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Bibliography Agel, Henri, Les grands cinéastes, Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 1959 André, Emmanuelle, “Corps dans le Vent”, Cinergon 10/2000 Andreyev, Leonid, He Who Gets Slapped, translated by Gregory Zilboorg, New York: The Dial Publishing Company, 1922 —, He Who Gets Slapped and Other Plays, adapted by Walter Wykes, Los Angeles: Black Box Press, 2007 Bergman, Hjalmar, Jac the Clown, translation and introduction by Hanna Kalter Weiss, Columbia, SC: Camden House, 1995 Bordwell, David, Janet Staiger and Kristin Thompson, The Classical Hollywood Cinema: Film Style and Mode of Production to 1960, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1985 Brouwers, Anke, Feeling Through the Eyes: The Legacy of Sentimentalism in Silent Hollywood – The Films of Mary Pickford and Frances Marion, Diss., University of Antwerpen, 2011 Bruno, Giuliana, Streetwalking on a Ruined Map: Cultural Theory and the City Films of Elvira Notari, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1993 Burch, Noel, “Film’s Institutional Mode of Representation and the Soviet Response”, October, vol 11,no102, Winter 1979 Caine, Sir Hall, The Master of Man: The Story of a Sin, Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1921 Cherchi Usai, Paolo, Burning Passions: An Introduction to the Study of Silent Cinema, London: BFI Publishing, 1994 —, The Death of Cinema: History, Cultural Memory and the Digital Dark Age, London: BFI Publishing, 2001 Christen, Matthias, Der Zirkusfilm. Exotismus, Konformität, Transgression, Zürcher Filmstudien, Marburg: Schüren Verlag, 2010 Cowie, Peter, Le cinéma des pays Nordiques, Paris: Éd. du Centre Pompidou, 1990 Crafton, Donald, The Talkies: American Cinema’s Transition to Sound, 1926-1931, History of the American Cinema, Volume 4, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997 Daudet, Alphonse, Kings in Exile, translation by Laura Ensor and E. Bartow [1890], New York: Cornell University Library, 2009 Florin, Bo, “Confronting the Wind: A Reading of a Hollywood Film by Victor Sjöström”, Journal of Aesthetics and Culture, vol 1,no1, 2009 —, Den nationella stilen, Studier i den svenska filmens guldålder, Stockholm: Aura, 1997 —, “Europäer in Hollywood. Eine Analyse von Produktionssystemen und Filmdiskursen der zwanziger Jahre am Beispiel von Sjöström und Lubitsch”, Montage/AV, 9/1/2000 —, “From Sjöström to Seastrom”, Film History, vol 11,no2, 1999 —, Regi: Victor Sjöström/Directed by Victor Seastrom, Stockholm: Svenska Filminstitutet, 2003 —, “Victor Goes West: Notes on the Critical Reception of Sjöström’s Hollywood Films, 1923-1930” in John Fullerton and Jan Olsson, eds, Nordic Explorations: Film Before 1930, Stockholm Studies in Cinema, Sydney: John Libbey & Co., 1999

150 Transition and Transformation —, “Victor D Sjöström”, in Åsa Karlsson, ed., Svenskt biografiskt lexikon, vol 32, 2006 —, “Mauritz (Mowscha) Stiller”, in Åsa Karlsson, ed., Svenskt biografiskt lexikon, vol 33, 2011. Forslund, Bengt, Victor Sjöström, hans liv och verk, Stockholm: Bonniers, 1980 Fullerton, John, “The First Swedish Film Masterpiece: Terje Vigen”, Focus on Film 20, 1975 Furhammar, Leif, Filmen i Sverige, En historia i tio kapitel, Höganäs: Förlags AB Wiken, 1991 Gunning, Tom, The Films of Fritz Lang: Allegories of Vision and Modernity, London: BFI, 2000 —, “The Cinema of Attraction[s]: Early Film, Its Spectator and the Avant-Garde” in Wanda Strauven, ed., The Cinema of Attractions Reloaded, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2006 Hake, Sabine, Passions and Deceptions: The Early Films of Ernst Lubitsch. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1992 —, The Cinema’s Third Machine: Writing on Film in Germany, 1907-1933, Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1993 Hansen, Miriam, “Universal Language and Democratic Culture: Myths of Origin in Early American Cinema”, in Dieter Meindl and Friedrich W. Horlacher, eds, Mythos und Aufklärung in der Amerikanischen Literatur/Myth and Enlightenment in the American Literature, Erlangen: Universitätsbund Erlangen-Nürnberg e. V., 1985 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, The Scarlet Letter and Selected Tales [1850], London: Penguin Books, 1986 Higgins, Lynn A. and Brenda R. Silver, eds, Rape and Representation, New York: Columbia University Press, 1991 Horak, Jan-Christopher, “The Pre-Hollywood Lubitsch”, in Marshall Deutelbaum, ed., “Image” on the Art and Evolution of the Film, New York: Dover Publications, 1979 Iampolski, Mikhail, The Memory of Tiresias: Intertextuality and Film, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998 Idestam-Almquist, Bengt (Robin Hood), Den svenska filmens drama, Sjöström och Stiller, Stockholm: Åhlén och söner, 1939 Jones, Louisa E, Sad Clowns and Pale Pierrots: Literature and the Popular Comic Arts in 19th- Century France, Lexington, KY: French Forum, 1984 Kael, Pauline, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1965 Klinger, Barbara, Melodrama and Meaning: History, Culture and the Films of Douglas Sirk, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994 Kollin, Susan, “Race, Labor and the Gothic Western: Dispelling Frontier Myths in Dorothy Scarborough’s The Wind”, Modern Fiction Studies, vol 46,no3, Fall 2000 Koszarski, Richard, An Evening’s Entertainment: The Age of the Silent Feature Picture, 1915- 1928, History of the American Cinema, Volume 3, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990 Kuyper, Éric de, “Fragments de l’histoire du cinéma. Quelques remarques sur la problématique du fragment”, Hors Cadre 10, 1992 Lagerlöf, Selma, Kristuslegender, Kejsarn av Portugallien [1914], Stockholm: Albert Bonniers förlag 1942 Lindqvist, Märta, Hos filmstjärnor i U.S.A. – Snapshots från New York och Hollywood, Stockholm: Hugo Gebers förlag, 1924

150 Transition and Transformation<br />

—, “Victor D Sjöström”, in Åsa Karlsson, ed., Svenskt biografiskt lexikon, vol 32, 2006<br />

—, “Mauritz (Mowscha) Stiller”, in Åsa Karlsson, ed., Svenskt biografiskt lexikon, vol 33,<br />

2011.<br />

Forslund, Bengt, Victor Sjöström, hans liv och verk, Stockholm: Bonniers, 1980<br />

Fullerton, John, “The First Swedish Film Masterpiece: Terje Vigen”, Focus on Film 20, 1975<br />

Furhammar, Leif, Filmen i Sverige, En historia i tio kapitel, Höganäs: Förlags AB Wiken,<br />

1991<br />

Gunning, Tom, The Films <strong>of</strong> Fritz Lang: Allegories <strong>of</strong> Vision and Modernity, London: BFI,<br />

2000<br />

—, “The Cinema <strong>of</strong> Attraction[s]: Early Film, Its Spectator and the Avant-Garde” in Wanda<br />

Strauven, ed., The Cinema <strong>of</strong> Attractions Reloaded, Amsterdam: Amsterdam <strong>University</strong><br />

Press, 2006<br />

Hake, Sabine, Passions and Deceptions: The Early Films <strong>of</strong> Ernst Lubitsch. Princeton, NJ:<br />

Princeton <strong>University</strong> Press, 1992<br />

—, The Cinema’s Third Machine: Writing on Film in Germany, 1907-1933, Lincoln: <strong>University</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> Nebraska Press, 1993<br />

Hansen, Miriam, “Universal Language and Democratic Culture: Myths <strong>of</strong> Origin in Early<br />

American Cinema”, in Dieter Meindl and Friedrich W. Horlacher, eds, Mythos und<br />

Aufklärung in der Amerikanischen Literatur/Myth and Enlightenment in the American Literature,<br />

Erlangen: Universitätsbund Erlangen-Nürnberg e. V., 1985<br />

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, The Scarlet Letter and Selected Tales [1850], London: Penguin<br />

Books, 1986<br />

Higgins, Lynn A. and Brenda R. Silver, eds, Rape and Representation, New York: Columbia<br />

<strong>University</strong> Press, 1991<br />

Horak, Jan-Christopher, “The Pre-Hollywood Lubitsch”, in Marshall Deutelbaum, ed.,<br />

“Image” on the Art and Evolution <strong>of</strong> the Film, New York: Dover Publications, 1979<br />

Iampolski, Mikhail, The Memory <strong>of</strong> Tiresias: Intertextuality and Film, Berkeley: <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

California Press, 1998<br />

Idestam-Almquist, Bengt (Robin Hood), Den svenska filmens drama, Sjöström och Stiller,<br />

Stockholm: Åhlén och söner, 1939<br />

Jones, Louisa E, Sad Clowns and Pale Pierrots: Literature and the Popular Comic Arts in 19th-<br />

Century France, Lexington, KY: French Forum, 1984<br />

Kael, Pauline, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1965<br />

Klinger, Barbara, Melodrama and Meaning: History, Culture and the Films <strong>of</strong> Douglas Sirk,<br />

Bloomington: Indiana <strong>University</strong> Press, 1994<br />

Kollin, Susan, “Race, Labor and the Gothic Western: Dispelling Frontier Myths in Dorothy<br />

Scarborough’s The Wind”, Modern Fiction Studies, vol 46,no3, Fall 2000<br />

Koszarski, Richard, An Evening’s Entertainment: The Age <strong>of</strong> the Silent Feature Picture, 1915-<br />

1928, History <strong>of</strong> the American Cinema, Volume 3, Berkeley: <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> California Press,<br />

1990<br />

Kuyper, Éric de, “Fragments de l’histoire du cinéma. Quelques remarques sur la problématique<br />

du fragment”, Hors Cadre 10, 1992<br />

Lagerlöf, Selma, Kristuslegender, Kejsarn av Portugallien [1914], Stockholm: Albert Bonniers<br />

förlag 1942<br />

Lindqvist, Märta, Hos filmstjärnor i U.S.A. – Snapshots från New York och Hollywood, Stockholm:<br />

Hugo Gebers förlag, 1924

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