Helen B. Sawyer A Bibliography of Individual Globular Clusters

Helen B. Sawyer A Bibliography of Individual Globular Clusters Helen B. Sawyer A Bibliography of Individual Globular Clusters

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414 Publications of the David Dunlap Observatory NGC 5904 (Cont.) 1917 Bailey, S. I. Variable stars in the cluster Messier 5. Hare. Ann., v. 7s, pt. 2, pp. 103-93 (Plate). 1917 Bailey, S. I. Note on the form of the light curve of variable stars of cluster type. (Abs.) Pop. Astr., v. 25, p. 307. 1917 Eddington, A. S. Researches on globular clusters. Obs., v. 40, pp. 394-401 1917 Shapley, H. Studies. V. Further evidence of the absence of scattering of light in space. Mt. W. Com in., no. 44; Nat. Acad. Soc. Proc, v. 3, pp. 267-70. 1917 Shapley, H. Studies. VII. A method lor the determination of the relative distances of globular clusters. Mt. II'. Comni., no. 47; Nat. Acad. Sci. Proc, v. 3, pp. 479-84. 1917 Lundmark, K., and Lindblad, B. Photographic effective wave-lengths of some spiral nebulae and globular clusters. Ap. J., v. 46, pp. 206-18; A. N., v. 205, pp. 161-70. Second paper, Ap. J., v. 50, pp. 376-90, 1919. 1918 Schouten, W. J. A. On the parallax of some stellar clusters. First communication. Amst. Proc, v. 20, pp. 1108-18. Second communication, Amst. Proc, v. 21, pp. 36-47, 1919. 1918 Shapley, II., and Davis, H. Note on the distribution of stars in tin- globular cluster Messier 5. . .V. 1 . P. Pub., v. 30, p. 104. 1919 Barnard, E. E. On the change in the period of the variable -Mr Bailey no. 33 in the cluster M 5. Pop. Astr., v. 27, p. 522. 1919 Plummer, H. C. An analysis of the magnitude curves of the variable stars in four clusters. M. V., v. 79, pp. 639-57. 1919 Schouten, W. J. A. The parallax of some stellar clusters. Obs., v. 42, pp. 112-19; .1. V., v. 208, pp. 317-24. 1920 Turner, H. H. Xote on the changes of period in the variable Bailey no. 33 in the cluster M 5. M. X., v. SO, pp. 640-42. 1920 Turner, 11. 11. Further note on Barnard's observations of variable Bailey no. 33 in the cluster M 5, with a suggestion that the comparison star k i- a short -period variable. M. X., v. SI, pp. 71-83. 1921 Shapley, H. The scale of the universe. I't. I. Nat. Res. Conn. Bull., v. 2, p. 171. 1922 Barnard, E. E. On the change in the period of the variable star Bailey no. 33 in the cluster M 5. (Abs.) Pop. Astr., v. 30, p. 54S; Am. A. S. Pub., \ . 4, p. 351. 1922 Kapteyn, J. C, and van Rhijn, P. J. The proper motion of 8 Cephei stars and the distances of the globular clusters. B. A. X., v. 1, p. 37. 1922 Shapley, H. Xote on the velocity of light. Hare Bull., no. 763; Pop. Astr., v. 30, p. 192. 1922 Shapley, II. Parallax of Messier 5. Han: Bull., no. 763; Pop. Astr., v. 30, p. 193. 1925 Stromgren, E. Om bevaegelses mulighederne i stjernehobe. Nord. A. Tids., v. 6, pp. 21-8. 1927 Shapley, H. The periods of seventy-three variables in Messier 5. Harv. Bull., no. 851. See also summary, The periods of variable star? in M 5. Obs., v. 50, p. 390, 1927. 1931 Barnard, E. E. Micrometric measures of star clusters. Yerkes Pub., \ 6, pp. 52-61.

NGC 5904 (Cont.) A Bibliography of Globular Clusters 415 1931 Mineur.H. Misesau point d'astronomie stellaire. III. Cepheideset amas. Soc. Astr. France, Bull., v. 45, p. 194. 1932 Grossc, E. Lntersuchungen iiber die veranderlichen Sterne im Kugel- sternhaufen Messier 53. A. N., v. 246, pp. 401-5; Hamb.-Bcrg. Abh., v. 4, no. 2. (Comparison of clusters). 1932 Hogg, F. S. The distribution of light in six globular clusters.

NGC 5904 (Cont.)<br />

A <strong>Bibliography</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Globular</strong> <strong>Clusters</strong> 415<br />

1931 Mineur.H. Misesau point d'astronomie stellaire. III. Cepheideset amas.<br />

Soc. Astr. France, Bull., v. 45, p. 194.<br />

1932 Grossc, E. Lntersuchungen iiber die veranderlichen Sterne im Kugel-<br />

sternhaufen Messier 53. A. N., v. 246, pp. 401-5; Hamb.-Bcrg. Abh., v. 4,<br />

no. 2. (Comparison <strong>of</strong> clusters).<br />

1932 Hogg, F. S. The distribution <strong>of</strong> light in six globular clusters.

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