<br />

35 Rangareddy Chevella Nyalata Nyalatla<br />

36 Rangareddy Chevella Nyalata Ramannaguda<br />

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Sr.<br />

No District Mandal Revenue village Settlement<br />

37 Rangareddy Chevella Nyalata Singappaguda<br />

38 Rangareddy Chevella Orella Mundiyala<br />

39 Rangareddy Chevella Orella Orella<br />

40 Rangareddy Chevella Pamena Pamana<br />

41 Rangareddy Chevella Ragadghanapur Ghanapur<br />

42 Rangareddy Chevella Ravulapalle Rawulapalli<br />

43 Rangareddy Chevella Tallaram Duddagu<br />

44 Rangareddy Chevella Tangedapalle Madikattu<br />

45 Rangareddy Chevella Tangedapalle Tangadpalli<br />

46 Rangareddy Chevella Yenkepalle Yenkepalle<br />

47 Rangareddy Hayathnagar Anajpur Anajpur<br />

48 Rangareddy Hayathnagar Bandarauryal Bandarauryal<br />

49 Rangareddy Hayathnagar Bandarauryal Chinnaravirala<br />

50 Rangareddy Hayathnagar Bandarauryal Guvvaledi<br />

51 Rangareddy Hayathnagar Guntapalle Guntapalle<br />

52 Rangareddy Hayathnagar Koheda Upparguda<br />

53 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam * Charla patelguda<br />

54 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam * Karnamgudam<br />

55 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam * Sitarampet<br />

56 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam * Upparguda<br />

57 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Ibrahimpatnam Pinagudem<br />

58 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Ibrahimpatnam Sanghinagar<br />

59 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Ibrahimpatnam Vulvagutta<br />

60 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Kappapahad Kappapahad<br />

61 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Muknoor Mukunuru<br />

62 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Naganpalle Naganpalli<br />

63 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Narrepalle Nerrepalli<br />

64 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Pocharam Pocharam<br />

65 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Polkampalle Jajanibai<br />

66 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Polkampalle Manyaguda<br />

67 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Polkampalle Polkampalle<br />

68 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Toolekalan Toolekalan<br />

69 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Turkaguda Turkaguda<br />

70 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Turkaguda Yenakunta<br />

71 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Yeliminedu Metila<br />

72 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Yengalaguda Dondagudam<br />

73 Rangareddy Ibrahimpatnam Yengalaguda Raipol<br />

74 Rangareddy Kandukur * Beraguda<br />

75 Rangareddy Kandukur * Saraswatiguda<br />

76 Rangareddy Kandukur Bachupalle Bachupalle<br />

77 Rangareddy Kandukur Chippalpalle Chippalpalle<br />

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Sr.<br />

No District Mandal Revenue village Settlement<br />

78 Rangareddy Kandukur Dasarlapalle Dasarlapalle<br />

79 Rangareddy Kandukur Dasarlapalle Dharmagan tanda<br />

80 Rangareddy Kandukur Dhannaram Dhannwaram<br />

81 Rangareddy Kandukur Dubbadaguda Dabliguda<br />

82 Rangareddy Kandukur Dubbadaguda Jabargunda tanda<br />

83 Rangareddy Kandukur Gudoor Bandanadi gudur<br />

84 Rangareddy Kandukur Gudoor Gudoor<br />

85 Rangareddy Kandukur Gudoor Melargudur<br />

86 Rangareddy Kandukur Gummadavalle Gumadavellintanda<br />

87 Rangareddy Kandukur Gummadavalle Gummadavalle<br />

88 Rangareddy Kandukur Gummadavalle Konalagudam<br />

89 Rangareddy Kandukur Jaithwaram Gafoornagar<br />

90 Rangareddy Kandukur Jaithwaram Jaitaram<br />

91 Rangareddy Kandukur Kandukur N.t.r tanda<br />

92 Rangareddy Kandukur Kothur Kothur<br />

93 Rangareddy Kandukur Lemoor Agarmiyaguda<br />

94 Rangareddy Kandukur Lemoor Lemoor<br />

95 Rangareddy Kandukur Madhapur Madhapuram<br />

96 Rangareddy Kandukur Meerkhanpet Begarkanche<br />

97 Rangareddy Kandukur Meerkhanpet Malagudam<br />

98 Rangareddy Kandukur Meerkhanpet Vailkunta tanda<br />

99 Rangareddy Kandukur Mucherla Mangaligadda tanda<br />

100 Rangareddy Kandukur Mucherla Marlakunta tanda<br />

101 Rangareddy Kandukur Mucherla Mucherla<br />

102 Rangareddy Kandukur Mucherla Potubanda tanda<br />

103 Rangareddy Kandukur Mucherla Shaireddigudem<br />

104 Rangareddy Kandukur Mucherla Utrapalli<br />

105 Rangareddy Kandukur Murlinagar Murlinagar<br />

106 Rangareddy Kandukur Nednur Manyamguda<br />

107 Rangareddy Kandukur Nednur Nednoor<br />

108 Rangareddy Kandukur Panjaguda Akulamailawaram<br />

109 Rangareddy Kandukur Peruguguda Paruguda<br />

110 Rangareddy Kandukur Punumamidi Phulmamidi<br />

111 Rangareddy Kandukur Rachloor Begampet<br />

112 Rangareddy Kandukur Rachloor Gajulapurugu tanda<br />

113 Rangareddy Kandukur Rachloor Katikapalli<br />

114 Rangareddy Kandukur Rachloor Turkaguda<br />

115 Rangareddy Kandukur Sarvaravulapalle Guntalagudda tanda<br />

116 Rangareddy Kandukur Sarvaravulapalle Pochammaralu<br />

117 Rangareddy Kandukur Sarvaravulapalle Sarlapalli<br />

118 Rangareddy Kandukur Thimmaipalle Thimmaipalle<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 120

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Sr.<br />

No District Mandal Revenue village Settlement<br />

119 Rangareddy Kandukur Timmapur Timmapur<br />

120 Rangareddy Maheswaram Akanpalle Akanpalle<br />

121 Rangareddy Maheswaram Dubbacherla Dubbacherla<br />

122 Rangareddy Maheswaram Dubbacherla Kalancheru tanda<br />

123 Rangareddy Maheswaram Dubbacherla Lillipur<br />

124 Rangareddy Maheswaram Ghatpalle Ghatipalli tanda<br />

125 Rangareddy Maheswaram Ghatpalle Ghatpalle<br />

126 Rangareddy Maheswaram Kalwakole Kalwakole<br />

127 Rangareddy Maheswaram Kollapadkal Jandaguda<br />

128 Rangareddy Maheswaram Kollapadkal Kolla padkal<br />

129 Rangareddy Maheswaram Kollapadkal Seriguda bhadrapalli<br />

130 Rangareddy Maheswaram Maheswaram Dayyala tanda<br />

131 Rangareddy Maheswaram Maheswaram Kotwalcheruvu<br />

132 Rangareddy Maheswaram Maheswaram Nagujadana tanda<br />

133 Rangareddy Maheswaram Mohabatnagar Mohabatnagar<br />

134 Rangareddy Maheswaram Porandla Parandla<br />

135 Rangareddy Maheswaram Subhanpur Ayawarpalli<br />

136 Rangareddy Maheswaram Subhanpur Subhanpur<br />

137 Rangareddy Maheswaram Thummaloor Tumlur<br />

138 Rangareddy Manchal Agapalle Agapalle<br />

139 Rangareddy Manchal Chittapur Chittapuram<br />

140 Rangareddy Manchal Lingampalle Lingampalli<br />

141 Rangareddy Manchal Manorabad Manoharabad<br />

142 Rangareddy Manchal Nomula Nomula<br />

143 Rangareddy Manchal Thallapalliguda Thallapalliguda<br />

144 Rangareddy Manchal Thippaiguda Tippaigudam<br />

145 Rangareddy Medchal Ghanpur Ghanapur tanda<br />

146 Rangareddy Medchal Ghanpur Ghanpur<br />

147 Rangareddy Medchal Rajbollaram Akbarjapet<br />

148 Rangareddy Medchal Rajbollaram Raja bolarum<br />

149 Rangareddy Medchal Rajbollaram Raja bolarum tanda<br />

150 Rangareddy Medchal Ravalkola Gudem tanda<br />

151 Rangareddy Medchal Ravalkola Kasambavi tanda<br />

152 Rangareddy Medchal Yadaram Yadawaram<br />

153 Rangareddy Moinabad Amdapur Amadapuram<br />

154 Rangareddy Moinabad Amdapur Kasimbavula<br />

155 Rangareddy Moinabad Chandanagar Singappaguda<br />

156 Rangareddy Moinabad Chinnamangalaram Elkaguda<br />

157 Rangareddy Moinabad Chinnamangalaram Kuthuddinguda<br />

158 Rangareddy Moinabad Chinnamangalaram Trannapet<br />

159 Rangareddy Moinabad Chinnamangalaram Chinnamangalaram<br />

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Sr.<br />

No District Mandal Revenue village Settlement<br />

160 Rangareddy Moinabad Chinnashapur Shahpur<br />

161 Rangareddy Moinabad Kanakamamidi Appareddiguda<br />

162 Rangareddy Moinabad Kanakamamidi Kanakamamidi<br />

163 Rangareddy Moinabad Kethireddipalle Chakaligudem<br />

164 Rangareddy Moinabad Kethireddipalle Kanchamoniguda<br />

165 Rangareddy Moinabad Kethireddipalle Kethireddipalle<br />

166 Rangareddy Moinabad Medipalle Medipalle<br />

167 Rangareddy Moinabad Mothukupalle Mothukupalle<br />

168 Rangareddy Moinabad Murtuzaguda Murtuzaguda<br />

169 Rangareddy Moinabad Nakkalapalle Nakkalapalle<br />

170 Rangareddy Moinabad Nazeebnagar Nazeebnagar<br />

171 Rangareddy Moinabad Peddamangalaram Amirguda<br />

172 Rangareddy Moinabad Peddamangalaram Pedda mangalaram<br />

173 Rangareddy Moinabad Reddipalle Reddipalle<br />

174 Rangareddy Moinabad Sajjanpalle Nachammaguda<br />

175 Rangareddy Moinabad Surangal Moinabad<br />

176 Rangareddy Moinabad Surangal Surangal<br />

177 Rangareddy Moinabad Tolkatta Tolkatta<br />

178 Rangareddy Moinabad Venkatapur Venkatapuram<br />

179 Rangareddy Moinabad Yethbarpalle Etabarpalli<br />

180 Rangareddy Shabad Ananthawaram Antaram<br />

181 Rangareddy Shabad Ananthawaram Nareddiguda<br />

182 Rangareddy Shabad Bhongirpalle Bhongirpalle<br />

183 Rangareddy Shabad Bobbligam Bobbligaon<br />

184 Rangareddy Shabad Chandernvalle Chandernvalle<br />

185 Rangareddy Shabad Damerlapalle Damerlapalle<br />

186 Rangareddy Shabad Damerlapalle Lingareddiguda<br />

187 Rangareddy Shabad Damerlapalle Namdarkhanpet<br />

188 Rangareddy Shabad Damerlapalle Saireddigudda<br />

189 Rangareddy Shabad Etlaerravaly Yetla yerravalli<br />

190 Rangareddy Shabad Hayathabad Ankagudem<br />

191 Rangareddy Shabad Hayathabad Hayatabad<br />

192 Rangareddy Shabad Kakloor Kakloor<br />

193 Rangareddy Shabad Kakloor Kurvagudem<br />

194 Rangareddy Shabad Kakloor Sadarnagar<br />

195 Rangareddy Shabad Kesavaram Kesaram<br />

196 Rangareddy Shabad Komerabanda Komerabanda<br />

197 Rangareddy Shabad Machanpalle Antareddiguda<br />

198 Rangareddy Shabad Machanpalle Dusarikunta tanda<br />

199 Rangareddy Shabad Machanpalle Machanpalli<br />

200 Rangareddy Shabad Maddur Hanumanayakuni<br />

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Sr.<br />

No District Mandal Revenue village Settlement<br />

tanda<br />

201 Rangareddy Shabad Maddur Maddur<br />

202 Rangareddy Shabad Maddur Somsing tanda<br />

203 Rangareddy Shabad Manmarri Bodampahad<br />

204 Rangareddy Shabad Manmarri Manumarri<br />

205 Rangareddy Shabad Nagarkunta Dayalguda<br />

206 Rangareddy Shabad Nagarkunta Nagarakunta<br />

207 Rangareddy Shabad Obagunta Ubagunta<br />

208 Rangareddy Shabad Peddaved Peddawedu<br />

209 Rangareddy Shabad Polaram Polaram<br />

210 Rangareddy Shabad Pothugal Pothugal<br />

211 Rangareddy Shabad Regadi daswada Muktaguda<br />

212 Rangareddy Shabad Regadi daswada Regadi daswada<br />

213 Rangareddy Shabad Rudraram Deunlagudda<br />

214 Rangareddy Shabad Rudraram Rudrawaram<br />

215 Rangareddy Shabad Shabad Aspalliguda<br />

216 Rangareddy Shabad Shabad Cherlaguda<br />

217 Rangareddy Shabad Shabad Gollureguden<br />

218 Rangareddy Shabad Shabad Gopiguda<br />

219 Rangareddy Shabad Shabad Keshagudem<br />

220 Rangareddy Shabad Shabad Llgondaguda<br />

221 Rangareddy Shabad Shabad Malreddiguda<br />

222 Rangareddy Shabad Shabad Maryapur<br />

223 Rangareddy Shabad Shabad Muddemguda<br />

224 Rangareddy Shabad Shabad Sankepalliguda<br />

225 Rangareddy Shabad Shabad Seriguda<br />

226 Rangareddy Shabad Shabad Sitarampur<br />

227 Rangareddy Shabad Shabad Yerroniguda<br />

228 Rangareddy Shabad Solipet Chinna solipeta<br />

229 Rangareddy Shabad Solipet Pedda solipeta<br />

230 Rangareddy Shabad Tadlapalle Lakshmaraguda<br />

231 Rangareddy Shabad Tadlapalle Yenkammaguda<br />

232 Rangareddy Shabad Tirmalapur Jirmalapur<br />

233 Rangareddy Shamirpet Adraspalle Yadraspalli<br />

234 Rangareddy Shamirpet Aliabad Aliabad<br />

235 Rangareddy Shamirpet Anantharam Anantharam<br />

236 Rangareddy Shamirpet Hoshyarpalle Hoshyarpalle<br />

237 Rangareddy Shamirpet Jaggamguda Jaggamgudem<br />

238 Rangareddy Shamirpet Kesavapur Kesavapur<br />

239 Rangareddy Shamirpet Kesavaram Kesavaram<br />

240 Rangareddy Shamirpet Kesavaram Kesavaram tanda<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 123

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Sr.<br />

No District Mandal Revenue village Settlement<br />

241 Rangareddy Shamirpet Kothur Koltur<br />

242 Rangareddy Shamirpet Kothur Razdarkhanpet<br />

243 Rangareddy Shamirpet Lakshimapur Lakshmapur<br />

244 Rangareddy Shamirpet Lakshimapur Lakshmapur tanda<br />

245 Rangareddy Shamirpet Lalgadimalakpet Lalugadi malakpeta<br />

246 Rangareddy Shamirpet Lingapur Lingapur<br />

247 Rangareddy Shamirpet Majidpur Masjidpur<br />

248 Rangareddy Shamirpet Mooduchintalapalle Mooduchintalapalle<br />

249 Rangareddy Shamirpet Nagisettipalle Nagisettipalle<br />

250 Rangareddy Shamirpet Narayanapur Nanapur<br />

251 Rangareddy Shamirpet Ponnal Ponnal<br />

252 Rangareddy Shamirpet Potharam Potharam<br />

253 Rangareddy Shamirpet Sampanbole Sampanbole<br />

254 Rangareddy Shamirpet Uddemarri Uddemarri<br />

255 Rangareddy Shamirpet Uddemarri Yellagudem<br />

256 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Anthappaguda Anthappaguda<br />

257 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Bhulkapur Bhulkapur<br />

258 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Chandippa Chandippa<br />

259 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Chandippa Maratiguda<br />

260 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Dhobipet Amankhanguda<br />

261 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Dhobipet Bayannaguda<br />

262 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Dhobipet Chinnareddiguda<br />

263 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Dhobipet Gajulagudem<br />

264 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Dhobipet Lakhsmireddigudem<br />

265 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Donthanpalle Dontanpalli<br />

266 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Donthanpalle Pilligundia<br />

267 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Fathepoor Banglaguda<br />

268 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Fathepoor Faehpur<br />

269 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Gopularam Gopularam<br />

270 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Gopularam Maharajpet<br />

271 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Hussainipur Husainpur<br />

272 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Kondakal Kondakal<br />

273 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Kothapalle Kottapalli<br />

274 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Mokila Mokila<br />

275 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Mokila Mokila tanda<br />

276 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Parveda Kachnireddiguda<br />

277 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Parveda Kattaguda<br />

278 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Parveda Lachhireddiguda<br />

279 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Parveda Masaniguda<br />

280 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Parveda Parweda<br />

281 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Parwada Moncherlaguda<br />

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No District Mandal Revenue village Settlement<br />

282 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Parwada Yarvaguda<br />

283 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Proddutur Poddatur<br />

284 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Ramantapur Ramantapur<br />

285 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Ravalpalle Kalan Rawulapalli<br />

286 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Sankepalle Sankepalle<br />

287 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Shankarpalle Chinna shankarpalli<br />

288 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Tangutoor Tangutoor<br />

289 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Yelwarthy Kojjagudem<br />

290 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Yelwarthy Yelwarti<br />

291 Rangareddy Shankarpalle Yerlapalle Yerlapalli<br />

292 Rangareddy Yacharam Chowderpalle Chaudharpalli<br />

293 Rangareddy Yacharam Gungal Gadimallayaguda<br />

294 Rangareddy Yacharam Gungal Rangapur<br />

295 Rangareddy Yacharam Tulekhurd Bhashamwaniguda<br />

296 Rangareddy Yacharam Tulekhurd Chinatundla<br />

297 Rangareddy Yacharam Tulekhurd Dharmanaguda<br />

298 Medak Hathnoor Akwanchaguda Turkagudem<br />

299 Medak Hathnoor Bokalguda Bokalguda<br />

300 Medak Hathnoor Borpatla Bodupatla<br />

301 Medak Hathnoor Chandapur Chandapur<br />

302 Medak Hathnoor Chintalcheru Banat tanda<br />

303 Medak Hathnoor Chintalcheru Gugoiot tanda<br />

304 Medak Hathnoor Chintalcheru Guntur<br />

305 Medak Hathnoor Chintalcheru Kottagudem<br />

306 Medak Hathnoor Chintalcheru Ninawat tanda<br />

307 Medak Hathnoor Doultabad Dawalapur<br />

308 Medak Hathnoor Gundla Machanur Gandlamasnur<br />

309 Medak Hathnoor Kasal Kasal<br />

310 Medak Hathnoor Kodapak Kodapyaku<br />

311 Medak Hathnoor Konampet Konampet<br />

312 Medak Hathnoor Macherla Mucherla<br />

313 Medak Hathnoor Nagaram Naguwaram<br />

314 Medak Hathnoor Nastipur Nastepur<br />

315 Medak Hathnoor Palapnoor Palapnur<br />

316 Medak Hathnoor Reddikhanpur Reddikhanapur<br />

317 Medak Hathnoor Royyapalle Royyapalli<br />

318 Medak Hathnoor Sadullanagar Sadulanagar<br />

319 Medak Hathnoor Shairkhanpalle Sherkhanpalli<br />

320 Medak Hathnoor Taherkhanpet Tarkhanpet<br />

321 Medak Hathnoor Turkalkhanapur Malkapur<br />

322 Medak Hathnoor Turkalkhanapur Turkalkhanapur<br />

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No District Mandal Revenue village Settlement<br />

323 Medak Hathnoor Yellammaguda Ellammagudem<br />

324 Medak Hathnoor Yellammaguda Majlagudem<br />

325 Medak Hathnoor Yellammaguda Waddapalli<br />

326 Medak Jinnaram * Korlakunta<br />

327 Medak Jinnaram Amdoor Amdur<br />

328 Medak Jinnaram Amdoor Mijajigudem<br />

329 Medak Jinnaram Anantharam Anantharam<br />

330 Medak Jinnaram Annaram Annaram<br />

331 Medak Jinnaram Bonthapalle Irannagudem<br />

332 Medak Jinnaram Bonthapalle Kattakindagudem<br />

333 Medak Jinnaram Dacharam Dacharam<br />

334 Medak Jinnaram Gummadidala Dargulla<br />

335 Medak Jinnaram Jinnaram Jangampet<br />

336 Medak Jinnaram Jinnaram Jinnawaram<br />

337 Medak Jinnaram Jinnaram Narriguda<br />

338 Medak Jinnaram Jinnaram Peddammagudem<br />

339 Medak Jinnaram Kanukunta Ireddipalli<br />

340 Medak Jinnaram Kanukunta Kanukunta<br />

341 Medak Jinnaram Kanukunta Ramreddibhavi<br />

342 Medak Jinnaram Kishtaipalle Kishtaipalli<br />

343 Medak Jinnaram Kodakanchi Kodakanchi<br />

344 Medak Jinnaram Kothapalle Kottapalli<br />

345 Medak Jinnaram Kothapalle Lakshmapuram<br />

346 Medak Jinnaram Kothapalle Nallavalli<br />

347 Medak Jinnaram Kothapalle Pyaranagar<br />

348 Medak Jinnaram Madharam Dubakunta<br />

349 Medak Jinnaram Madharam Madhawaram<br />

350 Medak Jinnaram Madharam Mantrikunta<br />

351 Medak Jinnaram Mambapur Mambapur<br />

352 Medak Jinnaram Mangampet Mangapeta<br />

353 Medak Jinnaram Nalthur Naltur<br />

354 Medak Jinnaram Ootla Dadigudem<br />

355 Medak Jinnaram Ootla Utla<br />

356 Medak Jinnaram Sivanagar Sivanagar<br />

357 Medak Jinnaram Solakpalle Imamnagar<br />

358 Medak Jinnaram Solakpalle Rallakatwa<br />

359 Medak Jinnaram Solakpalle Solakampalli<br />

360 Medak Jinnaram Solakpalle Solakampalli tanda<br />

361 Medak Jinnaram Vailal Choudarguda<br />

362 Medak Jinnaram Vailal Lakshmipatiguda<br />

363 Medak Jinnaram Vailal Wailal<br />

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364 Medak Mulugu Achaipalle Achaayyapalli<br />

365 Medak Mulugu Achaipalle Tanda<br />

366 Medak Mulugu Adavimasjid Adai masjid<br />

367 Medak Mulugu Bandamailaram Banda mailaram<br />

368 Medak Mulugu Bandathimmapur Banda timmapur<br />

369 Medak Mulugu Bandathimmapur Bandathimmapur<br />

370 Medak Mulugu Baswapuram Baswapur<br />

371 Medak Mulugu Bhilampur Bhilampur<br />

372 Medak Mulugu Chillasagar Aganuti<br />

373 Medak Mulugu Chillasagar Annasagaram<br />

374 Medak Mulugu Chillasagar Chillasagram<br />

375 Medak Mulugu Chillasagar Kamalabad<br />

376 Medak Mulugu Chinnathimmapur Chinna timmapur<br />

377 Medak Mulugu Chinnathimmapur Vanti mamidi<br />

378 Medak Mulugu Damarakunta Dharmarakunta<br />

379 Medak Mulugu Damarakunta Kasireddipalli<br />

380 Medak Mulugu Dasarlapalle Dasarlapalle<br />

381 Medak Mulugu Gangadharpalle Gangadarpalli<br />

382 Medak Mulugu Karakapatla Karkupatla<br />

383 Medak Mulugu Kokkonda Agarrpalli<br />

384 Medak Mulugu Kokkonda Kokunda<br />

385 Medak Mulugu Kothial Altnagaram<br />

386 Medak Mulugu Kothur Koltur<br />

387 Medak Mulugu Lakshmakkapalle Lakshmakkapalle<br />

388 Medak Mulugu Mamidial Mamidial<br />

389 Medak Mulugu Markoor Bavanandapuram<br />

390 Medak Mulugu Markoor Gangapur<br />

391 Medak Mulugu Mulugu Nagireddipalli<br />

392 Medak Mulugu Narasampalle Narsampalli<br />

393 Medak Mulugu Narsapur Narsapur<br />

394 Medak Mulugu Singannaguda Singannaguda<br />

395 Medak Mulugu Srirampur Srirampur<br />

396 Medak Mulugu Thanedharpalle Taddarpalli<br />

397 Medak Mulugu Thanedharpalle Tanedarpalli<br />

398 Medak Mulugu Tunikibollaram Tuniki bollaram<br />

399 Medak Mulugu Zapthisingaipalle Singaipalli<br />

400 Medak Narsapur Achampet Achhampet<br />

401 Medak Narsapur Adamapur Admapur<br />

402 Medak Narsapur Adamapur Badagunta tanda<br />

403 Medak Narsapur Adamapur Redamkunta tanda<br />

404 Medak Narsapur Ahmednagar Ahmadnagar<br />

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405 Medak Narsapur Ahmednagar Mamlilka tanda<br />

406 Medak Narsapur Ahmednagar Nagan tanda<br />

407 Medak Narsapur Ahmednagar Pilugutta tanda<br />

408 Medak Narsapur Awancha Awancha<br />

409 Medak Narsapur Brahmanpalle Antayapalli<br />

410 Medak Narsapur Brahmanpalle Bamanpalli<br />

411 Medak Narsapur Chinnachintakunta Chinnachintakunta<br />

412 Medak Narsapur Chinnachintakunta Patur<br />

413 Medak Narsapur Chintakurthi Pedda chintakunta<br />

414 Medak Narsapur Chippalturthi Chippal turti<br />

415 Medak Narsapur Chippalturthi Chippalturti<br />

416 Medak Narsapur Gollapalle Gollapalle<br />

417 Medak Narsapur Hanmanthapur Hanumanthpur<br />

418 Medak Narsapur Ibrahimbad Avulapalem tanda<br />

419 Medak Narsapur Ibrahimbad Durgayya tanda<br />

420 Medak Narsapur Ibrahimbad Erraguntla tanda<br />

421 Medak Narsapur Ibrahimbad Ibrahimabad<br />

422 Medak Narsapur Ibrahimbad Katrath tanda<br />

423 Medak Narsapur Ibrahimbad Rupsingh tanda<br />

424 Medak Narsapur Ibrahimbad Stya tanda<br />

425 Medak Narsapur Jakkupalle Jakkapalli<br />

426 Medak Narsapur Kagazmaddur Gudemguda<br />

427 Medak Narsapur Kagazmaddur Kagaji maddur<br />

428 Medak Narsapur Kondapur Kondapura<br />

429 Medak Narsapur Lingapur Lingapuram<br />

430 Medak Narsapur Madapur Madapur<br />

431 Medak Narsapur Madapur Saiyidalipet<br />

432 Medak Narsapur Manthoor Mantur<br />

433 Medak Narsapur Mohammadabad Kakiya tanda<br />

434 Medak Narsapur Mohammadabad Muhammadabad<br />

Ellareddi<br />

tanda(lingasamudram<br />

435 Medak Narsapur Moosapet<br />

kunta)<br />

436 Medak Narsapur Moosapet Jairam tanda<br />

437 Medak Narsapur Moosapet Musapet<br />

438 Medak Narsapur Moosapet Musapet tanda<br />

439 Medak Narsapur Nagulpalle Jaskampet<br />

440 Medak Narsapur Nagulpalle Nagulapalli<br />

441 Medak Narsapur Narayanpur Narayanpur<br />

442 Medak Narsapur Narsapur Tukaram tanda<br />

443 Medak Narsapur Nathinoipalle Natnayapalli<br />

444 Medak Narsapur Ramachandrapur Ramchandrapuram<br />

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445 Medak Narsapur Reddipalle Reddipalli<br />

446 Medak Narsapur Rustumpet Rustumpet<br />

447 Medak Narsapur Thirmalapur Tirmalpur<br />

448 Medak Narsapur Tujalpur Tujalpur<br />

449 Medak Narsapur Tuljarampet Tuljarampet<br />

450 Medak Narsapur Yellapur Ellapur<br />

451 Medak Patancheruvu Chinnakanjerla Chinna kanjerla<br />

452 Medak Patancheruvu Chinnakanjerla Mulagoli<br />

453 Medak Patancheruvu Peddakanjerla Pedda kanjerla<br />

454 Medak Sangareddy Arutla Aratla<br />

455 Medak Sangareddy Byathole Biatul<br />

456 Medak Sangareddy Byathole Kandireddiguda<br />

457 Medak Sangareddy Cheriyal Cheriyal<br />

458 Medak Sangareddy Chintalpalle Chintanpalli<br />

459 Medak Sangareddy Chitruppa Begampet<br />

460 Medak Sangareddy Chitruppa Cheduruppa<br />

461 Medak Sangareddy Chitruppa Tanda<br />

462 Medak Sangareddy Edthanur Yerdanur<br />

463 Medak Sangareddy Edthanur Yerdanur tanda<br />

464 Medak Sangareddy Fasalwada Fazalwadi<br />

465 Medak Sangareddy Fasalwada Mamuspugadda<br />

466 Medak Sangareddy Irigipalle Irgipalli<br />

467 Medak Sangareddy Ismailkahnpet Gaudcherla<br />

468 Medak Sangareddy Ismailkahnpet Hanumannagar<br />

469 Medak Sangareddy Ismailkhanpet Dasgudda tanda<br />

470 Medak Sangareddy Julkal Jolkal<br />

471 Medak Sangareddy Kalvaboor Ganjiguda<br />

472 Medak Sangareddy Kalvaboor Kalabgur<br />

473 Medak Sangareddy Kalvemula Chillaguda<br />

474 Medak Sangareddy Kalvemula Kalivemul<br />

475 Medak Sangareddy Kandi Kandi<br />

476 Medak Sangareddy Kandi Lakhsminagar<br />

477 Medak Sangareddy Kandi Ohimnapur<br />

478 Medak Sangareddy Kasipur Kazipur<br />

479 Medak Sangareddy Kothlapur Kothlapur<br />

480 Medak Sangareddy Koulampet Kaulampet<br />

481 Medak Sangareddy Kulabgoor Kulabgur<br />

482 Medak Sangareddy Kulabgoor Sadasconagar<br />

483 Medak Sangareddy Maktha_Allor Alur<br />

484 Medak Sangareddy Mamidipalle Gllaguda tanda<br />

485 Medak Sangareddy Mamidipalle Mamidepalli<br />

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486 Medak Sangareddy Mamidipalle Oddangandi tanda<br />

487 Medak Sangareddy Mamidipalle Tunicala tanda<br />

488 Medak Sangareddy Nagapur Nagapur<br />

489 Medak Sangareddy Tadlapalle Tadlapalli<br />

490 Medak Sangareddy Thumsagar Chimnapur tanda<br />

491 Medak Sangareddy Topkonda Topkonda<br />

492 Medak Sangareddy Utharpalle Utharpalle<br />

493 Medak Shivampet Alipur Alipur<br />

494 Medak Shivampet Alipur Kistapur<br />

495 Medak Shivampet Bijilipur Bijilipur<br />

496 Medak Shivampet Chandi Chendi<br />

497 Medak Shivampet Chennapur Channapur<br />

498 Medak Shivampet Chinnagottimukkala Chinna guttamukla<br />

499 Medak Shivampet Donthi Mallupalli<br />

500 Medak Shivampet Edulapur Edulapur<br />

501 Medak Shivampet Gangaipalle Gangaipalle<br />

502 Medak Shivampet Gomaram Gomaram<br />

503 Medak Shivampet Gundlapalle Gundlapalle<br />

504 Medak Shivampet Kothanpalle Kantanpalli<br />

505 Medak Shivampet Kothanpalle Kothanpalle<br />

506 Medak Shivampet Kothapet Kottapeta<br />

507 Medak Shivampet Lingojiguda Lingojiguda<br />

508 Medak Shivampet Nawabpet Lachchireddiguda<br />

509 Medak Shivampet Nawabpet Nagireddiguda<br />

510 Medak Shivampet Nawabpet Nawabpet<br />

511 Medak Shivampet Nawabpet Shivaigudem<br />

512 Medak Shivampet Nawabpet Shivaigudem tanda<br />

513 Medak Shivampet Pambanda Pambanda<br />

514 Medak Shivampet Parkibanda Gaulojiguda<br />

515 Medak Shivampet Parkibanda Parkibanda<br />

516 Medak Shivampet Parkibanda Tupakulapalli<br />

517 Medak Shivampet Pedda Gottimukkala Devagudem tanda<br />

518 Medak Shivampet Pedda Gottimukkala Dontikunta<br />

519 Medak Shivampet Pedda Gottimukkala Peddagutta<br />

520 Medak Shivampet Pillutla Pillutla<br />

521 Medak Shivampet Potharam Potawaram<br />

522 Medak Shivampet Pothulaboguda Pothulaboguda<br />

523 Medak Shivampet Ratnapoor Ratnapur<br />

524 Medak Shivampet Shabashpalle Sabaspalli<br />

525 Medak Shivampet Sikindlapur Sikindlapur<br />

526 Medak Shivampet Thimmapur Thimmapur<br />

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527 Medak Shivampet Usirikapalle Usirikapalle<br />

528 Medak Tupran Allapur Allapur<br />

529 Medak Tupran Brahmanpalle Brahmanpalli<br />

530 Medak Tupran Chatla_Gouraram Chatla_gouraram<br />

531 Medak Tupran Datarpalle Datarpalli<br />

532 Medak Tupran Dharmarajpalle Dharmarajpalle<br />

533 Medak Tupran Ghanpur Dimmakapalli<br />

534 Medak Tupran Ghanpur Ghanpur<br />

535 Medak Tupran Gundareddipalle Gauliguda<br />

536 Medak Tupran Gundareddipalle Gundareddipalle<br />

537 Medak Tupran Imampur Imampur<br />

538 Medak Tupran Islampur Islampur<br />

539 Medak Tupran Islampur Ranapur<br />

540 Medak Tupran Jhandapalle Indapalli<br />

541 Medak Tupran Kallakal Kallakal<br />

542 Medak Tupran Kistapur Kishtapur<br />

543 Medak Tupran Kondapur<br />

Koniapalle (Patti<br />

Kondapur<br />

544 Medak Tupran<br />

Tuparan) Konayapalli<br />

545 Medak Tupran Lingareddipet Lingareddipet<br />

546 Medak Tupran Malkapur Malkapur<br />

547 Medak Tupran Muppireddypalle Muppireddypalle<br />

548 Medak Tupran Nagulapalle Nagulapalle<br />

549 Medak Tupran Padalpalle Padalpalle<br />

550 Medak Tupran Palat Palat<br />

551 Medak Tupran Ramaipalle Ramaipalle<br />

552 Medak Tupran Rangaipalle Rangaipalle<br />

553 Medak Tupran Ravelli Potrajpalli<br />

554 Medak Tupran Ravelli Ravelli<br />

555 Medak Tupran Tupran Haidarpalli<br />

556 Medak Tupran Tupran Tatapapanpalli<br />

557 Medak Tupran Vattur Vitur<br />

558 Medak Tupran Venkataipalle<br />

Venkatapur<br />

Venkataipalle<br />

559 Medak Tupran<br />

(Pattitupran) Venkatapur<br />

Venkatapur<br />

Venkatapur<br />

560 Medak Tupran<br />

(Agraharam)<br />

(agraharam)<br />

561 Medak Tupran Yavapur Yavapur<br />

562 Medak Wargal Amberpet Amberpet<br />

563 Medak Wargal Ananthagiripalle Ananthagiripalle<br />

564 Medak Wargal Chandapur Chandapuram<br />

565 Medak Wargal Girmapur Girmapur<br />

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566 Medak Wargal Gouraram Gauraram<br />

567 Medak Wargal Govindapur Govindapur<br />

568 Medak Wargal Jabbapur Jabbapur<br />

569 Medak Wargal Madharam Madharam<br />

570 Medak Wargal Majidpalle Dandapalli<br />

571 Medak Wargal Majidpalle Majidpalle<br />

572 Medak Wargal Mentur Malapalli<br />

573 Medak Wargal Mentur Ramsagarpalli<br />

574 Medak Wargal Mylaram Chandkhan mukta<br />

575 Medak Wargal Mylaram Mailaaram<br />

576 Medak Wargal Nacharam Nacharam<br />

577 Medak Wargal Narsampalle Indranagar<br />

578 Medak Wargal Narsampalle Narsampalli<br />

579 Medak Wargal Pamulaparthi Ippalguda<br />

580 Medak Wargal Pamulaparthi Pamulaparti<br />

581 Medak Wargal Pamulaparthi Pata pamulaparthi<br />

582 Medak Wargal Shakaram Shakaram<br />

583 Medak Wargal Singaipalle Singapalli<br />

584 Medak Wargal Sitarampalle Sitarampalli<br />

585 Medak Wargal Sitarampalle Sitarampalli tanda<br />

586 Medak Wargal Tunikimakta Minajipet<br />

587 Medak Wargal Tunkikhalasa Tunki<br />

588 Medak Wargal Tunkikhalasa Tunkikhalasa<br />

589 Medak Wargal Tunkimakta Makta<br />

590 Medak Wargal Veluru Welur<br />

591 Medak Wargal Wargal Ausanpalli<br />

592 Medak Wargal Wargal Chaudarpalli<br />

593 Medak Wargal Wargal Gundupalli<br />

594 Medak Wargal Wargal Kagazguda<br />

595 Medak Wargal Wargal Marreddipalli<br />

596 Medak Wargal Wargal Ramakapet<br />

597 Medak Wargal Wargal Seripalli<br />

598 Mahaboobnagar Farooqnagar Buchiguda Buchiguda<br />

599 Mahaboobnagar Farooqnagar Dooskal Doskal<br />

600 Mahaboobnagar Farooqnagar Elkatha Elkatha<br />

601 Mahaboobnagar Farooqnagar Elkatha Malelkatta<br />

602 Mahaboobnagar Farooqnagar Koddannaguda Kundanguda<br />

603 Mahaboobnagar Farooqnagar Mogalgidda Rangampalli<br />

604 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Edulapalle Edulapalli<br />

605 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Edulapalle Mockulagudem<br />

606 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Gudur Gudur<br />

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607 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Gudur Kammaguda<br />

608 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Gudur Magutaguda<br />

609 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Khajiguda Jagiguda tanda<br />

610 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Kodicherla Kodicherla<br />

611 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Kodicherla Kudachanda tanda<br />

612 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Mamidpalle Madarlaguda<br />

613 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Mamidpalle Mamidipalli<br />

614 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Mamidpalle Manchampad<br />

615 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Mamidpalle Masjid mamidipalli<br />

616 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Mamidpalle Nasirabad<br />

617 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Mamidpalle Srinivasulaguda<br />

618 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Nandigama Bandakunta tanda<br />

619 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Nandigama Bhushanupu tanda<br />

620 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Nandigama Chandrayanguda<br />

621 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Nandigama Dharmya tanda<br />

622 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Nandigama Nandigama<br />

623 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Nandigama Nandigaon<br />

624 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Nandigama Patelguda<br />

625 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Nandigama Peddakunta tanda<br />

626 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Nandigama Sangraguda<br />

627 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Onmulnarva Enmulnara<br />

628 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Penjerla Penjerla<br />

629 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Siddapur Pucharkunta tanda<br />

630 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Siddapur Siddapur<br />

631 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Siddapur Yenagulamadugu<br />

632 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Veerlapalle Antireddigudem<br />

633 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Veerlapalle Appareddigudem<br />

634 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Veerlapalle Virlapalli<br />

635 Mahaboobnagar Kothur Veerlapalle Yerragunta<br />

636 Nalgonda Bibinagar * Badesholguda<br />

637 Nalgonda Bibinagar Anantharam Anantawaram<br />

638 Nalgonda Bibinagar Brahmanapalle Brahmanapalli<br />

639 Nalgonda Bibinagar Brahmanapalle Erravette tanda<br />

640 Nalgonda Bibinagar Brahmanapalle Gannegani tanda<br />

641 Nalgonda Bibinagar Brahmanapalle Kokkigani tanda<br />

642 Nalgonda Bibinagar Chinnaraval Palle Gopagani tanda<br />

643 Nalgonda Bibinagar Chinnaraval Palle Ramulagundla tanda<br />

644 Nalgonda Bibinagar Gudur Madira gudur<br />

645 Nalgonda Bibinagar Jainpalle Jainpalli<br />

646 Nalgonda Bibinagar Jameelapet Jamilapet<br />

647 Nalgonda Bibinagar Jampalle Chandugani tanda<br />

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648 Nalgonda Bibinagar Jampalle Jampalli<br />

649 Nalgonda Bibinagar Jiyapalle Jiyapalli<br />

650 Nalgonda Bibinagar Kondamadugu Chitrakaniguda<br />

651 Nalgonda Bibinagar Kondamadugu Kondamadugu<br />

652 Nalgonda Bibinagar Madharam Madhavaram<br />

653 Nalgonda Bibinagar Mahadevpur Mahadevpur<br />

654 Nalgonda Bibinagar Maqdoompalle Gollaguda<br />

655 Nalgonda Bibinagar Maqdoompalle Makhdumpalli<br />

656 Nalgonda Bibinagar Maqdoompalle Nilambavi<br />

657 Nalgonda Bibinagar Nemargommula Pedda tanda<br />

658 Nalgonda Bibinagar Padamatisomaram Padamati somaram<br />

659 Nalgonda Bibinagar Raghavapur Lakshmidevigudem<br />

660 Nalgonda Bibinagar Raghavapur Raghavapuram<br />

661 Nalgonda Bibinagar Ravipahad Ravipadu thanda<br />

662 Nalgonda Bibinagar Ravipahad Ravipahad<br />

663 Nalgonda Bibinagar Rayaraopet Rayaraopet<br />

664 Nalgonda Bibinagar Rudravelly Rudravelli<br />

665 Nalgonda Bibinagar Surraiadandi Gogli tanda<br />

666 Nalgonda Bibinagar Surraiadandi Gurraladandi tanda<br />

667 Nalgonda Bibinagar Surraiadandi Kotha tanda<br />

668 Nalgonda Bibinagar Surraiadandi Maktanaik tanda<br />

669 Nalgonda Bibinagar Surraiadandi Surraiadandi<br />

670 Nalgonda Bibinagar Venkiryal Pallegudem<br />

671 Nalgonda Bibinagar Venkiryal Venkiryala<br />

672 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram * Pedda parvatapuram<br />

673 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Bandikidipalle Bandakadipalli<br />

674 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Boinpalle Boyanpalli<br />

675 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Bommalaramaram Kazipet<br />

676 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Cheekatimamidi Devuni tanda<br />

677 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Cheekatimamidi Govind tanda<br />

678 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Cheekatimamidi Kanchala tanda<br />

679 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Cheekatimamidi Lachmi tanda<br />

680 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Cheekatimamidi Lakkanayakum tanda<br />

681 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Cheekatimamidi Ramaswami tanda<br />

682 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Hazipur Hajipuram<br />

683 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Jalalpur Jalalpuram<br />

684 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Mailaram Mailaram<br />

685 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Mailaram Mailaram tanda<br />

686 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Maisireddypalle Masireddypalli<br />

687 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Malyala Dharmareddigudem<br />

688 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Malyala Malyala<br />

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689 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Maryala Chaudharpalli<br />

690 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Maryala Kandlakunta tanda<br />

691 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Maryala Masinapalli<br />

692 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Maryala Nayakuni tanda<br />

693 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Maryala Pilligundu tanda<br />

694 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Maryala Sarabanda tanda<br />

695 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Medipalle Fakirgudem<br />

696 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Medipalle Medipalle<br />

697 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Muneerabad Munirabad<br />

698 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Naginenipalle Naginenipalli<br />

699 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Pyararam Pyarawaram<br />

700 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Pyararam Pyarawaram tanda<br />

701 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Ramalingampalle Ramalingampalli<br />

702 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Rangapuram Rangapuram<br />

703 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Solipet Kanchel tanda<br />

704 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Thimmapuram Timmapur tanda<br />

705 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Thimmapuram Timmapura<br />

706 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Thumkunta Tumkunta<br />

707 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Tirumalagiri Tirumalagiri<br />

708 Nalgonda Bommalaramaram Yavapur,Thumkunta Yavapuram<br />

709 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Anajipur Anajpur<br />

710 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Bandasomaram Banda somaram<br />

711 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Basawapur Basawapuram<br />

712 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Bollepalle Bollepalli<br />

713 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Bollepalle Maddelagudem<br />

714 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Bollepalle Miti tanda<br />

715 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Bollepalle Reddigani tanda<br />

716 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Bollepalle Reddinaik tanda<br />

717 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Bollepalle Srivenikunta<br />

718 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Chandupatla Chandupatla<br />

719 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Chandupatla Kumargudem<br />

720 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Cheemalakondur Chimalakondur<br />

721 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Gousenagar Ghausenagar<br />

722 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Hanmapur Hanmapur<br />

723 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Hanmapur Kurmaguda<br />

724 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Kesaram Balampalli<br />

725 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Kesaram Kesaram<br />

726 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Kunoor Kunuru<br />

727 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Mustyalapalle Mustalpalli<br />

728 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Nagireddipalle Nagireddipalli<br />

729 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Nandanam Embavi<br />

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Sr.<br />

No District Mandal Revenue village Settlement<br />

730 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Nandanam Jakkollabavi<br />

731 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Nandanam Jittollabavi<br />

732 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Nandanam Nandanam<br />

733 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Nandanam Nyamatupalli<br />

734 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Nandanam Singireddigudem<br />

735 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Pagidipalle Pagidipalle<br />

736 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Rayagiri Gangasanipalli<br />

737 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Rayagiri Jammapuram<br />

738 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Rayagiri Muttireddigudem<br />

739 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Rayagiri Rayagiri<br />

740 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Rayagiri Vadayagudem<br />

741 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Surepalle Akutotabavi tanda<br />

742 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Surepalle Kandlakunta tanda<br />

743 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Surepalle Pocharlabodu tanda<br />

744 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Surepalle Suryapalli<br />

745 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Timmapur Timmapur<br />

746 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Veeravally Viravalli<br />

747 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Wadaparthi Mannewarupampu<br />

748 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Wadaparthi Wadaparti<br />

749 Nalgonda Buvanagiri Yerrampalle Errampalli<br />

750 Nalgonda Buvangir Anantharam Anantaram<br />

751 Nalgonda Buvangir Bommai Palle Bommaipalli<br />

752 Nalgonda Buvangir Penchikala Pahad Krishnapuram<br />

753 Nalgonda Buvangir Penchikala Pahad Penchkalpahad<br />

754 Nalgonda Buvangir Ramachandrapur Ramchandrapur<br />

755 Nalgonda Buvangir Tajpur Tajpur<br />

756 Nalgonda Buvangir Tukkapur Kapagudem<br />

757 Nalgonda Buvangir Tukkapur Tukkapuram<br />

758 Nalgonda Choutupaal Dharmojiguda Dharmajigudem<br />

759 Nalgonda Choutupaal Lakkaram Lakkaram<br />

760 Nalgonda Choutuppal Allapur Allahpur<br />

761 Nalgonda Choutuppal Chinnakondur Guddonigudem<br />

762 Nalgonda Choutuppal Chinnakondur Mandonigudem<br />

763 Nalgonda Choutuppal Chinnakondur Masidgudem<br />

764 Nalgonda Choutuppal Chinnakondur Nakkalagudem<br />

765 Nalgonda Choutuppal Chinnakondur Sappidollagudem<br />

766 Nalgonda Choutuppal Chinnakondur Sherilla<br />

767 Nalgonda Choutuppal Chinnakondur Tummalonibavi<br />

768 Nalgonda Choutuppal Chinnakondur Turpugudem<br />

769 Nalgonda Choutuppal Choutuppal Lingareddigudem<br />

770 Nalgonda Choutuppal Devalammanagaram Devalamma nagaram<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 136

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Sr.<br />

No District Mandal Revenue village Settlement<br />

771 Nalgonda Choutuppal Devalammanagaram Ellambavi<br />

772 Nalgonda Choutuppal Devalammanagaram Koyalgudem<br />

773 Nalgonda Choutuppal Jaikesaram Jaikesaram<br />

774 Nalgonda Choutuppal Lingojiguda Ankireddigudem<br />

775 Nalgonda Choutuppal Lingojiguda Lingojiguda<br />

776 Nalgonda Choutuppal Panthangi Aregudem<br />

777 Nalgonda Choutuppal Panthangi Gondlabhawi<br />

778 Nalgonda Choutuppal Panthangi Reddibhawi<br />

779 Nalgonda Choutuppal Panthangi Saidabad<br />

780 Nalgonda Choutuppal Panthangi Tumbhaw<br />

781 Nalgonda Choutuppal Peepalpahad Pipalpahad<br />

782 Nalgonda Choutuppal Swamulavarilingotam Swamulavarilingotam<br />

783 Nalgonda Choutuppal Tallasingaram Tallasingaram<br />

784 Nalgonda Choutuppal Tangadpalle Chintaiguda<br />

785 Nalgonda Choutuppal Tangadpalle Damera<br />

786 Nalgonda Choutuppal Tangadpalle Tangadupalli<br />

787 Nalgonda Choutuppal Tupranpet Tupuramnpeta<br />

788 Nalgonda Kothur Chegur Mallevampu tanda<br />

789 Nalgonda Kothur Gudur Lokya tanda<br />

790 Nalgonda Kothur Gudur Peddagutta tanda<br />

791 Nalgonda Kothur Kothur Akkiwariguda<br />

792 Nalgonda Kothur Mallapur Mallapur<br />

793 Nalgonda Kothur Mallapur Mitta tanda<br />

794 Nalgonda Kothur Mallapur Ragya tanda<br />

795 Nalgonda Kothur Mallapur Talluguda<br />

796 Nalgonda Pochampally Alinagar Alinagar<br />

797 Nalgonda Pochampally Bhemanpalle Bhimanpalli<br />

798 Nalgonda Pochampally Dantur Dantur<br />

799 Nalgonda Pochampally Deshmukhi Deshmukhi<br />

800 Nalgonda Pochampally Dharmaredypally Challavanigudem<br />

801 Nalgonda Pochampally Dharmaredypally Panollabavi<br />

802 Nalgonda Pochampally Dharmaredypally Sangam<br />

803 Nalgonda Pochampally Gouskonda Ghauskonda<br />

804 Nalgonda Pochampally Gouskonda Ghauskonda tanda<br />

805 Nalgonda Pochampally Hyderpur Shivanenipadu<br />

806 Nalgonda Pochampally Indriyala Indral<br />

807 Nalgonda Pochampally Indriyala Kamlanagar<br />

808 Nalgonda Pochampally Indriyala Sivareddigudem<br />

809 Nalgonda Pochampally Jagathpalle Jagathpalle<br />

810 Nalgonda Pochampally Jalalpur Gajendranagar<br />

811 Nalgonda Pochampally Jalalpur Jalalpur<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 137

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Sr.<br />

No District Mandal Revenue village Settlement<br />

812 Nalgonda Pochampally Jublakpalle Burravanibavi<br />

813 Nalgonda Pochampally Jublakpalle Dhotigudem<br />

814 Nalgonda Pochampally Jublakpalle Jiblakpalli<br />

815 Nalgonda Pochampally Juloor Jolur<br />

816 Nalgonda Pochampally Juloor Peddagudem<br />

817 Nalgonda Pochampally Kanumukkala Kanumukkula<br />

818 Nalgonda Pochampally Kapuraipally Khapraipalli<br />

Turkaguda(meharnagar<br />

819 Nalgonda Pochampally Meharnagar<br />

)<br />

820 Nalgonda Pochampally Mukthapur Chintabavi<br />

821 Nalgonda Pochampally Mukthapur Muktapuram<br />

822 Nalgonda Pochampally Peddaravalpally Mamillagudem<br />

823 Nalgonda Pochampally Peddaravalpally Ravulpalli<br />

824 Nalgonda Pochampally Pillaipalle Jangamvarigudem<br />

825 Nalgonda Pochampally Pillaipalle Pillaipalle<br />

826 Nalgonda Pochampally Pochampally Maddivanigudem<br />

827 Nalgonda Pochampally Ramlingapally Ramalingampalli<br />

828 Nalgonda Pochampally Vankamamidi Wankamamidi<br />

Note: * Cadastral data is not yet available<br />

Note: List of settlements to be read with proposed landuse plan.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 138

5.9. ANNEXURE IX<br />

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />


DATED 9-7-2008<br />



Municipal Administration &Urban Development – HUDA – Outer Ring Road –<br />

Comprehensive Master Plan for 1 km belt on either side of the proposed Outer Ring Road<br />

(Hyderabad Outer Ring Road Growth Corridor) and Special Development Regulations –<br />

Approved - Orders- Issued.<br />



G.O.Ms.No. 470 Dated: 09-07-2008<br />

O R D E R:<br />

Read the following<br />

1. G.O.Ms.No. 391 MA & UD (I1)<br />

Dept. dt.23.06.1980<br />

2. Govt. Lr.No.26378/I 1/2005,<br />

dt.24.12.2005.<br />

3. From the V.C. HUDA. Lr.No.15299/Plg/ H/05, dt.19-04-2006.<br />

4. G.O.Ms.No.274, MA & UD (I1) Department dated.20.04.2007.<br />

5. G.O.Ms.No.287, MA & UD (I1) Department dated.03.04.2008.<br />

6. G.O.Ms.No.288, MA & UD (I1) Department dated.03.04.2008<br />

7. Government Memo No.26379/I1/2005, dt.18-04-2007.<br />

8. From the V.C. HUDA. Lr.No.15299/Plg/ORR/H/05,dt.30-05-2008.<br />

The appended notification shall be published in an Extra-ordinary issue of the<br />

Andhra Pradesh Gazette dated: 11-07-2008.<br />

Government.<br />

The Commissioner of Printing, Hyderabad is requested to supply 50 copies to the<br />


S.P.SINGH<br />


Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 139

To<br />

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

The Commissioner of Printing, Stationary & Stores Purchase, Hyderabad.<br />

The Vice-Chairman, Hyderabad Urban Development Authority, Hyderabad<br />

The Vice Chairman, Hyderabad Airport Development Authority, Hyderabad<br />

The Project Director, O.R.R. Tarnaka, Hyderabad<br />

The Commissioner, M.C.H., Hyderabad<br />

The District Collector, R.R. District, Hyderabad<br />

The District Collector, Hyderabad District, Hyderabad<br />

The PR & RD Department<br />

The TR & B Department.<br />





Whereas the Hyderabad Urban Development Authority has taken up the<br />

development of proposed Outer Ring Road with a total length of 162 Kms and as the<br />

development of access controlled Outer Ring Road is likely to trigger large scale<br />

development along the Outer Ring Road Corridor, it was decided to undertake preparation<br />

of Comprehensive Development Plan with hierarchical road net work and frame Special<br />

Development Regulations for the areas falling under 1 Km belt on either side of Outer Ring<br />

Road so as to promote planned development and curb haphazard and ribbon development<br />

along the Outer Ring Road.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 140

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

And whereas, Hyderabad Urban Development Authority has prepared<br />

Comprehensive Plan and Special Development Regulations for the areas falling within the<br />

1 Km belt on either side of the proposed Outer Ring Road (Hyderabad Outer Ring Road<br />

Growth Corridor) by modifying the Notified Revised Master Plan of Non-MCH area of<br />

HUDA (excluding the erstwhile MCH area and the newly extended area of HUDA) and<br />

Master Plan of HADA area and fresh Master Plan for the areas falling in extended HUDA<br />

area in Brahmanapally, Koheda, Pasumamla Tharamathipet, Bacharam, Thimmaiguda ,<br />

Gowrelli and Vadagupalle villages to the extent of area covered by 1 Km stretch on either<br />

side of the proposed Outer Ring Road and submitted the same to the Government for<br />

approval.<br />

And whereas, Government, after consideration of the matter, proposed to approve<br />

the Comprehensive Master Plan and Special Development Regulations as prepared by<br />

HUDA for the areas falling within the 1 Km belt on either side of the proposed Outer Ring<br />

Road in the form of modifications to the Notified Revised Master Plan of Non-MCH area of<br />

HUDA (excluding the erstwhile MCH area and the newly extended area of HUDA) and<br />

Master Plan of HADA area and fresh Master Plan for the areas falling in extended HUDA<br />

area in Brahmanapally, Koheda, Pasumamla, Tharamathipet, Bacharam, Thimmaiguda,<br />

Gowrelli and Vadagupalle villages in exercise of the powers conferred under section 12(2)<br />

of Andhra Pradesh Urban Area (Development) Act, 1975 read with rule 13(A) of Urban<br />

Development Authority (Hyderabad) Rules 1977 and section 9(1) of Andhra Pradesh Urban<br />

Areas (Development) Act, 1975.<br />

Accordingly, a notification has been published in the Extraordinary issue of A.P.<br />

Gazette No.232, part-I dated 20-04-2007, as required under Andhra Pradesh Urban Areas<br />

(Development) Act, 1975 inviting objections and suggestions on the Comprehensive Master<br />

Plan and Special Development Regulations for the 1 Km belt on either side of the Outer<br />

Ring Road i.e., Hyderabad Outer Ring Road Growth Corridor.<br />

And whereas, in response to the above notification, a number of<br />

objections/suggestions have been received from public with regard to certain land uses,<br />

road widths/alignments and on Special Development Regulations, these<br />

objection/suggestions were referred to and examined by the V.C., HUDA. After examining<br />

the above objections/suggestions, the V.C., HUDA has submitted the modified Master Plan<br />

and Special Development Regulations along with a report on the objections/suggestions to<br />

Government for approval.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 141

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Now, therefore, Government, after careful examination of the modified Draft Master<br />

Plan and Special Development Regulations submitted by V.C., HUDA and in exercise of<br />

the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of Section 12 and sub-section 1 of section 9 of<br />

A.P. Urban Areas (Development) Act, 1975 (Act-1 of 1975), hereby approve the Master<br />

Plan for Hyderabad Outer Ring Road Growth Corridor along with the Special Development<br />

Regulations specified in the Annexure to this order in the form of modifications to the<br />

Notified Revised Master Plan of Non-MCH area of HUDA (excluding the erstwhile MCH<br />

area and the newly extended area of HUDA) and Master Plan of HADA area and in the<br />

form Master Plan for the areas falling in the newly extended HUDA area in Brahmanapally,<br />

Koheda, Pasumamla, Tharamathipet, Bacharam, Thimmaiguda, Gowrelli and Vadagupalle<br />

villages.<br />

The said Comprehensive Hyderabad Growth Corridor Development Plan and<br />

Special Development Regulations can be seen in the Office of the Vice-Chairman,<br />

Hyderabad Urban Development Authority, and Hyderabad during the office hours till such<br />

time these are printed and made available for public.<br />

S.P.SINGH<br />


Section Officer<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 142

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

ANNEXURE to G.O.Ms.No. 470 MA&UD (I1)<br />

Deptt. Dt. 09–07-2008<br />

Special Development Regulations for the<br />

Hyderabad Outer Ring Road Growth Corridor,<br />

1 KM Belt on either side of the ORR<br />

1. Short Title, Applicability & Commencement:<br />

These regulations may be called “Special Development Regulations for the Hyderabad<br />

Outer Ring Road Growth Corridor (ORR-GC)” and shall come into force from the date of<br />

notification in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette.<br />

These regulations shall be applicable to all areas coming under the jurisdiction of the<br />

growth corridor (1 Km on either side of the outer edge of the Outer Ring Road Right-Of-<br />

Way).<br />

These regulations shall apply to all development and building activity in the said area. All<br />

existing regulations, by-laws, orders that are in conflict or inconsistent with these<br />

Regulations shall stand modified to the extent of the provisions of these regulations for the<br />

said area.<br />

All other regulations not mentioned here specifically will be read as per and with the earlier<br />

regulations in force.<br />

2. Definitions:<br />

(i) ‘Competent Authority’ means: the Vice Chairman of the Hyderabad Urban<br />

Development Authority (HUDA) / Hyderabad Airport Development Authority (HADA)<br />

(ii) Enforcement Authority means the Commissioner of Greater Hyderabad Municipal<br />

Corporation (GHMC) or the Executive Authority of the Gram Panchayat in case of areas<br />

outside GHMC/Vice Chairman of the Hyderabad Urban Development Authority / Hyderabad<br />

Airport Development Authority or a Special Unit created for the purpose of sanctioning and<br />

monitoring building and development activity.<br />

(iii) ORR means Outer Ring Road<br />

(iv) ORR GC means Outer Ring Road Growth Corridor. (‘One Kilometer’ on either<br />

side from the outer edge of the ORR Right of Way) and as per the areas given in Annexure.<br />

(v) SDZ means Special Development Zone of the ORRGC.<br />

(vi) TDRs mean Transferable Development Rights.<br />

“Transferable Development Right” (TDR) means an award specifying the built up area an<br />

owner of a site or plot can sell or dispose or utilize elsewhere, whose site or plot is required<br />

to be set apart or affected for a community amenity or development for public purpose in<br />

the Master Plan/Statutory Plan or in road widening or covered in recreational use zone, etc.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 143

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

and applicable only after such lands are vested with the local body/ Urban Development<br />

Authority as the case may be. The award would be in the form of a TDR Certificate issued<br />

by the Competent Authority.<br />

(vii) High-Rise building means a building 18 meters or more in height. However,<br />

chimneys, cooling towers, boiler, rooms/ lift machine rooms, cold storage and other nonworking<br />

areas in case of industrial buildings and water tanks, and architectural features in<br />

respect of other buildings may be permitted as a non-High Rise building. Buildings less<br />

than 18 m including stilt floor/parking floor stand excluded from the definition of high-rise<br />

buildings.<br />

(vii) Height of building means height measured from the abutting road and in case of<br />

undulated terrain height can be considered as average of the corresponding ground level or<br />

formation level of proposed site.<br />

(viii) ‘Sanctioning Authority’ means: the Vice Chairman of the Hyderabad Urban<br />

Development Authority / Hyderabad Airport Development Authority /Cyberabad<br />

Development Authority or the Commissioner of Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation<br />

(GHMC)<br />

Terms and expressions which are not defined in these Regulations shall have the same<br />

meaning as in the respective Regulations / regulations / by-laws of the respective local<br />

authorities and as defined in the National Building Code as the case may be, unless the<br />

context otherwise requires.<br />

3. Special Development Zone (SDZ)<br />

(i) The Land Use of this entire zone is classified as Multipurpose Use Zone excluding<br />

the areas specifically earmarked for Roads, Open Space and Recreational, Transportation<br />

and Public Utilities and Amenities Zone. The uses permissible shall be given in Table 1.<br />

No expansion of existing industries and no new industries shall be permitted. Warehousing,<br />

loading unloading, steelyards, whole sale open stocking, market yards, construction<br />

material stocking shall be permitted only in specified transportation zone. Existing industrial<br />

estates may remain part of the ORR GC as long as the industries are non-polluting and as<br />

certified by the State Pollution Control Board. No new polluting activity (industrial or<br />

otherwise) shall be permitted in the SDZ of the ORRGC.<br />

For areas covered under G.O.Ms.No.111 MA dated 08.03.1996 (protection of Catchment<br />

area of Osmansagar and Himayatsagar lakes), the restrictions on building and<br />

development activity imposed in the said Government order would be applicable.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 144

Table 1 The categories of zoning shall be as follows:<br />

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Sr. No Name Constituent Uses permissible<br />

1. Special Development Zone<br />

2 Open Space , Recreational,<br />

Water Body<br />

3 Transportation<br />

Circulation<br />

&<br />

Public utilities and<br />

amenities zone<br />

• Residential (new growth as well as existing<br />

settlements)<br />

Commercial (Commercial activity shall be<br />

allowed at all locations only on roads 18<br />

mtrs wide and above).<br />

• Social Infrastructure<br />

• Institutional<br />

• Work Centres excepting industries<br />

• Any other non polluting non hazardous use<br />

not specified.<br />

Regional Parks, green buffers, lakes, nallahs,<br />

reserve forests, plantation zones.<br />

Roads, Parking areas, truck terminals,<br />

warehousing, whole sale market yards,<br />

stockyards of various materials including<br />

constructions material, loading unloading areas,<br />

any other specific non conforming uses.<br />

Utilities and amenities like police station, fire<br />

station, electric sub stations and other public<br />

uitilities.<br />

(ii) The ORRGC is characterised by two SDZs. SDZ 1 means the area within or inside the<br />

ORR (towards the City side) and within the ORRGC. SDZ 2 means the area outside<br />

the ORR (away from the City side)and within the ORRGC<br />

(iii) The same regulations shall apply to all areas abutting the radial roads connecting the<br />

ORR but falling within the ORR GC area only.<br />

(iv) No change of land use shall be allowed within the ORRGC.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 145

4. Development on Independent plots<br />

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Minimum developable independent plot size for Apartment Complexes and all other nonresidential<br />

uses shall be 1000 sq mtrs with a minimum abutting road width of 12.2 Meters.<br />

5. Layout Development<br />

i) The minimum layout size for residential plotted development shall be 4 hectares. The<br />

lands covered by such a scheme shall be contiguous and approachable by an existing<br />

black topped road 12.2 mtrs wide and where such a road does not exist the developer<br />

shall first provide the same at own cost.<br />

(ii) Owners of sites less than 4 hectares have to come together and jointly apply as one<br />

contiguous parcel of land so as to conform to the minimum land area or allowed to<br />

undertake development as given in (ii) below.<br />

The layout proposals shall provide for the following:<br />

(a) Comply with the hierarchy of road network requirements subject to a minimum<br />

internal road width of 9 mtrs;<br />

(b) Earmark minimum of 10 % of total area for parks, playgrounds, open spaces, out of<br />

which minimum 5 % shall be local level open spaces and remaining minimum 5 % shall be<br />

area-level open spaces. The Competent Authority has the discretion to combine two or<br />

more area-level open spaces to form one large contiguous area-level open space and to<br />

this effect exchange of the areas earmarked for plots with the above.<br />

(c) Reservation of 5% of total area for EWS Housing.<br />

(d) Reservation of 5% of total area to be given free of cost to HUDA/HADA for disposal<br />

for residential/commercial use<br />

(e) Earmark 2.5% for social infrastructure such as schools, dispensary/hospital, public<br />

utilities spaces, shopping centres and other community spaces which is part of the saleable<br />

area;<br />

(f) Earmark specific sites for bus stands, auto stands, garbage collection points, etc.<br />

(g) 5 % of the total land is earmarked for Lower Income Group (LIG) Housing with<br />

maximum plot size upto 100 sqm<br />

(h) 5 % of the total land is earmarked for Middle Income Group (MIG) Housing with<br />

maximum plot size upto 200 sqm<br />

(i) The owner shall develop and dispose of the areas earmarked for LIG and MIG given<br />

in (f) and (g) above. No amalgamation of plots in such blocks shall be allowed.<br />

(j) The owner shall be entitled to dispose off the non-reserved sites and non-mortgaged<br />

sites either as plots or as developed houses/buildings. The owner shall hand over all the<br />

above reserved sites at (b) to (d) to HUDA/HADA free of cost through a gift deed.<br />

(k) HUDA/HADA shall have the discretion of grouping the areas surrendered for<br />

LIG/EWS Housing at one place or elsewhere and disposing the area earmarked for EWS in<br />

the layout as normal building plots.<br />

(l) Residential enclaves may be permitted only if a through public road of width is<br />

developed at any one side of the periphery (if there is no such existing road) for the<br />

convenience of accessibility of other sites and lands located in the interior.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 146

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

ii) For lands less than 4 hectares in size, apartments, cluster housing, residential<br />

enclaves, row housing, high-rise residential buildings will be permitted. In such type of<br />

developments in sites 4000 sq m and above:<br />

(a) At least 5 % of the total dwelling units shall be developed for EWS dwelling units with<br />

a minimum plinth area of 20 sq m for each unit<br />

(b) At least 5% of the total dwelling units shall be developed for LIG dwelling units with a<br />

maximum plinth area of 40 sq m for each unit;<br />

(c) At least 5% of the total dwelling units shall be developed for MIG dwelling units with a<br />

maximum plinth area of 60 sq m for each unit.<br />

(d) The areas mentioned in (a) to (c) above, shall be allotted/disposed off only for these<br />

categories. No amalgamation of units shall be allowed.<br />

The remaining provisions of G.O.Ms.No. 86 MA dt. 3.32006 shall be applicable in such<br />

cases.<br />

6. ORR Buffer Zone<br />

All properties abutting the ORR will mandatorily have an open buffer (minimum building<br />

setback) of 15 mtrs from the ROW outer edge. Access will not be allowed onto the service<br />

roads of the ORR directly. No projections, permanent, semi permanent structures will be<br />

allowed within this setback. No hoardings, billboards, Uni-poles and related advertising<br />

structures, telecom towers, transformers, machinery, dish antennae or related structures<br />

shall be allowed within this setback. No stairs (temporary or permanent), ramps for parking<br />

or other purposes shall be permitted within the common building line. The area within this<br />

common building shall be considered part of the mandatory open space. The area within<br />

the Common Building line shall be planted and maintained with at-least two rows of thick<br />

foliage trees.<br />

7. Common Building line<br />

i) All sites abutting the ORR and Radial roads within the ORRGC shall have a<br />

common building line (minimum setback) of 10 mtrs. Parking shall be allowed within this<br />

minimum front setback and this area shall be considered as part of the mandatory open<br />

space. Direct access to the radial roads shall be allowed only through service roads<br />

through designated points only and not directly on to the ORR or Radial Road. No property<br />

shall open directly onto the ORR or radial road.<br />

ii) All sites abutting 36 mtrs wide roads shall have a common building line of 7 mtrs<br />

(minimum setback).<br />

iii) All sites abutting 30 mtrs wide roads shall have a common building line (minimum<br />

setback) of 9 mtrs.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 147

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

8. Restrictions of building activity in certain areas:<br />

(i) No building/ development activity shall be allowed in the bed of water bodies like<br />

rivers, streams, or nallahs, and in the Full Tank Level (FTL) of any lake, pond, cheruvu or<br />

kunta / shikham lands.<br />

(ii) The above water bodies and courses shall be maintained as recreational/Green<br />

buffer zone, and no building activity other than recreational use shall be carried out within:<br />

(a) 30 meters from the boundary of Lakes of area 10 Ha and above;<br />

(b) 9 meters from the boundary of lakes of area less than 10 Ha / kuntas / shikham<br />

lands;<br />

(c) 9 meters from the boundaries of Canal, Vaagu, etc.<br />

(d) 2 meters from the defined boundary of Nallah. the above shall be in addition to the<br />

mandatory setbacks.<br />

Unless and otherwise stated, the area and the Full Tank Level (FTL) of a lake / kunta shall<br />

be reckoned as measured or given in the Survey of <strong>India</strong> topographical maps/Irrigation<br />

Dept.<br />

(iii) Unless and otherwise specified in the Master Plan / Zonal Development Plan,<br />

(e) The space to be left in and around the Canal / Vaagu (including the actual Canal /<br />

Vaagu bed width and alignment) shall be minimum 15 m. This may be developed as Green<br />

Buffer/recreational and/or utilised for road of minimum 9m width, wherever feasible.<br />

(f) In case of above, in addition to development of recreational/green belt along the<br />

foreshores, a ring road or promenade of minimum 12.2 m may be developed, wherever<br />

feasible.<br />

(g) The above greenery/landscaping and development shall conform to the<br />

guidelines and provisions of the National Building Code of <strong>India</strong>, 2005.<br />

(h) Notified Wetlands shall not be allowed to leveled or built upon. The mixed use<br />

shall not be applicable in such areas.<br />

(i) For Building activity within the restricted zone near the airport or within 500 m<br />

distance from the boundary of Defence areas / Military establishments, necessary<br />

clearance from the concerned Airport Authority / Defence Authority / shall be obtained. For<br />

sites located within the Air Funnel zone, prior clearance from the Airport Authority shall be<br />

obtained.<br />

(j) In case of sites in vicinity of High Tension Electricity transmission lines besides<br />

taking other safety precautions, a minimum safety distance (both vertical and horizontal) of<br />

3 m (10 ft.) shall be maintained between the buildings and the High Tension electricity<br />

lines, and 1.5 m for Low Tension Electricity lines.<br />

(k) In case of sites in the vicinity of oil/gas pipelines, clearance distance and other<br />

stipulations of the respective authority shall be complied with.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 148

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

9. other requirements for buildings and compliance of national building code<br />

provisions for amenities and facilities in all high rise buildings, compliance by owner for<br />

ensuring construction is undertaken as per sanctioned plan, occupancy certificate,<br />

enforcement, licensing of real estate companies, developers, builders, town planners,<br />

engineers & other technical personnel mandatory as given in the go ms no 86 ma dtd<br />

3.3.2006 and its subsequent amendments shall be complied with.<br />

10. The minimum abutting road width and all round open space for all high rise<br />

buildings (18 mtrs and above in height) shall be as follows:<br />

Table 2 Height and Setbacks for High-Rise Buildings within ORR-GC<br />

Height of building Minimum abutting road<br />

width required (in meters)<br />

18 metres & Up to 21 mtrs 12.2 8<br />

Above 21 mtrs. & up to 24 mtrs 12.2 9<br />

Above 24 mtrs & up to 27 mtrs 18 10<br />

Above 27 mtrs & up to 30 mtrs 18 11<br />

Above 30 mtrs & up to 35 mtrs 24 12<br />

Above 35 mtrs & up to 40 mtrs 24 13<br />

Above 40 mtrs & up to 45 mtrs 24 14<br />

Above 45 mtrs & up to 50 mtrs 30 15<br />

Above 50 mtrs 30 17<br />

Minimum open space<br />

on remaining sides (in<br />

meters)<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 149

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

For all buildings more than 50 mtrs height for every 3 mtrs height or part thereof,<br />

there shall be an additional setback of 0.5 mtrs on each of the remaining sides.<br />

For all buildings less than 18 mtrs height the minimum setbacks given in GO Ms No.<br />

86 MA dt. 3.3.2006 and its subsequent amendments shall be applicable.<br />

Subject to maintaining the Common Building line, Tower and Podium type building,<br />

U-Shaped building and Stepped type high-rise buildings may be allowed. These<br />

shall comply with the remaining provisions of G.O.Ms. No. 86 MA dated 03.03.2006.<br />

In case of two or more high rise building blocks in a site, the space between two<br />

blocks shall be half the height of the taller building subject to 12.2 metres whichever<br />

is less. The space between two high rise blocks, or space between a block and the<br />

boundary of the site, can be used as driveway/access for fire fighting vehicles. Such<br />

driveway shall be minimum 6 m wide and suitably paved. Rest of the area shall be<br />

developed with greenery/landscaping.<br />

11. These regulations impose no specific restrictions on Gramakantam Areas. All<br />

Gramakantams / Abaadi areas will follow the provisions of GO Ms no 86 MA dt.<br />

03.03.2006.<br />

12. Recreation Zone<br />

Recreational zone is earmarked as regional parks, green buffer zones along nallahs and<br />

abutting water bodies, bio conservation zone, afforestation zone wherein no construction<br />

shall be allowed except such of which are incidental to the main use.<br />

13. Public Utilities and Amenities Zone<br />

This zone shall be used as multipurpose spaces especially reserved for city level<br />

infrastructure & public utilities and amenities like police station, fire station, electric sub<br />

stations and other public utilities.<br />

14. Transportation Zone<br />

This zone shall be used as truck parking lots, bus terminus, warehousing, loading<br />

unloading, steelyards, whole sale open stocking, market yards/whole sale market yards,<br />

parking areas, stockyards of various materials including constructions material, loading<br />

unloading areas, and accessory uses/facilities for the main use.<br />

In respect of zones mentioned in regulations 12 to 14 above, development may be allowed<br />

as a joint–development project/ Public–Private Partnership project and on terms and<br />

conditions approved by the competent authority.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 150

15. Grant of Transferable Development Rights<br />

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

Grant of Transferable Development Right (TDRs) and other concessions in the form of<br />

certificates will be considered by the Competent Authority as given in the provisions of<br />

G.O.Ms. 86 MA & UD Deptt. Dt. 03.03.2006 and amendments issued from time to time.<br />

16. Special Impact Fees Applicable in the ORR GC<br />

With a view to ensuring development of ORR and related facilities Special Impact Fees is<br />

levied in the ORRGC on buildings. For this purpose, buildings are categorized as follows:<br />


(Rate in Rupees per sq m of built up area)<br />

Use Building Height Zone A Zone B Zone C<br />

Residential and<br />

all other noncommercial<br />

uses<br />

Commercial,<br />

ITES<br />

SDZ 1<br />

SDZ 2<br />

SDZ 1<br />

SDZ 2<br />

SDZ 1 SDZ 2<br />

Upto 10 m 150 100 100 80 80 60<br />

Above 10 m and<br />

upto 15 m<br />

200 150 150 100 100 80<br />

Upto 10 metres 300 200 200 150 150 100<br />

Above 10 m and<br />

upto 15 m<br />

400 300 300 200 200 150<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 151

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />


Zone A<br />

(From Muttangi<br />

Junction on NH9 to<br />

Bongulur Junction,on<br />

Nagarjuna Sagar<br />

Highway)<br />

Zone B<br />

(From Bongulur<br />

Junction, on<br />

Nagarjuna Sagar<br />

Highway to Shamirpet<br />

– Upparpalli<br />

Junction,on<br />

Karimnagar Highway)<br />

Zone C<br />

(From Shamirpet –<br />

Upparpalli Junction, on<br />

Karimnagar Highway<br />

to Muttangi Junction<br />

on NH9)<br />

Stretch of ORRGC Rate of Special Impact Fee leviable<br />

SDZ 1 1.50 times the rate given in Table in Rule 17<br />

of GOMs No. 86 MA dt 3.3.06<br />

SDZ 2 1.40 times the rate given in Table in Rule 17<br />

of GOMs No. 86 MA dt 3.3.06<br />

SDZ 1 1.30 times the rate given in Table in Rule 17<br />

of GOMs No. 86 MA dt 3.3.06<br />

SDZ 2 1.20 times the rate given in Table in Rule 17<br />

of GOMs No. 86 MA dt 3.3.06<br />

SDZ 1 1.10 times the rate given in Table in Rule 17<br />

of GOMs No. 86 MA dt 3.3.06<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 152

Note:<br />

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

(a) No other Impact fees shall be levied.<br />

(b) The above charges are applicable to the total built up area (in sq metres)<br />

(c) The above charges are not leviable to parking areas in stilt, cellar and upper floors of<br />

building.<br />

(d) The above rates are telescopic.<br />

(e) SDZ 1 means the area within or inside the ORR (towards the City side) and within<br />

the ORRGC. SDZ 2 means the area outside the ORR (away from the City side)and within<br />

the ORRGC<br />

(f) The above rates in Category (A) of the Table shall not be applicable to buildings in<br />

Gramakantam/ Aabadi areas<br />

(g) Alternatively, the owner may be allowed to utilize TDR given in Rule 15 above, for<br />

such built up area to the extent permissible wholly or use the same in combination of both<br />

TDR and the impact fee for the proposed additional built up area that is permissible under<br />

these Rules provisions. The government may revise the above rates from time to time.<br />

(h) The above provisions shall not be applicable for Government Departments and<br />

public agencies like the Urban Development Authority, Andhra Pradesh Industrial<br />

Infrastructure Corporation, local bodies, Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply and<br />

Sewerage Board, APHB, AP CPDCL, etc.<br />

(i) The amount levied and collected under above Rule shall be credited and maintained<br />

in a separate escrow account by the competent authority and shall be utilised only towards<br />

Outer Ring Road capital infrastructure. An Infrastructure Plan and Action Plan for<br />

implementation is required to be undertaken by the Competent authority and the said Fund<br />

is utilised accordingly.<br />

(i) Development charges & processing fee shall be as being charged in<br />

HUDA/HADA area currently.<br />

17. Development Deferment Charge:<br />

SDZ 2 Same as rates Table in Rule 17 of GOMs No.<br />

86 MA dt 3.3.06<br />

With a view to discourage owners of sites for keeping the sites vacant/undeveloped, a<br />

Charge called Development Deferment Charge shall be levied by the local body/gram<br />

panchayat at the following rates:<br />

(a) 1st year grace period from the date of notification of these Regulations<br />

(b) 2nd Year from the date of notification Rs. 2/- per sq mtr of land per year.<br />

(c) 3rd Year from the date of notification Rs. 5/- per sq mtr of land per year.<br />

(d) From the date of operationalisation of traffic on ORR 10/- per sq mtr of land per year.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 153

18. Incentives for large projects<br />

Incentives for large projects are as follows:<br />

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

(a) Large integrated townships<br />

(i) 40-100 acres- 10% discount on rates as given in regulation 16 above<br />

(ii) 100-200 acres- 20% discount on rates as given in regulation 16 above<br />

(iii) Above 200 acres- 25% discount on rates as given in regulation 16 above<br />

(b) IT/ITES projects, Education Institutions/Universities, Hospitals<br />

(i) For all projects above 50 acres there shall be a 20% discount on rates as given in<br />

regulation 16 above<br />

(ii) For all projects above 100 acres- 30 % discount on rates as given in regulation 16<br />

above<br />

19. Reservation of land for special purposes to be handed over to HUDA<br />

All projects 10 acres and above shall necessarily reserve 5% land and hand it over to<br />

HUDA for special purposes. In respect of layouts this shall not be applicable and the<br />

conditions mentioned in Regulation 5 (ii) (c) shall be applicable.<br />

20. Transportation and Roads<br />

The road circulation network hierarchy within the ORRGC is proposed to be 9m, 12.2m,<br />

18m, 24m, 30m, 36m, 45m. The main spinal roads will be the 30m and 36 m wide roads.<br />

Splay at all road junctions shall be mandatorily provided as prescribed in Annexure III.<br />

(i) Bus bays shall be earmarked on the detailed and micro level circulation plan.<br />

(ii) Separately parking areas for para-transit vehicles shall be earmarked within the road<br />

ROW preferably utilising part of the 3m wide footpaths for single row parallel parking.<br />

(iii) One lane may be used as a dedicated bus way for public transport in the six lane<br />

divided carriageway of the main 30 mtrs wide spinal roads.<br />

(iv) Storm water drains shall be provided as part of the road ROW while development of<br />

the site/layout/township.<br />

(v) All roads shall be developed as per cross section details given in (Horizontal and<br />

Vertical sections and dimensions).<br />

(vi) Restriction of development in areas earmarked as major Junctions<br />

The land within the junction shall be kept as open. Only open recreational uses, parks and<br />

greenery shall be permissible. No building activity excepting ancillary structures to<br />

recreational open space shall be allowed within the area earmarked as road junctions.<br />

21. Parking requirements<br />

Shall comply with the requirements as given in G.O.Ms.No.86 M.A. & U.D. Department,<br />

dated 03.03.2006 and its subsequent amendments.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 154

22. Footpaths<br />

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

(i) All footpaths have to be provided as given in the road cross sections given in<br />

Annexure<br />

(ii) The footpaths shall not be encroached upon by stairs, amenities, and other<br />

structures at any place and shall be summarily removed by the competent authority on<br />

notice.<br />

23. Special features for Physically Challenged/Special persons/senior citizens<br />

(i) All public buildings to have ramps of appropriate slope as per NBC<br />

(ii) All footpaths to have ramps of appropriate slope/gradient as per NBC and at a<br />

distance of every 200 mtrs.<br />

(iii) The competent authority shall monitor these and enforce implementation and also<br />

propose specific guidelines from time to time.<br />

24. Urban Design and Architectural Control<br />

For certain areas as well as sites abutting major roads of 30 mt and above, the competent<br />

authority/Sanctioning Authority may enforce urban design and architectural/facade control.<br />

These shall be detailed out keeping in view the development conditionalities and<br />

requirements given in these Regulations and the National Building Code norms. For this<br />

purpose, urban design and architectural control sheets/plans approved by the Competent<br />

Authority shall be complied with.<br />

Signage control and street landscape, street furniture design regulation shall be designed<br />

and implemented/exercised/managed by the competent authority within the ORRGC. The<br />

guidelines shall be as given by the competent authority and/or based on the National<br />

Building Code of <strong>India</strong>, 2005.<br />

Hoardings, Billboards, Uni-poles and related advertising structures, telecom towers,<br />

machinery, dish antennae or related structures shall be allowed on the main roads of only<br />

30 mtrs and above. For signage regulation the competent authority shall have the<br />

discretion and may frame guidelines for the same. The same may be the case for<br />

street/public space landscaping, street furniture design.<br />

Regulation of all such Hoardings, Billboards, Uni-poles and related advertising structures<br />

and the revenue accrued from these shall vest with the Competent Authority only and kept<br />

in the escrow account mentioned in Regulation 16 (i) . The sharing of revenue from these<br />

between the local body and the competent authority shall be as decided by the<br />

Government.<br />

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 155

25. Digital Plans<br />

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

In an endeavor to make the approval and archiving process digital it is proposed that all<br />

building, layout, townships drawings be submitted in digital format after georeferencing it<br />

(preferably in .shp, .tab, .dxf file formats). This shall be undertaken by using the accurate<br />

GPS/DGPS technology and utilising the services of professionally and technically qualified<br />

land surveyors. The digital drawings shall include all cross sections and engineering details<br />

and the whole dataset shall be submitted in a CD format to the competent authority. The<br />

same shall be overlaid on the latest satellite data for instant updation and proper urban<br />

management later on. This digital set shall be over and above the hard copies as per<br />

currently prescribes format which are mandatory for plan approval process.<br />

26. Special Unit for approval of cases in ORRGC:<br />

A Special Unit shall be constituted for dealing with applications for permission to<br />

develop/undertake building constructions in the ORRGC and enforcement in the ORRGC<br />

as per the procedure prescribed by the Competent Authority.<br />

27. Grounding of the Circulation network:<br />

The Competent Authority shall undertake the marking of the proposed circulation network<br />

within the ORRGC area on ground and complete the same within three months from the<br />

date of issue of these Regulations.<br />

28. Directions by Government<br />

(i) Government may issue separate orders constituting a Committee for examining<br />

development related issues of Growth Corridor.<br />

(ii) Government may issue guidelines for implementation issues relating to the Growth<br />

Corridor and these Regulations from time to time.<br />

S.P.SINGH<br />



Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 156

5.10. ANNEXURE X<br />

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />


G.O.MS 287 DATED 3-4-2008<br />



Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department- Hyderabad Airport Development<br />

Authority – Master Plan for the Hyderabad Airport Development Area-Approved- Orders-<br />

Issued.<br />


G.O.Ms No. 287 Dated: 3 rd<br />

April 2008<br />

Read the following:<br />

1. G.O.Ms. No. 352 MA&UD (I) Dept., dated 30-7-2001<br />

2. Government Letter No. 10057/ I ( )/2006 -1, dated 27-5-2006<br />

1<br />

3. Government Letter No. 16683/ I ( )/2006 -1, dated 21-9-2006<br />

1<br />

4. From VC, HADA, Letter No. 248/P8/MP/HADA/2002, dated 5.12.2006<br />

5. Government Letter No. 16683/ I ( )/2006 -1, dated 18-12-2006<br />

1<br />

6. From VC, HADA, Letter No. 248/P8/MP/HADA/2002, dated 8.12.2006<br />

7. Government Letter No. 16683/ I ( )/2006 -1, dated 18-12-2006<br />

1<br />

8. From VC, HADA, Letter No. 14853/P8/MP/HADA/2002, dated 21-12-2006<br />

9. From VC, HADA, Letter No. 248/P8/MP/HADA/2002, dated 29.10.2007<br />

10. Government Letter No. 16683/ I (I )/2006 -1, dated 4-1-2008<br />

1<br />

11. From VC, HADA, Letter No. 248/P8/MP/HADA/2002, dated: 03-04-2008<br />

<br />

The appended Notification shall be published in the Extra-ordinary issue of the Andhra<br />

Pradesh Gazette, dated 04-4-2008.<br />

2. The Commissioner of Printing, Stationery and Stores Purchase, Hyderabad is requested to<br />

supply 100 copies to the Government.<br />


S.P. SINGH<br />


Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 157

Draft Zoning and Development Promotion Regulation – 2031 for Hyderabad Metropolitan Region<br />

To<br />

The Commissioner of printing, Hyderabad<br />

The Vice-Chairman, Hyderabad Airport Development Authority (HADA), Hyderabad<br />

The Commissioner, Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, Hyderabad<br />

The District Collector, Ranga Reddy District<br />

The Notified Area Committee, Shamsabad Airport<br />

Copy to:<br />

P.S. to Special Secretary to Chief Minister<br />

PS to Minister for Municipal Administration<br />

Principal Secretary, MA&UD Dept.<br />

Principal Secretary, PR & RD Dept.<br />

Airport Director, Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, Shamsabad<br />

Law (A) Department<br />

The Director, GMR-HIAL<br />

Sf/Sc<br />



Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority 158



Whereas Government in G.O.Ms. No 352 MA&UD (I) Department., dated 30-7-<br />

2001 have declared the area comprised within the jurisdiction of Shamsabad and<br />

surrounding villages in Ranga Reddy District to be a Special Development Area called<br />

as Hyderabad Airport Development Area;<br />

2. And whereas, the Vice-Chairman, Hyderabad Airport Development Authority<br />

prepared the Master Plan along with Report, and Development Promotion Regulations<br />

covering the Area mentioned in G.O.Ms. No. 352 MA&UD (I) Department., dated 30-7-<br />

2001 as required under Section 6 of the Andhra Pradesh Urban Areas (Development)<br />

Act, 1975 and the same were notified by the Vice-Chairman, Hyderabad Airport<br />

Development Authority in the newspapers calling for objections and suggestions from<br />

the public;<br />

3. And whereas, the objections and suggestions received were examined by the<br />

Vice-Chairman, Hyderabad Airport Development Authority and after considering the<br />

same he has forwarded the Draft Master Plan Report and Development Promotion<br />

Regulations to the Government for approval as required under Section 8 of the Andhra<br />

Pradesh Urban Areas (Development) Act, 1975;<br />

4. And whereas, Government, after careful examination of the matter and in<br />

exercise of the powers conferred under sub-section (1) of Section 9 of the Andhra<br />

Pradesh Urban Areas (Development) Act, 1975 (Act 1 of 1975), hereby approve the<br />

Master Plan, Report and Development Promotion Regulations of the Hyderabad Airport<br />

Development Authority as prepared and modified and the same are available in the<br />

Office of the Vice-Chairman, Hyderabad Airport Development Authority, Hyderabad.<br />

The gist of the Report and the approved Hyderabad Airport Development Authority<br />

Development Promotion Regulations are appended to this Notification as Annexure-I &<br />

II.<br />

5. The Vice-Chairman, Hyderabad Airport Development Authority shall publish a<br />

notice in prominent places and in at least three local daily newspapers indicating the<br />

fact of the final approval of the Master Plan for Hyderabad Airport Development<br />

Authority and the place and time where a copy of the Master Plan can be inspected and<br />

the Master Plan shall come into operation from the date of publication of the said Notice<br />

in newspapers.<br />

6. The said Master Plan, Report and the Hyderabad Airport Development Authority<br />

Development Promotion Regulations can be seen in the Office of the Vice-Chairman,<br />

Hyderabad Airport Development Authority, Hyderabad during the office hours till such<br />

time these are printed and made available for public.<br />

S.P. SINGH<br />







1. BACKGROUND:<br />

The State Government has taken the strategic initiative for establishment<br />

of the Hyderabad International Airport at Shamsabad over an extent of about<br />

5000 acres. The site is located about 21 kilometers southwest of Hyderabad city<br />

and near the National Highway No 7 to Bangalore. The development of the said<br />

International Airport is envisaged in 2 Phases, viz., Phase I expected to be<br />

completed by end of 2006 and Phase II by 2010. The development comprises<br />

the main Airport Complex and the appurtenant activities like cargo complex, free<br />

trade zone, hotels and related activities, etc.<br />

With a view to promoting and securing planned development of the areas<br />

in and around the proposed international airport at Shamsabad, the State<br />

government have declared the area as a special development area under the<br />

aegis of the Andhra Pradesh Urban Areas (Development) Act, 1975 and<br />

constituted a statutory authority called the Hyderabad Airport Development<br />

Authority (HADA) for this purpose. The HADA Board consists of the Principal<br />

Secretary to Government, Municipal Administration & Urban Development<br />

Department as the Chairman, the Managing Director of APIIC ,and the Vice<br />

Chairman, HADA, The Director, Hyderabad International Airport Ltd. and the<br />

Managing Director, HMWS&SB as members.<br />


The jurisdiction of HADA is about 458 sq. kms and covers 70 Revenue<br />

villages and 19 hamlets all falling in Ranga Reddy District. The villages and<br />

hamlets are: Doddi, Rallagudem, Umadanagar, Kothwalguda, Sathamrai,<br />

Agargudem, Pashambanda, Shamshabad, Pardiguda, Maqta Bahadur Ali,<br />

Galwaguda, Ananthreddiguda, Chinnagollapalli, Peddagollapalli, Kothaguda,<br />

Hamidullahnagar, Cherlaguda, Poshettyguda, Rasheedguda, Thondapalli,<br />

Oothpally, Amapally, Hariguda, Kishenguda, Inderguda, Devatala Bowli,<br />

Shankarapur, Golconda Khurd, Sayeedguda, Bahadurguda, Golconda Kalan,<br />

Sanghiguda, Nanalpur, Jukal, Natteguda, Madanpally, Muchintal, Palmakul,<br />

Rayannaguda, Peddagutta, Kacharam, Malkaram, Kavliguda, Ramanjapuram ,<br />

Sultanpalli, K.B. Doddi, Narkhoda, Kavvaguda, Gandiguda, Shazadi Begum,<br />

Langerguda, Pedda Shapur, Burugukunta, Gouliguda, Jalpalli, Papaiah<br />

Kumandan, Pahadi Sharif, Mamidipalli, Nadergul, Kurmalguda, Doswada (Sriram<br />

Nagar), Manneguda, Turkayamjal, Manimuthyala Kunta, Laxmiguda,<br />

Mailardevpally, Gagan Pahad, Madannaguda, Sikandarguda, Almasguda,<br />

Mankhal, Tukkuguda, Sardar Nagar, Baghmankhal, Raviryal, Deverammacheru,<br />

Srinagar, Mallkdanguda, Inamguda, Kongra Khurd, Adibatla, Ferozguda,<br />

Kongrakalan, Bonguloor, Mangalpalli, Patelguda and Khadirabad.<br />

The jurisdiction of HADA extends from Mailardevpally area along the Inner<br />

ring Road (Old Kurnool Road stretch) on the North; to Palmakul village (border of<br />

Mahboobnagar district) along the National Highway to Bangalore on south-east;<br />

to Mankhal village along the State Highway to Sri sailam on the south; to Turka<br />

Yamjal and Mangalapalli Villages on East; and to Dosawada (Sri Ramnagar)<br />

near the Himayatsagar on the West.<br />

HADA area is located about 21 km south of Hyderabad City<br />

1. Total Area: 458.96 sq. km<br />

2. Total number of Revenue Villages: 70<br />

3. Total number of settlements: 107 (70 Village settlements + 37<br />

hamlets)<br />


4. Number of Mandals covered: 7 All partly are covered Mandals, viz.,<br />

Shamsabad, Rajendernagar, Maheshwaram, Ibrahimpatnam, Saroornagar,<br />

Moinabad and Hayatnagar respectively.<br />

5. Entire HADA area falls within Ranga Reddy District<br />

6. Population: 1,02,989 ( As per 1981 Census)<br />

1,47,172 (As per 1991 Census)<br />

1,54,646 (As per 2001 Census)<br />

Population increase of HADA was only about 5% in the last decade.<br />

7. Mailardevpally with a population of 21,210 is the settlement with largest<br />

population and the highest density in the HADA area. It is part of Greater<br />

Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC).<br />

8. Only Shamsabad is a classified Class IV Town as per the Census, but it’s<br />

civic status is still that of a Gram Panchayat. A portion of Shamsabad covered<br />

in the Airport area has been constituted as Notified Area Committee.<br />

9. Population of Shamsabad: 11,172 (1981)<br />

15,394 (1991)<br />

18,737 (2001)<br />

10. The population trend of other important villages in HADA area are:<br />

Sl.<br />

No.<br />

Village<br />

1981<br />

Population<br />

1991 2001<br />

1 Raviral 2219 2921 3232<br />

2 Nadergul 4935 6089 5534<br />

3 Narkhuda 2520 3234 2616<br />

4 Pedda Shapur 2466 3144 2616<br />

5 Jukal 1709 2043 1355<br />

6 Palmakole 3351 4757 3926<br />

7 Turka Yamjal 3690 6230 2151<br />

8 Mailardevpally 2529 9945 21210<br />

9 Gaganpahad 1887 3908 5386<br />

10 Mamidpally 4600 5478 3494<br />

11 Mankhal 6066 7701 3598<br />

12 Tukkuguda 2843 3223 4309<br />

13 Pahadi Sharif 2565 2853 3506<br />

11. HADA Area and its economy presently is predominantly agriculture based.<br />

Percentage of cultivable area to total area: 59%<br />

Percentage of irrigated area to total cultivable area: 47%<br />

12. Existing Work Force: Total workers: 51.29%<br />

Male: 56.35%<br />

Female: 45.83%<br />

The Work Force is predominantly agriculture (primary Sector ) based<br />

which is above 90% while in secondary sector it is below 8% while the<br />

tertiary sector work force is a marginal 2%.<br />

In the Draft Master plan a total work force of 1.25 lakhs is assumed.<br />

13. Number of Villages covered in the prohibited zone of the Catchment area of<br />

Himayatsagar lake: 40 (45% of HADA area)<br />


14. Existing Land Use of HADA Area ( May, 2002):<br />

Sl.<br />

No.<br />

Land Use Extent in Ha Percentage<br />

1 Dry Agriculture 21990.60 47.91%<br />

2 Wet Agriculture 8040.80 17.51%<br />

3 Layout Plots area 3277.00 7.14 %<br />

4 Vacant land 2809.00 6.12 %<br />

5 Industrial 600.30 1.30 %<br />

6 Forest Land 1256.10 2.73 %<br />

7 Poultry sites 703.00 1.53 %<br />

8 Institutional 259.00 0.56 %<br />

9 Settlements 1170.10 2.55 %<br />

10 Garden/Orchard 560.30 1.22 %<br />

11 Brick Kilns 73.70 0.16 %<br />

12 Residential Colonies 547.40 1.19 %<br />

13 Transportation 71.50 0.15 %<br />

14 Public Utilities 2106.60 4.60 %<br />

15 Hillocks 680.40 1.48 %<br />

16 Water Bodies 1770.90 3.85 %<br />

TOTAL 45896.00 100.00<br />

15. Draft Master Plan Proposed Land Use:<br />

Sl.<br />

No.<br />

Proposed Land Use<br />

Extent in<br />

Hectares<br />

5<br />

Percentage of<br />

Urbanisable<br />

area<br />

1. General Development<br />

Promotion Zone (DPZ)<br />

18,360 65.33<br />

2. Recreational Use (including<br />

water bodies)<br />

2546 9.06<br />

3. Institutional & Special<br />

Reservation Zone<br />

3126 11.12<br />

4. Work centers 1719.61 6.11<br />

5. Transportation Zone 2349.87 8.39<br />

Sub-total: Urbanisable area 28101.48 100(61.22)<br />

6. Bio-Conservation Zone (BCZ) 17794.52 (38.77)<br />

Total HADA Area 45896 100<br />

16. Circulation network:<br />

The following highways pass through the HADA area:<br />

National Highway No 7 to Bangalore: 20 km length<br />

State Highway to Sri Sailam: 15 km length<br />

State Highway to Nagarjunasagar: 17 km length<br />

Inner Ring Road (stretch of Old Kurnool road): 3 km<br />

Other major village roads passing through HADA area are:<br />

Shamsabad-Narkhoda- Hayatabad Road: 26 km. Length<br />

Lakshmiguda-Jalpally-Mamidpally Road: 7 km length<br />

Pahadi Sharif- Raviral- Kongara- Mangalapalli Road: 12 km length<br />

Mankhal- Maheshwaram Road: 5 km length<br />

Pedda Shapur-Jukal-Chowdaryguda-Narkhoda Road: 16 km length<br />

Himayatsagar –Shamsabad Road : 12 km length<br />

Kongara – Adibhatla- Nadergul Road: 8 km length


The HADA entrusted the task of preparation of the Master Plan of HADA area<br />

to HUDA. The total population of HADA area is about 1.54 lakhs as per the<br />

2001 Census, while the population estimate for the Plan period of 2021 is<br />

estimated for about 20 lakhs.<br />

i) The aspects that were taken into consideration in the approach to preparation<br />

of the Master plan were:<br />

• The HADA Master Plan is under preparation with emphasis on being a totally<br />

development friendly plan. The Development Regulations would be simple<br />

and development friendly by allowing all activities in all zones except those<br />

which are industrial, hazardous and any other restrictions, with emphasis on<br />

adequate road network and setbacks and urban design parameters. All<br />

development regulations aspects as well as land use zoning and permitting of<br />

activities would be simplified and liberalized so that people/developers have<br />

wide choice and freedom to develop all types of activities and uses except<br />

objectionable uses.<br />

• To ensure in the Master plan that the activities around the proposed<br />

International Airport are complementary and integrated to the Airport and its<br />

environs;<br />

• To ensure safety of the Airport operations by judiciously planning appropriate<br />

land uses and zoning of the areas and activities so as to be in harmony with<br />

the Airport and not hinder the activities of the Airport;<br />

• To facilitate for proper access to and from the proposed airport with<br />

Hyderabad as well as other parts of the State;<br />

• To promote and encourage Airport related support activities especially<br />

hospitality based, tourism and related activities;<br />

• To make provisions for promotion of planned townships to cater to the service<br />

population and other support activities of the proposed Airport, hardware park<br />

and other major activities. The developments are envisaged through the<br />

sector concept of development which would be self contained. All new<br />

developments would be facilitated through land pooling schemes and through<br />

licensed developers who would facilitate the on site or internal development<br />

and facilities.<br />

• Keeping in view the restrictions along the Airport Funnel Zones as well as<br />

prohibition of polluting development activities in the Catchment area of<br />

Himayatsagar Lake, propose land uses and zoning regulations that would<br />

address the limitations and restrictions;<br />

• Propose a rational network that would serve the area as well as improve<br />

accessibility with Hyderabad including integration with the Hyderabad mass<br />

rapid transit system, the proposed Outer Ring Road and the Regional<br />

Network;<br />

• There would be a limited Conservation Zone in the Plan. All areas of HADA<br />

except the Catchment area (which is earmarked as Bio-conservation Zone)<br />

would be allowed for development. In the areas falling in the Air Funnel zones<br />

development restrictions on height etc. would be followed.<br />

• The Circulation network and structure would have a very clear and well<br />

defined hierarchy of network with good, straight and broad roads. Ample<br />

recreational spaces at area level would be catered for in the Plan.<br />


• The Master Plan would strive for the preservation of all the lakes and kuntas<br />

and nalas and have ample green/ recreational buffer zone.<br />

• Provide for environment protection, energy conservation, water harvesting,<br />

and promote healthy living conditions.<br />

• There would be limited land acquisitions proposed mainly for open spaces<br />

and amenities development. The Plan has to self sustaining and therefore<br />

reasonable pro rata external development charges would need to be levied.<br />

• To make provisions and promote well planned residential sectors to cater to<br />

the service population and other support activities of the proposed Airport ,<br />

the Hardware Park, SEZs and other Work Centres;<br />

• Proposals for declaring Special Economic zones that would complement and<br />

supplement the Airport activities.<br />

• Keeping in view the limitations in future provisions of infrastructure network<br />

like water supply, drainage and electricity, (viz., sharing the same systems as<br />

that of Hyderabad metropolitan area) plan for an incremental development<br />

strategy of the area.<br />

ii) The HADA Master Plan has been prepared with emphasis on being a simple,<br />

intelligible, and a totally development - friendly plan. The development<br />

regulations are development-friendly and promotion oriented in the entire<br />

urbansiable area which comprises of about 61 % of the total HADA area. All<br />

development regulations aspects as well as land use zoning and permitting of<br />

activities have been simplified and rationalized. They are made as clear and<br />

development friendly as possible so that people/developers have wide choice<br />

and freedom to develop all types of activities and uses except objectionable<br />

industrial uses.<br />

iii) The areas for residential and other support socio-economic and community<br />

activities have been proposed on the Sector type development concept,<br />

which is prevalent in Chandigarh, NOIDA, Gurgaon, New Bombay, etc. A total<br />

number of 273 Sectors with rectangular grid iron pattern have been proposed,<br />

with an average size of 200 acres and population ranging from 4000 to<br />

20,000. The proposed Sectors are categorized as General Development<br />

Promotion Zone based on location, environmental characteristics, and also<br />

dictated by the east-west configuration of the Airport and Air Funnels<br />

extending to about 34.5 km. The main public amenities, social commercial<br />

and community facilities are proposed at Central squares of 25 acres each.<br />

Totally 45 Central Squares have been proposed each serving cluster of about<br />

4 sectors. These central squares are the focal points of support activities<br />

including area-level open spaces and greenery. Besides these, the Plan gives<br />

a wide range and choice and flexibility for sector and local level facilities.<br />

iv) The Circulation network is a well-defined regular pattern with Primary roads (<br />

5 roads of existing highways and proposed Outer Ring Road of widths<br />

ranging from 45 mt to 61 mts and Secondary road network of 32 inter-sectoral<br />

roads of 36 mts width linking the various sectors and other development<br />

areas of HADA; while the arterial roads (25 mt wide)l and sub-arterial roads(<br />

18 mt wide) define the various intra- sectors and facilitate definite hierarchy of<br />

movement and preserve the character of the various sectors. Proposal are<br />

given for extending the Hyderabad Rail system ( Multi modal transport system<br />

or MMTS) within HADA are along the Outer Ring Road from Cyberabad up to<br />

Hayatnagar through the Airport and Hardware park.<br />


v) The entire area falling in the prohibited zone of the Catchment area of<br />

Himayatsagar lake which is located mainly to the west of the Airport area and<br />

basically along the NH-7 and south of the Himayatsagar lake (covering about<br />

55% of HADA area) has been designated as “Bio-Conservation Zone ” in the<br />

Master Plan so as to protect and conserve this lake Catchment area.<br />

vi) All new developments in the Sectors are proposed to be facilitated through<br />

public-private and private-private partnerships through Land Pooling<br />

Schemes (minimum area 40 Ha) and through licensed developers, and layout<br />

developments for interstitial areas (minimum area 4 Ha). The internal layout<br />

of the Sectors, mix and type of residential and allied developments are made<br />

flexible. Provisions for EWS housing area, setting apart areas for LIG and<br />

Lower MIG category of housing, social facilities, etc are made mandatory.<br />

The development promotion regulations are promotion oriented and locationoriented,<br />

with emphasis on private –public partnerships, and have been made<br />

pragmatic, with clear obligations on part of owners and licensed developers<br />

and incentives oriented as given in the revised Common Building Rules,2006<br />

issued vide G.O.Ms. No. 86 MA dated 3.3.2006.<br />

vii) The implementation strategy lays emphasis on public-private partnerships<br />

and has a Plan financial outlay of about Rs. 5511 crores with a self –financing<br />

mechanism amongst other things with a levy of a nominal external<br />

betterment charges to help finance and implement the required infrastructure.<br />

viii) The Master Plan incorporates the above and provides for a framework for the<br />

facilitating of planned development. The Master Plan showing the land uses<br />

and other proposals are to be read with the Development Promotion<br />

Regulations for HADA area.<br />

S.P. SINGH<br />







In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 6, 14, 40 to 46 and 59 of the Andhra<br />

Pradesh Urban Areas(Development) Act, 1975 the Government of Andhra Pradesh with<br />

the prior approval of the Hyderabad Airport Development Authority, hereby makes the<br />

following regulations, namely;<br />


1. Short Title, Commencement & Applicability:<br />

1.1 These Regulations may be called the Hyderabad Airport Development Area<br />

Regulations for promoting development, 2008<br />

1.2 They shall come into effect from the date of publication in the Andhra Pradesh<br />

Gazette.<br />

1.3 These Regulations are to be read with the Master Plan of HADA area and are<br />

supplemental and enabling provisions to the said Master Plan.<br />

1.4 Any approval or sanction given earlier under the provisions of any other Act or law/<br />

or the Andhra Pradesh Gram Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 and Gram Panchayat<br />

Building Rules 2002 and prior to the coming into force of the HADA Master Plan if<br />

any competent authority/Executive Authority accords the sanction/approval of any<br />

development which is not in conformity with the regulations/rules or orders of the<br />

Government in force, such approval or sanction shall be deemed to be invalid and<br />

no such development activity or construction shall be undertaken.<br />

1.5 They shall apply to all development activities in the HADA area, viz., area<br />

development schemes, land assemblage /land pooling schemes, layout<br />

development, sub-division of plots/land all types of building construction activity.<br />

Clearance from the District Collectorate for certain activities like petroleum storage<br />

products, cinema theater cases, etc. shall be obtained.<br />

1.6 These development regulations supersede all existing Rules, Regulations and<br />

orders dealing with layout and building construction activity in the HADA area.<br />

2. Definitions:<br />

In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires, the following definitions shall<br />

apply. Words and expressions not defined shall have the meaning as in the National<br />

Building Code of <strong>India</strong> (latest edition) or standard dictionary meaning if not defined in<br />

the above Code:<br />

i) Act means the Andhra Pradesh Urban Areas (Development) Act, 1975;<br />

ii) Area Development Scheme or Land Pooling Scheme means assemblage of<br />

large chunks of contiguous lands in accordance with the provisions of these<br />

regulations for the purpose of development and building in the assigned plots/<br />

designated uses with development of all required facilities and facilities required<br />

to be undertaken. It may be undertaken by a licenced developer or by HADA or<br />

by any public agency. It also includes corporate developments undertaken as<br />

Corporate township and includes incidental activities like residential, convenience<br />

shopping, business, institutional and research.<br />

iii) Building means any structure for whatsoever purpose and whatsoever materials<br />

constructed, and every part thereof whether used for human habitation or not. It<br />

includes foundation, plinth, walls, floors, roofs, chimneys, plumbing and building<br />

services, fixed platforms, verandah, balcony, cornice or projection, part of a<br />


uilding or anything affixed thereto or an wall enclosing or intended to enclose<br />

any land or space, and signs and outdoor display structures. Tents, pandals,<br />

shamianahs/tarpaulin shelters shall not be considered as buildings.<br />

iv) "Community Amenities" spaces means the areas set apart in a layout for a<br />

shopping area, post office, bank, fair price shop, milk booth, school, dispensary,<br />

a nursing home, child care centre, library, community hall, kalyan mandapam,<br />

police station, local office of the Electricity board, water works, local body and<br />

such other amenity as specified by the HADA.<br />

v) Convenience Shopping Center means a premises used as a Complex for a<br />

group of shops comprising of those dealing with day to day requirements of the<br />

population and as distinguished from wholesale and higher order shopping area.<br />

Each shop area shall not exceed 20sq mts. It includes:<br />

• Food grain or ration shops, Kirana and general goods stores<br />

• Tobacconists and Pan shops<br />

• Laundry shops<br />

• Tailors and Darning shops<br />

• Groceries, confectionaries, general provision stores<br />

• Departmental stores<br />

• Bakeries and Sweets Shops<br />

• Hair dressing saloons and beauty parlours,<br />

• Cobblers and shoe shops<br />

• Bicycle hire, spare parts and repair shops<br />

• Vegetable and fruit shops<br />

• Milk and milk products shops<br />

• Medical and dental practitioners clinics and dispensaries<br />

• Pathological clinic/laboratories, diagnostic clinics<br />

• Medical shops and Pharmacies<br />

• Florists and goldsmiths<br />

• Shops dealing with ladies ornaments. Fancy and gift items. Etc<br />

• Newspapers, magazines stalls and circulating libraries<br />

• Wood, coal and fuel shops<br />

• Books and stationery shops<br />

• Cloth and garments shops<br />

• Plumbers, electricians, radio, TV and electronic equipment repair shops<br />

• Video libraries<br />

• Photography, Xerox shops<br />

• STD,ISD and local telephone booths<br />

• Desk Top Printing (DTP) shops<br />

• Professional Services establishments<br />

• Professional offices<br />

• Restaurants and eating houses<br />

• Building materials, hardware and paints shops<br />

• Tutorial classes, Computer education centers<br />

• LP Gas Booking Center<br />

• And other uses/activities as notified from time to time by the HADA<br />

It does not mean or construe to include mulgies or row type shops or part of a<br />

premises converted into a shop or shops. Such type of developments are<br />

discouraged in the HADA area.<br />

vi) Built-up Area: Ground area covered immediately above the plinth level of the<br />

building and is the actual covered area on ground floor including any balcony<br />

projections, porch, corridors and architectural features.<br />

vii) Competent Authority means the Vice-Chairman of the Hyderabad Airport<br />

Development Authority constituted under the provisions of the A.P. Urban Areas<br />

(Dev) Act, 1975 or any other officer designated by him.<br />


viii) Collector means the Collector & District Magistrate of the district and his office and<br />

officials;<br />

ix) Corporate Township means a site or campus developed by a corporation for their<br />

business activities and includes other activities like residential, institutional and<br />

research.<br />

x) Cluster Housing means plots or built dwelling units or housing up to 20 houses<br />

grouped around an open space;<br />

xi) Development means the carrying out of building, engineering, mining, or other<br />

operations in, or over, or under land or water, or the making of any material<br />

change, in any building or land, or in the use of any building or land, and includes<br />

redevelopment and layout and sub-division of any land; and "to develop" shall be<br />

construed accordingly;<br />

xii) Development Charge means a charge levied by HADA under the provisions of the<br />

Andhra Pradesh Urban Areas (Development) Act, 1975 and its Amendments, rules<br />

and orders.<br />

xiii) External Betterment Charge means a charge levied by HADA for ensuring off site<br />

services and amenities including capital infrastructure installations/trunk services<br />

in the area;<br />

xiv) General Industry: A premises with facilities for carrying out fabrication,<br />

processing, assembling of materials and products, manufacture of goods, etc. The<br />

list of industries in this category shall be as per the Government orders in this<br />

regard.<br />

xv) Group Housing Scheme means a housing scheme, wherein dwelling houses are<br />

not constructed in separate individual plot, but where a group of buildings are<br />

proposed in one plot with common facilities and services.<br />

xvi) Layout means the laying out a parcel of land or lands into building plots with laying<br />

of roads/streets with formation, levelling, metalling or black topping or paving of the<br />

roads and footpaths, etc. and laying of the services such as water supply,<br />

drainage, street lighting, open spaces, avenue plantation, and proposed road<br />

pattern integrated with the surrounding circulation pattern and developing the<br />

Master Plan circulation network and subject to the other conditionalities as given in<br />

these Regulations;<br />

xvii) Master Plan means the plan prepared and notified under Section 6 & 8 of the AP<br />

Urban Areas (Development) Act 1975 and sanctioned by the Government under<br />

section 10 of the said Act for the Development Area declared under Section 13 of<br />

the said Act<br />

xviii) High-Rise building means and includes all buildings or blocks whose height is 18<br />

metres or more, measured from the average level of the central line of street on<br />

which the site abut. However, staircase room, lift rooms, chimney, and elevated<br />

tanks above the top most floor and architectural features are not included in the<br />

number of floor or height calculation for such categorization.<br />

xix) Obstacle Limitation surfaces are specifications to define the airspace around<br />

aerodromes to be maintained free of obstacles, so as to permit the intended<br />

aeroplane operations at the aerodrome to be conducted safely and to prevent the<br />

aerodromes from becoming unusable by the growth of obstacles around the<br />

aerodromes. This is achieved by establishing a series of obstacle limitation<br />

surfaces that define the limits to which objects may project into the airspace. The<br />

following obstacle limitation surfaces shall be established:<br />

1. Conical Surface;<br />

2. Inner Horizontal Surface;<br />


3. Approach surface and inner approach surface;<br />

4. Transitional surface;<br />

5. Inter transitional surface;<br />

6. Balked Landing surface.<br />

(Reference International Civil Aviation Organization - Annex – 14 Manual)<br />

xx) Owner: Owner means the person who has the title or right to use the property,<br />

and includes a person who receive the rent for the use of land or building or would<br />

be entitled to do so if they were let. It also includes:<br />

1. an agency or trustee who receives such rent on behalf of the owner.<br />

2. a receiver, executor or administrator or a manager appointed by any court of<br />

competent jurisdiction to have the charge of or to exercise the rights of the<br />

owner or a General Power of Attorney;<br />

3. is entrusted with or is concerned with any building devoted to religious or<br />

charitable purposes; and<br />

4. a mortgage in possession.<br />

xxi) Permissible Uses or activities means the activities or uses that are permissible in<br />

a given site or parcel of land and that are subject to development requirements and<br />

conditionalities as given in these Regulations;<br />

xxii) Person: Person means an individual and includes 'Govt.' or 'Corporation'.<br />

xxiii) Parking Space: An area enclosed or unenclosed, covered or open sufficient in<br />

size to park vehicles together with a driveway connecting the parking space with a<br />

street or alley and permitting ingress and egress of the vehicles.<br />

xxiv) Public Utility Building/Premises: A premises of any public service undertaking<br />

or authority for storage, distribution, maintenance of office, etc., the public facility<br />

network, etc., and includes overhead/underground tank, pump house, sump,<br />

oxidation pond, septic tank, public toilets, electric sub-station, fire-station,<br />

telephone exchange, garbage collection point, etc.<br />

xxv) Public Facilities building/Premises: means a premises housing community,<br />

social and cultural facilities for public like police station, post office, telegraph office,<br />

library, auditorium, own hall, local community hall/kalyan mandapam, recreational<br />

club, Open Air Theater, Exhibition Center, religious building, grave yard, cremation<br />

ground, Crematorium, and includes other services like municipal ward office and<br />

their works like swimming pool, bal wadi, angan wadi, welfare center. etc.<br />

xxvi) Public open spaces means the areas set apart in a land pooling scheme or layout<br />

for parks and play grounds, duly developed and with a proper compound wall.<br />

xxvii) Row Housing: A row of houses with only front rear and interior open spaces.<br />

xxviii) Road/Street alignment: The line defining the side limits of a road/street, and<br />

demarcated as such on the ground.<br />

xxix) Setback shall mean the space to be left fully open to sky from the edge of the<br />

building to the property line or boundary of the street. No built-up space shall be<br />

provided within the setback except specifically permitted projections and other<br />

structures under these regulations.<br />

xxx) Service Industry: An industry concerned mainly with repair, maintenance,<br />

servicing and/or jobbing work with sale of operation not exceeding 20 HP and 20<br />

Manpower, without detriment to the amenity of the area by reason of noise,<br />

vibration, smell, fumes, smoke, soot, ash, dust, etc. The list of industries in this<br />

category shall be as per the Government orders in this regard.<br />

xxxi) Semi-detached Building: A building detached on three sides with open spaces<br />

as specified in these regulations.<br />


xxxii) Tourism based facilities: means facilities accessory to tourism undertaken by<br />

public or private body and which the Tourism Department sponsors. It may have<br />

boarding and incidental and accessory facilities of up to 10% of the plot area<br />

including residential facilities for essential staff.<br />

xxxiii) Transferable Development Right means an award specifying the built up area an<br />

owner of a site or plot can sell or dispose or utilize elsewhere, whose site or plot is<br />

required to be set apart or affected for a community amenity or development for<br />

public purpose in the Master Plan. The award would be in the form of a TDR<br />

Certificate issued by the Competent Authority.<br />

xxxiv) Village Settlement or Grama Khantam or Abadi means all land that have been<br />

included as Abadi by the government/Collector within the site of village and<br />

includes existing village hamlets.<br />

xxxv) Flatted factory means a premises having group of non-hazardous small industrial<br />

units including service establishments housed in a single or more than one building<br />

and in multiple floors.<br />

3. Development Permission/ Building Permission mandatory:<br />

3.1 No person or body shall carry out development work or undertake assemblage/<br />

parceling of land into plots, or erect, re-erect or carry out any building<br />

construction activity or layout activity or subdivide plots/lands without first<br />

obtaining a specific land pooling scheme/ layout/land subdivision permission or<br />

building permission as the case may be, in writing from the Hyderabad Airport<br />

Development Authority, and complying with the development conditions and<br />

provisions required under these Regulations.<br />

3.2 The following operational construction of the Government whether temporary or<br />

permanent which is necessary for the operation, maintenance, development or<br />

execution of any of the following services are exempted from the purview of<br />

these Regulations except within the airport safety areas and zonal restrictions<br />

and air safety requirements (wherein explicit clearance from the Airport Authority<br />

shall be required):<br />

(a) Railways;<br />

(b) National Highways, State Highways & Major District Roads;<br />

(c) Works undertaken by the District Administration/ ZPP/MPP/Gram<br />

Panchayat;<br />

(d) Airways & Airports;<br />

(e) Defence;<br />

(f) Posts & Telegraphs, Telephones Dept., Wireless, broadcasting, and other<br />

like forms of communications;<br />

(g) Electricity;<br />

(h) Any other service which the government may declare to be a service from<br />

time to time for the purpose of this clause;<br />

Provided that such operational constructions and developments comply with the<br />

development conditions and provisions required under these Regulations and required<br />

to pay the necessary fees and charges to HADA wherever applicable.<br />

4. Application for Permission:<br />

A) For Land Pooling Scheme/Layout development:<br />

Every licenced developer or body who intends to carry out development work or<br />

undertake assemblage/ parceling of land into plots, or layout activity or Group Housing<br />

Scheme/Cluster Housing Scheme or subdivide or make material alterations shall apply<br />

in writing to the Vice-Chairman, Hyderabad Airport Development Authority of such<br />

intention in the Form prescribed in Annexure A and the application for any such<br />


permission shall be accompanied by Plans and statements in original ( drawn on any<br />

durable medium) plus four prints along with copy of the ownership documents of the<br />

plot/property/ land concerned and payment of prescribed application fees and charges.<br />

The Application for permission for a Land pooling Scheme or layout<br />

development shall be accompanied by<br />

i) a site plan drawn to scale of not less than 1:500 showing all physical details of<br />

the land, boundaries of the land, the surrounding lands, airport zoning safety &<br />

obstacle limitation surfaces and existing approach road to the land where the<br />

layout is proposed;<br />

ii) a Layout Plan (in required number of copies) drawn to a suitable scale preferably<br />

on 1:1000 for Land Pooling Schemes and 1: 600 for layout applications, showing<br />

boundaries of land, sub-division of the land into building plots/ uses with<br />

dimensions and area of each plot and its uses as per these regulations; width of<br />

the proposed streets/roads ;dimensions and areas of open space provided<br />

according to these regulations; dimensions and areas to be set apart for EWS<br />

housing, area for social and cultural amenities, and area to be handed over to<br />

HADA in case of a Land pooling Scheme;<br />

iii) Certificate of Undertaking in prescribed Form jointly by owner, licenced developer<br />

and Licenced surveyor/engineer for carrying out the development works as per<br />

standards.<br />

iv) A topographical plan drawn to scale with contours and indicating the proposed<br />

location of the water supply system, drainage and sewerage network and other<br />

utilities of the proposed scheme<br />

v) Land development schemes involving housing construction activity/civil works,<br />

the building type designs together with the details of facilities proposed to be<br />

provided shall be submitted. Such Land Pooling Schemes shall be prepared and<br />

signed by a qualified town planner<br />

Provided that before submission of such an application, pre-application<br />

consultation shall be undertaken by the licenced developer/body with the Chief<br />

Planning Officer of HADA prior to the formal filing of an application for approval of<br />

a Land Pooling Scheme or layout development scheme. This step does not<br />

require formal application or the payment of a fee. When submitted, this Sketch<br />

Plan shall show in simple sketch form the proposed Land Pooling Scheme and<br />

layout of streets, roads, location of amenities, open spaces and other features in<br />

relation to existing conditions.<br />

Within fifteen (15) days, the Chief Planning Officer shall inform the licenced developer<br />

wherein the plans and data as submitted or as modified do or do not meet the<br />

objectives of the master plan/these Regulations and shall inform the licenced developer<br />

as to how said objectives may be met. Any such consultation or advise by HADA shall<br />

not constitute approval or be binding on HADA.<br />

4.2 Application for building permission for non high-rise buildings:<br />

(i) For undertaking any such building construction activity, prior technical approval<br />

of HADA is mandatory. These shall be applied to the Competent Authority in the<br />

Form prescribed in Annexure B and the application for any such permission shall<br />

be accompanied by Plans and statements in original ( drawn on any durable<br />

medium) plus four prints along with copy of the ownership documents of the<br />

plot/property/ land concerned and payment of prescribed application fees and<br />

charges.<br />


(ii) All building activity shall conform to the requirements specified in these<br />

regulations with regard to minimum plot area, approach road, minimum setbacks,<br />

height permissible, parts of buildings requirements, plot coverage, parking<br />

requirements, etc.<br />

(iii) The Application for permission for building construction shall be accompanied by<br />

a location plan showing the site in relation to surrounding land marks;<br />

(iv) a site plan drawn to scale of not less than 1:500 showing:<br />

(a) The existing approach road or means of access with width and the<br />

proposed road widening affected area, if any;<br />

(b) The boundaries, giving the dimensions of the site and of any contiguous<br />

land belonging to the owner thereof;<br />

(c) All existing buildings position and other features in the site, if any;<br />

(d) The position of the site in relation to neighbouring /adjoining<br />

roads/streets, if any;<br />

(e) Space/ setbacks to be left about the building to secure free circulation of<br />

air, admission of light and access for scavenging purposes;<br />

(f) Any existing physical features such as wells, drains, trees, etc;<br />

(g) The ground area of the whole property and the built-up area;<br />

(v) The building proposed utilities and services plans;<br />

(vi) Landscaping and rain water harvesting plans<br />

(vii) Parking plans for sites 300 sq mts and above or having occupancy of<br />

commercial, and other non-individual residential use;<br />

(viii) Give general specifications of proposed construction and type of materials used,<br />

and jointly signed by the owner, the Registered Architect and civil engineer who<br />

supervises the proposed development/construction.<br />

(ix) The Plans of the building, elevations and Sections drawn to a scale of not less<br />

than 1:100 of all floors showing uses of all parts of the building ( on original in<br />

tracing film or any durable medium and requisite number of copies). In case of<br />

very large buildings the drawing scale may be reduced suitably. The sections<br />

should be through the longitude and transverse of the proposed building and<br />

indicate all dimensions and heights and level differences, staircase details, etc,<br />

while the elevations of all sides of the building/blocks are to be given.<br />

4.3 Application for High-rise buildings:<br />

In addition to the compliance of the building proposals application requirements<br />

as stated above and the compliance of the High-Rise building requirements as given in<br />

the Hyderabad Revised Building Rules,2006, applications for High-Rise buildings shall<br />

be accompanied with the following requirements:<br />

(a) Structural design and safety requirements duly prepared and signed by a<br />

qualified structural engineer and signed by both the architect who designs the<br />

building complex as well as the civil engineer who supervises the construction<br />

requirements.<br />

(b) Clearance certificate for the proposed complex from the Airport Authority<br />

(c) Compliance regarding fire safety requirements from the Director of Fire Services<br />


(d) Compliance of all building services, circulation requirements landscaping, and<br />

rain water harvesting requirements as given in these Regulations and to the<br />

satisfaction of HADA<br />

(e) All drawings to be signed jointly by the owner, licenced developer/builder,<br />

registered architect, licenced structural engineer, licenced civil engineer who<br />

shall be responsible for safety and facilities in the Complex and ensuring the<br />

construction of the High-Rise building complex is in accordance with the<br />

Hyderabad Revised Building Rules,2006 issued vide GOMs No. 86 MA dated<br />

3.3.2006 and the National Building Code (latest version), and they shall submit a<br />

joint undertaking to this effect.<br />

4.4 Overall Plans to be submitted:<br />

At the time of application, a statement and overall Plan should be submitted stating and<br />

showing how the complete requirements are proposed to be achieved and complying<br />

with these Regulations in the given site. Further and future additions and extensions<br />

shall be as per these submitted and approved overall plan proposals only.<br />

4.5 Application scrutiny Fees to be levied by the HADA:<br />

HADA shall levy application scrutiny fees for all applications as follows<br />

a) For Land Pooling Scheme:<br />

At the rate of Rs. 2/- per sq. mt of total land proposed for Land Pooling Scheme.<br />

b) For Layouts and Plot sub-division/Amalgamation:<br />

At the rate of Rs. 4 /- per sq. mt of total land proposed for layout /plot subdivision/amalgamation<br />

c) For Buildings:<br />

At the rate of Rs. 10/- per sq. mt. of built-up area, subject to a minimum of Rs. 2000.<br />

5 Other Charges:<br />

5.1 In addition to the above, HADA shall levy<br />

a) development charges as specified by the Government.<br />

b) levy and collect pro rata external betterment charges accordingly at the<br />

following rates for ensuring provisions and development of trunk infrastructure<br />

/installations:<br />

• For layout/land pooling scheme/plot subdivisions/amalgamation: Rs 50 per sq mt<br />

of land area<br />

• For residential and commercial buildings : Rs 25 per sq m of built up area<br />

• For Group Housing Schemes/Cluster Housing/Colony type development/<br />

Enclaves, Residential, Commercial, Office use, etc: - Rs 25 per sq mt of built up<br />

area plus Rs. 50 per sq m for remaining plot area.<br />

• for industrial, institutional, educational uses/buildings , recreational use/buildings<br />

and other category of uses/buildings not covered above - at the rate of Rs. 10 per<br />

sq. mt of total site area<br />


Provided however that the external betterment charges in respect of layouts / land<br />

Pooling Schemes and Group Housing Schemes may be collected in two equated<br />

installments and paid within six months of the tentative approval.<br />

5.2 Levy of impact fees and other provisions in certain areas:<br />

The Competent Authority with the approval of the Government may levy impact<br />

fees and other fees/ charges for lands/sites/premises abutting or in the vicinity of<br />

the Outer Ring Road or other highways/major roads indicated in the Master Plan,<br />

at the rates and procedure prescribed by the Government.<br />

6 Sanction or Refusal of Permission:<br />

The Land Pooling Scheme or Layout plans/ building plans with drawings and<br />

specifications in accordance with these HADA Regulations may be technically<br />

approved with or without modifications or directions as are deemed necessary or<br />

refused by the Hyderabad Airport development Authority within 90 days from the<br />

date of receipt of application.<br />

Where no orders are communicated by the HADA of sanction or refusal of the<br />

permission, the HADA shall deemed to have permitted the proposals and the owner<br />

may go ahead with the works after intimation and paying the requisite fees and<br />

charges to HADA before undertaking such development, and provided, the same is<br />

in accordance with these regulations.<br />

7 Duration of Technical Approval:<br />

The technical approval shall be valid as follows:<br />

• for land pooling scheme – 3 years<br />

• for layout development approval – 2 years<br />

• For Group Housing Schemes/Cluster Housing/ Colony type development/<br />

Enclaves in sites 4000 sq mt & above - 2 years<br />

• building constructions: for plots upto 500 sq mt - 1 year<br />

• For plots above 500 sq mt and High-Rise buildings: 2 years<br />

during which time the land pooling scheme works/layout works/building<br />

construction shall be completed, and if not completed the permission for land<br />

pooling scheme/layout/building construction shall be revalidated on application<br />

subject to the requirements then in force.<br />

The revalidation fees shall be 50% of the above mentioned scrutiny fees.<br />

8 Revoking of Permission:<br />

HADA or the Collector or the Government as the case may be , may revoke any<br />

permission issued under these regulations whenever it is found that there has<br />

been any error or false statement or any misinterpretation of any material fact or<br />

regulation on which the permission was sanctioned.<br />

9 Deviations during construction/undertaking up layout works:<br />

If during the execution of any land pooling scheme/layout or building construction<br />

any departure is made from the approved plan, the licenced developer/owner<br />

shall obtain revised approval by duly following the above- mentioned procedure<br />

10 Conformity of constructions and developments to National Building Code<br />

of <strong>India</strong>:<br />

Recourse shall be made to the National Building Code of <strong>India</strong> (latest Edition) for<br />

all standards and specifications relating to building construction viz.,<br />


(a) structural design, foundations, masonry, timber, plain cement concrete,<br />

reinforced cement concrete, structural steel, etc, for ensuring structural<br />

safety including safety from seismic hazard, etc,<br />

(b) Quality of materials and workmanship;<br />

And building services, viz,.<br />

(c) Building Plumbing, Water Supply and Drainage (including mode of<br />

sewerage disposal system);<br />

(d) Electric installations.<br />

(e) Fire service Requirements in addition to the requirements as per the<br />

provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Fire Safety Act, 1999.<br />

(f) Landscaping and greenery and water harvesting measures as per the<br />

provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Land, Water and Tree Act, 2001.<br />

11 Responsibilities and Duties of Licenced developer/Builder/Owner:<br />

The licenced developer/builder/owner who has been given approval and the<br />

technical personnel shall be wholly and severally responsible for the quality of<br />

workmanship of the building/layout development works, and/or structural safety of<br />

the building and for ensuring safety during the construction /development works, and<br />

for complying with the conditions laid down in these Regulations and the approved<br />

plans/drawings.<br />

11.1 Schemes and projects to be undertaken through licenced developers and<br />

technical personnel only:<br />

In the case of buildings in large sites/ Group Housing Schemes, Land Pooling<br />

Schemes layout colony development schemes, Commercial Complexes, multistoreyed<br />

buildings, institutional and industrial complexes, etc., the<br />

building/development project/Scheme shall be undertaken by the owner through<br />

licenced developer and qualified technical personnel only. The work of the building<br />

services like sanitation, plumbing, fire safety requirements, lifts, electrical<br />

installations, and other utility services shall be executed under the planning, design<br />

and supervision of qualified and competent technical personnel.<br />

All planning designing and execution/implementation of the above types of<br />

building/development shall be undertaken through licenced technical personnel only.<br />

Where the development conditions are not compiled with, in addition to the action<br />

specified in Regulation 15, action under the provisions of Section 32 of the AP Urban<br />

Areas (Development) Act, 1975 would be taken by the Competent authority.<br />

12 Sanction and release of building plans by the local authority:<br />

No permission shall be directly entertained or given by the local authority Prior<br />

technical approval of HADA is required for all development approvals except in<br />

cases where specifically delegated by the HADA or the Government.<br />

The technical approvals forwarded by HADA to the local body for sanction and<br />

release to the owner shall be done within one week after collecting the prescribed<br />

fees under their Act, after which the same shall be deemed to be sanctioned by the<br />

local body.<br />

The Local Authority shall maintain systematic records and registers of all layouts,<br />

building permissions, fees and charges collected in prescribed manner.<br />


13 Responsibilities of Local Authority and HADA:<br />

(1) HADA shall be primarily responsible for the following aspects of development:<br />

(a) Land Pooling Schemes and layout development schemes and the compliance<br />

of development specifications and conditions there under;<br />

(b) Promoting and regulating the overall developments on a planned manner and<br />

for this purpose it may issue instructions and directions to the local bodies<br />

who are required to comply with the same.<br />

(c) Demarcation and grounding of the various alignments of Master plan roads,<br />

Land Pooling Schemes roads and layout development roads, junction<br />

improvements, etc.<br />

(d) Undertaking key implementation projects,<br />

(e) And taking necessary steps for ensuring the overall development of the<br />

HADA area in a planned manner.<br />

(2) The local authority concerned and their officials shall be primarily responsible for the<br />

following aspects of development:<br />

(a) Ensuring the building permission activity is carried out strictly in<br />

accordance with the technically approved plans;<br />

(b) Take immediate enforcement action on deviations and unauthorized<br />

constructions and layout developments as per these regulations and their<br />

respective laws;<br />

(c) Take action to arrest unauthorized constructions and unauthorized layout<br />

developments;<br />

(d) Not allow conversion of existing building/premises for local shops or other<br />

activities contrary to the Master plan and these Regulations;<br />

(e) Comply with the instructions and directions of HADA in the matters of<br />

development promotion and regulation/ Master Plan implementation<br />

aspects.<br />

14 Grant of Development Permission<br />

Grant of Development Permission shall mean acceptance by the Competent Authority<br />

the following requirements:<br />

(A) In the case of Land Pooling Schemes and Layout development schemes-<br />

(i) The road pattern and widths of roads,<br />

(ii) the location of open spaces;<br />

(iii) the location of shopping center, and other community amenities;<br />

(iv) the common sewerage disposal system, water supply system, drainage<br />

system ;<br />

(v) the siting of bus stops, parking stands, solid waste collection points/sites<br />

& public amenities;<br />

(vi) the road development specifications and standards;<br />

(vii) the area allowed to be developed and disposed as building sites/plots;<br />

(viii) the type of housing to be developed with services and amenities and<br />

building requirements;<br />

(ix) Rain water harvesting structures, conservation measures and the surface<br />

drainage of the area;<br />


(B) In case of building permissions, it shall mean acceptance of the following:<br />

(i) Permissible built up area,<br />

(ii) Height of a building and its various stories,<br />

(iii) Projections allowed and disallowed in open spaces<br />

(iv) Permissible use of land and accessory uses and utilization of built up<br />

spaces<br />

(v) Arrangements of staircases, lifts, corridors and parking spaces,<br />

(vi) the requirements of High Rise Buildings including the clearance from Airport<br />

Authority, the Director of Fire Services, and other services,<br />

(vii) Minimum requirements of sanitary facilities and other common facilities,<br />

(viii) Required ventilation and lighting<br />

(ix) Rain water harvesting structures and water conservation measures.<br />

(C) Provided that it shall not mean acceptance of correctness, confirmation, approval<br />

or enforcement of and shall not bind or render the Competent Authority liable in<br />

any way in regard to:<br />

(i) Title or ownership of the site or building<br />

(ii) Easement Rights<br />

(iii) Variation in area from recorded areas of plot or a building or on ground<br />

(iv) Structural Reports and Structural Drawings<br />

(v) Workmanship and soundness of structure, materials used,<br />

(vi) quality of building services and amenities in the construction of building<br />

(vii) Location and boundary of plot/site<br />

(viii) The site/area liable to flooding as a result of not taking proper drainage<br />

arrangements as per natural lay of the land, etc.<br />

(ix) Other requirements or licences for the site/ premises or activity under<br />

various other laws.<br />

15 Offences and Penalties:<br />

15.1 Any person who contravenes any of the provisions of these Regulations or any<br />

requirements or obligations imposed on him by virtue of these regulations shall<br />

be guilty of an offence and shall-<br />

(a) be punishable as per the provisions of the Andhra Pradesh Urban areas<br />

(Development) Act,1975;<br />

(b) take suitable actions including demolition of unauthorized works, and in<br />

the event of failure to comply, take action accordingly after serving an<br />

Enforcement Notice;<br />

(c) take suitable action against licenced developer/technical personnel which<br />

may include prosecution or debarring him from further practice up to five<br />

years.<br />


(d) In the case of deviations from the approved development plan, it shall be<br />

the responsibility of the licenced developer/licenced builder to get these<br />

rectified or summarily demolish these at his own cost failing which action<br />

as mentioned at (a) to (c) would be taken by the local body/HADA as the<br />

case may be.<br />

15.2 HADA or it’s officers may take any or all of the above actions by issuing suitable<br />

instructions to the local body or any other body for necessary action against the<br />

unauthorised construction/layout.<br />

15.3. If it is noticed that any officer of the local authority or HADA has willfully not taken<br />

effective action as required in these Regulations or issued permission in<br />

contravention of these Regulations, HADA or Collector or the Government may<br />

take necessary action against the local authority or HADA besides taking action<br />

on the said development .<br />

15.4 If it is noticed that any licenced builder/developer or certificate holder of TDR has<br />

misused/abused the TDR incentive given or violated the conditions of TDR or<br />

has built over and above the permissible area/height, etc. the HADA or the<br />

Government shall take necessary criminal action against the licenced<br />

builder/developer or certificate holder of TDR besides taking action on the said<br />

development and action under these Regulations.<br />

16 Power of entry and power of Competent Authority to demarcate alignments<br />

and reservations as per Statutory Master Plan:<br />

(1) The Competent Authority may authorise any person to enter into any land<br />

or building with or without assistance or workmen for the purpose of :<br />

a) Making any enquiry, inspection, measurement or survey or taking levels of<br />

such land or building;<br />

b) Examining works under construction and ascertaining the course of public<br />

utilities and drains, etc;<br />

c) Digging or boring into the sub-soil;<br />

d) Setting out boundaries of intended alignment of roads, public utilities and<br />

other works;<br />

e) Making such levels, boundaries, demarcations and lines by placing marks<br />

and cutting trenches;<br />

f) Ascertaining whether any land or building or property is being affected in the<br />

Statutory Master Plan/ Layout Scheme/ Land Pooling Scheme road/public<br />

utilities alignments, etc.<br />

g) For grounding of new alignment of roads/ road widening/ alignment of new<br />

communication network in any land and/or modifying marginally road<br />

alignments as per feasibility on ground, etc.<br />

h) Ascertaining whether any land or building or property is being or has been<br />

developed in accordance with the Planning Permission and Building<br />

permission or in contravention of the provisions of the AP Urban Areas(Dev.)<br />

Act,1975 or conditions subject to which the development permission /building<br />

permission has been issued are being or have been complied; or<br />

i) Doing any other thing necessary for the implementation of the Statutory<br />

Master Plan/Development Scheme/Land pooling Scheme or other provisions<br />

for the efficient administration of the said Act.<br />


(2) Any person who obstructs the entry of a person authorized under the above<br />

Regulation to enter upon any land or building or removes or causes to be<br />

removed any such demarcation of road alignment/ development works or any of<br />

the actions mentioned in above regulation or molests such authorized person,<br />

shall be punished with imprisonment upto six months or fine or with both.<br />

17 Obligations of the owner and licenced developer/builder/licenced technical<br />

personnel to implement and develop the Master Plan circulation network<br />

and specific land uses:<br />

17.1 Where any land or site or premises is affected in the statutory Master Plan road<br />

or circulation network such area so affected in the road or circulation network<br />

shall be surrendered free of cost to the Competent Authority by the owner of<br />

land. No development permission shall be given unless this condition is complied<br />

with.<br />

17.2 In the case of land pooling scheme or layout development, the owner and<br />

licenced developer/builder shall incorporate in the land pooling scheme or layout<br />

all Master Plan specific land uses and amenity areas like recreational buffer<br />

zone/Sector level open space and amenity space and road network and shall<br />

develop the Master plan roads as part of the land pooling scheme or layout at his<br />

cost. However, such area of Master Plan road alignment/ recreational buffer<br />

zone/Sector level open space and amenity space shall be deducted from the<br />

total site area of the Land Pooling Scheme or layout . The proposals of the<br />

Scheme and the land utilization analysis would be taken on the remaining net<br />

area, and no fees and development charges and other charges are leviable for<br />

such Master Plan reservation areas and Master Plan circulation network.<br />

17.3 In the case of building or construction site, the owner of the site would be entitled<br />

to a Transferable Development Right (TDR) as given in Section below for such<br />

affected land in the Master Plan road alignment in the said site.<br />

17.4 In any site or premises that abuts a major road alignment, where a service road<br />

is required to be developed, development permission shall be considered by the<br />

competent authority only after such a 2-lane black topped service road of 7 mt.<br />

carriageway is first developed by the owner or licenced developer/builder, or<br />

alternatively, deposits the equivalent cost to the Competent Authority as the case<br />

may be.<br />

17.5 Any site or premises earmarked for amenities or specific land use like<br />

Recreational/Green Belt development/ or Afforestation tract along the foreshores<br />

of Himayatsagar lake, Sector level open space and amenity area, etc. shall be<br />

developed by the owner through a licenced developer/builder accordingly on<br />

BOOM (Build Own Operate and Maintain ) basis. In the event of the<br />

owner/developer not developing as above by giving his written consent within the<br />

time period specified after issue of a Notice by the Competent Authority, the<br />

Competent Authority has the pre-emptive right to acquire such sites/lands and<br />

compensation shall be based on the rates prevailing on the date of draft<br />

notification of the Master Plan. The owners or licenced developer/builder who<br />

develop such amenities or specific land uses would be entitled for a Transferable<br />

Development Right (TDR) as given in Section below.<br />

18. Grant of Transferable Development Right:<br />

Grant of Transferable Development Right (TDR) may be considered by the Competent<br />

Authority for the following areas subject to the owner and licenced developer/licenced<br />

builder complying with the conditions of development mentioned in Regulation 17<br />

above, as per the following norms:<br />

(a) For the Master Plan road network undertaken and developed: equivalent to 25% of<br />

built up area of such area developed at his cost.<br />


(b) For development of the Central Squares with Sector level Amenity and open spaces<br />

undertaken and developed: equivalent to 5% of such area developed at his cost.<br />

(c) For conservation and development of lakes/water bodies/nalas foreshores and<br />

Recreational buffer development with greenery, etc. including the Recreation-cum-<br />

Afforestation tract earmarked all along the Himayatsagar foreshores: equivalent to<br />

10% of built up area of such recreational buffer area developed at his cost. No TDR<br />

would be allowed for portion of any site falling in the water spread area or FTL of any<br />

lake or water body.<br />

(d) For utilization and undertaking cooperative/ corporate farming for horticulture/<br />

floriculture/ Bio-technology unit/ utilization for tourism and recreation-based activities<br />

that do not pollute the environs in the Bio Conservation Zone: equivalent to 5% of<br />

built up area of the area so developed at his cost. The TDR would not be admissible<br />

in case of conventional agriculture use or cultivation sites.<br />

The competent authority shall have the discretion in the matter of applicability of TDR.<br />

The TDR Certificate would be issued by the competent authority would be valid or<br />

utilized/ disposed only within the HADA area and as per guidelines and conditions<br />

prescribed by the Competent Authority.. A Fee at the rate of 2% of the TDR value<br />

basing on the prevailing market value shall be levied and remitted by the owner to<br />

HADA before issue of the TDR Certificate.<br />

19. Appellate Powers of the HADA Board:<br />

Where there is a clearly demonstrable hardship in sites or premises with regard to:<br />

a) compliance of these Regulations requirements,<br />

b) or dispute arises with regard to the decision of the Competent Authority,<br />

c) or the owner is aggrieved with the decision of the Competent Authority in the<br />

matter of refusal of permissions,<br />

d) or any other matter with regard to the implementation of the Master Plan<br />

provisions,<br />

the owner/licenced developer may appeal to the HADA Board . The HADA Board<br />

shall frame clear and detailed guidelines and procedure in scrutinizing the cases<br />

keeping in view the character of the area, the interest of ensuring planned<br />

development as per the Master Plan in view and give it’s decisions in such cases<br />

and the reasons thereof to be recorded in writing. However, the permissible height<br />

and the front setback or building line shall not be compromised. The decision and<br />

conditionalities imposed by the HADA Board shall be final and binding in such<br />

cases.<br />


Heritage Regulations would apply to those buildings, artifacts and precincts of:<br />

(a) historical or cultural value<br />

(b) and precincts and sites of natural or environmental value in the HADA area.<br />

In respect of (a) above, no development, or redevelopment, alteration, removal or<br />

demolition of such heritage buildings, artifacts and precincts shall be allowed except<br />

with the prior written approval of the Competent Authority.<br />

In respect of (b) above any development in and around such sites shall be eco-friendly<br />

and not alter the environmental character of such sites. The conservation, beautification<br />

and preservation plans and development (including any recreational and allied<br />

development) of such sites shall be allowed with prior approval of the Competent<br />

Authority.<br />


Buildings, precincts and natural sites included in the HADA Heritage List by the<br />

Competent Authority shall maintain the character, skyline as may exist in the<br />

surrounding area, so as not to diminish or destroy the value and beauty of the listed<br />

building, precinct or natural site. The development within and around the listed building,<br />

precinct or natural site shall be in accordance with the guidelines framed and incentives<br />

given under these Regulations.<br />

Listing however does not prevent change of ownership or usage. However, such usage<br />

should be in conformity with the provisions of these Development Promotion<br />

Regulations and be in harmony with the guidelines.<br />

The onus for ensuring the protection and preservation of such heritage structures,<br />

artifacts, precincts and natural sites shall vest with the local authority concerned and<br />

they agency or body specifically vested with it.<br />

The tentative List of Heritage structures, artifacts, precincts and natural sites in HADA<br />

area are:<br />

A) Structures, artifacts and precincts of historical or cultural value:<br />

1. Clock Tower and Police Station building at Shamsabad Town Centre<br />

2. Palugu Gutta heritage precinct near Hariguda settlement of Shamsabad<br />

village.<br />

3. Mud fort remains at Narkhoda village settlement<br />

4. Mud fort remains at Nadergul settlement<br />

5. Mud fort remains near Ramajipur village settlement<br />

6. Sri Rama Temple precinct at Ammapalli settlement<br />

7. Remains of fort entrance gate at Dosawada settlement<br />

8. Pahadi Sharif Dargah precinct<br />

9. Narasimhaswamy temple precinct at Jannaiguda hamlet of Raviral village<br />

B) Precincts and sites of natural or environmental value:<br />

1. Himayatsagar lake and it’s foreshores and vicinity earmarked for<br />

Afforestation-cum-recreation development tract and as delineated in the<br />

Master Plan.<br />

2. All the lakes, kuntas and nalas and other water bodies identified and listed<br />

in the Master Plan and specified in the Master Plan Report.<br />

SECTION B:<br />



21 Applicability of the Zoning Regulations:<br />

21.1 No development activity like layout, Land Pooling Scheme, building construction<br />

activity, use of any land or conversion of any land or building shall be permitted<br />

unless these are in:<br />

(a) Conformity with the Master Plan land use, circulation network and other<br />

provisions;<br />

(b) conformity with the zoning of the uses and activities as given in this Section,<br />

(c) Conformity with the requirements of Regulation 17, where applicable<br />

(d) Conformity with the building site requirements as given in these regulations.<br />

21.2 These regulations however will not prohibit the continuance of existing uses of<br />

lands and buildings that have been lawfully established and have a valid<br />

approval prior to the coming into force of the Master Plan and these<br />

Development Promotion regulations, provided:<br />


(a) where the existing use is a non-conforming use (i.e., a use or activity under<br />

the provisions of the Master Plan or these regulations is not permissible), the<br />

existing activity may be allowed to continue, but no expansion of the existing<br />

use or activity shall be permissible and such non-conforming activity or use<br />

shall comply with the requirements under Regulation 14 where applicable.<br />

(b) no expansion of the existing use or activity shall be permissible;<br />

(c) the requirements under Regulation 14 where applicable are complied with.<br />

Provided further that it will be open to the HADA or the Government to order the<br />

discontinuance or continuance subject to such restrictions and conditions as may be<br />

imposed by HADA or the Government as the case may be.<br />

Any additions or extensions/expansion or redevelopment to such non-conforming uses<br />

or sites shall comply with the requirements of these Regulations.<br />

21.3 Strict compliance of the Aircraft Act and Rules:<br />

(a) All permissible activities under the Master Plan and these Regulations shall<br />

strictly conform to the provisions of the <strong>India</strong>n Aircraft Act, 1934, the ICAO Civil<br />

Aviation Manuals and Codes.<br />

The following shall not be allowed:<br />

(i) slaughter houses and open meat selling shops within 10 km radius of the<br />

Airport Reference Point.<br />

(ii) Open cattle sheds and disposal of carcass and offal.<br />

(iii) Solid waste/ Garbage dump yards<br />

(b) The local authority concerned shall be responsible for ensuring compliance of<br />

the above restrictions and prohibited activities. The airport obstacle limitation<br />

areas as stipulated by the Airport Authority should be strictly followed and the<br />

clearances obtained.<br />

(c) Activities and uses/Buildings constructed within the Air Funnel area/the<br />

transitional surface area /Obstacle Limitation area of the proposed Airport<br />

need to take into account the noise level problems while designing and<br />

construction of buildings located in such areas, and the Airport Authority shall<br />

in no way be liable for damages/compensation arising of such activity/building<br />

being located in such areas. The provisions of the National Building Code of<br />

<strong>India</strong> and BIS Code shall be applicable with regard to insulation, soundproofing,<br />

and measures to be taken for reduction of noise, etc. In case any<br />

structure or building is declared as dangerous structure/building in the vicinity<br />

of the proposed Airport, it shall be liable to dismantling without prior notice.<br />

21.4 Land Use and Zoning classification:<br />

In these regulations, the land use shall be as per the following categories:<br />

I. General Development Promotion Zone (GDPZ)<br />

II. Work Centers<br />

III. Institutional Use and Special Reservation Zone<br />

IV. Recreation Use Zone<br />

V. Central Squares<br />

VI Traffic Nodes and Circulation Network<br />

VII Bio Conservation Zone<br />

The above land use zones are located and bounded as shown in the Master Plan.<br />

The various uses and activities to be permitted shall be in accordance with the<br />

Zoning Tables as given below.<br />


21.5 The uses and activities listed below are not to be treated as exhaustive. Similar<br />

uses and activities may be permissible in the appropriate zones by the<br />

Competent Authority and shall be subject to such restrictions and conditions as<br />

the Competent Authority may impose.<br />

21.6 Incidental and accessory uses are permissible subject to a maximum 5% of the<br />

area, in addition to the normal uses, are permissible under these Regulations.<br />

21.7 The activities and uses permissible are subject to the compliance of the<br />

conditionality and requirements given there under. All building and development<br />

activities shall be read with and have to comply with the development<br />

requirements given under the Sections on “Development of Land”, “Building<br />

Requirements” and “Parts of Building Requirements” together with the provisions<br />

of these Zoning Regulations. Where there is a conflict between the provisions of<br />

the zoning regulations and the building requirements regarding permissible<br />

height, etc., the provisions of zoning regulations shall prevail.<br />

21.8 In an existing area/locality where an owner or two or more owners come together<br />

and develop parking Complex, pedestrian plaza/ subway, or improve/facilitate<br />

additional access by linking with surrounding roads etc for public usage are<br />

provided, as part of their premises/land development/improving the urban design<br />

aspects, additional bonus built up area /TDR would be considered and subject to<br />

conditionalities.<br />


In this zone all types of residential, major commercial and support activates<br />

would be allowed. These are required to be undertaken through Land Pooling<br />

Schemes /Layout development schemes/Group Housing Schemes as given in<br />

these Regulations and the Hyderabad Revised building Rules,2006.<br />

Development in large blocks would be encouraged.<br />

The building and site requirements shall conform to the Hyderabad Revised<br />

building Rules, 2006. In the areas coming under purview of GOMs No 111 MA dt<br />

8-3-1996, the FSI shall not exceed 0.50.Only up to 2 floors or 6 m depending of<br />

total built up permissible shall be allowed.<br />

Table No. I<br />

Sl<br />

No.<br />

Uses Permissible Conditionality for permitting the use/Activity<br />

1. All types of housing Site or plot has to be part of a valid and approved layout or<br />

and residential In case of housing in large plots or blocks, it should be part<br />

development like row of the approved Land Pooling Scheme or conform to the<br />

houses, semi-detached layout and building requirements of these Regulations.<br />

houses, detached<br />

houses, apartment<br />

2.<br />

blocks, cluster housing<br />

and /or a mix of the<br />

above type of housing<br />

development<br />

Corporate Townships<br />

Apartment Complexes Site has to abut an existing 9 m wide black-topped road .<br />

Sites more than 4000 sq mt have to abut an existing<br />

12.2.m wide Black-topped road.<br />

Site or plot has to be part of a valid and approved layout.<br />

In case of housing in large plots or blocks, it should be part<br />

of the approved Land Pooling Scheme or conform to the<br />

layout and minimum building requirements of the<br />

Hyderabad Revised building Rules,2006.<br />


3. Corporate Townships Need to comply with the Land pooling scheme<br />

requirements. Design flexibility may be given in siting of<br />

the various accessory uses and activities. Separate plans<br />

and designs of individual blocks and building type designs<br />

4. Dispensary/Medical<br />

Clinic, Nursing Home<br />

and general medical<br />

facilities<br />

Professional Offices<br />

5. Public<br />

Buildings<br />

Facilities<br />

6. Public<br />

Buildings<br />

Utilities<br />

7. Schools , Colleges,<br />

Training<br />

Hostels<br />

Institutions/<br />

8. Parks, gardens,<br />

playgrounds<br />

9. Convenience Shopping<br />

Center Banks,<br />

Restaurants /Cafeteria/<br />

Boarding and Lodging<br />

Premises<br />

10. Commercial<br />

Complexes/ Shopping<br />

Malls/ Offices<br />

Complex/ Hotels<br />

11. Kalyan Mandapam/<br />

Auditorium<br />

12. L.P.Gas Godown/ Gas<br />

banks<br />

13. Computer units and<br />

ITES Complexes<br />

required to be got approved from HADA<br />

27<br />

Site has to abut an existing 12.2 mt wide black-topped<br />

road. Shall not be allowed on major roads of 36 mts<br />

and above.<br />

Can be part of residential building.<br />

Can be sited anywhere<br />

Can be sited anywhere<br />

Site has to abut an existing 12.2 mt wide black-topped<br />

road .<br />

Permissible only in independent sites/plots.<br />

As an encouragement for developing ‘U’ type building,<br />

the setbacks of sides and rear, excluding the front<br />

setback, can be reduced provided:<br />

The area so saved is transferred to the central<br />

area/space or court yard. The minimum open space on<br />

sides and rear except front shall be 1.5 mtrs for<br />

normal buildings & 6 mts in case of multi-storeyed<br />

buildings<br />

• NOC from immediate neighbouring plots required<br />

Can be sited anywhere<br />

Site has to abut an existing 12.2 mt wide black-topped<br />

road .<br />

Ribbon-type (mulgi-type shops) are not permissible<br />

NOC from immediate neighbouring plots required.<br />

Site should abut on minimum 18 mt road and considered<br />

only if surrounding area is non-residential in character.<br />

NOC from neighbours needed.<br />

Ribbon-type (mulgi-type shops) are not permissible.<br />

As an encouragement for developing ‘U’ type<br />

Commercial complexes the setbacks of sides and rear,<br />

excluding the front setback, can be reduced provided:<br />

• The area so saved is transferred to the central<br />

area/space or court yard.<br />

• The minimum open space on sides and rear except<br />

front shall be 1.5 mtrs for normal buildings & 6 mts in<br />

case of multi-storeyed buildings<br />

Site has to abut an existing 18 mt wide black-topped road<br />

.<br />

NOC from immediate neighbouring plots required.<br />

Permissible only in independent premises; abutting road<br />

minimum 12.2 mt Black topped road; necessary approval<br />

from the Explosives dept and Collector & NOC from<br />

neighbouring plots required<br />

Permissible only in independent premises; abutting road<br />

minimum 18 mt Black topped road and considered only if<br />

surrounding area is non-residential in character.

14. Petrol/Diesel/ Gas<br />

Filling Station<br />

15 Nursing Homes/Health<br />

Centers<br />

28<br />

Permissible only on roads 36 mt. and above<br />

Has to meet the location and other requirements as per<br />

the <strong>India</strong>n Road Congress Code; application needs to be<br />

applied through the Oil Company concerned &<br />

Collectorate<br />

Minimum abutting road shall be 12.2 mt and black-topped.<br />

Site can be in independent building or can be part of a<br />

Convenience Shopping Center but has to be on separate<br />

floor and shall not be located fronting the main road.<br />

16. Hospitals Permissible on roads 18 mts and above, and considered<br />

only if surrounding area is non-residential in character.<br />

NOC from neighbours needed.<br />

Need to provide for exclusive sewerage/drainage and<br />

special solid waste disposal arrangements for hospital<br />

17. Service<br />

establishments/<br />

industry/ Motor repair<br />

garage/workshop<br />

18. Cinema Theaters/<br />

Video<br />

Parlours/Multiplex<br />

Complexes<br />

19. Tourism based<br />

recreational activities<br />

20. Village<br />

settlement/Village<br />

Hamlet & expansion<br />


waste.<br />

Minimum abutting road shall be 12.2 mt and blacktopped.<br />

Shall not be allowed on major roads of 36 mts and<br />

above.<br />

Need to provide for exclusive sewerage/drainage and<br />

solid waste disposal arrangements.<br />

Not allowed in residential colonies. Location has to near or<br />

can be part of a Convenience Shopping Center Site can<br />

be in independent building, but cannot be located fronting<br />

the main road.<br />

The list of Service establishments permissible shall be as<br />

per Government policy and orders.<br />

Minimum abutting road shall be 18 mt. and considered<br />

only if surrounding area is non-residential in character.<br />

NOC from neighbours needed.<br />

Has to conform to the requirements of the AP<br />

Cinematography Act & Rules regarding siting, setbacks<br />

and other building requirements . Application has to be<br />

through the Collector, Ranga Reddy District<br />

No restriction on location but has to take into consideration<br />

the environmental and ecological aspects without<br />

adversely affecting these.<br />

Housing and it’s accessory activities permissible within<br />

settlement, but the settlement expansion and<br />

activities/uses has to comply with layout and building<br />

stipulations of the Hyderabad Revised building Rules,<br />

2006.<br />

In this zone all types of work related buildings and support activities would be<br />

allowed. These are required to be undertaken through Land Pooling Schemes<br />

/Layout development schemes as given in these Regulations. Development in<br />

large blocks would be encouraged. The building and site requirements shall<br />

conform to the Hyderabad Revised Building rules,2006.

Table No. II<br />

Sl<br />

No.<br />

Uses permissible Conditionality for permitting such use<br />

1 General Industries/ Site need to be an integral part of an industrial layout/Land<br />

Flatted factories Pooling Scheme.<br />

Site shall abut minimum road width of 12.2 mt and blacktopped.<br />

Shall obtain necessary clearances from other<br />

departments like APPCB, Industries Dept., Fire Services,<br />

Inspector of factories, etc as applicable<br />

2 Electronics industries/ Site need to be an integral part of an industrial layout/Land<br />

Industrial ancillary to Pooling Scheme.<br />

the Airport and it’s Site shall abut minimum road width of 12.2 mt and black-<br />

support activities topped. Can be part of Flatted factory<br />

3 Corporate Townships Maximum area for Corporate township allowed shall be<br />

50% of total site area of the Work center Needs to be a<br />

distinct block and parcel of land separated from the Work<br />

center. Need to comply with the Land pooling scheme<br />

requirements. Design flexibility may be given in siting of<br />

the various accessory uses and activities. Separate plans<br />

and designs of individual blocks and building type designs<br />

required to be got approved from HADA<br />

4 Office Buildings Same as table # 1<br />

5 Computer Units Same as Table # 1<br />

6 Public<br />

Buildings<br />

Facilities Same as Table # 1<br />

7 Public<br />

Buildings<br />

Utilities Same as Table # 1<br />

8 Dispensary/Clinic Same as Table # 1<br />

9 Godowns/Warehouses Site shall abut minimum road width of 12.2 mt and black-<br />

/ Timber Depots topped. Can be part of Flatted factory/Guild type factory<br />

10 L.P.Gas Godown / Gas Permissible only in independent premises; abutting road<br />

banks<br />

minimum 12.2 mt Black topped road; necessary approval<br />

from the Explosives dept and Collector<br />

11 Service<br />

Establishments<br />

Same as in Table # 1<br />

12 Wholesale markets Have proper ingress and egress through service roads,<br />

and establishments with clear parking areas for loading, unloading, vehicles<br />

stands, garbage disposal units, etc.<br />

13 Export Promotion To be facilitated either through public agencies or private<br />

Zone/ Container land assemblage through Land Pooling Scheme<br />

Freight transshipment No permanent built up area would be allowed in the area<br />

zone<br />

falling in prohibited area of Catchment area/ restricted<br />

zone of the Airport.<br />

14 Restaurants/Cafeteria Same as in Table # I<br />

15 Petrol/Diesel<br />

Station<br />

Filling Same as in Table # I<br />

16 Banks/Dispensaries/m<br />

edical facilities<br />

Same as in Table # I<br />

All types of Obnoxious and Hazardous industries, Mining, Granite Crushers and<br />

quarrying activities are prohibited in the entire HADA area.<br />


The International Airport Area and the Research Centre at Imarat and<br />

surroundings are mainly earmarked for this zone.<br />

Besides the above all Public/government lands and other extensive areas<br />

located outside the “Bio Conservation Zone” and not earmarked for any specific<br />

uses are also covered in this Zone.<br />


In this zone all types of institutional buildings, major public development projects<br />

and support activities would be allowed. These are required to be undertaken<br />

through Land Pooling Schemes /Layout development schemes as given in these<br />

Regulations. Development in large blocks would be encouraged. Plot subdivisions<br />

would not be allowed.<br />

The building and site requirements shall conform to the Hyderabad Revised<br />

Building Rules,2006.<br />

In all areas earmarked as Plantation area under HUDA GHEP, no conversion or<br />

development shall be permitted unless explicit approval is obtained from<br />

Executive Director, Urban Forestry Department., HUDA<br />

Table No. III<br />

Sl<br />

No.<br />

Uses permissible Conditionalities for permitting such use<br />

1. In the area specifically reserved for Separate plans and designs of individual blocks<br />

International Airport. In addition to required to be got approved from<br />

the Airport operations, all Airport HADA/Specified Authority.<br />

related and support activities like For the purpose of clearance from noise<br />

Hotels, Convention Centers, pollution and air pollution point of view from the<br />

hospitality-based activities, Free AP Pollution Control Board, the Airport activities<br />

Trade Zone, SEZ, Residential staff shall be treated as industrial category of the<br />

quarters, etc. are permissible. APPCB norms.<br />

2 Corporate Townships Maximum area for Corporate township allowed<br />

shall be 50% of total site area of the Special<br />

reservation/Institutional area. Need to comply<br />

with the Land pooling scheme requirements.<br />

Design flexibility may be given in siting of the<br />

various accessory uses and activities. Separate<br />

plans and designs of individual blocks and<br />

building type designs required to be got<br />

approved from HADA<br />

3 Office Buildings Same as in Table # I<br />

4 Public Facilities Buildings Same as in Table # I<br />

5 Public Utilities Buildings Same as in Table # I<br />

6 Schools, Hostels Same as in Table # I<br />

7 Colleges and other educational /<br />

institutions<br />

Same as in Table # I<br />

8 Medical and institutions, Hospitals Permissible on roads 18 mts and above. Need<br />

to provide for exclusive disposal arrangements<br />

9 Stadium/Sports Center Minimum abutting road width of 18 mt. Separate<br />

plans and designs of individual blocks required<br />

to be got approved from HADA<br />

10 Research Institutions No specific restriction on siting<br />

11 Tourism<br />

activities<br />

& recreation based Same as in Table # I<br />

12 Residential use incidental to main Subject to 10% of total site area<br />

use<br />

13 Integrated public housing projects Separate plans and designs of individual blocks<br />

required to be got approved<br />

14 Major Shifting Projects & Special Separate plans and designs of individual blocks<br />

Projects<br />

required to be got approved<br />

15 Truck terminals/Bus Terminals/ Bus Separate plans and designs of individual blocks<br />

Depots<br />

required to be got approved<br />

16 Parks, Playgrounds, Gardens No restriction on location<br />

17 Convenience Shopping Center Required to be part of the above Sl Nos 1,2 & 12<br />

Banks, Restaurants/Cafeteria/ Site has to abut an existing 12.2 mt wide black-<br />

Boarding and Lodging Premises topped road .<br />

Ribbon-type (mulgi-type shops) are not<br />


permissible<br />

NOC from immediate neighbouring plots<br />

required.<br />

18 Computer units Permissible only in independent premises;<br />

abutting road minimum 18 mt Black topped road;<br />

19 Container Freight zone Separate plans and designs of individual blocks<br />

required to be got approved from HADA<br />

No permanent built up area would be allowed in<br />

the area falling in prohibited area of Catchment<br />

area/ restricted zone of the Airport. Necessary<br />

environmental safeguards required to be taken.<br />


(Areas mainly within the foreshores and vicinity of water bodies and Nalas are<br />

earmarked for this zone. In addition to the restriction of height and coverage the<br />

minimum distance that needs to be maintained from the boundary of the water<br />

spread area of the water body as given in these Regulations are to be complied<br />

with)<br />

• The maximum permissible coverage shall be restricted to 10 % of site area<br />

• The maximum height shall not exceed 10 metres.. . In the areas coming under<br />

purview of GOMs No 111 MA dt 8-3-1996, the FSI shall not exceed 0.50and only<br />

up to 2 floors or 6 m depending of total built up permissible shall be allowed.<br />

• The above and the uses listed below would not be allowed in the areas<br />

earmarked in the Bio Conservation Zone.<br />

• Rest of the area has to be landscaped with greenery, etc. and for recreation<br />

purpose<br />

Table No. IV<br />

Sl<br />

No.<br />

Uses permissible Conditionality for permitting such use/activity<br />

1 Public Facilities Buildings Same as Table # I and subject to 10% of site area<br />

2 Public Utilities Buildings Same as Table # I and subject to 10% of site area<br />

3 Theme Parks/Amusement Coverage restricted to 10% Rest of the area has to be<br />

Parks<br />

landscaped with greenery, gardens. Separate Site<br />

plans and designs of individual blocks required to be<br />

got approved<br />

4 Holiday resorts/Resort Same as above<br />

Club/ Guest<br />

5<br />

Houses/Picnic Huts<br />

Week-end Cottages Can be permitted as integral part of above. Only single<br />

stored structures allowed.<br />

6 Parks,<br />

Gardens<br />

Playgrounds, Same as Table # I<br />

7 Restaurants/cafeteria Has to be part of the above Sl Nos 3 to 6<br />

8 Hotels Same as Table # I<br />

9 Tourism based Same as Table # 1<br />

recreational activities<br />


(i) These are sites of 25 acres and above, specifically earmarked in the Master<br />

Plan for development of higher order amenities and facilities catering to a<br />

cluster of 4 to 6 Residential Sectors and immediate surroundings.<br />

(ii) The height restriction in the Central Squares would be applicable as per the<br />

restrictions imposed by the Airport Authority. The conditions of premium on built<br />

up area would be applicable in the Central Squares for buildings with height<br />

above 5 floors or 15 mts height.<br />


(iii) The development of these Central Squares shall be undertaken jointly through<br />

licensed developers and as per the plan and design of the total Central Square<br />

approved by the Competent Authority. TDR would be given as specified in<br />

these Regulations for jointly undertaking the complete Central Square<br />

development.<br />

(iv) 60 % of the total central square area is permitted to be utilised for built up area<br />

with the activities mentioned in Table No. V below, while the remaining 40 %<br />

area left open and developed as organised public open space in a regular and<br />

continuous block. The setbacks for the blocks would be reckoned as part of<br />

this public open space.<br />

(v) The built up area has to be in one compact block of U-shape, etc with good<br />

interior spaces, etc. and rest of the area has to be developed as organised<br />

public open spaces with recreational activity/parks/playground and accessible<br />

to the general public. This facility may be maintained by the developer or<br />

management of the concerned City Square facility and may levy a nominal<br />

charge for using the recreational park/playground.<br />

(vi) Such Central squares shall be under the overall control and management of a<br />

single management body who shall be responsible for the maintenance and<br />

upkeep of the built-up areas and facilities, public safety and public<br />

conveniences/amenities.<br />

In the Central Squares the following activities and uses with specific conditionalities are<br />

permissible:<br />

Sl<br />

No.<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

Table No. V<br />

Uses permissible Conditionality for permitting such use/activity<br />

Public Facilities and<br />

Utilities Buildings<br />

32<br />

The area/built spaces under Public facilities and Utilities<br />

need to be a minimum 30 % of the permissible coverage.<br />

Atleast 50 % of such built up area shall be leased out to<br />

public functional agencies like Fire Services dept., local<br />

authority, Telecommunications dept., Postal dept.,<br />

Police, etc. on mutually agreed terms and conditions.<br />

Only the front setback or building line needs to be<br />

maintained for normal buildings. In case these are<br />

proposed as high-rise buildings/blocks, such blocks<br />

would be permissible, in consultation with the Airport<br />

Authority..<br />

Shopping Center The area under Shopping facilities need to be a minimum<br />

30% of the permissible coverage. Only the front setback<br />

or building line needs to be maintained for normal<br />

buildings. In case these are proposed as high-rise<br />

buildings/blocks, such blocks would be permissible, in<br />

consultation with the Airport Authority and Fire Services<br />

Education & Medical<br />

Facilities<br />

dept..<br />

The area under education & medical facilities need to be<br />

a minimum 30% of the permissible coverage. Only the<br />

front setback or building line needs to be maintained for<br />

normal buildings. In case these are proposed as highrise<br />

buildings/blocks, such blocks would be permissible,<br />

in consultation with the Airport Authority and Fire<br />

Services dept.<br />

Residential Apartments Permissible only in the upper floors of the buildings<br />

mentioned in Sl Nos 1 to 3


(Includes the Primary and Secondary circulation network and the proposed<br />

Truck Terminals at Tukkuguda and off the Nagarjunasagar State Highway)<br />

All Other existing village roads (i.e., other than those that form part of the Primary<br />

and Secondary network in the Master Plan are 18 metres Right-of-Way and required<br />

to be developed with a 2-lane BT carriagway of 7 mt. with proper smoothening of<br />

alignment, improving the geometrics, junction improvements, etc.<br />

Table No. VI<br />

Sl<br />

No.<br />

Uses permissible Conditionality for permitting the Use<br />

1 Bus Depot/Traffic and Transportation To be facilitated either by public agency or<br />

Terminals/Truck Terminals and through private land pooling scheme/ layout<br />

facilities.<br />

development.<br />

All accessory and incidental uses, .<br />

such as dormitory, cafeteria, Separate plans and designs of individual<br />

automobile workshop, automobile blocks required to be got approved from<br />

spares shops, godowns/warehousing HADA<br />

activity, etc. The above facilities will<br />

be considered as part of the Land<br />

pooling Scheme/layout development<br />

and not independently.<br />

2 Export Promotion Zone/ Freight To be facilitated either by public agency or<br />

Container zone<br />

through private land pooling scheme/ layout<br />

development.<br />

No permanent built up area would be allowed<br />

in the area falling in prohibited area of<br />

Catchment area/ restricted zone of the<br />

Airport.<br />


This zone comprises of the areas that are fragile and ecologically sensitive areas that<br />

need to be preserved for environmental reasons and those areas falling in the<br />

prohibited area of the Himayatsagar Catchment, the Air Funnel Zone and the Airport<br />

Obstacle Limitation zone.<br />

This zone consists of the following sub-categories:<br />

(a) Bio Conservation tract<br />

(b) Himayatsagar Foreshores Afforestation cum Recreation tract<br />

(c) Green Hyderabad <strong>Environment</strong> Project areas<br />

(d) Reserve Forests<br />

(a) Bio Conservation Tract:<br />

Basically, agriculture, floriculture, plant nurseries, orchards, vegetable gardens, and<br />

horticulture activities only are allowed in this Zone. However, agro-based research<br />

institutes and Hi-tech agriculture activities (i.e., using agriculture bio-technology,<br />

greenhouses, plant tissue culture units, etc.); tourism based activities and<br />

recreational uses that do not pollute the environs and limited to built up areas of<br />

temporary nature up to 5% coverage with single storeyed structures may be<br />

allowed.<br />

The above permissible activities shall be subject to the environmental safeguards and<br />

restrictions required to be undertaken.<br />


• educational/institutional activity may be considered in the Bio Conservation zone<br />

subject to the following conditions:<br />

The site should abut a 12.2 m wide road.<br />

Minimum area for such activities shall be 10 acres.<br />

The total covered area under buildings shall not exceed 5% of the site<br />

area. Out of the remaining area, atleast 75% area should be thickly or<br />

densely landscaped /utilized for greenery/ or afforested. The natural<br />

drainage of the area should not be altered.<br />

Only structures of 2 floor height and not exceeding 6 m may be<br />

considered.<br />

No incidental residential activities shall be allowed in areas coming within<br />

the G.O. Ms. 111 MA, dated 8-3-1996 and any development shall be<br />

subject to the restrictions imposed in G.O. Ms. No. 111 dated 8-3-1996.<br />

Proper safeguards for disposal of the sullage and sewage shall be<br />

undertaken.<br />

No other development activities including any type of layout is not permitted in this<br />

tract.<br />

(b) Himayatsagar Foreshores Afforestation cum Recreation tract<br />

• Primarily for undertaking continuous and massive afforestation /plantation and<br />

greenery and incidental recreational activities in and around the foreshores of<br />

Himayatsagar lake.<br />

• Open recreation, Theme Parks, botanic gardens, amusement parks, and tourism<br />

department approved recreational projects are permissible with incidental<br />

temporary structures limited to a maximum of 5 % of the site area subject to<br />

clearance of environmental and pollution aspects<br />

• Temporary picnic huts may be allowed. No other building activity shall be<br />

permissible.<br />

• No development activity shall be permissible within the FTL or in any way<br />

affecting the said lake.<br />

• Horticulture, floriculture and normal agricultural activities without use of artificial<br />

fertilizers allowed.<br />

(c) Green Hyderabad <strong>Environment</strong> Project (GHEP) areas<br />

In the areas where greenery and plantation have been undertaken under the GHEP<br />

Project, such area shall be retained as it is and no development activity shall be<br />

permitted in such areas. Prior written approval of the competent authority shall be taken<br />

for converting any such site for any type of development purpose.<br />

(d) Reserve Forests<br />

All areas declared as Forests and under the control of the Forest department, have<br />

been earmarked as Reserve Forests. No development activity or conversion in land use<br />

shall be permissible in these areas.<br />

22 Modification to the HADA Master Plan :<br />

(a) The provisions of this Regulation are supplemental and additional to the<br />

provisions of the AP Urban Areas (Development) Act, 1975. In addition to the<br />

provisions of the AP Urban Areas (Development) Act, 1975, any such<br />

modification to the Master Plan shall be examined through a Screening<br />

Committee to be appointed by the Government and such modification has to be<br />

published in three popular newspapers for public objections and suggestions.<br />


(b) No modification to the Master Plan shall be entertained in the areas covered by<br />

the Bio Conservation Zone and the Recreational Use zone.<br />

(c) Modification to the Master Plan in land uses other than the above may be<br />

examined only if the parcels of such lands conform to the Land Pooling Scheme<br />

requirements ;<br />

(d) cases involving dealing use or activity modifications shall conform to the site and<br />

location criteria/ requirements of these Development Promotion Regulations.<br />

(e) No modification relating to building requirements relaxation shall be entertained.<br />



23 Assemblage of land requirements:<br />

Land development in HADA area would be promoted and facilitated in any of<br />

the following manner:<br />

(a) Area Development or Land Pooling Schemes<br />

(b) Layout development Schemes<br />

(c) Group Housing Schemes/Cluster Housing<br />

(d) Individual plot sub-division /Amalgamation<br />

23.1 Excepting in cases of 23 (d) above, no Assemblage of land for development shall<br />

be permitted unless such a Scheme or layout development is undertaken through<br />

a licenced developer.<br />

(i) Land assemblage scheme/ layout development may be permitted for<br />

residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, recreational and truck<br />

terminal/traffic node and other activities like Corporate Townships, Freight<br />

Container Zone, Central squares,etc. subject to the compliance of these<br />

regulations and development specifications of HADA.<br />

(ii) The mandatory requirements as stated in Regulation 17 are complied with.<br />

(iii) Individual plot sub-division/Amalgamation would be allowed only in case of<br />

plots forming part of approved Land Pooling Schemes or layouts approved by<br />

the Competent Authority.<br />

23.2 All land assemblage developments as mentioned above would be considered<br />

only if:<br />

(a) The proposed Scheme or development conforms to the Statutory Master plan<br />

and the rules/regulations and conditions governing such development<br />

requirements<br />

(b) All facilities and services like roads, storm water drainage, water supply,<br />

electricity, landscaping and greenery, rainwater harvesting structures, and<br />

provisions of other public utilities, are provided and developed ;<br />

(c) Airport zoning safety requirements are complied with where applicable.<br />

(d) Comply with the obligations and conditions for implementation of the Statutory<br />

Master Plan roads and other communication network system and the area of<br />

land so affected is surrendered free of cost to HADA after development. For<br />

the area so surrendered after development, the owner would be entitled for a<br />

Transferable Development Right (TDR) as given in these Regulations.<br />


24 Undertaking of Land Pooling Schemes:<br />

Land Pooling Schemes may be undertaken either by public authority or licensed<br />

private developers, provided the area of such a Scheme is not less than 20<br />

Hectares. These shall apply to all new areas and greenfield sites. These shall be<br />

subject to the following:<br />

(i) The lands covered by such land pooling scheme shall be contiguous and<br />

approachable by an existing black-topped road of 18 mts (60 feet) – where<br />

such a road does not exist the developer shall first provide for the same at<br />

his own cost;<br />

(ii) Apply with copies of necessary ownership documents, Revenue sketches,<br />

etc. of the site;<br />

(iii) A Joint Undertaking between the owners, licensed developer, qualified<br />

technical personnel for provision and compliance of the services and<br />

facilities;<br />

(iv) Apply to the Competent Authority for necessary development permission<br />

as prescribed and in accordance with these Regulations;<br />

(v) Carry out all the development works and facilities as per specifications<br />

and standards.<br />

(vi) The owner and licensed developer are required to mortgage 25% of the<br />

saleable land to HADA as surety for carrying out the developments and<br />

complying other conditions in the given time period, in the failure of which,<br />

the HADA shall be empowered to sell the mortgaged plots and utilize the<br />

amount so realized for completing the development works. In such an<br />

eventuality the developer his associates and the engineer/architect shall<br />

be black-listed and not be allowed to undertake development works in the<br />

HADA area.<br />

(vii) The owner shall be entitled to dispose off the non-reserved sites and nonmortgaged<br />

plots.<br />

(viii) The owner shall hand over the specific sites stated in Regulation 25 at (c),<br />

(d) and (e) below to the Competent Authority free of cost and<br />

encumbrances before undertaking development as per the approved<br />

plans.<br />

25 Any Land Pooling Scheme shall make for the following provisions:<br />

(a) Comply with the hierarchy of road network requirements as given in these<br />

Regulations;<br />

(b) Earmark at least 1/3 rd of total land area for Work center which may include<br />

activities like commercial/offices/ market/ Information Technology Enabled<br />

Services (ITES) / Light industries/ Service industries/ Transportation Node<br />

activities/ Recreation based activities and Amusement.<br />

(c) Minimum of 10% of total area for parks, playgrounds, open spaces and<br />

properly distributed within the Scheme and shall be of regular shape;<br />

(d) 2.5% for social infrastructure such as schools, dispensary/hospital, public<br />

utilities spaces, shopping centres and other community spaces and earmark<br />

specific sites for bus stands, auto stands, garbage collection points, etc..<br />

These could be planned as part of the area earmarked for Work center<br />

mentioned in (b) above;<br />


(e) 5 % for sale by HADA for residential/commercial use and as per location<br />

decided by the Competent Authority;<br />

(f) 5% reservation of land for the purpose of providing housing accommodation<br />

for EWS<br />

(g) 10% of the total land is earmarked for Lower Income Group (LIG) Housing<br />

with maximum plot size upto 100 sqm<br />

(h) 10% of the total land is earmarked for Middle Income Group (MIG) Housing<br />

with maximum plot size upto 100 sqm<br />

(i) The owner shall develop and dispose of the areas earmarked for LIG and<br />

MIG given in (g) and (h) above. No amalgamation of plots in such blocks shall<br />

be allowed.<br />

26 There is no restriction on the plotted area. The balance area of saleable area<br />

shall clearly give the type of housing development that would be undertaken viz.,<br />

detached houses, semi-detached houses, row type houses, duplex housing,<br />

condominiums, apartment complexes, cluster housing, etc or a mix of all or combination<br />

of the above. For each of the above, separate utilities and services plans and building<br />

type designs as required under these regulations shall be got approved and<br />

development and civil works undertaken as per approved plan and conditions. The<br />

owner shall be entitled to dispose off non-reserved sites and non-mortgaged sites either<br />

as plots or as developed houses.<br />

27 Maintenance to be under a single body:<br />

The Land pooling Scheme developed shall be under the overall control and<br />

management of a single management body who shall be responsible for the<br />

maintenance and upkeep of the common facilities, greenery and the township.<br />

28 Layout development schemes:<br />

Layout provisions shall primarily apply to interstitial pockets of lands and<br />

redevelopment schemes, plots sub-divisions, and those areas not covered in land<br />

pooling schemes.<br />

The owner of any land or groups of owners/developers who intend to sub-divide or<br />

layout the land in such areas into building plots shall:<br />

(a) Apply along with a licensed developer to the Competent Authority for necessary<br />

layout permission as prescribed and in accordance with these Regulations;<br />

(b) Apply with copies of necessary ownership documents, Revenue sketches, etc.<br />

of the site;<br />

(c) Carry out the layout development works as per specifications and standards.<br />

(d) the owner and licensed developer are required to mortgage 25% of the saleable<br />

land to HADA as surety for carrying out the developments and complying other<br />

conditions in the given time period, in the failure of which, the HADA shall be<br />

empowered to sell away the mortgaged plots and utilize the amount so realized<br />

for completing the development works. In such an eventuality the developer his<br />

associates and the engineer/architect shall be black-listed and not be allowed to<br />

undertake development works in the HADA area.<br />

(e) The owner shall hand over the specific sites stated in Regulation 30 (b), (c) and<br />

(d) below, to the Competent Authority free of cost and encumbrances.<br />


29 Plot sub-divisions/Amalgamation requirements:<br />

(a) No plot sub-division/amalgamation shall be allowed unless these are<br />

permitted by the Competent Authority. No building permission shall be<br />

entertained unless such a sub-division permission is obtained first from<br />

the HADA.<br />

(b) The abutting road requirements, minimum plot size and other<br />

requirements shall be in conformity with these regulations.<br />

(c) However, for a plot abutting existing major roads or highways, no plot subdivision/amalgamation<br />

permission is necessary.<br />

(d) Such a site shall be minimum 125 sq m with aminimum frontage of 9 m<br />

and abutting road shall be 9m for residential and 12 m for other nonresidential<br />

uses.<br />

(e) The minimum access permitted in case of sub-division of plots shall be<br />

3.6m for residential and 6 m for non-residential plot sub-divisions.<br />

(f) Pro-rata open space charges (equivalent to 10 % of the total layout/colony<br />

area) is required to be paid where there are no open spaces or shortfall.<br />

30 Minimum area & other requirements for Layout Development:<br />

The minimum area for layout application shall be 4 hectares. Owners of sites less than<br />

4 hectares have to jointly apply so as to conform to the minimum land area. The layout<br />

proposals shall provide for the following:<br />

(a) Comply with the hierarchy of road network requirements as given in these<br />

Regulations;<br />

(b) Earmark minimum of 10% of total area for parks, playgrounds, open spaces,<br />

(c) Reservation of 5% of total area to be given free of cost to HADA for disposal<br />

for residential/commercial use<br />

(d) 5% reservation of land for the purpose of providing housing accommodation<br />

for EWS.<br />

(e) Earmark 2.5% for social infrastructure such as schools, dispensary/hospital,<br />

public utilities spaces, shopping centres and other community spaces;<br />

(f) Earmark specific sites for bus stands, auto stands, garbage collection points,<br />

etc.<br />

(g) 10% of the total land is earmarked for Lower Income Group (LIG) Housing<br />

with maximum plot size upto 100 sqm<br />

(h) 10% of the total land is earmarked for Middle Income Group (MIG) Housing<br />

with maximum plot size upto 100 sqm<br />

(i) The owner shall develop and dispose of the areas earmarked for LIG and<br />

MIG given in (g) and (h) above. No amalgamation of plots in such blocks shall<br />

be allowed.<br />

(j) The owner shall be entitled to dispose off the non-reserved sites and nonmortgaged<br />

sites either as plots or as developed houses/buildings. The owner<br />

shall hand over all the above reserved sites at (c) and (d) to HADA free of<br />

cost.<br />


(k) HADA shall have the discretion of grouping the areas surrendered for<br />

LIG/EWS Housing at one place or elsewhere and disposing the area<br />

earmarked for EWS in the layout as normal building plots.<br />

(l) Residential enclaves may be permitted only if a through public road of width<br />

as specified in Regulation 31 below, is developed at the periphery for the<br />

convenience of accessibility of other sites and lands located in the interior.<br />

31 Hierarchy and width of roads required in Land Pooling/layout schemes:<br />

The width of the internal roads in a land pooling/layout scheme for different purposes<br />

shall be regulated as follows:<br />

Road length<br />

(in Mt.)<br />

Width of road<br />

for normal<br />

residential<br />

plot/use (in<br />

mt.)<br />

Width of road for<br />

commercial,<br />

Group Housing,<br />

industrial, other<br />

non-residential<br />

plot/use or for<br />

mixed use(in<br />

mt.)<br />

Other requirements<br />

Up to 300 9.00 12.2 Utilities and services to<br />

be underground and<br />

located preferably under<br />

the footpaths and not<br />

under the main<br />

Above 300 &<br />

up to 500<br />

12.2 15.00<br />

carriageway<br />

-Do-<br />

Above 500 & 18.00 18.00 -Do- & mountable Road<br />

less than 1000<br />

1000 and<br />

above<br />

32 Splay at Road junctions:<br />

Divider essential<br />

36.00 36.00 Median and Service<br />

road development<br />

essential; Utilities and<br />

services to be<br />

underground and<br />

located preferably on<br />

service roads and<br />

under the footpaths and<br />

not under the main<br />

carriageway<br />

(A) Splay at road junctions shall be provided as prescribed below:<br />

3.0 mt x 3.0 mt offset/splay if the width of the road is 9.00 mt or less;<br />

4.5 mtx 4.5 mt. offset/ splay if the width of the road is above 9.00 mt but less<br />

than 18 mt<br />

6.0 mtx 6.0 mt. offset/ splay if the width of the road is more than 18 mt in width<br />

The area of such splay would be deemed to form an integral part of the road<br />

junction.<br />

(B) In addition to the above splay ,on major road junctions, if the corner plots are<br />

surrendered free of cost to HADA for siting of public amenities and utilities,<br />

junction improvement, development of greenery, etc by the Competent Authority,<br />

then 100% equivalent of such site area may be given as equivalent built up area<br />

as Transferable Development Right (TDR) to such sites by the Competent<br />

Authority.<br />


33 Compliance of development works:<br />

All approved Land Pooling Schemes and Layouts would be allowed to be<br />

developed in two categories and graded accordingly, viz.,<br />

Grade I: with all infrastructure facilities developed, i.e.<br />

(i) Levelling with suitable gradient and formation of all roads with proper subsurface<br />

and camber, kerbed stones, metalling of the carriageway, side<br />

drains/gutters and central medians (for roads 18 mts and above).. Black<br />

topping / developing the carriageway with cement concrete ( as per BIS<br />

Code of Practice) of all roads including the main approach road up to the<br />

nearest existing public road.<br />

(ii) Development of drainage and channelization of nalas for allowing storm<br />

water run-off . These may be channelized in accordance with the drainage<br />

and width requirements and in such a way as to conserve or harvest the<br />

water in nearest water body or public open space, etc.<br />

(iii) Undertake street lighting and electricity facilities;<br />

(iv) Provision of independent sewerage disposal system and protected water<br />

supply system including OHT and sumps. These shall be in exclusive area<br />

over and not part of the mandatory open spaces;<br />

(v) Undertake underground ducting of all utilities and services lines either<br />

under the footpaths or central median of the roads as the case may be<br />

with proper provisions at junctions and crossings, etc.<br />

(vi) Undertake greenery in the Scheme/ layout including avenue plantation, in<br />

public open spaces as per norms prescribed with a view to enhancing the<br />

environmental quality;<br />

(vii) Construction of low height compound wall with iron grill to the open<br />

spaces and handing over the open spaces to the Executive Authority of<br />

the local body free of cost and through Registered Gift Deed.<br />

Grade II: with provisions of incremental development works in phased<br />

manner, viz.<br />

(i) Levelling with suitable gradient and formation of all roads with subsurface,<br />

kerb stones and footpaths, metalling of the carriageway, side<br />

drains/gutters and central median (for roads 18 mts and above). Black<br />

topping/ Cement Concreting of only the main road carriageway as well as<br />

the approach road up to the nearest existing public road shall be black<br />

topped.<br />

(ii) Development of drainage and channelization of nalas for allowing storm<br />

water run-off. These may be channelized in such a way as to conserve or<br />

harvest the water in nearest water body or public open space, etc.<br />

(iii) Undertake street lighting and electricity facilities;<br />

(iv) Provision of sewerage disposal system and protected water supply system<br />

which may be individual or common. These shall be in exclusive area over<br />

and not part of the mandatory open spaces;<br />

(v) Undertake greenery in the Scheme/ layout including avenue plantation, in<br />

public open spaces as per norms prescribed with a view to enhancing the<br />

environmental quality;<br />

(vi) Construction of low height compound wall with iron grill to the open<br />

spaces and handing over the open spaces to the Executive Authority of<br />

the local body free of cost and through Registered Gift Deed.<br />

34 The licenced developer/owner while advertising/disposing the plots/blocks shall<br />

clearly state the above status or category of the Land Pooling Scheme/layout<br />

development with break up of infrastructure costs. In the case of Grade II<br />

development the pricing shall clearly mention the infrastructure facilities provided<br />

and assurance of the time frame for completion of the full infrastructure facilities<br />

required.<br />


35 Development for EWS Housing:<br />

These shall be permitted as group Housing and not as individual plotted<br />

developments. The norms and specifications of development shall be as given by<br />

the AP Housing Corporation/Government issued from time to time.<br />

36 Group Housing Schemes/Group Development Schemes:<br />

(i) Such type of developments shall be in accordance with the provision of the<br />

Hyderabad Revised building rules,2006.<br />

(ii) In such type of developments in sites 4000 sq m and above:<br />

(a) atleast 10% of the total built up area dwelling units shall be developed<br />

for EWS dwelling units with a maximum plinth area of 20 sq m for each<br />

unit<br />

(b) atleast 5% of the total built up area dwelling units shall be developed for<br />

LIG dwelling units with a maximum plinth area of 40 sq m for each unit;<br />

(c) atleast 5% of the total built up area dwelling units shall be developed for<br />

MIG dwelling units with a maximum plinth area of 60 sq m for each unit<br />

(d) The areas mentioned in (a) to (c) above, shall be allotted/disposed off<br />

only for these categories. No amalgamation of units shall be allowed.<br />


Restrictions of building activity in vicinity of the Airport:<br />

(a) No chimneys or smoke producing factories shall be constructed within a<br />

radius of 8 km from the Airport Reference Point.<br />

(b) Butcheries, meat shops and solid waste disposal sites shall not be<br />

permitted within 10 km from the Airport Reference Point.<br />

(c) Activities and uses /Buildings constructed within the Air funnel area, the<br />

transitional surface area and the Obstacle limitation surface of the<br />

proposed Airport wherever permissible, after due clearance from the<br />

Airport authorities wherever applicable, need to take into account the<br />

noise levels problems while designing and construction of buildings<br />

located in such areas. The provisions of the National Building Code shall<br />

be applicable with regard to insulation, soundproofing, and other<br />

measures to be taken for reduction of noise, etc.<br />

(d) In case any structure or building is declared as dangerous structure<br />

/building in the vicinity of the Airport mentioned in (c) above, it shall be<br />

liable to dismantling without prior notice.<br />

38. The other building requirements shall comply with the provisions of the<br />

Hyderabad Revised Building Rules,2006 and its Amendments issued by the<br />

Government from time to time.<br />

39 The requirements of parts of Building shall be as given in the National Building<br />

Code.<br />

40 Conformity to National Building Code of <strong>India</strong>:<br />

Recourse shall be made to the National Building Code of <strong>India</strong> (latest Edition) for<br />

all standards and specifications relating to building construction viz.<br />

(A) (i) structural design, foundations, masonry, timber, plain cement<br />

concrete, reinforced cement concrete, structural steel, earthquake<br />

resistance, etc,<br />


(ii) Quality of materials and workmanship;<br />

(iii) Fire safety requirements, circulation, etc.<br />

(B) Building services, viz,.<br />

(i) Building Plumbing, Water Supply and Drainage (including mode of<br />

sewerage disposal system);<br />

(ii) Electric installations.<br />

(C) For requirements of parts of building and area specifications/requirements<br />

not mentioned in these Regulations.<br />

41 Provision of Rain Water Harvesting structures<br />

41.1 It shall be mandatory to provide for rain water harvesting structures on building<br />

sites and layout sites for conservation and recharge of ground water. In the case<br />

of buildings, these could be either through terrace/roof top collection and pits or<br />

by trenches all along the site boundary.<br />

41.2 In large Complexes like multi-storeyed buildings, Group Housing Schemes,<br />

Institutional campuses, etc. at least 1/3 rd of the site shall be left unpaved so as to<br />

facilitate percolation. The roof drain water must be piped and lead into a water<br />

harvesting pool.<br />

41.3 In case of land pooling schemes & layouts in addition to recharge pits, contour<br />

trenches may be provided to tap the water run-off, etc. Open spaces and natural<br />

depressions may be bunded and used for conserving rain water run-off<br />

percolation. Recycling of waste water for non-potable purposes shall be<br />

mandatory.<br />

42<br />

S.P. SINGH<br />








A.P. URBAN AREAS (DEV) ACT, 1975.<br />

(Read the provisions of the HADA Development Promotion Regulations for the<br />

conditionalities and requirements for permitting/undertaking such development)<br />

FORM - A<br />

To Dated :<br />

The Competent Authority<br />

Hyderabad Airport Development Authority<br />

Secunderabad - 500 003.<br />

Sir/Madam,<br />

Application for (specify-- Land Pooling Scheme/Layout/Group Housing Scheme )<br />

1. I/We hereby submit application for (specify - Land Pooling<br />

Scheme/Layout/Group Housing Scheme and permission to carryout development<br />

works in the site covered by Sy. No. ______________________ of<br />

________________________ Village, ______________ mandal, District<br />

admeasuring -----------Ha/------- sq m / ---------- Acres in accordance with section 13<br />

& 14 of the A.P. Urban Areas (dev) Act, 1975.<br />

2. I/We Intend to undertake: (tick /specify which is applicable and strike out the<br />

ones not applicable.)<br />

a) Plotted layout development ;<br />

b) Residential colony development with civil construction as per approved type<br />

design;<br />

c) Group Housing Scheme/ Cluster Housing Scheme with blocks of proposed<br />

residential / dwelling units with civil construction as per approved type design;<br />

d) A mix of ------------------------------ with civil construction as per approved type<br />

designs ;<br />

3. I/We hereby enclose the necessary building type designs drawn to scale and<br />

in accordance with the provisions of HADA Development Promotion Regulations<br />

(applicable only in case of (b) to (d).<br />

4. The total extent of the site for the proposed development mentioned in 2 above<br />

is __________ hectares _______________( acres).<br />

5. The net area of the proposed development after deducting the area under the<br />

following Master plan roads: (a) --------------------------------------------- (b) ------------------<br />

-------------- (c) ---------------------------- is __________ hectares ____________ (<br />

acres).<br />

5. I submit the following documents & Plans and particulars in respect of the<br />

above site proposed _____________ development ( All copies of documents to be<br />

attested by a Gazetted Officer).<br />

i) Ownership and one link document copy.<br />

a) Latest copy of the Pahani issued by Mandal Revenue Officer ;<br />

b) Record of Rights pass Book/title deed for the proposed site.<br />

c) Registered documents for the proposed site.<br />

d) Copy of the Registered General Power of Attorney.<br />

e) Copy of the Non-Encumbrance Certificate for the past 13 years<br />

f) Copy of the Link Document<br />

g) An affidavit declaring the total holding of the proposed site is within<br />

Urban ceiling limits by each owner (wherever applicable).<br />

h) Court orders / decrees confirming ownership/U.L.C clearance (wherever<br />

applicable).<br />


i) Other documents (specify ________________________ in support of<br />

ownership & Urban Land Ceiling Clearance aspects, where applicable<br />

j) Revenue sketch of proposed site duly attested by Revenue Authorities.<br />

ii) Location Plan of site and surrounding developments/lands drawn to a<br />

minimum metric scale of 1:1000 showing surrounding roads, electricity lines,<br />

approved layouts/Land Pooling Scheme/Group or Cluster Housing Scheme,<br />

drainage, sewerage etc. within 500 metres radius.<br />

iii) A detailed surveyed topographical plan of proposed site for<br />

___________________development to a metric scale of 1:600 showing the<br />

contours of the land at 2 meters intervals, nalas, drains, wells, trees, roads,<br />

electricity lines, sewer lines, etc.<br />

iv) The proposed Land Pooling Scheme Land Pooling Scheme/Layout/<br />

Group Housing Scheme pattern draw to a scale 1 : 600 (original in any<br />

durable medium like tracing cloth, film or reproduction tracing film, etc., & 3<br />

sets of prints). showing the following details as per HADA Development<br />

Promotion Regulations ;<br />

a) The boundaries of the proposed site distinctly shown in red;<br />

b) The proposed plots/blocks with clear dimensions (limited to 55 % of<br />

total site areas in case of layout applications).<br />

c) The Public Open spaces of minimum 10% of the site area in one or<br />

more places and in centre of proposed site’s blocks.<br />

d) the area to be left for 5% EWS housing; 5% for HADA in prominent<br />

location of the site with clear approach roads to these Blocks;<br />

e) the area earmarked for 10% LIG Housing of total land area with clear<br />

approach road of 12.2 m<br />

f) the area earmarked for 10% of total land area for MIG Housing with<br />

clear approach road of 12.2 m<br />

g) The area for common amenities like, Overheard Water Reservoir,<br />

common septic tank areas, electricity Sub-station, Garbage disposal<br />

points etc., at proper locations (which shall be over & above area<br />

mentioned in (c) above.<br />

h) The sites for social and community facilities (up to 2.5%) like<br />

Community Centre/ Shopping Centre/ Educational Center/ Medical<br />

Centre<br />

(i) The proposed road network within the site and integrating with<br />

neighboring and surrounding road network and pattern, and<br />

(j)<br />

incorporating the alignment of the statutory Master Plan roads and<br />

developing these as required as per the HADA Development Promotion<br />

Regulations.<br />

The proposed channelization of natural drains & nalas with proper<br />

width and green belt buffer within the site as required as per the HADA<br />

Development Promotion Regulations.<br />

(k) Separate plans showing the proposed drainages, sewerage<br />

disposal system and water supply, supply system for the project as<br />

per BIS code & standards.<br />

(l) All the above plans, and details of the above proposed project and<br />

implementation are being undertaken through the following licenced<br />

technical personnel:<br />


Licenced<br />

Technical<br />

Personnel<br />

Name<br />

Address<br />

Licence<br />

No.<br />

Signature<br />

Developer/Builder Architect Town<br />

Planner<br />

(Registration<br />

No. only)<br />

Civil<br />

Engineer<br />

Structural<br />

Engineer<br />

45<br />

Real<br />

Estate<br />

Firm<br />

(m) I/we am/are herewith submitting the Joint Declaration & check list jointly filled<br />

by me and the registered Architect and licenced Civil Engineer and request that<br />

our application/development project may be considered and approved.<br />

Dated : Signature of Owner (s) & Licenced<br />

Developer/Builder<br />

Name of Owner(s) & Licenced Developer/Builder __________________________<br />

Complete Mailing Address ______________________________________________<br />

____________________________________________________________________<br />

Phone No _______________________<br />


(to be submitted on rS. 100/- stamp paper & NOTARISED)<br />

1. I/We hereby declare that I/We am/are the Owner/s of the site in Survey No. (s)<br />

___________________ of ________________________ Village,<br />

_____________________ Mandal, admeasuring _____________________<br />

Hectares on which the Land Pooling Scheme/layout development /Group/Cluster<br />

Housing Scheme is proposed.<br />

2. I / We hereby affirm / declare that the site / plot / property is not declared surplus<br />

under the provisions of Urban Land ceiling Act, 1976. and is not a Government<br />

land.<br />

3. The boundaries of the site and the areas mentioned in the layout plan are correct<br />

and true.<br />

4. I/We hereby affirm that I/we will abide by the Land Pooling Scheme/ Group<br />

/Cluster Housing Scheme /layout approval conditions and the provisions of the<br />

HADA Development Promotion Regulations, 2003, and will execute the all works<br />

including development of the Master Plan roads at our cost and as per the<br />

specifications.<br />

5. I/We affirm that I/we shall not sell or lease the plots of the areas earmarked for<br />

mortgage sites until the final layout is approved;<br />

6. I /We will hand over the sites/areas/plots duly developed and earmarked for EWS<br />

housing, for HADA, for public open spaces and for social & community facilities to<br />

HADA free of cost and without encumbrances through registered Gift deed to<br />

HADA before the release of the approved plans;<br />

7. I/We agree that if I/we do not comply with the same within the given time period<br />

from the date of approval, and HADA would be at liberty to dispose off the<br />

mortgaged plots and undertake the development works and we would not have<br />

any claim whatsoever in the matter.<br />

Dated: Signature/s of Owner(s) & Licenced Developer/ Builder



FORM - B<br />




A.P. URBAN AREAS (DEV) ACT, 1975.<br />

(Read the provisions of the HADA Development Promotion Regulations for the<br />

conditionalities and requirements for permitting/undertaking such development)<br />

To dated:<br />

The Competent Authority,<br />

Hyderabad Airport Development authority,<br />

Secunderabad - 500 003<br />

Sir / Madam<br />

1. I/We hereby submit application to construct a building / make addition /<br />

alterations / Extension to building / plot in Plot No. ______________of Sy. No.<br />

___________________________ of __________________ village<br />

___________________ Mandal, in accordance with Section 14 of the Urban<br />

Areas (Dev Act, 1975). The details of our proposed building project are as<br />

follows:<br />

Name of<br />

Building<br />

Project<br />

Location Name of<br />

Building/Complex<br />

Usage of the<br />

proposed<br />

building/Complex<br />

2. I/We herewith submit the following documents, building plans & drawings and<br />

other particulars in respect of the above proposed building/ Complex.<br />

(a) Site Location Plan draw to appropriate scale site / plot to be built upon / land to<br />

be development and surrounding physical features, adjoining neighbouring<br />

development with premises Numbers / Sy. Nos., abutting roads width, other<br />

existing road network, water supply & sewerage disposal lines and other physical<br />

features within the site / plot ( Original + 5 prints).<br />

(b) Building Plans of all floors of all blocks drawn to appropriate scale in metric<br />

system clearly indicating all dimensions, use of each area / room, wall thickness,<br />

columns & beams thickness / dimensions giving statements of all areas, utility<br />

areas, general specifications of materials to be used in statement from in the draw.<br />

(c) Parking arrangements within the site and in statements form.<br />

(d) Appropriate Elevation & Longitudinal sections of all proposed blocks drawn<br />

to same scale as at (b) & giving dimensions in metric system (Original + 5 Prints)<br />

(e) Plans & Sections if required of proposed sewerage disposal system water supply<br />

system of proposed building / blocks to suitable scale and as per ISI Code &<br />

Standards (Original + 5 Prints)<br />

(f) No Objection Certificate for undertaking the said proposed activity mentioned at<br />

Para-1 (Where required).<br />

(g) Copy of previously approved building plan (where required).<br />

(h) Ownership & Urban Land Ceiling Clearance documents for proposed site:<br />

(i) Registered documents for proposed site ;<br />


(j) Copy of Urban land Ceiling clearance Certificate from the Competent Authority;<br />

(k) An Affidavit declaring the total holding of the proposed site is within Urban Land<br />

Ceiling Limits by each owners.<br />

(l) One Link Document copy of ownership of site<br />

(m) Copy of Non-Encumbrance Certificate for the past 13 years of site<br />

(n) other documents (Specify) _________________________________ in support of<br />

ownership & ULC Clearance aspects.<br />

(o) Site Plan / Revenue Plan with dimensions duly attested by Revenue Authority<br />

Gazetted Officer., which tallies with (i) above.<br />

3. All the above plans, and details of the above proposed project and implementation<br />

are being undertaken through the following licensed technical personnel:<br />

Licensed<br />

Technical<br />

Personnel<br />

Name<br />

Address<br />

License<br />

No.<br />

Signature<br />

Developer/Builder Architect Town<br />

Planner<br />

(Registration<br />

No. only<br />

Civil<br />

Engineer<br />

Structural<br />

Engineer<br />

3. I /We herewith submitting the Declaration for this application jointly filled by me, by<br />

the Registered Architect and licensed builder/developer and licensed civil<br />

engineer .<br />

4. I /We request that my application may be considered and approved.<br />

Dated : Signature of Owner (s) & Licensed<br />

developer/builder<br />

47<br />

Real<br />

Estate<br />

Firm<br />

Name Of Owner (s) & licensed developer/builder:<br />

Complete Mailing Address & Office Stamp<br />

______________________________________________________________________<br />

______________________________________________________________________<br />

_____________________________________________________________________<br />

Phone No _______________________<br />



1. I/ We hereby affirm / declare that I / We are the owners / authorised persons of the<br />

property / site to be built upon / developed.<br />

2. I / We herby affirm/declare that the site / plot / property boundaries and<br />

dimensions mentioned in the site plan / building drawings, are correct & true.<br />

3. I / We hereby affirm / declare that the site / plot / property is not declared surplus<br />

under the provisions of Urban Land ceiling Act, 1976. and is not a Government<br />

land.<br />

4. I / We shall pay all the necessary fees & Charges leviable by HADA under the<br />

A.P. Urban Areas (Dev.) Act, 1975.

5. I / We understand / are aware that specific development conditions may be<br />

imposed by HADA while approving building permission U/S 14 of the A.P. Urban<br />

Area (Dev) Act, 1975 and we assure to comply with the same.<br />

6. I / We affirm / declare that I/We undertake to supervise the construction in<br />

accordance with the approved building drawing with reference to the zoning<br />

Regulations/Master Plan and the building stipulations and the conditions<br />

contained in the Building permission sanction.<br />

Dated: Signature of Owner (s) & Licenced<br />

Developer/Builder<br />

48<br />

Name of owner(s) & Licensed Developer/Builder<br />

___________________<br />




7. I/We affirm that we shall ensure structural safety and fire safety of the building as per<br />

the National Building code and B.I.S. standards and relevant Act and Rules, and<br />

also contractor all risks, Insurance Policy, up to the completion of construction of<br />

building.<br />

8. I/we affirm that we shall be responsible for ensuring the proposed building<br />

construction shall confirm to the building permission sanction, and that all building<br />

services shall confirm to the National Building Code and B.I.S. standards.<br />

9. I/we affirm that, the structural designs and drawings prepared duly taking the soil<br />

bearing capacity into consideration.<br />

10. I/we shall be responsible and liable for action by the competent<br />

Authority/Government in case of any violations, deviations, any structural failure,<br />

deficiency in Fire Safety measures, deficiency in building services, etc.,<br />

11. I/we authorized the Competent Authority to undertake summarily remove or cause to<br />

be removed any deviations or violations at any time noticed in the proposed<br />

construction and make good the laws and recover the cost of the same from the<br />

owner/developer/contractor.<br />

12. I/we affirm that, if the owner/builder changed the services during course of<br />

construction or the Architects/structural Engineer dis-associated themselves with the<br />

ongoing project the same shall be report to the concerned Authority within (7) days<br />

along with consent letters of newly engaged Site Engineer/Structural<br />

Engineer/Architect.<br />

Signature of Owner (s) & Licenced<br />

Developer/Builder<br />

Name of Owner (s) & Licenced Developer/Builder

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