Consultant's Report - Minnesota State Legislature

Consultant's Report - Minnesota State Legislature

Consultant's Report - Minnesota State Legislature


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Feasibility Study to Limit the Spread ofZebra Mussels from Ossawinnamakee Lal{e<br />

Treatment Alternative Recommendations<br />

Treatment Locations<br />

Limiting the downstream movement ofzebra mussels could occur at several locations, including<br />

areas of Muskie Bay and possibly Pelican Brook. While similar treatment alternatives may be<br />

applied to each system, the physical implementation of the alternatives differs greatly. For<br />

example, the hydrologic characteristics of Muskie Bay with its slow moving water provides<br />

ample contact time for exposure to many of the .chemical treatment alternatives. In contrast, the<br />

lacustrine enviromnent ofthe bay may present physical implementation obstacles due to the size<br />

and volume of the treatment area. Conversely, the more riverine areas of the system (Le., near<br />

the outlet structure downstream ofMuskie Bay and Pelican Brook) present other implementation<br />

and contacting issues due to the continuous volume ofmoving water.<br />

Given the wide variety of characteristics within the system (i.e., various water depths and flow<br />

velocities), two general treatment locations are most likely advantageous for the limit of zebra<br />

mussel veligers from Ossawinnamakee Lake. Since the main goal ofthe project was to limit the<br />

spread of zebra mussels from Ossawinnamakee Lake, the lake represents the primary treatment<br />

location. Within the lake, some type ofbarrier or deterrent may be feasible at the exit ofMuskie<br />

Bay, as this area is constricted by width. In addition, chemical treatment alternatives could be<br />

applied in the greater portion of the bay, as seen in previous treatments. It is likely that two<br />

treatment alternatives working concurrently would result in the greatest efficacy to confine the<br />

current zebra mussel population and reduce downstream dispersal. These alternatives are<br />

described in further detail below.<br />

Based on the observed field accounts outlined above, the lmown life histories of the organism,<br />

and the accounts in the literature of environments and locations of where the organisms are<br />

typically found, it is likely that the hydrologic characteristics of Pelican Brook (Le., shallow<br />

water with high flow velocities) may provide a natural defense that is not conducive for zebra<br />

mussel populations to become established. In addition, many of the treatment alternatives are<br />

not feasible in high-flow applications, such as the brook. However, a contingency plan is<br />

recommended and should be developed in the event that sampling events identify areas of<br />

established populations in the brook. This plan could outline the steps necessary to target<br />

eradication of adults in Pelican Brook when discovered. Several point application alternatives<br />

could be employed from Table VI-t.<br />

Treatment Objectives<br />

As stated previously, the primary goal of this evaluation was to provide an analysis of the<br />

effectiveness of potential technologies in preventing or limiting the in-water transport of zebra<br />

mussels, particularly the veliger stage, in the outlet stream of Ossawinnamakee Lake. For the<br />

purposes of discussion and general treatment application, two distinct control categories have<br />

been developed. These are dispersal control and population control. Dispersal Control is<br />

defined as limiting downstream movement of any or all zebra mussel life stages. Population<br />

VI-lO Alternatives Analysis and Recommendations

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