Consultant's Report - Minnesota State Legislature

Consultant's Report - Minnesota State Legislature Consultant's Report - Minnesota State Legislature
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MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Feasibility Study to Limit the Spread ofZebra Mussels from Ossawinnamakee Lake Figure 11I-2: Hydrologic Connectivity to Ossawinnamakee Lake III-4 Ossawinnamakee Lake and Pelican Brook Overview

Outlet Structure MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Feasibility Study to Limit the Spread of Zebra Mussels from Ossawinnamakee Lal..e The Ossawinnamakee Lake outlet structure is displayed in Figure 111-3. According to MN DNR, the spillway elevation of Ossawinnamakee Lake has been set since 1947 at 1,204.8 feet (367.2 meters). As outlined above, all water exiting the lake, with the exception of seepage and evaporative losses, discharges through this structure. MN DNR staff has recorded lake water level elevations, which are provided within excerpts taken from the Lake Assessment Reportfor Ossawinnamakee Lake (Appendix C). While the lake elevations have been noted, detailed flow measurements are not recorded. However, MN DNR has obtained some periodic measurements of flow. Communications with MN DNR staff indicates that the average discharge ranges from 40.0 cfs (1.13 cms) to 50.0 cfs (1.42 cms) for Ossawinnamakee Lake. Flow measured by MN DNR indicates discharge variability from 30 cfs (0.85 cms) to 85 cfs (2.41 cms). A discharge curve was developed to estimate the volume of water being discharged over the outlet structure (CFS) at known lake water elevations '(feet). The estimates were made using the following assumptions: • Dam Crest Elevation: 1,204.8 feet (367.2 meters) • Dam Weir Width: 22.8 feet (7.0 meters) • Lowest Water Elevation Recorded: 1,205.0 feet (367.3 meters) • Highest Water Elevation Recorded: 1,206.8 feet (367.8 meters) • Average Water Elevation: 1,205.5 feet (367.4 meters) • Water Elevation Delta: 1.8 feet (0.55 meters) • Q = CLHl.5 (Q=Discharge, cfs; C= Sharp Crest Weir Coefficient, 3.3; L=Weir Length, ft; H= Flow Depth, ft) Based on these assumptions and personal communications with MN DNR staff, water has always overtopped the crest of the dam and entered Pelican Brook. There are currently no records that indicate a cease ofdischarge from Ossawinnamakee Lake. Figure 111-4 displays the estimated discharge in cfs for Ossawinnamakee Lake based on the above assumptions. These estimates should only serve as rough approximations. Discharge curves should be created with more model inputs and measured calibration; however, these approximations should represent conditions in a reasonable range ofactual conditions. IIl-5 Ossawinnamakee Lake and Pelican Brook Overview


Feasibility Study to Limit the Spread ofZebra Mussels from Ossawinnamakee Lake<br />

Figure 11I-2: Hydrologic Connectivity to Ossawinnamakee Lake<br />

III-4 Ossawinnamakee Lake and Pelican Brook Overview

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