General Index - The Library of Iberian Resources Online

General Index - The Library of Iberian Resources Online General Index - The Library of Iberian Resources Online
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Vizcaja, Lord of. Vide Diaz. Xatiba (Stzlabis), a town of Valencia ; attacked, 433, 440, 442, 443, 532. -Moorish Governor of 429 ; capitulates, 430. -proves unfaithful, 447--449. -the citadel of, besieged, 450--456 ; -surrenders, 468. -Governor appointed to. Vide Moncada. Xemenez, de Lusia, D. Lope, 41, 130, 132, 167, 168. Xemenic, de Lusia, D. Lope, 41, 130, 132, 167, 168. Exemenez, de Lusia, D. Lope, 41, 130, 132, 167, 168. -de Lusia, D. Ruy, or Ruiz, slain at the battle of Puig d'Enesa (Aug., 1237), 326. -another of the same name (his son?), 629, 630. -de Valterra, Pedro, a knight in the service of the King of Navarre (Sancho), 249. [726] Xerica, in Valencia, 315. Xest (Cheste), in Valencia, 474. Xibilia. Vide Ixbilia. Xoaib, Moorish captain, Governor of Inca, in Mallorca, 188, 206, 207. Xoaip Moorish captain, Governor of Inca, in Mallorca, 188, 206, 207. Xuarp. Vide Xoaib. Xucar (Jucar), river of Valencia, 292, 293, 297, 444 Xurert (Valencia ?), 188. Yahya Ibn Ghania, the Almoravide, 689. -Ibn Abi Hafs, King of Tunis, -attempts to relieve Mallorca and Valencia, 179, 199, 204. Yoland. Vide Violanii and Iolant Yolant. Vide Violanii and Iolant Yusuf Ibn Texeffn, Sultan of the Almoravides (1195), defeats the Christians at Zalaca, 689. Zaen (Ziyan, Ziyen), King of Valencia, 293, 310, 317, 324, 327, 331. -at Denia, 420. -has an interview with James at La Kapita, 421. Zaragoza, 624. -Bishop of. Vide Peralta. -cortes in, 502, 503, 507. -King James at, 611. Zeit Abu Zeit, King of Valencia, at the court of James, 232--234, 272 ; surrenders Castalla, 474. Zeneta, African tribe, 496. Zian, Vide Zaen. Ziyyan, Vide Zaen.

Zurita, Hieronimo, historian, quoted, 20, 444, 578, 585, 592, 595, 606, 620. THE END.

Zurita, Hieronimo, historian, quoted, 20, 444, 578, 585, 592, 595, 606, 620.<br />


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