Tuning Reactivity of Platinum(II) Complexes

Tuning Reactivity of Platinum(II) Complexes Tuning Reactivity of Platinum(II) Complexes

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400-300 cm -1): 3308, 3117, 3071 (N–H stretch); 1670 (C=N, pyrimidine group stretch); 1090-1100 (perchlorate counter ion); 450-490 (Pt–N stretch); 315 (Pt–Cl stretch). TOF MS/ES +. (m/z, M 2+): 304 (C2H8N3PtCl species). Anal. Calcd for C4H16N6Cl4O8Pt2: H, 2.00; C, 5.94; N, 10.40. Found: H, 2.08; C, 6.18; N, 10.14%. pdn: Yield: 235.5 mg (0. 291mmol, 35.4%). 1 H NMR (500.5 MHz, D2O), δ /ppm: 9.60, (d, 2H); 8.11, (dd, 2H). 195Pt NMR (107.5 MHz, D2O) δ/ ppm: -2244.82. IR (KBr, 4000-300 cm -1 ): 3303, 3230, 3105 (N–H stretch); 1678 (C=N, pyridazine group stretch); 1090- 1100 (perchlorate counter ion) 333 (Pt–Cl stretch). Anal. Calcd for C4H16N6Cl4O8Pt2: H, 2.00; C, 5.94; N, 10.05. Found: H, 2.00; C, 5.56; N, 9.98%. qzn: Yield: 182.0 mg (0. 212 mmol, 36.0 %). 1H NMR (500.5 MHz, D2O), δ / ppm: 10.16, (s,1H); 10.05, (s, 1H); 9.53, (d, 1H); 8.50, (d, 1H); 8.38, (t, 1H); 8.11, (t,1H). 195 Pt NMR (107.5 MHz, D2O) δ/ ppm: -2321.65, -2345.01. IR (KBr, 4000-300 cm -1): 3285, 3207, 3075 (N–H stretch); 1678 (C=N, quinazoline group stretch); 1090-1100 (perchlorate counter ion); 450-490 (Pt–N stretch); 326 (Pt–Cl stretch). TOF MS/ES +. (m/z, M 2+): 329 (C4H9N3PtCl species). Anal. Calcd for C8H18N6Cl4 O8Pt2: H, 2.11; C, 11.19; N, 9.79. Found: H, 2.47; C, 11.69; N, 9.56%. pht: Yield: 139.7 mg (0.163 mmol, 36.3%). 1 H NMR (500.5 MHZ, D2O), δ/ppm:10.04, (s, 2H); 8.40, (m, 2H); 8.34, (m, 2H). 195Pt NMR (107.5 MHz, D2O) δ/ ppm: -2241.03. IR (KBr, 4000-300 cm -1 ): 3299 (N–H stretch); 1678 (C=N, phthalazine group stretch), 1090-1100 (perchlorate counter ion); 450-490 (Pt–N stretch); 338 (Pt–Cl stretch). TOF MS/ES + . (m/z, M 2+ ): 329 (C4H9N3PtCl species). Anal. Calcd for C8H18N6Cl4O8Pt2: H, 2.11; C, 11.09; N, 9.79. Found: H, 2.25; C, 10.67; N, 9.39%. 5.2.3 Instrumentation and Physical Measurements Microanalysis of C, H, and N was done on a Carlo Erba Elemental Analyzer 1106. The infrared spectra were recorded in the 4000-300 cm -1 range on a Perkin Elmer Spectrum One-FTIR spectrophotometer using KBr pellets. The NMR spectra were measured on a Bruker Avance 500 spectrometer ( 1H, 500 MHz) and ( 195Pt, 107.5 MHz), respectively, at 6

ambient temperature of 30°C. Values of 1H are given in δ (ppm) relative to tetramethylsilane (δ = 0.00) and 195 Pt chemical shifts were externally referenced to K2[PtCl6] in D2O. Mass spectrometric analyses were collected on Hewlett Packard LC-MS using electron impact ionization (ESI-TOF). 5.2.4 Computational Details In an effort to gain further insight into the role of the diazine bridging ligand in such dinuclear Pt(II) complexes, the corresponding diaqua cationic complexes of total charges of 4+ were optimized at the B3LYP/ 33LACVP** (Los Alamos Core Valence pseudo-potentials set) 34 hybrid level, utilizing density functional computation method (DFT), in gaseous phase. B3LYP relates to the hybrid functional Becke’s three parameter formulation 33 which has been proven to be superior to traditional functionals. The Spartan `04 for Windows ® quantum chemical software package was used. 5.2.5 Preparation of the Aqueous Complex Solutions The chloro complexes were converted into aqua analogues in solution by addition of 1.98 equiv. AgClO4 using literature procedure. 35 Since perchlorate ions do not coordinate to Pt(II) the kinetic investigations were studied at pH ca.2.0 to prevent deprotonation of the aqua ligand, 36 and the ionic strength was adjusted to I = 0.10 M (NaClO4 adjusted with perchloric acid). The resultant aqueous solutions were brought to a final complex concentration of 1.34 x 10 -4, 1.0 x 10 -3, 9.20 x 10 -4, 1.79 x 10 -3 and 1.0 x 10 -3 M, respectively, for [{cis–PtOH2(NH3)2}2-–μ–pmn](ClO4)2 (pmn), [{cis– PtOH2(NH3)2}2–μ–pdn](ClO4)2 (pdn), [{cis–PtOH2(NH3)2}2–μ–qzn](ClO4)2 (qzn), [{cis–PtOH2(NH3)2}2–μ–pht](ClO4)2 (pht), and [{cis–PtOH2(NH3)2}2–μ–pzn](ClO4)2 (pzn). A series of nucleophile concentrations in the order: 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100-fold excess of appropriate metal complex concentration, were prepared using the 0.10 M NaClO4/HClO4, at pH ca.2.0. 7

400-300 cm -1): 3308, 3117, 3071 (N–H stretch); 1670 (C=N, pyrimidine group stretch);<br />

1090-1100 (perchlorate counter ion); 450-490 (Pt–N stretch); 315 (Pt–Cl stretch). TOF<br />

MS/ES +. (m/z, M 2+): 304 (C2H8N3PtCl species). Anal. Calcd for C4H16N6Cl4O8Pt2: H, 2.00;<br />

C, 5.94; N, 10.40. Found: H, 2.08; C, 6.18; N, 10.14%.<br />

pdn: Yield: 235.5 mg (0. 291mmol, 35.4%). 1 H NMR (500.5 MHz, D2O), δ /ppm: 9.60, (d,<br />

2H); 8.11, (dd, 2H). 195Pt NMR (107.5 MHz, D2O) δ/ ppm: -2244.82. IR (KBr, 4000-300<br />

cm -1 ): 3303, 3230, 3105 (N–H stretch); 1678 (C=N, pyridazine group stretch); 1090-<br />

1100 (perchlorate counter ion) 333 (Pt–Cl stretch). Anal. Calcd for C4H16N6Cl4O8Pt2: H,<br />

2.00; C, 5.94; N, 10.05. Found: H, 2.00; C, 5.56; N, 9.98%.<br />

qzn: Yield: 182.0 mg (0. 212 mmol, 36.0 %). 1H NMR (500.5 MHz, D2O), δ / ppm: 10.16,<br />

(s,1H); 10.05, (s, 1H); 9.53, (d, 1H); 8.50, (d, 1H); 8.38, (t, 1H); 8.11, (t,1H). 195 Pt NMR<br />

(107.5 MHz, D2O) δ/ ppm: -2321.65, -2345.01. IR (KBr, 4000-300 cm -1): 3285, 3207,<br />

3075 (N–H stretch); 1678 (C=N, quinazoline group stretch); 1090-1100 (perchlorate<br />

counter ion); 450-490 (Pt–N stretch); 326 (Pt–Cl stretch). TOF MS/ES +. (m/z, M 2+): 329<br />

(C4H9N3PtCl species). Anal. Calcd for C8H18N6Cl4 O8Pt2: H, 2.11; C, 11.19; N, 9.79. Found:<br />

H, 2.47; C, 11.69; N, 9.56%.<br />

pht: Yield: 139.7 mg (0.163 mmol, 36.3%). 1 H NMR (500.5 MHZ, D2O), δ/ppm:10.04, (s,<br />

2H); 8.40, (m, 2H); 8.34, (m, 2H). 195Pt NMR (107.5 MHz, D2O) δ/ ppm: -2241.03. IR<br />

(KBr, 4000-300 cm -1 ): 3299 (N–H stretch); 1678 (C=N, phthalazine group stretch),<br />

1090-1100 (perchlorate counter ion); 450-490 (Pt–N stretch); 338 (Pt–Cl stretch). TOF<br />

MS/ES + . (m/z, M 2+ ): 329 (C4H9N3PtCl species). Anal. Calcd for C8H18N6Cl4O8Pt2: H, 2.11;<br />

C, 11.09; N, 9.79. Found: H, 2.25; C, 10.67; N, 9.39%.<br />

5.2.3 Instrumentation and Physical Measurements<br />

Microanalysis <strong>of</strong> C, H, and N was done on a Carlo Erba Elemental Analyzer 1106. The<br />

infrared spectra were recorded in the 4000-300 cm -1 range on a Perkin Elmer Spectrum<br />

One-FTIR spectrophotometer using KBr pellets. The NMR spectra were measured on a<br />

Bruker Avance 500 spectrometer ( 1H, 500 MHz) and ( 195Pt, 107.5 MHz), respectively, at<br />


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